Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 18, 1929, Image 1

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tttOtt VOLUME XCIX trim bUb! tiahad in IMS Milledgev ille, G»., inly 18, 1929 ABOUSH POUCE SUGGESTS JURY Grand Jury Thinks Best Way for Law Enforcement and Etficien' r to Give Authority to Sheriff ONLY RECOMENDATION MADE abolishment of the county po- ith nil authority ami rc-ponsi- • i law enforcement placed up- ,- Sheriff, is believed by the Jury to be the best solution i county’s problem in dealing nw violation and enforcing: the The mmendatb general presentments Judge Park Tuesday af- •solution suggested county police office be and the Sheriff given pow- nloy the necessary deputies igid enforcement of all laws. CADETS WIN CUP FOR FIFTH TIME BAPTIST TO HOLD CHURCH CONFERENCE SUNDAY The members of the Milledgeviile Baptist church will take the first step next Sunday towards call- THREE ENTER Georgia Solons To Visit ALDERMAN RACE Milledgeviile Next Week j ing a pastor H. D. G. M. C. Students at Camp Me- wu Clellan Brine Home General j con*n.- B -ition will be held at 11:30 Proficiency Cup o'clock and the question discussed. A pulpit committee will be appoint- WINS A PICKED SQUAD CUP ed to make an investigation, nnd . later report to the congregation. For the fifth time the G. M. C. cadets returned from Camp McClel lan bringing with them many honors, chiefly fmong them the handsome General Excellency cup gvicn in recognition of the highest leenrd made by the groups representing the schools in attendance. Lieut. V. L. Nash returned to Milledgeviile Tuesday and the six teen hoys who went with him repre senting G. M. C. arrived the morn-1 ~ inebafom. MR. BASS HAS IMPROVED The greatest victory in point of j ' satisfaction come when the cadet ! An indictment charging Mr.-. J. O. picked squad commanded by Roy j Reynolds with intent to murder was SUMMER SCHOOL JURY INDICTS MRS. REYNOLDS j Mr. L. H. Andrew* Woman Accused of Stabbinz E. E. St0 mb ridge arc <■ Bass Charged With Assault With i' vhiK> Mr - J - R - Sl " ith Intent to Murder Stemhridge and Andrews Offer for Re-election. J. R. Smith _ s«bv. ra „cy CLOSES SATDAY BOOKS CLOSE JULY 31ST Eighty-three Receive Degrees at Graduating Exercises After Six Weeks Term With two weeks left before the fi nal entrance- date for candidates in the City Primary which has been set for August 21st. a full slate of candi date have announced for Mayor and Committees From Both Houses of Legislature to Inspect State Institutions DATE NOT YET ANNOUNCED ad thri 1 alder id Mr. S. D. himself is a candidate to fill meant by Dr. L. W. L. Announced last week and his offiical announcement appears in this week’s ssue of the Union Recorder. The registration bonks chase on port loft JUl >‘ - 0th Mr. Smith According to information that has been received by Dr. J. L. Beeson, members of both houses of the Geor- j gia Legislature will spend a day in JUDGE HUTCHESON SPEAKER Milledgeviile, visiting and inspecting j I the four institutions here. The twelfth annual summer school | It had not been learned late today of the Cuorgia Mate College for| the exact time the legislators would Saturday morning, come here, but it is understood they i eighty-three de-l will make their visit the first half :! diplomas will be awarded of next week, at the college auditorium, bringing Preparations are being made to the number of graduates for the year entertain the visitors at the Georgia beyond the four hundred mark. j State College for Women for the Judge John B. Hutcheson of the; night. It is understood that they Stone Mountain circuit and a mem-' will come down in the late after i following T. Terry i*. now county po- IV. i and it If- understood he w tv in enter college in Septet I :• - the study of law. 1 attention was called to tl m'M manner in which Capt. J. H. K'T -> rved as foreman. Praise f. - . service to his county was J part J the general recommendation? Th- jury closed their work short ly afternoon Tuesday and read their finding? before the court. The full text :' r the presentments miming team j after college to a third petition in aquatic the wounded man. She is still in events. Clcmson scored first place, ! jail, the trial having been delayed Florida second and G. M. C. third. | due to the imposiblity of Mr. Buss to Roy Minor, the team captain, scored uppear in court, all eight points, place in the fifty j Mr. Bass was working in the rear yard breast stroke ar.d second place „f one of his tenament houses on Andrews and Mr. Stcmhridg* e also asking a return to their fice for four years. Mr. Smith is ing his first venture into politics, here is little likelihood of opposi te the present Mayor and Alder- , it is understood. in the hundred yard free style. The cadets have led the field for five years and the honors won year again place the school to Xorfront of the Military school! pnMbkrd in the Un l Recorder next the Southeast. balds'::: county girls re GRADUATE SATURDAY Mo TO CLOSE FRIDAY Crimnal Docket Draws Out Super ior Court Through Week. Harris Given 15 Years The crimnal docket Balow U11| ,„ iyi ..... — drawn oi_. _ through n full week. Solicitor Joe ! stopped by the sale Duke has announced, when a flood of E. Robinson and asked him to go to cases crowded the work and made ad I the house with him, explaining that South Wayne street, which was occu pied by Mrs. Reynolds. He had sev eral Stacks of lumber under a shed which abutted the house. While en gaged in his task he was interrupted by Mrs. Reynolds who called him to come into the' house, she wanted to see him a minute. Mr. Bass stated. He went in through the window which opened on the shed and as he enter ed the room, the woman stabbed him with a pocket knife, the blade enter ing his left choist just above the heart, it was stated. When Mr. Bass started from the house, Mrs. Reynolds tried to make him give hack the knife, grahing him in the collar as he started out of the window jerking it off. Len"ing the automobile, Mr. Base s of Mr. W. AUTO CRUSHES CHILD, 3 HELD!; inspection 1 ing made with a view of informing the committee members of the situ ation here so that n more intelligent report and recommendation can he Col. Marion A’len. Vice Chairman oming trains 0 f, t h e Sanitarium and a member of lile the others will leave on the af-, t}, e n thir committee?, will be a mem- moon trains. , j, t . r 0 f *bc delegation ar.d act. ns Dormitories will be closed and’ official host of the city. City offici- faculty members and matrons will nls are not expected to take any part jve the city early next week to be i„ welcoming the visitors, here, isent until the opening of the fall H. .Scott, director of the school. Rev* F. H. Harding l nouncc the benediction. Over eleven hundred . tuden*. have been enrolled during the aessio; and the majority of them will be per milted to leave on the i Charlie Brookins, Lucille Brookins and Ed Hootten Arrested bv j BLUES TO RETURN HOME Washington County Officer* | SUNDAY MORNING JUDGE CARPENTER HAS BUSY POLICE COURT SESSION • i Baldwin county your n are listed in the number « mt who vfill be awarded d and diplomas at the graduatin ... cr the r, nnrin State Cot Superior Court f Women Saturday morning, following will graduate: t>. I $ . 'at: 1 ° n Anne Richton ! jurnment an impossibility Thursdnv he had been stabbed. Mr. Robin: Itntrhedo'r'of Science inEdu- ntomintr a, had H Mir. Florence Barnett. Mtss when docket »’ lU-y Louise Green. Miss Evelyn ! day month!*. . Collegiate-Normal Diploma .rn Francos Bloodworth, Mr i Dunn Johns. SOYS BACK FROM C. M. T. C AT FORT MOULTRIE ticipated summoned a doctor and removed Mr. cJ Mon Bns? to the hospital after the wound had been dressed. of minor importance that Sir. Bass’s condition was improved will have to be cleared before ad- reports today stated, and it wa- journment will occupy the courts -bought that he hud passed all dang- t'mp during the remaining days. or. He was unable *.o attend a trial The principal care of the week's however. session was called Tuesday, when Mrs. Reynolds bad rented the thouph he suffered from broil Theodore Harris was placed op trial house only a few months it is under- ] acern tj ons . for the murder of Amos Wright aged stood and tnere had been no trouble : ]j^i c p j r ] ; s ^till in a Charlie Brookins and his t-ister,, -j Lucille, were in the Washington coun ty jail, nnd Ed Hooten out under a fsv thousand dollar bond, charged with assault with intent to murder. They were arrested under warrants sworn out by the father of Chris tine Tyson, 8, of Tennille, wno was crashed by the automobile in which the three were riding, it was stated. Washington county officers came here Friday night and arrested Brookins und his sister, after their automobile had been wrecked on a curve near the home of Mr. Chas Fowler. Hootten was injured in the wreck nnd was unable to be moved. ranK ‘ The office, returned here Tue,d,y I ®‘ h « -rd placed h'm under five thous and dollar bond. Shcrif. »aynie stat ed. Doctors treating Mr. Hooten be lieved his condition improi Work on Prograi i Judge Carpenter’s police court matinee Monday had a lively session seventy! when thirty violators were pardfed •d back before “his majesty” to answer vari- entrnl j ous charges- -nder- Gaming and drinking were the •ached | principal grievance* brought against 1 the matinee “idles.” Chief Broom Company 1 with about Baldwin county boys is expec in Milledgeviile on the early I train Sunday morning, it is ; Flood from news that has i I this city. The two weeks camp is ncarin. "« ar.d officers Murphey nnd Cox hap- ji nd and the reports state that tht pr-ned upon two skin games Sunday i young men are enjoying the surf and afternoon and rounded up a flock of ' are having light drills. participant* and on lookers. Each Two day., wore spent on tho rifle of them drew a fine of $10.00. hilt- drill, have occupied the “Panther Perspiration” had been vie have hten no tiki:: on t™ froely by a half doien sickness or accidents. other, ami the JudKe injected a fine. j while those who were driving automo- nfluence of the firoy* WOMEN ARRESTED ON BURG- b? LARY CHARGE ! Mari Alex- : -al pay the of eks. T-' Milb-dgt ville Hoys Moultrie, i It-adei Smith, Mark N. Gindin, Yarrow, Weyman Bowdobi Han-kin-. C. T. Smith and rombes. er.- members of Co. E. and Smith and Mark N. Gladin ' ants; Wyman Bowdoin and Eugene Darrow, Pin • v Bowdoin i f “ l*o«t Red O 1e shooting. C. T. Smith al awarded a mode’ ns a rifle Jen. Eugene Darrow was d expert pistol marksman. E had the champion basebal w 'th Mark Gladin playing 3rd negro on June 20th. The jury re- between the two prior turned a verdict of voluntary man- tack. A motive for the n slaughter and set th? sentence from not he determined by M IS to 20 years. Col. Carlisle Giles, his friends, the negroes attorney, has not stated that ho would make an appeal. BESSIE TIFT P*» W. A. Williams, Alias C. C. Hatch er was convicted for forgery under two c unt- and sentenced for three Dr. .*. Chamlee, President of years in the first charge and two Bessie Tift College at Forsyth. d« under the second. He will serve the lived an address to the summer school time in the State Farm, serving both ?tudents at theiti chapel exerci es sentences at the same time. . Tuesday morning. Other cases disposed of during the Dr. Chamlee is one of the state- - .first throe days were: j lending educator? and his address a Willie Warren, 12 months for ; the college was inspirational t» the awarded [ shooting at another. Nathaniel young women. Trainee j Rittenbexry and Jake Mills, one to irs assault with intent to Rev. John F. Yarbrough i condition it is understood, j The Telegraph in reporting tho j j wreck :.1 their Saturday paper gave j the following facts from its Tennille i | eorre pc ndent: ' According to eye w-itne-srs the | ! child ’ ' Whil» * E!G PROGRAM AT C0L0NIAI NEXT WEEK Llovp ,„d Clar Bow to Feature Local Thet 'ure pictures will occupy °f the Colonial program menu for Monday and ,; d Clara Bow in “Danger will feature- the latter the ye, itures are reported the During the past week n large num her of watermelons have been shippec from Baldwin county. The greates acreage of watermelons is in South west Baldwin. It is reported that the price ranges from $150.00 a car o $200.00. rapc> I colonton this week, James Henry Densley. $100 and tor of the Method 12 months probation sentence, ns- nult with intent to muruer. Charlie Jones, 4 months, escape Marie Alexander, not guilty, as sault and battery. Marie Alxender, concealed pistol, 12 months at State Farm; Carrying pistol without license 12 months. Other felony and mis-demeanor cases will be tried during Thurs day nnd Friday. judge Park stated the court woulc adjourn Friday afternoon. Lin- isting the pas- church in re- RECISTER FOR CITY PRIMARY The registration books for th< City Primary close July 31st Every citizen of the city who is entitled to vote should go to the City Hull, register and qualify themselves to vote. It is a duty that every citizen can obey and regardless of the fact that there is ro opposition to the present incumbents, the rights of citizenship demand your registra The book- are now open at the Clerk's office at the City Hall. You must register before July 31st if you vote in the City Primary. Two tnder and Minnie Johnson, were or-; “ ' Citvd Tuesday on Ihc vhar K |- of PRESBYTERIANS TO HOLD -urisiary. Snminy sflvmoon the home of Iir. mi Mr,. G.o. L. Echols, lit tho State ianitarium. v.-as entered while there .as no one at home, and a quantity ished rqrii St a fence - f '-he ciothinjj of Airs. Echols, in- playin* in front of hey ; ' iudhtff her he t dre-ses, were cal red utomobiio, travelin* at - if- .Suspicion, pointed to the two peed was'raid to have vomon, on- of whom had Keen a ser- t-eep'sw•*:-.* •••* fron ore side of the 'ant in the Echols home, and aft-- road m th: other, and "'hen it wasMhey ha-: been apprehended, na.l oppo the child's home it shot upon questioned -.he Johnson woman eon- the idownlk, era hod her .nin-t the : f-> ed. implieatin* the other woman, fence and continued on its d-irh | -ad aceomp.-mied officers to the place through the town. Word was flash- ! whore a paste board box eontainini.- ed to Sandersville to hi ad off the car but it was traveling so fast it had speeded through the town before it could he halted. Several cars sought ant * be tr ‘ ec * jt tbe P rt * sent to stop the machine and it oiled v» capons. MEETING JULY 28TH It has been announced that the congregational meeting of the Pres byterian church, which was to have lx .n held next Sunday naming has been postponed until Sunday, July 28th, at 11:30 o’clock. At this meeting the Pulpit Com mittee will submit their report, and a call will be considered. ed officers board bos stolen artciles had been hidden. The Alexander woman has served entence at the State Prison Farm, session of htc* court for carrying c until the ear overturned that it wn- oveHakcn. The witnesses said that while tha car was speeding through here it was bring guided by the woman from the right hand side of the car while a man was seen lying on the floor of the machine under the steering wheel The other man was sitting in thr rear sent, the witnesses declared. Mr*. Cornelia Ronev and Mr'.. S D. Roney, both of Tennille. al viewed the accident They sa’d thev had to drive thefr car into a ditch in order to avoid being hit by the tni chine. The women estimated the speeding of the car over 50 miles an hour. They said that after the car struck the child it almost overturned righted itself, aped into the road, turned a corner and disT'peared Dr. Thor B. Meadows of the G. S. C. W., will teach the Men’s Bible Class at the Methodist Sunday School next Sunday m< ir.g: Dr. Meadows is a close «'r .-nt and an interesting talker. H r address will he an interesting one. MILLEDGEVILLE CIRCUIT QUARTERLY CONFERENCE TO BL NEXT SATURDAY The third quarterly conference of •he Mitledyeville Circuit will be held J at Bethel church next Saturday. Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Presiding Elder of the Oxford District, will preach at the morning service. After; dinner, which will be ?orved, the. conference will be held in the early afternoon. The members of the Farmers Club will hold their regular monthly n oting next .Saturday at the home of Mr. W. H. Collins, ONE HUNDRED YEARS Unintcrupted Public Service IS A Record IN WHICH WE ARE PPOUD This Record Backed.By L&rger Circulation GREATER EXPERIENCE Superior Reader Interest Is The Service We Offer Our Readers and Advertisers UNION-RECORDER _