Newspaper Page Text
lurches United in Celebration of
Nativity. Large Audience Pres
ent for Progrsa.
Sunday afternoon the churches of
QWgeville united to present *»
ist impressive Christmas pageant
d card service in celebration of
e Nativity.
The pageant was under the di
et Mrs. Max Noah and told
gain the story df the birth of the
rist child. The music program
i under the leadership of Mrs. M.
Bland and was most beautiful
nd impressive.
The choirs of the city united and
ormed large chorous. The Chrlst-
i carols were sung by the choir
were greatly enjoyed. The
istmas story was read by Rev. R.
Oakey and Father T. J. McNa-
•a as the story was enacted.
Despite the inclement weather a
irge audience was present for the
rogram at the G. S. C. W. audi-
A free-will offering was
be used for charfty in the
This was the first time the church-
have united for a Christmas pro-
im. the past custom being for each
irch to have a separate program,
is believed that out of the pro-
im Sunday will grow an annual
•■tom for the churches to hove a
ion carol service.
oewiunity Committee* for 19SK
Program are Named by Farmers
at Election Uat Friday.
The community committees to ad-
nister the 1938 cotton program
> named at an election held in
districts of the county on last
The committees named were:
105 and 115 district—-J. B. Moran,
W. Beall, Paul B. Chandler, N. R
£kson, alternate.
Hi, 322 and 1714 district—J. P.
o. Marvin Gladdin, Curtis
and R. W. Martin, alternate,
i. 319 and 320 district—A. H.
al, R. W. Watson. J. W. Hoot-
Ind T. C. Humphries, alternate,
community committees will
Bcmble later and name the county
The boys at the CCC camp at
■vens Pottery were enjoying the
ristmas holiday season. Half of
- members of the camp are allow-
K'j home for a week and the
ler members will go for a weeks
dt at New Years.
Capl. Cicero Muse has planned
the entertainment of the boys
J° are here A big Christmas tree
been placed at the Camp and
he exchanged by the boys.
Christmas day a feast was serv-
tacluding turkey and all the trim-
rhurrday night will be Jack Pet
ht at the Camous Theatre instead
Wednesday night as is usually the
t^m This chance is made this
[ cek rn, y. Manager Frank D. Adams
'nnounccd. The Jack Pot will be
Miu Mur Hofi ud Mm Eidyi
Joms, Stodnli at G. S. C. W.,
Killed in Wreck^
Funeral sendees were held in
Hawkinsville Sunday for two G. S.
C. W. students, Miss Mary Hogg and
Miss Evelyn Jones, who were
killed in an automobile wreck Fri
day while enroute to their home from
Macon where they had been on a
shopping trip.
Dr. Guy Wells, president of the
college, attended the funeral ser
vices. He said the students were
very popular on the Campus and had
made outstanding scholastic records.
He said the tragedy was a great
shock to the college officials and had
cast a gloom over the holiday sea-
Miss Golden Lock, also a student
cl’ G. S. C. W.. who was in the party
escaped with minor injuries.
Miss Hcgg was a member of the
senior class at the collecc and Mies
Jones wn« a sonhomore. They
had many friends among the young
er people of the city,
j The yreinc ladie* were enroute
home from Mncon where Ihev hart
been on a .h-nninr tear. \V--n only
a few miles from Mneon «h«ir car
collided with another and Miss Hocc
was instantly killed. Miss Jones
died a few hours later in a Macon
Dr. Harry Little accompanied Dr.
uraiia «a «Ka fnn«ri)l Sunday and a
were present.
Chler Frank Broome announced
to the Union-Recorder Tuesday that
he would not be a candidate for
Sherif:. The Chief stated that he
had considered entering the Febru
ary primary, but had definitely de
cided not to run.
Chief Bromoe has been head of
the Milledgeville police department
for a number of years and has made
an efficient and capable officer. He
has many friends throughout the
The only candidate announced for
the office of Sheriff is William L.
Hanison. Sheriff Haynie has made
no formal announcement that he will
ask re-election
Campus Theatre
Extends Best Wishes for a
Merry Christmas
for all our people.
Special Christmas Day Program
Janet Gaynor and Henry Fonda, In
“The Farmer Takes A Wife”
On the Stage
Bun La Rue and His Hotel Richmond Orchestra in a
Novelty Program.
Open 2:00 P. M.—‘Three Performances
We are pleased to present our
second annual Greeter Edition.
We are happy to join the mer
chants and business houses in
wishing for you a Merry Christ
mas. We trust you will read every
message which conveys to you an
expression from the individual
At this Christmas time we hope
happiness will be supreme in
every heart and this will be the
grandest Christmas day ever ex
perienced in our city.
This is not the regular edition
of our paper, but a special paper
and the regular edition will come
to you as usual. It will come a day
late however, reaching you in the
mails Friday.
Ftrm Agent L. R. Langley Rf-
*ign* Foil Here. Wil G« (o
Cobb Cooaly Joinery lit
Fcrm Agent L. R. Langley tend
ered his resignation as Farm Agent
of Baldwin county to the members
of the Board of County Commission
ers and will go to Cobb county on
January 1st as farm agent there.
The change by Mr. Langley is con
sidered a promotion. Since coming
here, Mr. i^angley has been active
in the agricultural affairs of the
ccunty and many progressive and
beneficial improvements have been
made. He has been instrumental in
establishing a community cannery
and has worked out a balanced di
versified program. He has also been
the head of the cotton program which
has so revolutionized the farming
program in this county.
The county commissioners have
accepted Mr. Langley's resignation
but will not name a successor until
after the first of the year. The com
missioners wil act on recommenda
tions of the college of agriculture in
Athens who have the extension pro
gram in charge.
Mrs. Langley has operated a wo
mans shoppe in the Campus Theatre
for several monihs and will continue
this business. She said an announce
ment as to future plans would be
made later.
All Children Invited to Special Mov
ing Picture Christmas Morning at
Ten O’clock.
The Kiwanis Club will be host to
the children of Milledgeville and
Baldwin county at a special moving
picture at the Campus Theatre
Christmas morning at ten o’clock.
After the movie a Christmas tree
will be given for the poor children
of the community.
All the children in the county
under 14 years of aee are invited to
the movie as the guests of the Ki-
wanic and Mr. Frank Adame Cam-
otis manaeer. Immediately following
f*C rb™. S-ntn rinue w'll dle^bute
gift s*ockines to the children who
are Wn* cered for by the com-
tminftv rhest.
TUa <» br-rv, to a
*>->r all tb" c**n«*ren
in the cmintv. Fetter —-i—*
Jcre Moore. Fred Starr
D. Adams are the committee in
Foul Shopping Bring, Big CranrJ
la City. Children Loob Forward
Is Coming of Santa.
The streets of Milledgeville art
crowded with shoppers, the final
rush is on and will continue until
late tonight and tired merchants and
sales people close-up and cell it a
Business has been unusually gnod
during the past week and the stare*
have been packed with shoppers.
Merchants have expressed satisfac
tion in the sales. But the material
[interest will pass in a few hours,
and families will assemble again to
enjoy the fellowship that cornea at
this season of the year. It will be
a happy occasion in every Milledge-
ville home. Young men and wonua
are at home from school. Teacher*
have returned home from their
schools and others working in dist
ant places are back for the holiday
season, and around Christmas trees
and the festive board familial wil»
assemble to enjoy the day with loved
The Red Cross under the direc
tion of Miss Emmy Riley has pm-
vlded for the pocr families of the
community. Food supplies, clothing,
fuel and gifts for the kiddies have
been provided every family and
none will be without the comfcrtn
of life this Christmas.
Santa Claus will begin his rounds
on schedule tonight and every heme
will be visited. Children are anxi
ously waiting the coming of old San
ta and sleep tonight will be restless.
Day light tomorrow will find the
children up and the laugh and hap
py shouts of children will be heard
on all sides.
At the institutions here the in
mates and patients will be rememb
ered and dinners will be served with
all the Christmas trimmings.
On Christmas mcming the patients
and employees at Allen’n rnvalid
Home will have a tree and every
one will be remembered.
Tonight at Midnight Mass will be
said by Father T. J. McNamara at
the Sacred Heart Catholic church.
The people of the city arc cordially
invited to this service. On Christ
mas Day at 11 o’clock services will
be held at St. Stephens Episcopal
church with a celebration of the
Holy Communion by the Rector,
Rev. F. H. Harding.
Georgia’s biggest Christmas din
ner is served each year at the Mll-
lcdgeville State Hospital and this
year is no exception.
On Christmas morning, after the
patients have enjoyed trees on each
ward, and received gifts from loved
ones, they enjoy a sumptuous meal
which is prepared under the direc
tion of the hospital chefs.
To serve the meal the following
quantities of ford are required:
200 turkeys. 1250 chickens, 1009
pounds of nork. 50 gallons of oys
ters. 200 lbs. coffee. 500 lbs. cran
berries. 3000 pounds nuts, 1500 lbs.
cake. 1400 lbs raisins, 60 bbs.. ap-
nl«~. R0 boxe« ounces.
Tfce menu w'll consist of turkey,
-V'l-r rlnfflnn giblet PTOVV,
r-ff«c breed, candied potatoes and
garden nens. Fvprv natient receives
fndt* and readies.
v..**rvtbin» on«*lhle is done to
make the dnv hnnnv and pleasant
one for everv patient.