Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 11, 1929, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILI E. r.A.. JULY 11, 1»S» The Trapp Home Is A Landmark in This County | Old clock* and picc«* Elected Hundred Years Ago. Union f furniture prized by M.. Trapp Recorder Always Delivered at This House, Mrs. Trapp Says out on the lower Macon (tend, ■tied in a grove of oak:< and ce- jr* i* > little bouse that was trect- '. ir.-re than one hundred years ago. he Mi tre-s, .* little woman of :xty-one -ummer* and an many nt :■-■*. is Mrs. Bob Trapp who for renty-three years has resided then*, lcced'ng the parent a of her hu*- Phil Trapp in a wo phy all her ow |K»n life with little ca it time keeping hous ho live* with her. N’«'t since thin hou-i still retained and it in with prid that she shown them. Among the most valuable is a wool quilt thut was n-ide from hte wool grown on the place. People living in the vicinity of th*- old house tell stories of "hantn" and pooka that abound there, blit Mrs. Trapp never lets them bother her The only evidence that she has in 1*1 incident that happened several year ago. A it old clock that is an heir !o in and had not been wound in four with a ' v, ' ar * suddenly began striking. Sh< he looks j n,,t ,M?con, r frightened but walk I ,p,.nd* • ■ " vor “d ' to P c<l "■ her son Her energy is evidenced by a beautiful formal garden arranged in' erected, front of her home. Flower beds nr. Union R failed t< k and according to r sole dependence « the "Old Reliabl Mrs. Trapp a id she has many On laid had »ut in -tar and oval shapes by rhite rocks which were placed by Mrs. Trapp. She found th“ *n in a magazine which a friend her and carried the rocks from r by field for the borders, she do this on the sly as Mr THE TOWNDOCTOP REV. SAMUEL D. PRICE. D. D. Anything Less Than The Best Is Sold At A Discount There is an old and vary true say ing that "What the eye doesn't see the heart doesn’t fancy,” b\it it is also true that the eye sees many things that blind the heart to that which it otherwise would fancy. How often have you seen a blemish <»n the face of .an otherwise beauti ful woman .so noticeable tlvit when- . . i r von looked at her. you could f'.t keep your eye off the blemish? She might be wonderfully gowned, marvelously groomed and exquisitely miffed, but try ns you might, you nld -ee only the mar. The appcurancc of anything either n pels or invites ownership. Eighty* p«- cent of these things sold today are purchased through, or the pur- . I ase is influenced by, the eye. What i, tiling look* like, therefi f the paper.* which ahe | Trapp did not permit h. written the important event ".-i«rk. The garden is f und in its pages and filed '' 'ng filled with many old fashi flowers—the “Kate Jeimine” I a very rare occasion when the central plant, which is now app vi-Its Milledgeville, some-l'v *ecn but was or.ee found in nine five years before she ♦ very garden, he sight of her home. Thj Trapp home is one of th< • a*.d keepnakef. «»f her hus- ^ land marks and Mrs. Trapp i- 01 •mily aie among her prized ' t »ir most interesting citizen-. The petition of Cora J. McCoy nd Delta Bush Babb, of said State nd County, respectfully shows the ' Slowing facts towit: SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP LINES APPLICATION FOR CHARTER GIVES TRANSATLANTIC SERVICE GEORGIA. Baldwin County. To the Superior Court of -aid count. The -outhern steamship lines offer the traveler accommodations equal to th i of trans-Atlantic line.*, is the a- wrtiop of President A. E. Clift «»f the Central of Georgia in a state ment published today. He says: "Ea»h year, particularly during the summer, many American^ make vacation or sight-seeing trip* to Eu rope. One attraction of such a jour ney is the opportunity to spend sev eral days at sea. A trip to Europe can be enjoyed only by those able to take a comparatively extended vaca tion. but a sea trip, comparable in every way to the voyage across the Atlantic, can be enjoyed by anyone at & m.nimum of expense and time. * rnm t * lt§ Port of Savannah at laxst on? thoroughly modern steamship sail* every day except Snturdny for the trip up the Atlantic const to New York. Boston, Baltimore or Phila delphia. These ships offer acrommo- dations for the comfort, convenience and entertainmen. of the traveler ( ness equal to those offered by tran? At- ville j • _ . • ,. . * tract: tremriy important in creating n de sire in the minds of others for it. The appearance of n town is just important as the appearance of a package, the appearance of a show window, clothing, or anything that is purchased in the store or on the market Why do they put colored picture tomatoes—it doesn't make the con tents of the can any better. Why do automobile manufacturers spend so much time, care and money on the —it doesn't make the motor run any smoother or last any longer, or make the car ride any easier. Any frikeksigfe. evfcn though the contents be unharmed, depreciate* in value if the cover is spoiled, torn, or the lenrt bit mutilated. Furni ture with the ieast scratch; a suit, though never worn, that has faded; n book with a broken cover; a shirt with a torn tail, are less than the perfect animal with a skin blemish never takes the prize. Look around you and see all these things are made to look attractive, in order ttyt you may be attracted thereby—then, think of your town. The picture of many communities would serve well for a puzzle picture of “Whit’* W^ong Here?” Stand buck and take a good look at the picture of your own front yard, your store, your office building, you factory. Does it look good or are you half way ashamed of it? Are you proud of it, or do you apoligizc for the look* of it when company call* or people start talking abort it? Selling a town—and to keep pace with modern times, it must be sold— Is like selling anything else. There fore. how your town looks is of vita! importance. There are few town* that are not very much like the “otherwise beautiful woman”—their beauty is so marred by blemishes ♦ hat the beholder cannot see the at- veneu Cor looking at the Do your part—set an example by eliminating the scars, the blemishes of your comer ar.d others will do likewise. It’s poor business to .allow the value of jour community to be discounted by a poor apnearance. Copyright, 1929. A. B. Stone. Re production prohibited in whole or in part. This Town Doctor Article is pub lished by the Union Recorder in co operation with the MUlfedgevillc, Lions Club. SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE ^TEMBRIDGE & COMP AN' I’HONL 332-J FOR SALE—Mr residence o„ Wa.h- ington St., suitable for large family or two apartments with private bath, kitchen and garage for each. Paving debt paid. Mrs. L. J. Lamar. 4t. PAVF. YOUR SIDEWALKS—City furnishes the labor, we will furnish cement cheap. People’s Hardware Co. 7-4-29 2t., THE NEW FORD I Quick as a flash on the get-away! NO NEED for us to tell you how quickly the new Ford accelerates. You ran see it any day in traffic. Few cars at any price arc as fast on the get-away. Come in and arrange for a demonstration. You’ll get a real thrill in driving the new Ford because it is so alert and responsive and so easy to handle under all conditions. Roedit.r, $430 Phaeton., $460 Tudor Sedan, $525 Butineu Coupe, $525 Coupe, $350 Sport Coupe, with rumble teat, $550 For dor Sedan, $623 (AO tricei /. o. b. Detroit.jUm, ther^Jae Jrritbt ami detintry. Wmmpttt J KIM ON MOTOR CO l. Petitioner* desire to be incorporat ed under the name of the DIXIE SHOP for the period of twenty (20) i years, with the right to renew said j barter at the expiration of said time, j The object of said corporation pecuniary gain .and to conduct and carry on and maintain a mercantile business in the city of Milledgeville, and to btiy and sell goods, ware* and merchandise, Indies ready-to-wear and wearing apparel?, hat* and any other and all articles usually dealt in by n mercantile and millinery busi ness; and to make contracts, borrow money, sue and be sued, and do any and all art* that may he necessary in the operation of said business. 2. lantic ):ni Mr, The principal plnce of said busi- wili be in the city of Milledge- in said county. 3 fan the Or N Ulift call* attention to the ! The capital stock of said corpora- tliat round trip travelers _ tcam«hip Company York or Bost< Merchants & Miners Transportation Company to Baltimore or Philadel phia. have practically a* much time persons crossing the At- tion shall be Three Thousand 000.00) Dollars, divided into share* of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollar* each, with the privilege of increasing the capital stock to Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. All of said capital ha* been paid ii Starting today .. VACATION TIRE SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE READY FOR THAT SUMMER TRIP! LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES AND SEE WHAT YOU SAVE! lant:c on fn-t ships—the equivalent 4. • f -wen day* a tsea for the round Petitioners desire that s. corpo- Irin to ttu*ton and five days to the ration may have the right to elect a other points. All ships sail from I Board of Directors by a vote of its' .Savannah in the late afternoon, mak- stock holders, ar.d to elect a pre-5-i nir connection with daylight trains fri'iu inteiior Georgia and Alabama points. Returning, ship? reach Sn- var.rah in time to connect with morn- In addition to being president of ">'• Central ,.f Georgia. Mr. Clift la! also president oi the Ocean Stenm- •hip Company of Savannah. This* company was organized in 1872, and) is owned and controlled by the rail road. The Ocean Steamship Com pany ha« an unsurpassed safety rec ord. as in its fifty-seven years of op eration there ha* been no passenger fatality on any of its ship*. Ship* of the Ocean Steamship Company are named for southern and during the «ummer or- dent. and such other officers by said Board of Directors a* may be neces- «i*r- . and to have at:d make all prup- tary by laws, nil * that ope. *rry11 ches aid business, and also V •*** r common se.nl, and to have n uch other rights, powers, privilege i* or permissible under j •f Georgia; including the authority to wind up its affairs, li- ouidnte and discontinue Its business at any time it may determine to do s<» by .a majority vote of its stock outstanding at the time and ns may be by law provided. Wherefore, petitioner* pray to be jolleges incorporated under the name and high school play for the °f THE DIXIE SHOP as afore- i:ei‘.|unment of pm c.ie-tra being regularly assigned te eh --hip. Schools represented by orchestra* are: the University G 'Hr;a. Georgia Tech, Mercer "■* rcty, Birmingham-Southern •M'-ve. the University of Chatta- - ;i ■' ,J I-anier High School of Mu- 0UR SERVICE IS SUDDEN Ow price? are the lowest—What more do you want? H gh cla** Shoe Repairing, Cleaning and Preying BUM'S SHOE PLANT AND PRESSING CLUB Pftonq 373 aid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth and .ns are now. or may hereafter be. allow- ed n corporation cf similar character under the law* of Georgia. SIBLEY & SIBLEY. Atty's for Petitioner*. GEORGIA, Baldwin Coumv. I. J. C. Cooper, clerk of the Superior Court of Baldwin county, hereby c r tif? that the foregoing '•* a true :.nd correct copy of the appli cation for charter of THE DIXIE SHOP < f file in thi* office. Thi* 6th. day of July 1929. J. C. COOPER. Clerk of the Superior Court. WANTED TO RENT—Fcur roc apartment with modern convenient or five room houae clote in. Pho 150-L. IMAGINE IT! Goodrich Tires At These Prices! Silvertowns 3f*3 ,/ 2 $ 6.!0 - — .10.80 32*4 u.5o 29*4.40 7.50 30*4.50 8.25 31*5.25 J2.25 33*6 00 14.80 N OW'S your chance! Look over the figures in the panel at the left and you'll see why! For those are our pricce on Goodrich Tires now! Everything in stock is reduced! Beginning today. And what an opportunity it is for you! It’s your chance to get new tires just in time for summer driving! And you know what it means to have Goodrich Tires on your car! Durability from stretch- matched cord construction and the famous Goodrich water- cure process. Traction from deep-biting y scientific Goodrich tread design. Steering case from their char acteristic cen'.er rib ... comfort from their i-urdy, yet resilient side-v/all construction. All in all, they’re the finest tirec you can find! Insure your vacation against tire trouble by getting rid of old casings now! Drop around . . . and we’ll have a man ready put on one, or a full ret of Coodrich Tires. Goodrich *»♦ Silver low ns L. D. SMITH