Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, March 15, 1838, Image 3

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EXTRACTS FROM THE SPtRIT OF THE TIMES. The Editor of this spirited Magazine lias recently made it tour through the W<*< ern and Southern Slates. In the last number of his paper he sketches, with a truly graphic pen, the various scenes which came under his ooservation. The following notice of the “ Hampton” Course, at Augusta, and some of the “rare ones” who figured on that track at the Spring races, will doubtless prove in teresting to many ol our readers. “The “Hampton” Course was thus ap propriately named in honor of a gentleman whose ennobling talents and public spirit, more than bis princely fortune, have placed him at the head of the Turf in Carolina and Georgia. It is laid out directly east of the city of Aug sta, at the foot of Broad-street, the straight run in front bordering on the Sa vannah river; the Stands are not a mile dis tant from the centre of the business popula tion. The entire field occupied is so level that Rip Van Winkle could have spied his vrotv’s cat in any part of if. The track, eliptica! in shape, is laid out on the most ap proved plan, having straight parallel sides of a quarter of a mile each, while the two ends, of equal length, describe a half circle. Inside of tha public track is a very superior training track; both have been carefully graded on the plan of the Union Course, Long Island, so that in rounding the semi-circles, a horse may sup port his weight on all his feet alike. The whole is surrounded by a substantial sealed plank fence, 10 feet high; between the two tracks is a ditch, upon the edge of which are placed posts three feet high, surmounted with rails. The earth removed from the ditch was used to face the training track; the luxuriant Nut grass upon the running track has been carefully preserved, and has imparted to it: great firmness and elasticity. The Hotel for the Club and its guests i fronts Broad-street, the rear commandidg a j full view of the course; it is a handsome] building of two stories. Opposite the Judges’ i Stand is the one appropriated to the Ladies,] the Members of the Club and their families. It is about SO feet by 35, and two slories high. The lower story contains a large saloon, with a bar 20 feet bv 35, and two smaller apart ments for the Officers of the Club. The sec ond story has an open piazza in front and rear, running its whole length, while the large saloon is elegantly fitted up for the exclusive accommodation of Ladies. About 60 yards west of the Club Stand is the large Citizens’ Stand; it is 120 by 35 feet, and 2 storied, containing an ordinary, bar, etc. with a broad piazza in front. All the buildings are hand some, and well adapted to answer the pur pose intended. The enterprising proprietors (Messrs. Glascock Lacy,) in making ar rangements for the accommodation of their visitors, have not been unmindful of the prin cipal attraction—the Horses. Roomy and convenient stables are erected adjacent to the track, and comfortable quarters arranged for their attendants. In fact, tliev have left nothing undone to make “ The’ Hampton” quite the crack course ofthe State, and if their liberal and judicious expenditure be not a profitable investment, then the people of: Georgia and Carolina “are not the men we I took them for,” that’s all. ******* Emily, by F.milus, out of Elizabeth, hv Rainbow, was bred by His late Majesty Wil liam IV. at the Royal Stti I at Hampton Court, and imported into South Carolina by her present owner, Col. Wads. Hampton, of Columbia. She is a beautiful bay, with a star and stripe, about 15 hands one inch, and presents a most striking resemblance to Ack erman’s sttnerb colored engravings of the Queen of Trumps. Her head is faultless, a perfect non pa rid, and her eye and face beams with intelligence. Her limbs arc as finely modelled as those of the fair representative of 70,” and her beautiful pastern joints remind one the delicate and well turned ancle of la petite Augusta! Her proportions are almost perfect; her shoulder is broad and oblique. Tunning tveli hack, and she is also very fine across the loins. Her hocks, knees and feet are also good, especially the first, which come well down to the ground. The only objectionable feature about her is her fore feet, tlic toes of which point out slightly, so that she is occasionally liable to cut. This aside site as game a looking filly as can he] seen in a years’ travel. Gcroie was bred by our old friend James Bathgate, Esq. of West Farms, near this city, and was purchased and taken out to Georgia, in his yearling form, bv John G. Winter, Esq. of Augusta, who sold him In Hammond Lowell, his present owners. He is a r.hes rut, with white hind feet, standing 13 —S, and was got by Henry out of Vixen by Eclipse; his grandam was the dam of Col. Crowell’s Robin Hood , one of the speediest horses that ■ever made a track on Long Island. Gerow favors Post Boy very much about the head, back and loin. His neck is disproportionate ly long, otherwise lie resenables most of Hen ry’s get. He has plenty of bone and muscle, nn<s bis thighs and arms are uncommonly broad, thick, and long. Me has not so great a turn of speed as might be expected from ill is stock, hut his game is undoubted ; in all liis races, public or private, thsre lias been no give back about him. Charlotte Russe was bred bv Mr. Benja min Moody, near Chesterfield, C. H. Virgin ia, who sold her bv the side of her dam, for $1 ,000. She was purchased, when 2 years old, of Col. Heth, of Va. by her presen own- j •er., lor .$5,000, and derives her name from a . -singular circumstance that took place in this city at the time of the sale. The parties; •were dining at Oebnomco’s, and while dis- ! •cussing their dessert, the arrangement was; made. At this moment a favorite dish, term ed “ Charlotte Russe ,” was placed upon the table, which, by the bye, as much resembles another, called “ Trifle ” as the veritable Char-; lottc Itusse does her own sister. The affini-! ty betvveeo the dishes and the sisters was re-! marked, and from this suerfjestion Charlotte i ilusse derives her name. She is a chesnut, I with a star, and her near bind foot white;! her coat is as rich and glossy as satin—per fectly “Arabian-like in its texture,” She is ; much taller than Trifle, being 13 hands 2 in- ! ches; (Trifle measures but 14 bands 3 inches;) j Charlotte has a game head set on to a very prettily a relied neck ; her eye is bold and in telligent, but her ears are a little out ofkeep *ng, being too large; they are placed far apart, however, a sure mark of unflinching i •courage. Her shoulder blades are lonm and ! broad, the points inclining well hack; indeed,; in this respect, more than in anv other, she jirongly resembles her sister. Her chest is , of a good depth, being sufficiently roomy to : give the greatest freedom to her respiratory ! powers, and from the point of the elbow, which extends far back, her barrel is exceed ingly well ribbed out. When stripped, v*u discover a singular depression across the loins extending (or five or six inches from the union of the hones of the loins with those of the haunch, but with asaddle or her clothes on, it would hardly he remarked ; it does not! appear in the slightest degree to afiect her strength or style of going. But her finest points remain to be discussed ; such a hip. thigh, stifle, and hock, is “good for weak eves”—we have never seen anv thing finer. Front the hip joint, or whirl hone, to the stifle, and from the stifle to the hock she has immense length, the whole repsenting too, an extraordinary development of muscle. — j The propelling power, which enables the hare or the grey hound, as well as the horse, to move with a great degree of velocity, is cen **.'ed in their hinder quarters; and in pro portion to their strength there* will be the impulse which drives the whole miss for- j IV arJ. We saw Charlotte taking her exer cise one morning in company with Monarch, John Guedron, Steele, Benbow, Target, Hard Heart, and a dozen others; there were several turfman present. Mr. Stewart, Char lotte’s trainer, ordered Jem to gallop around and “let her come” up the straight run home. He did so, and as she dashed past. Ham mond, who was looking on, quite forgetful in his admiration of her, his own “ strum” on the backside, broke out with “ Don’t she move like a bird? She laps her hind feet past her ears two feet every pop!” There was a great deal of truth in Hammond’s al- ! most unconscious remark : she has such pro- ‘ digious strength in her hips and thigiis, that, I in active exercise, she looks as if she would ‘ throw herself on her head at every jump. She moves with too much ease to tire her self, and indeed “ grace is in all her steps;” i up to the date of this last race of her’s in the I the mud, the last quarter of any heat she has run has been faster than the first. Her pas- j terns are rather too straight, hut her cannon ! bones are short and flat, and her feet re- ] markably good. OUR RAIL ROADS. We copy from the Savannah Georgian a ! statement, showing the progress and condi- ! lion of the Central Railroad, which is highly gratifying. We understand that a Locomotive and j cars are running (hr some 20 miles, from Sa- j vannah ; that on 56 miles the grading is com pleted and ready for the rails; that the road is under contract to a point 69 miles from Sa vannah ; am! that 13 1-2 mil • further will be let on the sth of April. So that the road bids fair to be completed in two or three years. The Monroe Railroad is also rapidly pro ! greasing. We have just been along the line, and can state from our own knowledge, the ‘ condition of the work. The amount of labor j expended is prodigious. A person who had | never seen any thing ofthe sort, could hardly be made to believe what deep excavations j and high embankments have been made. , The grading of the road is now nearly completed, amt a considerable portion of the timber has been delivered. Moreover the iron is on the wav, and it is expected will be delivered in Macon during the present season. So that long before Christmas, we expect to see cars running the whole distance, between Macon and Forsyth. This road is to form the connecting link between the Central Railroad at one end, and the Atlantic and Tennessee Railroad at the other; and will be of vast importance to the prosperity of all Central Georgia. Macon Telegraph. CITY HALL, Columbus. Ga. ) March 10, 1838. 5 Council met pursuant to adjournment, 3 o’clock, P. M. Present, Aldermen Andrews, Ware, Chip ley, Read, Smith, Williams, and Davis. On motion Alderman Andrews was called to the chair as Mayor pro tern. By Alderman Ware: Resolved, That so soon as the public hands are discharged from excavating the ditch for the lower sewer, that the Deputy Marshall proceed with one half ! of said hands to cleansing out and deepening : the large ditch, on the east commons, from I the upper to the lower end the city; and to I make such inlets as will effectually drain off the stagnant water from the adjoining lots. By Alderman Davis: Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed to remit to Messrs. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch, of New York, the sum of $852 10, for the plates and print ing of the City Council of Columbus. By Alderman Williams: Richard Jones having been fined in the sum of twenty dol lars, for violation of the city ordinance, by re tailing spirituous liquors without a license, and circumstances having been offered 1o Council in extenuation of his violation of said ordinance, it is ordered that said fine of twenty dollars be and is hereby remitted upon his paving the costs. By Alderman Chiplcy: Resolved, That the Treasurer he and lie is hereby authorised to pay D. MeDougald, J. C. Watson. R. Col lins, and B. Hepburn, the unsettled balance, for the western abutment of the bridge. By Alderman Read : Resolved. That the Treasurer pay Doctors Holt &. Persons, the amount of their account for attendance on a sick man in the Hospital, which was referred to the e.ommitte on accounts. J By Alderman Williams: Resolved, That the City Treasurer and Commissioners in the several counties, appointed by the City Coun cil for that purpose, to be authorised and re quired to receive subscriptions for stock in (he Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company until the firsl dav of April next. By Alderman Read : Resolved, That the license for retailing spirits granted to Mr. Thornton, be so altered as to embrace bis present partner, and that the bond be made to correspond with the same. By Alderman Williams: Resolved, That the Clerk issue executions against each de faulter in taking out license for retailingspiri luous liquors within tne corporate limits of the City of Columbus, fir the amount of the tax imposed by the Council and cost, and that the Marshall proceed forthwith to collect the same by levy and sale of offender’s property if necessary. By Alderman Chiplev : Resolved, Thai (he Treasurer pay to the order of James Kirvin the sum of three hundred dollars, on account of fencing in the public square. Bv Alderman Williams: Resolved, That the Treasurer be and he is hereby required to commence suit upon all unsettled demands due the corporation of Columbus. By Alderman Williams; Resolved, That his Honor the Mayor call a meeting of the citizens, at as earlv a day as practicable, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety rs appointing delegates to represent the City of Columbus in the Merchants’ Con vention, to be held in Augusta, on the first ; Monday in April next. The Committee to whom was referred the i petition of Mr. R. P. Guvard, were, hv Coun ’ oil, authorised to dispose of the same without ; further order. A communication from N. M. Thornton was read and ordered to lie on the table. The committee on Hospital, to whom was : referred a communication of Mrs. Hammond, with regard to the Hospital, see no reason to alter the opinion heretofore expressed bv the j committee, and emlmdied in the ordinance reported by vour committee at a previous i meeting. As no Superintendent has been j elected by Council, the committee would re commend the adoption of the following reso lution : Resolved, That a Superintendent of the Hospital he elected at the next meeting of : the council. The notes presented bv Mr. Thweatt, for the lease of the race turf, ivere referred hack j to Mr. 1 hweatt for an additional security. The notes for rent of the stalls of the mar- ; ket house, were referred to the committee on 1 1 contracts for examination. Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond p r esented an ; account for nursing and boarding John Camp- i hell twenty-nine da vs, which was referred to i the committee on Hospital. A petition trom Jonathan P. Jackson was j read and laid on the table. The Cifv Physician renorted to Council j that he had discharged John Campbell from j the Hospital, as being restored to health, and j at this time there is no invalid in the Hospital, j Sarah Ann Evans applied to Council, (hv > a recommendation setting forth her good ‘ moral character.) for a license to retail spirits in the eitv, which was granted. A peiition from the committee appointed by the Hook and I,adder Compnnv. was pre- i senteo and referred to the Committee vn Fire ‘ Engine o . Daniel Johnston petitioned Council to re mit the fine imposed upon him, for violation of the City Ordinance, in retailing spirits without license, at the race turf, oil the Ist inst. which fine was remitted, the said John ston paying the cost of execution; By Alderman Davis: Resolved, That the corporation tax on ten-pin alleys, be twenty dollars instead of one hundred. Council then adjourned until Saturday, the 17th day of March, at 7 o’clock, P. M. Published bv order of Council. ] J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. j MEDICO THERMOMETRICAL RECORD, FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBUS. ! March, 1838. j Range of i Direc • j Thermo. State tion9 Days of the -f ,h e of week. .2 jin’g :V1 n’t Weather wind. Wednesday 7j55 67 87 fair e | Thursday” Sis 762 49 fair w Friday 9 -52 j 9 50 fair w w Saturday 10182 82 87 :cloudy n e Sunday 11! <4 76 31 rain “ ne Monday 12 32 52 33 fair n w ] Tuesday 13J33 94 62 jfair s e ! idr* The Right Itev. Dr. Kemper, Missionary ; and Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, will i v ‘ s ‘ l *his city, with the Divine permission, on Sunday, | the 25th inst. On which occasion it is expected that the interesting solemnity of Consecrating the Church wit, take place, and ‘hat the Holy rite of Confirmation will be administered. Columbus, March 13. 6 2t PETIT GULF COTTON SEED, AT reduced prices, warranted venuino, and for sale by YONGE Si ELLIS. March 15. 6tf A BBLS Newark Cider, aw 10 boxes fresh Lemons, just received, and for sale by March 15. 6tf YONGE & ELLIS. GARDEEN SEEDS. JUST received, an additional supply of Garden _ Seeds, warranted genuine, and of the growth of 1637. Also a few Field and Flower Seeds. March 15. 6 3t H. C. PHELPS & Cos. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. THOSE persons who are indebted to me for work done, &c„ are earnestly desired to come forward and pay up. I know that the times are severe, but I must have the rhino, or I cannot pay my honest debts. This is the last call—the next will be a tap on the shoulder. MICHAEL HOFFMAN. March 15. 6 3t CITY COUNCIL OP COLUMBUS, ) March 14, 1838. J IN compliance with a Resolution of Council, passed the 11th of March inst., the citizens of Columbus are respectfully invited to meet at the Court House, THIS DAY, precisely at 12 o’clock, for the purpose of receiving the Report ofthe Delegates of the South ern Commercial Convention, begun and held in Au gusta, on the 16th of October last, and to take into con sideration the propriety of appointing Delegates to re present this city m the Convention to be held in Au gusta, in April next. March 15, 6lt J. S. CALHOUN, Mayor. WESTERN SC ATLANTIC RAILROAD. TO LAND OWNERS.—Persons owning Land in DeKalb, Cobb, Cass, and Murray counties, over which the route of the Western and Atlantic Railroad passes, and especially Guardians, Executors or Administrators, having legal control of any lot or lots of land on said route, are respectfully requested to attend at the Commissioners’ Office, in Marietta, Cobb county, at any time, to suit their convenience, in the tnon h of April or May next, for the purpose of having their claims (if any) against the State, adjusted and settled, for the concession of the right of way for said Railroad, over their lots of land, respectively. By order of the Board of Commissioners. C. L. BOLTON, Sec’y pro tern. Feb. 24. 6 4t STAGE LINE TO PORT GAINES. THE public are informed that a line of Stages has been put on the route to Fort Gaines, via Flo rence and Irwinton. leaving Columbus (starting from Whiteside’s Tavern) every Tuesday and Friday, at 6 o’clock A. M.. and arrive at Irwinton same day by 6 P. M.; leaving Fort Gaines every Sunday and Thurs day, at 6P.M. Stage office, in Columbus, at John Whiteside’s ; at the Tavern in Florence ; in Irwinton, at Morrison’s ; Fort Gaines, at Sutliff’s. BISSELL & WHITESIDE, Proprietors. March 6. 6tf THE ART OP SELF-DEFENCE, TAUout at the ooluthokpe house. MR. BAUGE (the Pugilist) most respectfully informs the Gvntlemen of the city of Columbus, and its vicinity, that he will continue to take Scholars until the first of April next. The art of Boxing and Wrestling, with various other branches of Self-De fence will be taught to perfection. Payment is not re quired in advance, and if full satisfaction is not given, no charge will be made. Mr. B. will teach at his Gymnasium, (at the Oglethorpe House,) every day from 12 to 2, and from 8 to 10 at night. Private lessons will be given at Gentlemen’s houses (rom 9 to 12 A. M.. and from 3 to G P. M. Mr. B. will remain in the city until his class is made perfect ; after which, having an engagement to fill in another section of this State, be will not undertake a second class. Mr. B. having been naturalized—and thereby be come an American citizen, ami having determined to become a permanent resident of the State of Georgia— takes this opportunity to infer in Gentlemen who have heretofore, and who may hereafter be so liberal as to patronise him, that they will be entitled to the privi lege of practising with him at any time or place, (or at his Gymnasium,) wherever and whenever they may have the pleasure of meeting each other. [LU 1 ’ Those who may wish to have a trial of skill with Mr. B. can be accommodated at any time by call ing on him at his Gymnasium. March 15. 6tf NOTICE IS hereby given to all concerned, that I have charged lot No. 316. in the 13th district of Houston county, (prime land,) for its Taxes from the year 1623 to the year 1837, inclusive, agreeable to the Tax Law now in force in this State. DANIEL DUPREE, r. t. n. n. c. Perry, March 9, IS3B. 6m6m NOTICE. ALL those very kind friends, who have open Ac counts standing on my Books for the last eigh teen months or two years, will please recollect. I can not pay debts with Accounts, nor can I live cn Flint Soup —l require something more substantial. There fore, come forward and pay up, or you will be visited with a complimentary legal notice. E.L. DE GRAFFENRTED. March 16. 6 It ’ NOTICE. THE citizens of Columbus are requested to call at the City Hall, whore the Clerk will attend from 9 o’clock A. M., until 1 P. M. s and from 2 until 5 P. M. each day, (the Sabbath excepted .) until the 25th day of A[ril next, for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for the city of Columbus. J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. Columbus, March 15, 1838. 6 4t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of STACK HOUSE, THOMSON & Cos., was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 9th instant. The business of the Company will be settled at their old stand, by their successors, Thomsom, Tomlinson & Cos., who are duly authorised to settle all the business of the late firm. SAMUEL STACKHOUSE, JAMES THOMSON, JAMES NELSON. Pittsburgh, Feb. 15th, 1838. Having disposed of my entire interest in the Steam Engine Manufactory and Foundry, formerly earned op hv Stackhouse, Thomson & Cos., to Mr. Joseph Tom linson, who has associated himself with my late part ners, under the firm of Tompson, Tomlinson & Cos., they will continue the business at the old establish ment ; and having the utmost confidence in the skill and integrity of mv successors, I take pleasure in re commending them to the confidence and patronage of the friends and customers of the late firm. SAMUEL STACKHOUSE. STEAM ENGINE MANUFACTORY, AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRIES, j The subscribers respectfully inform the public, that I they have associated themselves together, under the I firm of THOMSON. TOMLINSON & Cos., for the j purpose of manufacturing Steam Engines and Lon and Brass Castings, a’ the establishment formerly occupied ! | bv Stackhouse, Thomson & Cos., at the corner of i Short and Front streets, Pittsburgh, where they will ; carry on the business in all its branches, and are now | prepared to execute orders for Steam Engipes, Irop I a nd Brass Castings, at the shortest notice, and on the I most reasonable terms; and trust that their knowledge i of the business, the qualitv of their work, and attention ] j to the interests of those who employ them, will entitle [ them to a share of the patronage of th? public. JAMES THOMSON, JOSEPH TOMLINSON, JAMES NELSON. j Pittshti-gh, Feb. J 5. 64t [ CAUTION. ALL persons are herebv forewarned from trading for a certain PROMISSORY NOTE, made bv myself to Henry Brewer, or bearer, dated the slh January last pavable on the first d-y of March next, for one hundred and twentv-fivc dollars. As the con ! sid (-ration for which said note was given has failed, I ! am determined nit to pav said note, unless compelled fby law. ‘ WM. STAFFORD. . Florence, Feb. I ® AUCTION SALES. BY E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. Extensive sale of Mahogany, Csneering, Ca binet Makers’ Tools, Sfc. I On THURSDAY, March 22d, 11 o’clock A. M. I WILL sell at public Auction, on Broad street, Columbus, a large lot of Mahogany, Lot of Vaneering, Lots of Cabinet Maker’s Tools. The above sale is worthy of the attention of Cabinet Makers throughout the country, as great bargains may be expected. ° Marsh 15. 6 It BY E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. THIS DAY, MAR< :H 15, at 10 o’clock. I WILL sell, at public Auction, in front of the Co lumbus Auction Room, 50 sacks Texas Cotton Seed, superior quality. Also, Flour, Whiskey, Sugar, Lard, &c. &c. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of STAF FORD & WOODWARD. Florence, Ga., is dis solved by mutual consent. H. W. Woodward, one of the late firm, will attend to and settfe all the business ofthe firm. WM. STAFFORD. Florence, Stewart countv. Ga. Feb. 14. 6m3m DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of OWENS & ALLEN, in the city of Columbus, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.— Those indebten, either by note or account, are re quested to make immediate payment to Wm. Owens, otherwise their accounts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. WILLIAM OWENS, Feb. 1, 1838. 63t JOHN ALLEN. EXECUTORS’ SALE. WILL be sold, at the late residence of William Perry,deceased, in Meriwether county, on the third day of MAY next, between the usual hours of sale. part, of the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of horses, cows, nogs, sheep and goats. — Also many other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day, until all is sold. Terms made known on the day of sale. H. D. TUCKER, R. MORGAN, Executors. ANNA PERRY, March 9, 1838. Executrix. All persons indebted to William Perry, deceased, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. Those holding claims are requested to ren der them in according to law. H. D. TUCKER, R. MORGAN, Executors. ANNA PERRY, Marcn 9. 6 4t Executrix. GUARDIAN’S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, at the Court House door in Greenville, Meriwether county, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 2. in the 2d district of originally Troup, now Meriwether county, sold as the property of the illegitimates of Jane Richardson, for the benefit of said illegitimates. SEABORN THORN, Guardian. March 12. 6ts FOUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Har ris county, while sitting for ordinary purposes,for leave to sell all the land belonging to the estate of Obadiah M. Culbreah. deceased, to -it: One tract of land lying in the 10th district of Early county, No. 377; one do. in the 33d district of old Lee county, now Stewart, No. 76 ; on do. in Lumpkin county, 13th district, north half. No. 92,40 acres ; one do. in the 3d district of originally Troup, now Harris countv. No. 7 ; also 85 acres, more or less, it being a part of lot No. 47, in the 3d district of originally Troup, now Harris conntv. WILLIAM L. CULBREATH, Adin’r. March 6,1838. 6 FOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Infe rior Court of Coweta county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell lot No. 102, in the sih district of said county, the property of Sarah M. Wakefield, a minor. ROBERT J. NEWMAN, Guardian. March 6. 6 NEW VOLUME FOR 1838. NEW YORK SPIRIT OP THE TIMES | A METROPOLITAN GAZETTE OF THE SPORTING, LITERARY AND FASHIONABLE WORLD. WILLIAM T. PORTER, EDITOR. THE eighth \ olunrie of this publication, (Lein the third of the New Series,) commenced on the 17th of February, 1838. To maintain the character of the work as an interesting and authentic Sporting Journal, and, if possible, to elevate it. and give to its contents additional value, is the sole design of the Edit or. No ma'erial change is contomplafed, save in the mechanical part of the paper, and in this particular the Editor believes that the Spirit of the Times will bear a comparison with the most elegant periodicals in the country. • The present, like the preceding volume, will contain a complete American Racing Calendar, for the cur rent. year. That this Ca'endar may be full and accu rate. a'l the more important Race Meetings throughout the Union will he attended by the Editor in person, or by Reporters employed for the express purpose ; and every exertion wilt be made, by a very large and expen sive Correspondence, to obtain, as heretofore, early re ports of all other meetings. This volume will also contain Alphabetical Lists of American winning Horses, at all distances, arranged in Tables—a perfect List of Stallions for 1838—Table of Winning and Trotting Horses—and a complete List of English Winning Horses, at all distances, during the year 1837. In the Lists of Winning Horses the reader is present ed at one view with the age, color, sire, dam. and owner of each horse, with the weight carried, the time, the horses beaten, the date of the race, and the course, with the folio of the page specified in which in the paper the detailed report of the race may be found. The first number of the volume contains the Table of Four Mile Winners in 1837. uniform with which the other Tables of Winners at three, two, and one mile heats will appear. In the List of Stallions is given the name, co’or, pedigree, owner or a?en’’s address, and terms, of all the distinguished Stallions in the Union, the whole comorising a mass of intelligence to be found in no other publication in this country, and which com bines everv leading feature embraced hv the Stud Book, the Turf Register, and tho Raring Calendar. The English Turf will claim onr constant attention, and every thing relating to it will be carefully colled from the Bri.ish Sporting Magazines and papers, likely to contribute to the interest or information ofthe Ame rican Breeder and Ttttfinan. The Snorting Depart ment of the paper will entbrncc the following subjects, respecting which erery possible information will be given : The American and English Turf: Tmnorta'ions and Sales of Blood Stock at home and abroad ; Essays on Breeding and Training; Racing and Trotting Chal lenges ; Racing Appointments; Sweepstakes and Matches ; Annual Lists of American and English Winning Horses; On Dits in Snorting Circles ; Pedi grees and Performances of Distinguished Horses; Hunting, Shooting, and Fishing ; Pedestrian, Aquatic and other Sports. To relieve the paper from the monotony which might he objected to, if Sporting Intelligence formed the ex clusive object of attention, a large space will be devoted each week to the affairs of tho Drama, and to light and elegant literature. The interests of the American and English Stage are so closely and inseparably con nected, that we shall, as heretofore, take cognizance of both. The Spirit of the Times finds its way into every Green Room of the Union, and has so many cor respondents among the profession, as to havo acquired a character for authentic, exclusive, and earlv Green Room Intelligence, not exceeded by anv journal what ever. In the Literary Depatment the Editor will aim only at culling from the English and American magazines, the choicest flowers of wit and sentiment, and with the appliances at his command, he doubts not to make this portion of his columns gay, graceful, and spirited. And to give zest to the whole, the Editor will aim to crowd into his columns all the Fun and Frolic of the town, the Good Things of his friends, and the Best Jokes of his brother Editors. In fine, he hopes to make his pqper the g yest and liveliest in the world ; yielding to none in the character of its gleanings from elegant lite rature, but resting its clairns for support mainly upon the Sporting Department, whit.h wili be made as va luable and comprehensive as labor and expense can make it. No Local Agents arc employed by the Proprietors— gentlemen wishing the paper* wili therefore remit by Mail. A number of flips from the commencement of the vo lume will be preserved for new subscribers. This course is adopted, as the valuable Statistical Tables of the paper nearly all appear in the early part of the year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING. The New York Spirit of the Times, for Town and Country, is published every Saturday Mominc in the Imperial Quarto form. tor binding, and an Index is given with the last number of the volume. It is print ed on fine white paper, of the mammoth size, upon a clear and beautiful tvpe. Great care is taken to for ward it strongly em-cloned and legtblv directed by the earliest mails, to its different subscribers throughout ; the Union, and particular attention is paid to its pune tuat ami safe transmission, by ship, to foreign rtorts. For One Year’s Subscription. in advance, $5 00 For Six Months’ Subscrip'ion. in advance, 2 50 The invariable charge for Advertisements is annexed : For one Square, (22 lines,) first insertion, §5 00 For do do., each subsequent insertion. 1 00 Publication office. 157 Broadway, where all commu nications, post-paid, may be addressed. 6tf THE LAST CALL. ALL persons indebted to JOHN R. LLOYD & J. T. S. COLLINS, under the title of JOHN jR. LIjOYD & Cos. will please call on Michael N. ! Clarke, Magistrate of this district, and settle the samo l without being put to further costs, as he is authorised 1 bv me to sue all these who do not comply with the akevs request. JOHN R. LLOYD. Celumbu?, October 3!, 1537. 43 GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. Grand Jurors, chosen, selected, and sworn, .M. for the county of Stewart, at the February T erm, IBdtJ, having discharged their duty, dtod being about to adjourn and be dismissed, conceive it 1 6‘be tlieir duty, as well to themselves as their fellow citizens generally, to nrike the following presentments, to wit : We recommend tnat the Inferior Court lay a tax,to the extent of the law, for the present year. H av iug examined the books and papers in the Clerks’ offices of rhe Superior and Inferior Courts of this county, we take much pleasure in finding them neatly and carefully kept. We find, on examination, that there is in the hands of the county Treasurer, the sum of seventy-six dollars and seventy-five cents, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. We. find on examination, that Jared Irwin, the former Treasurer of the Poor School for the year 1831 or 1835, in de fault of one year. On examination of the books of the present i reasurer, we are happy to say, that we find them neatly and correctly kept ; but very much regret that we find no funds in his hands belonging to the county. We highly concur in the opinion of the Infe rior Court respecting the removing the county Jail to such a place as said Court mav think proper, for the benefit of the county ; and also request that the Court proceed forthwith to the building of said Jail. We earnestly solicit the Justices of the peace of the differ ent districts of this county, to be more vigilant in the appointment of Patrol Companies, and also to sco that it be diligently put into execution. We approbate his honor Judge Sturges, in having erected the stove in the bar, for the accommodation of his Honor, the Bar, etc. We respectfully request the Inferior Court to recind the order by them passed, directing the Sheriff to rent the rooms in the Court House, appropriated to the use of the officers of the county, and severally return the same to the proper officers of the county thereunto en titled. We request the Inferior Court to take in their serious consideration the condition of the Bridge on the Hanahachec Creek, on the road leading from this place to Columbus. And also to be more vigilant in the appointment of Road Commissioners throughout the county. And more especially enjoin on them to see the road laws faithfullv executed throughout the county, more especially that part of the St. Mary’s and Columbus road leading through this county. We present Bryan Bitdingfield, Matthew Sharp, and Alexander Burnett, for keeping tavern without li cense in said county and State, contrary to law. We present Henry Buran and Needham Summerlane, for the offence of an affray on the 7th day of February, in the county aforesaid. James P. Patterson and Wil liam W r right, witnesses. We present Levi Newberry, Stephen M. Williams and Isaac Hosev, for illegally voting at an election held on the first Monday in January last, for Clerk of the Superior Court for said county. Isam Watkins, Joseph J. Dowd, Joseph J. Boynton. Roland Wil liams, Samuel Williams and Joseph Lansford. wit nesses. We present James M. Millner for retailing spirituous liquors without license, on the 15th day of January, in the county aforesaid. Robert Trolman, .witness. In taking leave of his honor Judge Sturgess, we ten der him our sincere thanks for the able and prompt manner in which he has discharged his duty during the present term of this Court. We also tender our sin cere and unfeigned thanks to the Solicitor for his cour teous and affable manner in filling his station as States Attorney. We request that these presentments be published in the Columbus Enquirer and the Columbus Sentinel. James S. Lunsford, Form. John D. Stapleton, Thomas House, Benjamin H. Brown, George L. Smith, William F. Dismukes, John Richardson, Tunnel Hayden, William Hilliard, Green B. Ball, William Garrett, Calvin B Seymour, Jesse Horton, Blount Trotman, Dugal McKcathen, Robert Rieves, Tomlinson Fort, Hannon Kolb. Elisha H. Baker, I do certify the above and foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of Stewart Superior Court, this 15th dav of Februa y, 1838. 6 It ELIJAH PEARCE, c. s. c. BS. HAWLEY, wholesale and retail Drug • gist, at Apalachicola and St. Joseph, Florida. Nov, 1, 1837. 24tf RAYMOND & ALLISON, wholesale Grocers and commission palachicola, Flor. Aug. I L 18rf SEGARS. —20 M Florida Segars; 5 M choice Havana do, for sale by June 9. lOtf SAML. M. JACKSON, Aucf. NOTICE. ALL those owning REA— ESTATE in the town of Girard, are requested to come to Amos & Moore, forthwith, and give in their Tax for the same. By order of the Board. WM. AMOS, Clerk and Tres. Girard, March 7, 1838. 5 3t NOTICE. MN. CLARK, Esq., is duly authorised to set • tie with all persons indebted, or having de mands against me You are, therefore, particularly invited to come forth, as ho has full instruction to pro ceed immediately in the settlement of mv affairs. N. B As I am compelled to have money by Spring, I hope this notice will be a sufficient hint. March 8. stf E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. 7 NOTICE. BY virtue of an order of the Inferior Court of Stewart county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in MAY’ next, be tween the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door in the town of Talbotton, lot of land No. 10, in the 23d district of originally Muscogee, now Talbot county.— Sold as the property of Cordelia Ann Calhoun, a mi nor. Ternis of sale will be made known on the dxy by her GUARDIAN. Feb. 19. sts ” NOTICE. ‘ I FOREWARN all persons from trading for one promissory NOTE for S2O, made payable to John A. More, dated some time in January last, due the 25th of Dec., 1838. The consideration for which said note was given has entirely failed, and I am determined not to pav it unless compelled by law. Feb. 27. 53m OWEN SIMPLER. notice] A LI. persons are cautioned against trading for ten PROMISSORY NOTES, signed by me, pay able to Charles Rosende, or order, bearing date the first of M\y, 1838. One for $1656 2-100, due four months after date ; one for $1677 53-100, due six months after date; one for $1639 3-100. due eight months after date; one for $1720 54-100, due ten months afterdate ; one for $1742 5-100, due twelve months after date. All said notes being endorsed by T. 11. Smith and others. Also four Rent Notes, dated at the same time, for two hundred dollars each, due at three, six, nine and twelve months from date. As I am determined not to pay either of said notes, unless the said Charles Rosende complies on the first of May next, with his part of the contract in connexion with which said notes were given. March 7. 5 4t ISAAC H. SMITH. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late fit m of ALFRED SHOUT & CO. and A. F. ALFRED, will please call on the subscriber, at the store of Alfred & Porter, and settle the same. A. F. ALFRED. March Ist. 4 6t ‘ NOTICE. ALL persons arc hereby forewarned from crediting any of the officers or crews of the Steamboats Alabama, Muscogee or Oceola, as no debts contracted by them will be paid by the owners. Feb. 13. 2tf T. &M. EVANS, Agents. notice; WHF.RAS the eleventh section of an act to in corporate a banking company under the name of the Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus, assented to 30th December, 1836, requires those who mav have sold their stock, to give sixty days’ notice of the same, in some public gazette of this State.— Therefore, in compliance with said section. I do here by give notice, that I have transferred the Stock in said Bank to which I was entitled as one of the origi nal Stockholders. JOHN L. LEWIS. F-b. 20. 39t NOTICESAVE COST. ALL indebted to the subscribers, cither by Note or Book account, are requested to come forward and make payment, on or before the 10th of March next. Those who do not comply will find them in the hands of an Attorney for collection. Columbus. Feb 23. 3tf J. S. SMITH & Cos. MEDICAL. DOCTOR E. T. TAYLOR, ofClinton, has re moved to Columbus, and expects to devote his attention to the practice of Medicine. Calls either in the City or Country will receive prompt attention. His office is on Broad street, nearly opposite the In surance Bank, and hi* residence next above Dr. Wil son’s. ‘ Feb. 12. 2tf THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has ta ■ ken the House in Greenville, Geo. formerly occupied !by Gen. Ector, and more recently by James"C. McGib bany, where he intends entertaining his customers in the best manner possible. JOHN C. MANGHAM. GeenvriUe. Ga. Jan. 1838. 51 3m THE undersigned, having disposed of his stock of Goods to Messrs. T. T. Gammage & Cos., re turns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public, for their liberal patronage, and takes a pleasure in re commending his successors as well worthy their pa tronage. A. K. AY ER. Columbus, March 1. 4tf LOST, ON Thursday evening last, either in Columbus or on the road from Columbus to Hamilton, a red Morocco POCKETBOOK, containing between two and three hundred dollars in Bar.k Bills, and two In voices of Cotton, sold by the subscriber to Smith & Grimes. A suitable reward will be paid for its de livery to Smith & Grimes, Columbus. March 6. 5 3t* DANIEL DANSBY. LAW COPARTNERSHIP. •mfILTON WILLIAMS AND EDMUND H. ]T m WORRILL, have united in the practice of LAW. They will attend faithfully to all business er>. trusted to their cere tn the ChaitaHoorhee Circuit.— tC’ffits in Taibotfon. t sb. £3. 48t ! SHERIFFS’ SALES. STEWART SALE*” WILL- bts sold, on the first Tuosday m APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin; Stewart county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit . Lot of land No. 69, in the 19;h district of Stewart county,-taken as the property of Henry Crow, to sa tisfy two small fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of jasper county, in favor of Elisha CroW. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable.- Feb. 27. 4ts M. AT. FLE VII NO, Sheriff. AT THt SAME TfMT AVD PLACE WIU IE SOLD, One lot of land, No. 182, in the 25th district of ori ginally Lee, now Stewart county, taken as the pro perty of Johnathan S. Rook, to satisfy one small fi. fa. issued from a Justices’ Court of Newton county, in favor of William Stanford vs. said Rook. Levy made and returned- to me by a Constable. Also’ one stor- house and lot, containing one half acre, as the property of M’. O'. Shelgrove, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Slew art county, in favor of James Beard vs. said Snel grove. Said store and lot is part of the lot whereon K. E. Beard, Esq. now lives. LEONIDAS W. HILL, D. Sheriff. Feb. 25. sts LIST OP LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Columbus March 1, 1838. Alains, Tnomas B Kay, Wm K Allison, Miss Jane E Knott, Nathaniel Arms, Charles 3 Kennon, H J M As ton, Widis Kent, Thomas Adams, Mrs Sarah L Knowles, Robert Aldridge. Charles J Kirtcher, Mr A.fnend, E D lvunze, Geo W Askew j & J H Keinp, Richard L Anderson-, Wm N Knight, Mr Bugg, Dr Thomas J 3 Lewis, I. Babhett, Erasmaa 3 Low, Miss Martha E 2 Bartlett, John Legrand, Janies 2 Bioodworth, Henry Laroche. Isaac Brasville, James Langford, Henry Bartlett, George Livernian, James Burt, Richard Little, Miss Mary Brown, J W P Loony, Larkin Burweil, Arche Lunsford, Geo J Buswurih, J F 2 Lorcil & Matson Blanchard, Ephraim Mitilin, J II Baldwin, Marcus L Miars, Mrs Antoneth Bell, Francis Mitchell, Miss Francis Bell, Satnuel Maxwell, Henry S Baldwin. Samuel Mims, Martin Bullard, Daniel Miazles, Alfred Banks, Thos G Moore, Nehumiah Barry, Patrick Mitchell, John Boykin, F E Matthews, Mathew Biintly, Henry Miller, Joseph Burch, Thomas Mitchell, James M Bolt, Miss Louisa Moore, Wm C Brown, Miss Elizabeth Mullen, Josiah Baira, Airs Eliza Aleryill, John Brigman, Miss Mary Ann Murrell, Lemuel Barrow, Burrell Monroe, Patrick 2 Byrd, Asa Mitchell, Mrs Martha Brown, Stephen C Alakey, Samuel Bates, Airs Caroline Minis, Robert Baulk, Uriah Massy, John Bickworth, F W Alitchell, Mrs Catharn Bcnna, T B Aides, Green Bishop, David Alartin, Geo W B 2 Beman, D E Mirick, Wm Breedlove, A1 B Moore, Aliss Eliza Currants, John Martin, Maj G W Cullius, P AlcGraken, Samuel Cook, Cornelius McCombs, Timothy Caminack, Wm A AlcClusky, John Powell, Christopher W AlcClenden Crosby, Edmond McGeha, Dr Wm J Chadwick, Oliver AlcMurry, Wm Campbell, Thomas J McDaniel, Benj F Crosby, Mrs Alary McKenzie, Miss Rebecca Crawford. J A AlcLester, Nathan Craig, John 3 AlcJenkin, Samuel Clark, Jacob McKeen, Wm C Cook, E D AlcCartin, Mrs Eleanor Cook, W F Nixon, Wm H Clark, Marion S 2 North, C P Cook.H Niles, J S 4 Cooke, Andrew J Norris, Nathan I Cox, Aloses Nott, Walter S Cooke, Johnson Odom, Daniel H Crawford, Hugh N Owen, Sarah A Cander, Charles Powers, Wm E Collins, John Parks, Sarah O Cox, Zelpha Perry, John A1 Clernmoii, Mrs Elizabeth 2Poml, Asa 2 Culpepper, John P Pond, Thomas 7 Chambers, Philip Pride, John Chittenden, L S Parker, Jesse 2 Christy, Albert M llerry, Henry Caverns, James A Pruett, Mrs Elizabeth Carr, Warner Parcell, Stewart Cholcali, Mr Pickett, James M Cozart, VY A1 Parsons, Parra J Campbell, Alias Caroline Powers, Airs Maria E A1 2 Porter, W Courson, Dolly Mrs Philips, Miss Jane Day, John 2 Page, Miss Autonette Dudley, Aliss Eliza 2 Pepper, Airs C V 2 Oeveraux, Charles 2 Perry, S 3 Dickinson, Rufus 2 Powers, Benj Uavis, Wm C Philips, John AI Deut, John H Rogers, Burweil Doles, Francis Robinson, Robert Dozur, N B Rouse, F Davidson, Joseph Robinson, Aliss Francis Daniels, Julius Re : 4, Miss Jane H Drury, Sherman Rynn, Joseph D 2 Dun, Lewis M R.akes’raw, Miss S J Delony, WestleyG Robertson, Mrs Alary A Dawson, Henry C Iledwin, Jacob Davis, Hugh Kouch, Miss Lucretia Davenport, Joseph Rose, Henry 2 Dunn, Alexander Robinson, James W Douglass, John Roberts, Enoch C Dougueriy, Robert Russell, James Everitt, Solomon ltohn, Thomas Evans, Rev Josiah John Little & Cos Ells, Nathan 2 Stanford, Nathaniel D Evans, Airs Susan Shirter, John Forbes, Geo D Starrings, Miss Charlotte Forester, Joel 2 Smith, Cullen W Fargo, J C Storrall, George W Fatinen, Mrs M D Southwell, John Fetner, James S Smith, Spirs Foster, Mathew Thennan, Edgar Gibson, Jacob 2 Scott, George Garrara, Wm 3 Swcaringra, A A Gibson, Felix 2 S'.und, John Goodman, Mrs Ellen Sherrell, S B Green, Mrs Eliza E Shivers, James Glasgow, Robinson Scarborough, James A Gregory, Ephraim 2 Shepherd, Martin W Gray, B H Smith, E W Gregg, J E Simpson, C N Grant, Mrs Alary P Skillruger, Wn Godfrey, James G Strond, Aplin Grant, Airs John S Simms, Thomas Guthrie, Wm W Spiller, A J Gray, Aliss Eliza Scmms, B F Gardner, Colin Statham James M Goula, R H 3 Shrtvers, Thomas Guelleara, D A Smith, John L Gardner, Elizabeth Spuring, William Gordy, Mrs Rutha Silas, Thomas Gullett, Isaac Struson, Martha A Garther, B S Sessions, Nicholas Grcnus, Josiah Strickland, Houel HolcoAlbe, Henry B Strickland, H H Hamilton, L H Townsend, Lewis Harris, Francis Thornton, Thomas A Hopkins, Philip Tomlinson, WrrJ L Harris, Lell Tutum, Albert Howard, Freeman Thompson, Al S Horne, James V 7 ay lor, Mrs Al M 2 Harris, Miss Sarah 2 Tornme, T P Harris. Miss Arebella 2 Tomer, Joseph Hatch, Mr Turner, John Hanson, Wm Thornton, Men Hammond, Airs Elizabeth Tune; James Harvey, Thomas Terry, Sam’l C Hale, Wm N Thornton, Mtcajah Houghton, John Taylor, John L Hailey, John Underwood, Wm II Howell. Nathaniel Vinson, Peyton Hall, Henry AVimbexly, Mrs Narcipa Hogg, James V Word, AVilliam 2 Hasbick, Richard Watkins, Cornelius Hickey, C M YVatson, Thomas 2 Holstead, Willi* Wctherby, P Harris, James Wine, E Augustus Hartncss, Robert Wesson, Alexander 2 Hill. John G Wade, Edward Harris, L N Weart, Barrett W Heard, Mrs Sarah Whort, Sylvanus Hurt, Henry Whitaker, John Harvey, Wiley Watkins. William Iraburt, J J & H Willup, Careyl Johnson, Mrs Ann Wormbel Edmund Johnson, Miss Nancy Williams, Mrs Martha H Jones, Daniel Wilber, Ezra Jackson, Amasa Walters, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs E W Williams, David Johnson, Riley Wood, Williams Johnson, Charles Woods, N G Johason, James Wood, E J St Cos 2 Jones & Danforth Witkms, John Karerchee, Miss Christina Warr, Henry Kidder. Dr Frederick T 2 Watley.Tyre King, Geo W Yarborough, Cyrus H 2 . King, Geo C JAMES VAN NESS, Post Master. pCjp’ Persons calling for anv of the above Letters : will please say they are advertised. 5 3t PIANO FORTES timed and repaired by SA-! MUEL RYDER, Columbus Hotel. March 9. stf j The undersigned has resumed the practice of’ LAW at Columbus, Georgia. Feb. 27. 4'f ALFRED IVERSON. ! JTORID.I CIG A RS. I HAVE jurst received, on consignment, and will keep constantly on hand. 100,000 FLORIDA CIGARS, Manufactured by Wm. McCall, Esq.,iD ! Quincy. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON, Agent, i March 8. 6tf j ROOMS TO RENT. * ! FOUR ROOMS to be rent od in M’Tnfcsh Row, well dakulated for Lawyers, t>t-t:eja, cr Gen tleman’s Sleeping P./n; ■ Mr**’ *. i’s M. N. * LARI'. SHERIFFS’ SALES. TALBOT SALKS. ‘WMTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL . w w next, at the Court House d6oe in” the town of. Talbottort, Talbot county, within‘the legal Hour* of sale, the fblkriving property, to w'll : ; One sorrel horse, seven years did ; one yoke otfdi-’ dn anti a cart ; one Jersey wagmf and harness ; five , cows and calves, two heifers, and tile entire stock of hogs, levied on as the property of Jyjitha M. Stanford, by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. issued frbm Talbot Inff- ’ rior Court, to satisfy James A. Chapman vs. Jeptha AL Stanford. Lot of land No. 131, in the 16th dislricj cf originally Muscogee, now Talbot county, whereoif'PhSonriaS-Miif lins now lives, levied on as the properly df James Gat-” lin, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Hancock county, in favor of John Dickson and others vs. Janies Gat fin. Levy made and nfttfriied 1 to me bv Constable. Also east half of No. 5, in the 24th district of origi nally Muscogee, now Talbott county, levied on as tn property of John Collihs, to'satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a justices’ Court, in favor of William Quinerley and others vs. John Collins. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also the entire stock of goods now on hr nd of the late firm of Ataddilx & Irby, levied on as the property of James J. Irby, surviving copartner of said firm, It*’ satisfy three fi. fas issued from Talliot Inferior Court, one in favor of E. Hamilton, J. R. Hays, L H. Wi ley, arid F. W. Fort, one in favor of Benedict & Bene dict, and one in favor of William Wright. Hairford Smith, Harford Lion and William Clem vs. James J.- Irby, surviving copartner. Said stock of goods con sists of dry goods, hard-ware, crockery-ware, shoes, hats, &c. POSTPONED SALE. Two houses andjots ih the town of Talbotton, to wit, one whereon Wilson Parks now lives, and the other wlifcreon James Thompson now lives, both le vied oh as the property of Phillip L<>n ,T , to satisfy two’ fi. fas. one issued from Talbot Superior Court in far vor of Ellison Taylor vs. Hamilton 1,. Wade and Phillip Long ; the other issued from Talbot Inferio-’ Court, Edward W. Russel vs Phillip Long. Pro perty pointed out bv B. Hill, plaintiff’s Attorney. THOMAS U. ROBINSON, Sheriff. Feb. 26. 4ts~ HEARD SALKS. WWTILL be sold; on the first Tuesday in APRIL wW next, before the Court House door in the town of Franklin, Heard county, at the usual hours of a!e, the following property, viz : Onejot of land No. 160, in the 12th district of origi nally Carroll, now Heard county, levied on as the pro perly of Robert J. AlcCurdy, to satisfy two fi. fa*, in favor ol Thomas Broddus, issued out of a Justice*’ Court in Jasper county, Ga. The said property point ed out by the plaintirt*. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also will be sold, at the same timo and place, the Stare’s intcrost in No. 28, in the 13th district of for merly Carroll, now Heard county, agreeably to an act of the last Legislature. Tcrrrts made known on the day of sale. Also one lot of land No. 298, ih the 3d district of formerly Coweta, now Heard county, levied on as the property of Samuel Kite, to satisfy his tax for the year 1636. Tax due, 9S cents. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. WILL BE SOLD, A T THE SAME PLACE, OIT THE FIRST TUESDAY Ilf MAY NEXT, A negro boy by the name of Bill, about *2 years of age ; also Nat, a boy about 7 years of age ; Job, a boy about 5 years of age, and Siller, a woman, about 44 years of age, levied oil’ as the property of Joseph .Morrow, to satifv a mortgage, fi. fa. in favor of Albert Sears against Joseph Alorrow. Property pointed out by said mortgage n. fa. Feb. 23. 4ts POSEY JOHNSTON, Sheriff. CARROLL SALES. * WILL bo sold, on the first 1 uesday iri APRIL next, before the Court House doOr in the town’ of Carrollton, Carroll county, between the usual hftura of sale, the follow ingproperty, to wit: Lot of land No. 177, in the 9ih district of Carroll county, levied on as the property of John W. Poiner, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Henry county, in faVor of Jones and Johnson vs. said John W. Poincr. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot of land No. 119, in the 10th district, the lot whereon the defendant now lives, levied on as the pro perty of Elijah Hendon, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of the Superior Court of Carroll County, in favor of Law son Homes vs. said Hendon. Lot of land No. 35. in the 7th district of CsfroN county, levied On as the property of Je.mes Cash, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Franklin county, in favor of John P. Carnes vs. said James Cash. Levy made and returned to me by a’ Constable. Property pointed out by Sam. Knox. Feb. 22. ds JOHN DEAN. Sheiiff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD| One sorrel mare and colt, and two leather beds and bed furniture and bedsteads, levied on as the property of Neal Stone, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Christopher Bowen va. Neal Stone. Property pointed out by Jonathan San ders. February 24, 1838. Will be sold, at the same time and place, one red cow and yearling, anil two sows arid eight pigs, levied on as the property of Jonathan Walker, to satisfy a . fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Augustus H. Palmer vs. Jonathan Walker and Wii-’ liani Hardin. MATTHEW REID, D; Sheriff. Feb. 24. 4t* RANDOLPH SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL• next, before the Coi rt House dooi in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, between the husual hours of sale, the following property, viz : Lot of land No. 277, in the Bth district of said county,- levied on as the properly of John D. Leopard, to;ra tify one fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Fay ette county, in favor of Waiters Seal vs. John D. Leo pard. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. Hart half of lot of land No. 162, in the 9th district of said county, levied on as the properly of Alartin W. Britt, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Justices* Court of said county, in favor of Wm. T. Smith v* said Britt. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. Feb. 26. RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. AT TIIE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One lot of land No. £lB, in the sth district of Ran dolph county, levied on as the property of Sam’l Gil more and Henry Summerford, to satisfy the fi. fas. is sued out of a Justices’ Court of Houston county, in fa vor of Charles Haddock vs. Snm’l Gilmore and Henry Summerford. Levy made and re orned to me by st Constable. Also the south half of lot No. 35. in the 10th dptrtftt of Randolph county, levied on as the property of John satisfy two fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Fayette county, in favor of Jesse J. Robin son vs. John Chaners. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. LEWIS GREGORY, D. Sheriff. Feb. 24. 4ts MERIWETHER SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Greenville, Meriwether county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit ; Two negroes, Mike, a man, about thirty-eight years of age, and I.ucy, a woman, thirty-six years of age, levied on as the property of Thomas Bateman, to sa tisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in fav r of Dixon Cureton against Thomas Bateinan. Property |K>intcd oui in said mortgage fi. fa. MORRIS G. TOWLES, D. Sh’fL Jan. 22. 51,* AT THE SAME TIME A XD TL ACE WILL BE SOLD. One sorrel horse, saddle and bridle, levied on as thfr property of Isaac M. Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Walker vs. Isaac M. Tate. Also four negroes, levied on as the property of Bazzel Cone : Sarah, a woman about 20 years of ng, and three small children, Mary, a girl, Short, a hoy, and Jane, a girl, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of A; L. Grant, George D. Sharp, Jjuucan and Hart and others vs. Bazzcl Cone. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also John C. Willingham’s interest In lot cf land No. 207, in the 11th district of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Daniel Keith and others. LcVy made and returned to me by a Constable. One negro boy, by the name of Daniel, about nine or ten years of age. levied on as the property of Richard I. Loyd, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Zachatiah Whif* vs. said Loyd. Levy made and returned to mo by a Constable. Feb. 21. MORRIS G. TOWLES, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME A!TD PLACE VVIL L BE SOI D, One bay horse, levied on as the property of Britten Price, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Mary T. Switzer vs. said Price. One lot of land No. 28, in the Ist district of fomcrlv Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on as the pro perty of Isaac Hammonds, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Harrison Crow vs. said Hammond*. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constah’e. SAMUEL DARDEN, D. Sheriff. Feb. 21. 4,* i— . BARER SALES, WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Couri House door, in the town ! °f Newton, Baker county, within the usual hour* of | sale, the following property, to wit : One lot of land. No. 29, in the 7th district of oiigi j naliy Early, now Baker county, taken as the property | of Thomas E. Whatley, to sa'irfy sundry fi. fas. is- I sued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker eoi nty in favor j of L. C. Mnsgrove vs. Thomas E. Whatley and M. JT. Mtisgrove. Levy made and returned to roe by a Cons'able. Also lots Nos. 1,2 and 3. in the sou'heaTt block, and Nos. 1 and 2 in the south or middle block, and No. 4in the northwest block. Also the store-house and | land, whereon the house stands, on ’he north or middle i block, all in the town of Byron. Baker coun’y, levied j oa .is the property of P. M. Thomas, to satisfy sundry ! ft. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker county, I in Gvor of the administrators of L Bond, depraved V's. ,! B. W. Thompson and P. M. Thomas. Levy mtda ■ ar i rs’-orr.ed tc me hv a Constable. WT7.LIA*T JT Sb*r Fe\ **. *4