Newspaper Page Text
nora-ucam, Miimcimu. ga.. august a. i»u
ASOCIAL mcuucuTs
Mrs- D. T. Whatley Is visiting
relatives in Bo"*-
Mr on d Mrs. Sidney Jones are un
a vacation trip in the north.
Mrs. Peggy Gregg is spending a
vM >ks vacation in Atlanta.
D Brookins is spending
Mr. J-
at Savannah this
Rev. W. C. Budd has returned from
ten day vacation in Alabama and
Dr and Mrs. L. A. Bailey are
spending their vacation in New
York City.
Miss Leni Warnock is spending
this week at the home of her father
in Alma. Ga.
Col Marion Ennis spent Monday
and Tuesday in Lexington on
leeal business.
Misses Nettie and Mattie Moore
arc visiting their sister, Mrs. T. J.
Cater in Macon.
Mr. F. D. Adams spent the week
end in South Georgia visiting the
Martin Theatres.
* Missses Julia and Hazel Powell
spent the past week-end at their
home in Quitman.
Mrs. J. F. Brookins and daughter
Frances, are visiting relatives at
Thomson this week.
Miss Alice Hall has returned from
jfew York where she was the guest
of Miss Mae Asbury.
Miss Mary Goldstein has return
ed from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Sam
Gertz of Akron. Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Josey, of Macon
srent the week-end with Mr. and
Mr--. B. F. Eberhart.
Ir. Abe Goldstein has gone to
Xi ,v York to spend a week buying
to his store in this city.
F ?her 7. J. McNamara is spend
ing several days of this week in Sa
vannah visiting relatives.
Miss Frances Vining, of Raleigh,
N. C.. is visiting her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Terry.
Miss Cicile Longino, sister of Dr.
Longino. of Fairbum. is the guest of
Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Longino.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Herring will
leave Friday to spend several weeks
at Little Switzerland, N. C.
Mrs. George Watson, of Green
weed. S. C.. is visiting her parents.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. H. Vaughan.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Callaway are
vsi'-ic Mrs. Callaway’s sister. Mrs.
IVman in Laurenburg, S. C.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. F. Montgomery
spent Tuesday with their daughters,
the Mesdamcs McAfee in Macon.
F v. and Mrs. Horace Smith and
daughter will return Friday from
a vacation trip in North Carolina.
TV. and Mrs. E. A. Tigner have
returned from a ten day automobile
trip in North Carolina and Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Ennis arrived
■ r the'r home Sunday after a wed-
d:rc trip in the Carolina mountains.
Petty and Catherine Holloway, of
Atlmta. are visiting their aunt and
wcle. Mr. and Mrs. John Holloway.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenmore Bums, of
Macon, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Sums parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
The many friends of Mr. Heindel
Mobley will regret to know that he
has been critically ill at his home in
Mr. L. C. Hall is spending two
’•veeks r.t Mon treat, N. C., with Mrs.
^•■'11 who has been there for the past
two veeks.
and Mrs. Walter Minor. Jr.,
and son. c f Mobile. Ala., arc visiting
7 Minor's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Katherine Weaver is visiting
M. F. Groate in Coscob. Conn.
r - '-' ill also visit New York before
fuming home.
>md Mrs. Ralph Simmerson.
J ’ : Jesse Simmerson and daugh-
Misses Margaret and Runctte.
.**’ r<, turncd from a vacation trip
• Florida. They went down the east
rr >« s t to Miami and returned bv the
Little Ann Carmichael has retum-
?o her h om e in Augusta after
h(x r grandmother. Mrs. C. L.
.'' ran - Her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
H Carmichael came over Wed-
‘ ri v and accompanied her home
,.;7 * ,oron ce Moran has retum-
i, ' n “ v ‘ s >t to her sister, Mrs. J
■‘imiehael in Augusta.
^anche Kazan os. of Char-
. c • formerly of Milledge-
• ' been the guest of her
‘ ’■ Mr. Joseph A. Gould, form-
, f P 1 ® aJ5anos at his home on
> r . n IOan d left the 16th for Aiken,
b . Kazan os was honoree at
; parties. Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
•' York and England gave
V .. n ' n ^ er honor at the New
Athletic Club. Miss Bazanos
,• honor guest at a dinner
" n at the Hotel Monterey,
Park, N. J.
Mrs. Lewis Gorley is spending her
vacation in Charleston. S. C.
Mrs. F. C. Penuel and children,
of Thompson, were the week-end
guests of Dr. and G. Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ford, of Fred-
ricksburg, Va., are the guests of
Mrs. Ford's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Hawkins.
Mrs. L. P. Longin') has as her
house guests Miss Frances Vickers,
of Fairbum and Miss Jane Redwine,
of Fayetteville.
Mrs. Sam Gertz and Miss Rose
Gertz, and Master Marvin Gertz, of
Akron, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Abe Goldstein.
Mrs. J. T. Hill, Miss Virginia Fos
ter and Mr. John Holland, of Tulla-
homa. Term., are the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Jordtn Ennis.
Mrs. J. O. Sallee and children and
Mrs. C. P. Crawford are spending
several days at the Presbyterian re
treat in Montreat. N. C.
Mr. Alton Brookins, who has been
working at Cordele, has returned
to the*fcity and has accepted a po
sition at the Billiard Parlor.
The friends of Mrs. F. P. Golucke
will regret to know that she was
ten by a mad cat and is now having
to take the Pasture treatment.
Capt. and Mrs. Frank Mansfield
and son. have returned to Milledge-
ville after spending several weeks
in Kentucky and Columbus. Ga,
Mr. and Mrs. Darden Asbury, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
■ Mr. and Mrs. Wright McKnight and
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wootten.
Mr. J. M. Farrell, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday here visiting his brother.
Mr. Arthur Farrell, and sisters. Mrs.
C. E. Bazemore, and Mrs. B. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perry, Jr., and
little daughter Margaret Ann. of
Rome, are visiting Mrs. Perry's pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Under
Toombs DuBose Lewis, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Miles Lewis, of Greens
boro. is spending several days with
his aunt and uncle, Col. and Mrs.
Marion Allen.
The friends of Mrs. O. H. McAfee,
who was Miss Frances Montgomery,
will be glad to know that she is con-
•alescing at her home in Macor. af-
er a major operation.
Mrs. Elliott Sims and daughter
have returned from a visit to rela
in Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Sims
went to Montgomery Sunday and
accompanied them home.
Miss Catherine Moran has return
ed from Petersburg. Va.. and will
spend a few weeks with her moth-
•. Mrs. C. L. Moran, before going
back to Petersburg to teach next
Henrietta Ham arrived today
to spend several days with her pa
rents .Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Ham.
Miss Ham is enroute to her home in
Miami. Fla., after a vacation in
Chief and Mrs. Flunk Broome and
n have returned from a visit to
Chief’s brother in Thomasville. They
accompanied home by Fred
Broome. Jr., who will spend a week
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Page Williams, of
Raleigh. N. C.. announce the birth
of a daughter on August 10th. The
baby has been named Mary Page.
Mrs. Williams is remembered as Mins
Isabel Jones.
7. M. Harrison and childr."
of Sapala. Island. Miss Mawc*
Burke of Tampa. Fla.. Mr. Herb
Burke of Atlanta. Ga.. were ,h '
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Franc-*..
Burke Friday.
Mr. J. T. King has returned from
i extended visit to California and
other places in the West. Mr. King’s
many frinds are glad to see him and
delighted to know that his health
has greatly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Groate and
children hav*» rctintned to their
home in Coscob. Conn., after a visit
of several weeks to Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Eberhart. Mr. H. B. Eberhart ac
companied them to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brooks and
_jn. Talmer. of Atlanta and Mrs.
Ritchie and Mrs. Palmer, of Atlanta,
were the guests of Mr. Brooks moth
er and sister. Mrs. W. S. Brooks and
Mis- Mary Brooks on Sunday.
Mrs. C. B. MrCullar and Eleanor
retuilncd Sunday from six weeks
summer school at Columbia Uni
versity. New York City. They were
met tn Augusta by Mr. McCullar
and Sonny who accomoanied them
home. . _ .
Miss Kathleen Maddox of Baton-
ton. who has for severe! months
been connected with the District F.
E. R. A. Office here, has been
transferred to Athens, Ga.. v ^' er ^.
she will be connected with the W. P
A. Division Office.
Mr. Hugh Cline spent Wednesday’
in Atlanta.
Mr. Dub Jacobs, of Gainsville,
was a visitor here Sunday.
Geo. A. Kemp spent the past
week-end at Tybce Island.
Mr. Ernest Poole, of Augusta, is
in the City Hospital for treatment.
Master George Allen had a tonsil
operation at the City Hospital Tues
Mrs. John Tarlton of Atlanta will
bo the week-end guest of the Misses
Mrs. Floyd Frederick is visiting
Mrs. J. D. Owens at St. Simons
Mr. Alton Barnes has returned
from Brunswick where he spent two
Mrs. O. R. Donoho. of St. Augus
tine, Fla., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Ed Athon.
Miss Caroline Moye, of Bames-
ville, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Claude Ray.
Miss Charlotte Williams is at home
after a -few weeks visit with rela
tives in Quitman.
Mrs. R. R. Underwood spent sev
eral days of this week with relatives
in Jacksonville, Fla.
Mr. Melvin Rogers is spending his
Mrs. Ed Carrington, of Birming
ham, Ala., is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shinholster and the Misses
Carrington. j
The Union-Recorder extends best
wishes for a Happy Birthday to the
following who this week celebrate
their birthdays: Mrs. Richard Bin-
ion, Miss L. R. G. Burfeitt and Joe
Heringdine, Jr., Mrs. J. I. Gore.
In the presence df a few friends
Miss Adah Louise Stevenson daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Steven
son of Milledgeviile, Ga., became the
bride of Mr. Herbert Garnet Veal
of Eatonton. Ga., on Friday evening
August 16th. at the Baptist Parson-
are, in Eatonton, Rev. Knight per
forming the ceremony.
The announcement of the marriage
of Miss Stevenson and Mr. Veal will
be read with the most cordial inter
est by the hundreds of friends of the
two families of this popular young
couple throughout Georgia and else
The lovely bride is the twin sls-
of Mrs. H. G. Almand of Eaton
vacation with his parents, Mr. and ‘ ton and sister of Mr. J. L. Steven-
1, of this city. She is a descendant
of an cld and distinguished family
and has enjoyed an enviable popu
larity during her girlhood here.
Mr. Veal is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Hatcher Veal of Deep-
jstep. and is a young man of sterling
dreds of friends throughout this sec-
The young couple will be at home
to their many friends ir. the Rosser
apartment in Eatonton after Sep
tember 1st.
Mrs. D. M. Rogers
Misses Louise nnd Frances Morris
had a tonsil operation at the City
Hospital Wednesday.
Mrs. W. G. EloyJvf .rth and daugh
ter. of Macon, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Long
Mr. W. D. Morrison is gradually; worth and personal attainments. He
improving following a serious ill- is well known here and has hun-
iiess at the City Hospital.
Mr. Joe Jackson, of Wilmington.
N. C.. has been admitted to the
City Hospital for treatment.
Mias Ruth Davis has returned to
her home in Haddock after a major
operation at the City Hospital.
Mrs. E. A. Chambers has returned
to her home in McIntyre after a r
jor operation at the City Hospital.
The friends of Miss Alma McCrary
will regret to know that she is in
the City Hospital for treatment.
Mrs. I. C. English and sons, of
Cochran, are visiting Mrs. English’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMichael
and Mrs. John Matthews attended
the McMichael reunion in Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Hines have
returned from a ten day vacation
with Mr. Hines parents at Bio.zing
Rock, N. C.
Mrs. L. R. Langley has returned
from a visit to the markets in At
lanta where she bought for her
store here.
Mrs. Mary Leonard, who has been
visiting her neices. Mrs. A. S. Kemp
and Mrs. James Roberson, has
turned to her home in Augusta.
The friends of Miss Elizabeth
Heringdine are glad to know that
at home again after a major
operation at the Scott Hospital.
and Mrs. George Fisher, and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Downs
and Mrs. lone Bass Deane and son
Edward are spending ten days at
the Isle of Palms.
Misses Martha Bass and Elizabeth
Fraley have returned from a delight
ful visit to friends in the East. They
were met in Savannah by Mrs. E. E.
Bass and Mrs. lone Bass Deane.
Mrs. John T. Bcckum of Charles
ton, S. C.. has been the guest oC her
children here for the past -nonth-
She will visit her son, G. C. Beck-
urn in Macon before rctuml.ig to
Mr. Earle Odom and Earle. Jr..
have returned to Milledgeviile .af
ter a delightful vacation trip to the
sea resorts on the Georgia coast. Mrs.
Odom has gone to Washington, D. C,.
for a visit of several days.
Mr. R. H. Wootten has gone to
New York to spend a week. He will
buy fall and winter merchandise for
Wootten’s Book Store. The trip is an
annual occasion for Mr. WootU
and he always enjoyes the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stembridge
have returned to Milledgeviile to
make their home. Mr. Stembridge
will be connected with Goldstein’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Stembridge will make
their home on South Jefferson street.
Mr. Joseph Gould, the former
Joseph Bazanos, of New York, will
arrive in Milledgeviile late in Sep
tember for a short visit. Later Mr.
Gould will return to New York
where he has accepted a new posi-j
Mr. Lee McKinley, of St. Louis, .
Mo., is spending several days with]
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mc
Kinley. His son, Lee, Jr., who has
been spending the summer with his
grandparents, will accompanf him
Milledgeviile, Ga.
Tliunday, Aafflst 22ud
Charles Laughton, Charles Ruggles,
Mary Boland In •
of RedGap”
Friday, August 23rd
Robert Taylor, Jean Parker In
“Murder In
The Fleet”
Saturday, August 24tk
George O’Brien In
“The Cowboy
A Thrilling Western Comedy
Owl Show Saturday Nite 11:00
Edmund Lowe In
Monday & Taesday, Angast 26-27
Dolores Delrio, Fat O’Brien
Leo. Carillo
“in Caliente”
0. K. MDSE. 0. K. riUCES 0. K. SERVICE
Caa lie
—3 far 21c
.... 3 far 14c
Snowdrift 6 lb pail - 93c
i DESSERT PEACHES l-2a 15 ai.
Mauebun’i APPLE SAUCE No.
Manehaaa’, Soar Pitted Pie CHERRIES No.
Fraaco America SPAGHETTI
Caa 9 l-2c
1 Caa 16c
2 far 15c
.... Qt 36c
... Piat 23c
3 for 25c
2 Caa 16c
3 Far 25r
2 Caa 14c
2 far 15c
3 for 25c
O. K. Coffee SANTOS lb 17c
McCormick MAYONNAISE 1-2 Pi* 14c
McCormick RELISH SPREAD 1-2 Pte 14c
Prepared' MUSTARD Qt. Jar 12 l-2e
KARO SYRUP. 1-2 lb. Caa, Red or Blae Label 14c
FLOUR, WILD ROSE 24 fc. 99c
FLOUR, CUMAX _ 24 Hi. 89c
WESSON OIL pint - 17c
0XYD0L, Pkg. 2 far 9c
0. K. SOAP S Ban 16c
McCoemick’. BANQUET TEA, Oraafe Pekoe, Learee No
Bitter After-taete 14 lb. Caa 16c
McCanaick’a BEE BRAND SPICES. World’. Large* Sdmg
Broad — 3 far 25c
Wisconsin Cheese lb 18c
This baak it managed with year interest!, needs and pro
tection always in mind. We want to fire yoa die best possible
service, the assarance of safety in all yoar dealings.
Help us tr do this by iefliug us su we please yen—sad
if we do not.
Merchants & Farmers Bank
CAPITAL $80,000 SURPLUS $80,000
Milledgeviile, Georgia
Collegiate Shirts
White and Colors
Mar Sites 8 years ta 14 years
Yaatk’s Sites 13 to 14>/ 2 neck.
Got a tap ply far sekaai now
John Holloway