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JMItm Br Newt Mmfc
Viewed A* Opening Gun In Heel
ed Caanpnlrn.
(Staff Writer for G. N. S.)
Governor Talmadge’s fight against
the renomination of President Roose
velt reached into new fields last
week when he maA; a definite bid
for support in South Carolina.
Cittern la Hugr— Eaton*
Free Staff li FnaM T. Farm
er! To Lite la Treaaent on
Every Georgian interested in the
Tick bites on animals often be- ■ betterment of his community is in
come infested with screw worms, vited to attend the organization
When ticks are killed on animals I meeting of the Georgia Community
with pine tar oil. screw worms do. Improvement Association at the Ho-
not h.uCft such wounds, according to]tel Winecoff in Atlanta on Thursday
(By G. N. S.)
,r support in South Carolina. Dr w E Dove< director of Screw'August 29.
Retuminr to Goors.a after at-
Tho Hoitic
_ , , ., „ worm Control. Atlanta
tackir.c the New Deal *n an addr^
near Newberry, the Governor de-' Coast Ticks are very num-
dared' that South Carolina was , eroua where screw worms are Infert-
against the policies of the national,ing aimost every wound on .n.mals,
administration and that it would re- Because o’ the size of the mouth,
pudiate President Roosesflt next parts of these tasks leave large
. wounds which do not heat
SP n"is in Georgia however, .at the quickly. The Gulf Corn* Tick, which
bitter fight over the Democratic becomes abundant in July. August
nominee will be waged until the j and September, is. commonly found
The decision to organize a perman
ent statewide community improve
ment asscoiation was reached at an
enthusiastic luncheon meeting at
which W. A. Sirmon. Associate Di
rector for Georgia of the ‘Federal
Housing Administration was host.
| Charles M. Walker. Chairman
of the State Advisory Committee of
the Better Housing Program, pre
sided and was designated temporary
Chairman cf the projected statewide
organization. The Association is to
act as a coordinating agensy with
existing groups in every commun
ity. large and small#
It will undertake to foster a pro
gressive spirit of community life, en
courage establishment cf community
difficult to rxplain away. ground where the female lays from! centers; secure erection of modem
On the other hand a victory for. 4,000 to 11.000 eggs. When these j public buildings: develop attractive
Roosevelt in the primary next spring hatch, the emerging larval ticks! par ks and grounds, and among ether
.vould co far toward beating down • U p on some bit of vegetation i things, encourage individual home
iny opposition to Roosevelt at the to %va jt until an animal comes by | ownership. Efforts will be made to
national convention. I close enough to crawl upon. They
wait here until they die from star-
presidential primary In ten month,, j attached to the in.lde of the
and because of the implications of .many animals especially cattle. ho_s.
victory or defeat, there is little like-,aheep. and goats. Ear wounds of-
lihood that either side will ask or ten lead to serioua screw worm in-
receive quarter. festations of the heed.
Georgia 5s rococnized over the na- | The ticks which we see in ears of
tion as Rocsevelt's second home, and j an imals. are adults sucking the ani-
if Ge-rui:: were to vote against his J jpai’s blood. As soon as they are
renomination it would be a setback . through feeding, they drop to the —
ground where the female lays from I centers; secure
victory for 4 000 to 11.000 eggs. When these j public buildings
All this
; that Georgia is
strategical position seldom oc- • vation ^ un til an animal comes by
cupied bv a state in the solid South, j If an an { ma i come* by which can
and the campaign will oe a knock ^ ^.3^^ up0Oi they feed upon <*•
down and drag out atfair. blood of the animal and drop back
Governor Talmadge has been more to the ground a few days later where
1 his anti-Roosevelt fight
than he was last year in his race for
re-election. It has enlivened the
political complexion of a so-called
That the fight is now out in the
jpen was shown several days ago
kvhen Judge Newt A. Morris of
Maria “.termy petrel" of Gcor- j|pecM .
;:a politics, attacked the Governor found
aco. and many students cC Georgia
jolitics believed that there v
ensaticnal developments in
Governor Talmadge is in firm <
rcl of the party machinery, being
national committeeman for Georgia j
ind in »ull charge of the stave com-
nittee. The date of the presidential j
FOR SALE—8375 llotpntat Elcrtric II
Range, economy cooker, the finest 1 U
type of electric range made. Will q
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they molt their skin and become
larger ticks.
The Gulf Tick does this three times
before it finally becomes the tick
which is found in the ears of live
stock. It takes from one to two and
a half years to become fully grown.
When animals are regularly in
jected. the Gulf Tick is readily
^ found in thc ears ' They are . easily
radio address and demanded ki jj rd bv applying Pine Tar Oil (de-
iat he conform to party lines and j hydrated _ and ac id free, specific
asc his afjeks upon the president. of j 0 64) * 0 the ears every
The tone of Judge Morris' speech tv , Q pi nc Tar Oil will kill the
dicatcd that there was more behind tickjj a i rcady attached in the ears
speech than appeared on the sur-; and wjU repcl otber ticks frrm at-
«_ tack . ng This oil also re p e i s the
screw worm fly from laying eggs in
or around tick bites, thus prevent
ing screw worm infestations.
The U. C. Bureau of Entomology
and Plant Quarantine has been wag-
control campaign on the screw
worm fly in this and adjoining coun-
ttee. The date of the presidential | (lcJ , tncc thc beginnins of the screw
mao-, rven the question of whether j w)nn , eason
• not there will be a presidential Erce benzol a nd pine tar oil are
•imary. rests with him. furnished to farmers for treatment
Governor Talmadge is meeting J cf animals b y this federal agency,
ith national response, and invita- j ^ farmers and owners of livestock
ons to speak are flooding into his j are requested ^ co-operate with the
Tice. He probably will make a t fcdcral authorities by reporting all
jmber of speaking tours this fall cascs of screw WO rms to your coun-
id winter, and he will speak fre- 1 ty screw W orm supervise’-,
jently in Georgia. j The supervisor for this district is
There is no organized opposition R A stewart . Records of screw
. him in Georgia vet. but it is j worm cnscs f hould be sent to him at
robable that a definite or « aniza ‘' G ray. Georgia,
on sron will be set up and the'
impaign will be on in earnest.
Both sides will have all the out- | w _ mv a ^^rup %
de support they desire. The whole, RH R M ill
•eight cf administration power and;
restige will be behind the Roosevelt i
»rees. while Talmadge will drr |
Ireneth ftom many an.i-Roosevvlt
nd anti-New Deal sources.
It will mean a merry' time ir
ieergia from now until Spring. j
(By G. N. 8.)
Macon—Regular diagnostic con-
erencts. held weekly at various lo
cations over thc state, were urged
,y ihe Car.cer Commission of the
Georgia Medical Association at e.
nccting last week to plan its work
or the fall and winter. The com-
n'ssion also voted to request dis
pel and county Medical Associations
.0 devote at least one meeting an-
,ually to the study of thc ear i
iiagnosis and treatment of cancer..
Already there are a number of;
tbcroughiy equipped centers in the
date where patients can get a c- [
guate treatment for any form of,
[•arcer. The Commission pointed out
that there is a sufficient quantity o. |
radium at each of these centers to j
rive crienuate treatment for all .orms
at cancers to which this radium is ]
applicable. Many hospitals through- I
cut the state have installed the lot-
est models of X-B«y machines and ,
arc able to give all types of treat-
charts and lantern slides will be
furnished by the Commission for the
meetings of district and county
medical associations. 1110 womens
auxiliary of the parent-teacher as
sociations and the women's clubs
wherever practical will secure a
Ircal doctor as speaker.
build every community into a place
C beauty that will attract visitors.
At the initial meeting the As-
anciation received flic strong •en
dorsement of such leaders as Mrs. H.
B. Ritchie, president of the Georgia
Federation of Women’s Clubs; John
W. Mi lisa ps. Regional Director of
the FHA; R. L. MacDougall. WPA
engineer: Karl Thompson, execu
tive assitant to Erie Cocke, state
director of the National Emergency
Council; Harvey Jordan, agricultural
expert: Charles J. Haden. chairman
of thc Farm Debt Adjustment Bu
reau. and others.
Enthusiastic endorsement of the
movement also has come in letters
and telegrams from numerous may
ors and civic leaders in nearly every’
part of Georgia.
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