Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 26, 1936, Image 5

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union-] Asocial uiculigutsm Hodges, of DeelfP' is ; tlf r.t ,t the Scotty Hospital. L.„ \nn Bone spent the firing Jito-s hi Rome »ith relative*. [mIv, Iris A.*i^n spent tl« week- I'd noth her m° u, " r ' M: ’- Jun I . .,„ ar ct Yarbrough spent with her parent. in [otnesville- ^ # ^ John Sibley, of Baltimore and tola, spent Sunday In the dty th relatives. ^ ^ - Kate Thrash and Louise dayS in Auin<a . past week. ^ Uiss Cornelia Stembridge spent , sprl „g holidays with friends In icello, Ga. ■ and Mrs. Worth Skinner spent lay with Mrs. Skinner's parents »;,r Talbolton. Gay Monte is convalescing n operation at the Scott Hos- lit.il Wednesday. dojesry. Thos Donnelly and Roy lehcirck motored to Waim Springs I Mrs. R- r. Rainwater, of Sanders- e. spent Sunday with Capt. and 5. T. J. lkirden. »r5. A. G Grenade was brought |o MiUedceville for an emergency on Wednesday. Mr Emcst Flower?, of Tampa, spent the week-end with Mr. |ar.d Mrs T. J. Darden. Mrs. L. G. Lawrence spent Mon- lay in Atlanta where she wen juy for The I^iurence Shoppe. Miss Callie Grieve Williams 'fas •etumed to Atlanta after a visit I with Mrs. Ferguson and Mis3 Betty •. and Mrs. Henry Boggus and Miss Bessie Boggus, of Oxford, Hxmt Sunday afternoon with Miss Willie Boggus. Col. and Mrs. Frank Bell attend ed the funeral services of their uncle Mr. George Cn-. ,'ford in Birmingham last Saturday. Miss FJizabcth Chandler spent •he week-end in Atlanta where she vi'ited her sister. Mi?* Barbara C*r rdler. who is toaching there. The friends of Mrs. W. T. Garrard ■1 he glnd to know that she has re- iumed to her home after an illness ■f l everal months at the Scotf Hoe- pitaL Mrs. W. B. Harrisou has been dis- ' issetl from a local hospital and has ‘ turned to her home in Linton j he-e she is convalescing from a! ajor operation. ( Mr^ ,t s Perry Is convalescing | r.t the home of her ^ - Mrs. Chas. J. Conn. Mrs. | ■ irv v.:! l be here, for several da vs • '-'r with Mrs Conn. 0«f -, Robinson returned to Macon Wednesday af- hls sister, Mrs. W. H. ' abridge. Judge Bertie Stembridge "'ir.panied him home. { 1 H boride Moore left Thursday 1 Vi ashington City where she will 1 •'ike her home. She was accom panied f<> Atlanta by Miss May • *oore who spent the day. Mi«-. Frances Ennis, whp teaches m * hc J umor College in Savannah, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. •J. Ennis, was at home for the spring ' ‘days, returning to Savannah Monday. Mis. Emily Woodward former President of the Georgia Press As- rwiation. spont Tuesday and Wed- «<tay in the city. Miss Woodward ‘ on lpiling a picture history of Georgia. D Allen, Mrs. Margaret r . K , * ,rS ' C!ias ^oort* »d Mrs. Whitfiel4 will attend the ^ jrriage of Miss Esther Griffin “ d Mp- Kyle T. AIM end. Jr., ■ < will bo soleneiired Thursday ,™“" *he home of Mr. Al- AIW^ P n U - <*■ — Mr. H. Sidney Jones is convales- ing after a week's illness. Mr. Z. Neighbors Is convalesing after a recent attack of flu. Miss Agnes Barnes spent the spring hollda. s In Forest City, Jean, have gone to Charlotte, N. C., where they joined Mr. Bell to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Moshkoff and daughter. Miss Toscha Moshkoff, and Maj. and Mrs. T. H. Rentz spent Friday in Savannah. The friends of Mrs. Elizabeth n -_y. I Brown are glad to know she is Dr and Mrs. L. P. Xx>nghio spent back at her work again at G. M. C. FayettevlUe and after an illness of two weeks. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Downs, of T- 1 Athens, spent the week-end with Mrs. Wilson Mason entertained RECITAL TO BE GIVEN BT MISS her sewing club at a luncheon on H08BBUGH AND MISS TUCKER Tuesday complimenting Mrs. Ed Miss Beatrice Hosbrugh, profes- Downs of Athens. j sor ^ violin and Miss Alice Lencre Mrs. George Bell and daughter, Tucker,'professor of voice, will give Atlanta. Misses Frances and Mable Rocers spent the week-end in Day-1 Mr. and Mrs* Johnny’“ov'erstreet. tons, Florida. j Mrs. Downs remained in the city Mr. Italo Lamar spent the week- until Wednesday, end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dunlap and children, who Richard Lamar. Mrs. A. D. Schofield and daugh ter, Elizabeth spent the week-end in Cuthbert, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trapnell, of McIntyre spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Rogers. Miss Teresa Pyles, of Washing ton City, was the week-end guest of Mrs. Fern Dorris. Miss Harriett Campbell, who teaches in Cochran, spent the week-end in the city. Mr. DeWitt Rogers visited his brother, Mr. Melville Rogers, In Savannah last week-end. have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herring for several days, have returned to their home In New York City. Br. and Mb. R. W. Bradford and children spent the week-end in Augusta, accompanying Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Bradford's mother who had been visiting them, to her home. Mrs. D. S. Sanford. Mrs. T. J. Wall, Miss Laura Shurlev and Mrs. joint recital on Monday evening at 8:00 o’clock in the auditorium of G. S. C. W Mrs. Wiles Homer Allen will play the accompaniments. Misses Hosbrugh and Tucker are both oatstanding musicians their recital will be of cordial inter est. G. M. C. CADETS TO DEBATE EMORY JUNIOR STUDENTS. In the first intercollegiate de bate in the history of the institu tion, a team from the Georgia Military college debating club will engage a team from Emory Junior college here Saturday evening, April 4. The subject chosen for the de bate is: Resolved. That congress should enact an embargo on all belligerent nations in time of war. The G. M. C. affirmative side, com posed of Jack Horsley and James Wilson, will debate in Mil ledge- ville, while the O. M. C. negative, composed of Marval Cazer and John Lowreno, will argue in Ox ford. Col. Joe Jenkins, president of G. M. C., is faculty advisor to the club. We Invite You Yon wdl be fneemated wit the* beaaty aad delighted abooe •** at the for price*. AH So«s (ran 12 to 44 Crooms The children of Mr. and Mrs. D F. Montgomery gathered at home last Sunday for a family reunion In celebration of Mrs. Montgom ery’s birthday. A delicious dinner was served at noon and a handsome birthday cake was given Mrs. Montgomery at the conclusion of the meal. Mrs. Montgomery received many gifts and the day was a most happy one for her. Mrs. John Moore, and daughter, of Atlanta: Mr. and Mrs. O. H. McAfee, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McA*ee and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wall attended the state McAfee and ^ thelr chlldren _ convent on of the Oeorela Baptist nt for thc occaakln Messrs . £l M "' Ford and R °e er Montgom- The friends ot Mr. Charles Ivey, cry and Mlss Ethel Montgomery are glad to learn that his condition, who llve at home werc al5p ures _ showing improvement at the City Miss Christine Darden, who I Hospital, where he has been under teaches in Habersham, was at j going treatment for the past several home for the week-end. weeks. Mrs. Ronald Pentecost, of At- j m Rcbert Ivey hos Rone t,, lanta, spent the week-end with her. New York to Mccpt a ponton, re- mother Mrs. D. S Sanford. j signing as manager of Snow s. Miss Lucelta Lawrence snent the, Mrs Ivey and uttle daughter, will week-end with Miss Gwendolyn I Join n.h n later. Mr. Ivev's succes- MrReynolds In GalnesyUIe. Fla. I ^ „ mana ger of Snow's Mll- The friends of Mbs_ Minnie . , edgevlile omce . nas not bee,, an . Grant regret to know that she has, nounced but Mr BnICC Robin son been ill for the past week with 1 5s in c harge. Miss Katherine Scott, who is a len will be glad to know that she ; is convalescing after a recent ill- P. N. BIVINS PREPARING MAP OF BALDWIN COUNTY 1 i Mr ?. N. Bivins with the assist ance of Mr. Calvin Rice, county; surveyor, is preparing of Baldwin county and locating on this new drawing the places of his- j tori cal interest in the county. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Beeson have assisted in placing these historical land marks. The map will be most v FINE FOODS Saabeaa Strawberry Preserves 2 Ik. jar 41c Saakeea Teias Sitiaiesi Fife 1 Ik. jar 30e Befleriew Pare Apple Bailer 2 Ik. 4 as. jar 21c i Faacy Red Raspberries No. 2 caa 35c i Diced Frail Cocktail No. 2% caa 33c i Extra Trader Sweet Carden Peas No 2 cm Uk i Bras,el Sprouts No. 2 caa 33c i Diced Carrots and Peas No. 2 caa 21c San be am Golden Bantam Kernelkom No ) 1 g can 1 Sc Crab Meat No. 1 2 caa 37c No. Vz «*■ 54c honored last Saturday | ed. Citizens of the county who know ness. Mrs. Louise Johnson, of Washing ton county, is visiting her daugh ter. Mrs. I. P. Stanley in Milledge- ville . Miss Geraldine Reid, who teach es near Quitman, was at home for several days while her school was closed. Mrs. D. F. Montgomery returned to Atlanta with hw daughter. Mrs. John Afoore, and spent several days of this week. Mr. James Cooper, of Jonesboro, student at the University of Geor gia, spent the spring holidays with Harry Jennings. Roy Hendrickson, who has been j Dames attending the West Point Prepera- Mrs. bership in the Alpha Epsilon chap- h omcs might be shown ter of the Pi Lamda 'Theta, hon-, are y cd ronfcr with Mr orary educational society for wo-, „ r . ..... mem Dean William F. Russell was j ®‘ v ; ns «, lh ‘i wh ' n f,n,sh "' the guest speaker at the iniUa- | ll ls pmhabfa that copies may be U on 1 available to interested citizens. COLONIAL DAMES HONOREB | The WMlinchause KegrixerUor AT DINNER. ! has Time-Tested hermetically sealed The Town Committee met at the mechanism with 5 yean service pro home of Mrs. H. D. Allen, Sr., on teetion—CLIFTON ADAMS ELEC- Friday afternoon, March 20th. Mrs. TRIC CO. Thomas Pinckney Waring, of Sa- j vannah, Skate President, (Georgia I Sign nothing, promise nothing an Society, C. D. A., was Mrs. Allen's ui yon have seen the new 18S4 guest for the occasion. The following FRUIT AND PRODUCE baaket 15c . Each 15c Doeen 16c 8 for 25c Lima Beana lb. 15c Broccoli lb. 15c Engilah Peas lb. 16c Squash lb. 15c Green Cabbage .... 3 lbs 10c Shellets Bunch 16e Cairota Large tranches 2 for 15c Tnndp Greens 2 bunches 15c Celery Hearts .... Bunch 16c Spinach 2 lbs 13c art 15c. THREE BARGAINS WELCH TOMATOE JUKE rial battles, refalar 15c tdl cr. Saal aaoaat left fa- 14c Battle KFLLOGC’S CORN FLAKES 2 Pkfs. 15c SEEDLESS VALENCIA ORANGES Doica 2 Sc aad 34c Peck 45c A’ere present: Mrs. Allen, W. Hatcher, Mrs. Elizabeth tory School at Fort McPherson, is! Thomas, Mrs. Frank Herring and at home «n a month’s furlough. j Miss Elizabeth Ferguson. Miss Rebie Hitchock has accepted j Mrs. Allen, Chairman, presided at a position in the public schools cf tfj e meeting, and called upon the^ Wayc^oss and hos gone there to be- secretary for the reading cf the gin her work. Miss Hitchcock minutes of the last meeting. Then the j taught in the Dearing school for the mcct ing was turned over to Mrs. ; past three years. (Waring who discussed in detail th-j Miss Ida Pound and hew mother, 0 j the National and State So- Vrs. .’ere Pond of Athens, spent cfties a , d outUncd ^ year . g pro _ the holidays in Columbus with the ^ for lhe Committce . ^,.1 family of Mr. Murphy Pound Mrs. Warjng c]os<?d hpr ^ with a paper ; Pound will be in MiUedgeviUe for whi-l she had wrilten on - HL . lhe next few weeks. tory c." the Cc-o«ia Society, C. D. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cotton and A •• „., r , . .. 1 Mrs. W. M. Miller spent the week- | I end in Montezuma Mrs. C. H. 1^ ” “ r -- let U * U1 a nun '*“ t Richardson and Dick Eotton. Jr.. I hsstorica 1 volumes of great value as who had been visiting in Monte- nudeous for a Colonial Dames Li- zuma for the past two weeks with brary. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Richardson At the conclusion of the meeting ELEC- EASTER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER— Don’t forget to say it with FLOWERS Plaoe yonr order now for Easier Lilies LAWRENCE'S FLOWER SHOP PHONE 30-L accompanied them home Mrs. Margaret Napier and Miss Flirabeth Napier returned Wednes day from Birmingham, Ala., where they were called last week on ac count of the death of Mrs. Napier's brother. Mr. George Crawford. Mrs. Mrs. Allen entertained in honor cf Mrs. Waring at a beautiful dinner part?* In addition to the Dames pres ent the guests included Mrs. J. B. Tait. Mrs. Margaret H. Cook. Mrs. Dunlap, of East Orange. N. J.. Mrs. „ . . .. , Charlei L. Moore, Mrs. Edwin Allen. Crawford accompanied them home r.„ ... ... _ ., . ... ' , , ... Mrs. Dawson Allen. Miss Floride and will spend several days in the ... , . .. „ ... ‘ , Allen, and Mrs. Jere N. Moore, city with them. Misses Lucy. Wea*thersby and Lois Hatcher have returned from Mobile. Ala., where they visited their brother Reginald Hatcher, who' Hie Tuesday Night Bridge Club is a student at Spring Hil'; College, met this week with Miss Bettv Fer- While there they visited th rt beau- guson. Those playing were Mes- tiful Bellingrath Gardens. They re- • dames E. A. Tigner, Leon Callaway, turned by Nathchez. Miss., and saw , Godfrey Osterman. Drayton Thom- many of the famous southern home and Mrs. David Fei guson. Misses there. j Mary Cline, Martha Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Wm H. Ivey, and Betty Ferguson. The rooms were i, James L., attended the funeral decorated in colorful spring flowers. of Mr. Clarence Eugene Barnes Grove Hill. Alabama. Sunday after noon. Mr. Barnes was father-in-law of Prof. Julian C. Ivey of Auburn. Ala- Mr. Barnes was a leading and highly respected citizen of his com munity and a large number of peo ple attended his funeral. Rev. P. M. Allen was called to At lanta the past week-end to conduct the funeral of Charlie second son of Rev. and Mrs. A. B. West. Fun eral services were at Mt. Pisgah Baptist church and interment In church yard. Charlie was a splendid specimen of young manhood and won many friends in this, and adjoining counties on his several visile here, who will be bracked and grieved to learn of hie dsn®. high MRS DEAN ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. lone Bass Deane was hos tess on last Wednesday afternoon to the members of her bridge club. After the games, delicious re freshments were served. Mrs. Nat Knight was awarded high score prise. Mrs. Jon. Hutchinson, sec ond high and Mrs George Davis low. rater tedaj M W4«lI ortaMj he a CAMPUS THEATRE MiUedgeviUe, Ga. Soprcnc VsaiHs Waftrs 1 Ik pkf» 23c Sawyers Batter Cookies 42 to package I5c N. B. C. NaHowanrs Pkf. He N. B. C. Ha Dead Rusk, Fine far Strawberry Short c ike Pkg. ISt Excell Soda Crackers 1 «> pk* »•« Blue Seal Floor, Finest we can bay —. 24 lbs $1.19 Flour, Good White Self Rising 24 lbs 83c Meet, Fatbiclu R>- ^Vz c Cooperate with the city clean-np campaign, we are bead- quarters for clearing supplies. BELL GROCERY CO. THE WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL STORE OF QUALITY, SERVICE. BRICE 243—PHONES—49S THURSDAY & FRIDAY jlarcb 26 and 27 Mae West in “KLONDIKE ANNIE” SATURDAY MARCH 28 Benble Program Florence Rice in “GUARD THAT GIRL” Lmry Crabhe in “DRIFT FENCE” SUNDAY MARCH 29 Gene Raymand in “LOVE ON A BET’ Performances at 2, 4, 5:34 fight 4:45 MONDAY k TUESDAY Mmeb 34 and 31 Fred Astaire and Gmger Ragan in “FOLLOW THE FLEET” WEDNESDAY APRIL 1ST. Patricia EBa aad Ran Alexander b "BOULDER RAM” It's Delicious When It's ElectrikMaid Bread It’s a comfort to know tkat there is ONE food Hurt ekahben lave and tkat they nerer can kare too mock of. BREAD—when it’s Dectrft Maid Bread is as good far them as it is dctcien. WITH THE HOME MADE TASTE Baked freak dadjy as oM MMilgieMi Onto CUFTON ABJUM IUCIIK CO. azxzzzzmzz]