Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 25, 1929, Image 1

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rtrait of 1st President (;. S. C. W. Received jj n j Splendid Likeness of Dr. J. u. . Chappell- To Hang i Auditorium of College Special Train to Bring Ga. Lawmakers Here Friday Col. Marion Allen to Lead One Hundred Members of House and Senate to Milledgeville for Inspection Trip Saturday. All State Institutions to fie Visited i by the Alumnae to the Geor-[ Col. Marion Allen, heading a dele-; The Sanitarium committee will College for Women of gation of one hundred member; of spend the greater part of the day , , , ns the first president, j the House and Senate of the Georgia there, going thoroughly into the work ? n; v ,n Williams, chairman of| Legislature, wil arrive in Milledge- if the hospital. Members of the •hapi-dl Portrait Committe, and viile late Friday attcrnoon aboard Hoard of Trustees.are expected to be m . n . has just been received ^viile a portrait of Da-. Chappell which is to be pre- K. A. Tigner, Secretary, report ,V, • rtrait has been approve .j Kr.did likeness and a mo , ( . , f work. The painting j, ne by an outstanding Amer- whose work is frequent- in the larger cities. .. unveiling will be deferred ur. Bimnencement June, 1030, when ,.f the earlier graduates of the :u?>n will be present . Miirtrait will hang to the right - in the Richard B. Ru«- Vvit rium. A portrait of Dr. Turks, who succeeded Dr. nil hangs to the left. WO NEW SONGS BY MRS. HINES ipocial train to spend Saturday here to meet with the legislative here inspecting the State Institutions, mittec. The delegation of Georgia soions Complete plans for the entertain- will be met by citizen, nml taken to mcm „ f ttlc j„j nt Mmro | t tee, hav, Enni, Hall, where they will ..pend the „ ot but „ „ orked out bul it ,, pr „ b . night and he served .upper. Mr. M. able :hat th( , en t irc delegation wil: S. Bell went to Atlanta the past week b( . entertained at a dinner at the and tendered the use of the dormi- ,, oon hour, tory to the committee members dur ing their stay here. Officials of the Institution- and citizens of the city will meet the visitors at an informal reception during; the evening, it is CROP OUTLOOK VERY BRIGHT Reports From All Sections of The County Fjcouraging. Fanners Optimistic FIRST COTTON BALE SOW junt> understood. Saturday morning the committee-■ will visit the several institutions here and ascertain their needs, pending recomex.dations to the houses of law j makers for legislative enactment. ! The pri-on committee will be taken immediately to the farm and will make a thorough .inspection of all buildings there. ^ Included in the delegation will be ledfpvilir Song Writer Adds President of the Senate, Ceci! Neillo Tvo Songs to Musical nnu Speaker of the House, R. B. Rus- Accomplishments | Jn Although the legislators coming here are delegated as a body t< spect the Sanitarium and State F they will be shown through the Geor gia State College for Women and will be taken on an automobile ride through the city, visiting G. M. C.. It i- understood. Col. Marion Allen is Vice-chair man of the State Sanitarium Com mittee. The visit here will be con ducted by him and plans for the the officials of the State Institutions including the two local members o the Board of Trustees of the Geor gia State College for Women, Mr. M. S. Bell and Dr. E. A. Tigner. ST ISSUE BEEN RELEASED TOP. rh.- press this week comes songs the word- and music Nil!** Warmack Hines, popu. i.’ivillc club woman, and n tr writer of increasing note. My Cabin in the Pin*s,” “A Summertime Song” are the i riven the latest releases from per. of Mrs. Hines, be fir-t of the above named is of popular class, the words and : c tav-'ng that tuneful melody rvthm that i« character- f tho popular numbers of the That this song will become! popular hits, is also a cer-; ” The theme deals with birds, wlirhb. bees and homo, the Well KHOWIl \\OIIian v th.it carry with t^m much Dies in Macon i. Mrs. Hines caught her inspl-j 1 -roni the little log cabin in int mounding the new piny ■1 '->r the G. S. C. W. girls. Baldwin county tobacco was be ing cured this week and made ready for the market which is opening with a boom in South Georgia. Messrs. Chas. Torrance, Roland Ivey, Dr. J. H. Rhurley, Mr. Frank Riley, Mr. T. E. Pugh and J. F. Hall are the largest growers. The quality of the weed is very good reports show. The planteo expect to take their crop to the market in a few weeks. “The best crops Baldw has had in ten years,” wt prea-ion from farmers fro tions of the county this v harvest season nearing nnd “laying Farmers were unusually opt; but believing the old adage, they were dubious about counting chickens before they hatched or mak ing any prophicies about the yield. Cotton Is far advanced, ideal sea sons having brought the storks into lull growth. The plant; are fruiting unaniious vote a bill by Col. Marion Alien passed the house changing the name of the Georgia State Sanitarium to the Milledgeville State Hospital. The change in name came at the recommendation of the Board of Truitees and went through with out a disccnting vote. Governor Hardman will give the bill his im mediate approval. LOfALBARHONOR STATE PRESIDENT Court Pauses to Pay Respect to Col. Joseph E. Pottle During Session Friday it i. predicted that the tire, bale RESOLUTIONS ARE ADOPTED will be brought to market before the, fifteenth of Augu-t. Boll Weevil in- — ... - fection is large and a strenuous! Baldwin superior court pr-user o'-on fight is necessary. Cori Wa , peas, peanuts, cane and oth-1 had shown equally as gocdl is. The -mall nercage of to-j - also expected t* yield a bum-j *p with prospects for a good 1 from the regular routine dry norning to pay its r Col. Joseph K. Pottle, as a i the local bar, who has beei to the highest honor his ork Fri- pects to •mber of FOUR HUNDRED CARS SHIPPED FROM BALDWIN Shippers Sec Prices Keep Upward Trend as Season Nears Close. After Three Weeks OVER $80,000 CROP YIELD Few Scattered Can Expected Next Week. Market Passed Peak This Week melon time in Baldwin, vere happy as the most ■on in years was draw- • this week, with a rec- ■sful sc: c a cloi , that : idcr.t the top. Severs shipped befo: the prices h: standard. hundred* cars will he e the season closes and ive maintained a high Registration Books w<, thlT condition cattaaing Close Next WcdnCSuJIVj favorable. Baldwin county will har * j vest a bumper crop, farmers contend One Hundred and Ten Have Signed j The season is not far enough advanc to boust. but if the weather will Book for Candid* City Primary. Time I tea to Qualify Ends Tot of Lat< ammertime Song” is more of nl number and is dedicated tudent:. of tne G. S. C. W. ‘chool. --** released this week are • bear the nuthorship of "• *. She is the author of •re, but only five have been -<>ng to be published '.<«! 1 I-and.” This song has be- 'pular throughout the state • dubs of Georgia have ” -- their official Georgia Juliui 111 n Miss Amelia Horne, sister of the late Mr. Julius Horne, and well known here, died at the home of a niece in Macon Monday night, after a lengthy illness. Miss Horne is the last of the old er generation of Hornes whose par ents were pioneer citizens of Middle ■Georgia. Mu Jiflius Home, who spent a large portion of his life here, died several years ago. Funeral icrvices wen? conducted Wednesday morning from the St. plan, to introduce her ' J"*-ph’s C atholic church the public in the n One hundred nnd ten male and fe male voters had qualified themselves to vote in the City Primary up until noon Wednesday with little likeli hood that the number would be great ly increased before next Wednesday when the books close. The Democratic Executive commit tee governing city primaries set the date for the registration books to dose on July 31st, which is also the final date that candidates can quali fy to make the race for the nominn-1 lion. The primary is set for August, in Bar Association. Col. Carlisle Giles, county couril Solicitor, presented Mr. pottle to the, court as the new President of the: State Bnr As-ociation. Mr. Giles stated that he thought it proper that the loeal bar and the court take ignition of the fact that erd of over four hundred cars for the three weeks shipping senson. The market opened on July fifth nnd ince that time as high as forty car - ha'-e been shippr 1 ’ich day from Coopers and Steven- lottery, the central -hipping point for the water melon belt. Special trains have run out from Macon to haul the days sale* to the northern markets. The product this year has been th« best in many year-, growers have listed. Pratically every grower is planting the ‘‘Dixie Belle” exclusive ly. The melon is umsually jo lev nnd has firm meat, which is the type that is sold quickly in the northern states, r.r.d keeps well in shipping. iPrices have maintained a high level, the average ^ricc -luring the season has been S150.0U per car. Tho ‘.*-tay right” through the first two vc-cks in August, nothing can stop ;he largest crop yield in ten years experts declare. The note of optimism comes from all quarters nnd although the time for rejoicing is not yet, the farmer, the merchant, and the banker can live in hopt^ “many sunny days.” H. S. Wootten wecU expert, wa , j U{ jjj 0 James B. Park spoke of his tlu ' th,,t “‘“r w0 . u 1 | a,(delation with Mr. Pottle while he I .-how a 3.1 !-.l per rent Infection. S1 . rvc( j „„ So|Wtor f„. ncr „i „f the | in other word, 3 square, out of every j dw|lifc „ f<wd lo him „ , mu „ of a- ,,; ty and splendid character. A reas.lution was presented by Col. Erwin Sibley which caused a record I of the brief session to go on tb ? ber of the Mil!cdge\ille bar, the sen- highest pfrice received todate. wiis ior member, hud been honored by the ; paid Mr. Jim Lee. He received CcorL’a bar. He paid his respects: $320.00 for one car. Melons on the to the ability, integrity nnd service of track Tuesday were bringing $200.00 Mr. Pottle. and up. The season is expected to In a brief address of nffonae, the tho powers of that section *80,- State President htanked his brothers oecordin* to an estimate that of the her for their tribute to him b “ ! ' mm '°- He pledged himself to the fulfill-! Th<! wfll P r » t,call >’ cn|nl ' t0 meat of every expectation of hi , 1 a close this week while a few -catter- friends an,! to those who had see„in K car, will bo shipped next week, fit to bestow upon him their confi- Amonjc the prominent supper, nine had been punctured and a vigorous fight with poison to kill out the w’eevils. He stated that the plants were matured and were well „ . . , _ I fruited, but n strcnuou> fight would] _ . Mayor M. h. Penn,nylon, with L I havc to bp conti „u c d. I r "™"* H. Andrews, S. D. Stembridge and Lntaq h u.mi^“ r,wc Aldcr Neerro Killed When Car' Blues Z /in „”°. no " MRS. JOHN H. HOLLOWAY PAINFULLY INJURED SAT Pluncres From Road On Rifle Rantre Car Cn into When She Make* Effort Hitting -Dog e Step* > Avoid rat Saturday Ni ? ht Kill* Johr rren. Milu* Hall in Seriou* Condition at Ho.pital Lccal Company Make* Hifthei Last Sunda; “R‘v Tax Valuation ?h jv.-K Decrease ’■ Give,- Out bv T.» Receiv Wall Show $4,230,872 ounty property for the -metery. She Ivuding from a i stated her wishes in regard to her Scottsboro road ii funeral arrangement* to Mr. Jon accident happened Hutchinson of this city. Surviving Hill Home are several nieces and newphews, among them are Mr. Adrian Home, Mr. Lewis Horne, Mrs. Jon HutcHm Y. A. Little and Mr crick all of this city. Miss Horne was a frequent visitor in this city and had many devoted friends here. She was prominent Floyd Fred- John Warren, a negro, instant death, and Milut Mrs. John H. Holloway was pain-1 desperately injured in an automobile fully cut nnd bruised Saturday af-! "*<*k which occurred on the fill ternoon, when the automobile she ! South of Fishing Creek bridge late was driving got from under her con- Saturday night. It was evident that trol and crushed into concrete steps the car when It left the roadway and •idence to the , went down the embnnkment was bo- Hardwiek. The ’.r.g driven at a high rate of speed. •hen Mrs. Hollo- It is reported that there were i.t! way quickly turned the car to pre- the car at the time three other ncg-| vent it from running over a dog, roes, two women anu a man, but they Baranos wn , which was in the road, and before escaped without serious injury. man qua ijf y Milledg-ville’s representatives at let almost a ,, 3t j icr military camp were triumph Hall was | , r , t an p cnm(l home with victory last Sunday morning when the Baldwin B’ues came hack from Camp FoFter r f, ar Jacksonville where they spent two weeks at the National Guard enrap. The Blues rifle range. from Coopers and Stevens Pottery are: C. R. Torrance, Ollie Ether idge, Jim Lee, T. A. Torrance, W. T. Weaver, J. C. Weaver. J. W. Ivey, Curti- Pierce, P. M. Wood, A. M. Binford, Clem Johns, Levi Smith, Matthew Lingo, W. M. Kitchen-, Em mett nnd Richard Huff. W. H. Hum phrey, Joe McCullar, J. F. Hall. D. J. Bateman nnd M. E. Homington. Mr. Jim Lee led the field in num bers of cars shipped with eighty. All sorts of conveyenccs are being used to bring the melons to the tracks, but above all the hurry of ’■ idrng :-.nd selling a note of joy pre- >ipils and the people of South Bald win are feeling the effects of the firrt Vg year in several years. M-ny growers are making ship ments at Ivey wh : ch is also having a record year. all honors nt tho enm and individual by representative.- f the Milledgeville company. Sgt. ndividual high score ir at an expert rifle- he could gain control of the car it crushed into the steps. The impact threw Mrs. Holloway against the wind shield, and her bus arms were painfully cut by crashing | car glass and she also received a num- : die; j her of bruises. The car was badly; the „. . , ^ . „ . . damaged. to be seriously injured, and was car- pratice. returned at $4,230,872 ac- the Catholic church. j d t th - t hosnital where he , .. Dr xml Mr, Little and Mr. nmi Axsi.tanrc rendered Mix. Hoi- where The membera ot the company de- at her side loway, and she was later brought to | has since. j -] n red the camp the best they had her home in this city, where she has It is reported that the negroes ( eV er attended. Capt. Enni The nccident was witnes.scd hy the; nian- other metnbre* of th< icupants of a passing car, who t< , BTn worc ggt. Curtis Pierce, John ought the new* to the police in th» Holloway, Sgt. Bill Thompson nnd isiness section of the city. The p v ts. Califf and Wynn. The team r was totally wrecked, nnd Warren defeated representatives from every oon after being gotten out of company in the regiment. The entire reckage. and Hall was found f j m wce k was devotd to range t0 n n announcement from - «f Mr. Briscoe Wall, Tax when she died. "i tne county. l °tal property valuation for *- -r showed a decrease of $46,- m of the previous year ,port "Wed. The loss was M to fact that several in- ’ closed during the year, m ‘ Jrh of their holdings from '■•rgest of these benig ■ Oil Mill. tated that the returns r were complete and the ront * forward to the state REV. H. D. WARNOCK CONDUCT ING REVIVAL Rev. H. D. Warnock is conducting a week’s revival near his former home. Buena Vista. The church where Mr. Warnock will prench is the first church he served after en tering the ministry. Mrs. Warnock accompanied him. They will return home next week and complete arrangements to move to Forsyth where Mr. Warnock will take over the pastorate of the church August 1st. been extended the aid and sympathy cf her many friends, who keenly gret the accident and wish for her a speedy recovery. CABLE PIANO COMPANY GIVES SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION The Cable Piano Company of Ma con are giving a special demonstra tion of the New Victor radio at the Baldwin hotel Thursday and Friday of this week. The public is cordiully invited to hear this new radio machine which is said to be the latest improvement. were under the influence *»f liquor. Lieutenants Hargrove and Jackson and had been driving the car through I were equal in their praise of the two the city, with John Warren at the - creeks encampment, wheel. 1 INCREASED APPROPRIATION ASKED FOR SANITARIUM The Third District Association ofj Dr. R. G. Swint nnd Mr. Homer cra.luate rurxcx will meet «t 3:00 Bivini .-pent jeveml day, of this o’clock the flrxt Saturday of August week in Atlanta. Dr. Swint appeared at American Legion Home, corner before the appropriation committee Forsyth and College street Macon, j of the houFc, and presented the Miss Ruth Nettinger, R. N., field; needs of the State Sanitarium ,urg- repre-entative of American Red! ing ai. increased appropriation for, Cross Nursing Service, will be chiefl buildings and maintenance. | speaker at the Red Cross program. A crngrcirntional meeting »-f the Baptist church was held Sunday morning, nnd the following commit tee appointed to recommend a ?uc- c <>r to Rev. H. D. Warnock: Prof. O. A. Thaxton, Dr. R. <\ Swint, Mrs. 4. T. Martin and Mr*. T. A. Ree-e. The farmers club, after n business meeting Saturday at the home of Mr. W. H. Collins, were royally entertain ed at a sumptuous feast prrad by Mrs. Collins and other 'i- lea of the household. With * Over On*- Hundred Years Devotion to Public Interest We Have No Other (Interest Except That of Serving The People of OUR County And more and more advertise: are discovering that the Union Re corder leads the way to more sales for the rea on that the Union Re corder has twice as many readers as any other paper circulated in this county.