Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 30, 1929, Image 7

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V UNION RECORDER. MILLEDCEVILLE, CA-, MAY 10. IMS GUIDE post HEALTH and happiness .lamiarJi of boauty 'ire often I, .iivertrent, uml yet there are , , ..ntiala to beauty, that They arc form, con- , r i color. Color ia almost en- , n -ittcr of food and elemina- i.-„rm depends to a large ex- ,,.i the bony structure, which no , rdinarily be changed. But ; face »e is ready and right, brand To Beautify new four Bpee d t ran* mission, good lubber, thoroughly overhauled, ready for hard work. L. N. JORDAN LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Raymond J. Delacroix, V*. Lena Landry Delacroix. Petition for Divorce in Baldwin Superior Court July Term, 1929. To the defendant. Lena Landry contour »* Delacroix:— ee,l nr distorted by development ^ p|oinliffi j. .f th. isclea. >mmcn of our f acial de- crinkles, sallow skin, hollow- flabbiness can be remedied, ura! treatment is utterly useless V the general he.?!th of the body , ,, a . it should he. But assuming at . health is good, whut cun be improve one's looks? Xn, irst requirements arc fresh ,• txrrti.-e, careful diet and same habit-. Wrinkles and hol- , w , jwrks mean that the muscles of o, -an are n«»t supporting the flesh . ( j tk-n as they arc intended by na- , irt t o do. Excess fat is waste, and j n b e worked off. Practically the , . , <i n i-es that build up the tis- :, having filed his petition for divorce against Lena Landry Dela croix, in this Court, returnable to this term of the Court, and it being made to appear that Lena Landry Delacroix is not a resident of *aid County, and also that she does not reside within the State, and an der having h«*rn made for sen- on her, Lena Landry Delacroix, by publication, this, therefore, is to notify you, Lena Landry Dolncioix, to be and appear at the next term of Baldwin Superior Court to be held on t.ie 2nd Monday In July 192?. then and there to answer said com- planit. Witness the Honorable James B. I(f th. thin face also reduce un- p . irk j od(!e of thc suporior Court. nn—»ry fa*. They Uke only a few, Tw , May , 0> 102s . a Joy » n<l '■»» »on>ri»inB' (Sipned) ,T. C. COOPER, Cleric ... n, t of nil, like many pood' ; fo, they cost nothing. ; CITATION (i . •, i'ic mouth wide, so as to . .... tht , niu«cle.c overlying the GEORGIA, Baldwin County. cheek bones. Then massage vigorous- Court of Ordinary. ,, ..ntracted mu.clea, opening T. J. Brook-., the Administrator ,n,i clrdng the mouth 1 dozen or so upon the estate of Mrs. Emma t:m- .luring the massaging. This Ilodgis. deceased, has filled his . j. ......! for hollow or flabby cheeks, plication for letters of di-trir- Another good exercise to supple ment this one is to fill and puff out BOSTON CAFE "Froth Egg* Served Daily” -WHERE EVERYBODY EATS— Try Our 3Sc BLUE PLATE DINNER WHO IS YOUR BARBER? For the Best Service GILMAN'S B-A-R-B E -R SHOP GROVER GILMAN Proprietor Prices Reasonable ALL WORK GUARANTEED Courteous Service Ladies Hair Cutting a Specialty the check, with air, lips tightly dos ed, rolling the tongue around in earn cheek. T , .-s -tv -c jaw muscles, grasp the ( -. r firmly with one hand and move tn. from aide to side, at the - in time resisting the movement. . dozen or more times. fr~m said estate, having mr.de his final return to this office, showing that he has paid all the debts and' settled with all heirs of the said Mrs. Emma Hodges. Said application will be heard be fore me the first Monday in June, and if nr, objections are filed, dis mission will be granted as prayed for. This May Gth, 1929. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary Baldwin Co. Ga. •—;M nt way to build up the mu-'.: ..ad tissues under the eyes, where the first wrinkles usually nak..- t i.-ir appearance, is to place the Cntrvr tips on the upper part of the cheekbone, open the mouth in an exaggerated smile so that the com- ir* are drawn up, .and drop the chin. Now the muscles are bunched up. Alternately open and close the jaws, at the same time steadily massaging the muscles. A half-hearted attention to these • vreises ii practically useless. Good „ _ arc obtained only be regular eu'saging and patience. It must bo n Humbert d thn*£ facial defects arc u;;l!y the rend, of years of abuse £Q0£0£*OS»fl©WO<*&OOCK'iaQOD!X£ SPECIALIZED SERVICE— C. H. ANDREWS & SON. “Nothing Bi A SERIOUS CHANGE Kentucky Lady Wat ScriMtly III far Maatlu But Wat Fiaally Relieved By Cardai. Lawrenccburg. Ky.—"At a time in my life, when my health was under going a serious change," says Mrs. I J. C. Ray. who lives near here. "I | found Cardui to be of the greatest I benefit to me. I was seriously U1 | for about two months, and for sev- j oral months I was not well. My ; nerves were all unstrung. I could not bear tho least noise around me. I '■ould not sleep. “My head ached until it seemed cs If it would burst. My feet and limbs swelled dreadfully. I felt tired all the time. When I was up, I dragged around the house, but most of tho time I spenWra the bod. "I got Cardui and began takingrit regularly. Very soon I could see that It was helping me. I began to sleep better and eat more. The awful nervousness got better. "When I had finished tho first bottle, I was much better than I had been for many weeks. I was so encouraged that I kept right on. Before very long I was doing all my housework and was feeling quite well." Thousands of other women have been helped by Cardui after loug suffering from weakness and ner vousness. NC-108 ami n. gleet and that they •: <! before the correct form and be ubstituted. AlU-rnfe applications of hot and | "•Id water will bring color to far- and not produce the ifi-ct > f powerful nrtifical . -him ar beauty parlor* advo-jj Hut the value of exercise, careful, • : building up of general- seriously hind-capped if: ■> i:iin i*-. cluttered up with sick) nd p iso mrt *o: E "-y. hate, jealousy, anger mud be « k"0cnt from within. Truly, there 1 j • nn more deadly enemies of beau-j£ tv and health. On the other hand, 6 "•he happy, wholerome, clean-minded '<& Person can attain beauty of expres- £ a’on. even though the bony structure gj is impossible to change. Is 1 Ttii Driver Goes Back To Medicine He Had Taken When a Boy to Find Relief. NfhnlasviHe, Ky.—"Running a • my business, and I am called ? u * -U times, sometimes Just be fore meal time, and this mokes my **«|hC '3 well as my sleeping very “J; lar." rays Mr. Jesse Dickerson, & 02 Central Avenue, this city. • 1 had indigestion, on account of ln-emilarity. I would feel very rtable dftcr meali. I would ,' foastlpated and have dizziness. , I knew* I had to take something. H ; "U NATIONAL FAVORITES THE PERFECT COAL. Phone 252 Quick Delivery Fowier-Flemister Coal Co. ^remembered how, when at homo. ; I was married, my mother , J J4 give us Black-Draught, and '• • he believed in it. ‘ >:11 decided to tako it again. It didxne good. I am. glad to let V 1 - ; know what a good laxative -■•-u.k-Dnmght is. It clears up a i 1 ’^dache, and makes mo feel a ffew person." -Uiiu-ands of other men and i .■'**•' li ^md Black-Draught a great .Pw relieving common ailments, bLious constipation and of families, Thcd- feii "-itk-Draught has a comer T “* on the mMIHnw shelf, SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE STEMBRIDGE & COMPANY PHONE 352-J BRICK That Clink Like Steel t Made br the "McMILLAN" Pn i BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS y There is No Waste in Our Bricks. v We M*I«e Quick Shipment* in Any Quantity. I mcH c! .o FACE BRICK—FIRE BRICK-COMMON BRICK Miliedgeviiie BrickW orksCo M1LLEDGEV1LLE, GA. E*t*bb*hed 1M3 by J. W. McMilUn. McMillan. Vlc*.Prtiiiwt A NEW SIX AT A PRICE WITHIN THE REACH OF MILLIONS On Saturday, Buick will present the new Marquette—designed byBuickengineersand built in Buick facto.jes. Marketed as an addi tional member of the Buick family, it will in no way affect Buick itself. Buick will continue to express the policies that mode it the leader of the fine car field for the past querter- century. In the smart, comfortable bodies of the Marquetto you will recognize the fine hand of Fisher design. In its balance and poise you will see experienced engineering. And in performance—that final standard by which oil cars are judged—you will find the Marquette leading its price class by an impres sive margin. 4? Be on hand when this eventful new car is shown Saturday. See what o remarkable new automobile Buick has pro duced at a price within the reach of millions. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN Division of Gcnoml Motor* SuMdars of Corporation ... . Motor C«• Ralph Simmerson One Subject that Modem Husbands and Wives Always Agree About JLfODERN couples may and usually do A * argue about when one should lead trumps, who is to have the car today, why it is or isn’t silly to admire Greta Garbo... but when it comes to such an im/ortant subject as refrigeration, truly modem couples are agreed that only the be-3t is good enough. That means a General Electric Refrigera tor. Its best is good enough. So quiet you barely hear it! Never needs oiling! Built to last for years and years without a cent for servicing! Mechanism on top of cabinet and hermetically sealed against dust and moisture! Temperature control device on top, too, where it is eisy to reach. These and other details readily convince both husband and wife that they need a General Electric Refrigerator. If they are careful to take advantage of our special sale offer , friend husband doesn’t ever dare to argue on the payment question — the $10 down and the 30 months for the balance makes this offer too liberal to re sist. You’ll find it that way when you come in to investigate. Better come right off—to day— or tomorrow at the latest. GENERAL H electric Refrigerator The Model G-40 may be bought for $10 down, balance $8.50 a month. The Model RL-95 may be bought for $10 down, balance $17 a month. . The Georgia Power Company is behind every commodity it setts. —P. S. ARKWRIGHT.