Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 13, 1929, Image 1

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Blniun VOLUME XC1X tooth ani Recorder nmnwr ill radars! Union Established in 1828 1819 MiHedgeville, C«., June 13, 1929 Consolidated in 1&<: Number 43 G. S. C. W. Summer School Opens With Large Enrollment "'slmrcr Schoolfu Offiridy *" J. MOORE NAMED CITY ALDERMAN SIX WEEKS SUMMER SESSION and Citizens •« FiUa Term of Dr - Sam Aodenon PRESBYTERIANS MILLERS.BELL Hundreds View Exhibits As TO CALL PASTOR HONORED BY CSC 38th Term of G.S.C.W Closes Resignation of Rev. George B New Donr.ilory Named Miller S. Thompson Accepted at Session Bell Hall. Auditorium Named Sunday Afternoon for Georgia Chief Justice RESOLUTION WAS PASSED ALL NEW BUILDINGS NAMED Dr. Beeson Welcome Students to College and Gty Tonight •r cloven hundred Stu d the rummer school State College for Worn lly opened last night auditorium, when I)r. Desn E. II. .Scott ai citizen*. made t! Resigned. Board Elects at Special Meeting. Last Friday TAKES OVER POST THIS WEEK dt mum of Milk-dgevilie to fill thi icxpirvd term of Dr. Sam Ander- The resignation of Rev. George B. Two Thompson an partor of the First. Trustee Presbyterain church hero was ac- lege for pted Sunday afternoon at a special Board of the membership of the the new ■hurch. Mr. Thompson stated in his was yivi •esirnation that due t«* ill health, he Hall an. REV. HARDING DIOCESE TREAS. u “ Frid,y Af,trnoon DR. CHRISTIE SPEAKS SUNDAY Treisnrer’s Office of Epiicopal ..... , , „ .ml, r „r the Board ..f Church for Atlanta Diocew 0ver Foor Hundred Awarded De- of tho Georgia State Col-; Moved to This City gr«» an< * Diplomat ai Graduat- Vo men were honored at th«' * jo.r'romtdHod" BRINGS LARGE DEPOSIT HERE the name of Miller S. Bell j the auditorium one of the 1 Kev. H - Harding, Executive ing Exercises Monday hirty-eighth annual com- nt of the Georgia State unable to hold the Past who ude.-t d his * to the ourptu was ® 8 rd B. RumpI! Audi- — The «lection was made at a special ouncil meeting l»«t Friday night ns -umnwr ,-chool student* wt campus before the rtudei : tor W, rion had vacated and pr< v.d. d by law. Mr. Moon ha. ac- a hurtle Towday mom- | rrptrd and will take hi. nasi ira- umnipr gtudenta rppi- ,tuadiateljs. it i. undentood thut hr . .1 making plans for their sis «'» »kc Dr. Anderson's place on tho -indies. I council committees. opening exercise Inst night, The election of Mr. Moore wn-j Bel . representative of the manimlous. When notified of his elec, board of Trustees, R. H. Wootten ol the the that will The Chamber of Commerce, Marion Alim. P.eprefentative of Baldwin ruur.y. L. C. Hall of the Kiwanis flu . K* v. J. F. Yarbrough, repre ss ike churches of the city, and Mayor M. E. Pennington made atitirt .v f welcome to the student*. Jin. • r- «.f th? student body were al- •• ;hf ; rograrn for brief speeches. l>r. I L Beeson and Dean E charge of the sum- j also spoke uprise and pledg- i ed his best efforts to serve the city. I Prominently identified in the social and religious life of the city, the rJdcrmanic post goes to one of the I leading citizens of the county. A1-: though he has never held public | office, he has been frequently urged, to *nter public life. The council members stated that! H. I they were highly pleased that Mr. m- j Moore accepted, and that he would during fill with splendid credit the office. Rev. W. T. Penrmnn, of Sparta, conducted the services Sunday after noon and acted as Moderal at the rooitregutlonal meeting. After the re ignation had been accepted the following pulpit committee was nam- • 3;* Board of Trustees, who ha- serv ed to make the call of a new pnstor: t .j j n this capacity for many years, Mr. G. C. McKinley, I>r. George Hnr-; nm j has al o acted as a member of ri* Webber, Mrs. L. C. Hall, Mrs. C. j the building committee in the erec- I*. Crawford. Col. George Carpenter, tion of the many* buildings on the and Mr. L. II. Andrews. ] campus. The board stated that the In accepting the resignation tho congregation passed the following re? olution: Whereas, in a letter from Dr. Geo. B. Thompson, dated May 28th, 1,820, he states: “My physical condi tion remains such that I have con cluded that the wise course for me is to offer my resignation as pastor of this iMtary of the Allan Epi'copal church, art/.'-r the Dtocea - ting of the Executi office was this wt rity. ©liege for Wo ved Mane ' bits The ..rk do , clo»e on. when the exhi- ne during the year :ed by large number e In every depart- the rhurch; Rt-olved: That it is i row we learn that on at ing health Dr. Thompsc Kn E. R. Hinei ith deep sor- •ount of fail, t has tender ed to this congregation his resigna tion ns pnstor of this church; Thut we accept his resignation with keenest regret and our sympa thy goes out to him and ‘»ur prayer* are that he will be restored to health and strength. During '.he two and one-half years tie has served this j church, hi* ministry has been lal stunt thut MISS CATHERINE SCOTT NAMED j G. S. C. ALUMNAE PRESIDENT .Ians for the six week’s course [ lecturer. by prominent educa- Banquet Saturday Evening Feature* <> will attend the X. E. A., and , Commencement Program. Tea ..linent men in the state. Given Sunday Afternoon il program uill l* given each — in the college auditorium. | Miss Catherine Scott was named pit lures and plays given by j President of the Georgia State Col- di-nts will be the principal | r(re tor Women Alumnae Associa- ntnent. I tio n nt the annual meeting of the „ ur th of July will be a fea- Association la-t Saturday evening. Augusta Presbytery to concur with during the term. A barbe- [ Mi*F Scott succeeds Miss Gussic Tabb thi- church in accepting the resigna- uatormelon cutting v. : he ( who will spend next vear away from tion of the Rev. Geo. B. Thompson :br trxin features for the day with :: *he city, studying. and declari the pulpit of the M il ia] j n t he evening. | association banquet Saturday | lodgfevillc Presbyterian church va- radmting exercises will be held :.!y 2<Mh, the la't day of the *um- hool. when about forty de- The office will brin h'dgrville banks a large ey and make this city \ headquarters of the enti of the church in the Atlanta Di< The official publication, “The cesan Record" is is-u city, Mr. Harding serv ally the operation for the new buildings had b chosen valued service to the college. r i .. _. . ‘ here. The treesurat Judge Richard B. Russell, Chair | , . man of the Board and Chief Justice _ ,on * ' u ‘" ! ‘ ° 1 * of the Georgia Suoreme Court had btcphen ** hi, name hi>aar..l when it ... da- Mr - H ’ r,lin K' I* aided that the' beautiful auditorium N " rth G*’" 1 '™ Convocation huiidinc would bear hi, name. church and i, direatinu thi« dapnrt In announcing the decision of the board nt the graduating exercises Monday, Mr. T. E. Atkinson, Vice resident of the Board, staled that at le suggestion of the alumnae as- iciation ‘he board had decided to une the nev» building?. All the buildings on .he campus hurch and is direc nu-nt. The volume through the office is tremendoi The fir-t work o the Treast office was handled here this v All checks for salaries with othe peases are mailed fro :rent. inelhding that by the children of the practice school*was on display Thorough training, skill, talent and knowledge were manifested and the exbib ts received the highest praise ^ and commendation from the visitors, m this ■ w b r were directed through the build- Editor. j to* b >* y° un k ladies of the student 11 the body, wh'le the teachers of the var- office j i " U5 departments greeted them in m add uddi- thc ^"P-rti'a tor of St. The exercises of the Commence ment eason were opened Friday and Saturday afternoons, by the Senior and Sophomore Norms! clames. These e ercinea were brilliant in their con ception and were rendered with case and grace. Saturday evening the alumnae, a large number of whom were present, gathered at a banquet, having a* of the ml. The class room building has the title of the Arts building. Parks Hall hears the name of Dr. M. M. Parks. Terrell and Atkinson Halls the names of icrvice. A deep thinker, learned l former Governors and Ennis Hall is -cholar, his sermons have been clear, named for Capt. J. Howard Ennis. I Tompirhenklve and convincing. I There is also a building on the enm- Thnt we respectfully request the pus named for thi the office 'heir rue,l, th. here. Tile movement of the trem- Bourd of Tru-tec, and other diitin- urer’a office to Milledrevillc i, ex- rui,hul visitor,, pec ted to greatly rimplify matters *U The BaccMlaureate Sermon the work «»f the church, Mr. Harding The Baccalaureate sermon was stated. Consolidation »f Secretary j delivered in the auditorium of the and Treasurer will make the matter j college Sunday morning by Dr. L. of records easier and will greatly R. Christie, pastor of the ponce de speed the systematic procedure of Leon Baptist church. Atlanta, the work. m . mbrni 0 f the Bgard of Hear. even -- was one of the big fei of the < -nt-ncement week, dr- ds of ti ‘irmer students present for the or-Mion whlcl stated that the school j held in the Atkin: Hall < r promised to be one of the I ”> om - Th ' ! -irge hall v decc college has had and tunt > n ^ vailablc room had been taken. ® ,rc tures | cant.” IN AUTO WRECK Tru«M the stage, and the Take CALUE COOK OPENS SUMMER SCHOOL Art School of Mis A. Cook, of her •J it« •on Monday «»f thi week, matriculating are Mi-? : of Jacksonville. Fla., ine Alwood, Macon: Miss U»r. Macon: Mis? Rebecca Hue: Miss Holeia Cross. '1:- Virginia Sapp, Bruns- from the Alumnae to i Mr.:. C. R. Green, A-hburn. ^r.s thrown open to the table decoration., took charge of the p. • am r.s Toast Mistress after Mi: - i Guasie Tahb had opened the oven- |*-«r r President. Min Allen in a 1 happy manner, and clever way pre- :rated the : ..akers of the evening. At the bu-dnoss session that fol lowed Mis-; Catherine Scott wj«« named President. Miss Rosa Belle Burch, 1st Vice-President. Mrs. Ar- ti Belle Carter Lowe? of Macon, 2nd Vice-President, Miss Margarete Jack- son, Secretary nd Miss Mary Bums. Treasurer. The visitor? and metnl*er? of the association were at home on Sunday afternoon at a ten at the Parks Me-j 11 *" ul,ur,aw “ w la! Ho,pital. Tno hospital, n Rift AUXILUA , R Y MEF.TINl HELP TUESDAY AFTERNOON MACON PASTOR TO PREACH AT PTESBYTERIAN CHURCH BUSINESS RECESS TO START THURSDAY Rev. C. E. Crawley Will Preach at Local Church Sunday Mornin*. p| cn ;-, to Mark Fir.t Half-Holid. Visiting Pa-*or Each Sunday f or Worker*. Door* Clo»e At - | 1:00 O'clock ^ r.;v. C. F. Crawley, of Macon, w fill the pulpit at the Presbyteria :, ;-.urth Sunday morning at the eleve ilegc, Dr. J. Harris Chappell. The Aiumnac and visitors to the campus were complimentary in their El expressions in regard to the work O v «r Work, W. M. Hatcher Meet* that has been done and the many Death at Reno, Nevada marked accomplishment that had been achieved. News reached this city late Tues- to witne** the day afternoon telling of the death gram, of W. M. Hatcher, Colored farm Dr. Christie's agent of Baldwin county, which oc- and tfcholorlv ur cured at Reno, Nevada, when his part of St Paul's Letter, as contaTn- automobllc was wrecked. The -de-j cd in Ifae :inl Chapter of Corinthians. half-lie of the Plornas occupied the center seats of the auditorium, the other portion of the audience being composed of citi zens and out-of-town visitor* here pncpinpnt pr() _ n was eloquent id ing the accident have Hi Eatchi rille froi o’clock j filled I church, of the lending „ T» r ...kvter> earnest neuk- : at th. church ■ ummer o'clock.) ment to tbi? i ffect. which was n n:- :*tin»r of the Tierchnnts. ud.fi :n the observnrc.' will !»e tore! including «try goods!^ ^ lothir.g stores, five and ^ n j educational ed. enroutc to Mi Hedge fomin. He expected is duties the first of Agent, after having "ge thut “the orld if you want it.” He brought th.- I .January nty ARMOUR COMPANY OPENS NEW CREAM STATION HERE ■■ Webb to Mar ' Andrew* Buila lent Being In.L called. p.l F it committee n mediately. Drug jewelry college.! en, it is un ien>to«d. pien'e? have hven 'dinned itores and s ome of the cm- iff-holiday. - Announcemint has b MILLEDCEVILLE YOUNG LACIES ,v "I” 11 n ‘- -if a RECEIVE DEGREES AND DirS. j 1 !,ny <r ' am Arn following yo»*ng Milledgeville received th and diploma, at G, S. ( The Air nth- ;chc-.I at hei FATHER OF DR. TONER DIES AT 1 ”n’ MEltRIWETHER COUNTY HOME a« an-i B-n;.- s- Nation here with Mr. 0 f! M. E. Webb as Manager. • degrees* The station i being open-d next W. Mon*| *'• Modern Mercantile Company day. | * n Hie Horne-Andrcw- Warehouse Bach.'bif of Arts—Misk-s I)oro- building. New equipment is Iwing thy Margaret Banks, Mary Belle Gil- installed and the station will receive • trap. Edith E. Ivey, Dorothy Daisy on Tuesday and Friday of each weak. Thaxton. i Boeh'i Erie Death Comr, Suddenly Night Bruns- ibridj-- j* rly Carted >re installed, and the fol- •mbers elected as ;ie!e- he State Convention in June lPth. 20th ar d 21-t: Era* c .lied to I Mrs. Geo. L. Echob. Mr*. H. B. uesday night, Ennis and Mrs. E. W. Allen. Mi nin- of the , Bertie Stembridgc, President of the B. F. Tigner. j Auxiliary and 10th District Onuflit- rtion. tee woman, will also attend the Con- mmm ty*four years vention. and up until hi* death was ac-1 The outgoing President, Mrs. J. M. Dr. Tigner mad;- h : m a visit Suiters, gave her annual report. :v o wed:* ago and found him I The officers installed were: Miss .. v •„ ... .j health- His sudden j Bertie Stembridgr. President: Mr;-. Mr. Tigner was cor- j Fc-rnon Hargrove,, 2nd V:ce-Pre«i- niv remarkable I dent: Mrs. Edwin A tion. Secretary; Mir Hail General- id Dorothy Vir «if that i thi,' icction, Geo. Da. Trea- Mr ■d *ny:> that the vetcj entertained by the i :h and bed a gi i Matilda's Chapel, Steven cm Sunday J'-’-n« 23rd, Rc Frrr hn* announced. R ; Kelley, pastor at Gray* wi j the services. Geo. S. i ‘•'gin at P. N. Bi\ Potte*ry, Ennis Po F Historian; Mrs. rhapiain; Mrs. H. B. CHANGES MADE IN BUS SCHED ULES EFFECTIVE JUNE :5TH Mr. Ralph Simmer- nc- (i and work will j ely. The old Mal- icer moved to Mi*nt- »«• No James McMillan, ion of Mr. J K McMillan, in an unavoidable r*c - dent, had hi? log broken at the Me-j Millar Brick yard Tuesday BWninC- a chine *t thr clay hole w»« out * djustment and when Mr. Me- Tour —Mi Bachelor of Science in Education j Four B-i*;** to — Mb cs Eleanor Branncn, Lucflej Dally. Two Aui Jidda Dunaway, Marjorie Dunaway. Making Run* Lucy Beyl ‘ Harding, Frankie Ixmise! Raines. Mrs. Kathrine Grier Tpnnell | Hr.rres j n bus schedules fr< m this rachrtor «f S’cii nc, Horn- t<fo-1 ,ify u> M** and .AcraxU h».v Wmi mimic:-—Mi LilUi.c Clair Humpb-j r.-M.nnnd rffcrlic- .Tunc l'.tb. Mr. r<, y - A. C. Tennille has announced. t*re will be four busses to and Macon daily. The cars to Ms- rill leave at 9:30. 10 :■ • ■ ■ piece ri'.poed -triking him on l g, breaking it between the I I ankle. Collegiate X rmal Course—M rma Fowler. Helen Holloway, Mrs. irtha Sibley, ML<es Annie Pearl lith, Ima Gertrude Smith. Myra z Spivey, Ruby Clyde Watkins. Collegiate Normal English Course Mi?s Lorraine Batson. Ctdlefriate N’crinal Commi-rrsnl Mary Frances Brake. ■ nd 2:30 and B:20 P. M. The Man n schedule will be 8:00 11:30 A. M. .v’d 2:00 and : K. M. and id from Auguste. The Man . | Lieut. V. L. Nash is at camp Mc- n Clellan Anniston. Ain., where he will | spent the next several wc^ik:. : Dr. and Mr*. W. during the summer Europe. They will I purt of July. T. Wynn wi ’, months wi.-it sail the latter Bichrlor of Selene* General— jrd the ■ ■ ton Brown. ! Bachelor of Science in Education Col. Georr S. !’ ' —Mi * Florence Morgan Barnett. T. H Rent* ere •? d : r - v Bachelor of Science in Education—i o- ;J fiching trip ri?h r ; VL-Iyn Roth Nelson. A-thony off the Georgia c Miss Surah Frances Blood wort!, i party J'-ft Eavannah la«t in Normal Course. . \ on Mr. Ar.thony'j yacht.