Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, March 15, 1838, Image 1

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COLUMBUS SENTINEL AND HERALD. YOL. VIII.] PUBLfSHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY B. V. IVERSON AND J. B. WEBB. ON BROAD STREET, OVER ALLEN & YOUNO’s, M’INTOSH ROW. TERMS—Subscription, three dollars per an num, payable in advance, or four dollars, (in all cases exacted) where payment is not made before the expiration of the year. No subscription received for less than twelve months, without payment inadvance, and no paper discontinued, except at the option of the Editors, until all arrearages are paid. ADVERTISEMENTS conspicuously inserted at one dollar per one hundred words, or less, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for every subse quent bontinuancc. Those sent without a specifica tion of tho number of insertions, will be published until ordered out, and charged accordingly. 2d. Yearly advertisements. — For over 24, and not exceeding 36 lines, fifty dollars per annum ; for ovr 12, and not exceeding 24 lines, thirty-five dollars per annum ; for less than 12 lines, twenty dollars per annum. S.l. All rule and figure work double the above prices. Leoal Advertisements published at the usual rates, and with strict attention to the requisitions of the law. All Sales regulated by law, must be made before the Court House door, between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the evening—those of T.and in tile county where it is situate; those of Personal Property, where the letters testamentary, of admin istration or of guardianship were obtained—and are required to be previous!’ advertised in some public Gazette, as follows : *’ Sheriffs’ Sales under regular executions for thir ty days, under mortgage fi fas sixty days, before the day of sale. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Executors, Ad ministrators or Guardians, for sixty days before the day of sale. Sales of Personal Property (except Negroes) forty days. Citations by Clerks of the Courts of Ordinary, upon application for letters of administration, must be published for thirty days. Citations upon application for dismission, by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, monthly for six months. Orders of Courts of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond or agreement) to make titles to land, must be published itiree months. Notices by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, of application to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the Land or Negroes of an Estate, four MONTHS. Notices bv Executors or Administrators, to the Debt ors and Creditors ol an Estate, for six weeks. Sheriffs, Clerks of Court, Sic., will be allowed the usual deduction. Letters on business, must be post paid, to entitle them to attention. O YES! O YES I O YES ! I NORTON’S AUCTION NOTICE. HAVE now taken a large and spacious Store, formerly occupied bv Moore & Ta.vcr, two doors south of the Columbus Hank, where 1 will bestow the strictest attention to all business entrusted to me, and would say to those disposed to visit this market with Consignments of Merchandise, that goods by the pack age will sell- here generally at Auction, at as good, if n>t better prices, than at private sale, and that my most prompt and efficient •exert ions sly*ll always be used to promote the interest and benefit ./ my patrons, and to give entire satisfaction to all parties concerned, and as I have made new arrangements in business l shall therefore make new efforts to merit the patronage of the public. E. SIGOURNEY NOTON. N. B.—At the above stand T offer an extensive as sortment of Books and Fancy Goods, also a stock of the leading articles of Groceries, Mich as Coffee, Su gar, Pepper, Spice, Wines, Bagging, Hone, Sic. on <he best of terms. E. S. N. Oct. 26 42 NOUItSE AND BROOKS, HAVE ESTABLISHED THEMSELVES AT APALACHICO LA, FOR THE TRANSACTION OF A GENERAL AGENCY cothwissioy busiivkks. ffIHEY beg leave to acquaint their friends and the A public generally that they will continue the busi ness of the late firm of Nourse, Taylor & Brooks, at their old stand, and thankful for the liberal patronage extended to that firm would respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same, assuring their friends that the business of the new firm will be conducted with the same promptitude anti security which characterized their former connexion. IIIRAM NOURSE. HIRAM VV. BROOKS. Apalachicola, July 1. 43 ts WARE HOUSE Commission ISusincss. THE undersigned will continue the Ware House and Commission Business at his old stand in Front street. Grateful for past favors, lie trusts, by a strict regard to business confided to him, to merit and .-cceive a share of public, patronage. He lias in store for sale, on accommodating terms. Coils best Kentucky Rope, ■*so Pieces Bagging, different kinds, Coffee in Sacks, Chewing Tobaceo, &c. &c. WM. P. YONGE. Aug. 31. 33 ts •TAMES li. I.E \'SO'<l)s, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, 2<i door north of Killin'). Confectionary, lir'd si. RESPECTFULLY informs jgisQS his town and country friends B • that he has just returned from New York with a very rich li N. addition to his stock of Goods, If |[°> TJ and ladies and *• .tlenien wish ! “JfflE&'l ing Watch or Jewelry of Ag'V'jfcSjpf superior quanty. have now an ■! opportunity of supplying them aelvcs with articles that cannot be surpassed. Rich fine gold Jewelry, Silver Ware, plated and Fancy Goods. The following articles comprise a’portion of his stock, aad he will sellon as good terms as any other establish ment in Georgia. Gold and silver Levers, Anchor escapement Duplex, Horizontal and vertical Watches, of the finest finish—all of which he warrants first rate time • keepers. Setts of Ladies’ Earrings and Broaches, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, enamelled and every description of Breast Pins and Finger Rings, Gold guard and fob Chains, fileals, Kevs, Lockets and Trinkets, of all kinds, m great variety, and most superb manutacture, Gold and silver Spectacles, Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Superior Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirk and Pen Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, Ladies’ splendid Card Cases, Head Bands, Combs, Belt Placques, Revolving silver mounted Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Fancy Bellows, Cloth, Hair, Crumb and Hearth Brushes, English rifle belt Pistols, Sword Canes, Four sided Razor Strops, Silk Purses, Perfumery, And every other article usually found at Jewelry Stores. J. H. R. as heretofore, will repair and regulate CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description, and warrant all (that were made for time) to perform well. Gold and silver work, and jewelry, made and repaired. Engraving neatly executed. Cash, or goods, paid for ord gold and silver. Columbus, April 13. 15 ts RACES. The spring races of the mil- LEDGEVILLE JOCKEY CLUB will com mence on the second Tuesday, lOih dav, of April next. Ist Day. Colts sweep stakes. SSO entrance, S or more to make a race. A fine silver Goblet put up by the Pro prietors, worth S6O. 2d Day. 2 mile heats, tree for all—Purse S3OO 3d Day. 3 mile heats, free for all—Purse SSOO 4th Day. 4 mile heats, free for all—Purse SSOO sth Day. Colts stake, 2 mile heats. 5250 entrance for the young Plate, worth SIOO0 —3 already entered—open uitil the 25th March. /he money hung up each dav. H. F. YOUNG & CO., Proprietors. Milledgeyilla. Jan. 12. 50 12t COLUMBUS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SAODZiBR'E’ WARE-HOUSE, At the sign of the Golden Saddle, a few doors be low D. Hungerford & Co’s, and nearly opposite Ujquhart & Ware. W. WADE & CO. Have nOW ° n a complete as sortment of articles appertaining to |ijf their line of basiness : MmM AMONG WHICH ARE fill ijlljly till!Spanish, Quilted, Overlaid and Shaf- W* 111 P ted Saddles, Plain, Boys’, Race, Attakapas, and VS Planters’do. Large and Extra Large do Ladies’ Saddles, of everv quality and size. BRIDLES OF ALL KINDS. Some good for fifty cents; Saddle Bags, Carpet Bags; Valices; Stirrup Leathers; Sircingles and Girths. HARNESS—Coach, Gig. and Dearborn, from the cheapest to the best. TRUNKS, of every descrip tion. The above articles are of their own manufacture, made under their own immediate inspection, of the best materials, and by superior workmen. Also, on hand, ENGLISH SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINGALES. Coach, Gig, Tandem, Sportsmen, and Waggon Whips; Stirrups, Bits, Spurs, Buckles, Hames, Col lars, Cut Taeks, Trunk Locks, Horse Brushes and Curry Combs, Trace and Halter Chains. ALSO—A good assortment of Coach and Gig Har ness Trimmings; Plated, Brass and Japan’d do. ALSO—A good assortment of Skirting, Harness, and Bridle Leather ; black, blue, red, yellow, green, aud cochineal Morocco Skins; Buffalo Robes and Bear Skins. N. B. Trade * who may buy to sell again, will be furnished on as g; and terms as can be bought either in New York or fewark. Country merchants are re spectfully inviteo to call and examine our goods and prices, and satisfy themselves. ICU = ’ REPAIRING done on the most reasonable terms. April 29, 1837 31 ts GEO. W. WAY’S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, CORNER of Oglethorpe and St. Clair street, im mediately in the rear of the City Hotel. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now receiving a general assortment of Carriages of all descriptions, to wit: Coaches, Coachees, Chariottees, Cabriolets, dickey seat Barouches, one and two horse extension-top Ba rouches, three seats extension-top do., Buggies, four wheels, for one and two horses, two wheel do., Sulkies of every description. The above Carriages are superior to any ever re ceived in this market, and cannot be surpassed for ma terials, style and durability. Any article purchased from this establishment can be depended on. Call and see, and I will sell you bargains. Carriages o f every description furnished to order, by addressing the undersigned. GEO. W. WAY. I have a general stock of Coach Materials, which I will sell low. Repairing done in the very best man ner, and by Northern Workmen. G. W. W. Feb. 1. 52y C. W. BUCKLEY Sc CO. HAVE removed to CALHOUN’S NEW Granite Building on Oglethorpe street, in front of the Calhoun Hotel, where they respectfully invite their cld friends and customers, and the public in general, to call on them. They have on hand, a general assortment of GROCERIES, Low for Cash, or approved paper. Among their stock are the following articles, viz:— Java, Rio and Mocha Coffee St. Croix, Poito Rico, and New Orleans Sugars Loaf and Lump do. New Orleans Molasses Champagne, Cognac, and American Brandy Holland and Country Gin Jamaica and Nm-thorn Hum Western and Northern Whiskey Madeira, Sicily, Madoc, and Malaga W ine Mint and Rose Cordials Lemon Syrup.—Soap Sperm and Tallow Candles Window Glass, Putty, White Lead Linseed, Lamp, and Train Oil Nails, Swedes Iron Cast, German, Blister, and Sheet Steal Dec. 29. 46 JOHN E. BACON & Cos. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF THE INDIAN’S PANACEA, HAVE just received a fresh supply ot this valuable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofuiaor Kin’s Evil, Gout, Seia'ica or Hip Gout, Incipient Cancers, Salt Rheum, Siphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, particularly Ulcers and painful affections of the bones. Ulcerated Throat ami Nostrils, Ulcers of every description, Fever Sores,’and Internal Abscess es. Fistulas, Piles, Scald Head, Scurvy, Biles, Chro nic Sore Eyes, Erysipelis Blotches, and every variety of Cutaneous Affection, Chronic Catarrh, Headache, proceeding from vitiation ; Affections of the Liver ; Chronic inflammation of the Kidneys and General De bility, caused by a torpid action of the vessels of the skin. It is singularly efficacious in renovating those constitutions which have been broken down by injudi cious treatment, or juvenile irregularities. In general terms, it is recommended in atl those diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, or vitiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. Some of the above complaints may require some assistant applications, which the circumstances of the case will dictate ; but for a general remedy or Purifi cator to remove the cause, The Indian's Panacea will generally be found sufficient. The following certificates, out of hundreds similar which might be procured, are given to show :he effect of the Indian’s Panacea, in the various complaints therein mentioned ; and also to exhibit in the most sa tisfactory manner its superiority over the syrups in common use. Charleston, Nov. 15, 1831. During the last winter and spring, I was afflicted with a very severe and distressing Rheumatism, occa sioned by exposure in bad weather. I now take great pleasure in stating, that six bottles of Indian Pana cea, restored me to perfect health, and I confidently recommend it to all similarly afflicted. JOHN FERGUSON, King st. Charleston, July 12, 1831. I was afflicted four years with an ulcer in the leg, occasionally accompanied with erysipelatious inflama tion and an excessive pain in the leg and ancle joint. Several eminent Physicians exerted their skill upon it, but without permanent benefit. In this case, five bot tles of the Indian Panacea made a perfect cure. MARGARET A. WEST, Market st. 121. July sth, 1537. 51tf F. MZEDZIEXiSKX WOULD triform his friends and the public gene rally that he has just returned from New York with a choice and fashionable selection of WATCHES, JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES. His Storeis Bank of Columbus, and three doors below the City Hall. WATCHES. Gold Independent seconds, and two setts of hands extra jewelled, and finished in the best manner, (anew article.) Gold and silver patent Levers, full jewelled and plain of Tobias. Beesly’s and others best Manu facturers. Gold Duplex, Anchor Escapement. Ladies plain gold Watches and plain silver Watches. EAR-RINGS. Plain gold with tassels, long fillagrec with tassels, enamelled with and without swings, coral, gold stone with fillagree, cornelian, acquamarine, agate, onyx, jas per, jet, and every other kind manufactured. FINGER RINGS. Diamond, acqua-marine, enamelled, emerald, ruby, garnet, gold stone, blood stone, topaz, anjethist, agate, tortois, pearl, and jet chased, motts and plain. BREASTPINS. Diamond, diamond and pearl, pearl and saphir, pearl ami emerald, ruby, acqua-marine, emerald, cameo, miniature, coral, agate, cornelian, topaz, jet and plain gold. Ladies neck chains gold and silver, gold,watch hooks, gold and silver buckles, gold and silver thimbles, silver combs, gentlemen’s gold and silver guards, gold and silver fob chains, seals and keys of every description, gold and silver pencil cases, gold and silver tooth picks, gold and silver spectacles, quizzing glasses, gold snaps, enamelled, fillagree and plain shirt buttons. Beautiful gilt head bands and combs, also artificial flowers for head dresses and bonnets. Splendid Ost rich plumes of assorted colours. Music boxes playing trom two to eight tunes. Coral necklaces and armlets. also an assortment of coral beads. Miniature frames and cases; Castors; silver and plated Spoons; silver butter Knives; silver sugar Tongs; pen and dirk Knives; belt, pocket, duelling and riffle Pistols ; per cussion Caps, Accordions. Ladies and Gentlemen’s dressing cases ; bead, silk and other Purses ; a full as sortment of perfumery, and every other article coming under the head of Jewelry and fancy Goods. N. B. All kinds of Jewelry and Silver Ware neatlv repaired. Nov. 10. 35 ts FLORIDA SEGARS.—3O,OOO Florida Segars for sale. The bills of the Union Bank of Florida taken for the same at par. by May 19. Btf SAML. M. JACKSON. Auct. ON CONSIGNMENT. CASKS fresh Thomaston Lime. * * Just re’d bv ALLEN & YOUNG. Jan. 5, 1 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1838. CARRIAGE SHOP. XVFKBS &. FRXCKXTT, Oglethorpe Street, North of Calhoun's Hotel, HAVE just received anew assortment of good CARRIAGES selected from some es the best manufactories at the North. They having taken par ticular pains to have them made to suit this country, and to insure satisfaction to purchasers, they will war rant them for one year with fair usage. AH kind of Carriages made to order. Carriage and Harness’ re pairing done in very neat style by good Northern work men. Also, a good assortment of Carriage materials, all of which they will sell low for cash or approved paper. Feb. 16. 7 ts nrXNTOSH ROW, LOCATED IN THE MOST BUSINESS PART OF COLUMBUS. IWILL have to rent in a few weeks several Stores on the ground floor, and ten or twenty Rooms on the second story,for Grocery, Dry Goods, or Druggists. The above stand will surpass any in the City. The Rooms on the second story will be rented to Lawyers or Doctors for Offices, or to Single Gentlemen for Sleeping Rooms. The first applicants for the above Rooms will have the preference. As many will be in want of Stores in the above Row, a speedy call may insure success. For terms, or a view of the plan of the above Row, please call at iny Office. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. June 15. 24 THE COX.UPIXBU3 HOTEL AGAIN OPENED. _ THE Subscriber informs the pub . lie that he has reopened the Colum !ii Ea bus Hotel; and as promises are often made to break, he will not here make them. He only desires a fair trial. Sept. 5, 1837. D. SULLIVAN. P. S. The House has undergone a thorough repair, and every arrangement made to render every one com ortable. WANTED. BALES Cotton, for which the high estcash price will be paid by HARPER, THORNTON & LIVINGSTON, BAGGING AND BALE ROPE. 300 ps. best Dundee Bagging 50 do Franklin works, Massachusetts 100 Coils Kentucky Rope 50 do. Hungarian 50 do. Russia Hemp HARPER, THORNTON & LIVINGSTON. Aug. 25. 20 —ts THE subscribers are now receiving, at St. Joseph, a large and general assortment of GROCE RIES, which they offer at reduced prices for cash, cotton, or approved paper, among which are Flour, Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Mackerel, Sugar, Coffee, Wines of every description ; iron Castings, Nails, Cheese, Butter, Buckwheat,Raisins, Almonds, Soap, Candles, Oils, Tobacco, Segars, Cider, Bagging, and Rope, Pork, Beef, &c. &c. .Sic. They have also a large assortment of Shoes and Boots, Domestics, Cassinetts, Calicoes, Carpeting, Bonnets, Sic. Sic. together with many other articles in the Dry Goods line, on consignment, which they will sell very low. Also an invoice of Hardware. STREET Si THOMPSON. St. Joseph. Dec. 26, 1837. 49 2m COLUMBUS COTTON FACTORY. THE owners of the Columbus Factory respect fully inform the public that it is now in operation. They have on hand a general assortment of YARNS, which may be had at all times at the most reduced prices. Their Wool Carding Machine is also in operation, and any thing in that line will be done at the shortest notice. f; A number of boys and girls wanted to work at the Factory, for which ihe most liberalpriees will be given by the week or month. Apply to STEWART Si FONTAINE, or S. K. HODGES Si CO. Columbus, Feb. 8 6 ts YONGE & ELLIS CONTINUE to receive and offei for sale all kinds ofStaple and fancy Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Saddlery, Hardware, Sic. together with a good supply of Groceries,all of which will be sold on the most favorable terms . Feb. Ist, IS3B. 52 ts 7BBLS. picketed SHEEP HEAD. 20 boxes fine Scotch Herring, 4 bbls. Cranberries, 20 000 be- Spanish Cigars, Just received and for sale by Feb. 1,1838. 52tf YONGE Sc ELLIS. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing under the name and style ofG. H. Si C. A. PEABODY, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. All persons indebted to the concern, will please call at the old stand, (now WELLS & PEABODY,) and make immediate settlement. Having disposed of our entire stock to Messrs. L. W. Wells Si F. G. Peabody, the Clothing and Tai loring business will be carried on by them in all its branches. We recommend our successors to the pa tronage of our former friends and customers. G. H. PEABODY, March 7. 5 2t CIIAS. A. PEABODY. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICK. THE undersigned, having associated themseves in business, under the name and firm of WELLS Si PEABODY, and having purchased the entire stock of Messrs. G. H. Si C. A. Peabody, would in form the citizens of Columbus, and the public gene rally, that they will carry on, at the old stand of G. H. Si C. A. Peabody, the CLOTHING and MANU FACTURING business in all its branches. LEWIS W. WELLS, F, G. PEABODY. Columbus, March 7. 5 2t NEW FIRM. THE subscribers, having purchased of John B. Peabody, his entire stock of Dry Goods, will con tinue the Dry Goods and Grocery business at the same stand, under the name and style of ALFRED Sc PORTER, and have now on hand a well selected stock of Dry Goods, and Groceries, which they offer low for cash. A. F. ALFRED, J. C. PORTER. Columbus Feb. 18,1838. 44t LAW NOTICE. CAMPBELL, McDOUGALD & WATSON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, having as sociated themselves together in the practice of Law, will attend to all business entrusted to their care in the Chattahoochee and Coweta circuits, in the State of Georgia, and in the adjoining counties in the State of Alabama. All letters addressed to them must have the postage paid in order to receive attention. JAMES H. CAMPBELL, A. McDOUGALD, THOMAS W, WATSON. March 1. _ 4 9t Columbus Enquirer, Augusta Constitution alist, Charleston Courier, Mobile Advertiser, Mont gomery Advertiser, and Apalachicola Gazette will publish the above for two months and forward their bill to the subscribers. LAW NOTICE. THE late firm of Campbell, McDougald & Har ris having been dissolved by mutual consent, the undersigned will continue to practice in all the counties of the Chattahoochee Circuit, the counties of Barbour, Russell and Chambers, in Alabama, under the firm of Campbell & McDougald. Their office is at their old stand on Broad street, JAMES H. CAMPBELL, ALEX’R McDOUGALD. May 4, 1837. IS ts TAYLOR, HOLMES & CO., wholesale Gro cers and general commission and forwarding Merchants, Apalachicola, Florida. H. R. TAYLOR, C. G. HOLMES. W. H. HARPER, Feb. 1. 52tf DOZIER THORNTON. MUSICAL NOTICE. THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his patrons, and the public generally, for their kind indulgence, and informs them that he is now ready to attend to his pupils, and such as may feel disposed to h0.0,t,mw.,1, 1 hP~| NRY c WALSH Augusts. 31 ts m* BALES OF COTTON wanted by the QOi *vr subscriber, for which the highest market price will be given. The undersigned is also prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in New York or Liverpool. B. HEPBURN. Nov. 23. 44tf robin hood. THIS distinguished Race Horse will make ? fall season at my stable at Fort Mitchell, Alabama, ten miles below Columbus. Every provision is made and everv attention will be paid to the keeping of mares, but without liabilitv for accidents. Terms will be made known by applying to the subscriber at Fort Mitchell. JOHN CROWELL. Sept. 20th. 1837. 38 ts JB STARR, Commission Merchant, St. .To* f seyb, Florida. March 8. stf “NOT THE GLORY OF CjESAR,—BUT THE WELFARE OF ROME.” CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY’ YVARE IIOUSE. CON ZELMAN & ANDERSON MOST respectfully infoim the citizens of Colum bus. and its vicinity that they have removed from their former stand, to the store lately occupied by McArn, in Broad-street, nearly opposite the Insurance Bank. They have now on hand an elegant assortment of FURNITURE of their own manufacture. —ALSO— Paper Hangings of the latest patterns with suitable Bordering, Ornaments, and other materials for Cur tains, &c. Adverse to puffing, they would only solicit a call which would enable Ladies and Gentlemen to judge for themselves by examining the articles. All orders will be executed with promptitude. Cur tains put up in the most fashionable style. Rooms neatly papered. In short, any thing in their line will be punctually attended to. Aug. 25. 36 ts NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore exising under the name of J. T. S. COLLINS & CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. T. S. COLLINB, E. C. ROBERTS. Mr. E.C. ROBERTS is authorised to settle all demands against the late firm, and requests all indebted to call and make immediate settlement. E. C. R. Columbus, July 15, 1537. E. C. ROBERTS* TIN, COPPER, AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. HAVING purchased the entire interest of J. T. S. Collins, 1 will continue, at the old stand, to carry on the above business in all its branches. Tin Ware made and sold at wholesale and retail. Copper work of every description made to order, and warranted of the best workmanship. Stovepipe, steamboat chim nies, and sheet-iron work of every description, made at the shortest notice, at the corner of Front and Craw ford streets. July 15, 1837 30 WASHINGTON ACADEMY. THIS Institution was opened for the reception of Scholars on the third Monday in February, un der the general supcrintendancc of A. K. RUGG.— The teachers in the French department are Miss La vina S. Wadsworth and Miss Almira Giles. The studies pursued under the tuition of Misses Wads worth and Giles, includes the common English studies, the Sciences, French, Latin and Greek, together with the following ornamental branches : Music, Painting in Water Colors, Crayon and Oil, Mezzo tinting, Transfering of Prints, Ornamental Needle Work, Shell Work, and Wax Work, Fruit and Flow ers. The teachers in the Male Department are the Principal, assisted, if necessary, by Mr. Turner. The studies pursued in this department include the com mon Academic, together with a most thorough Colle giate course. Board can be procured in the most respectable fami lies, at from $lO to sl2 per month, an application to the Pprincipal. AUGUSTUS K. RUGG, Talbotton, Feb. 15. 3 4t Principal. UNITED STATES MAIL. THE subscriber has taken the contract for carry ing the United States Mail between Apalachico la, Flor. and Bainbridge, Ga. per Steamboats, and has selected for that purpose the fast and staunch Steamer Free Trader, which is acknowledged to be one of the fleetest boats on the river. At Bainbridge the boat in tersects with the Bta-'c Line running from Augusta to Mobile and New Orleans, on what is known as the lower route,- and also the line running from Georgia to Tallahasgire, and will afford to travellers an easy and safe conveyance to the ports of the Gulf of Mexico, and with greater ease and expedition than can be ob tained by any other route. The Free Trader has been thoroughly overhauled, and will afford every ac commodation for the comfort and convenience of pas sengers, usually found in packet boats of the first class. This arrangement has already been some time in ope ration, and the trips have been performed much within the hours prescribed, and to the satisfaction of all par lies. TIMES OF DEPARTURE. The Free Trader will leave Apalachicola every Sunday and Wednesday at 11 o’clock P. M. and reach Bainbridge the next day at 9 o’clock P. M. On returning she will leave Bainbridge every Tues day and Friday at 4 o’clock P. M. aud arrive at Apa lachicola at 10 o’clock the next dav. Feb. 12. 3 4t A. T. BENNETT. FLORIDA AND IRWINTON MAIL STAGE. THE undersigned, bavin® obtained the contract for transporting the mail from Columbus, Ga. to Fort Gaines, Ga. by the way of Fort Mitchell, Flo rence, Irwinton and Franklin, have commenced the conveyance of the same in two horse Stages, and will leave Columbus every Tuesday and Friday,at 5 o’clock in the morning, arrive at Irwinton at 6 o’clock in the evening on the samedays ; leave Irwinton every Wed nesday and Saturday morning, and reach Fort Gaines at 12 o’clock at noon on the same days. Returning, leave Fort Gaines every Sunday and Wednesday at 5 o’clock in the morning, sleep at Florence, and arrive at Columbus every Monday and Thursday,at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The proprietors have made such arrangements as will ensure the comfort of those who may take their line. Their horses and stages are good, their drivers attentive and sober, and the houses at which they stop the best on the road. E. E. BISS ELL & Cos. Jan. 1,1838. 491f LOST. LOST, by the subscriber, about the 4th January last, between Macon, Ga. and Mitchell’s Mills, Harris county, Ga., a black Morocco POCKET BOOK, containing a Note on A. Burns, for eight hundred dollars, due the 25th Dec. 1837. Also a Note on D. G. Watson for two hundred dollars, dated at Montgomery, Ala., about the 20th March, 1837. Also a note on the same for twenty-eight dollars. Also a Note for fourteen hundred dollars,signed by Coachas Micco and Cheloky Tustanuggy. Also Notes on George Reynolds, John Colly, J. J. Kidd, and others not recollected. Also receipts for money paid Webb Kidd to the amount of about fifteen hundred dollars. Any person finding the above described Pocket Book, will confer a particular favor by informing the subscriber, at Dadesville, Tallapoosa county, Ala. SALMON WASHBURN. Dadesville, Jan. 15. 4 4t NOTICE. THE subscribers have formed a copartnership tin der the firm of T. T. GAMMAGE & CO., and have purchased the stock of Goods belonging to Mr. A. K. Ayer, nearly opposite the City Hall where they intend keeping a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Hats, Shoes and Boots, &c., all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. Their friends, and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call aud examine for themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. T. T. GAMMAGE, J. H. OBEAR. March Ist. 1838. 4 3t NOTICE. THE subscriber offers his services to those who may wish to patronise him as a city Collector. He will devote his time and attention to settling up any accounts which mav be placed in his hands. Oflice on Broad street. No. 4, Mclntosh row. Jan. 15. 50 12t MICHAEL N. CLARKE. NOTICE. WHEREAS the firm of FOSTER & FOGLE was Dissolved on the 14th day of last March, it becomes necessarv that all the debts due said firm should be settled without further delay. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the Notes and Accounts of said firm are in the hands of the subscriber, who alone is authorised to settle the same. It is hoped that all indebe l to the concern will settle their Notes or Accounts befo e th’ Ist of January next, as longer indulgence cannot be given. Nov. 22. 44tf JACOB FOGLE. NOTICE. JOHN B. GUEDRON, of Augusta, having dis posed of his interest in the Livery Stables in Co lumhus, heretofore under the direction of Mr. Thomas Fleming, is desirous that the business of the establish ment should be brought to a close. All persons indebt ed are informed that his books and accounts are at the office of Mr. Van Ness, where the claims against him will be settled, and where it is expected mat all persons indebted will call and liquidate their bills by note or payment. A. C. CALDWELL, Att’y. in fact for JOHN B. GUEDRON. Columbus, Geo. April 13, 1837. 15 ts FOR SALE. A COMFORTABLE HOUSE and LOT, with other out houses, kitchens, stables, &c. in the town of Girard, Ala. oil Broad and Bridge street, an excellent stand for one who wishes to entertain people or their money, will be sold on accommodating terms. Applym HENRY MOORE. Girard, August 23,1337. 34 ts DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. JUST RECEIVED, and now opening, a full and complete stock of Goods, well assorted for the country trade, selected by a competent judge, and bought on terms to ena’ble the sub scribers to afford great bargains to their triends and customers. The stock comprizes: DRY GOODS Broadcloths, blue, black, and fancy colors Cassimeres and Sattiuetts Ready made Clothing Negro Clothes and Blankets Domestics, brown, bleached and plaid Sheeting, Irish and Russia Linen, Irish. Diaper and table Flannels, red, white and yellow Muslins, Cambric, Swiss and Jaconet Calicoes, Ginghams, Dimities Painted and figured Muslins Gloves, Ladies’ and Gents Hosiery of every description Silks, black and fancy colors Black Lustring, Gros de Naples, &c. Edgings and Insertings, blonde and nnislin Faiicy°Ball Dresses Superb Laces of all kinds Boots, Shoes, and Hats, for men, women and children Silk and Cotton Umbrellas and Parasols Artificial wreaths of flowers Jewelry of every description. GROCERIES. Sugar—New Orleans, Havana & Muscovado “ Loaf and Lump Coffee—Havana, St. Domingo, Rio, &c. r Peas—Gunpowder, Imperial,and Young Hy son, . Wines—Madeira, Champagne and Claret Liquors—Cog.Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Irish Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey Jamaica,Antigua, St.Croix.N O and NE Rum, Peach Brandy and old Apple Jack Cordials, in barrels and boxes Porter, Pale Ale and Cider Sarsaparilla, Lemon, and Strawberry Syrup Spanish, American, and Florida Cigars Tobacco, assorted Pepper, Allspice, Nutmegs Soap, Starch, Candles Sperm and Linseed Oil Flour, Butter, Lard Cheese, Poik, Beef Tongues Codfish, Salmon, Mackerel Herring and Hallibuts Fins Bale Rope and Bagging Harness and Saddlery Buckets, Tubs, Baskets Hay and Shorts, Brooms, &c. Together with a fine assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, as Mill and Crass Cut Saws Trace Chains, Hoes, Axes Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols Bowie Knives, Arkansas Tooth Picks, &c* Per brigs Hartley, Cumberland, Sadi, &c. — The assortment will be kept full by the regular line of Packets. The above goods will be sold low. Terms Cash. E. J. WOOD & CO. St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1,1837 24 ts the; subscriber IS now receiving his fall supply of Groceries, from brig Rhine, from New York, and brig Alto, Brown, Baltimore. 130 barrels superfine FLOUR 120 “ Baltimore rectified Whiskey 250 kegs assorted Liquors 140 barrels Bread and Crackers 20,000 lbs. Bacon, in hams and middlings 30 boxes Tobacco, all brands 150 barrels Mackerel 40 “ . com. Gin 10 “ best Holland, do 60 “ Rum, N. E. 20 “ Monongahela Whiskey 30 “ Peach Brandy 50 qr. casks Wine, all kinds 200 boxes, do 50 baskets Champagne 30 boxes Sperm Candles 5 half pipes segnt. Cognac Brandy 50 bags Havana Coffee 30 “ Rio do 50 bbls. and 20 hds. Sugar, St. Croix and Porto Rico Also, Bagging, Rope, Crockery, Glass and China Ware. Negro Shoes, Sfc. 500 sacks Salt, by the brig C umberland, which in market by the 20th instant. And is prepared to pay cash or advance on Cotton, on shipment to his fiiendsin New York, Baltimore, Charleston, or New Orleans. JNO. T. MYRICK. Apalachicola, Oct 10, 1837 23 AT PRIVATE SALE. IFINE new double horse Jersey Waggon and Harness. 1 fine single horse Barouche. 1 pair Match Horses. 1 Blooded Mare, 3 years old. 1 fine Work Mare,3 years old, perfectly gentle On accommodating terms, by SAM’L M. JACKSON, Auct. &. Com. Mer. Aug. 11,-18-tf A GROSS Wine Bottles; TCVJ 10 bbls Brown Havana Sugar; 10 frails Almonds; 4 bbls English Walnuts; 5,000 choice Havana Cigars; 10 bbls American Brandy; On consignment, and for sale by SAML. M. JACKSON, Auc’r. May 19,-8-tf £>1"! GROSS Lemon Syrnp Bottles; 20 gross Wine Bottles; 10 bbls. Baltimore Gin; 20 bbls. American Brandy ; 5 bbls. Malaga Wine, direct importation; 10 bbls. N. E. Rum; 3 cases fine Hats; 10 chests Band Boxes; For sale on consignment by SAML. M. JACKSON, Auct. June 9.-10-ts LONDON PORTER. -g CASKS London Porter, containing X from 3*o 5 dozen in each cask. 17 finemahogany BUREAUS; For sale low by SAML. M. JACKSON, Auct. June 9,-10-tf TO RENT. A COMFORTABLE House and Lot on the East side of Mclntosh street, south o. Cran ford street, known as the house occupied by Mr. Gregory, dec’d. Apply to. SAM’L M. JACKSON, Auct. & Com. Mcr. Aug. 11,-18-tf NORTON'S CHATTAHOOCHEE BANK NOTICE. IWILL SELLthe entire, or part of, my stock of BOOKS, and take Chattahoocheenion eyfcat PAR. The public is informed that the above offer is not in consequence of having Notes to nay in Bank, but on account of my firm belief that the bills, ere long, will be redeemed at par. April2B,-s*tf E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partner ship heretofore existing between James O. Gorman and myself, in the trade dr business of Jewellers, carried on in the City of Columbus, Georgians this day dissolved, and that the said bu siness will be continued bv the subscriber GODFREY DeGILSE. Columbus, June 30, 1537.-18-ts LIST OP BLANKS Fit sale at the Sentinel and Herald Office. Bills of Lading, Guardians’ Bonds, Deeds of all descriptions, Jury Tickets, Sheriffs’ Bail Bonds, Clerks’ Summonses, Writs of Attachment, Dec. in Debt, Justices’ Summonses, Dec. in Assumpsit, Justices’ Executions, Marriage Licences, Commissions to Examine Retail Licenses, Witnesses, Alabama Jury Certificates, Commissions to Appraise Alabama Precepts, Property, Alabama Justices’ Execu- Letters of Administration, tions, Letters of Gurdianship, Alabama Justices’ Sum- Letters of Dismission, monses, 4tc. &c. Administrators’ Bonds, 45 JX J'k J~XLBS. Live Geese Feathers, just re ceived arid for sale by RANKIN, McGtUAID k WISE, i Pec. 21. 4*‘f JOHN ftASCOMBE. THIS CELEBRATED RACER will stand the ensuing season at the HAMPTON COURSE, near Augusta, Ga., under the direction ofF. W. Lacy, and be let to mares al SIOO the season, wilh one dollar to the Groom—the season to commence the Ist of Fe bruary and end the 15th of July. It is requested that persons sending mares will send a note f(* the season, and the Pedigree of the mare. The proprietors are well provided with Lots and Stables for mares that may be sent to remain with the horse, and will be fed and well attended to for fifty cents per day—black servants sent with mares fetl gratis. Every care and attention wrfi be taken to guard against accidents and escapes, but no liability will be incurred for either. Description. —John Bascomhe is a light or bright chesnut, five feet two inches high, fine bone and mus cle, with superior limbs and action, and for sprightli ness and intelligence of countenance, surpassed bv no horse on earth ; in fact, take him upon the whole, he is the horse of horses. He will be seven years old the ensuing spring. He has proven himself his first season, a sure foal getter, and has convinced his pa trons of the falsity of the tale that was put in circula tion. relative to his impotency. Pedigree. —John Bascomhe was got by old Bertrand, out of Grey Goose, she by R#colet, and he by imported Citizen; grand dam by imported Buzzard, great grand dam by Wade Hampton’s Paragon, g. g. grand dam by imported Figure, g. g. g. grand dam the old Slam merkin mare by the celebrated imported horse Wildair, out of the imported Cub mare. Wade Hampton’s Paragon was got by imported Flimnap out of Camilla, and she by Burwill’s Traveller ; his grand dam by old Fearnought, g. grand dam Calista, imported by Col. Byrd, Burwell’s Traveller was got by Morton’s Tra veller, out of Col. Bird’s Calista. Performances. —1834, Huntsville, Ala., Nov. 15. Mile heats, best three in five, he ran recond to Stock holder, beating Rachel Johnson, Whalebone, and Samuel O’Rourke, Time, 2m 4s ; 2m 3s ; 2m 5s ; 2m 5s ; 2m ss. 1835, Nov. 18, at Montgomery, Ala., three mile heats, he won the purse, distancing Samuel O’Rourke, his only competitor, the first heat, in 6ni 525. 1835, Nov. 24, at Mount Meigs, Ala., three mile heats, he ran second to Bill Austin, beating Daphne. Time, 6m ; 6m 3s. 1835, Dec. 10, at Columbus, Ga., three mile heats, he beat Volney, by Industry, Time, first heat, 6m.- Volney having broke down. 1836, Jan. 13, at Augusta, Ga., three mile heats, he beat Chestatee, Ormond, Col. Townes’ Truffle colt, and distanced Paul Clifford in the first, and Vertum nus in the second heat, in 5m 54s ; 5m 565. 1836, April 12, at Augusta, Ga., in a match of four mile heats, he distanced Col. Hampton’s Argyle the first heat in 7m 44s—track thirty-three feet over a mile. This match was for $32,000, #17,000 on Argyle and #15,000 on Col. Crowell’s stable, consisting of Bill Austin, Lady Nashville, John Bascombe,and Bolivia; Bascombe having been selected. 1836, May 31, at the Union Course, Long Island, in a match of four mile heats, #5,000 a side, after tra velling nine hundred miles, he beat the champion of the Ndrth, Post Boy, two strait heats, four miles each, in 7m 49s ; and 7m 51 is. Track not in the best order, and the day windy. 1836, Dec. 9, at Augusta, Ga.. four mile heats, he beat the grey colt Kite and Lady Morgan, in two heats. Time, 8m Is ; 8m Is. John Bascombe never lost a heat after getting into the hands of Col. John Crowell, his present owner. F. W. LACY. Augusta, Ga. Dec. 14. 1837. 46 3m CITY HALL. THE subscriber advertises the community that since his occupancy of this establish ment* it has undergone the most general and tho rough repairs—much labor and expence have been bestowed to render the house comforta ble and commodious —and he is now fully pre pared to receive and entertain customers in a style not surpassed by any other Southern Hotel Having spent many years of his life in the bu siness of keeping a public house, he entertains confidence in himself of an ability to give gen eral satisfaction. His Table will be constantly and abundantly supplied with the best provisions which the country affords. His Bar is stocked with a supply of choice Wines, Liquors, and Segars. His stables are commodious, and attendr l by experienced Ostlers. THOMAS JAMES. RATES OF BOARD: Board and Lodging per month, - §530 00 Board without Lodging per mouth, 22 50 Dinner Boarders per month, - J 2 00 Board per week, ... 10 50 Board per day, - - - - 1 75 Dinner, - - 75 Breakfast, - * 50 Supper, 50 Lodging, - - - - 50 Horse per month - - - 20 00 Horse per day, - 1 00 Children and Servants half price. Fires and lights extra. Oct. 10 23 PACKETS FROM ST. JOSEPH TO NEW YORK. THE following substantial and fast sailing vessels will run as regular Packets between St. Joseph and New York, and will take freight and passengers low. Brig HARTLEY, Ryder, master. “ CUMBERLAND, Darling, master. “ SADI, Vincent, Also, the new and splendid ship SPRING. For Freight or Passage apply to E. J. WOOD &. CO, Agents, St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1, 1837 24 ts a. de gilse, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. * NEW JEWELRY. tJUST received, anew assortment of Ladies’ Neck Chains; Gentlemen’s Guard and Fob Chains; Rings, Breastpins, Earrings, Watch Hooks, Gold Thimbles, &C. All of which will be sold at reduced pricas. N. B. All kindsof Jewelry repaired, and Canes mounted in gold or silver in the neatest manner and at short notice. June 30.12~tf NEW SPRING GOODS. THE subscriber has just received, a fresh supply of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, of the latest fashions and importations. READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS, BON NETS AND SHOES. He would invite his customers and the public generally tocall and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they no doubt will be suit ed with the quality and price. He is determined to sell low for cash. Country merchants will he supplied atreduced prices. NEILL McNAIR* May 21,-7-tf COLUMBUS BOOK STORE, AT THE COLUMBUS AUCTION ROOM. THE Subscriber informs the public that his Stock being too large at this time, he is dis posed to reduce it by selling at cost and charges. Persons desirous of replenishing their Libraries, orwishiug School or other entertaining Books, are nowinvited to call befi re the stock becomes thinned oft'. If you are in want of Literature, come forth as the terms are Qasfi, April 14 3tf E. SIGOURNEY NORTON- MRS. SEAMAN’S SEMINARY, St. Clair st., below Broad. 1 door cant of A.K. Ayres. THE duties of this Seminary will commence on the 9th of January. Young Ladies will be in structed in all the principles of a thorough and pro found English education, and particular attention paid to the following essentials, viz -. Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Composition. Music taught in a cor rect -mv\ scientific manner. The French language, gramma! cally, and with the true Parisian pronuncia tion. The speaking to commence with the first les son. Ladies who do not belong to the School, but who wish to become good French scholars, can join the class from 2 to 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Mrs. SEAMAN willresidein the house where the School is kept—consequently, the most punctual atteu-. tion may be expected. References. —Rev. Mr. Carnes and Dr. Edward Delony will give all necessary information. Columbus, Dec. 2G. 47rf YOUNG LADIES’ COLLEGIATE INSTI TUTE, Brownicood, ntv La Grunge, Troup county, Ga. THE exercises of this institution will be resumed on the first Monday in February next. The Teachers for 1638 are, ROBERT C. BROWN, ) Princi- Mrs. M. L. BROWN, f pals. Mr. Dorasd, Classical Depaitmcnt. Miss Clarke, French and English Department. Mr. Uhinx, Musical Department. Board cm fc obtained in the family of the Principal, j or m fejpeetable families :n the neighborhood, frown wood, Dec, 12. IS3T, 45,f ‘ PRESSURE IN THE MONEY MARKET ABOUT TO CLOSE. $60,000. RICH AND BRILLIANT SCHEME! About one prize to a blank! —One-fifth of the prizes will have on them either 3 or 2 drawn numbers. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY* „ POR the benefit of the AUGUSTA INDEPEN DENT FIRE COMPANY, CLASS No. 12, lor 1838, to be determined by the drawing of the Alex andria Lottery, for lntereal Improvement in the Dfs trict of Columbia, Class No. 1, fot* rBSB. To bw drawn at Alexandria, on Saturday. March 24, 1838. D. S. GREGORY & Cos., Managers.- A. READ, Contractor. GRAND SCHEME. I prize of {160,000 i s $60,0001 I 25.000 “ 25,000 1 “ 15,000 “ 15.000 1 “ 10.000 “ 10,060 1 9.000 “ 9,0C0 1 “ 8,000 “ 8,500 1 “ 7,500 “ 7,000 1 * 7.000 * 7,000 1 “ 6,000 “ 6,000 1 “ 5,000 “ 5,000 f 4 000 4,000 1 “ 3.000 “ 3 000 1 “ 2,500 “ 2,500 1 “ 2,220 “ 2,220 1 “ 2,000 “ 2,000 5 prizes of 1.600 are 8,000 5 “ 1,500 “ 7,500 50 “ 800 “ 40,000 50 “ 700 35 COO 50 “ 6CO 30,000 50 5OO 25,000 50 “ 400 “ 20.000 60 “ 300 “ 18,000 60 250 iafiOd 60 2OO 12.0C0 60 “ 150 “ 9,000 60 “ 100 6,000 60 ’ 90 “ 5 400 60 “ 80 “ 4,800 60 “ 70 “ 4.2C0 60 “ 60 “ 3 600 120 “ *SO 6,000 5,820 “ 40 “ 232.800 1,770 (Ist drawn No.) 24 “ 42,480 7,08 t (2d, 3d, 4th or sth) 20 141,600 8.850 (6, 7. 8, 9 or 10 dr.) 16 “ 141.6C0 8,850 (11, 12, 13, 14, 15,) 12 106,200 33,305 Prizes, 34,220 Blanks, is 67,525 75 NUMBERS 15 DRAWN BALLOT*. Wholes 820—Halves B*o—Quarters {ls. Orders front the country, enclosing the cash, postage paid, will meet with prompt attention. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON, March 8. stf Agent for the Managers. ALABAMA INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED by the State of Alabama. 1836, with a capital of One Million of Dolla-s which can be increased by the surplus capital of th Stockholders. In conformity with the third article of the Bye Laws of said company, two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars of the capital stock will he opened for sale, in the town of Girard, on the first of March next, ten per cent to be paid in at the time of subscribing, the balance to be secured on pledges of real estate. As it is probable that this institution will be ready for the transaction of business by the fifteenth of March next, from and after that time Insurances and Depo. sites on Trust, agreeable to the charter of said com pany, will be taken at such rates as are usual in offices of like character. Life Insurances will be effected at the following rates per 8100, at the ages annexed : For one year. Age. Dollars. 25 1 00 30 1 31 35 1 35 40 1 69 50 1 96 For seven years. --25 1 14 30 1 36 35 I 53 40 1 63 50 2 00 Whole life. 25 2 04 30 2 36 35 2 75 403 20 50 4 60 Copy of the Bye Laws of the third section of th Alabama Insurance Company: “ And on the first day of March next, Stocks to the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars will be offered for sale in the town of Girard. Ten per cent, to be paid in at the time of sale ; balance to be called in in such umnurits,and at such times as may hereafter he prescribed by the Bye Law's of said com pany. “ And on the first day of May next, a meeting w If be held in conformity with the third section of said act of incorporation, so far as it regards the iuvestmentc of any surplus funds belonging to the company.” By order of the Board. THOMAS S. TATE, Sec’y pro. trm. Girard, Ala., Feb. 20, 1838. 3ts FOR SALE, A comfortable residence, with eagb m acres of land enclosed, within a short mile life* of town, and in a most respectable ueiglit *£pL b °rbood. Apply to T. HOWARD. Oct. 26. 42 The Standard of Union, Millcdgcville, and Columbia (S. C.) Hive, will publish the above twice. PAY UP, THOSE whose Notes and Accounts have become due, are urgently/but respectfully, requested to PAV UP. ALLEN & YOUNG. They would also inform their friends that they have removed to No. 1 Mclntosfr Row, lately known as Mclntosh Hall, where can be found a general assort ment of Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Salt, &c., which will be sold low for CASH. Oct. 1. 42 TEN DOLLARS REWARD. CjtTRAYED from Mr. William Rogers’ Staid, on 55 the Montgomery road, twenty miles west from Columbus, on the 22d inst., a sorrel HORSE about fourteen hands high, five or six years oW, with heavy mane and tail, his legs are somewhat swo!Lea. Said Horse belongs to the Express Mail line, and strayed off with a saddle and bridle. Any person finding said Horse, and delivering him at any of the stands on the road, shall be rewarded with ten dollars. Dec. 27, 1837. 47tf M. HARWELL. MAXWELL HOTEL, WJIITKSVILLE, HARMS COUNTY, fIEORGIA. THE subscriber would infoim his friends and tho public generally, that he has taken charge of the house known as the Whitesville Hotel, and intends to devote his entire attention to the comfort and accom modation of such as may honor him with their patron age ; and he pledges himself that no i Hurt of his shall be spared in making this one of the most desirahlo places of entertainment in the up country. His tablo shall at all times be supplied with the best the country affords ; his bar w ith an assortment of liquors ; his stable with attentive ostlers, and provender in abundance. WILLIAM MAXWELL. Jan. 27. 52 6m A TEACHER WANTED. A YOUNG MAN of steady and moral habits, pre pared to teach the English and Latin Lan guages, in a high, healthy neighborhood, will meet with generous encouragement if he will call and see the sub scribers living near the Uchee Creek, in Russell county, Alabama, eight milesfrom Columbus,by cr be fore the first day of January. 1838. NOLON R. LEWIS, STERLING LANEJR. WILLIAM BARNETT, JAMES PHILIPS, PLEASANT PHILIPS, Nov. 16. 44 f Trustees. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. EDWARD DELON Y. having permanently settled himself in the city of Coluinhus, respect fully tenders his professional services to the citizens thereof, and of the surrounding countiy. He designs devoting his time exclusively to his professional duties ; those, therefore, who call for him, may expect the most prompt arid Tegular attentions. Ills office is in the south wmg of the Columbus Ho tel, next door above Dr. Wilson’s, Broad strict, and his residence is the next adjoining, south of the Fe male Academy. Columbus, Ga., Jan. 4. 1856, 48 3m TO MERCHANTS, LAWYERS, kr. THE subscriber has opened an office on Bread street, above the store of A. Levison, Esq, where fie Vr.ay be constantly found, and offers to undi r take every description of writing, either in bringing up and keeping books, and adjusting accounts for mer chants, or in drafting and engrossing all kinds of legal instruments. THOMAS WHITE, Dec. 6 44 ts TO BREEDERS OF GOOD HORSES. ARAB. —This splendid and unrivalled son of old Sir Archy, will make his second and last season at our Stable, near Eatonton, Putnam county. Ga.. at the reduced price of §35 the season, and §SO to in sure. For particulars of Arab, and his performances, and the performances of his get. see handbills. T.G. & F.C. SANFORD, Eatonton. Jan. 31. 1858. 24t LAW NOTICE. PORTER INC*RAM. ATT&MXT.V /.K2>CT:KSSLL AT LAW. ’ I anil,op. Harris Cos. Geo. Jan. 25. oil. TNO. 6.