Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 01, 1929, Image 1

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:xxxxxxxxxx:>V ' House Committee Approves Bill to ®rPR«JOr!- Make G. M. C. a Junior College i. [i- $1,000 PER WEEK Marion Allen Hopeful of CREAM INCOME Bill’s Passage in the House Hale Highway Depa>‘men( 1 tide This Week About Going forward With Work IrTEK FILL 13 BEING RAISED „ , „ 7 Enactment Will Reinstate Military School as Branch of University, I D - d • a V p a to „ AT r” g p” W ? Makin * U Po “ ibU 10 Do Tw0 Y “>" ° f College Work liver Fill Also to Be Raised With Pounds ° f Butter Fat Per Week at Thij j nslitulioil T pm Bridge Lengthened. Base ' Bringing Forty Cents Pound to Macon Through Approval was given the house bill will be incorporated by the college THREE STATIONS OPERATING °f Col. Marion Allen to create G.! if the measure is passed through the itv to go forward with tho M. C. a junior college hy the Uni- The G. M. C. alumni are actively k from the city limits of Through the medium of the cream' 'ersity Committee last week and the supporting the bill and strong cn- de to the Hancock county Nation a net income of $1,000 per measure will now come before the' dorsement has been given it by u-cted to be received this we ek is being realized by the farm- house for approval, it wus announc-j organizations . nd citizi Highway officials here ‘ rs of Baldwin county, a survey for « - work will l>egin in Septern lh e past week’s business. ANNUAL PICNIC HOUSE MEMBERS WITH SENATORS SPENDDAYHERE Aulh"i Thirty-five Soloni Make Inspection OF METHODIST of ^ ,asti,ati ° tt ‘ Will Be HeldlTuruhiy Afternoon BARBECUE AT STATE HOSPITAL of Next Week Every Member Entertain( . d „ G S C W Friday “ lnv,te<) 10 At,end Night. Vi.it State Prison Saturday Morning BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR ntlis . - fuvoruble. 1 parijon of previous weeks, lirouekt tment is being held o’ 11 an avcrnici- of 2,500 pounds of biil nave onvouracemeut to the | t, Is now under con- butter f.-it are being sold here each backers of the measure, and strong s dative action it was «i'L reprorenting about ten thou-> hu P* is entertained for the house I, and gallons of roar erham. Thu' l " give a majority vote when it is rystem. market price for butter fat w«-; brought in for their decision. Col. G. M. C. 1 church l forty rents per pound, a price that Allen was unable to determine the branch of thi under wan at the top of the market the date for the vote. It has ant yet 1S70 and the act i A get-to-gether meeting of th* I number* of the congregation of the announc-j organizations nj citizens here. j Milhdgeville Methodist church wil I in a telegram to the Union Re- Col. Allen Mated, while in Milledge- j )tJ ho j d on the G g : w campui 'frier. I ville Saturday, that chances for thc ( Thursday afternoon of next week, al The ommittee’s approval of the bills pa iving the Montpeli' given »go were bright and that he 5.39 o’clock, ieved that the school here had! j t j. planned .ng possibilities of becoming a ;t - nu . ond gpi . nd Jing junior unit in the University way. There v making or set progi athei •tablished Slat will be ex officials stated. •ounty line. 1 Three stations are operated here, fd road will begin on the Amours of Dublin, with a station in the river bridge. Be- 1 the Horne Andrews Bidding; Snuth- road is paved the fill will land of Atlanta, located nt Ohand- .era! feet ar.d the fill, ler Bro^., and the Land O’ Sunshine : gthened to prevent wash ■ f Moaticellu, Fla., at the People s ■ .1 the river is at flood stage. Hardware Co., all maintain stations :r.v rock base has been coin- in Mill'-'dgeville, collecting cream two ■r the road from Milledge- da;- u . out of each week. Macon and with favorable The income to the farmer through » the tralfic will be, this trade has been added durii\g the been placed < The bill a Alien wil! rci branch of the maintained Ir >tudy taking firrt two ve contentiu: the calendar. ! be .uch has n« introduced by Col. altered. The itate the college as aj . i!en and th , ls lint . d wi niversity, and a state 1 itutiun. A courac. of -' k ,he «* u * n that dona by the *» aatitlcd to enjoy the- s at the • University • of all University brunchei •fiity G. M. C privilege Every Methodist in Mill edge vlUc i; i invited and expected to be present, i The members of Mrs. Mattie Biv 1 iris £—day School Cirv-. a listed by 1 the member? of the circles of the | Wr 1 Misi u-ty, T*fl BEnQTCP <ril»v fijUVlLrAldit FOR PRIMARY Two Hundred and Thirty Had Signed at Four O’clock. PRIMARY TO BE AUGUST 21ST this road next week for and then closed again. Dairying has tn^en rhpid strides! road U closed thi- asphalt throughout the county, the cream Books Ci«e at Six Wednesday, |dr -.me will be put down. This road ] business being in addition to the npleted from Milledge ville dairies which arc operaied to supply • a section of about thirty the demand for milk by the city und later than October The State Institutions, of thia road will give a The Kiwanis Club has under way rav ; J rad from Milledgevdle to At-' „ plan irin g into tht . counly puru bred cows to stimulate interest in dairying and to improve the herds already here. Official, of tho agriculture college I , e lvea to vote in the City Primary and the Aerirultuml departments of j which is to be held August 21st. the two railroads believe Baldwin one | nominating n .Mayor nnd htree Aider- of the best dairy counties in the state. | m en. They are advocating the hen plan which has prov PAVING CASE TO BE HEARD AUG. 9 pect-d to arrange an old-fashioned picnic dinner, which will be sprend under the beautiful shade tho npui.. Judge Park to Hear Demurrer to Affadavit of Illegality Filed by Mrs. Opelia Wall, et al. CASE OF VITAL INTEREST was begun Monday on the reck fill. The road from bridge to the Asylumn ill be raised several feet to' bed above flood' waters. | . will he brought to a rapid Edwards, road ?uporvi«ior of ir county, stated thnt the road '•! itepelier church to Washing- unty would be graded nnd made for paving as soon as fund.-: mtured from the Highwny |f' ; i-tment. The reorganization fcit taking place in the state de- prtmert is delaying all work he toted. All Baldwin county road- will be «o>d before a let up in the pres unftnirtion work it i» expected. profitable, j i nsr the race for th, The Hairy industry is expected to , )f Mayor without, opposition. L. IT. become one of the major projects in ! Andrews. S. n. Stemhridge'and .T. It. the county during the next few yiars. | .s m ith are asking for the nomination Aldermen for the four year term SOUTH CARO! IN/. MINISTER TO PREACH HERE SUNDAY Two hundred and thirty men and Judge James B. Park, in chambers >mcn had signed the registration Greensboro, will hear the demurrer aks at tho city hail up until four /j| t . d t, } . t y, city of MBledgevOle by clock Wednesday to qualify them- it> attorney , t in ' thL . casI! the ci ty agnin-t Mrs. Opelin Wall who filed an affidavit of illegality to paving assessments when the city levied on Mayor M. E. Pennington i« mak- her property to satisfy costs of pav- term j njr ^ s t rcc t j n front of this prop- ZJ erty. The dcniurrpr wus filed at the last term of the Baldwin Superior Ci A committee has been appointed from the Board of Stewards to have on the grounds a barrel of ice cold lemonade* with plenty of ice, sugar and lemons to sec that the barrel does not run dry. Last summer a similar gathering was held, and it was -uch a delight ful occasion to those who attended it was decided to make it an annual event. It is expected that the crowd next Thursday will l»e much larger than it was last year. Thirty-five Georgia Legislators, members of the Senate and House committees on the State Prison and State Sanitarium, came to Milledgc- vflle last Friday afternoon nnd made an inspection trip of the Stale In stitutions here during Saturday. A delegation of citizen- composed of Mr. M. S. Bell, Mr. F.. E. Bell, Mr. J. F. Bell, MV. E. C. Kidd. Mr. H. S. Wootten, Mr. R. H. Woottcn, Mr. Lewi* Fit mister, Mr. Lee Jor dan, Mr. L. C. Hall, President J. L. Beeson, Prof. O. A. Thaxton. Miss Louise Albert nnd Dr. E. A. Tigner met the train bringing the legislators here. A special c*r was attached L .j to th.* regular Georgia train from Macon, arriving here at fiv.-forty. The legislators were immediately taken to the Enni. Hall where they were guests during their ‘lay. A dinner was given in' their honor at the college dining room in the even ing. Dr. Beeson, pr< «iding. presented the speakers. After the supper an inspection of the Woman’s college' FIVE MAKE ESCAPE FROM STATE PRISON Smith and Two Co; -!y Cnptu Saturday morning the delegation ! was taken to the State Prison Farm I where Judge Dunnaway directed them through the State Prison buildings; Before going to the State Sani tarium where they were fetid nt a barbecue as the gur--t of Dr. Swint en.1 staff.of phy.*1e!fftts they were shown through G. M. C. Col. George Roach, Pre**., greeted them on their nriival there and accompanied them f**roii"h the old rnpitol building. At the State Sanitarium the legis lators were . • rved a delicious barbe cue dinner. Members cf the Staff agisted Dr. Swint fti directing the committees through the buildings nt the Strte Hospital. They wer shown the crowded conditions which is g the progress of the in?titu. |Judge and Solicitor Co. Court Appointed | Jad,„ Hint. ,„d. Col. Gilo. R.-.p ■t.d to Ffll Court Ofti... ■afirmation of the appointments At commit Senica, S. C., will come here next Sunday nnd occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, at both the morning and evening services. Rev. Harris is one of the outstand ing young ministers of the neighbor ly recognized a» a ns members of the City Council. and Judge Park set August 9th, as The registration during the month t ho date to hear the argument for that tho hook, have boa opened ha. and a|;ainBt , tfle demurrer. Ham- been slow and it is not expected , , „ , - . . . . , . ... . ... mond and Kennedy of Augusta and •hat the number wall go beyond the tan humltcd and fify mark. Kr " nk w - llcl > “ f tl,i * cit >’ nre j senting Mrs. Wall and the several ro^erty holders on Jefferson hi. ->ok -imilnr court action invitation from the palpi; M|SS ALICE LENORE TUCKER . the Rev. A. G. Harri. ef AWARDED DEGREE attain the city collect the G. S. C. W Miss Tuck.: Tuckn Hed the J segment.-. The city is represented by Hines and Carpenter, Allen & ! Pottle, Sibley & Sibley nnd Mc- I Dougald, Spalding King and Sibley of Atlanta. The case is of unu*ua] interest heri as pratirally every property he'll*-” In the city is involved. Judge B. H. Dunnaway is still making every effort to locate Au-j brey Smith, noro'.'’’s tynndit sind j ,on * two other prisoners whj sawtd their way to liberty last Thursday night. Effort to determine their outside aid is also being made. There were five prisoners in al! to make the break early Friday morn ing after bar to one of the windows' in the sleeping dormitory had been .awed. Two of the men John Ron- MRS. HINES SONGS TO BE e-R. a life termer and. W. E. Nash. BROADCAST WEDNESDAY auto bandit, were captured only a few, miles from the prison. Smith ami Station W. M. A. Z. to feature ommittees left Millcrigeville on the Georgia train returning Sat urday night to Atlanta. The committee chairmen zn well as individual committeemen were loud in their praise of the eff'ciency of the Institution heads here. compa furnii R. Hines ns County! scholarly man. He comes here high- t»r of the Music Department of th” lire and CoL C. A. Giles as b' recommended by church officials.' Georgia Stat-.* C*’W-o for Women, ■ f the Court was made by | The church in -ession last Sunday was awarded her Degree of Batch*'- Senate last week -when delayed a call until Ciey had the lor of Music, School Mu- ic, at the tl hr nun opportunity of hearing Mr. Harria. rradnottog wirhe of the Mae- kIv. Two other ministers have been cen- 1 Phnil School of Muaic anti Dramatic AS G. S. C. TRUSTEE away Hines ha- served as County tered upon it is understood aju! a se-| Art, of Minneapolis, Minr. ^ ral terms and Solici- lection will he nrde fri DR E. A. TIGNER RE-APPOINTED fled by their accomplices, i men with Smith were Monte Atlanta bandit; and Bill! Baker county burglar. Dunnaway with the aid ofj were centering their section. Judge Dunn- 1 that he had informa-j saws were smuggled to of Songs i Mrs. Hit nd Stor: b r poll. Introducing “The Summertime long” and "The Little Cabin in the ines” two rongs just from the ress, the word.; ar.d music by Mrs. . R. H r ne«, a special halt h-'ur r.l De: i d for the past , fore th< to have the minister here be- opening of the schools. of The Woi The Colic | NEGRO shot AND DANGER- RE Y H - D - WAPNOCK AND 0USLY Y/OUNDED HIS WIFE E. A. Til that the saws we Smith Sunday. . ‘ Smith was serving * 145 years for a number of staged throughout the state. I con. idcred a desperate pri nten He \ Make. Etcape »r cd by Police Aft. ttempt to Murder di> Wife Eogene Finney, a young negro ^ ar: * is being sought by the police, r shooting ar.d dangerously wound- | «*hi* wife. . ; • negroes have been separated I s , ® u t a month, and Tuesday night . ^ nine o’clock, Finney went to I c ,f* ^’ u ' e ’ n South-western part j the city, where the woman was | i ,n v nr >ri shot her, with n shotgun. of small shot struck her in ac h. inflicting n dangerous Tht FAMILY LEAVE FOR FORSYTH n, „ cboro. director ' cdln a me Jbar’of tiie Bond ofTra.- , • „ the 'tat* ,he •»» bM ” » tc4 of the Gcortria State Collette . Rev. H. n. Wimock nnd family i t h c eolieite fneulty. She .upervue. fo J Wom[ll f „ r a [crm 0 f a i, yl .„r, will leave today <Thue«iayl for I th „ annual Mu-lc Week prournm,. ^ appointment wa , confir med by Forsyth, where Mr. Warnock recent- which have been splendid musical ac- Senate last week Titmer has been a member of , Congreuman Carl. Vin.on w number of year, and Decatur Sunday CONGREf-SMAN CARL VINSON ATTENDS COLLEAGUES FUN ERAL day at i tie Ms con On thc f Peabody rill i the Wednes- V>. M. A. Z., Elbe ■ith Mr Hinc of Mrs. i pastor of the Iy accepted Baptist. church. Mr. Warnock served as pastor of the Milledgeville Baptist church the pa e t seven years, and 1 during this time he and Mrs. Warnock have won the live and esteem of the people of thi., entire section, and there is a feeling of deep regret that they are leaving here. They carry with them best wishes for their success and happiness. complishmenti The friends of Miss Tucker willj th^ Board foi receive the news with great inter- Other senj :ion will be *ung dur ing thc half hour broadcast. An other feature will he readings by Mrs. Hinsc taken from her book thnt will be released : r October. Thc book will be Entiled “Home of the Keeping Hearts” ***<« will contain ;ten by Mrs. Hines. The est. FIRST OPEN COTTON Mr. E. R. Hooten brought to the police were notified and went city the first open cotton we have ■nc of the shooting, bnt J seen or heard of this season. The 'ri made his escape. The i stalk was taken from a large field, * carried to the city ho‘pi- i and contained twenty-three bolls, five of which were fully opened. It has been announced that Evan gelist G. T. Hunt of Camilla, will preach at the Midway Baptist church next Sunday at 11:30 n. m. and 8:80 p. m. The public is invited to hear . i , , . honorary escort at the funeral of poems haf served as a m m er of th Congressman Leslie J. Steele of the first editions will iot .app v»r be- t Committee, during its greatest *th. He has been conspicious in hii service to the college. •udge John B. Hutcheson, of Joiesboro, was also re-appointed as i a loard member. I fifth district, who died in Washing- j fore October. The printers are now ♦no the past week. Congressman busy on the copy. Vinson held his colleague in the high- j est esteem and his death came as a j f. W. WILLIS BUYS S. E. WRIGHT shock to him Dr. E. A. Tigner ac- PLACE IN HARDWICK companied Col. Vinson to Decatur. Mr. J. D. Willis has purchased the j ” I — : home place of the late Mr. S. E. ITY TAX ASSESSORS MEETING J w M s * MEETS NEXT MONDAY j Wright. This is one of the most I I valuable places in Hardwick. Ihe city board of Ux assessors are The Woman’.* Missionary Society the returns. They are Mr. Julian | of the Methodist church will hold tis j W. C. T. U. TO MEET ovjr the returns. The are Mr. Julian regular monthly meeting next Mon-1 The W. C. T. U. I meet in the Stinley, Mr. W. F. LitUe and Mr. day afternoon at five o’clock. Mr«. Men’s Bible Class room of the Bap- ' Sail Patterson. They will be in Geo. Watkin* Circle will have charge church next Tuesday afternoon j se^ion through thL week it is under- **f the program a full attendance of J «st of the Georgia State College for nt five o’clock. Dr.’J. L. Beeson and Mr. Miller S. Bell spent Monday in Atlanta, and appeared before the Appropriation Committee of the House in the inter- embers is desireiL