Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 24, 1929, Image 1

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VOLUME C fa. iii! Milledgeville, C», October 24, 1929 Number 10 AFi EALMADEFOR C. OFC.BOARD Hundreds View Unveiling of 'HOSPITAL BOARD LIONESS SITE ROAD TO G. S. S. PERFECTS PLANS Boulder Sunday Afternoon! ELECT OFFICERS SOLD THIS WEEK Vpiraittees Representing Khvanis, Meeting Monday Night Perfects S,e of Fir »‘ Melhodalt Church Marked With Granite Boulder. Bishop A „ Pre , en , officerf Milledge- Ohlman Building Purchased by Chamber of Commerce, City Steps for live Active Civic W " rea A j£J%5SjL O®£ j * St * ,e Hospital Re-elected ! Otto M. Conn and Mrs. May F County and Sanitarium Organisation PAVED ROAD TO C.S.S. PURPOSE FIVE BRANCHES ARE PLANNED ■. afternoon by Bishop at Board Meeting Last Week Conn in Important Deal ttees repreeeting the Ki- •h. the Chamber of Corn- City, the County and the Trustee of the Milledge- Hospital will go to Atlanta bearning resolutions from nizations they represent than a hun<fred liM1 .„ early hi .„ry. and p r .i*dth<«. WANT PAVED ROAD TO S. S. SALE PRICE IS UNKNOWN lied faket Sunday early pioneer, o[ the church who on I Warren A. horrcback rode into the wildernesa: Dr. K r. Swict. Superintendent A real .-tale deal which involved Candler, Senior Bishop of the Metho- , tl , carry tlu . „f i hriat. j of the Mill dueville State Hoapita). the exefaanxe of one of the important •pal Church South, in an ad- B i,hop FranciaAabury. who held his 1 *"d his full staff of physicians and I hu IncM honae in Milleda* < ill. was Plans for organization fected Monday night at a meeting o the Board of Directors of the Cham ber of Commerce and immediate ‘ices- to more th'in five hundred poo- conference in the church thatj officers were re-elect, steps have been taken to get the pre- had gathered under the gi- where now a granite boulder of the Beard of Trustees last \ lem’nary arrangements complete for;R® n ** c oaks and elms in the heart been erected, was praised as! cesday wlun thr annual •fcusi doption of a program of activi- of Milled geville’s cemetery to wit- was Biahop McKendree, !)r. Lovick; came before the body. Iling of a boulder that p ieree anJ othOTt> who served the] The board praised the w.rl re unaniminus. •s» the State Highway Depart- . the rood from the city ! The pr ,, idpd „ v „ r hy ^mark, furevtr the spot where the chnr -h. Hi, hi torical reference t„ j Tlr. Swii.t an dscville State Hospital. p rl ,, iden t Miller S. Bi ll eirried oo«; fir "' Method!* church Mood. Mdledrcviiie and the early church their elec; ttion will go before the „ n j (J e-a of arganization that will . The program was simple, but vivid- were of great interest and ► bowed future of the ng appeal ;crcate fj ve department- working as impressed the great throng that the majestic mind of Bishop Cand- <d and the gr, Prom the Board of Direc-! >tood around the rostrum that had Ire. | went that ha <1 pre** 11 - -- .rd surfacing of this import- CO mmitt node Cconria’, preutest m,, P , c ), a definite function I Veen ur-cted at the head of the While no definite de- ; „„ d pplT „, e w herehy all matter, of j manito boulder that wa» to be un expected at once, a eer- civic inter.’,t can be referred to the j "died. felt by the committee j committee deripned for the work and Rev. John F. Yarhrouvh presided that the hoard would act | immediate action he had. 1 aid the program wa. opened with fir the project and that. ^ phn pelted by Preai- j “Onward Christian .Idler:" by C. construction forces now j dppt BeM am| endorsed by the M - C. Band. As the note of this •I the county were moved. | d ; rrrt „ rpt _. boprd rpdfr th( . p i„„ battle cry hymn of Christianity re- would be paved. The pav- j flv( , p „ mmittees wi! , be ereated, or- «hoed from the hill that is now n carried with it an Tpn ,affair , public affuirs, . the completion of the j pofaRnty, business development and a distinct hush settled n •» ■*''« donp " n tho I agriculture. The chairmen and vice : R.v. A. G. liarri, of the DU- ! chairmen will select committees to . Presbyterian church pronounced the intimated by officials f»- work with then, in puti-jr over the invocation. Bi«hi.p Candler described the cere- >’ P: f.ny . iedgeville'n “City of the Dend” Tj.iir.-n. the s*gna1 had | Tht giv..- ■d that it j d ever heard i .-reeled to r of Bi-hop vee and met •eption. n to little only change -h.-p’ain. Tl uwj fo- -ex Milledgex-ille •1‘L'htly. Tl Mill* deeville ■ and An:ie Orme Sal- Wtuation that the | .rd would favor the road and that the • rward before the in the effc-rt and the oiced the sentiment* of tizenship of the county, i their HOSPITAL PAY ;C'i INCREASED t ej Appropriation Secured by rpsentftthre Allen Makes Possible Salary Increase IIVT DOLLAR RAISE MADE Ei : t the MOledgevOk State department* will ■ex Way «rd mer.n*, men-.bDrFhlp and t-rt::innieiit; City and county plan- •*. city and county beautifiration. igi tration. and hralth and panita- rn; Statistic* and education,, corn- unity advertising, special event-, m enti'ns; new industries, t'«xe» id insurance, trade extension, and ■Hnsrortatkin; farm development; Drket price-, highway and drainage id immigration. R. li. Woottvit, L. C. Hall and T. . Clark wer" named a committee it-i th Pr!-“'dent as ex-officio to al? th.-* - lection of committee if a hundred years, mnired i:? the throng, impressing again the importance vi the cere- grandaughtcr. * of Capt. W T. i and C.n l. C. P. Crv.vford. di: - mbej p iTu-cr Methodist and *d hold eg the red and white cries was released and the face boulder on which was in-crib- :!.f history of the church •a erected in 1805, was bared u ri. 'd w ill a Item: The people had com. epoch making event, Candler was the cen of the people from t section who crowded wooden platfi cth< 1 and Bishop F. H. Hu’ r of thought ‘.ns Epis. < ■ughout th : benedict; around the the exert u. Tic That Bir.d - an- M ile m:i was sung an*l Rev. pa-«. :g, Rector of St. Steph- befm I church pronounced the rr confirmed th’s week by Mr. Otto M. C«>nn, Pre lident of the Exchange Bank, who wi*h Mrs. May F. Conn purehnr. d the Ohlman building. The rurchn-e pric; was rot announced. T hi deal clo cd this week is the large.r al » late doe? in many years and wa‘ the largo t price that has been paid for a ritul* 1 »rce of prooerty in MUiedgeville. Th.- ileal wns made by Mr. Conn, with Mr. DeSoao who rcpre> med the Chinan heir: of Atlanta, owenre of building. The building is in the heart f tho MilSedgerilie bualnes. district and i considered one of th*‘ valuabb- pieces of property n the city. Occupying the build;nr now is the Man’s Store of Mr. J. hn Holloway, the *.!; tun of Mr. R. II. Wootttn, the mu i- -.tore «f Mr W. !'. Veal and M' II. J. Veal on the ground f!>,.r aid the K her hart Studio on tb« econd fb»or. Mr. Coon ‘fated that no change# would lie made in thw* rentfth »f the great sermon by "SHOP will appear CANDLER ■ jN-raonel that election of th? that ha Ixeen wan selected was altered the highw al for this and ' 1 chait p which w«-i .n which the great by the Robert E. Lee Chapter of the Lt hodist divine stood. United Daughtera of ihc Confederacy. When Rev. Mr. Yarbrough pre*e»t- J’he boulder stands in the heart of 1 him. a rilenc? that war death like t‘? • ctiy ccem-tery and is pratically on as apparent. the spot where the Fir t Mcth«> ’i»t Rising with a dist ngui.-vt-u man- church i*tood. The roi.gh granite er. Biahop Candler for more than j monument will stand to remind n hour held the close attention of i r<>; terity for generations «.f the is andiemc. He reviewed M -thod- :-i;rIy church that to«d there. iclu-ion The completion of the L. M- Jones' > nan red b,--i.it.nl BuDdntg i nearing an end d the Trustees have plans under! y to Celebrate tb.- op^-ninr of tj*e vch-.-pwthic Hospital after all 'i-hirgs hive b»en instabed. Ti. ill he Hospital. ppear before th<‘ highway FD^ATORS SPEAK AT MEETINGS this VFEK 10TH DISTRICT FCST TALKIF M. D’S. MEET HERE F-- *'j Al Jtbrii Picture ^“en Doc KoH Sc.. i-»n H ToJay. Vi’aoLonc Pictures al Ccionial Lunckatni to Jk Srrrerl Tbeatre Next Week Noon ’LL EQUIPMENT INSTALLED PP. BOWEN BALDWIN PRES. Noted M«tl< odist Dovtnw Hr.ri by A Largo aad Coltarod Aud anco Sunday Morning Bichp Warri \ CrndU-r p reach- .:ivr h a number of Imirer in Milledceville him to be one of the «t teamed prearhew ; d <y. and the <-*ngre- hcard him filled the ’ v-iU be the nueicnl attrac PRL' ' ’’CfQ PC IN MINISTER OF IMPORT A WE 1 THIS AFTERNOON Placed • Much A thirl F mphu* u nd has bw CAPErS OFF FOF GAME IN DOUGLAS FRIDAY Pa : - Mr. L. C HaM Cm Charge to •eat i and jef Georgia. I creating unttsud interset. Manager DeD — — i | in ae to M| K I COL. ERWIN SIBLEY ATTENDING ulj th „ ¥ ,, u j, mu . n t but he want- t*. give MOtodgwUle the best he *Uttd BAR MEETING tadieon A.-(f*> to Keep Clean for State Ckan p.on.hi, "f the members of th 1 he u. D. C. 1 Sanfnrd. Son, of Tun-j f( ,| Krw j n Fihlcy . i" M "”l' h "'’1 THREE FIRES IN WEEK DO NO mack Rente xKh their c,dct rrMir' . and member, nf | Tfnn , his ,.„k .ttcnJiiiiK Hie m«.l-[ DAMAGE ] warrinra will leave Thur-las |.ii Eaton'.on. lit btnrnth Wttne-R » ?h '•«! that We are tre t*on* ,-f God.” 'trdoned onei* manifest 1 Dob will be •nt houi>e thia (Thur*- "•n at four o'clock, fig i* a very important ■*tinn of interest <■ to •rnd decided. '!>• reqweried that all ] Birmingham bef» of theae organiMtiona ‘‘ting. of the American Bar A^^ocia- tin. Col Sibley i, actlv. h. tta f" Tbrp# in .cck i. no Geonria A,,ociation and -a recovn.r-, ^^ fcut uh „, „„ l( ,nuw. U done, °- f 52?- .Im'ao^H ‘mivfa. be a record. Friday night a negro houNe on Fine .tree! cauvhl fira. The .mail roof blaze wan quickly -■xt'ngu'.ahed. 8»n- _ . ' T . „ . presided, and delivered the charge to , me "mwo «.m - man.tev r °^ Jnto r>, BroWnM aa.l Mr L the • ,, ~ Rev. H. J. Morgan, of Montirello. deMvered an appropriate, achohrly yera. Mr. J. I SiWey him on the trip- They will returning hi p T H TO MEET NOV. 1ST. |d~y Th-Parerl Teachcr. A= ociatlon | «»-■ Yaltawk .needed will meet I cirri Board of Dlrect«»n» Niuem n ■« faM • faint Chrl.tian Advncnta d- talk day. j meeting of the member, m de.nwd. out powerful team In that .action ,f the and eunmat rei atate Friday/afte -noon. A viettfy ever Coach Wa'lare Butte, Madi-on Aggie- last fridty left the cadet record clean Hi their battle for the G. I. A. A. Champion- «h»p. The game was a thriller from altrm. The w:i a'ao sXtin- j the opening whistle. .!«y afternoon a | had a fighting, Uk fire company