Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 19, 1929, Image 1

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I ;iN COUHTY tjtutioh rM£C (Twelve Pages) Read bv thousands OF PEOPLE in Pnmuhi Baldwin and SDRoasdiai Conn* «onSa l rn U fii«r£f* Ui,fc ^ to JJfJ MBWfeville, Ga., Deetalcr 19, 1929 Consolidated is 1178 id MHRP HAY^ TRE£s and shrubs jj( IflUlVt. UA IJ EVERY COUNTY IN STATE [ENDS shopping Ready for Final Rush. Shop- . Busy This Week Complet- bg Final PUu. Number 18 TO BEAUTIFY SQUARE Judge Hulchcnnon, Member of Board of Truateeg Offers Idee for C. S. C. W. Park |id> b«‘ chopping day* re- ('hristmas, many £j,den people *‘-' rc sur^n* and stores ir.nk- l^ady f,,r the unnual exchan K e which annually marks the ion of the nativity mtrft e«« d » of ,he yMr arc j this wck-end and the first v of next week when the aii rush will be on Gifts for mother, son, daughter, sister, r and the sweetheart must be . t „i „a it? tim ' hns >t ro ’" 1 . Saturday afternoon the , were crowded until late at . with shopping brisk through- the day merchants stated they were owds nnd their gift • ded any of previous years. . with lift in hand were busy, little time for conversation hurried, seemingly intent upon iy 1 Judge John B. Hutcheson, of j Jonesboro, Ga., in a letter to Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Beeson, makes an I interesting suggestion in regard to Government Square. Now thnt the suggestion is made, it seems strange that no one had thought of the plan before. Judge Hutcheson says “I noticed in the newspapers a few days ago your undertaking to beautify “Gov ernment Square** or "Nesbit Woods’’ by planting of tree--, shrubbery etc. A merely make this as a suggestion what do you think of the idea of having the girls and former students to assist in the matter and have a tree or some shrub from each coun ty in the State planted on the*o grounds. This would give it a his torical setting. This is merely n suggestion.” Thus, Government Square, which has for one hundred and twenty-five years awaited its destiny, may yet | become a beautiful park illustrating in. that ( f getting ns much | the flora of Georgia froi if as possible. _ i Gap to Tybee light. . the week many people will [i the city, returning to their ■ the holidays. School teach- tudenta will have the ma- thnM.' who will come back ChrL-tmas and Santa Rabu SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR HOLIDAYS ThrChri inia. buying will come lesday. and everybody w '■aking the final purchns miing of old Santa Claus If weather conditions : fiv.irabl : can be expected that f largest crowds ever gath- • will he on tha business rtf ..f the city. tON-RECORDBR TO COME HOM PRESS MONDAY NIGHT Feirlirr in Order That Em ployee’s Get Holiday rder that the Union Recorder arh it* tenders before Christ- i day and at the same time the >jrtes of the office be permitted ijoy a holiday, the paper next will he published Monday night do out on Tuesday morning e advertising und news depart- i will appreciate the co-opcra- l of the mer.-hants and the citi- .-ir efforts to give the pco- county the early news of bui at the same time to ' h pojciblc for the employees ice to have a holiday. G. S. C. Students and Cadets Will Leave for Home. County Schools Also Shut Doors Students at both colleges will de- rim to go to their homes for the ar rival of Santa Cinus and to join the annual gift giving marathon, custo mary at thi ssen-on of the year. Abi.nrd the beauty special at two o'clock this afternoon a thousand Georgia girls will leave* for their homer, many more of t hern, arc leaving in automobiles and busses in order that they may get home the qtiick**st route possible. The cadets of -G. M. C. and the children in the grammar school put aside books Friday, to join in the homeward procession. In the cadet student body are three Cubans who will spend the holidays in Milledge- ville. They will be joined by two of their friends who are attending col leges elsewhere in the state. School houses in the county will close Friday and the children are given the privileges of the Christmas holiday season. All schools will open January 6th. G. M. C. PLACES F0UR0NG.1.A.A. McClelland, Batchelor, Turbyville and Bazanos Chosen on All G. 1. A. A. Eleven G. M. C. placed four of its foot ball player on the mythical all G. 1. A. A- eleven, while as many more were given honorable mention by a board of sports Writers representing the leading dailies of the state, who met in Macon and made the election of th? heat players in the prep cir cuit of the State. Jimmie Jones of the Macon Tele graph, Dave Jenkins of the Atlanta Journal, Randy Edmondson of the Georgian and Basil Abrahams of the Savannah Press comprised the group who made the selections and an nounced in the Sunday paper-. Batchelor, McClelland, Bazanos and Turbyville were chosen on the all star teum while Rich, McArthur, Holmes nid Robertson were given honorable mention for their fine ! play during the year. Bazanos was the unanimous choice of the scribes and was placed at one of the guard position*-. Bazanos was the only local boj on the cadet eleven this year and has been one of the great stars of the team. In the reference to the various players in picking the team, the Ma con Telegraph stated the following in the Sunday edition: On this team, the .title eleven of G. M. C-. a "dark horse" which has come to the front in the G. I. A. A. places two in the liackfield and two in the line. Johnny Broadnax and “Slap" Rentz produced two of the finest backs to He found in prep circles in the South. McClelland, a line pounding fullback, earned this po.-,t and he deserved it with his marvelous display of work through out the year. The other G. M. C. back to gain u halfback distinction was Graham Batchelor, a speedy halfback who can kick and pass beautifully. He nnd McClelland were the main wheel hor.es of the Luck field, though Mc Arthur and Rich were big threat*. COUNTY WILL NAME ORDINARY Election Will Be Held Friday to Select Succesior to Judge W. H. biembndge Baldwin county citizens will go to the polls Friday to name a successor to the late Judgq W. H. Stcmbridgc who served Baldwin county twenty- five years as Ordinary, his death leaving a three year un«*xpired term Mist county polling places will open at nine and close at three and precinct will open at seven and close Both candidates have carried on an active c.tnipaign during the past Lao weeks and a good tote is expect ed throughout the county. * ELUE LODCE NAME OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR AT MEETING TUESDAY L. L. Beck N.: ed Wor.Hipful Mai to Be Installed at Jana 7th I- L. Beck, for many years active in the Ma-onic fraternity was named Worshipful Master of Bemvolem Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M. at the regu lar meeting held in the lodge' rooms Tuerday night. To nerve with Mr. Beck, the fol lowing were elected: George Davis, Sr. Warden; W. B. Wood. Jr. Warden; J. T. Day, Treasurer; J. T. McMullen, Secre tary; S'. L. Stcmbridgc, Sr. Deacon; •T T. Andrews, Jr. Deacon; J. R. | Mn.ih, S". Steward; D. Rogers, jr. Steward; Warren Welch, Tyler and W. H. BaumgarteL Chaplain. Mr. J. T. McMullen was named a * have been udded. Mr. > rooms for « period of two CADETS GRID CHAMPS G. I. A. A. Triumph Over Madison Last Friday 19 to 0. Colorful Crowd Watches Red and Flack March to Victory PAGENT TO BE Churches to Celebrate Christmas Season With Special Programs Next Sunday. EASTERN STAR NAME OFFICERS AT MEETING LAST THURSDAY NIGHT . n~ Tin Riley to Head Orgi ng the New Yei r.day Enthu.iai One OTFn FiiHfATOR ADDRESSES STUDENTS AT CHAPEL WEDNESDAY Bigelow, Director of Faculty of Art. Guest of G. S. C. W. Wrda^day Morning rrkv A. Bigelow, Director uii, f Praticnl Arts of Univ . ty, was the guest [ ’*v. one of the outstnnd <<( the nation, is mnk »f the South visiting the At an enthusiastic meeting last Thursday night, the Order ot Eastern Star named officers for the new year, the election being held conclusion of a banquet that icrved in the club rooms in the Ma sonic club. Mrs. John Riley was named Worthy Matron succeeding Mrs. George Har ris Webber, who has held the post tince the organization was completed h:re. The other officers named :hief of Police Frank Broome udd.nly tricken Sunday afternoon L. c. Wall. Worthy Patron; Mr.-, ibe-ut half-past five o’clock, while j. T. McMullen, Associate Matron; •-•tting in an automobile on Hancock John Riley. Associate Patron; Mrs. treet near the corner of the A&I* p. R Hargro\e, Conductress; Mrs. I* tore. 'L. Beck, Associate Conductress; Mrs. CHIEF OF POLICE BROOME STRICKEN SUNDAY AFTERNOON Popular City Officer Now i of Se al Day. The nek i Mr. Bn after he had t This i that he uffe with a terrific headache. Physi-^ Mrs., ns was hastily called and he w:i- rnmne ried to the Clir.ic, and given n.edi- Atl ■‘•atment. He was later remov- j nigrht Smith. Secretary; and Mrs. L. all. Treasurer, t'he other offic- the lodge will be appointed by Riley but have not been an- ■ed. •ndir Thursday large delegation from | The Christmas reason will be ushered in rext Sunday by special j rvicca at the Methodist, Baptist and ! Presbyterian churches, while Christ-’ j mas day services will be held -at the Episcopal and Catholic churches. The Methi.dist church will have c I i.pccial service at five o’clock. More { than fifty children will take part in 'the pagent "A King Shall Reign." I ' Under the dirctcion of Mrs. Edgar Long a special choir will sing the music -as the story of the Christ child | is enacted. The musical scores offer Jthe sweetest of the Christmas music and the large choir will he a feature of the program. At seven-thirty the Presbyt rtan ■fjurch will offer a special Christmas program in which a large group of young people will take part. The pagent is entitled "The Light of the World.” Mrs. George Carpenter is directing the program with the as sistance of Miss Maggie Jenkins and Mrs. Chus Gibson. The pagent will be one of the most interesting ever given a the church. The public is cordially invited to both the Metho dist and Presbyterian services. At the Baptist church Sunday Rev. L. i * Roberts will preach a special CbriKtnvis strmon. Mr. Roberts is one of the best preacher b in the city and a large congregation is ex pected to hear him. Mbs Laura Shurley has arranged b special musi cal program for the morning service. The program will feature the Christ mas carols with a large choir lead ing the singing. The Episcopal church will have a Christmas day service at eleven o’clock. Rev. F. H. Hardii.g the rector will preach a special sermon at the service. Services will be held on Christmas day at the Catholic church, Rev. Cpn- lin. the priest having charge. At the .Sunday School hour and the meeting of the young people’s league-; at the various churches, the Christmas idea will predominate «n all the program*. years. Mr. Beck succeeds Mr. W. H. laumgartel who during the past ear has hud u most successful and progressive -administration. The ledge has been active and many new membre.s have been added. Mr. Beck ha.* been a prominent figure ilasor.ic work for several years, lie installation of he officers take place in January when the Chapter and Blue Lodge will have n joint meeting and officers of both lodges will he installed. Prominent Masons will tome here for the cere mony. nchers colleges. He lH j t( , t j, c city Hospital where he has the Macon Chapter whichHncluded i her.- Wednesday morning est of Dr. and Mrs. T: - n. Mrs. Bigelow b ac- mying him on the trip. as his subject. “The Great fan Health Movement” he nd- <i the stud:-nt>Hody, stressing p pod of health education. Dr. I * e * f,w ’ 'bowed a great insight into ! object. He also visited several during the day. n the afternoon from five-thirty . seven . Dr. and Mrs. Beeson enter- ' ne d at a reception at the M.an- ^ Members of the faculty and Cer * the various clubs of the { * tre invited to meet the disting- ,h *d Visitor. T H. CLARKE BUYS HOME J LATE DR. G.-D. COMPTON • r - T H. Hiii-kg has purchased the ^ f an< * ^ of the late Dr. G. D. CbJ* ,t0n '. * n carl y 8 P r * n P Mr. will remodel the house and hi* home there. This property most covered, howeve his home today. Mr. Broome was >eriously wound ed several years ago. while in the performance of his dtuies, by a pis tol bullet striking him in his head It is supposed that the attack Sun day was a result of this wound. The frienfc of Chief Broome are glad that he is on his way to- recov- STATE HOSPITAL TRUSTEES HOLD MEETING HERE Mil- Board of Trustees of the lcdgeville State Hospital we»e in session here Wednesday, only minor business of the month being transact ed. Supplies for the. next quarter were purchn ed durirg the session. A full board nioi'linB will b! hold in Jnn- uarv whan a BUcenrsor to Capt. Do- Snuaaort will b* nnmod, it ia prob- able. number of State officers. THE TAX BOOKS TO CLOSE FRIDAY DECEMBER 20TH t All Delinquei The books for the collection of State and County taxe.-. close Friday, December 20th. After that date Tax Collector L. D. Smith Is compelled under the law to issue executions against all delinquents. The Tax Collector expects his office to be crowded today and to morrow with those who have post poned paying their taxes to the last. PAUL Z0L0TAS ENTERTAINS FOOTBALL TEAM AT BANQUET «fe Owner Compliments Champion ship Team at Big Party Wednes day Night — The G. M. C. football team was honored Wednesday night at a ban quet given by Mr. Paul Zolotas, pro prietor of *the Boston Cafe. The entire squad with their coaches were seated at tables in the cafe and served a delicious chicken dinner. Mr. Zolotas promsied the team the dinner if they won the championship early in the sea*on. He has been an admirer of the team all the year. A number of the people of the Dixie Construction Co., are leaving this week to spend the holidays at their former homes. The Union Re corder wishes for each of them a happy Christmas as they gather around the old fire side. CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Feast, of the Nativity, com monly called Christmas day, will be observed at St. Stephen’s EpBcopnl church on Wednesday the 25th, at eleven o’clock. All are cordially in vited to attend the service. BIG CHRISTMAS TUESDAYNIGHT Salvation Array to Direct Program at Opera House. Beys and Girls of City to Be on Program < brisUnas Eve night, the Salvation Army will Eta go a big Christmas pro gram at the Opera House* for the peo ple* of the county. Envoy ami. Mrs. Scovill have announced. A large number of children will take part on the program that will be devoted to the meaning and sig nificance of Christmas. There will be a tree, Santa Claus with toys, nuts, fruits .and candie.-. Children who wish to take part in the program have been asked to get in touch with the army workers. Working in co-operation with En voy Scovill are the Elks, Kiwunis and other organizations. The/ have con tributed to the*fund to get the de sire of the officials in charge to have every child in the county present, while older people are -also invited. Envoy Scovill who is a former end man in minstrel will sing songs and give many funny - tores for the enter- tanment of the kiddies. The enter tainment Tuseday is expected to bo the biggest ever given here. It is the plan of the Salvation Army workers to ,*tart a Sunday School im mediately after Christmas. They . ant to make friend.; with the chil- I dre-n to get them interested. They ; have plans to go cut and get all rhil- 1 tn who have no way to get to Sun- i day School und return them to their ! homes each Sunday. Christmas day baskets of fruit and I clothing will be distributed to needy families in the county by the Amy workers. AH person* desiring to contribute to this are requested to gc; olntuchshrdlushrdlupupupupup get in touch with the Envoy or his wife. They may be found at the City Hall or their home on Jefferson street. MISS BCLTON FIRST OF C. S. C. GRADUATES TO RECEIVE PH. D. MibS Eura Belle Bolton, a mem ber of the G. S. C. W. faculty, was the first giaJuatc of the college to receive her Ph. D. Degree, having been notified by Peabody college this week that she had completed the nccosary requirements and would be awarded the honor in June. Two other members of thr faculty arc working for this distim. . Miss Lilias Myrlck is at the University of Wisconsin studying chemistry and Miss Eloisc Green is working at Johns Hopkins. The football season has ended and a championship rests in Millcdgeville, Coach Johnny Broadnax ana Coach Slap Rentz arc happy, nnd some twenty young cadets of G. M. C. are tickled, the name of champions hav ing been given them by virtu-.- of their great victory over the fighting Madison Aggie- last Friday afternoon by a score of 19 to 0. The cadctr deserve the honor for they have played in no less than eleven games and still they have yet to meet defeat. Starting carly in October they have played right on until mid December through a most difficult schedule which brought Riverside, Lnnier, Monroe, Gordon, Madison, Norman Park and Dougin* against them, but their win column has yet to be scratched upon. Even after closing th"ir regular season, which offered a record sufficient to win any title, the/ had 'a play two full claim upon the coveted honor. Last Friday ended the football reason in Georgia, and the game at tracted a colorful crowd. Famous conches, famous football teams, sports writer of note ar.d men of distinction from nil parts of Geor- ■ on the bide line* and those that wore not routed in front n radio !i*tening to the details •n through W. S. B. and W. M. 2. Dr. Tigner arranged this fen- nnd it v being ■ big. i congratulating the tations for the fine fashion in fhich they put the broadcast over. G. M. C. defeated a hard fighting, amt* little football team last Friday. Coach Wallace Butts in Byla-ka und Walker had two real stars. They thwarted the cadet attack more than nee, and it was not until the final .histle that this band of football players gave up.Tj?*-• Jjke tiger;, neither giving nor tnkfajg quarter nnd the young coach who Millcdgeville claims as her own is to he congratulated for their fine Play. McClelland, Batchelor and Mc- :thur with their side kick Earl Rohcr. on proved a combination that all powerful for the Madison They pasred, bucked and ran for three touchdowns and victory. Batchelors great catch of a pas* from Roberson and his sixty-.even yard sprint for touchdowns were the fea tures of the day. McClelland did his bit toward gaining ground. cadet line again proved itself r of strength on the defense. The G. M. C. forward wall was im- prcgcnable nnd 'Madison could gain .cry little ground. Their only threat* were halted dead when the shadows jf the goal posts appeared i<* the :ndets backs. Bazanos, Turbyville, Holme* and Cnpt. Robertson were the '.crocs in the defensive and offen sive work of the line. IL was a *icat victory for G. M. C. ir.d the cadet* and towns people went mad with excitement after the vie ws* won. Milledgcvi!;.- is the i* of champions, champion* of trio and the G. I. At A. and in addition to that are the champions >f good .sportsmanship. MR. W. S. RIVES DIED AT DEVEREAUX, GA.. FRIDAY Mr. W. S. Rives, one of Hancock unty’s well known citizens, died at his home at Devereaux, Friday, Dec. 13th, after a long illnes; with an organic heart trouble. The funeral services were held at the Devereaux Methodi t church Satu-'iay afternoon, Rev. W. H. Maxwell officiating. The Remains were brought to this city for inter ment. Mr. Rives was about fift*r years of age, .and was well known through out this section, as an industrious and progressive citizen. He is survived by hi* widow, mother, one ■ i t* r, Mrs. Chas C. Cary of Sparti.: and several brother- Messrs. W. H. Rives, of thi* city: Messrs Geo. F., J. C.. James, Jesse IL, Sidney B., all f Hancock county.