Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 26, 1936, Image 8

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7 ->« • I *' £ \J Sir , ••'Y: ii A ' mn J it I UMON-BBCOBDSB. MEUBOnlUI. GA KA1CH » ISM HOUSES TOPPLED OVER LIKE TEN PINS BY NEW ENGLAND FLOOD TO SPEAK AT BAPTIST RALLY DR. ELLIS A. FULLER Farter Ftnl BavUrt Charrr. Atlanta PRESBYTERIAN DEACONS NAMED OFFICERS FOR YEAR Mr. W. B. McKinnon was named chairman of the Board of Deacons of the Presbyterian church at an or ganization meeting of the body of men held Tueaday oirt. Other officers named An*™™, vice-chairman; Herndon, treaaurer; Sam J * * ley. necretary. The Deacom plana for the yearn work and ^ ed the Every Member Canv^fl R. H. Reynolds is chairm. ^ ^ Every Member canvas „ ’ l ^_ and every member of thT*? wiU be seen before the dr,,,* 5 * SHOES! SHOES! SHOES' MENS DRESS SHOE.S “ WORK SHOES. Baby Shaea. Bay, Show ^ dren« shoes! A Complete line of ShoeTL Entire Vsmily! 1 •Mens Shoes u Ilow as 34c with new soles and betta. o* I Shoes si only SIM per pair. COME LOOK OCR LIVE OP 81 OVER, WE WILL RAVE MONET. SUPER SHOE SERVICE M3Mf**iHe, Ga. TO SPEAK AT BAPTIST RALLY IMt POLAND Q. LEAVELL Pastor Pint Baptist Church. Ciainfs- Miiledgevllle. The wagons are being painted, the animals rehearsed In their acts and other plans are being com pleter! to start the show on the road for a swing over the country. Many actors are arriving thLs week and rehearsals will start in earn est next week. The circus wii: give two per formances here on April 11th un der the auspices of the Middle Georgia Fair Association and will leave the following dav for the tour. During the winter a pair of lion cubs have been born on the lot and despite the severe weather, all horses and other animals have survived. TO SPEAK AT BAPTIST RALLY More Philco Radios are sold Uun all other makes combined— CLIFTON ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. THIS IS CLEAN-UP WEEK IN MILLEDGE VILLE Thoroughout this week Clean- Up Week is being otserved in Miiledgeville. All citizens a-e urged to cooperate and give their homes, business houses and prem ises a good cleaning. Inspections will be made next week, especially in the busings section, where the city is 'naking a drive to clean up all fire ha-:- zards. Cellars and atics will be inspected and rases made where fire hazzards are found. CUSTOM TAILORED STYLE No. 601 . . . One of the many smart designs we are featur ing for Spring and Summer. Let us tailor one of the* correct styles to your per- 400 beautiful fabrics av ait your selections. John Holloway THE MAN'S STORE CIRCUS PREPARES TO TAKE TO ROAD APRIL 11TH NOTHING BUT INSURANCE Phene 473 C. IL ANDREWS & SON Fasttou . Pfpbbin’s C ircus That Has fc-**X*K*SO Spesi* Winter in MillrdKcville is Grting Ready for Tour. Everythin ; is being made ready „ f . , „ for the famous Robbins Circus to "^tinchouse Refrigerator - Easy take to the road after sDendinp. [ lprn “—CILFTON ADAMS ELEC- the winter on the fair grounds at • TRIC CO. Have You Tried That NEW CAPITAL 18c Gas A tank full wiU convince yon. it meets all the tests. KENDALL 2C00 MILE OIL We mean just what we say. Test it yourself—No changing under 2000 Miles. Sells everywhere for 35c quart. This week end your crank case drained and refilled with 5 quarts for— $1.25 m KENDALL SPECIAL LUBRICA TION AND CAR WASHED—ALL E FOR— $1.25 T. H. ENNIS HUDSON-TERRAPLANE SERVICE STATION Phone 58 Quality Service Store We Deliver The Finest in Foods The Best in Service The Utmost in Economy Grape Juice 24 oz hot 25c C. & W. PURE PRESERVES |b. J„ is c Bulk Grits 5 lbs 15c ECONOMY POTTED MEAT 3 for 10c PHILLIP'S MIXED VEGETABLES i m„ ? 7? r GORDON'S FISH ROE 9 „ CM IOt Armours Milk 6s™u r Ca „ s 19c Edgemont Smacks pkg 15c SUNSHINE HYDROX pu io t DOLES PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 No 2 cam 25c MILLER'S CORN FLAKES 2 Plcg. 13c Fresh Oleo Lb 15c Clear Braok Butter Lb 35c Shurfine Gelatine AU fX" 13c Peanut Butter JOH ?l?£ T s 15c CAROLINA CLUB SWEET MIXED PICKLE 24 « jar 17c PRODUCE YELLOW ONIONS 2 lb. 5c COBBLER POTATOES i lb. 10c GREEN CABBAGE lb. 3c BANANAS, Yellow ... 3 lbt 1$ £ CALIFORNIA RUTABAGAS lb 3‘ IN OUR HOOD TENDER STEAK Only .... 13c lb. BEEF ROAST Tender ... l 0,/ 2 c lb PORK ROAST A real treat VJVtc lb. SAl SAGE MEAT Made fresh daily 10c lb. CHEESE Full Cream ... 19c lb BREAKFAST BACON Sliced rindless 29c lb MARKET COUNTRY SAUSAGE Genuine .... 27c Ik STEW BEEF, Not all bone, 3 lbs. 25c SLICED HAM Lean 27c lb LAMB ROAST Shoulder 17‘fdb MULLET—FRYERS—HENS