Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 24, 1929, Image 1

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7 mmma. 'Oli-WH c 1C CHRISTMAS STATE HOSPITAL rienU at Great I"* 0 '*™ *° ■« ^rvf J Deliciona Douier Dunn* Day Entertainment* Planned w completed for the cele- t f Christmas at the Mil lville State Hospital, where than five thousand of Georgia’s ««]!>' 111 orl ' h0U,:c<J ' p,ckac« tr<m relatives have al- jwded the mails at the Hos- , | but in addition to this the r ials of the Hospital have plans entertain the state's unfortunates ' ns tk< day and at n °° n 0 delic ‘" er will be served in nil he Th!i dinner will probably be the .<t served in the South The i will consist of Roast Turkey, Presring, Cranberry -tmuco, jHrt irrary. tiny tot pons, planed fee t potatoes, butter, hot biscuit, und cake, fruit cake, fruits, nuts, ui candies with coffee. prepare this dinner there will d 25 boxes of oranges, 75 of raisins, 65 barrels of ap- >500 lbs. candy, 1000 pounds ,ke. 500 pounds fruit cake, pounds of nuts, 40 cases of 1250 pounds turkey, 1500 ■ f chicken, 1500 pounds of :;85 quarts of cranberries , bushels of sweet potatoes, •rtainments will be given in iu?emcnt hull during the day. fCOR OF CITY TO BE REMEMBERED ihatioTi Army With Aid of Clubs :o Distribute Christmas Baskets to Poor of The County r^W.NCOUH A JN5TITUTIOM Rttien-Rerortter (Twelve Pages) J-g^Ujt-jaj^nd „ }ffi ’HWievaU, Ga., Decmkr 24, 1920 Ceneoiidaud is ltia read by thousands *■ Pr*tr«Miv« Baldwin Number 19 NURSES HOME Freezing Weather MATRON DIES Visited County Sunday f^MED ORDINARY Mifs Clara Brantley Buried in Sparta Monday Afternoon. Brief Illness Fatal Sunday Blanket of Ice Covers Entire County as Mercury Takes Sadden Drop Saturday The people of Baldwin county iwoke Sunday to find a blunket of ce covering the land, a sudden fall in the mercury Saturday night, freezing the rain drops as they fell into sleet, converting the drab rees and colorless roof? Miss Clara Brantley, Matron of the John T. Brantley Nurses Home at the Milledgeville State Hospital, died at the infirmary at the Hospi tal early Sunday morning after a brief illness. Funeral services were held Mon- j branches of day afternoon at the Hardwick Bap- | , 'f .houses into a scene of snowj tizt church where she has been a • w * litc l° v l>ness. member for many years, Rev. J. F.! Iceciclcs were hanging from trees McCluney officiating. After the j and telephone wires while walking funeral services the body was taken ; became a risky job on the ice cont- to Sparta for burial, a group of nurs vd pavement and walks. Every- es forming an honorary escort. where there was the whiteness of the Miss Brantley is survived by the following brothers and sisters: S. W. Brantley, Sparta; J. W. Brantley, Spnrta; J. W. and W. II. Brantley, Devereaux; Mrs. E. W. Jackson, Sparta; Mbs Sallic Dunn, Sparta; Mrs. Ivey Robeiton, Mrs. Robert Sutton, and Miss Mattie Lou Brant ley of Hardwick. Miss Brantley came to the Hospi tal twenty-seven years ago and by her cordial personality and lovable character wen the confidence .-.nd devotion of the nurses and employ ee- ait the Hospital. She was promin ent in church work, devoting much time in the work among the young I people of the Hardwick community. Miss Brantley was stricken less than ten days ago with double pneu- ' monia and her condition grew rapid- : ly worse last Friday, j Miss Brantley was popular at the Hospital and in Milledgeville and a large number “of fiends here mourn her death. ice .and the much talked of white Christmas was Milledgeville, only to come two days ahead of time. It was a real winter day. typical of song and story. The mercury begun fallhig last Thursday and freezing temperature continued through Friday, with a moderation Saturday. Rain began falling early Sunday morning, first in frozen sleet and then the hard down pour of real rain which froze as it hit the earth. The frozen condition came as r surprise, a .light moderation hav ing been promised by the weather SALVATION ARMY PROGRAM TUDAY' Envoy and Mrs. Scovill to Give Entertainment for Children of The Connty at G. M. C. First Woman Elected to Office by Big Majority. Small Vote Cast Due to Cold Weather Mi! elect- DIXIE CONSTRUCTION EM PLOYEES OFF FOR HOLIDAYS will be denied the happiness Christmas in Baldwin county, in charge of charity work, a plans are being made to baskets of goodie? to the Envoy and Mrs. Scovill will have of the work and are making list of the needy and are prepar- tc distribute the gifts through- thc city. Funds from the Elks sb, Kiwnnis, Red Cross the church- ar.d other organizations have made able this work. It is the hope the Salvation Army workers that poor families of the county will supplied. Calls IJave mounted during the A. and food and coal have al- »dy gone out in many cases. While number si compariatively small it the plan to make the distribution wide as possible. S. C. STUDENTS ENJOY HOLIDAYS AT HOMES “ ,e City on Special Train Last Thursday, Will Raturn to Mil- ledgerille on Jan. 6th Majority Spend Chr« sily Le.i The big Dixie Construction family has been temporarily disbanded, Christmas and the holidays finding them packing up and leaving for Birmingham, Atlanta and olher points to get around their own individual firesides when Santa Claus comes. Official? of the company, head ing the departments and directing the work have in the majority gore to Birmingham, although matjy of them go to all section- of the state. The members of the Construction Conpany have made their home here only a few months, and have many friends in the city. They will re turn to Milledgeville before the first and work on the construction of the mighty dnm will go forward in earn est. Actual work will probably be gin about the middle of January- Important in the extreme, is the announcement from the Salvation Army Officers here that the Christ mas demonstration which was form erly announced for the Opera House, ir changed tr. the G. M. C. Audi torium on account of insufficient facilities for heating ^at the Opera house. Our good friends Col. George Roach has given the Salvation Army the ur.e of this .spacious .auditarium for this purpose, and we feel that contidering the many children that will be placed in our care for that night, it will be to our interest to change the program t.» this place. The program will be staged prompt ly ii* 7:30 o’clock and there is no duubt but what the following hour will l»e chuck full of urprises for ail those who attend, and while there i- as yet no published copy of th«* pro gram, the very fact that the Christ man greeting will be made to the ! audience by little Miss Dorothy “Dot" ICE BLANKET DAMAGES TELE PHONE AND POWER LiNES ! to warrant the Auditorium being j filled to overflowing. Workmen Busy Sunday and Monday 1 There will be many beautiful and Repairing Line- That Gave Wav , inspiring monologues, as well a? j Under Load of Icc mgs and recitations, all given by. local talent of which Milledgeville is * Workmen were busy Sunday and I n °t lacking, and the invitation to j Monday repairing -damaged tele- j ■■’.ery.one is to come and leave your ■ gphonc, telegraph and power lines care s behind as there will be no which were broken when ice formed i room *°r old man gloom, nor the j over them after the heaping sleet we »ry blues on this night of nights, j and rain Saturday night and Sunday. \ This entertainment so far as is Saturday night and Sunday. ; known, will be the only one held in Electricify was off in many sec- thc cit V on thi * ni * ht nnd ther * . ,s tions of the city during Sunday j no rca ‘ on the people of Mil- Icdgeville rhould MISS STEMBRIDGE MAD RUSH ON FOR FINAL SHOPPING Shoppers Hurry Through Stores to Finish for Christmas Day. Hun dred: Home for Holidays Tuc mad rush u on, Christmas one day away and the stores of the city arc packed with a nurrying crowd, to be ready on Wednesday for thc gift exchange and the arrival ! of Santa Claus the night before. | Everywhere pepole are hurrying. | Toy counters are turned upside down. Stacks of Christmas cards are in a I jumble and every store is receiving ! its share of the trading marathon that is on the final day heforc Christ- i There are tl Bertie Stembridge cd Ordinary of Baldwin county ln-t Friday to fill the three years unex- pired term of her father who hud filled the gffire for a quurter of a century, defeating her opponent. C. L. Moore by a large majority. A small vote was cast during the day due to the biti.*r cold weather which prevailed. The election of Miss Stembridge was conceeded after *h: returns were brought in from ‘h county precincts. Mies Stembridge is the first wo man to hold office in Ruldwin coun ty. She assisted h-r father before hi° death ‘in the work of the office and also worked in the office of th • Clerk of the Superior Court. The following is the vote rust, Dist. Stembridse-Moore No Ele. 36 «e who find it a task, j others pick with a flash and hurry I out and still there is the pathetic 'side of the *cene as other look with i longing eye and pass on, unable to | participate in the shopping, h ! that Santu Claus will visit them too, 1 but a sad look tells of little hope. The home coming of students and jtearhc,-; and others who follow other j profes ino sis also significant of the I season. People who are back, find (they have juu one or two more ’things to buy ar.d oin in the mad rush, stopping as they pass along to ‘speak to friends. Christma« is almost here and Wed- i r.csda.v morning the culin Will follow PAGENTS ARE i the vill*- have he POSTPONED WEEK OFFICERS TAKE STILL SATURDAY Bad Weather Forces Postponement | of Christmas Services Until Neat Sunday STATE PRISONERS TO HAVE RELIGIOUS SERVICES AND TREE while Ictophone and telegraph munication was hampered from the damages. In many instances fall ing limbs from trees broke the lines. Trees and shrubbery were damaged greatly when limbs broke from them, the icc Iqad being too heavy to carry. MORE THAN $44,000 COLLECTED IN TAXES Tax Colector L. D. Smith’s books how that there have been collected a State and County Taxes $84,580.03 ip to Monday December 23rd. matter what thc weather and show the officers of the Salvation Army that they appreciate the Army’s work in this city. SCHOOLS CLOSED FRIDAY The schools throughout the coun ty closed for the holidays Friday. The teachers and children >aent to their homes happy in pleasant antici- cipations of a happy Christmas, pations of a happy Christmas. Super intendent Bivins paid the teacher? their December salaries. They will resume January 6th. Freezing weather coupled with a driving rain Sunduy forced a post ponement of the Christmas pannta scheduled at the Methodist and Lytcrian churches. In calling the services off, it was announced that they would be held next Sunday afternon at the same time, the Methodist church at five o’clock and the Pre?byterian church at seven-thirty. A large group of j children are taking part in both pro grams which^will bp featured by Christmas music. Christmas day services will be held at both thc Catholic and EpifCJ- pal churches. Rev. Conlin will have 1~. ices at the Sacred Heart Catho lic cuurch at ten-thirty. Rev. F. H. Harding will have the regular Christ-, CADETS OFF FOR HOLIDAYS ma, day «rrl«. at St Staphetn. ] LAST FRIDAY AFTERNOON Episcopal church at eleven o clock. “Beauty Special," which left Seville last Thur>dny after- »t two o’clock, was crowded the student? of G. S. C. W., ^ng them to Macon, where they outgoing trains for all sec- ’ Georgia. Thursday was a cold blustering d thc large majority of tho •tf? ladies had to forego the ploas- -honning in Macon, but re- ’ o th Tfh«*d until “all ,rd Tor their trains was called. h ” young women left thc col- happy in the anticipation of "ling the rhristmis holidays ' nd home fireside. " ®ttendance at the college, dur- thc full months, has ben the fRl i,; its history, all of the dormi; * being filled to their capacity, _ J 'bng the new Miller S. Bell Hall, • r was opened Jiis year. ot students and faculty have •Plendld work. -* •t All Buildinc* All prisoners ot the State Prison Farm will be permitted a holiday Wedresday ami allowed to partici- iate in special Christmas day celebra tions to be held at the prison. Judge B. H. Dunnaway. Superintendent tated. At the men’s camp a tree has been ’redted and the men will have a "bristmas tree during the morning. Religious services will be held at ill the buildings and a special Chrisl- nas dinner will be served. DR. WEBBER ATTENDS PI GAMMA MU CONFERENCE Caching at matilda CHAPEL NEXT SUNDAY lj( , ,Ccou »U of the cold weather of .. y * R , ev - T. L. Rutland, pastor * Ml «edgcvlIl0 Circuit, was un- i* 0 £*•*** at Matilda Chapel at tery Sunday- He has an- e thnt 110 *riU preach there fHdIU, o-clock. A. M. ' l,; ' °f. that section arc* in- attend these services. Dr. Geo. Harris Webber, Secretary of Beta Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu leaves Thursday for Washington, D. C., to attend the meeting of chaptef officers, and the anniversary cele bration of Pi Gamma Mu the Nation al Social Science Honor Society. The conference will be held at the May flower, Washington’s most palatial hotel. The dinner on Monday even ing, December thirtieth, will be at tended by national and international notables, members of the diplomatic corps, authorities in all fields of so cial service, and other distinguished guests. President Herbert Hoover is expected to participate in this pro gram which will be broadcast over a national chain. A M°rry Merry CHRISTMAS And A Happy New Year IS OUR SINCERE WISH FOR EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY Yei ■ and with thei a message of Christmas ar.d New Isopc for everyone. The old year with all it- mistakes, its sadnesses, and its dark hours is passing. In its place we will have a new >§ar. with shining spotless days where wc may record our lives. But with the passage of the old yoar we are left >onu- pleasant memories. Not all was gloom in 1929. In fact there was inure brightness than fog. The memory of sterling friendships, the thoughtful deeds inspired by affection, the picture of welcoming faces, the feeling of warm hand pressure remain with us. Surely service to one’s fellow man is the mo.st inspiring and satisfy ing occupations. The Union-Recorder wishes to take this occasion to pledge anew to you, to your family, to your neighbors, your friends, your whole community, its determination to give in the future, as in the past, a little more than a dollar’s worth of service for every dollar received and to throw into the balance our ingenuity, our best thought, our highest energy. If in the past year we have succeeded in pleasing you, it was the fulfillment of our highest ambition. If wc have in any way been remiss we shall strive in the coming year to remedy our fault. And in the meantime, win.er or summer, sunshine or clouds, The Union-Reccrder puts its heart into this wish to you. THE Union Recorder Raid Made in Northern Part of County ReiuiU in Captwe of Copper Outf it Sheriff W. J. Haynie with officers Fred Vinson und Roland Lawrence made a raid into the Northern part of Buldwin county Saturday after noon which resulted in the capture of a fifty gallon still and two negro operators. The still was in full operation when the raid was made. The boil ers and distillery apparatus was of all copper und one of the most com plete outfit:- ever taken in this coun ty. Included in the capture wc.c four bprrelx of beer and five gallons of whiskey. CITY HOSPITAL HAS TREE FOR PATIENTS • Myrtle Thom nd AssistaaU Cheer to Head Nm of G. M C. Will Spend t eelcs at Homes. Increased Enrollment Expected The Georgia Military College closed for the Christmas holidays Friday, and the boarding Cadets left immediately for their homes j throughout Gerogin .and other State.-. J The fall session of thc college Patients at the Citp Hospital, and , r(>nchcd a new nm| h j Kh standard there is a big group of them, every j both in At h| e tics and scHolarship. mom is occupied, will have their j The foot | )al | u . am won the c hampion- Christmas day celebration despite „ hip |n fh , G j A A This team their illness. Miss Myrtle Thompson. | w{t . made up of M fine n bunch of head nurse, stated. j athletes us ever gathered at a col- A tre has been fixed with all the j | e gc, all of them maintaining good decorations and while none of the ' cholurship. ard six or eight of them patient’s condition will permit their | xrere on thc honor roll, leaving the bed, they will each have Tho Ca( , etj , jb oth ttoartbng Bn d a gift on it and nuts, fruits and j have submitted to the Military candies will be given them. , difcciplinc A nd proven themselves true Miss Thompson with her assist- i and loyal soldiers, and manly boys, ants planned and fixed the tree and j The-standard of thc college was never it is their hope that every patient h5(rhfr thfln dur5njr ^ fa „ M5sion . most merry and happy BOYS AT TRAINING SCHOOL TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS The boyn out at the State Training School wil be entertained on Christ mas day, provisions having been made to supply them with many toys and fruits and candies. A big tree has been erected foi them and they will be given a special dinner. Supt. Ireland has declared a holiday at the school and every effort will be made to make the young boy* enjoy the day Col. Roach and his splendid faculty and teachers have done splendid work, and arc held in the highest respect and confidence by those under their charge. The indications are that the col lege wi$l open after ti»e holidays with a much larger attendance. Sheriff W. J. Haynie will give his primers in the county jail a special Chr'stma' dinner, Wednesday. Christ mas day. The Sheriff stated that tie had •Ivo people confined and wi Chief of Police Frank Broome has j make every effort to give ther ivcred from his recent illness, happy day a far as posrib'e. *Fn expects to bo able to resume j rrndYs and nuts will be include!