Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 26, 1936, Image 10

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UNION - KXCOftDCl Mil J JtPGKVlLIX. GA-, BIAiCH 2C, INI CITATION GEORGIA, !5aldwin County To All Whom It May Concern: Ff . payne having in due fora applied to me for permanent letters of administration upon the interstate tt estate of Mari ah Wilson, deceas ed; this is to notify the next of kin »nd creditors cf the said Mariah XTilsan. deceased, that said applica tion will be heard b~<ore me at the regular April Terr., 1936, of the Court of Ordinary of said County. Witness my hand and official signature, this March 2, 1636. BERTIE B. STEZrfBRIDGE, Ordinary, Baldwin Co. Ge. seventy-three feet (73) front east on the Mosleyville Road; two hundred (25M feet on North side; three hun dred thirty (330) feet on South side back to Lot No. 6, Block No. 9, and Sixty-six (66) feet on Lot 6, Block 9 West; except a right of way re served for a road for egress and in gress from and to a house located on Lot No. 6, just west of Lot No. 19; the said right of way for road be- said lot being a part of what is known as the Edmund Harris sub division; said lot containing one eighth ot an acre, more or less, and is bounded as folic ws: It fronts on Grimes Avenue running along said avenue for 50 feet on the South; on the East by Lot number 17 in said sub-division, running along this lot for 125 feet; on the North 50 feet by Lot Number 8, this being the back capable of division without material ly damaging each of it’s subdivisions Said sale is made under the levy of a fi. fa. issued on the 1st day of April, 1931, for taxes dae said City for the year 1950. Said property will be sold as the property of Sol Screen. FOURTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Charlie Kyle, situ ate and lying in the City of Mil- ledgeville. State and County afore- the East side of North Tat- (10) fret wide and rurniinn'<* said Lot No. 1>; on the Wert hr nail Street, fronttn* 49 feet on North V / to “ ***•. . .. , ... . .. J T ..•-Kw Totw.ll C«e U 4 .nrf knnV LAND SALE ODORCIA. Baldwin County Under and by virtue of a power et sale contained in a W to se cure a debt executed on the 22nd. day of May 1925 by E 1 Oooms, conveying the hereinafter describ- along the northern boundry line of Lot No. 19, its entire length of two hundred fifty (250) feet more or is recorded ia Deed Book SS, pages 8 and • in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, in the said State and County, to which reference is made for a more definite and com plete description of the mid tract or parcel of land herein conveyed. Arthur Grantling having default ed land to the undersigned Mer- ed in the payment of mid debt be- lot 19 for 125 feet; said Lot number 18 measuring 50 by 125 feet. The said Randolph Johnson hav ing defaulted in the payment of said debt, said sale will be made Lot No. 6 in Block No. 9, according'as accordance with the powers to the map of Oconee Heights which granted in said security deed as chants A Fanners Bank of Mill edge-! ing $139.95 balance principal and vflle, Georgia, which deed ia record-j 390.00 interest to April 7. 1998 and ed in the office of the Clerk of the having since died said sale will be Superior Court of said county in made in accordance with the pow- aforosaid and will be made for the purpose of paying said indebtedness with Interest which the said security deed above mentioned was glvmi to secure, together with coat of this proceeding and taxes, if any. This 14th day of February 1936. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF JdLLEDGEVIIkLB By Jon W. Hutchinson, President SIBLEY St ALLEN. Attys. Tatnall Street, and running back East 150 On the South MARSHAL'S SALES CITY OF MTLEDGEVTLLE BALDWIN COUNTY, GEORGIA. Will be sold on the First Tuesday in April, 1936, before the Courthouse door in Baldwin County, Georgia, within the legal hours of Sheriffs Soles, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash the tracts and par cels of land hereinafter described. Hie s. J sales will be made under and by virtue of levies of fl. fas. issued by the Clerk of the City cf Milledgeville for paving assessments iutcl uux running iwck due the Mayor and Aldermen of the nvnaicu «« u n • ■»» a feet and bound as follows: City of Milledgeville. Deeds will be | ^ ^ ^ d \ • ®nith* -outh bjr land* of the Ertate executed to the*‘5?? prorement Section No ^ of Frank Kyle, on the 9ut by the rale br fee underlined Marxhxl- Rilht-of-Way of the Central of The tenant! in po-eerton of the West llootfomtiy Street, end on the deeerfbed have been notified of the West by North TstnsU Street Said leetae and the thne, terms, end place timet is a unit loopable et divides ed ante aa raiutred by tew. without materially damaging each 1 of ifs subdivulons. Said sale is made under the levy of a a M. issued on the 9th day of._—^ Kay. irn. for taxes due said Qty Jotafcf the tends ed M. of W. R. for the year l»tj. Said pnatrty will Leonard and the lands ed Warren be toll as the property ed Charlie. Street; aaid land it dart*n*ted as Kyle. Let No. 4, on the plan of the emit FIFTH TRACT: That tract of land *—_S» Street tmprevemMt Section belonging to Lula (Mum. rttuat* end "«■ “• 7* *•“ or - ~7" lying in the City of Milledgeville. Serton Na *»in the State and County aforesaid, on the JJJr 5* “gw™* «“ North side od West Montgomery *» *"*- Sold lend waa levied on Street, fronting 100 feet on mat ratlrfy an execution tor $*3« Montgomery Street end running back *J* ,h *** l 2£ North 190 feet, and bound aa fal- 1 A?'!!’’?! UM LAND SALE GEORGIA. Baida In County „„„ „ Under and by virtue of the power lows: On the West by lands at Torn Property at E_ E. Bern luma default et sale contained in a certain deed Duvall on the North by land, of * £?, : to secure a debt executed by TUI- Mrs Home Whilden, on the East «“« m “ Tcst *&&]**££* dlS.ll. taurt ' 4e, of Nov. 1020 for psviejm.,^4 due aaid City on”Emf Said property wiu i*'J5 1 property of R £ Lon! " li a SIXTH PARCEL: Tbs, . hetwern and adjoining tbTi •“« the la^ 1 : i; Said No. 5, *«£ No. gK-srswa viU* and run* back los fkT Iral was levied or to £ui 1,SJ * -ffS y-g* 52^ •ohut tte, J"®**** Mad as the *2L* T. 8. J—ass sad W B oa dsfault tat the pavl^| Street ImproveSS*^ or a ft, fa. issued oo ti. m, of May. MM for rare-Tl” due acid City of the A Prtl 1M0. Said prepert) 3 (AM U (h* IWMUetu ~M g * SEVENTH PARCEL: 7fc t parcel of land belonging to c Jones situate on the West j Deed Book No. 16, page 252, the ers granted in said security deed a undersigned will sell at public out- aforesaid and as provided by law. cry to the highest bidder for cash and will be made for the purpose of before the courthouse door of said paying said indebtedness with inter- ~ ”-TV7: ~T fc by lands of Jim Moreland, and on y nl ; i 829 - cn ™“'S 8 g, lu ' “S?irtorth wi^te st^ hH county within the legal hours of eat which the aaid security deed j ^ the South by West Montgomery Street Improvement Bond No. 937.1 J«*m sale on fhe first Tuesday In April above menUonod was given U> " * Street. Said tract la a unit that is Sfrert^nlDrovrtnm^Scrton'tlo IWIlUama and the Iands'ofvS 1938 the followiag d-cribed prop- cure, together with ms. of this pro - l«th. day of Deee.nber rt.d re- i nc? p fble of division without ma- ™ Street Improvement Section No. ^ sa|d land « erty to-wit: ceeding and taxes, if any. | f"** *»»• ^ ^ °< torWUr damaging each of ifs sub-, ^ ^ undcr the bwy ! U* No. the plan 75 All those four certain lots or par- Tnis 2nd. day of March 1936. ! CD ^ nt} “'^ Deed &x,k » page V9,1 Said sale is made under the levy fi ^ a j installment \ No^l^ronts S3 eels <J land situalc. lying and being THE MERCHANTS & FARMERS undersigned, will sell at public of a **• ,a - iasued on the 19th day ” tha 14th d v 0 f Apri i 1929 ' provement Section No. 9 in tte 321st District. G. M. Bald-, BANK OF MJLLEDGFVILLE ^ ot Junc ' 1933 ' for “ XES due “•<* s7d SroTCrty wM sold as the City of MiUedgcville and n County. Georgia and known a. 1 By L. C. HALL. Viee-Presiident brfor , e ***"“£”? ,n : City for the year 1932. Said property “^771 S BaS ! >» Shid lap- said countv durinv the Icval hours ,..m ^jj e property of Lula SECOND PARCEL: That tract or to satisfy ah exec parcel of laud belonging to E. E. i interest and ccst. issued u t Bass situate on the West side cf^e above desenbed lots No. 3. 4. 5 & 6 in Block desig- SIBLEY it ALLEN. Attys. natod “O’* on one certain map made by O. M. Cone. County Surveyor of LAND SALE Oconee Heights and recorded in GBORGIA . Baldwin County Book of Deeds “SS” pages 8 and 9 in the Clerk’s Office of the Baldw County Superior Court. Ix>t No. 3 fronting 60 feet c Coombs Av Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to se cure a debt executed on December the 19th, 1930 by D. W. Mullinix to and running back undersigned, the Merchants it South 200 fret. Lois Nos. 4 and 5 y armers Ba nk of Milledgeville Geor- frontlng East 68 feel on the Mosley- i (!la _ u . hlch deed is recorded in the ville Road and running back West ct(lcc of Uia acrk b, 0 Superior 130 feet to Lot No. 3 Block “O" as Court of Mid eonnty | n Deed Book designated by the map described No 15 paf , c 25 , the undersigned abovc - | will sell at public outcry, to the Ixrt No. 6 bounded as follows: On highest bidder for cash, before the the North 140 feet by lot No. 5. courthouse door of said county. Block “O” on the East 68 feet by within the legal hours of sale, on the Mosleyville Road: On the South the first Tuesday in April, 1936, the 150 feet by lot No. 7, Block "CX’ on following described property to-wit: tho West by lot No. 3, Block “CF' i All that tract or parcel of land 67 feel ■ situate lying and being in the 321st This being the same tracts or lots District G. Af. Baldwin County of land conveyed to E. E. Croom/? Georgia containing two (2) acres, herein by warranty deed dated more or less and bounded as follow?: April 20th, 1924 by J. A. Hardie and On the North by the lands of H. 3. said deed recorded in the Clerk's Roberts: On the East by the lands OSficc of tho Baldwin County Su- of the Hollinshcad Estate: On the perior Court in Book of Deeds No. South by the lands of Mrs. Estelle “ 8 ” P a R° 452 i Willis and on the West the highway Together with all improvements leading from Milledgeville. Georgii and buildings of any character what- to Irwinton, Georgia and being the soever that may be on the above southern half of a certain tract or described lots and or any and all parcel a* land impriA'cments and buildings of any Roberts and Mrs. Estelle B. Willi- character whatsoever that may be as evidenced by a certain warranty pliced or built or the within de- deed dated January 21st. 1929 and scribed lots during the life and op- recorded in the Clerk's Office of tin courthouse doer said county during the legal hours 1 w iu be j of sale to the highest bidder for, Odum, cash on the first Tuesday in April SIXTH TRACT: That tract 1936 after advertisement during the. land belonging to Laura Ray, situ- North Wayne Street, between and property of C. J. Jones u f month of March as provided by law 1 ate and ,ying in the cit >‘ of M *l- adjoining the lands of Montgomery in the payment of the and in the same marner as Sheriffs ‘ led fi*vil]e. State and County afore Street and the lands of Mrs. Maggie and interest due on the 15th d» ana in tne same manner as Sheriffs said on the North s|dc af Crimes K aark said land (lM , ?latcd „ Feb _ ]929 op Mi Ue-iceviiic to sales are conducted, the following Avc., fronting 50 feet on Grimes Lot No. a. on ho plan of tho work Improvement Bond No. 209 tol described lot or parcel of land, to-jAve.. and^running back North 150 done in Street Improvement^Section cost of improving and pavings j feet and bound as follows: On the No. 9, fronts 150 feet on Street Im- Improvement Section No. All that tract or parcel of land North by lands of Ward Hootten, on provement Sect'on No. 9 in the City I situate, lying and being in 115th I £• *£ & »“* - 2* Said sale is made under the 1 I -j — L/a auucuscviuc miu 1 uua back 210 i of a fi. fa. issued on the 25th Diet G M Baldwin Countv a**™* 1on th , e We *F la ^ G feet Said land was lwied on to March, 1929 for paving i Dist. G. M. Baldwin County Georgia Grimes and on the South by Grimes satisfy an execution for $215.42 with ment due said City on Feb. Ave. Said tract Is a unit that is in- j interest and ccst. issued against thei 1929. Said property will be s oration of this contract. ! Baldwin County Si perior Court in The debt secured by said deed is Deed Book No. 16 page 51; said land in default and is for the principal having such courses and distances as » of $2,329.65 with interest there on as is evidenced by the promissory corded notes and other writings and in debtedness due to the undersigned by said El E. Crooms. said security deed, re- Deed Book 15, page 254. as aforesaid. The debt for which this security deed wa.- given is in default and follows: Fifty-six acres consisting of two lots, one containing fifty-one acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Jeff Harper; on the East by Gooden Hitchcock; On the South by Rocky Branch; and cm the West by Jacob W. Ray; Also five acres more or less, bounded on the North and East by Gooden Hitchcock; On the South by Rocky Branch; On the West by the 51 acre tract described above. The above property being the home place of Tillman Ray. Tillman Ray having defaulted in the payment of said debt and hav ing since died said sale will be made in accordance with the powers granted in sai^ security deed as aforesaid and as provided by law. and will be made for the purpose veyed to H. 13. of paying said indebtedness with interest which the said security deed above mentioned was given to secure, together with cost of this proceeding and taxes, if any. This 23rd, day of February 1936 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MILLEDGEVILLE By JON W. HUTCHINSON, SIBLEY & ALLEN. Atfys^”'' 1 ''" 1 The said sale will be had and the renewal note, given November made for the purpose of paying the the 12th, 1934 and du*» thirty days said debt above described .the inter- after date thereof, is in default, the nd the cost of this being signed by the said D. proceeding. |W. Mullinix and payable to the un- A conveyance will be executed to dersigned for SI50 00. the purchaser or purchasers by the' The said sale will be had and undersiened as authorized by said made for the purpose of paying said security deed. | debt above described with interest This February the 24th, 1936. 'thereon arc* the cost of this pro- MERCTiANTS it FARMERS RANK ceeding. OF MTLLEnOEVrLLE. GEORGIA • of sale of TS. E. Cr. unde: LAND SALE | Gran I D. W. ancc will Ik* executed V; or or purchasers b- -d as authorized by ■ -r :<th. 1926. J- FARMERS BANK ■ SEVILLE. GEORGIA, ith power of sale of MARSHAL’S SALES Citv of Milledgeville. County, Georgia. the First Tuesday Baldw... VUkUII 1 Will be sold J. n Apr J* ,936 - before the * Court Baldwin County. house door ^ S' 1 !"’" ,lw 'Rial houre of f b0ri 5i Sal ^ c ; nt Public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash th* tracts and parcels of land hereina'- ter described. The said sales will b c made under and by virtue of levies ?„?■ hy ,hl ' Ork of Ihc City nt MJIc-rlimvillo for tnvri d-.o the Mnyor :mrf Aldermen of !!,. ntv of MiltedrevillDeed, will he eve. 5 the property I the property of C. J. Jones, t capable of division without material- above described land a r .. r „ v p 1y damaging^each^of ifs subdivisiMis. | 0 f E. E. Bass upon default" in the | in jp^Ssion of H. T. cilre." ^ ^ found in the: payment of the installment and in terest due < EIGHTH PARCEL: That tad the 15th day of Feb-! parcel of land belonging to L Said sale is made under the levy; ruary, 1929, on Milledgeville Street i Brogsdale situate on the Southi a fi. fa. issued on the 26th day | Improvement Bond No. 201, for the of Montgomery Street, between of February, 1934, for taxes due said cost of improving and paving Street adjoining the lands of Mrs. 0 Banks and the lands of ’ St.; said land is designated u! No. 4, on the plan of the world in Street Improvement Sectai 1 22 fronts 210 feet cn Street provement Section \o 22 i City of Milledgeville and back 112.5 ,'eet. Said land levied on to satisfy an execution City for the year 1933. Said property j Improvement Section No. 9. the property of will be sold Laura Ray. SEVENTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Willie Thomas Steele, situate and lying in the City of Milledgeville, on North Wilkinson Street, fronting 240 feet on North Wilkinson Street and running back Said sale ! a fi. fa. issued ... of March. 1929 for paving assess ment due said City on the 15th day of February'. 1929. Said property will be sold as the property of E. E. Bass. THIRD PARCEL: That tract or j W«tTD0"freit'and"bound‘arfoUovS:!f arc f!, of ? a ’•' tx-loneing to John. 9334.21"'with interest ani rat On the East by Wilkinson Street. | , t Ri1c - v situate on the West side ■ sued against the above on the North by Grady Street, on Jackson Street, between and ad- land as the property of L. the West by branch, on the South by I i 0,mng the lands of Mrs - Bessie E. dale upon default in the r ... lands of the Frtate of Charl*> j P wrence and tiie lands of Misses c f the installment and interest Steele. | Mattie and Nettie Moore; said land I on the 1st day of November. 1 Said sale is made under tie levy | * s . designated at Lot No. 3, on the on Milledgeville Street Impro of a fi. fa. issued on the 1st day of plan of the work done in Street Ini-, Bc«d No. 394. for the cost April. 1931, for taxes due said City P rove ment Section No. 17, fronts 56 proving and paving Street In for the year 1929. Said proper! v! J 01 * on Street Improvement Section i mont Section No. 22. x . . —-• No. 17 in the City of Milledgeville | Said sale is made under the I and runs back 254 feet. Said land, of a fi. fa. issued on the 12th was levied cn to satisfy an cxecu-!of November. 1929 for pa' tion for S61.38 with interest and, will be sold as the property of Wil lie Thomas Steele. EIGHTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Annie L. Davis, situate and lying in the City of Mil ledgeville. On North Wayne Street, fronting 210 leet on North Wayne Street ano running back West 219 feet, and bound as follows: On the North by lands formerly owned by Genie Brantley, cn the East bv North Wayne Street, on the South by Tift Stret and on the West by lands a.* Rachel King. Said land was found in posession of Cliff Durden, and was levied on as the property of the Estate of Annie L. Davis. Said sale is made under the levy of a fi. fa. issued on the 1st day of April. 1931. for taxes due said ’City for the year 1929. Said property will be srId as the property of Annie L. due said City of the lit sued^ against the above de-j c f November. 1929. Said *! will be sold as the pre 1 N. — scribed land as the property John W. Riley upon default in the payment of the installment and interest due on the 14th day of April 1929. on Milledgeville Street Im provement Bond No. 323. for the cost ctf improving and paving Street Improvement Section No. 17. Said sale is made under tho levy of a fi. fa. issued on the 4th day of Riley. FOURTH PARCEL: That tract - parcel of land belonging to Brogsdale, found i:i p-.-jesa Ellen Brogsdale. NINTH PARCEL: That tr*3 parcel of land belonging to W A Bass situate on the South s Hancock Street between ad joining the lands of O. F. and the land;* of E. N. Znni; land is designated as Lot No. I the plan of the work done r Improvement Section No. 20.! 60 feet on Street Improvement! tion No. 20 in the city ville and runs back 1212 f«*-! land was levied on to satisfy cution for $68.55 with above 4 dale, situate and lying cf Milledgeville. State and Con:... aforesaid, on the South side of We>‘J n - c Thomas Stn-et (Formerly Wall St A ’ s * r < Tis- joining the lands of Mrs. J. E. Grc- | A. N. Bass upor default - ... tinning back South ?!i Plan of tho work dene iprovemont flection No. o feet on Street Imnrn ’tion No. 17 in the City f tlx? installment the 14th day c : in tn Milledgeville Street I 17. Bond No. 339, for th • GEORGIA, Baldwin County Under and by virtue a! the power SIBLEY of sale contained in a certain deed j to secure a debt executed by Arthur Grantling to Homer Bivins of Bald- 1 Georgia, cn the ION,' GEORGIA. Baldwin Couny land sale day of March 1931 and recorded the office of the Clerk, of the Si perior Court of Baldwin county i Deed Book 15 page 381. and assign* sold and transferred by said Hoi:.. Bivins to the Merchants and Farm 'rs Rank « f Milledgeville. Georg;: the undersigned, will sell at puW outcry - before the courthouse door i said county during the legal he of sale io t ie highest bidder f cash on the first Tuesday in Api 3936 after advertisement during th month of March as provided by ln\ and in the same manner as Sheriff sales are conducted, the fololwin described lot or parcel of land, to- fell Under and by virtu ;ale -d bv In c f sale nd: - . « FIRST TRAfT:That tract o* land belonging to Mary Scott Ryles, situ ate and lying in the citv of Mil ledgeville*. State and Countv nfore- •nid. on the North side « f West Mo J the We Said tract is able of divis damaging cai Said sale i: B. Wood. I Ike above describe*! land $109.62 Of Mar. f, «t. issued arairv* due c : d City the j Said proper* - In tosh Strcr . fronl West McIntosh Stic back North 2-tn for and bound as f Row f E. C. Kidd. 90 feet and running ■nore or le~s On the North unit that is incap- i property of R. E. Long upon default! property of W. A if Ma; fi. fa. itlmut mnteriall. i of it's subdivision:.. made under the levy April, 1929. the payment of the installment TENTH PARCEL: due on the 14th day of parcel of land bedor Milledgeville Street 1 Warren Edwards situ: of I.r We Wn the 6th day | Improvement Bond No. 329. for the East side of North taxes due said • cost of improving and paving Street, between and adjoining 1932. Said prop-1 Improvement Section No. 17. i The First Baptist Clrr "" tiie property Said sale is made under the levy i lands of McIntosh S - on the 4th day af.is designated as Let N for paving installnVnt plan of the work done io said City cji the 14th day of Improvement Section ' .-'ril. 19.9. Said property will be 91.2 feet on Street " T . f bu • n rot -- t • x x- of R r. I^c-rg. Section No. 5 in the C Firm PARCEL: That tract e> - x-Ole and runs back n. c ! : land belonging to R . E. land was levied e- • North side «.f execution for $!2’"’ , of Mrs. A. W. Tisdnli . TENTH ARACT: That tract of I May. 192! land belonging to Mrs. G. H. Bais- ! tiue said den. • ituaf and lying in the Citv ‘-April. 192 • •f Milledgeville. state and County : ‘ r ' 1 de ;i:'natcd as Lot. No. •, back S M and 1736 and in the ram* Sheriffs sales .are cor ing described lot wit: All that tract or parcel of land. ' Lot numlier 18 In Block situate, lying and being in the City City of Milledgeville. located in the of Milledgeville, Georgia, and known Northern portion of rtid r II I damaging c.i • - c under the levy on fhe 3rd day taxes due said 1931. Sirid prop- i the property cf ■ lands of Mrs. J. TT. Grenada * lards of T. x. Callaway: : designated as Lo» No.’ p. ' vment St*ction No. 45. front: c-M on Street Improverr'*r. rrd interest due cr. April. 1929. on M ; 1 Improvement Bond - .NO. *»□ m me ui tv ct mu- rest of improving a e and runs bade 199 feet. Improvement Sec* 1 !:rd was levied vn to satisfy Said s.ale is made execution for $137.45 with inter- of a fi. fa. issued f and erst issued against 4 hc May, 1929. for r* 1 ' the prop- due said citv (" Said property as Lot No. 19, Block No. 9, being vicinity being knew h» other land* >.1 *v.i | r Town Clark Street. Said ' ■ e described land .... r ._ t . of R. E. Long upon default in Safd property will lx* , . , .. . pr. ment o' the installment and property of Mrs. Warren ^ I 1 rnov n nr i?APrrp j ntcrest due on the 1st dav of No-, Ti.i= 2nd day of VnAK^J LFROY D NAPIER. vember. 1929. on MilledgeviUe Street' T. J- SI Marshal ol the City of Improvement Bond No. 461. for the Marshal of the City of • ,c ' cost of improving and paving Street ville.