Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 27, 1929, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDCEVILLE, <-A JUNE IT, l»»» JURORS FOR THE JULY TERM COURT THE LETTER COMJXH Charles Herty Pr.trid.nt Ceorux 1 from M«y 14, 1928, and for Crawford of the Alabama Coal ani further purpose of ptylnft all costa Iron Company, width D one of tho of this proceeding Demand for pay- Millcdptvilla, Ga„ June 21. 1929 br>nctH .. of t ht United States Steel ment of said note having been made i Editor of Union Recorder: C(irp , ! ;it , .cores of other men and default havin', been made there- heard many discussion* r ,. n t walks of life. One of on this proceeding is brought for the uf the paving of our streets, nobody jt< fjr . t p, r ,|dents was the late Gen. purpose aforesaid, are the Grand and ugain«t the work, but many question. D j f j, in n brother-in-law of The undersigned will execute such drawn to serve a. ing the high price which was | ston* wall Jackson, and himself one conveyance to the purchaser at said f Superior Court: I fnr the work. j‘ of , ht Hading general* of the Con- sale as is in the said deed provided uf thoi GRAND JURORS : K .. Mayfield. J. A.. Babb. . iu od. j. H.. McMicharl. , min. Frank. Leonard, A., > . Simmons. J. .M.. Enni-. •t -.A. W.. Stcz<b ridge, r hr, J. E., MrComh. . W J.. Harp*r. J. Ben. doing s w ledge W. Mc- : discussing this mat- without information »t the procedure or i figuring the price, are able to discuss h some degree of in- m ;-ne of tho a that know very i to how the cost was found, « thod employed in figuring the fedei His son, I). H. Hill, nud authorized. of the teachers and This 4th day of June, 1929. L. N. JORDAN, C.d. O. T. Kennan. who won ■ the Philippine Island-, was i commat.dant of the cadets. I - ucc.eded by Kenneth G.' who later became 're*- By Frank W. Bell, His Attorney-at-law. Tt«h. and who is now at - f a | ,rge roller- in the i !. C. I. Woodward of Col- ADMIN1STRATION SALE GEORGIA, Baldwii or Scco n July ZL NO. 1 .4 MomU- heavily in d» ! i des • thtii I.. L. E- J-. McCrary. J. T. I. S., Hoi: wr.y. Jane PANEL NO. p property cm T a'u'l .Mid will find it t. difflcul After a thing is done all of us c«i f’rd fault. It i.« easy to -*ee th< mi-takes of others, yet hud wc beei in the same position we might huv< made them also. I do not say tha K. Jr.. Etheridge, J. C., the Council is solely responsible f«» ■ l.ng. J. T., Goodson, L. A., the errors that were made for th* •grew, J. T.. Huff, Emmett L., pt pie could have voiced disaprova G,... W., Taylor, R. A., Law- to the work, but the main rea on, ii . .1. B., Wall, It. L.. Coxwell, C. my opinion, for the failure •>( ob H-.mpblli, Walter A. jjicti«.n« being raised was the groa PANEL NO. J ignoiance of the rank and fib Harrington, M. C. Jr., just what was being done and h< •. Wir. H., Butts. J. W., Grant was to be done. .. Harper C. T., Jackson. Ernesi. fTn-re fore. 1 believe that the first , B. F., Brake, Darwin 1 t . m , r that was made was in the fail- World War thei Several i On arfect among order from the Jrdinnry of Bibb County, G-rgia, granted upon the applica- t;,,:i of the undersign»d n* Adminis- of tha state ,.f 11. M. He f! * I ‘rath, late of IJi’-b County, Geor- gia, deceased, there will be sold at . public outcry, a* the property of said estate, on the first Tuesday in July, I"2!>, at the courthouse door of said Baldwin County, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for ca.-h, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate and being in the 105th Dis- gether with all and singular tha ways, rights of way, casements, rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever belonging or in anywise appertaining to the above described property; including especially all wa- aer and water-powers, and all the riparian, flowagc, waiter and water power rights und privileges, and all islands, river, river-bed and channel rights and titles, belonging or apper taining to any or all of the above described property. Said property will be sold for the purpose of puyment of debts and for distribution. R. J. McELRATH, J. M. McELRATH, Administrators of Estate of H. M. McEirath, Deceased. MARSHAL'!! SALE ~ and bounded ns follows: On the r North by lands of Hugh T. Cline and ! ’• the estate of the late Ben F. Sanford; ! * on the East by lands of Jog. E. Pot- ° tie und Jno. T. Allen; jn the South n by lands of Jos. E. Pottle and the • waters of the Oconee River; and on j l_ the West by the main stream of the Oconee River; said ticct or parcel, of land containing two hundred fifty Meek-. J. T., Horne, .1. H., Frederick, ( uri t ,f the city officials t F. W. Jy explain the method PANEL NO. 4 ! when our streets were t Ho. dvr, J. H., Hutchins, J. M.,l j t always best to have Wilkin—n, C. F.. Humphries, W. H., understanding with thos Barnes Stewart, Batson. F. C., Hall.' m . and then if the cost L. <’.. Ha:i. T. 1L, Faulkner. V. W..j >nd the price out of line. Hall. R. S.. Rogers, J. A. t u C ome b PANEL NO. 5 ( t . r „f ket HoUinshead. Geo. W., Hurt, C. C., j ( ;i v : njr t h, Blo .dw'rth. Geo. C.. Winter, C. IL, Th* government i Ami. i n. B. F., Mathews, Jno. husinee* and Adam-. Grovir J.» Horne, L^Juis,| directors make a Adams J. J.. Jordan, L. N., Carr, A. ] th«* stockholders, J. Sr.. Patter* on, Scui C. Traverse Jur=r. for Third Monday in July PAEL NO. I Berry. W. i’., Johnson, J. C., Bow el-. n. B- F.. Tumuli. Geo. H.. Brown, Julian S„ Praaser, Wm. B.. Bass, W A. X.. flam. Lrmar F., Wright, S. E., Hubert. T. K. (D;|« Barnes » thorough- that you stroi ping the people informed. Wood. D. M. PANEL NO. 2 Martin, J. I-. Ivey, C. B.. Blood- worth, J. E., Stripling. J. H., Bla J. H.. Pigby, W. L., Prosser. N. F., Bell. Miller S., Williams, P. E., Dur den. W. R., Gibson, Chas. M.. Little, W. F. PANEL NO. 3 May. G. C-. Tucker, Harper, An drew . J. T., Simmons, B. D., Tcn- nille. W. C., Ivey, J. Tim, Siatme Jes .. Ivey. Frank B.. Benford, J. A., Hariri ... F. R-. Durden, Paul, Mar tin. J. A. PANEL NO. 4 Meek . R. J-. Smith. R. G., well. T. IL. McDaniel. J. L., Mathis, lie Moran, J. W., Bone, W. D., Morgan. Henry. Brown. W. P.. March- man. H. 1L. Kitchen i, Wm. M., Hol lis, -I. T. PAEL NO. 5 Tennille, A. C., Harrington, G. T., W. A« Worsham, J. I., matters of city government be oroughly ironed out vain year, lis is a matter for the Mayor to r.dle. Another error which 1 think was made, was the dividing of the city » mu many zones, hacn biock was tically toned separately after the in streets wore paved. In nty nion the entire city could have •n let if) five or six units und thus ■ed much added expense in a« Using, bonding cost and other that came up as each zone w ho were killed in action. 'hi college recently provided -.lid athletic field, enclosed by wall and having a huge m •ial arch entrance built in non n J of the boys who served in the wa J It I - »r this field tha*. baseball gam J f... t'oall games and military drills arc f j he Id. The cadet battalion has n 1 1 band "f 40 pieces, und their parade.* j headed by this band, are always in spiring. The parade during com- r . nr.-ment this wefk, when each company had the.r sponsors, occupy- (250) acres, more or less, formerly ga !y decorati d floats, was a |, e j onKei j Josinh Collins and from Lt -utiful sight and thou.-ands of pc*- thc jpath of the latter in 1872 was pie gathered to witne-s it. The j n peaceable, open, notorious voting men who make up the mill- an< , Averse posses ion of Samuel IJ. - r. compar are manly young fel- Colllnr. a son of snid Josiah Collin*. ! -w-. and when one sees the training un ^j| the said Samuel B. Collins con-, they are getting, both on the nthle- veyed tract or parcel of land to t c Id and in the ichool room, one thl> jn d H M> McEirath, now deevas- ir.ust b.- impressed with the fact thnt on May 8, 1919, by deed record- :!.■ future for these boys is bright. cd in ^ office of thc c \crk of the Irstitutii ns f t hi - sort hold a j^ U p er -o r Court of Baldwin County dirce in the state that means much in Dc) d Book RR, pzgc 427; said o tae commonwealth and especially , ract or ,, arcc i ox - i an d including a.I o the circle from which it draws its of an i s i and in S a'd Oconee River tudents. The state ought to be lib- known as Askew or Collins Island, oral in supporting, promoting «ud t . xcepl that po -Uon of said island keeping alive all of the institutions which ia the property of Hugh T. of th: - character, because they f orm cline, said island being separated i splendid link between the high £rom the ia j d lract of land by a ithools of the rtntc and thi institu- chanml D f the Oconee River on the tions of higher education. Eaat f i,j e G f said island, the main : stream of the Oconee River flowing on thc West side of snid island; to- City of Milledgeville, Georgia. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: Will be sold before the court house door in Baldwin County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, or the first Tuesday in July, 1929, at public outcry, to the highest bidder Clerk and Treasurer of the for cash, the following described lots Milledguville. or parcels of land, lying and being Notice of thc levy of the above in thc City of Milledgcville, said j executions has been given to *he de. State and County, to satisfy certain! fendants und tenants in p«'<e»j<> & issuance of street improvement u in said city, approved Augu-t 2i** 1925, for past dee installment interest on certain -Mi|| ? d Wvi j; Street Improvement Boncfc: To-wi/* Third tract: That tract „f i... belonging to W. J. and C. X. Car , ler situate on the South side of H, cock Street between and a<Jj 0 j, ** thc lands of W. H. Minor and bert Street. Said lot is d, , as Lot No. 4 on the plan and j-Iat of work done on Street Improy^^ Zone No. 19 in said City, and 105 feet on the Street Jmpn. ^ Zone end runs back South 210 Said land w-aa levied upon to 7a tj,* an execution for $148.21, with inter! eat and costs, issued again-t above described 'and of W. J. and C. N. Chandler, default in the payment of th. ment and interest 'i-ptrty April 14th. 1929, on Streit Improv- ner.t Bor<i No. .’133 for the cost of improvin und paving Street Improvem -r: Z«>c. No. 19 in said city. All of the above mentioned fi f t , were- issued by R. T. Baisden, S r ^ issued by thc Clerk and of the City of Milledge- villc ngainst the lands hereinefter described, bearing teste in the name ] of the Mayor of taid city, as provid- I ed !.y the Act of the General As- I scmble of Georgia, relating to the required by law. Deeds will be made to the purchasers by th« under- signed Marshal. This May 29th, 1929. J. H. THIGPEN, Mamhal of the City of Milledgcvi|lc, Georgia. The third mutter which I think showed lack of business judgme wai in the paving of the side streets. These streets that are less frequent ly traveled could hav with muc.i cheaper materiul and would have been just as satisfactory It was unnecessary, and in my opin ion, a big increase in cost to pave the *1,1,, streets with the same type of I by the lanj^ of Jean Brantley; Phone 252 Quick Delivery GEORGIA, Baldwin County: - By virtue of an order of the Ordi nary of said State and County I will tell at public outcry, for cash, within the legal hours of sale, to thc highest and best bidder, at the court house \ door in r.aid County, on the first Tuesday in July, 1929, the following described land, to-writ: A one-ninth undivided interest in that parcel of land lying in the City of Milledgcville, snid State and Coun ty, containing one-fourth of an acre, bounded us follows. On the North | Fowler-Flemister Coal Co. 7 CHEV ROLF. I , 9* ffnrr^nf fiimrriffrp .-ing that the i were paved. i artel s of t a great blessing und afti thing that ha* added ®PF materially tt» and conveni- lty could have Dav ilas Wilson, rd. B. C., Berry. Bell. E. E.. Rice, Wm.. Simp PANEL NO. 6 Humphries T. C-. Hutchins. Harris, Moran, Snm. Badger. F. D.. lb C. W.. Hutchinson. Jon W., Twilly, O. B.. McMillan. R. W. Jr.. Curry, M. L.. Ivey. C. A.. Willis. .1. I w w arri A. JUST A MEMORY ndered to the old horn ind looked for some familiar face I kn*w could not be there. Rat .-till—somcho Yv. if thi been paved under a bond issui . n.ull gas tax levied l<» take ca thc bonds. I do not believe would have been a single howl, b it is now, the property holder having to nay for the paving : a great burden, and every auto cr ■ enjoying the use of it and it* pleasures aith< ugh he own? no pit»] . ty ::;.d is contributing nothing 1 .. Ip rid of the debt. We need to get the idea th: Government is < perated for tl whole, every citizen, and not for t! benefit of a few. Governnw nt fl by, and for the people is the great principal of Jeffershnian Demoiracy to which we must adhere if we are to kiep a satisfied and prosperou* citizenship. R. H. M. the East by Wayne Street; on South by an unnamed street; nn< the West by the lands of Ra King. This June 3rd, 1929. Administrator of the Ea: of Zella May Davis. the ^^yfirilling tjpeedg^ LAND SALE GEORGIA .Baldwin County: Under and by virtue of n power of salr contained in .i deed to secure a debt executed by Mrs. J. W. Rob- cr fc - to L. N. Jordan on the 14th day of April, 1925, the undersigned will sell at public outer)', before the Court House door in said County, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on the 2nd day of July, 1929, the following described land, to-wit: I hi-ard ’ of Shoes Adelir A GOLDEN JUBILEE (The Valdoi •». c. c. "Dick" — “Hank” — “Si" and ‘Until each one would fade away Because my sight grew dim. Tha? dear old gang .ms drifted far From tho«- loved haunts wc knew, But -till—I'll bet they often drtxm Just like I’m tellin* you. ‘Cau.— sometimes when I’m dreamin’ Croaki Iwt Friday a ad Saturday 10 Mill*. * f old All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Mil- ledgevillc. Georgia, on Jefferson Street, the same fronting West sixty (00) feet on -aid Jefferson Street and running back East two hundred i ten (210) feet, bounded on thc I North by lands of Mrs. Annie Jack- 1 son: on the East by the lands of Earl liege at and Gould: on the South by lands goldeki j of the Whitfield Grocery Company; reunion and on the West by Jefferson Street, nusunlly This being the same land purchased by Mrs. J. W. Robert* from F. H. February 5, 1918. as is and - flashinq acceleration/ %/ The COACH ** ’595 e rgin Military C ille celebrated it- ry this week with : udenta and an i lilitary as well as social pro- The college occupies the old j Coleman building and is situated up- evidenced by deed recorded in Clerk's enutiful hill, shaded by giant office. Baldwin Superior Court in nd occupies four city blocks. Deed Book "QQ", page 74. J been a military college ever Said sale will be made for the : was founded. The legiab- purpose of raising funds to pay the n providing for this college, following debt which the deed above t a branch of the State Uni- mentioned was given to secure, said meet ihem cornin’ down the path verrity, and it was the purpose of note being a renewal of the original That lead* to "Home, Sweet the law-makers that it should remain note so given: One promissory note Home’.’ a branch of that institution. dated May 14, 1928, due on demand, Among the gradates fYom the for $224.10, signed by Mrs. J. W. fish at Ennis Palaca Mar- college .rive be«|a many men of Roberts and payable to L. N. Jordan, national fame, including thc cm- and to pay interest on said note at inent chemist and scientist, Dr. the rate of eight per cent pernnnum ’525 *525 *595 r.„ *675 iSte *695 ‘725 5.^.- *595 ChaMU* 400 J.\T *545 .’.Vhc^-'toO *S&r K Among all the delightful performance characteris tics of the Outstanding Chevrolet—none is creat ing more widespread en thusiasm than its thrilling speed and flashing acceler ation! The great new six-cylinder va!vc-in-hc«id engine re sponds to the accelerator with an eagerness that is literally amazing. Touiing speeds are negotiated vith such smooth, silent, effort less ease that you almost forget there's a motor un der the hood. And when the throttle is opened wide —the pace is faster than the Back of this exceptional performance is a brilliant array of engineering ad vancements—typified by a high-compression, non- detonating cylinder head—. automatic acceleration pump... hot-spot manifold . . . semi-automatic spark control • . . and a heavier crankshaft, statically and dynamically balanced. Come in and drive this car. Learn for yourself^at the wheel, that no ocner car can approach it in the price range of the four! -a Six in the price range of the fourJ L. N. JORDAN QUALITY AT LOW COST