Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 04, 1929, Image 1

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mutt OLUME XCIX taSsvBrfc** UMMER C0UR1 I C0L r °on H g A vernors M staff Pathfinder Plane Arrives OPENS MONDAY ^ Jje Park to Preaid* at Semi annual Session of Baldwin Superior Court C»L GforKc. S. Roach, Preside G. M .C., WB ? ujrain aimed u i her i plant! f the military staff of Govcr- i Hit TU/n WFFICS nnTKFTl'L* e 1 *' G * ,,ardman * when tht? State Arriving i n Milledgeville t h-'LL TWO WfcUS DOCKET | , h„ f exerutiv,. m-nt into Office for, ule lime, the fathfindor t p p n rt „.n, „„„„ ti, on *' term last week. repreaentine the Atlanta chapter 01 J.n.i - II. Pork »ni open the The appointments nomine the mili- the .Motional Aeronautic Aiaoclation, hnper-1 tary aids to the Commander-In-Chief ouUinlni the route for the "All '""■of Georgia were read S»turdoy af- Georeia Air Tour" found the field trrnoon. Col. Roach «ai appointed vacant, the expected welcoming cont- a member of the staff last year, and niittee absent, and marketl Milledge- h ,s re-appointment continued him as title of fthe route and paned on. a member for two additional year-, i The plane arrived at 10:25 and remained at the field until 11:10, the pilot expecting to confer with city officials, and other committees on Marks Milledgeville Off Route Air Pl»nt Outlining Route for "AH Georgia Air Tour" in July Arrives Milledgeville Tuesday on Tim*. Unwelcomed Found Field Vacant, Passes on of Baldw Monday morning Grand .Fury being organ* Me < fficial charge of the ine immediately .after. •n« points to a busy two ■on when the civil docket r.iT the court is organized oipal case set on the cal- •!v«-s thp city of Milledge- , I.t vy, affidavit of illegality ir:«j a number of property f the city who did nr.t meet r.it-nt* assessed against their BALDWIN SOLON ON COMMITTEES DAIRY CATTLE apect the lending field and air port and otherwise receive u cordial wel come to one of the cities on the pro- po.-H>d air route. The committee was n..t there. A few people went to the field in curiosity and talked with t ie officials riding in the plane. It is understood that Milledgeville was marked from the proposed route. The visitors were to ntuW- recommen dations when they returned to At lanta as to condition of field and | “Sri TO BID FAREWELL . George Bellingrath, of Decal Fill Presbyterian Pulpit Nr Sunday Morning Kev. George Bellingrath, director young people’s work in the Synod of Georgia, will preach at the Presby terian church next Sunday morning, coming here at the invitation of the pulpit committee of the church. People of the city have been issued a special invitation to hear the Deca tur minister Sunday TO REV. WARNOCK Churches of The City Will Job ia Services Kerf , ( >unday Evening to Bid Adiea to Minister SERVED HERE SEVEN YEARS t special study of young A'ork and is recognized as an t standing minister of the church. Expressions of cordial good will and a wish of success and happiness He has made j will be extended Rev. H. I). Warnock for the |o< . her Vice Chairman of Sanitarium Com mittee and MemHer of Five Other Committees EXPERTS HERE istra *««• ^«mn a )| l ?aSftSS > »5r Alien. Bal.l- Confer Tuesday rem'i ‘ n- th =', C' UB PLANS NOT COMPLETE .Center, Jr., Agricultural thi- rase for next Wedncs- • property holders involved Ophelia Wall, C. F. Fow- w. E. Robin on, E. T. S. Jeans. Mrs. E. E. md David Gulleus and C. J. •1-red. ty holders on Wayne street tniri; damagijfa against the tail-ad. lee sees of the Geor- ■"fid which will also In* n • during the first week The complaint iR made be- alb.iged damage done by the which travels tracks on this f°nd week will be devoted to iim] docket of the court, rv -evernl prisoners now siting trial, the majority of nr felony cases. One mur- *vill be docketed during the t RS..!. M. BURKE DIED TUESDAY ;! Services Will Be Held at -Methodist Church Thursday Morning Estelle McNair Burke, wife M. Burke, warden of the * ttat» Farm, died at he ■day night, about 10:11 Ward Snai The name ot Mi- win county’s representative .Slate Legislature. was rend member of six house tommitte week, whrn speaker Russell out the official appointments 1 regular bi-vnnial session. As Vice Chairman of the Slate *' vp *' American Jeraev Cattle Sanitarium Committee, Representa-, c,ub * vihiting Milledgeville Tuesday, tive Allen was also named a member ■ conferred with leading farmer.-, and of the Appropriations. General I i,u '> nr: - s men relative to the improvc- Judiciary, No. 2, Privileges and Elec- j lnen ^ dar ^J’ herds in the county, tions, University of Georgia, and The program for more and and Ways .and Means Committees. The better dairy herd* in the county was Appropriations and Ways and Means instituted by the Kiwanis club at a Committee* are two of the most im- : recent meeting und the experts were portant committees in the House. conferred with at that time. Or . Bills for presentment by Mr. A!-! their visit Tuesday they outlined ' n. during the session, are numer- j n. thods of making the plan of the e I clul» more definite .*ind gave a way NEGRO SLAIN BY ANOTHER JUNE 29 Sheriff Making Search for Theor- do’c Harris, Accused Slayer. Search Statewide CLINIC FORMED BY CITY DOCTORS Dr. Hall Moves to Building With Drs. Binion, Scott and Mobbjr to Centralize Work MURDER UNCOVERED MONDAY riff W. J. Haynic is still e Harris, murdering o at h«s id deal principally with the [club has already presented for pis age % bill to change the name of the State Sanitarium t the Georgia State Hospital. Mone; to pave the grounds at the several institutions has also been asked. Col. Allen ia filling his first term a- n member of the law making body ml hus gained prominent r-’cogni- 4TH CELEBRATED IN GAY FASHION burke had been in ’’r t ome monthf. • came critical the md her Sunday Legion to Have Party at Treanou ; Elks Hold Annual Cue. Other Entertainment: •dist church at 10:110 o’clock morning, Rev. J. F. Yar- -Med by Rev. E. C. Atkins all-benier* will be Judge B. >w»y. E. A. Baker, S. W. I. wis Flcmister, W. L. i Dr. J. W. Mobley, Jr. will hiv Esc R. B. Mooi H. En >. Stem- W. Hitcher, L. N. Jordan, I*. H. Andrews nnd J. Burke Mis Estelle Me was horn in Wilkinson f ty-eight • and kind by nature, nnd ••re added the chri* made her life a blessing , 1 diction to ill whom it touch- r , Wa * a devoted and loving | ' '"other, and she has left a ''itage to her loved ones. She ^"i tin. Methodist church in early • ln< I w»s a true and faithful ' :t, r in the v vineyard of Him, whom ij l!ur he is survived by Capt. ' ’ ”>od the following children: n-e* Burke, of Macon; Mrs. , ; Harrison, of Byron; John "■ Ta mpa, Fla.; Albert and '•^ Burke, of Atlanta, and Mi.-* t Ilurke of this city. m P«thy of our entire com- 1 - pone out to the bereaved Th, . rran * Hell is now occupying ' rooms in the second i, ? 11 "ford Building as offices, a,.' fron > across the hall this The Gionuas Fourth will be the ension of many gay celebrations, -tivities being planned to by clubs d patriotic organizations. The American Legion will meet at » home of Mrs. Treanor for a bar- cue in th. ironing. The Dicton | program fitting for the day • National Independence. At noon the member* of the Elks Club will join in their annual barbe cue. Th:- fourth has been the occas inn for an Elk celebration for many years and the cue this year promisee to be one of the best they have held. Other parties will be staged throughout the county. Picnics « family reunion* hiinir principal the lot. The day wil bfe observed as a holi day. The hanks and stores will bi dosed and .ill businei of procedure. In the proposed undertaking, the Kiwanis hype to bring into the coun ty several pure bred bulls as well as a number of heifers for breeding purpo-es. A committee is active ir. working out n method to secure these cattle und offer them to the farmer at n small cost. Mr. rinarr, wht is considered in ••xpert dairy mar, emphasized the import of dairy in the South and the rapid stride* that is being taken throughout the Southern states. He , re*sed the need of p-r- bred stock ! order that the best results might _ • obtained in the industry. The Kiwanis hope to have their. an ready to launch in the early fall 1 i understood. next Sunday evening when the pas tors and church member* of the city will join in a farewell service at the Baptist church. Rev. Warnock will leave the city next week for Forsyth where he hus accepted n call to the Fir t church there. The Baptist divir.e had served the church here for -even years, nnd the service Sunday even ing will terminate his pastorate here. The church people of every de nomination will join in the farewell service Sunday. Mr. W.*»rnock hus co-operated with the other ministers ERECTED I of the cl, y in f°rwnrdinR religious I movements and a strong relationship Dr. .T. M. Hail, senior MiUedge-! hnB be * n ortahUshcd. villa physician, has moved his office • The minbtirs of the city expressed into thr Doctors building, combining | their regret when Mr. Warnock an- with Dr. Richard Binion, Dr. W. M. nounced his decision to leave this Scott, nnd Dr. J. W. Mobley, Jr., in j city. No definite program has boon the prat ice of medicine. I arranged for the service Sunday, hut The move was made this week nnd >t i- understood that in addition to Th:- Milledgeville Clinic hus been or-j the expression^ from the ministers, ganized with a view of incr-asing thr laymen from the churches will service nnd equipment of the four "Peak in behnld of their church-*. doctors in the prat ice of their pro- Members of the Bnptist church fession. i were reluctant to accept the resigna tion of Mr. Warnock and described hi* service to their church as one of fruitful labor. The Board of HOSPITAL TO El ie Haris, who denied all knowledge of the where abouts of her husband. After a lengthy grilling she told the story of Harris murdering the aged negro late Saturday and threatening INDEPENDENCE DAY PROGRAM | ' r JHdd^" ‘"' d Mamie stated that she und a friend • the slain home last Saturday afternoon. The murder was uncovered late Monday afternoon when neighbors were attracted to \\ r.ght - home by J *p^ c doctors v ill continue their :t swarm of green file- and the foul j individual pratlce, the announcement odors. Wright lived alone on the .stated, the change being made so Walker place mar the State Farm thpl n „ of fi ceR will be in the *ime and had been missed since last Sat- i.-riding and the equipment and ser- urday. They found the negro man vicp cou ;,] combined in order that lying in a rear room in his home t j,c people of the city und county with a shot gun wound just below his i ni jght |>c given the benefits of the beart - organized clinic. Sheriff Haynic wis notified and ■ The doctors expect to build a large the investigation revealed the fact hospital to still further improve their that the man had been shot Satur* i service and give additional benefit* day afternoon. of the organization to their patients, Amu,. Freeman, negro taxi driver, the doctors stated, told the officers of having carried The offices of Hines and Carpen- Harris to a point near Wright's home j ter have been moved to the building j late Saturday afternoon and when . formerly occupied by Dr. Hall, he left him he had gone toward thi house with r shot gun. The gun wa found on the side of the road neai the house extab!ishing the chum “SX*.... - a~j CAMP SUNDAD--»»X^~ home an,I hi, wife. Mam-] In*. Jon# J.-.h. aft. r a briof lllna . ~ The luneral sen-ices were c<»nduct- Scenfl Two Week’s at Camp Foste? ed Sunday afternoon by Rev. John F. Near Jacksonville, Fla. Seventy Yarbrough in the presence of a large Officers and Men Going I numlwr of relative! and friend* of BLUES OFF FOR j CAMP SUNDAY Deirons will be represented on the program by two of it* members. Rev. Warnock wil! leave with his family for Forsyth next week and preach hi* initial sermon at his new church July 14th. MR. F. B. IVEY DIED SATURDAY Oldest Employe of The Georgia Railroad Passes After Fifty Years of Faithful Service SUBJECT AT AUXILUARY MEETING jsilliary Ha r»da» at J W. M. S« Seventy officer ounty’n soldier’s, arly Sunday mor nd men. Baldwin! ave Milledgeville ig aboard u spec- where they will. icnded. WIND STORM STRIKES SECTION TUESDAY NIGHT Citr- This section was visited by a «c- vete electric, wind and rain storm Tuesday night about nine o’clock. The wind reached cyclonic propor tion* and a number of trees were h) iwn down in various sections of the city. Some damage was done the crops, especially corn, which in sec tions. w-as badly blown and twisted. The storm lasted about an hour, and lightning was vivid. The registration books are open at the city hall, you must register to vote in the city primary- National Ind he subject of Day an Interesting pro- ting of the American Legion Auxllliary Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. W. M. .Scott, who was ho»tea* jointly witn Mrs. Richurd Binion. Mrs. T. A. Reese, chairman of the program committee, presided. United States Flag wu.s braugl and saluted by the memllers. reciting the pledge. Mrs. J. F. Bell, Jr., Mrs. T. A. Reese re.-d interesting papers reviewing the origin und pur- pOf>e of Independence Day. A by Mrs. Edgar Long, accompanied by Mrs. M. M. Parks was one of the features of the program. Mrs. Ed win Allen read a poem, "The Flag.' At the conclusion of the program a short, busines session was held. Miss Berti * Stembridge, President of the \uxilliary, gave a report of the Brunswick convention. The Auxiliary began the formula tion of plans for an entertainment tc be given in August for the cx-soldi- s in local hospitals. The next meeting will be held in September. Ilosa Wingfield hail gone I i iiian'. home to pick blackberries and J parch,, c batter h, xn<. While they - m| m to j, rk , onv n t ,, Fla. ; were there Harris came up and with- i ut words shot Wright with a double barrel shotgun. Wright wus standing, . , on his front porch when Harris fired ,hc comply, when they went a the fatal shot. He .Hiked hack in- i - " «' ,h * S " u h - l * °" e • ■ .... and fell iu-t inaide the ! ■»> hi.tnrir cmnpani-a .n Oe. * * * -tabhshed the deceased gathered at the J. A. Moore Funeral Home. The remains were interred in the city c-.metcry. Mr. Ivey was born in Warn., unty April 4th, 1801, and at the join the 121st Regime I. and go to Jackson n two weeks training i The Baldwin Blues. thil The city clock went out of com mission twenty minutes to ten Sun day night, and was silent through out Monday. Mr. J. C. Grant put it in order Tue-dny morning, and it -w ticking off the time regularly. door. Harris di .nppeircd i women returned to their hom< out tnakim: known the ever A^cnmer . inquest Tuesday mom- . r returned a verdict of murder ut the band* of Theodore Harris. Wright operated a truck garden and pi ddled his wares in the streets of the city. He hid a large number fine knov faithful reliable Sheriff Hayni ivgro. stated that a state being made for the but that success was un- REV. GEO. THOMPSON AND n ; FAMILY TO MAKE HOME IN CHATTANOOGA Rev. and Mrs. George B. Thompson and family left Milledgeville Wed nesday evening fori Chattanoogh, Tenn., where they will make their home. Mr. Thompson stated that he had retired from the ministry indefinitely and had accepted a position with Wil- A. Goznell, Architects, in Chatta nooga. nd th.- E‘ a and hai during it* history. Capt. H. B. Ennis | ha* completed plan* for the company | to move out from the armory early ] Sunday, he stated, the baggage and, other equipment will be loaded Sat-j urday night. The camp i- near Jacksonville, Fla., j i short distance from the beach. The folic wing officers and men, will make the trip: Rotter Co. I. 121 *t. Inf-. Ga. N. G-j Captain Howard B. Ennis. 1st. Lt. Fermtr R. Hargrove. 2nd Lt. Edgar B. J.»ck*on. 1st Sergeant Hargrove, Harry. M. Sergeants—Bas*, Curt!* L.; Baza- , Franci* B.; Gheesling. John B.; Hogan, James IV. Pierce, Curti* M.: Thompson, William T.; Wilson, Mal colm S. Corporal*—Bl*ckweli, John M.; (Contineed oa back page) nnv «g*' of 18 years, entered the service y or * of the Georgii Railroad. His death j removed the oldest employee of that railroad, forty-five years of this W 1 time being spent in Milledgeville. He iua ^| was recently awarded a fifty year service pin by President Wickersham. Mr. Ivey wus a life long member of the Methodist, and in bis daily life illustrated virtues of .i Christian man, worthy of the highest confi dence and esteem of his fellow men. He was faithful and 1-jyal in the discharge of every duty of life, and he ha* left an example worthy of emulation. He i» survived by his wife, two sons. F. W. Ivey, of Atlanta; F. M. Ivey, of Birmingham, and fi.-e daugh ters, Mrs. J. H. McLind -ey. "'harloite, N. C.; Mrs. Edison Ske\ •, Macon: Mrs. W. M. Godons, A . ti; Mrs. J. W. Parker, of this cit- . Mrs W. L. Stancell, of Durham. N\ C.; one sis- ter also survives him, Mrs. Annie Ansley, of Norwood. REV. J. The temperature nineties Monday and Tuesday. Rev. J. T cCluncy will leave next week to be absent from the city • ight week* conducting a series of Evangelistic service* over the state. Rev. McCluney will preach at Ro berta, Ohoopee, Dry Branch, Darien, well into the J Union and Friendship in Washing- county. Miss Agnes Scott, who was injur ed in an automobile wreck Satur day night, June 22nd, is suffering from her injuries .and her condition is considered serious it wn.« learned • today. Miss Scott suffered a severe bruise on one of her limbs jus: above the knee when the ?ar overturned, but the injury at the time wa-. not such that she could not walk. She was forced to her bed this week when complications developed.