Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 26, 1936, Image 12

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. MAUI tO. 19M LETT-OVER MEAT a BEAL ASSET SOT LIABILITY Instead of considering left-over? as a liability, clever cooks regard them as the asset they really mUttABI BIRD DOG FEATURED MAD SEMES The Southerner loves a dog— aiiu contrive new dishes which are! —particularly a bird dog—and few in few respects like the original 1 men in the world know more about When so transformed, nine times and shotting ovcr a dog out of ten even the family does not j recognize them as ieft-o-ers. hc d °“- « cdcc - > ha * a i rt ° nal The task of making left-overs dif- Championship Field Trial, held at ferent mav look i.ke an impose,-, c ™d Junction. Tenn., eaen year, is bility to the unini-.ated, but accord- * atcned ke ®“ mtorKt b >’ Smith ‘ ing to Inez S. Wilson, home econo-.** 71 P^P*- mist, it really is not hard at all for. Last n car the famous trial was with a spark of ingenuity and the j v/on by Homewood Flirtatious, desire to do so. wonders may be done j -Flirt" for short, a black and white with left-overs. I pointer bitch, owned by H. M. Curry A skillful use of left-overs means j Jr., of Pittsburg, Pa. "Flirt*’ ranged the fields beautifully, found her birds and performed in every re spect as a national champion should. economy of both time and money Then it is possible to take advan tage of special prices on the larger cuts of meat, and at the same tim*.* have easily and quickly prepared second and third meals. Meat Leaf with Mushroom Baser Ground left-over meat egg. slightly beaten 1 cup cracker crumbs Salt and pepper Milk to moisten 1 can cream of mushroom soup ... , . , . Grind the left-over meet aid ' TIirt the doe of doer, aud io cracker cr^nbs. the slightly beaten j -;trug«n fcmhrt r - ••Flirts" picture is the feature of a Chilean Nitrate of Soda adver tisement—one of a series appearing regularly in this newspaper. An interesting parallel is drawn between Nature's gift tc this remarkable bird dog and to the well known nitro gen fertilizer—to the dog a perfect balance of all the vital elements that equally tal balance of major and minor elements that make natural Chilean egg. sci^on with salt and pepper and moisten with milk. Pack firmly into .. , j , , „ „ 1 the superior plant food that a greased loaf pan. Pour mushrocm j * sr_.jp over the top and bake in a slow oven (300 degrees F.) for about thirty minutes. Meat Roll Ir. the case of the deg and in the case of this nitrogen fertilizer, the natural nitrate people point out. this natural balance is the vital thing. Or you may wish to combine j s something Nature alone un- them with baking powder biscuits < derstands. Into the natural nitrate and serve them with left-over gravv t .f soda. Nature put many of the or a rich cheese sauce. Chop the‘minor elements—such rs manganese, left-over meat quite fine, season it iodine, calcium, boron, magnesium, with salt and pepper and perhaps a potassium, etc.—nearly two store in little onion juice, and combine with all. These are important to the a thick white sauce. Spread a thick healthy growth and development of layer of this on biscuit dough which your crops. And the important point, has been rolled ta a thickness of 1-4 scientists agree, is that these minor to !-2 inch. Roll like a jelly roll, elements, so necessary to crop feed- Cut into slices about 1 inch thick mg and ciop health, are present in and bake in a hot over, until the natural Chilean in Nature’s own biscuit dough is done. balance and blend. MOT MILK STONGE CAKE Bsdpcs by Mrs. B. B. Mmmre 1 cup cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder I eggs 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons lemon juice (J tablespoons hot milk 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor .. .. Sift flour, once measure add baking powder, then slit together three times. Beat eggs pntil very thick and white. Add sugar gradu ally, add lemon juice. Fold in flour, alternately with hot milk mix quick ly. Bake at once in ungreased tube atple cobbler 4 medium sized tart apples 1-2 cup sugar Cinnamon Peel, core and slice apples. Ar range in layers of apples, sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon in a well buttered pudding dish. Over this peur the following batter: 1 1-2 cups sifted flosr 1-4 cup of sugar 1-4 cup of sweet milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons of shoi testing (melt ed). » 2 teaspoons baking powder 1-4 teaspoon salt Beat egg until light. Add sugar graduatUy. beating until creamy. Sift fiour baking powder and salt, and add to the mixture alternately with the milk. Beat until smooth, then add shortening. Bake in hot oven 1-2 hour. Serve with whipped cream or hard sauce dusted with cinnamon. PEPPER REUSH 1 doz. red peppers 1 doz. green peppers 3 large onions 1 hot pepper | Grind all these together. Put i I * boiling water for 20 minutes. Drain thoroughly. Put boiling water ever again and let boil for 15 minutes. Drain well, then add 1 tablespoon ; of salt. 1 cup o* brown sugar, 1 I quart vinegar. Boil ten minutes, an j seal while hot. - AaaBBPKv.c-ir * Tssmamsa BUY HOW-rrS EASY! USt SOUR cRevrr Don’t risk it another day on old tires for lack of ready cash. We’ll take care of you, quickly, courteously, on easy terms as low at A WEEK wmmmmmmmm There's NOTHING CHEAP about this tin but the price Y ou can be proud to ride on this tire—we’re proud to sell it—because it’s Goodyear quality through and through—a fine high grade tire that we can price low to you thanks to savings (^gjk effected by the larg- est production in the industry. jwjnmwn*,, •“* your oor ****** •*** *o stop Yhfefc NiM|n 9. C° r <i la BVERV~| P r ‘'" , ' <1 **»>• GOOD-YEAR JPtiiJifi ride r FOWLER S E VrRlaCE STATION PHONE 21 Milledgeville. Ga. NEXT CITY HALL THIS MODERN WAY OF COOKING MAKES FOOD TASTE BETTER! Who ever heard of starting custard pies and butter cakes in a cold oven* of roast ing meat without loss of flavor or juices; of cookinir cereals, sauces and icin-s in ord.nary saucepans without burning or sticking? These and manv more cooking miracles can be performed by anyone wi th a new Electric Range. Come in and wo win prove it to you. “ledies: you won’t hove to scour pots and pans anymore." rr A "This clock does my oven I watching for I me. Itgives I me hours of ’ new leisure | everyday." r “ I can cook Five different foods in one utensil. No food taste; or smells of f he others." ■i i Come to the CGoking School smd §ea Hew Simple and Easy It Is To Cook Electrically The Only True Modern Way See the Westinghouse Electric Ranges at pi ices and sizes to suit every need. Let us explain the many other advantages of cooking this modern, easy way—you'll be amazed how little it will cost you to en joy clean, ele:tric cookery. Enjoy Electric Cookery at its best with a modem Westinghouse Electric Ram Give your family delicious, appetizing meals—enjoy ihem twice as mu:h you.* self because you’ve prepared them so easily, so comfortably. Cooking w:th electrically controlled beat requires just a very small amount of water— 0 all the healthful, natural juices and vitamins in foods are sealed-in, not cook* rd away. We stinghouse Ranges How Prised From $79*50 Now you can have a gleaming, efficient Westinghouse Electric Range in your own kitchen for as lit tle as $79.50. And, if you have an old stove youcan trade-in, we’ll allow you $10 on it—thereby reducing the price to $69.50. On terms, the price is only slightly higher—and you can take as long & as 36 months to pay. Be sure to see this Westinghouse Range at the Cooking School. . .investigate its maivelous time-saving, youth-saving advantages. . .and then let us install one in YOUR kitchen. Georgia Power Company 44 4 4 4