Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 31, 1929, Image 1

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Marching toward the G. I. A. A. | A telegram Wednesday morning to champinn-hip again Coach Down and i Capt. J. H. Enni* from Mr. J. R. hi* Riversid* Cndet* invade Haven- Phillips member of the Highway port Field Friday afternoon to hat- Board, stated that an order had been tie the red and Mark warrior* of I pacsed at the meeting of the board Coach SInp Rent' and C ; >rh Jbhnny j to P«ve the road from Milledgeville th- State HospiUl and that work uld begin at once. The Highway Board award repro of the Board of Trustees of tin- State Sanitarium, the Cham ber of Commerce, the Kiwanis, The city and the county at a meeting Mot..Lav morning and deferred ac tion at that time until the Wednes day meeting. I)r. R. C. Swint. Dr. T. M. Hall. Mr. L. H. Andrews. Rev. J. F. Yarbrough and Mr. O. M. Ennis were the members of the dele gation presenting resolutions from the organizations at the meeting er in the I The Elks club endorsed the paved team for-! road to the Hospital several months own itself 1 *1?° an d presented the matter rthy foe thus far i nd Coach Rentz rare pH*Pire of Governor John Mi Hedge who s ' * son ' * Coach Broadna- 1 have groomed thei j in,* them in shape for the big i i at the Bapti.t t'hurch. HiStOnCal Sketch of Governor Milledge home at the pastorium on Liberty 'nf’!!? rh"':,Tho^ Zdv A f*°* e *f Sl»te«m»n Gmtw MiD»d|e Wu A Leader far State the home ready for them. The ladie- j Maintained Education tad Wu Head of The Slate Government of the church had filled the pantry) When MiBedfevdJe Was Located and Founded will all kinds of delicious food. Highway Boani by their Exalted The other civic organization^, here took the matter into consideration and dumg the past few weeks have been active in the effort to get the Chairman Tate, of the Highway Department stated tin- board would consider the matter at their October all the G. I. A. A. games todate they have emerged with th'-* flag of victroy waving over the Old Capitol hill, and their team still fine shape for the neat enemy. There i» no doubt about this game Friday being what the big boys rail It i* understood that the work on a classic. It Is the season** , t£ rj the road will b ”* * th- next for Milledge ill*. It is the big game I thirty days and will ha poshed to until along comes Lanier which is rapid completion. week before Thanksgiving, j creek >r of the Atlanti Baptist As- , the largest organization of in the south and one of the n the world. Shortly after egan hi- p called upon to preach the con- of the Georgia Bap- tion. and was the young- i*r to ever be given this ° | distinction. , church has re-organized dur- le past few weeks and every department of the church is well or- »f your citizens expected and the work well nlanned held by the JOHN J HUNT. other pastor) city Rev. J. F. Yarbrough wsill preside and a special welcome will be made by each church. The wel coming services will take the place of the regular evening service* and all other churches will he closed. Th first service by the new pas tor Sunday morning will be at the regular 11:80 o'clock hour. Beyond que: ! and fruitful period in the growth and establishment of Georgia, during the | 156 years of her existence is the era when the Capital was at Louisville, and then the 61 years that mark the time when the Capital waj! at Milledgeville. During the reign of Governor John Milled*.' at Louisville the seat of power was very thoughtful and carefully arranged to be moved to Milledgeville, just at the time when Colonial d. y» had passed, over, the war of the Revolution smoothed down—the Yazoo Fraud, a knotty problem of state that had rocked the old ship as nothing Secession, was out the way—and the affair* of state were * haping, with studied precision, definite ar- govemment of all t will**! 11 ' territory then and f th. ! *taU- of Georgia. Despite the «ver pre-ent hardships of pioneer building and the disturb ing daggers of frequent troubles with hostile Indians, Georgia manag- 1 *ajr. ed to expand her government with hard and keepi such marked intelligence that in a short while the state held high place in the esteem of the entire country. Georgia had a bright galaxy of ■tatksmen in those days, and John Milledge was among the brightest. A close study and -i fair interpre tation of the movements they inaugu rated give them clear title of being serious, intellegent and forsighted One cannot fail fice, consecration and devotad tudy they gave to the problem* of **b- liahing good go And be it said and truly said, government is difficult. My. how difficult government is. Think of the travail of go The fill at the _ ill he raised and the bridge Co*ch Dowia .... h* -Otkhvto -Ul h. !«**»•<• Th' city and MB hi. b.,n ..tain, <•«■»>» -ttlrtHUWrt th. Wajnwtanet paving with that of the highway de partment. The highway took over ariothar ch."rp;.n.h'ip *“• "» Cr ~ k hH ** » ‘ avenue several years ago, and J1 pave this section. that he ca * again, spur his will d. everything down G. M. C. at any cort. The Gainsville cadets have hurled their challenge and given th« war cry of defiance, to boys of G. M. C., who do not intend (o let the challenge go uncalled or the cry « f definame pass into the echo un-noticed. Football fans can buckle on their thrill proof clothes for Friday or else stay away from Davenport Field. The hattle starts at three o'clock. Neith er team has given out a line-up. but the best they have will be e»n the eleven that carries on Friday. along with the other 12 (13 of then but we have had some good hick) (Continued on page Two) FIVE NEGROES INJURB) MONDAY ERWIN SIBLEY ELKS TO HOLD PRST TALKIE AT COLONIAL The Stating Fad Scoring Bif Hit. Two Black Crow* Next Monday and Too*day The first Vitsphone picture at the Colonial Theatre has scored a big hit and the theatre has been packed on the first day to see and hear Al Jalaon “The Singing Fool.** 1 h- equipm >.t in-tail'd by Mr. Curry i« perfect. The tonal quality is excellent and th<r* Is nothing to mark every expectation of * real high c , »i*x 1 "w that the public ha* had for the t -ihmial. Al Jfdaou in G- S .S. OFFICIAL WES SUDDENLY c. OF C. ORGANIZE FORYEARSWORK Two Jailed on Charge of Intent to DIST. GOVERNOR CONVENTION HERE H the T, Si Rc H. DeSauuiirt Fount in m Early Friday Morainf F «»fral Saturday Aftaraapa years of faithful aer- Milledgeville State Hoa- «nded early Friday morn- ' a Pt- T. H. DeSauflsure was 1 1 in his room. ■ , ' 1 ' hia death came to Mil- ' irly Friday morning and ’• rrow to hundreds of hi* 10 had known him daring •dt- k " Jm ber ot years he had * h • sidenee here. ' "SauilH had started to ^ * heart attack came and “■mas his bed. A rerv- V, ' u ‘* f run< l him and call- McWhorter, his daugh- (n apparent that he had “*ral minuses and that me while he was In the (Co *»ta Adriu Hkh Named oa Director ate Board. Committee Cfcairmeo ud Vice Cfcoomeo Named Detail, of orpaniaation wore com pleted Monday nl(fct by the Board of Director, of the Chamber of Com merce at a regular meeting in the City Hall Council Chamber. President Bell preelded et the aea- alon thet *a» attended by nine mem ber. of the board. The election of the eheirmttn of the department head, with their viee ehalrmea waa the principal action of the mectine The follwoin* chnirmen wwe nnmed for the five or»eniaetion which! that the Named Head of Third Kiwaait Ceoryia Auaciathm to Come Here Diatrict at State Convection in Neat Nay, Board of Direct on Valdosta Lait Week Decide Saaday the h'»«P't»l f»|. Erwin Sibley, pa«t Pre* ident of the Milledgeville Kiwani* Club, wa* named District Governor of the third District at the State Conven tion of the civic cluH in Valdosta last week. The Kiwanis Club here in a reso lution adopted at a recent meeting endorsed Mr. Sibley for the post, and his name was offered by Dr. W. T. Wynn and Mr. L. C. Hall, the dele gates attending the convention. The election was unanimous. Ur. Sibley as a charter member of the local club, has been active in Kiwonis dujring the several # year* civic organization has constitute the operating board | operated here. Serving as Secretary r the Chamber of Commerce. for a number of years he was later Organization Affair*- R. H. Woot-I named District Trustee and then ele- (Cenlineed on b-«W p**« j vated to the post of President. Milledgeville has been cheaen the convention city of Georgia Elks for 1930, it was announced by the Board of Directors of the Georgia A*»>cia- tion after their meeting la*-t Sunday in Columbus, Georgia. Capt J. H. Ennis. Exalted Ruler of the local lodge, stated that there would bo several hundred Elks here during the three day session and that plans wore being made far the elaborate entertainment of the visi tor*. The entire city will ho asked to jote in to make the hundreds of visitors here have a big time, Capt -ings this sort* with great credit, and -t. alone is worth the price. Moran snd Mack of Columbia rec- . rd fame -tr- the star- of “Why Bring That Up’* preg^uaauwd for Monday and Tuesday. The me.lv in this picture i* i»-rfect. It bring* ti.o fam-n« !|arh fnoe c- medians right to you. and the «»ory of their lives i* of great interest. Mr. Curry is showing h#oJ!> • at- •pmefions at the Colonial and Mil ling the c-nter of uffering from injurit • hen a car driven by Frank Fraley j side sariped ths* truck in which they ware riding. Monday afternoon. | The negroes were on a truck of the Dixie Construction Company and were siting on the aide with their leg* swinging off. Fraley with Will Steele, Jr., we-e coming to Milledge-! I. Igevitle villa and had passed one truck load- many visitor* in the evening*. Mil- «*d with aegreos and when they ledgeville people are delighted and started to pass the second ‘hey side) will give the Theatre manager their -wiped the truck inju^ng five of the; support in his effort to give Mil- negroea who had their leg* swinging, ledgeville the beet. off. One of the negroee had both leg* broken and phyaictena stated BEST COTTOM SELLING AT 17 1-* that hie recovery was doabtful. CENTS PER LB. Fraley and Steele wns both ar- The number of bale* ef cotton rested under an asaault with intent marketed in Milledgeville to date ha* to murder warrant. Steele made bond re,■ shed five thousand bales. Tki» to of f 1,900 Tuesday afeernoon and several thousand In eacoaa of tW, Fraley i* being held without bond number received the h-tal reason o# Enaia .tated. The paid, .a *e *£*+ “ ** „ h .„ ... „ “ TOBd •tar "•»'•! ““ Ww** 1 Th. on the tmek wtn !-l per p«md Wediv .1.- law. employed By the Dixia Ceaatruction The majority of the eott-.n bring Th* convention will be held early Company and were being earned to . Id at this time h «torm cMt-a, Umy. their home near Haddock. ^ j shoving stains.