Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 07, 1929, Image 1

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A BALDWIN COUNTY institution t VOLUME C Union btabUiM in It southern Recorder - it READ BY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in Progressive Baldwin Milledgeville, Ga., November 7, 1929 Conaciidated in 1S71 Armistice Day To Be Celebrated Monday Strong South Georgia Eleven Meet Red and Black Team on Grid iron in Holiday Classic BOTH TEAMS B££.£L" CADETS BATTLE Held a'. Memorial Gates A BANQUET IN THE EVENING Members of Morris-Little Post of um'ivun Legion and their Auxili- -v will celebrate Armistice Day j’.nday, with a gala program that r |; i.cjrin at two o’clock when the C M- r. cadet*, their hand, and mem- rr , ,f the Legion and Auxiliary taCt . i parade. The brief exercises which will be a t the Memorial Gates, the en- ■nsct to the Legions Memorial .'•ati-im, erected to their comrades k. paid the supreme price in the war, will begin immediately uf- , r th parade Rev. A. G. Harris, Chaplain <>f the Legion, will make principal address, and CoL Er- SiMey will preside. H. Holloway, chairman of the mittee of arrangements, stated ,t was the hope of the Legion the day would be one of rejoic- ard that every person in the city ■I join to make the day a success, m m!>cr.s of the Legion and the :i ry have been requested to be M. C. at one forty-five when parade will form and move off * .» o’clock. t h :■ evening the Legiomires !■• the guests of Dr. W. M. r. < mmander of-the post, at a iuet at the home of Mrs. Trea- WORK BEGINS ON HOSPITAL ROAD ! nday ha* been declared a •inal holiday and the last session the State Legislature named the : a ■■tale holiday and the mer- nts here will observe the day. It jnderstood that all stores will <- at one o’clock, it three o’clock in the afternoon i holiday attraction, the G. M. C. i-isl team will play the Norman Park t« um, the leading team in loath Georgia. conference™ MEET NEXT WEEK Surveyors Complete Work and NORMANMONDAY Paving Immediately Follows Number 12 CLDBS PLAN XMAS TREES IN CITYj Federated Club* at Luncheon Expect to Erect Two Large j Trees in Down Town Section I WORK TO BE DONE RAPIDLY ASK CO-OPERATION IN PUN Surveyors have completed their task in making ready the road to the Milledgeville State Hospital for pav- POWFRFUI and £ r '‘ ld ' n K work will commence Friday to get the road ready for the Monday afternoon „ tthree o'clock, I {""‘"S * :hlrh wUI ( “" ow rmistice Day, the Cadet Gridiron y ' arriors of Coach John a v Ttr-mA. Th, ‘ Bew paved nax and Coach Slap Rentz, meet the strongest team in South Georgia the Norman Park Institute eleven, on Davenport Memorial Field in what promises to be one of the greatest prep battle in many seasons. A great holiday crowd is expected to pack the stands to watch the bat tle and it is certain it will be plenty colorful. During the halves the ca dets will stage -in exhibition drill. Just prior to the opening of the game, a brief Armistice Day program will be staged at the gates that mark the entrance to the field. Norman come- from its South Georgia home highly touted as the champions of that section of the State. They come to Milledgeville with a long string of wins, boasting a powerful jrunning attack and a ill connect with the paving go out the avenue to the tenter building where a loop Will be made ■around in front of the new L. M. Jone- Hospital building and go back the belo the hoi of Dr. George Echols. The grading work that will i>egin Friday will raise the fill at Fishing Creek and improve the road inter section at P.land's Lumber Company. The avenue road will also be cut down in places and th.' steep grade made more gradual. Pacing work wrijl commence as fast a- the grading is done, the High way Engnerrs stated. The base will be laid a- soon as a short stretch has been graded. It »•* understood Plans were made at a luncheon given by Mrs. E. R. Hines. President « f the Federated Clubs of Baldwin county, to decorate Milledgeville dur ing the holiday season, erecting two large Christina- trees in the down town section .and decorating the white way posts. Representstves of the nine clubs in the city were invited to the lun cheon and M’t. Hires presented the plans. The city has been divided in to four sections and Mrs. Pearson Berry. Mrs. G. A. Lawrence, Miss Lclia Lamar and Mrs. M. H. Bland have been aimed chairman of these *■ notion-. Mrs. J. I. Garrard has been named chairman at the State Hospl- Red Ci oss Charity Fund Drive Starts Tuesday CITY PROHIBITS | Committees Ready to Solicit Foods FIRECRACKERS BIG RESPONSE EXPECTED Ordinance Pa»«ed Monday Will' Not Allow Sale of Any Kind of • Committees as-igned Fire Works During Holidays of rdinance prohibiting the -alt in the city of fire crack r.dle- othi orks of the tal. It the clu’s dei :ry imie place i to have • Christ- T>mes. Two large trees will be placed i n the Exchange Bank corner ind the A*P corner. onths will • d< fei The ■d thei coaches have groom- arefully for the garni and are ready to send their best bet against the invaders. The radets have scored 170 points to their opponents 19. and have one of the best prep teams in Georgia this year. that not more than foi be necessary to finish the work. The order to nave the road wa- issued by the Highway Board la-t Wednesday and work hud begun Fri day morning. MR. EMMETT L. BARNES DIED IN ATLANTA TUESDAY A wav Af tar Lc„ OFFICERS FOR MILLEDGEVILLE METHODIST CHURCH NAMED NEW MINISTER TO BE WELCOMED immett L. Barnes died at his Atlanta Tuesday, November terly Conference Held >th, after an illn« ss extending Year’s Work Not j through stveral months, » the re- Completed j *ult of a stroke of paralyi B.i unty, i Postponed Services to Be Sunday Evening at Baptist Church The Fourth Quarterly Conferei ,f the Milledgeville Methodist church th greater hi Id Sunday Afternoon by Dr. lodyoville. Slant F. Drmptry. Prrtidintr Eldrr i ha rnaared I of tha Oxford Dintrlct. Tha raport. and was rartntnh Held j read showed that the Sunday School | city’s substantial and Woman’s Missionary Society > ars ago, he w. were doing splendid and successful | make hi- h- the grocery husi ifc Gun Pov passed at the regular sessi. City Council Monday night. The Council in pa sing t ■nee stated that fireworks constitot-j a fire hazard and that the noises were objectionable, and based the reason for the pas-age of the act on this j .-tatcment. Miters w.re purchased from the j Badger Meter Company sufficient j to put a meter on every water line | in the city. A minimum rate of by Rev. John F. Yarbrough will be gin a drive Tuesday morning for funds for the Red Cross, the organi zation through which is operated the ch&rity work of the city and county. Under the plan adopted last year the R d Cross ha- been designated the official charity organization of the county and all charity work would be operated and carried on by the Red Cross. It was also determined that only one drive would be made eac\ year and that funds would be raised then to meet the charity need* throughout the year. The drive will open Tuesd- ing and it i- the desire mil tee to conclude th rk . week’s time. Mrmbersh • the or ganization is secured at dollar and it is hoped that etc citizen will take this dollar n -.bership, however larger eontributi: • .are so- P. M. Roger-, President «»f the Baldwin county chapter, stati d ‘hat •i goal of four hundred members th $3,900 has been set for this years $1.00 has been charged to a great number of water users, without hav ing a mi ter attached. The new meter, will be installed where there ar. now no meters and the from which the meters were purchas-I •••■I agreed to take their pay from the excess collections that would Ih> made * •fter th.- meters were installed. Ini other words, as explained by the! City Clerk, after th' stilled the people w eurine water at the minimum rate! of $1.00 will have th ed through a meter and the increase! in the pric of water to them will he sufficient to pay for the 200 meters , purchased last week. -■ Th, Council mV .in oo to,,r.l Buddy R 0|w , , nd N.nty C.rrull Uk community Christ map tree which the Federated club. will placi in the down town section. FAMOUS STARS AT COLONIAL I held 1 Methodist Ministers and Laymen Will Attend The Annual Session e. Roberts, the new pastor of tl of North Georgia Baptist church, to th • city, was poi poned until next Sunday evening, < I! • J. F. Yarbrough, pastor of account „f th ,. M. !i dgeville Methodist church; J. H. Farr, pastor of the Mil lie Circuit; Rev. Mr. Roark. ■ of the Midway charge; Dr. T. Wynn and Mr M. S. Bell a- »• !' -.rates from the Oxford Di«- i \| •• s. I * te lay leader of vhe Oxford i t. will go to Atlanta, the early ■f next wi k to attend the an- j -ion of the North Georgia f r. nre. which convenes writh the ■ ’ Methodist church November Mr Yarbrough has served a- j eathii ondH Late Sunday afternoon rain began falling and at the hour for services it was. pouring in torrents, and the pastors of the city thought it he*t that the welcoming services be p **t- por d, and so notified Mr. Robert-. Therefore the ministers and con gregation* of the churches will unite next Sunday evening in service-* at the Baptist church, and welcome the new pastor to the city. LEGION AUXILIARY MEFTS WITH MRS. W. M. SCOn work. The financial repi made as it will wot be perfected un til the close of the Conference year. The following officer* were elect ed. Stewards R S. Alford, Dr. E. W. Allen. H. G Banks, E. E. Bill. J. F. Bell. J. F. Bi ll. Jr.. M. S. Beil, H. G. Bone. Rus sell Bone, I>. W. Brown. Ih\ Richard Biaion, A. I. Butts. Chas J. Conn, Otto M. Conn, T. B. Duma . J C. Grant. J. L. Harper. E. C. Kidd. E. R. Hint**. G. W. Hollinshaad. Dr. L. P. Longino, W. A. Massey, I». F. Montgomery, W. H. Montgomery, R. B. Moore. Dr. W. M. Scott, S. D. Stembridge, W. W. Stemhridge, Dr. E. A. Tigner, Dixon W'illiams. H. S. Wootjcn. R. H. WoottM, W. T. Wynn and Dr. Y. H. Yarbrough. Mr. T. B. Dumas was the only new oil*. rith the i r.t of the State. The death of Mr. rrow to a large n res and friend* her membi r him a SALVATION ARMY OPENSWORKHERE: Form*! Opening to B-e Held Nov. 1,1 17. Down Town Office to Be Opened for Headquarters ray- i nml man Mr. Bari Method! *t, and Stars in Vitaphone Attraction Tku'sday and Friday Illusion," an all talking Vita- phone attraction featuring Buddy Rogers and Nancy C.arroll, will fea- thc program at the Colonial re Thursday and Friday of thia Singing, dancing and talking all make thi- one of the great pictures «f the year, with two star- that have become popular in Milledgeville. Tha opening "talkie” attraction at the Colonial last week featuring A1 Jokpa, packed the theatre for three d*y* and M *. Curry Stated that he was highly pleased with the splendid • ith the Milledgeville I.ixigf. The funeral and burial service* tare held in Atlanta Wednesday Mr. Barnes is survived by hi* wife. rh<» was formerly Mias Willie Rob- rt . «f thi* city, and seven ’’ildren ■ lames, E. L. Barries. Jr., Louis tarnea, Mr- Kemp Ingram, Misnrs ara and Fvelyn Barnes. He also >avea a sister. Mrs. F. J. Stembridge Sunday Sch' I Superintendci t. Bell. Ijiy -tic- - S H->». h QTI7ENS TO HONOR NATIONS WAR PRESIDENT MONDAY NIGHT -.■it The Salvation Army has • M llcdgeville to begin work the needy of the county, and ' ther social service work unc leadership of Envoy and Mr-. Ed-1 p,. t \fi1lcdgeviii . w in P. SeovilL I Tuesday *‘T» . Black Crow, Weekly meeting will be held on j another hit and Mr. Curry was pre- the street* and indoor services will, luring for a record h<*u«e Thursday I conducted at the Opera House. : nd Friday when the two young star* The official opi ning service will be, cine in th. ir latest all talking at- N-vember 17th. All ministers and tractions. reprp-entative- of civic organisation- J n « telephone message from Mr. w ll be invited to thi* service which rurry Wednesday from Atlanta, will mark the formal opening of the where he is purchasing picturse, ho Salvation army. 1 announced siim »f the attractiona Envoy Scovill stated that a d*»wn ,i l . tl w j|l p,. h<>wn between now and " «« oflfce would be opened and all ,h,. fjprt of the year. They are: relief cate* would be handled ‘-Might," “Th Virginian," "Katur- tFrough thi office. Dnati'ute r»-< dlty Night Kid” with Clara B<.w, wdl be ; ported to the officer there. • !, r „adw»v Scandals of 1930 -Gold Until th: offi.e < twn<d the umy |Hgg,-r.< f Br-«dway." “W.-!*.cme u .rkers can b. reached through the r " with Harold Lloyd. "Fart •'•Hre station. The two workers here , . “Sweetie" “On With tho • xpert » . be culled U all kinds of - “Say it with S ngs" with rharitab. and needy work, adminis- taring t«* the aick ard downcast . ••Four F'-athera” is the feature The ■ ffb—rm will conduct aarriews Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. J t the tubercular . amp at the State |, ,. M „. s d r, ct from Atlanta wh^u .• i Sum the Cob !i i preacher* serve a charg'* • .:i ".cutively. During these he hM walked uprightly, and ' -d the -Go-pel. fully esUhlish- ‘ tr-. If in the love and cunti- -r hi* p.npte. Mr. T’-.srk ha* finished hi* :h< Midway Charge. . . ,i !."«♦ and consecrated r. and a deeply religious T greatest interest in the King session of the conference r* in the election of delegates he General Conference, which nes at Dallas, Texas, next year. A - ROGERS BUYS STORE OF V. W. FAULKNER ,r J. A. Rogers has purchased r -eery store of Mr. V. W. ■ r, and assumed it* manage- Tueaday miming. Ir Roger* i* well known through- lUldwig county, .and will ap- ! *' the trade of *he public. He 4f* v » his customers courteous and Mention, and carry a full irrocerlsa. outline of the State iho *-iiih president, Mis* Bertie Stembridge. Mr*. Henson sp-*k ..f th. arehabili- tation work. Lhe outlined plan* for < hilalmgs «khf t* erans and told of the need among the windows and orphan* of veterans. Mr*. H. B- Enni*, poppy «l<* chair man, told*of the plans for the sale Monday when they expected to ex ceed all previous years. Mr*. George Carpenter told of the plana to mark all graves of ex soldiers in the county and other his torical work. Mr.«. T. A. Re-«e, program chair man, spokt on the spirit of armistice. A special feature on the program was • piano solo by Mr*. Lawton Lovett. Mr. E. E. Bass is serving on the Grand Jury in th- United SCUtea I ourt In Macon this week, end Messrs j Cha* N. Chandler and W\ L. Ritchie on the traverse jury. CADETS DEFEAT RIVERSIDE IN C S. C. CIRIS OFF FRIDAY FOR GREAT G4ME LAST FRIDAY HOLIDAY public attend. ..up ille rth r th. the hom • I. hrate in honor fOMFDY TO BE GIVEN AT G. C. LYCEUM FRIDAY “The Big Pond" a cleaver three act comedy will be the Lyceum off- wrvK . e of America’* great !*r#u- ering at the G. S. C. auditorium dent Armistice Day will be observed in our city on that date and it will very - , - .. | appropriate to have thia commemora- f«tu„ p,rform*ncpa .f tW | tr l , ul , w w „ dr „» Wilson follow in the evening. of Ri\ «.pp»: mng. The show has i many noted actors. POPPY SALE TO BE HELD MONDAY Under the supervision of the American Legion Auxiliary Mon day, Armistice Day, will he cele brated as Poppy Day. The red flowers will be *«»ld and the funds will go to the IHsabled Veteran*, their widows and orphans of the World War. Mrs. H. B. F.nnia is chairman of the sale and with a large committee wlU handle the work Monday- After the dinner a program ha* been arranged which will include a paper by Mrs. F« -guson, followed by a mu-ical number and some *h ir* ! voluntary speeches and perhaps a ! radio broadcast of the New Y.»rk j | celebration. Should any of out citi*en-> de*!re to join in thi* event they ire re quested to communicate with eith r Mr*. David F'ergoaon or I>r. E. A. Tigner before Friday nigh* f *h»* —k. November ttfe. * ... raid.. the G. M. C. cadets marched to a 4S to 0 victory lai-t Friday afternoon on Davenport field. Three minutes after the game had started, the cadets had a seven point lead on the visitors and continued t<* pile up the score rntU the game end ed in an overwhelming victory for the boy* of G. M. C. Riverside had an ordinary team, not up to the standard, bat a t« am that will win many gassei. They had fighting spin tand did not give up despite the crushing defeat. The team displayed superior coaching and greater knowledge of the game. The victory for G. M. C. vai ihr fir<t over a Riverside team in sevens! years, and th» wtudenta duly cele brated the victory. A parade through the ‘tterta, ended by a big bond fire Hgain Saturday BRonkudg b>aded with hundred* of Geor-- u. ihcir homes all 9 the week-end. The holiday will begin and end Monday night. The j ladies will spend Armistice Day *1 h.»m - and Monday night the special trsin will roll in again to bring hack these students to begin again with their college work until the Christ, mas holiday-, which h not long away. The town student* will be out of uniform duriMg the three day rest and enjoy th. holiday. Frank Vim- gee of tho rb-t A A I* S; ore*. *pent of Tuesday m the city, a «n of the Ute Mr.