Newspaper Page Text
©Ijc Itn i o n-Error&rr
• With (Hr Oat I
Established la II
MlM : rn«t, Ci., Hwakr 7, IMS
City to Observe Seventeenth
Anniversary of Armistice
Armistice Prograw Next MobJrt
l„ Recall 0*7 ■ 1*18 Wfces
World War EihM.
t Monday. November 11th,
•lillrfscviiu* will join in the world
’"observance of Armistice Dsy,
venteenth anniversary of the
,’ f t i-.f world war. The pro-
vlll Ire under the direction of
M orris-Utle Post of the Amer-
itan Lotion and the Legion Auxili-
. na ,: (ina i holiday has been pro-
.jj by tin* President and Mayor
3X ^ has a"ked that the day
cb-t rved and will close all city
fict- r-* nnen. The banks and the
i; . ;; will observe the day as
t the stores and busi-
, ill not close until one
Maj. T. H. P.entz, Athletic Di
rector of G. M. C. announced
Wedne lay that there will not be
a football gan:t Armistice Day.
The game scheduled with the
Oglethorpe Fresh team, was can
celed by Oglethorpe. The Univer
sity authorities found it neces
sary to cancel all freshman games.
Maj. Rentz made an effort to get
a game, wirin'? a number of jun
ior colleges and college fresh
man teams for games, but was
A ,,..radf will be formed at G. M.
C ri , • dock under the direc
tion ci the I.cgion. The G. M. C. ca-
an d band will lead the line cf
parch that will move at one-thirty
sr"i nrrrpod through the business
^et cr. • the G. S. C. W. auditorium
v.-hrre the program will be held. I
'Civic and patriotic organizations will'
have floats in the parade which is j
expected to be one of the most col
orful ever held here.
Dr. Richard Binion. commander
of the le^.on post, urges all veterans
to take part in the parade and at
tend the ceremonies.
At the college auditorium the pro-
Van will be held at 3:00 o’clock.
The Legion Auxiliary will present
a mofi impressive and beautiful
pageant. “The Roll Call of the Dead.”
to open the program.
The principal address will be de
livered by Hon. Fonville McWhort
er. a prominent legionaire cf Atlanta
All the people of the city and
county arc invited to attend the ar
mistice program and join in.the {£le-
.brstion which commemorates the
way when peace came to a war tom
rid. Later in the afternoon the
x-servicc men will be honored at
barbecue dinner to be given by
[r. William L. Harrison, a member
f the legion.
Coantjr Cwillilim Retain
Amt Lac frier and Elect Other
Officers for Year.
The County Commissioners elect
ed officers for the new year at
special meeting on Friday Novem
ber 1st when they heard expressions
from a delegation of farmers ask
ing that the farm agent for the
county be continued.
The commissioners asked fi
public expression on the farm
tension work at this special meeting
and about a hundred farmers were
present. The commissioners wanted
the view of the farmers before de
ciding whether to continue the
tension work for another year.
Mr. L. R. Langley, who has been
faim agent for the past -five years
was re-elected. When a vote wa<
taken from those present at the
meeting it was shown that the ferm
agent was favored bv 76 to 6.
■Messrs Milton Webb. Tillman Sneed,
George Hollingshcad and Felton
Wilkinson asked the commissioners
continue the agent and spoke in
CaU Program Celebrate! Annual
Ladiei Niftrt of Kiwooii. At
Echetah Country Club.
The Milledgevihe Kiwanis Club
will have their wives and sweet
hearts as honor guests tonight a♦
the Echetah Country Club when
Hon. Richard B. Russell, Jr., Junior
United States Senator from Georgia
will be the guest speaker.
The annual Ladies Night affair 5 s
always a brilliant social program for
the Kiwanis and this year Joe T.
Andrews, the club president plans
to make it the outstanding event of
several years. The address of Sen
ator Russell will be of unusual inter
est. He is a member c*." Kiwanis and
one of Georgia’s most distinguished
sons. He will be given a cordial wel
come to Milledgeville by the Ki
Senator Russell will be entroduc-
ed by his friend of many years
standing. Cel. Marion H. Allen. Sen
ate r Russell will spend the night with
Mr. Allen and leave early Friday
morning for Cairn where he has
other speaking engagement.
The dinner will be served in the
ball room at the club and a pro
gram of music and stunt" will fol
low. The Kiwanians and their guests
will assemble at 7:45 for the gala
The cnly business of the program
..ill be the election of officers for
the coming year which will take
only a short time. Every Kiwanian
is expected to b" present.
City Comma Pomm KmobOioo
Uummily Dubmf Day of
President's Vita a HoHay.
. , , Mayor J. A. Horne will issue a
to continue the agent end spoke in ^ ]amation a few days
behalf of the fanners of the county. 29th. a legal
Second Trial of Campn, Muafer
to Be Held Friday. Fine of $10
Appealed la Hifber Court.
The legality of the city ordinance
prohibiting the showing of Moving
Pictures on Sunday will be carried
to the higher courts, attorneys for
Frank D. Adam", manager of the
Campus, and Roy Martin, theatre
owner, stated following a conviction
of Mr. Adams in the Recorder’s
court of the city last Thursday af
ternoon. on the charge of violating
the ordinance prohibiting Sunday
The second trial cf Mr. Adams and
Mr. Martin has been set by Judge
George Carpenter for Friday after-
oon of this week. The first case
as docketed Monday October 28th
.■/hen the Campus was operated on
the Sunday before. At the trial be
fore Judge Carpenter Mr. Adams
was fined $10. and warned not to
operate the show again. Attorneys
Marion Ennis. Carlisle Giles and C
B. McCullar. repiesenting the theatre
manager, demurred to the charges
ind declared the ordinance illegal
The demurrer was overruled fol
lowing arguments for more than
$2,500 is Goa! for Cfcarity His
Year. Col. Joe Jenkins is Di
recting Drive.
Certificates allowing you to gin
110 pounds of cotton tax free for
making mattresses Cor home use
have arrived at the County
Agent's office. Those desirinr
free Certificates for this purpose
may obtain same by calling at
the office.
L. R. LANGLEY, Co. Agt.
County Asks for 45 Miles of Road
Construction and 35 New
Bridges in Federal Program.
The County Commissioners have
asked for 45 miles of improved
farm to market roads and 35 new
os in the county road system
the federal government as a
part of the new farm to market road
project that has been inaugurated.
Three new bridges *for the county
already been improved and
work will be started at an early
date. Two new bridges on the
[oomsboro road will be constructed
one on the Dcepstep read. These
^Ridges span Black and Reedy
and Town Creek at O'Quinn’s
The road work has not been ap-
ved but the commissioners are
'•sking that practically all the main
reads in the county be included in
the federal program. T^ese roads
will be widened, resurfaced and
The commissioners expect a ma
jority of this program to be ap
proved. The commissioners are also
expecting to receive instructions to
ask for bids for the work that will
remodel and enlarge the court house
A quiet day of prayer for world
peace will be observed on November
11th. by the members of the Episco-
• church. The church will be open
:, H day and members of the church
and other people are asked to come
’ pray for world peace.
With war clouds gathering and
Americans celebrating the signing of
1hp World War Armistice, it is most
c and appropriate that the
hould pause to add prayers for
' This is an annual custom of
^ Episcopal church and people of
tVcr >' denomination are invited to
the church. .
Mr. Pratt Wcod was the only dis-
conting voice to the extension pro
The commisiscners re-elected
Judge E. R. Hine" as county attor
ney and Mr. Marion Ennis as clerk
to the Board of Commissioners.
Messrs. Lonnie Minor and Fred Vin-
in were re-elected county police-
cn for another year.
Capt. R. W. Almand was re-elect
ed warden and read supervisor for
the county. Capt. Almand has held
this position for a number of years
and has proven a most efficient
county ofricer. Many new roads
have been built under his supervis-
n and the system of county roads
•c now in excellent shape.
The farmers said much good had
been accomplished for agriculture
under the supervision of Mr. Lang
ley and that they thought his work
necessary for the advancement
of the farming interest of the coun
tv. Mr. Langley has conducted many
test experiments on the farms and
has been instrumental in bringing
about many progressive changes. He
has been especially interested in the
boys and girls club work,
The County Commissioners epend
bids Tuesday for the sale of $85,000
in highway wanents and awarded
the sale to Bounds. Pool and Co., of
A discount of 3 percent was offer
ed for bonds maturing within the
next two years. 3.25 per cent for
the next five years and 3.75 per
cent for the years thereafter.
The Milledgeville Banking Co
as the only local concern offenng
bid for the bonds,
Judge E. R. Hines, city attorney
The theatre was tperated again
last Sunday and cases were docket
ed against Mr. Adams. Mr. Martin
and Mr. John Smith, theatre em
ployee. The ca-e has been set for
hearing Friday of this week before
Judge Carpenter.
The cases against Mr. Adams and
Mr. Martin will be carried to the
highest courts to determine the
legality of the eity ordinance. Mr.
Adams charges that the law is dis
criminatory In that other places are
allowed to remain open on Sunday.
Prtsidmf Elder te Receive AmmiI
Report at (Wereacet or Sat
urday and Sunday.
The Methodist churches of Bald
win county plan to close their years
work for the annual meeting cf the
North Georgia Conference, and oi
Saturday and Sunday will mak
their final reports to Dr. W. H. La-
Prade. presiding elder, who makes
his last visit to the churches.
Dr. LaPrade will come here Sat
urday and preach at eleven o’clock
at Union Hill church in South Bald
win. The quarterly crjiference 'f
„ Hnip the Milledgeville circuit will be held
. nrrHl train follow 11 ** the services. Rev. R. C.
™n. has requested a speckrt train ! hea ^ pasloI% wffl make his re
fer the occasion and has asked for
vJcelaring November 29th. a legal
holiday. This action is taken follow
ing a resolution unamiously adopted
by the City Council Monday right
tiling on the Mayor to take this
The occasion of the holiday is the
,-Lsit of President Roosevelt to
Georgia when ho will speak to a
great gathering of Georgians in At
lanta. Mayor Home had previously
said he would declare the day a holi
Plans are going forward for Mil
ledgeville and Baldwin coufity to
be represented at the Roosevel*
meeting by several hundred people.
Col Marion Allen, legislative chair-
, round trip rate
The council acted on a number
f routine matter" Monday night. A
committee was named to investigate
the advisability- of the city buying
the vacant lot to the read of the
City Hall. This was the principal
matter coming befone the council
atcr the regular business had been
disposed of.
Mr. O. M. Ennis, chairman ot the
Board o! County Commissioners,
program. He also
•vav commission relative i
street, in the
Milledeeville-lnvinto^ «« Board
Marion E™. 5 -• Atlanta.
reT^r^r.avoreh.e re-
Construction was started this
week on a new bridge to span the
branch cn Pine street on the old
highway leading out to Eatonton.
The old wooden structure has fal-
les. in and the city is replacing this
with a concrete bridge. The work
will be completed in about three
week." and will be a permanent
Mr. A. C. Kenvrn. representing th-
Colgate. Palmolive Pect Company,
is spending several days in the city
making plans for the Octagon
contest to be put on through the
operation of local grocers.
Mr. Kenyon will call cn the local
grocers and arrange Uor the contest
and a detailed announcement will he
made next week to the public.
Male High School, the team
coached by Wallace Butts in Louis
ville. Ky.. continue, Its winning
streak bv winning Its sixth straight
Friday from DanvtUe. Ky.. High by
I rcore cf 14 to IS.
port and nominate officers
churches in the circuit. A largo at
tendance is expected at this service
and dinner will be served at noon.
On Sunday morning Dr. LaPrade
will preach at the First Methodist
church in this city. Rev. Horace
Smith, the pastor, has announced
The quarterly conference will be
held in the afternoon and stewards
and cither officers of the church
will be elected Piter the annual re
ports are made
Sunday evening the conference
will be held at Hardwick. Rev. W.
C. Budd. the pastor, will make his
annual report and officers will be
elected.. Dr. LaPrade will preach at
the evening service and the confer
cnee will fellow.
The Methodist are making plans
for the annual conference in Atlanta
later in November. The churches
here will make excellent reports
Monday morning the campaign to
raise Baldwin county’s Community
Chest of $2,500 io care for the poor
and needy next year will be official
ly launched and a dozen committees
will begin the solicitation d!
tributions and pledges.
The annual roll call of the Red
Cress is launched at the same time
and the workers will also seek r
bership in the Red Cross for the
year. The campiign committee met
Wednesday afternoon and mapped
lowing arguments .or ...... ... «nal plan, for lhe drive. It i, the
hour bv the theatre attorneys and hope dr the workers that every clU-
zen can be give*-, the opportunity to
make a donation and that all citiz-
is will take the opportunity to have
part in this important work.
Col. Jenkins said the ministers of
the city would take occasion Sun
day tc bring to the attention of each
congregation the orive that opens on
Monday and to make a plea for the
community chest.
During the week speakers have
brought the needs of charity to the
people in special talks at the Cam-
Theatre. On Tuesday evening
Mrs. J. L. Beeson was the speaker.
Wednesday Col. Marion Ennis made
the appeal for the united effert of
the people of tic city and countv
and Friday evening Ar. Joe An
drews will sper.k briefly on the
community chest drive.
All committees have been named
and the city has been zoned In or
der that every citizen may be call
ed on.
WfA Project WH Be StartW
TWUajr Moroaoi to Pooo
Rood to Aim’, IotoM Homo.
Work will be started Thursday
morning to pave the road from the
Irwin ton Highway to Allen's Invalid
Home, the county commissioner*
announced Tuesday.
This the first ccunty WPA pro-
■ct to be started. The paving will
start at Humphries store on the
Milledgeville-Irwinton Highway and
extend to the forks of the road lead
ing to the home of Mr. Will Ivey
beyond the Thalian Hall building.
The new road will be constructed
of asphalt and gravel and will re
quire about three months to com
plete. The county engineer, Mr.
Roger Stembridge. will have charge
of the work.
City KwpHiJ Out of Foety-hrB
Approved HorpHoh ia Stole ky
Americu Cel eft of '
Concrete Blrodorc Spinning Camp
Creek on Irwtnlon BooR la OpeOtg
to Traffic.
The County Commissioners were first to cross the new concrete
bridge spanning Camp Creek oi
the Irwinton Highway .ast Satur
day when it was opened for the first
time to traffic.
The new structure replaces ar
wooden bridge and is one of the
most attractive *nd substantial
bridges in the county. The werk
was under the direction of Capt. R.
W. Almand. county road supervisor,
and it is a compliment to his en
gineering ability. Capt. Almand has
had a force of men at work on this
bridge for only a 'few weeks and
th- work has been completed in rec
ord time.
The new bridge links the beauti-
. jl new road from Hardwick to
South Baldwin leading to Irwinton
This new road which has been built
oy Capt. Almand is one of the most
attractive in the county. About three
miles have been completed and the
commissioners are asking for ad
ditional contracts to carry the in
road to the Wilkinson county line
Many bad grades and curves hav»
been eleminated in the new road.
board of education holds
The Baldwin County Board of
Education held its regular meeting
Tuesday at the otfice of Mr. P. N.
Bivins. Superintendent.
The board certified to the election
f the following school district
Midway. D. C. Leaptrott, A. E.
Bonner: Coopervllle, F. D. Pierce;
East. H. G. Pos*y and S. B. Bliz
zard: Browns. M. E. Webb and W.
F. Williamson; Meriwether, J. T.
Wagner and Ollie Little.
The board disposed of a number
:f routine matters.
There is always an advantage
to the reader who makes it a
business to check the advertise
ments. New merchandise is arriv
ing. special prices prevail on cer
tain items, a new car has just
arrived, a special feature is being
presented, or many other an
nouncements that will mean prof
it to the reader appear in the ads
every week.
The advertiser Is presenting an
interesting story with just as
much importance as the lead
story on the front page.
Shop MUMr—iU* Drat ind
read the
The Milledgeville City Hospital
-as honored this week when it was
approved by the American College
of Surgeons at Ine annual meeting
at San Francisco, California. The
list of hcspitals that have been ap
proved by the American College of
Surgeons throughout the country is
based on a survey of the institutions
and a check up a" to their conformity
to certain "tandaids. The Milledge
ville City Hospital is also accredited
and registered by the American Hos
pital Association and the American
Medical Association.
The hospital is one of forty-two
ipproved hospLals in uie State and
.ia«* a bed capacity c*’ fifty. Dr. Rich
ard Binion is owner and Chief Sur
geon of the hospital. Dr. Binion re
ceived his pre-medical education at
the University of Georgia and Efcnory
University. He received his M. D.
degree form the University of Mary
land in 1915 and served an inteme-
rhip at the Maryland General Hos
pital In Baltimore. Since this time he
has done resident graduate study st
Johns Hcpkins University, The
Chicago Institute of Surgery, New
York University, University fo Penn
sylvania. and Harvard Media*!
School. Dr..Binion is also a Fellow In
the American Psychiatric Associa
tion and a Senic r Fellow and one
of the founders of the Southeastern
Surgical Conference. Dr. Binion la
Chief Surgeon at the State Peniten
tiary Hospitals, the Georgia Train
ing School for Boys, and the Geor
gia Military College. He is consult
ant Surgeon for Allen’s Invalid
Home and also County Physician.
Dr. O. C. Woods, who has been
associated with Dr. Binion for the
past six years. Is Medical Director
of the hospital. Dr Woods received
hi? pre-medical education at the
University of Georgia and after hi®
graduation from the University of
Georgia Medical School served an
interneship at the University Hos
pital at Augusta.
Dr. Joe P. Smith, an Emory gradu
ate who interned at Saint Joseph’s
Hospital and Graay Hospital, is resi
dent Physician of the hospital. A
staff of twenty people is regularly
employed at the City Hospital.
Eighty men were Riven employ
ment Monday when work wa, rtart-
ed by lhe city to drain and concrete
the .term rower vhieh drain, D™n
the center ot the city to Tanyard
Branch and Fishing Creek.
The work is under the super L ’
Ion o! City engin^ Teagtro-T^
ditch begin, back ot the store, on
Hancock street nnd oortt> to
the branch below tbc ACant.C;
and Coal Co. This has been an
ditch for a number of ye^ Tb
other ditch begins on the Hill
drains south to Fishing Creek. The
ditches will be widened and boxed
concrete drainages will be built.
This is considered as a most im-
city expacta to begin work repair
ing and enlarging the city jail thU