Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, September 19, 1929, Image 1

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mutt *4* iLL ME C Pedaral UDira'Ktttbliihid in 18Si Milledgeville, Ga., September 19, 1929 Consolidated in 1871 Number 5 iff TOOMSBORO ROAD is built W Lot; Rebuilt to Wilkinson. ■L Bridges Placed in Flooded » Isection: Mr. Edwards Stated | AD IMPORTANT ARTERY n art- nc.-iring tho finish P \v road frim Milledgeville .„n county down through , - rtion of the county, Highway SupeiYl nr lU ny. stated, and the new i , ened to traffic at nn Thf m Baldwin county to been graded and re- bighway was prati- in the rainy seasons ■•us due to its width, ated before the work ad has been widened. D. A. R. BOARD TO MEET HERE Seventy-five Georgia Women, Members State Board of D. A* R. to Meet Here Oct. 9. MEETING MOST INTERESTING V>p surface has been put on and luncheon will be The Nancy Hart Chapter held its fall meeting with Mrs. S. A. Cook. There was a large attendance and an interesting program. A warm welcome was extended to a visiting charter member, Mrs. Mamie Fox Joseph, of Atlanta. Mrs. Yarbrough, P.e-rent, is com pleting plans for the entertainment of the State Board on Wednesday Oct. f». About seventy-five promin ent D."A. R. are expected. The meet ing at 10:30 o’clock in the morning will he held in the auditorium of M. C., Georgia’s old Capitol, the the highwnt !■ w places. New bridges L' n built along this route, v. '"n county rond force is , •(! Milledgeville wfth ”1 has he county lino lised several (•••mfe. The road from n*.> Milledgeville will he re- :.nd re-graded where neces- Jack Edwards stated, i d= has be#n busy recon- r- ads throughout the cour- . rains of Ia^t year and llkirhw:.;. are in much better shape r than they have hern in several j* it <.« believed. The Toomshoro tf trill be one of the best in the mty opening a main artery of ffir into Milledgeville. Iht new road will open the short : tn Dublin and bring n com- tiona part of the Woodrow Wilson [pom- fly route, thrqpgh Miljedge- t. Florida. This route was ed .k a main highway several ac‘>. but rond conditions have its travel inadvisable. ■ved i the i sion, the home of eight of Georgia's Governors, and the tea will he served at the beautiful home of Mrs. David Ferguson. The Nancy Hart Chapter celebrat ed two birthdays that of Lafayette, and that of Mrs. S. A. Cook, beloved member and historian of Baldwin county. Mrs. Cook announced thnt volume II of the history of Baldwin county was now in progress. Several things of interest had transpired during the summer. Mrs. • Yarbrough, RcgenV, made nn interesting report of the chapter’s two Real Daughters. Mrs. J. I. Garrard reported that sufficient funds had been sent by one interested, to restore completely the grave of Col. Abercrombie, Revolutionary soldier buried near Sparta. Mrs. Beeson reported that a new P. T. A. Chapter, the first in Polk cdunty Tenn.. v ..u!j complete n fund and restore the graves oi a celebrated Indian Chief and his wife. The interesting inscription rends: Sacred to the memory of David ....... ami Delilah McNair, who departed SIGHT OF CHILD IS this life, Ahe former on the 15th of RESTORED BY OPERATION ! August, 1836. the latter Nov. 30, ! 1838. Their children being natives Son of Mr. and Mr*. Dawaon of the Cherokee notion, and having .on. Blind Since Babyhood, to go with their peopl Will Be Able this Id son of Mr. ' l,ut t0 *uard their * >n, underwent! w** Augui Bishop Candler to Come For The Unveiling of Boulder Site of First Methodist Church Here to Be Marked at Exercises on October 20th. U. D. C. Electing Marker. Mr. E. E. Bell Will Preside at Ceremony V Biahop Warren A. Candler, Pre- riding Bith'-p of the Southern Metho dist church, will be present on Oct. 30lh, for the unveiling of the bould er which will permanently mark the site of the First Methodist and the fir.-t church erected in Milledgeville, and will preach a dedicatory sermon, officials of the United Daughters of Confederacy who are erecting the marker, were advised Wednesday morning in a letter from the noted divine. Inst week stated the marker would be The tentative program announced a large granite boulder und would stand on the spot where the first church in Milledgeville was erected, ’his place it. now in the center of the ity cemetery, a burial ground hav- :g been started in the church yard. Mr. E. E. Bell, one of the oldest members and officials of the Metho dic church in Milledgeville will pre side at the ceremonies- which will be held on Sunday afternoon. • The ooulder will be unveiled by grand daughters of two prominent Metho dist, Capt. W. T. Conn, and Capt. C. SALVATION ARMY MAKING SURVEY Op'ning of Ope.c ’cn. ia Milhdgc- ville, Plan of Salvation Army DRIVE FOR FUNDS IS MADE wford. The program will be a fitting service to characterize the beuuty of the thought. Mrs. David Ferguson i> chairman of the committee of the United Daughters of the Confederacy who are working out the program. Rev. John F. Yarbrough stated that liiriiop Candler hud been invited to come here for the purpose of attend ing the unveiling exercises hut had nl.O been asked to pruach at the Methodist church on Sunday morn ing. Th? visit of the Bishop and the -ignificance of the exercises in the afternoon is expected to attract a large crowd into Milledgeville, peo ple from throughout Middle Geor gia coming here for the exercises. Mr.?. R. B. Moore, president of the U. D. C., staged that the chapter was pleased with the acceptance of Bishop indler and the program would now i i (.ompieted und the boulder placed : readiness for the exercises that would mark forever the place where .:.e first house 08 worship in this scc- enmg At a meeting of the Rt Relief Committee Monday «t the Baptist church, Major George M. Woods of the Snluvation Army outlined plans of that organization ontemplating opening opera- 1 from their M< Milledgeville. gas line was GAS LINE TO GA POPPED IN ALA Governor o f Neighboring State Cejard? Natural Gas Menace to Coal Mining LINES TO COME HERE IN 1930 Press di- patches Sunday stated that action had been .taken by Gov ernor Bibb Graves of Alabama to stop the Southern Natural Gas Com pany in piping gas into Alahuma La., fields. The me into Georgia ration t. liny, in Auirusta. with [ ,n " whitc n ’ nn ' i■ f ri-.torinn hi. eye siirht. The brick hoi W has horn blind nearly nil and with the Major Woods stated that h? had and the company holds n twenty-five been sent here by the head of the i year franchise in Milledgeville. Southern territory of the army to j The Gas Company secured rights the west, make a survey and see if the Salva- . to pipe Milledgeville for Gas and ex- ent not only it tell lion Army work was needed here. He j pected to complete their line from their parents, i found that the organization could j Lou-iina early next year. Milledge- >acred .ashes | operate here and was making an ef- I ville was to be the end of the mains rusion of | fort to get sufficient financial sup- j and the compnay expected to erect | port to keep a full time worker in a terminal here. Ceremonies last CITY TO GRADE ICADET OFFICERS WEST END ROAD NAMED AT G. M. C. Stretch of Road at End of State Highway to Be Graded and Covered With Gravel WORK BEGINS IMMEDIATELY At a joint meeting of hte City Council and County Commissioners Wednesday morning, it was decided to grade the road leading into the city between the end qf the State Highway paving and the city paving end. The ok the state Highway Dcpa > the agreed irk, ; id the the city help in doing the work. The road will he graded from the -ity limit into the end of went Bflont- gair.rry street where the paving stop*. Gravel churt will he used ar n top dressing and the road will be made as good as possible for a dirt road. The council gave up hope of pav ing this road after the highway de partment refused to hear part of the The county road machinery will he n the grading work and the ill furnish the labor. MR. L. S. FOWLER MENTIONED FOR APPOINTMENT TO OFFICE Suggested A* A Capable and Qualified Man to Succeed Con Troller General Wright Mr. L. S. Fowitr of this city, was among those listed among those be ing mentioned a- an appointee of the Governor to succeed Gen. William E. Wright, as Comptroller General of the State. Mr. Fowler’s ability to fill this ^ office could not be questioned, :<• | he is outstanding a: Lieut. Nash Organizes BaLallion of Three Companies for New Year. Co. D. Discontinue J ALTON BARNES NAMED MAJOR and an accoutani the office with the State. Ab ! ursi State College for W< prin taking methods •dit I Lieut. V. L. Nash, Professor of Military Science and Tactics compet ed the organization of the G. M. C. cadet battallion this week and has issued an order naming the officers of the battallion of three complines. The battallion will have three large infantry companies and a battallion band. Company D, having been elimi nated from the organization. Under the new plan with three companies, each company will have an increased The following were t*v appoint ments as read: To be Cadet Major—Alton Barnes; To bo- Cadet Adjutant, with rank of First Lieutenant—Veal, C.: To he Staff Officers, with rank of first Lieutenant—J. R. Robertson; C. V. Hardy: Jordan Ennis. To be Cadet Captains: Company A—James P. Brown; Company B— Louis Wall; Company C—William Thompsons To he First Lieutenants:—W. S„ Barnes—Company A; James Duima- wa.v, Company B; Marvin Thompson, Company C; Frances Bazanos, Jr., Platoon. To be Second Lieutenants—Hugh King, Company A; William Barron, Company II; Carrolf Bargeron, Com pany C. To be Staff Non-Commissioned Officers—Frazier Hart, Sgt. Major; Marion Adams, Color Sgt.; Stephen Wilson, Color Sgt.; Charles Seals, Supply Sgt. To he first Sergeants—James Ho!- l‘.F, Company A: Edwin Cooper. Com- nany B: 'Edward Wright, Company C. Marion Allen, Jr., P’atcor.' u-mern :nar, | To be Sergeants—Company A— ■ would fill j Marvin Cheney; Winton Epps; Hor- him-elf and j ace Ivey; Steve Thornton; Robert ery, 'finest Cherokee Indian memorial I'- '•!>< ration was performed by the entire South. Beddingfield at the University An interesting bit of Creek In- Augusta. The Doctor has | dian history was brought out in an- •WOTd that the sitrht will he re- j ever to one inquiry from W.-uhington, ,,r *i at lea: • sufficiently for the IL C. ■ he able to Fee how to walk j Duncan McCrimmon, .• resident of •■nd m any whiuv he wishes: Milledgeville, and Georgia militia <!f. or the .right might be man stationed at Fort Godsden, in restored than that. j 1813-14, was captured by the Cracks Parents and grandparents,, and sentenced ta death. Milly. F r ar.<l Mrs. Bart Wilson, are re- daughter of the great prophet Fi the good news they have' ref. tied him, and late RANDOLPH JACQUES. JR. 110 ADDRESS GARDEN CLUB jjtaken pr McCrimmon, • by the whites n order to gain her pd marriage. which Milledgeville for twelve months, akes the I $2,500 per year were necessary to [keep the worker in Milledgeville and of thi? amount more than half had been pledged. The local relief committee of the , 1 Red Cross had been taking care o' all I r. lief cases and it wns the opinion of the army representative that his organization could take over this work, and accomplish much more good. Among the speaker,, at the meet ing Monday were Rev. J. F. Yar- 1 herself brough, Rev. F. II. Harding. Rev. A. j j G. Harris. M»s. Jon Hutchinson, Mr. D. M. Rogers and Miss Manic Jor.e-, all active members of the Red Cro?« ; L ‘ *' nc throughout the State. vec k celebrated the beginnin into Atlanta. It has no t he mined what effect the Alain ornora action will have on i The following is the A. P. storj appearing in Sunday’s Macon Tele graph regarding the act. m taker Alabama: Governor Bibb Grave- has dined to approve a plan of Southern Natural Gas company p:po EU» into Alabama from it, I “^.lon'cm “october • of the Georgia Harper; Dudley Myrick. nen he has barn Company B—Eugene Brannen; iis .accuracy and Walter Green: Carl Nelson: William have been high- Shealley; Janie L. Smith; Edward ly commended by the State auditor n Hart, nn.l the Trustees of the college. As Company C—William Fann; Louis thi is written the Governor has uotjFiiklea; Earl Waites: Robert Little; made the appointment, but a wiser i ir,.j»h Moore; Marion Donnelley, selection than Mr. Fowler could not I J r . pirtoon—William Butts; Wey- be made, is the opinion of the friends j p.o W doin. f Mr. Fowler in this city, and j To be Corporals— Company A— Wflw 1 ART SCHOOL OF MISS CALLIE lo J COOK OPENS OCTOBER 1ST. Study Under Fo. The Ceramic Art School conduct by Mi.-s Callic Cook will William Copeland John Henderson; Clark * Roberson; Pierce Walk. Company B—Jack Jama; I'owler; Elmer Mo Dav. oj, Lit., fields through a suhsi- orpoi ed he ed, i will tale legal action to halt opera tions of the company until the state’s utilities laws are properly Miss Ct large class to registe for itive pll d with. The military officer, nrs stat-d her meeting of the Mil- den Club will he held ley afternoon. Sept, o'clock at the home of . Bell. Mrs. J. F. Bdl, F .Bell, Jr., acting ; Shi s called the Mr.-, i charge of the lemhei Mrs. Winter Ritchie i; I of the program committi itrd Mrs. Charle- 3 •' •Ipb Jacques. Jr., of Jin-, u-ave the paper on Utmy fficer of the Garden j Marshall Bland w present and speak at the patriotic songs, mg details about organ-; her important .-ugges- FOOTBALL SCRi?<‘ 'AonS BEGUN ! SEASON TICKETS ON SALE Coach Johny Lroadnax and Coach Slap Rentz sent the candidates for the G. M .C. football teom through the fir t scrimmage of the season this week, and were bringing the cadets into condition rapidly for the^ irs game of the season ■ urged to be pres- *ir dues of $1.00. j, —p. ... become members club will advise Mrs. M. H. P Sd ,,r Mrs. R. C. Swint. H Hines, the president of making every effort to ,ree number of the ladies PXt Wednesday to hear Mrs. I •' ' - club will meet Sat- guests of Mr. Geo. W. He has promised them and he never fails to promises. October 4th. Season ticket sale will begin Fri- day. Sin I«.< will be played Milledgeville and a conaiderable aav- inc can be made by the pureha.e or a season ticket. The price has not been announced but tickets can be purchased Friday at the eollene bus,- ness office. _. r- During the season, Lamer, River- -ide Norman Park. Gordon and Madiran A. * M. will come here. The Rc-d Cross me that if -the Milledgeville p-.ojic want- id the Salvation Army and would give the necessary finahcinl support they would give every assistance to them in making the work successful. They did not think, however, thnt Milledgeville could afford a full time worker. The Army official? have not made it known that they will have .a full time worker here. Gove id ho ed the laying mpany hid compi imately 100 mile.- Uah^ma. He decl. thi- work would be stopped i the company obtains a certified STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS A Standard Training School for Sunday Sch-ol Workers of the Southern pait o fthe Oxford District, will be held at the Methodist church in this city October 13-18. There will be a Fix day school, which means there will be twelve sessions. The following course- will be off ered. “Adolescent Worship, Mrs. W. Culpper, instructor; The church and its Work, B. H. Smith; The Christian Religion, Rev. -Homer Thompson. Thi, .cholc will he for SumUy School Worker,, omi will be open for one from other churches ' public service commission which regulates the activities of utilities companies in A'abama. In outlining his position last spring, the governor opposed the en trance of natural gas into the tti on the grounds that it would he serious detriment to Alabama c< mining interests. I pupils are expected tho opening. [ Miss Cook will open the school u ! the .home of her mother, Mrs. S. A Cook, nesr this city. She resigned a: Professor of cci-rni.- art at Wesley an . r the of tho Iasi term to open a private class thi? year. Th" the Jur applications for admission have at- lOgtoher rLiidy been received by Miss Cook rreet:ng un/i a large class is expected to study ,.-! • ' here this year. plnn* at Mi s Cook has added to the course, <: • i ’ n decorative art and pottery and will j the vari instruct in moulding pottery of all : ty dirtri descriptions. ; William Zeugler. Company C— Davenport Davidson; BUI Frankenbnrper; Allen Nease; Julian Newsome; John Valentino; Austin Williams. Jr. Platoon—Tillman Snead; Wil liam-Brown; Charles Fowler. Officers -and Non-commissioned officers f*r the Band will he an nounced in the next issue. DISTRICT CONVENTION JUNIOR ORDER HERE IN OCTOBER i f ‘.hr frat?mal < will i<-mhie here R’il! > AGED HERE „ COLONIAL MANAGER MAKING a! PLANS FOR SOUND PICTURES l Manager M. I- Curry returned from Atlanta Wednesday where he 'went to inspect equipment necessary to prefent sound pictures at the Co lonial Theatre. Manager Curry stated that it in the afterm barbecue in the evening. While the program for the tea ion ba announced prominent -nea!:ers will be present and discuv the work of the order. It is prc. liable that a de gree team will put on one of the de grees. Roy S. yylford. Jr., Councilor of the local chapter, has the program ertainment under advisement. WOMAN DIES TUESDAY Mrs. S. B. Collins, 83, died at her home near here Tuesday night and funeral services will be held Thurs day afternoon at three thirty from probable that he would contract for A committee from the chapter is Black Springs church, where she has this equipment at an early date and , vor king with him in making ihe plans been a mmeber since childhood. Rev. j the theatre would b?gin showing for the meeting. J. F. McCluney will conduct the ser- Found pictures. ’’Talkie ’ pictures : ; vice | will cost several thousand dollars. STATE SANITARIUM TRUSTEES Mr. Curry stated but he was planing HOLD MEETING WEDN^SD/^ to make thi- improvement for he be- Th P Board of Trustees of k livpd the people here would co- i^nrira State Sanitari* f operate in making the undertaking a regular qu-artely me [ success. 1 Contracts were a’ f* Mr. Curr>’ stated the sound equip- i/vd routine bu p mmt would be the Vitaphor ? type. to. w She is survived by one ton, W. R. Collins, of Miami, Mrs. J. B. Kennedy and Mrs. W. N. Arnold of Deveraaux and Mrs. A. M. Arnold of Macon, two sisters, Mbs Mattie Babb of this tv and Mr-. W. E. Bowell, of Mus- ella.