Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 13, 1929, Image 2

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UP.ION RECORDER. MIL'.EDCEVILLE. C* . JUNE 13, l»2» GUIDE POST HEALTH AND HAPPINESS •‘What piece* of silver will she *.<J fjr-t," i* a question tha» come* ill who make the bride a *c«ft of srlinp. And the most practical jy Sl , answer it i* to lay out a din- r menu f.»r at lent* four, and we a hat i* required to serve the i*al correctly. I „r the soup courw. Seleo 4 • «« rt spooue; they are quite proper d can be used for serving spoons other time*. Instead of bread d butter spreaders, 4 tea knives. iJioice of The Miracle of Food It i» often rtl 1 that the ape mi!arlcs i# past. Yet at of wh.oh w»- partake, a mi 1 imr jm r f -.rmed which is so that man has never bet fully under t*»nd or to e> y..u eat a piece of brei table, a -alad. you drink milk, and whut happens? thiy become a man. They be think *»nd act. They tak.- on characteristics of your perso- Soon they an- guiding a pencil, tillinjr ’* field, pa sing down ! decisions from a judicial bench, buy ing or selling, making law., in Con- gress. Is not that a miracle? You may say? “What does it mat- 1 ter what I eat—so long as it satis- |i — my hunger and does not cause j indigestion?'* What does it matter? | Your efficiency, your mental alertness, your health and your fu ture welfare are governed by the y i.f the f< «»d you eat. Kr.ow- i:-.g that, can you afford to take into your body food that will give you a poor quality of blood, a second class train. second class nerve tissue, :.n«l make you a second clar. individual? A •tal- vegetable, an overripe piece of fruit, a wilted ,.»lad have lost their values as a renewing, re- freshing, life-giving force. In tr>- ing to save fifty cents or a dollar a day by eating inferior food, you may be spending ten dollars in vitalty, which in turn may cost you hundred- of dollars in loss of business. And all because you did not have the mental grip necessary to concen tration and courage and initiative. it mysterious | sen able to -xplain it. cad. a vege- * a glass of a/ NO ( extra d NELLE WOMACK HINES Page The Weather Mai If ! had any to spare i would sure ly iike to give him a piece of my mind. Not that it would probably do any good, fur folk- have talked and i. .' i about the u.-athir for ages, ■ r me anything shout it. But thit prtAirbuil “cold day in August" that "Ur grandparents were always •peaking will probably be with us thi. year. So—don't have your farj put ;n storage, you will most likely i :hem when you go to the grund ami glorii u- F'-urth of July celebra. See car special display in /lie west motor car color designs Jit no extra cost-a Choice of Colors on any model, from a variety bo wide you have almost individual distinction. Come to our special color show and see lor yourself the great number of color combinations from which you may choose. And, remember, this is only an additional jp- —^ _ feature to the great array of values with which For Friday Night Salman chowder Takes Tomnta Sauce Kgg Salad Lemon Meringue I’i • Iced Tea Spaghetti Everything ha- it., place (or should b* :nd it rhould stay there. Hire I haw been bragging about th? four datinct climates that we have hire in the good old town of Milledge- v:11c—and it seems that I am about to mi" my bet for she evidently in tend* to cling to one thin year. 1 bv\ tv vi r in my life seen the sense « . f Ike wanting to be cold in the rummer. What is summer for any way? It-, to be hot so you can wear beautifully thin dresses, and carry lowly feather fan-, and .--it on the porch t in the hammock until ter. or vHven o’clock (with your “sweetie" if you have one) and watch the mo;»n fl< at behind a cloud —and—and and i v« r> Thing. But who want- to watch the moon when little shivr.< run up and down your back and your teeth fa.r.tly « hatter as you say—“Oh r ©O ■ • i- n't—it— a—OOO lov —oo- iy night." Yes sir—everyth’ng hn- t- ’.lace, and a e» Id night on the law n in a swing under the moonlight i about the mo t uncalled for situa tion thi re is. And o>h-thc*e mornings •blankets put away (unleis yau have th« backbone to haul them out) r down—th • «dectrie fan sitting i.-Midy- -goose bumps all over <*u- and if y- u happen to own a big back porch where you stay during * 1 • • amoier months- -to go out to ». a) i a l in an overcoat. No sir— you can all lifag about your cold j weather in the summer time—and way—“Oh. haven't wc had n wonder ful spring sts no such thing. Maybe it is the case that 1 have 11• en particularly unfortunate vhis n ,,j p-m rpring in being the bsu t of s fo c i some of Mr. Weather Man'* nuwt in- „i >0 , called f r mood*—foi you remember | ,j ral that th. Zinnia bed at Greenacre i a i nT had 1 rainy w ek I v in was ir. Savaramh at the 1*. T. A. con- ^ar nti-'iv The” later Yerbina had the of hives or the raah—caused by too u |p n ich r-.»?d varied weather I am sure, jqj an! lastly Petunia had the flu— mn , caused l.y near hail storm accom- j pan it d by Old Man Wind. But the pn , straw th:.t broke the <umel* back was t j| the e 1 i day that appeared when I j COB had my ’ulty friend* out to a gar- —, d.»n tea and they came in fur- and d r( . ■ goat.. Of course I wore a sum- hot and roy teeth “castanetted” me ' ek od forth in my mouth ns I chi chattel *d—*’ So glad you could am comev ** and If beaming smile* poi i ould have warmed the crowd we ilsrl would all have been more comfort- | go: aid; f. very sou', took particular ' nm rains t remark that it was so much lik r«<ire j • :nmnt than it would have thi been if .t had been warm—which wa» thi ieaiuiu to uic "i 1 /• Ti Essex the Challenger has swept the field. AND UP at factory prob«Wv io> cr itw ns H. M. C.rurduw Plan an the buiuncc. CHEVROLET COACH SALE THE CHALLENGER cracker jack, never i lookin'* for a good Who bids? L. N. JORDAN T. H. Ennis avoided as om would avoid u plague. We have made splendid strides in thi past ten years in educating peo ple to know what Is good for them and what is not And yet, I an !<• king forward to the time when the food we eat will be guarded -ucredlv and clentifically by the government, because locked up in it is the secret of life and the future welfare of hu man destiny. The hrnin gets a great deal of , -lit that should l>e given to good alth. For the rods of our spirits m clear through our material bodies -<l into food stuffs and into the H wherein lies the source of all nwer. We are of the earth earthy. ■ come from nature: We “"turn to :,ture. All life feeds on life, but urt life mu t be at the highest peal; f excellence if g* od health and intal vigor are t«> be wrested imson Th;- man who accomplishes things ; . *V world the man who is able to make quick and vital decisions. F-uch decision is the child of strong vitality. The big thing in life is to kem om If up to the highlit point of • fficit ncy at any c*' t. What ever reduces the fire in the brain. ! — th** ambition nnd energy, v -kens tl.c will power nni produces u disinclination to work should be Percolator^ A million or more revolutions of your motor every five hundred miles you drive—and PAN-AM tougher motor oil is built to stand the gaff. Fights the blistering friction-heat of metal sliding over met.il. The tough film of P VN-AM motor oil, like a smooth velvet cushions protects every moving part. Keeps its body, holds its toughness, stands "on guard". Change to PAN-AM tougher motor ofl. (Regular $12.00 Value) 95c down, $1 a month THIS is the famous Hotpoint "Virginian" Perco lator. It makes and holds six cups of the finest coffee you ever tasted. An ideal gift for the June bride... or for your very own home. Only a few at this unusual price. See it at our retail store. PAN AMERICAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION POWER COMPANY A CITIZEN WHEREVER WE SERVE