Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 06, 1929, Image 1

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VOLUME XCIX *onth«ni Recorder ■ 1819 Federal Union Establiahud in 1829 MiHedgevill?, Ga., June 6, 1929 Consolidated in 187S Number 42 |G. s. C. W. Commencement R. H. WOOTTEN Season Will Begin Friday ALUMNI HEAD Addresses t». M. C. Cadets ■Class Day Excises Open Four | D» Program Friday Afternoon. Aramnae Reception Saturday I CHRISTIE TO PREACH jpj ty. H Kilpatrick to Address Graduates Monday Morning. Four Hundred to Graduate (lyer f -ur hundred Georgia girl# , i presented the degruei end • ;< xt Monday morning in , , I „f the Georgia State Col- t. • Women when the thirty- commencement of the college in end. The IrilHant four day program i Friday afternoon, the Sen having their clam day oxer- Mi * Caroline Cheney, Prcsi- to ;i! preside and u unique pro- I rr .i; ha* been worked out. tat urd&] afternoon, the Sopho- .V-ratal croup will have their .. day .-xercises and at that time r nt the college with an apporpri- > p ft as has been the custom for I*r- J- l~ Bceion, announced the i iromrncement program several v.i-«’k* ago, stating that Dr. L. R. i ' r: tie, Baptist Minister of Atlanta, voald deliver the hnccaulaurrato -t.rni«»n on Sunday mroning. Dr. • r.ri-t is one of the most outstand- -x nuni'tem of the Baptist church, I i-iii i now serving one of the largest I -hurchrs in Atlanta. Thr alumnae activities will begin .taturday evening when a banquet u:.! r>? held in Atkinson Hell. Hun- crvi:, of the former student* are ex- rrctsd to return to the college for ;rw annual meeting. | The association will meet I Kanday morning for the elect .on of ":rtr-. and transact other business. 11. Gusaic Tabb the incumbent pr. - i.nt will preside. At the Ban- qu • .'uturday evening which will the first activity, toasts and « r,, - will be given by the associa tion numbers. (>71 .Sunday afternoon the Alumnae re *i home at the Martin Parks H raw rial Hospital. The Baldwin »naty alumnae will be host to the PEABODY GIRLS RECEIVE DIPS. iwenlv-lour in Class Graduating Tonight. Rev. Harding Makes Address MISS CHANDLER HONORED Elected President at Organization Meeting Monday Night. J. H. Ennis First Vice-President HOME COMING B*G SUCCESS Students Throng City Monday. Over Thousand Attend Barbecue. Pledge Aid to Allen The Old Tunitol Hill, re-echoed j Rev. F. H. Harding delivered an j Impressive address to the members j of the graduating class of the Pca- ! body high school of the Georgia State College for Women tonight in the high school auditorium, twenty-four young ladle', receiving their high school diplomas. The program opened with the clas» song which was sung by the gradu ates. Miss Hazel Bivins, daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Homer Bivins. and| a talented musician gave a piano solo. The saludatory address was made by Miss Clan Holloway. Mis* Sara Hitchcock the President of the class gave an essay "A Drama Class 'J*P° nnoo\ of *29”. The Valedictory nddre-s [ then there was made by Miss Eunice Chandl the honor graduate of the class. Rev. Mr. Harding pictured to the his class had answered the last young ladies the ideal life, pointing j bugle call. out examples to which they could | At noon under the shade of the look for guidance. Dr. J. L. Beeson ; beautiful grove on the campus, the also spoke to the young ladies. j guests wi re s* The program w» concluded nt some time during the pa*t fifty years have trod the campus of the Georgia Military College, when they ramv hark tier.- tart Monday Tuwday to thr r-union anti hnmr coming of former students of the rnUror. Monday morning at nn early hour, the old students began to flock to the campus and gather in the hall* renewing acquaintances and swapping yarn, of the days spent in the his-: toric building. Recalling events of a half century tany secrets and A into the event a of nandcss as an old clnss found that many members of Fifty-five G. M. C. Graduates Receive Diplomas Tuesday CAPT.CHANDLER CO. D. WINS SABRE Dr. A. M. Pierce Deliver* Com mencement Sermon Sunday. De clamation Contest Monday GRADUATES HEAR SANFORD Baldwin County Boy Lead. Com- Sh](tcn , of ,9C3 Avvanled Diploma pany to V,cotry ,n ^mpelitive >( ElercUej H.mim-. Drills. Brannen Squad Winner EURKE BEST DRILLED CADET Col. Roach Delivers Diplomas lari pt. Stanley with the ei I day afterne the \ cultured audience that fillei auditorium to its capacity the liter ary features of the fiftieth annual of the Georgia Mili- DEAN S. V. SANFORD University of Georgia Dean livers- addrt - to graduates at G. M. C. Tuesday. Idealize Lindbergh. REV. WARNOCK ACCEPTS CALL Will Go to Forsyth Church About Middle of July. Has Served Church Here Seven Yera* ID rfon high tn the annual. ^ can „, to a close Tues- j competitive drill* that terminated the k y r thp dv j ivt . ry it tucca- .. j fiftieth annual commencement of the , B , jrpatp ad;!r ,.„, t the presentation of SUCCESSOR NOT YET KNOWN Mis, L. R. G. Burfeitt Principal of the Peabody high school, presented the diplomas. The following young ladies receiv ed diplomas: Hilda Ansley. Hazel Bivins, Har riet Campbell, Eunice ( handler, Caro lyn Ennis. Florence Gheesling, Doro thy Harrison. Clara Holloway, Rebie Hitchcock, Sarah Hitchcock, Jewell Ivey, Alice Jackson, May Moore, Ruby McMillan, Melis-a Pettigrew, Geraldine Reid, Hilda Rcnfroc, Dovie Roberts, Alma Sims. Elisabeth Skin ner, Ethel Torrance, Blanche Felch, Ruth Wilson. and tlu Hu«c will be in the nature of u tea. M'-ndcy morning Dr. William H. Kilpatrick, Professor of Education ‘•f ' lumbia University, will address tre graduating clas* in the audi tor sm. Ur. J. L. Beeson will pre- r the diplomas. Dr. Kilpatrick “•rnized a- a leader in the edu- -n f/rld. He is one of the deep- ' ' ankera in America today and ’’ ' to the college will bring to •V i:le one of the most dis- • ■::: d men ever to visit here. ■ afternoon the college will DR. WILEY TAKES HEALTH OFFICER Relieve* D»*. Anderson Monday. Sparta Young Man Comes Here Highly Recommended DR. ANDERSON TO GO TO LA. people were served during the din ner. At the conclusion. Hon. Ed Rivers, who was a special guest at the occasion, delivered an address, dealing with the history of the col lege and assuring his support in the effort of the alumni to broaden the scope of the college’s work. The former Senator made an appeal for Education in Georgia, pledging his ef forts in that direction. Meeting in The Chapel In the old coEoge chapel, that wn» one time the Senate Chamber, the alumni gathered for an organization meeting to discuss proposed plans for work to he done for G. M. C. R. H. Wootten. presiding, welcom ed the guests and presented Cnpt. J. | H. Enniw who gave the official wel come. Capt. Ennis reviewed the period that he had connected him self with the college and told of his warm love and admiration for the ...... , Iu i women who were graduates Henry D. Wa barbecue with I years pastor of the thousand j church here, accept* i th; church this week and . city early in July for i pa* graduate of the school that ha mtde h;s mark and a fine ri Capt Ennis declared, and we proud of them ) Dr. John Wiley, became Health Than gl*d t« I Commissioner of Baldwin county | nn “ °ur ! Monday morning of this Thvi bcei lock came to Miliedge ville in 1921 and during his services the church in Miliedgeville hus pro gressed and increased in membor- snip. Mr. Warnock notified his church last Sunday that. he would ac cept the Forsyth call, Which came unumiously from the church member ship. I)r. Warnock is one of the most prominent minister* in the Huptist denomination and hus served in many of the principle churches in Georgia. He cams to Miliedgeville from Toledo, Ohio. The Board of Deacons of the church here did not make known the intentions as to securing a successor but it is understood the pastorate here will remain open for several weeks before a call is made. • Dr. Warnock anu his family will leave the city some t£..te in the middle of July. It is understood a farewell service will be given him ar.d the ladies of the church will .Mr . Wa the duties of i the The visitors for inspec s work in the diffei i Anderson w ho re* ! to spend a year *1 | I>r. Wiley, a n j Ga., come* to his recommended and once. He spent ird la 1 Sanit nd foi the | c«., n , of the v lonth! th ' I delight ii Sparta, | P*‘ st highly; Ti de experi-j an the State | st several j DR. J. L. BEESON Military Collej Company I* on four of the seven • staged in the com petitive drill*. Edmund Burke, son ol Mrs. J. T. Burke, was winner in the individual drill, being awarded Uie Dr. T. M. Hall medal for the beat drilled cadet. Corp. Eugene Brannen, son of Mrs. D. W. Brannen. com manded the picked squad of Com pany D that was victorious. Com pany D won the platoon c.ose order and the culesthcnic*. Company C Commanded by Capt. William Thompson came second to Company D with 45 points in com parison to 55 for the D Company. Company C won the extended order drills, the game contest and the tent pa tching squad commanded by Corp. Julian Lockart was victorious. The competition was unusually dose, all four companies making ex cellent showings. Tht judges con gratulated the companies on the splendid drill* und although CapL Aiion Barnes of Company B and Capt. Jack Brown of Co. A. were not victorious their companies made splendid showings nd rxhibited^x^ ceUent training, the judges stated. The floats, riding the zponsors, pre sented a beautiful scene. Company A with the yellow or.J white decora tions presented a court scene with the Queen and her attendants. Com pany B used the colors of lavender nnd white to splendid effect and the young lady «pon*ored dressed : n the colors of the company added to the beauty of the /lout. Company C with t'* and white gave a festive occas ion w’ith its colored baloons and beautiful girls, the Company I) float Pdalx and the delivery »f di.do- Thr fiftieth i ently, nnd his i colleg* ns it. w a! commencement on was ennobling cplete with brill- ie coming of ex students. and the in .crest manifest ed by the local people and visitors from all :ections of Georgia and other state*. The The sermon was preached Sunday morning by Dr. A. M. Pierce «.f At* lanta, and was a strong ana eloquent presentation of Gospel i.aiths as con tained in the Tenth Chapter of St. Mark. The minister forcefully point ed out the difference in ambition for self ngirrandizemeat and that of attaining that one might be a bless ing to the world. He spoke of how Christ while on earth had all power, but never used tust power for self, but did use it to help others. Hi* words to th*‘ graduating class were filled with wisdom, and his appeal (Continued on back pa*«) hisl people hi re being back : iere are no finer pet-pic «'• ■■ d the warm hand cl * p jmi w '' 1 * University of Alabama ICon'jnura o, l"<* , L [). „„ Q $. C . W. Confers L. President graduates and former stuJ- f the Georgia State College ••men are cordially invited to r-ial banquet ..f the Alumnae ttaon. to be held at seven Sat- evening, June eighth, in At- Hall dining room. Guests : ■■■able in the parlors of ler- F&: * BROTHERS HOLDING A P.EL'NION ACES TOTAL 315 YEARS : " lib- fir>t time in many years : ° r }, r.,ther*, who have reached the ; •core years and ten slept under , rv roof Tuesday night. These • r are Mr. J. C. Duma*, of Ma-| who iji K8 years of age; J. G. ' "f MrRap. 81. yemm; B. T. 11 I( f Miliedgeville, 70 years: T . S. Dumas of Hillsboro. 70 ■■ ; ■ t tree brother* from out __ 'he city are here visiting Mr. B. imas. und they are having *t, t-rre in recalling the memories 1 ‘ r boyhood days, and scenes on ' and around the home fire j ^ ' T. B. Dunns the son of Mr. B. ! ^rnn-. has entertained the four ‘" n a (dinner, and is looking after comfort and well being. month. he has made a of health work. I»r. Anderson and his wife will leave next week for Louisana, where j they will spend several months, be-. Pr fore Dr. Anderson enters n Eastern Hospital for special study before] taking up private prntiee. : 1 Dr. Wiley stated that the health J Moi work in Baldwin county was in ex- on ceUent shape and he would take up, batty, N. W h,r,. Mr. AnctarMn had taft off. Dr. jj iar in Wlliy I'XRnt. to mnki' a ,nrvoy of h-alth. tho rounty beforo ootllntar hi, [>tan«. j ^ Tho k he stated. ■tudv I FATHER MORROW PRESENTEE- PURSE BY FRIENDS Vwell Tribu rrow presented him with a purse the eve of his departure for Ai re he will *pcnd u Last Week ALUMNUS OF UNIVERSITY was honored by the University fashioned iftrdcn with winding i and the young girls dresed in tumes of fifty years ago, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the col lege. The hand competed for hon ors as the prettiest float. The col or* of the musicnl organization, green and white, were artistically u*ed in decorating the car nnd a bevy of pretty pirls contributed their bit to it< beauty. Thou hands of people attended the drills, the store* in the city being closed and unusual interest wa* manifested. YOUNG CUBAN RECEIVES DIPLOMA AT G. M. C .1.. With Hi,h ii»ed by Col. I Cubri Record Pr POTTLE NAMED BAR PRESIDENT El.-cted Head of Georgia Bar As sociation in Atlanta Last Week. Succeeds Ei-Csreraar Slaton HIGHEST HONOR BAR GIVES the Georgia cm give, when he whs named President of the Gecrgia Bar As sociation at their annual meeting in Atlanta last week, •ucceeding form er Governor John Slaton. Although unable to attend hhe meeting Mr. Pottle was unanimous ly chosen as the new leader of the Inwyerj organira'non. When noti- f;-,i of his tlection. Mr. Pottle nnd high ! for the which he i mtifical brothers the hono d for his ability : iced in the 4e ha* h«en • ju pro' attoi During ith distinction as f the Ocmulgee effort all of f Mu* them protestar.ts. met at the home of Joseph A. Moor.' on Saturday aftcr- MASONS ENTERTAIN VISITING j noon and had LODGES TUESDAY NIGHT thon-. .Mr. .lo r P d Ilonovolrnt Lode, No. 3 s-rrm-ter thr hundred Mas- meeting to express to hint their .ove injr lodge* | ami affection and to w»*h h.m God- rould Tuesday night ons representing neighb< ... - barbecue in the club rooms. I*eed on tRe ev* After th- .upper, thr decree lean. | ledgevill. and it c.f the loral Indue, put on in Drama- ; hope that he tie form the Matter, Decree. The stored to h» h. alth. -iiitors were welcomed by Worship- 1 Father Morr*»»« > ful' Master W. H. Baumgartel. W. pressed hi* ’ Riley, Joe Andrews, and ^ b record of Manuel Cubria [izas, Cuba, received special. lendation Tuesday morning from George S. Roach. President of korgia Military Colkgc. when csented the yonng trsn hi* di-' , a* a member of the gradual-. *.r GeneAd t and ha- been associated in of the most not.-d cases in in court history. Par Aaodftdon elected Mr. to the Presidency after a long of service to the Association. erratj on th« Executive (A t>- «| ami been instrumental in ruing th interests of the pro- i thr*iughout the state. the eommittci for the ting. bridge v range me Th.. rily Council met in recnln monthly meeting M*bid*y evening They appointed Mr. P. E. William to tak Clerk and Tr* who if ill in the city hospital. the thoughtfulre Mr. H. , -ho' W • ving Mil- tbeir wish and return fully rc- i presented thr i gathered, per- I)r. J. L. lit hi* Alma Mali Alabumn. last week when he was awarded the degree of D«*ctor of I-aw . I>r. Beeson graduated at the Ala bama college in early manhod, re-j co reiving an A. B. degree. He lau-r, c , received hi. Ph. D. from J.>hp. !I"P- th Lin, Unlvimlty. h L Hi. lone enreer n, n wicntirl and I j.L an etluca’.or have iirourht him prom-|ing cia* f the college, inent recognition and distinct hen- Cadet Cubria has been a student or* from science societies and Uni-Jhi'M f» r two years and although un-j rf;v. j. t. PETTtCRF.W PASSES vend ties over the country. I*'* i fnmilinr with the English language, EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF year Dr. Beeson wa named a mem-J he has made a record worthy of ms BIRTHDAY her of n national science society by ] aptcial note. Col. Roach cited the j the University of Pari*. He has been | ff, r t that he had made an average off jj cv 7 Pettigrew rele’»rated the at the Georgia State College for Vv *•7.5 in the English course and that. , ! ^ht ! eth anniverrnry of hi* birth- - I men more than a quarter of a *•■ h record had been equally a* good !ldy Saturday. June 1st. A family tury having served a* President for. , n all department*. j reunion was held, nnd a bountiful the past four year*. Hi., military record brought praise! dinner served. Mr. Thou Lafferty The Board of Trustees of t^- from Lieut. Vernon L. Nadu Lieut, rooked a delicious birthday fake, ' University of Alabama conferred ti '- Nash stated that he was a corporal and placed eighty J degree at their meeting last week, j and commanded the picked squad of The honor came in recognition «f Company A., although he had neve: distinguished service by an alumnus had military training before coming 1 account of illne*-. >f the Col. Erwin Sibley returned Tue- day firm a trip to Atlanta where h attended the Georgia Bar Asscc-i: tion. the college. In his citation to the graduates Tuesday Col. Roach stated that Cadet , Cubria* example as a cadet, a stud ent, and a* an individual wo* worthy of BalJwin Mr. Pettignr county’s best known dtiz.eu* .and is a Baptist Minister. His long life has been filled with good works. The Union Recorder joins hs* many friends in congratulations, and wish- ' ing that hi* latter days may be hi* I happiest.