Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 26, 1936, Image 14

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i UNION IICOKDCL ULUDGCTIliJ, OA-, MAUI M. 1#M CROW-EATING COMES TO GEORGIA (GROUND HOG WEATHER ground hog has had plenty of chance j be wanner in the northern part of The modem ground PREDICTION GOES AWRY ^ C ° ine 0111 °* hii cx “ le and set aC " and it wasn’t colder down the least about 0g5, V> j climated. here. Therefore, that will make still Minneapolis the other day had m ^ d for the erou „ rt hog t0 1 E -'°- cu - »«> 'Of «* mimmujr. rccount for tthen he finally comes . said it would u* least about them. ar , . Poor Prophets about th, “* w oorreopondents h”"*?* about the Italo-Ethiopiar, r 'iS Bonus Boys Buy A Farm Finding crew meat "delicious," as this picture Indicates. Gams Commisioner 2aek Cravcy of Georgia plans to play host »>. a banquet featuring roast crow and crow pis for southern and federal gams commissioners during their conference in Atlanta March 27-2B (Associated Press Photo) j Sunday. March 15. uas the last day when, according tc his hole-in- the-ground prognosticsn ab:ut the weather on February 2. :here should have been six more weeks c? ••-•in ter. All this because he saw hi? shadow and hustled for cover. The statistics don't -w up the 203 arres about six miles East ground heg this year :n ar.;. to-. Irwinton on Toomsboro road. 5 r favorable a light. The dry before he bouse, newly painted white, took his slant it was 23 degrees, metal roof., new barn, good spring which is powerful cc'.ri The day he and branch, known as the HunnJcuti looked about him the minimum was , home place. 38 degrees. He must have been Small rash payment. 20 years stupefied with the ccld of the day balance at 5 per cent, price *2.75i. b°-’ ore - By special arrangements can trade Statistics show* 14 days when the now with Bonus Boys and watt un- minimum was 50 degrees cr over: til June to complete cash payment. 12 days when it was in the forties, \jj size farms In surrounding conn* mne when it was in the thirties, and ties. These are Federal Land Bank one day below thirty, when 2 T de- 1 firm*. groes were recorded on February 11. Ten days after the ground hog put on his so-called weather trarce only four have been in tr.e thirties, nine have been in the forties and thir teen in the fifties. The high points on seme days were twenty dgrees or more above the low points, so the SEEN AND HEARD THE PAST WEEN torn, of Lecal lateral PicW Ifr Her* ad IWn By Neva Gath erer of Ik LUm-It reorder. The nev filling station now un der ronsti a.:*! jn on Hancock street wiH be one of the most attractive in the aty. It will have all modern appointment.', and will have more of the appearance of a home than a filling stall an. the builders say. Conitmdior. <f the beautiful new home being built by Mrs. Margaret Napier is nearing completion. TTiis home will Ik- one al the most beau tiful m the city. Capt. Thigpen has had his street force in the ".orthen section of the city for the* i»vst week and is build* ing a road Uirough from Wayne to Jefferson street along the tracks of the Georgi i railroad, "Hiis will be quit*- a ueede i improvement. The Onodrlrh Brothers will move into Iheir new homes in West End about April 1st. These homes an quite an ado' >:n to this section. Dr. Robert L. Biggs, the Vctemcri- an, leads a busy life. His hospital in West End is nearly always filled with patients Dogs and cats of every description, but loved by somebody as a pet. are brought to the Doctor for Irealmen*.. He has recently had a numtier of dogs that were suffer ing from poisoning. Somebody put out poison on the Hill, and a I tier of prised pets ate it and many ti! them died, but Doctor Bigg c su eroded in saving a few. Poisoning dog, a defon-ieless nnimnal. is not to be admired, to say the least. Owners will always keep their pets in con finement. if they annoy other poo- pic, rather t’ an have them poisoned Carpenter, have heen kept busy during tlie past week repairing roofs and correcting other damage that was done by the high winds r week ago. Congressman Carl Vin son'S farm house in south Baldwin, was among those damaged. Practi cally every home happened to seme damage, but tiave all been rrpaired, Col. Marion Allen has two Im pressive |urlures in his office in the Henry Grady Hotel. Ore of them shows Col. Allen with Senators George and Russell and Judge Ix>v- ett entering the White House to Refreshing Relief When You Need a Laxative Bccauso of the refreshing relief It has brought them, thousands of men and women, who could afford much more ex- jf^ pensive laxatives, use Black-Draught when OH needed. It la very eco- iL^ nomical, purely vegettt- t" 3 ? ble, higlily effective... Mr. J. Lester Roberson, well known hardware dealer nt Martinsville. Va, writes: *T certainly can recommend Blauc- Draughl as a splendll medicine. I have taken it for constipation end the dull feelings that follow, and have found it very satisfactory.” BLACK-DRAUGHT — Applications must t>e on file by the President, the othc-r in a fine April 17. 1938, for the vacancy of picture of General Farley, chairman postmaster at Dcvereaux. The ex- of the National Democratic Commit- amiration date will be announced tec and Post Master General. But later and will be held in Milledge- the most impressive picture of all vi!le. « i. spMfcir.5 l.kmeK o! President, examinaUon is epen to all oosese t. his is a life size pictures , citizens who can meet the require- Utat meets the visitors eye imme- ;nlents tsetwMn the ages of 21 and “ cnt ^ in S «* Col. 65, Application blanks and full in- greeund tiie formation can be secured by writing ,m0 | United States Civil Service Com- ci j mission, Washington. D. C. diately Allen is kept busy thousands of visitors that have from every nook and comer oi Georgia to pledge their support U the great Chieftain, President Roose velt. to Milledgeville young ladies, who wo-re cadet teaching in Atlanta- last fall, new have regular jobs and meeting with splendid success in their work in the Atlanta public schools. They are Miss Barbara Chandler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ”• Chandler and Miss Dorothy Smith, youngest daughter of Mrs. 1*. D. Smith. Miss Chandler teaches his tory in one of the high schools and Miss Smith teaches physical educa tion. Both of them are splendid teachers and went directly to Atlanta from G. S. C. W. MOUNT PLEASANT Mrs. CarttM Etheridge Mt. Ffaasant Woman's Missionary Circle held their regular monthly meeting on last Wednesday the 18th with Mrs. Carlton Etheridge as hos tess. Miss Mamie Cormanni led the de votional. reading part of the 16th chapter of the book Acts and ai.c her talk on Lydia was both inter esting and inspiring. After a short business session on ways and means we had a social hour and were j ed sandwiches, cookies, nuts coffee by our hostess, assisted by Miss Cormanni. Those present were: Mrs. J. O. Etheridge, Mrs. Thomas Cathy, Mrs C. B. Torrance. Mrs. Prissilla Hodges. Mrs. T. R. Brookins. Mrs. Pauline Lee. Miss Sara Etheridge. Miss Claire Hawks, Miss Fay Cathy, Mtj. P. M. Allen. Miss Mamie Cor manni. and Mrs. Carlton Etheridge. AHrtn A. L. MILLIGAN P. 0. Boi 393 EATONTON, GA. PHONE 137 T. A. ASHFTELD “RADIO SERVICE” ftaayt Dependable Repin On Aip hfc R. C. A. TAo. Ciaplrti Stick of Pub, Fridii- ut Sonin. PHONE 12SJ “NOTMNG BUT INSURANCE Phooe 473 GIFTS THAT LAST You find practical, useful gifts C. K. ANDREWS ft SON tor every occasion at J. C. GRANT CO. RPR S “ ,E Watch and Clock Repaving by yyy colds Experts Quick Service Uqnld-Tablets price Salve-Noee Deep. 5c, lie, 25c FOUND—G. E. A. 1932 Pin—Ownrr can get same by paying for this ad and reward. NOTICE Clean-Up Week Morck 23rd to Mwck 2M, koi kcea dtbfuitd by Condi as Cliaa Up Weak—Dariag tkat weak tka Santary Dipt. wiB non a trail, debris, or jnk of oay load pUcad at tka cnk. At atkar taoas ally tka mil truk ud garbefe tkat caa ke pot ia a (irkafi caa wE ba resend. Tka co-open- tioa of all ■ tka trial ef tkia aaw plaa, is asked. The aaw Solitary Ordiuau does NOT proUiit tka osa of properly instiled Snkea Garbage Caas ia fraat Areas. By Order of Council all pre- ] the political prophets'are bT ^ q : tion. year. a ‘ ^ CROWN GASOLINE Gives you smooth, powerful anti knock J performan( e at nc extra cost ! • STANDARD OIL COMPANY To Help You AVOID MANY COLDS At the Ant nasal irritation or sniffle, apply Vicks Vs-tro-nol—just a few drops up each nostril. Used hi time, it helps prevent many colds entirely. VicksVatro-nol saouua sin *Ot . . . pousu ouomtrlpi OUR PAST RECORD The management of this bank is in the lands of men who have j years of successful business and banking experience. Through j the yam this bank has been the synJbol of financial strsogtk integrity of character and absolute reliability. We have a sympathetic cooperation with aS interests of our j customers and invite you to establish a connection with thi* strong, well regulated bank. Merchants & Farmers Bank SERVING YOU SINCE 1896 CAPITAL *80.000 SURPLUS *80.000 Tax Collector’s Notice All Special License and Corporation Taxes are due and payable January I, for the year 1936. Every one interested in any business subject to Speoai Taxes, will please take notice and procure a license to con duct same. After March 31 f the law require me to add a penalty of 20 per cent. Respectfully, MRS. L. D. SMITH TAX COLLECTOR ] l/\k Wave c*» of otlU Ghworathw Come and faJiBK* - get them—■ r ~~ ' , you aat the. wto&tjf<yc youA, tnowzu~jfi:— •GROWTH • YIELD • VALUE RETURNED •QUALITY *VALUE PER ACRE PER DOLLAR INVESTED *h Horne, Milledgeville, Ga. W. L. Waller, Dennis, Ga. G. A. Smith, Haddock, Ga. J. L Mercer, Gray, Ga.