Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, March 15, 1838, Image 6

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The American Silk Grower’s Guide,says: ° fall ie V! irielies of Muiberries for silk, me Chinese mulberry, or morns multicaulis, appears that which is most eminently entitled to preference. It originated in the elevated regions of China, a country famous from an tiquity for its silk, and renowned for its in dustry ; a parallel to our own in its climate and divers latitudes. It is to this tree that the disciples of Confucios acknowledge their in debtedness for tl>e prosperity and solidity of their empire. The morns multicaulis, since its introduction into France, seems destined to replace, every where, the common white i mulberry, fir the nourishment of the silk worm, such is its decided superiority over allj others. The tree is beautiful and of rapid growth. This mulberry differs from ail oth ers in the property which the roots possess of; throwing up numerous flexible stalks; the great length the stalks acquire in a short time ; and the facility with which it is propagated from layers; also from the remarkable size l Which the thin, soft and tender leaves speed ily acquire, and the promptitude with which they are renewed. The silk which the worms form from the food afforded by this plant, is not only of superior quality, as has been abundantly proved in France, but cocoons are of unusual size. The leaves, from their extraordinary dimensions, being gathered; with important economy of labor and of time, j and from their superior nutricious qualities, j they are preferred by the silk worms to all others.” The author of the Silk Grower’s Guide, in Smother section of l>is valuable work, commu nicates this important fact, and one that! should he borne in mind by every American citizen : “ Mr. William Carpenter, now of Lisbon, Conn., has manufactured silk at Spitalfields, in London, for twenty years, and is perfectly acquainted with the winding, warping, and weaving of plain silks, such as sarcenets, sa tins, Gros de Naples, Florentines, plushes and velvets ; also figured silks, florets, tohine, tis sues, ;ind Damasks, all of which require very different kinds of silk. During the last six months he has woven many pounds of silk, of American growth, and he has sev.n many samples of American silk far superior to the Bengal, China an 1 French silks, and nearly equal to the best Italian. He has known Italian silks to he sold for a dollar an ounce in England, before it was manufactured ; and the average price is about seven dollars a pound. At the present time the most inferior kinds of manufactured silk imported from England, France and China, are sold in this country for sixteen dollars a pound. And as the cost and fair profit of manu facturing cannot exceed seven dollars, it leaves the enormous price of nine dollars a pound for the raw silk, which price the people of America are now paying to the people of Italy and France.” The same author, in his work before named, and in that section where he estimates the produce of silk, of land and of labor, says : “ J shall close this section with a calcula tion and estimate, whicn has been formed with very particular reference to the best in formed in America.” “ A dwarf mulberry plantation, of a single acre, with the trees set in rows ten feet asun der and two and a half feet in the row, will contain 1,7:23 trees, each tree at six (sav two or three in the South) years of age, will pro-! dtice, as has been estimated, twelve pounds of leaves in a season ; and twelve pounds o leaves, yielded by each single tree, will pro duce 3,000 cocoons ; and 3,000 cocoons will produce one pound of reeled silk, or 1,72 pounds to the acre; ora pla ton tit ion of 100 acres will yield 17,280 pounds of silk when well reeled, which, at the very low estimate of four dollars a pound, would brings69,l2o. This estimate is founded on the calculation of a single crop in the whole season ; hut in this favored climate, and with our prolonged sum mers, we must calculate on successive crops in a season.” ***#### “ At the establishment of the Harmony So ciety, at Economy, in Pennsylvania, on the Ohio River, silk is cultivated, anil some figur ed silk vestings have been produced which may vie with the most beautiful fabrics of Europe. The celebrated Mr. Rapp, who Is the patriarch of this establishment, hesitates not to affirm that the raising of silk is as easy as the raising of wheat, and much less labo rious.” A Real Dialogue. —Belvidera: It seems cruel to kill so many animals for their fur— thirty-six poor little squirrels put io death to make a muff for us!” Emily: “ Yes, it is cruel! Why don’t the monsters take their skins off without killing them ?” The Constitution of the United States. — At a late convivial party, where the song and the glass went round, and when our thoughts and feelings were rather of a social than a political character, an old acquaintance of ours being called on for a sentiment, gave “ The Constitution of the United States, the magnificent stranger of the world !” We do not know whether the idea originated on that occasion, it was at all events new to us, and even amid the wine cup were struck with its beauty and boldness. It is true there is a magnificence in our Constitution, and equally so, that in its vigor, its originality, its adapta tion to the march of free principles—it stands “ the magnificent stranger of the world!” It I was ushered into existence at a period of re volutionary excitement, when the elements of society were shaken to their foundation, and at a time when the loftiest spirits held the sway. It was planned and perfected bv sages, as renowned for their private virtues as their political foresight, embracing in its com position all that was good, and rejecting all that was bad, and which had involved in ruin the proudest edifices in ancient times—it was presented to the world, stately, unassailable, and inimitable, not alone of Corinthian or of Doric order, but the Chef-de’mivrc of ail that was durable and excellent and beautiful. Where is the American who is not proud of this stranger. It was a stranger when it first arose amid the Kings and the Princes of i the earth. It is a stranger now, companion less, and towering above all else that the wis dom of man has framed.—Sf. Joseph Times. A WINTER MORNING ODE. Inscribed to the author of - Rights o f lVomen.” When breakfast bells peal out at seven, And sleepy clerks from bed are driven, To re-commence their cares— When chamber maids in slipshod bustle, Their mops and brooms begin to rustle, On all the painted stairs— How sweet to lock your chamber door, And snug in blankets calmly snore, On a cold winter’s morning. You hear a female voice, perhaps— And sundry inauspicious raps Break in upon your dreams — That rises high, and shriller grows, These come to horrid kicks and blows, “ Like mad” the woman seems ! But oh ! how safely you are hid, Your drooping eye ne’er lifts its iid, Nor heeds the lady’s warning. Visions of smoking hot beefsteaks, And rcaking piles of buckwheat cakes May tempt you oft to rise. And so you gently lift the clothes— The air pops in and wrings your nose, And off the tempter flies, For breakfast you had rather loose. Than one more fine refreshing snooze, While Sol the earth is warming. And then ther ’s little Jane, below, Who on the pantrv si elf will stow A plate of something nice, A herring broiled—some buttered toast— Os venison saved from last night’s roast, A most delicious slice— Oh! then sleep on, and bravely brook The angry tongue of Airs. Cook. And Mad-uue Bi*-* r d’s storming! CITY HALL. Cotusicus, Ga. ) Ma-ch 17, 183S. ] Council met pursuant to adjournment, 7 o’clock, P. M. Present, Aldermen Ware, Chipley, Read, Smith, Williams, Hooper, and Davis. On i motion Alderman Smith was called to the chair as Mayor pro tem. By Alderman Lewis: Resolved, That so soon as the public hands have completed the work at which they are at present engaged, that the Marshal take them and pave the ! sidewalks on both sides of St. Clair street, | from the Methodist church as far out as the | improved lots extend. By Alderman Hooper: Resolved, That ’ the Marshal be ordered to lake the public hands, and proceed to open the ditch on the west Commons, and running a ditch through j his Honor the Mayor’s lot, so as to drain off a stagnant pond, which is near said lot. By Alderman Chipley : Resolved, That any part of the south Commons, suitable for fisheries, not otherwise occupied, be let to the highest bidder by the Marshal, (after ten ; days notice,) tor the term of three years; to be let under the superintendence of the Com mittee on contracts. By Alderman Williams: Resolved, That the Clerk issue license for the present year to ihe defaulting retailers of spirituous liquors, j upon the payment of the execution and cost | which has been issued against them. By Alderman Chipley: Resolved, That a j member of Council he appointed to represent I the City Council in the meeting of the stock i holders of the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company, on next Saturday, and 1 that the said member be instructed who to vote for. An account of Mrs. Hammond’s was pre sented for boarding and nursing John Camp bell, 2!) days, S2O, and ordered to be paid out of the Treasury. Council proceeded to elect a superinten dent of the Hospital, and Mrs. McGee was elected superintendent. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Hook and Ladder Company, made their report and recommended the aidoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That the officers of the Hook and Ladder Company provide themselves, and the members of the company, with uni forms, caps, 16 ladders, 16 hooks and ropes, one dozen axes, and one waggon suitable for the transportation of the fire implements. Resolved, That the committee on fire en gines be joined with the officers of said com pany, in the execution of said duty, and lhat the amount for the same, after having been approved by the committee, be paid by the city Treasurer. A petition from S. M. Ingerso!, was read and referred to the committee on contracts. The committee to whom was refered the petition of R. P. Guyard, made their report and offered the following resolution : Resolved, That R. P. Guyard be entitled to all the necessary privilege along the river bank, and one hundred and fifty feet out from the high water mark, from Ihe corner of the old ferry landing up the river to the en closed lot, for the purpose of a boat yard on ly, with the privilege of erecting shelters and making such enclosures as are necessary far the protection of the same, for the term of three years, by paying to the City Council twenty dollars annually, for said privilege, and that the Clerk be instructed to take his notes lor the same, with security; vet the City Council reserves to itself the privilege of build ing wharves, any time the} 7 may think proper, on said premises. Council lhcn adjourned uniil Saturday, the 23d day of March, at 7 1-2 o’clock, P. M. Published bv order of Council. J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. CALLED MEETING. CITY H 1 LL, Columbus, Ga . > March 14, 5 o’clock, P. M. ) Present, his Honor the Mayor, Aldermen Smith, Williams, Lewis, Ware, Allen, and Chipley. AN ORDINANCE To carry into effect an Act of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, incorporating the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company, and to authorize the issue of City Bonds. Whereas, by the third section of an Act passed by the Legislature of the State of Georgia, assented toon the 29th of Decem ber, 1836, entitled an Act to alter and amend an Act, emitted fin Act to incorporate the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Com pany, passed the 21st Dece aber, 1835, and to give said Company Banking privilege, the C np oration of the City of Columbus are au thorised to order the opening of books of sub script m to the slock of said Company at such time and place as they may deem expedient. And, whereas, books of subscription have been opened under the order of Council, in the City of Columbus, and several Counties, under the superintendence of Commissioners, in said order mentioned, and, whereas, a suf- ficient quantity of stock in said Company has not been taken and subscribed for, to justify tiie organization of the Company, under the said former order of Council, Be it therefore Ordained, That Col. J. W. Campbell, James R. Jones, and J. L. Lewis, be and are here by appointed Commissioners for receiving subscriptions for stock in the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company, and shall keep said books open two days from and after the passage of this Ordinance, if they shall deem it necessary, which books shall be opened at the City Hall in Columbus. Be it further Ordained, That the City Treasurer shall turn over to the said Com missioners, the list of subscribers taken under his superintendence, by an order of Council ; and said Commissioners shall receive the twenty-five per cent, required to be paid in I by the charter from said subscribers for stock, j as well as on subscriptions for stock taken j under their superintendence. Be it further Ordained, That so soon as the stock of said Chattahoochee Rail Road and Banking Company shall be taken up, or so much as will justify the organization of said Company, the City of Columbus, in her corporate capacity, will issue City Bonds to the amount of seven hundred and fifty thous and dollars; it being the one fourth part of the capital stock of said Company ; provided that the said Rail Road and Banking Com pany shall transfer and assign to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Columbus notes to the extent of the Bonds desired ; which said notes shall be secured by mortgages on real eslate which shall be considered as worth twice the amount of the notes transferred, in dependent of all loans, mortgages, and other claims. And the said City Council reserves to itself the right to determine, in such way j as they may appoint, upon the value of the property, and the validity of the mortgages; and. also to require, if they deem it necessary, additional security from said Rail Road and Banking Company; and said notes, mort gages. and securities shall be held and pledged b.V said city as collateral security for the pay ment of said Bonds. And said R.R.andßank mg Company shall have the privilege, if it shall become necessary for the purpose of re lieving a stockholder, of subscribing other se curities, provided said securities are deemed ample and satisfactory, and shall never be of less value than double the amount of the note or notes given; and provided also that any ‘ stockholder shall at any time have the privi lege of redeeming the property pledged, and taking up the mortgage, upon the payment of the amount in cash for which it may have been mortgaged. Be it further Ordained, That all orders and Ordinances heretofore passed, conflicting with this Ordinance, be and are hereby re scinded. Published by order of the Board. J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. I MEDICO THERMOMETRICAL RECORD, FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBUS. March, 1838. | Range of ; Direc | - Thermo. State lions Days of the of the of week. _g m’g M. n’t Weather wind. Wednesday 14 58 33 62 cloudy s I hursday 15159 37 64 fair n w Friday 16 57 32 47 cloudy- w Saturday 17 48 56 45 fair nw Sunday 18 18 54 49 hazy nw Monday 19 j4fi 64 |SO fair w Tuesday 20|52 34 ;53 fair w REMARKS.—During this month some inflamma tory diseases have made their appea-ance, principally of a pleuritic and pneumonic character, easily controll ed, however, by the judicious use of the lancet. With this slight exception the health of the city continues un_ usually good. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY ALLEN AND YOUNG. A RIICLES. PRICES BAGGlNG—Kentucky, - . yd 00 23 aOO 25 Inverness, yd 00 22 aOO 24 American Tow, .... y d 00 00 aOO 00 BALE ROPE, lb 00'12 aOO 14 BACON—Hams, .... lb 0015 aOO 16 Sldes , lb 00 15 aOO 16 Shoulders, lb 00 12 aOO 12 BEEF—Mess, hbl 13 00 als 00 Pr >n‘c, bl.l 750a00 00 BUTTER—Goshen, - - - lb 00 25 aOO 37J Western,, lb 00 25 aOO 31 CANDLES—Sperm, lb 00 40 a 45 00 Tallow, lb 00 15 aOO 20 CASTINGS, lb 600 a 700 CHEESE—Noithern, - - - lb 00 16 aOO 20 COTTON, lb 00 6jaoo 8$ COFFEE—Havanna green, - lb 00 15 aOO 16 Rio , lb 00 12£a 00 14 FlSH—Mackerel, No. 1, - - lb 00 12 aOO 14 “ “ 2, - - lb 10 00 al2 50 “ “ 3, - - ib 900a 950 Herrings, - • - - - . box 200a00 00 FLOUR—Northern, - - - bbl 12 00 al3 00 Western, ...... bbl 11 00 al2 00 Country, bbl 10 00 a 12 00 GRAIN—Corn, bu 100a00 00 Wheat, bu 02 00 aOO 00 GUNPOWDER, - ... keg 000 a 850 HIDES, lb 00 7£o 00 81 IRON, ........ lb 00 6a 00 7 LARD, lb 00 11 aOO 12 LIME, cask 400 a SCO MOLASSES—N. Orleans, - gal 00 48 aOO 50 NAILS, lb 00 9 aOO 10 PORK—Mess, - - - - - lb 00 25 aOO 27 Prime, lb 00 17 aOO 23 PEPPER, lb 00 12Ja 00 15 PEAS, bu 00 75 a 100 RAISINS, box 250 a 400 RICE. - lb 00 6a 00 7 SPIRITS—Brandy, Cognac, gal 175a 225 Peach, gal 1 12£a 150 Apple, gal 00 58 aOO 60 GlN—Holland, gal 150 a 175 Domestic, gal 00 62| a 00 65 RUM—Jamaica, ----- gal 177 a 225 Domestic, gal 00 60 aOO 621 WHISKEY—Irish, ... gal 00 00 a 400 Monongahela, gal 00 65 a 1 00 New Orleans, ..... gal 00 60 aOO 62| SUGAR—New Orleans, - lb 00 10a00 12j St. Croix, lb 00 14 aOO 15 Loaf, - - lb 00 18 aOO 22 SALT, - - - sack 400 a 425 SOAP, - lb 00 8 aOO 10 SHOT, lb 225 a 250 STEEL—Cast, ..... lb 00 183a 00 25 German, ...... lb 00 00 aOO 15 Blistered, lb 00 12 aOO 20 TALLOW, lb 00 8a 00 9 TEA—Green, ..... lb 100 a 150 Black, lb 00 00 aOO 75 TOBACCO—first quality, - - lb 00 40 aOO 50 Second quality, - - - - - lb 0016 aOO 25 WlNES—Madeira, L.P. - - gal 300 a 350 Sicily, ....... gal 150 a 175 Malaga, gal 00 G2£ a 00 70 Claret, Marseilles, ... box 500 a 600 Claret, Bordeaux, ... box 600 a7 00 i-Zjff Bishop Kemper, having been detained in Flo rida longer than he expected, is obliged to postpone his visit to Columbus another week. The Consecration of the Church, therefore, will not take place until Sun day, the first day of April pros. March 22. “ KNOW THYSELF.” XIR. S. UfclilVlS, FROM PARIS, PUPIL of Dr. GALL, practical Phrenologist, has the honor to inform the public that he will’ remain a short time in this city. Ladies and Gentlemen who wish to have a Phrenological examination cf their heads will please call at the Oglethorpe House. The science of Phrenology being particularly useful in the education of Children, Mr. H. will, at the re quest of parents, examine and give charts of their heads. Ladies visited at their residence. March 22. 7if NOTICE. IF the man who took two barrels of POTATOES from on board the steamer Frances, marked G. B. T. on one head, and J, Day & Cos. on Ihe other, will’ return them, no questions will he asked, and I will in form him where he can hook a plenty. March 21. 7tf G. B. TERRY*. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofoie existing between J. S. SMITH, F. A. FAIRCHILD & R. VV. MORRIS, was dissolved on the 24fh of February last, by mutual consent. The business will be closed by the subscribers, at the old stand, J. S. SMITH, F. A. FAIRCHILD. N. 8.-We again invite those indebted to come forward and pay before return day is over, as our notes and accounts must be closed. March 21. 7tf J. S. SMITH & Cos. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partncrshii) heretofore existing under the firm of THOS. H. SMITH & Cos , in the city of Columbus, was dissolved by mutual consent on the sth inst. Those indebted to the late firm, will make pay ment to Thos. 11. Smith, who is duly authorised to settle all the business of the late firm. THOS. H. SMITH, TSAAC H. SMITH. Columbus, March 21, 1838. The business will be continued by THOS. H. SMIT H, at the old stand, who has on hand a ge.nerai assortment of Groceries, which will be sold low for ! cash. 7 4 t CAUTION. ALL persons are forewarned from trading for four PROMISSuRY NOTES OF HAND, exe cuted by rne to John Mayhair, for twenty-five dollars each, dated some time in last of January, or first of February, 1836, and due the 25th of December next, thereafter. The consideration of said notes having en tirely failed, L will not pay them unless compelled by law - D. K. MYERS. Muscogee county. Ga., March 13. 7 4t TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAI from the subscriber, in Sumter county, on the 25th day of December last a Negro man by the name of STEPHEN, a large man, of yellow complexion, about forty or fort}-five years of age, five feet nine or ten inches high, slow spoken, and very submissive when spoken to ; one or two of his fore teeth are out. He carried a large bundle of clothes with him when he went away from Sumter. He was seen lurking about a Mr. Lerov Jenkins’, in Randolph county, about a week after. He was there no doubt, and probably is there yet. The above reward will be given for his apprehension and delivery at Code & Quin’s, in Columbus, or for his confinement in any jail, so that the subscriber may get him. ‘ MICHAEL MADDEN, j Feb. 1. 52tf EXECUTOR’S SALE. WILL be sold, at public Auction, on the fourth Monday in APRIL next, in the town if Tus kegee, Macon county. Alabama, the following valua ble Tracts of COTTON LAND, viz : W 30 17 24 S 35 15 23 W 34 14 23 E 14 15 23 N 29 15 23 N 19 14 23 W 10 14 23 S 29 15 23 S 22 14 22 E 25 15 22 S 30 15 23 W 6 16 24 N 814 23 N3515 23 N1416 24 E 36 15 2-2 ElOl4 23 N 116 24 N2415 23 N1915 24 E3OIB 23 j W 2515 22 W 2415 22 E 2517 21 Frac. 4 14 22 S 27 15 22 N 21 15 22 E 13 14 22 E 24 15 22 S 1 16 21 S 24 15 23 S 19 16 25 S 2S 15 23 27 14 24 (whole Section.) Terms of sale.—One half payable on the first day of Jan. 1839. and the other half payable on the first ! ’ day of Jan. 1840, with interest from date. The secu rity required, and other particulars, will he made : known on the day of sale. The sale to be positive, and the lands sold without reserve. Titles warranted. EDVTD HAYRICK. i Executor of William Walker, dec’d. N. B.—All persons who purchased lands from Wil- ! liam Walker, deceased, or hold his bonds for titles to the same, are requested to be at Tuskegee on the day of sale. E. H. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold, the follow ing tracts: S 22 15 -23 E 14 16 22 SE {2l 18 21 | N2215 23 Elßl4 23 S 35 19 21 j N -23 16 22 W2llß 21 j Terms. &c. same as above. March 16. 74t EDWARD HANRICK. GARDEN SEEDS. JUST received, an additional supply of Garden Seeds, warranted genuine, and of the growth of 1837 Also a few Field and Flower Seeds. 1 March 15. 63t H. C. PHELPS & Cos. A UCTION SALE BY SAMUEL M. JACKSON. THIS DAY AT 10 O’CLOCK, WILL be sold, at the store, at present in part oc cupied by Peter McClaren, a general assort ment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Consisting of Cassimeres, Satinetls, Merino Cloths, Ginghams, Silks and Satins, Gauze Veils, Velvet Vestings, Calicoes, Muslins, Shawls, (Silk and Wors ted.) Bonnets, Capes, Collars and Collaretts, Silk and Cotton Hose and half Hose, Cotton and Silk Hand kerchiefs, &c. &c. ALSO, At 12 o'clock on the someday, 1 Case of Combs, assorted, 1 Lot Paper Hangings. Terms, Cash, Banka ble Money. Columbus. March 22. 7 It SOUTHERN DISEASES. RESTORATIVE RILLS, FOlt THE CUKE OF LIVER DISEASES AND INDIGESTION, And for restoring a healthful action in the Stomach and Bowels. THESE PILLS ate decidedly the most superior that have ever yet been offered to the Southern public. The healthy influence which they exercise in correcting the morbid derangments of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, renders them at once the most useful, as well as the safest and surest remedy which can be used in the diseases for which they arc recom mended. The remedial powers of these Pills are confined to diseases of die Liver, and all those Sympathetic, Se condary, and Complicated Affections which depend on a derangment of that important organ, as Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Enlargement of the Spleen. Rheumatism , dependant on biliary derangment, Palpitation of the Heart, when sympathetic and symptomatic of'diseased Liver, Similated Consumption, from enlargement of the Liver, encroaching upon the cavity of the Lungs, producing irritation, imflammation, and finally suppu ration in these organs : Obstructions of the Menstrual dow, from enlargement of the Liver and Spleen, acting in such conditions as general reservoirs of the blood, di verting and absorbing those due proportions destined for the healthful supply of other neighboring organs ; low, nervous Despondency, dull, heavy Spirits, brood ing over imaginary evils, Lingering Debility, and oth er unhealthy conditions of the system, which frequently follow severe attacks of Bilious Fever, or are con tracted from residences in low, sickly sections of coun try ; Secondary Sypilis, in which the Biliary Secre tions are frequently much deranged, and the general health and constitution thereby much impaired ; dispo sition to attacks of Bilious Cholic entirely removed, and a most excellent remedy in Yellow Jaundice. These Pills will cure Bilious Fever, and Ague anti Ft ur,and are perhaps the very best remedy for pre venting attacks of these diseases, by their great virtues in cleansing the Stomach and Bowels of irritating ac cumulations, and restoring the system to healthful and vigorous action. PRICE, ONE DOT.LAR per Box, accompanied with directions for their use, to be had genuine and fresh at the office of Dr. DELONY, March 22,1838. 7tf Columbus, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. POSTPONED. AGREEBLE to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Talbot county, sitting for ordi dary purposes, will be sold, before the Court House door, in Newton, Baker county, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing land, to wit: Lot of land No. 400, in the 7th district cf originally Early, now Baker county, it being the property of William P. WHlton, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 13, 7ts B. D. BREWSTER, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Carroll county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, willbe sold, htfort the Court House door in Cass county, on the first Tuesday in JUN E next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 291, in the sth district of said county, containing 160 acres. Also, before the Court House door in Cherokee county, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 271, in the 2d dis trict of said county, containing 40 acres. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Aaron Jones, sen., late of Carroll county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. DANIEL JONES, JMarch 10. 7ts HENRY* JONES, Adm’rs. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold, at the late residence of John Por ter, deceased, on the third Saturday in MAY next, two horses, all the stock of cattle, hogs, goats, plantation tools, and o her articles too tedious to men tion, all of said deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. March 16. 7ts JOEL L. PORTER, Adm’r. GEORGIA, SUMTER .COUNTY. WHEREAS Jno B. McCarter applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of William M. Servin, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand kt office, March 12 1838. 7 it EDMUND NUNN. n. c. c. o. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. WHEREAS Doily Johnson applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Benja min Johnson, late of said county, deceased— Tiiese arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand-at office, March 5, 1838. 7 4t LEVI M. ADAMS, c. c. o. GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court of said county , sitting for ordinary pur poses. Present. IVily B. Ector. Janies Render, William D. Martin, and Willis Jones , Justices. NaSTTHEREAS Adam Spring, administrator ol the w W estate of Edward Spring, deceased, applies for letters of dismission ; and whereas Wily B. Ector, administrator of the estate of Isaac Hall, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission— These are therefore to notify all persons in any man ner interested, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any, why said letters of dismission should not be granted to them. Given under my hand, this sth day of March, 1838. 7m6m LEVI M. ADAMS, c. c. o. GEORGIA, HEARD COUNTY. WHEREAS Winston Wood applies to me for Letters of administration on the estate of Tho ma~ Hudson, late of said county deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, March 5, 1838. 7 4t BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. c.o. GEORGIA, TALBOT COUNTY. To the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, sit ting as a Court of Ordinary : THE petition of Henry Shepherd sheweth that William Shepherd, late of said county, but now deceased, in his lifetime, made, executed, and deliver ed, to your petitioner, his certain bond, in writing, for titles to a certain half lot of land, being the south half of lot number thirteen, in the sixteenth district of origi nally Houston, now Upson county ; and your peti tioner further sheweth, that the said William, since the making of the said bond, (a copy of which is hereto annexed,) without having executed titles to the said land, in terms of his said bond, hath departed this life, and that James Ballard has administered on the estate of the said William ; and also, that the purchase mo ney has been, or is ready to be paid for said lot of land. Wherefore your petitioner prays a Rule Nisi may be granted, calling upon the said James Ballard, ad ministrator as aforesaid, to make titles to said lot of land, or shew cause to the contrary, v ithin the time prescribed by the statute. ALEX. W. SNEED, Peti’ioner’s Attorney. COPY OF BOND. GEORGIA, UPSON COUNTY. Know all men by these presents, that I, William Shepherd.sen., do acknowledge myself held and firmly bound unto Henry Shepherd, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, for the true payment of which I, the said William, do, by these presents, bind myself, my heirs and assigns, &c. this 2d October, 1834. The condition of the above bond is such, that when the said Henry Shepherd does pay, or cause to be paid, unto die above Wm. Shepherd the sum of two hundred and fifty-three dollars, then, if the above bound Wm. Shepherd, do make, or cause to be made, unto the said Henry Shepherd, his heirs and assigns, &c. good and sufficient rights and titles to a certain tract or parcel of 1 land, known and distinguished bv lot number thirteen, I in the sixteenth district of originally Up son county, it being the south half of said lot, as di ; vided heretofore, then the ab ve ! ond is to be null and void, and of non effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law. In witness whereof I have here- I unto set my hand and seal, this 2d October, 1834, in I presence of Test. Robt. H. Mcßryde, Charles Jordax, his f < , WILLIAM X SHEPHERD, < l. s. S mark. *~~ ’ It appearing !o the Court, ‘hat William Shepherd, during his lifetime, made and delivered a bond for titles to a half lot of land, in the above petition named, to the said Henry Shepherd, and that ihe said William hath departed this life, without having executed titles in terms of his bond, and that .Tames Ballard hath admin istered on his estate. It is, therefore, on morion, or dered. that the said Janies Ballard, administrator as aforesaid, appear and make titles, or show cause tothe contrary, within the lime prescribed by law; and that a copy of these proceedings be published agreeably to the statute in such case made and provided. A true copv from the minutes. WILLIAM S. GOSS.c. r.o. March Term, 1533. 7m4m ‘ FOLR MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Heard county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Dennis Bales, late of said county, deceased. WILLIAM PRITCHETT, Adm’r. March 5. 7 PETIT GULF COTTON SEED, AT reduced prices, warranted genuine, and for sale by YONGE & ELLIS. March 15. 6tf 4 BBLS Newark Cider, Jad 10 boxes fresh Lemons, just received, and for sale by March 15. 6tf YONGE & Et.LIS. BS. IIAWLEY, wholesale and retail Drtig • gist, at Aualachicola and St. Joseph, Florida. Nov. 1,1837. 24if RAYMOND & ALLISON, wholesale Grocers and commission Flor. Aug. 11. 18tf SEGARS. —20 M Florida Segars; 5 M choice Havana do, for sale by June 9. 10tf SAML. M. JACKSON, Auct. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. THOSE persons who are indebted to me for work done, &c., are earnestly desired to come forward and pay up. I know that the times are severe, but I must have the rhino , or I cannot pay my honest debts. This is the last call—the next will be a tap on the shoulder. MICHAEL HOFFMAN. March 15. 6 3t NOTICE. ALL those owning REA . ESTATE in the toivn of Girard, are requested to come to Amos & Moore, forthwith, and give in their Tax for the same. Bv order of the Board. WM. AMOS, Clerk and Tres. Girard, March 7, 1838. 5 3t NOTICE. MN. CLARK, Esq., is duly authorised to set • tie with all persons indebted, or having de mands against me You are, therefore, particularly invited to come forth, as he has full instruction to pro ceed immediately in the settlement of my affairs. N. B As I am compelled to have money by Spring. I hope this notice will be a sufficient hint. March 8. stf E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. NOTICE. BY virtue of an order of the Inferior Court of Stewart county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, be tween the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door in the town of Talbotton, lot of land No. 10, in the 23d district of originally Muscogee, now Talbot county.— Sold as the property of Cordelia Ann Calhoun, a mi nor. Terms of sale will be made known on the day by her GUARDIAN. Feb. 19. sts NOTICE. I FOREWARN all persons from trading for one promissory NOTE for S2O, made payable to John A. More, dated some time in January last, due the 25th of Dec., 1838. The consideration for which said note was given has entirely failed, and I am determined not to pav it unless compelled by law. Feb. 27; 53m OWEN SIMPLER. NOTICE. ALL persons are cautioned against trading for ten PROMISSORY NOTES, signed by me, pay able to Charles Rosende, or order, bearing date the first of May, 1838. One for $1656 2-100, due four months after date ; one for $1677 53-100, due six months after date; one for $1699 3-100, due eight months after date; one for $1720 54-100, due ten months after date ; one for $1742 5-100, due twelve months after date. Also four Rent. Notes, dated at the same time, for two hundred dollars each, due at three, six, nine and twelve months from date. As I am determined not to pay either of said notes, unless the said Charles Rosende complies on the first of May next, with his part of the contract in connexion with which said notes were given. March 7. 54t ISAAC H. SMITH. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late film of ALFRED SHORT & CO. and A. F. ALFRED, will please call on the subscriber, ( et the store of Alfred & Porter, and settle the same. A. F. ALFRED. March Ist. 4 6t ~ NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby forewarned from crediting any of the officers or crews of the Steamboats Alabama, Muscogee or Oceola, as no debts contracted by them will be paid by the owners. Feb. 13. 2tf T. &M. EVANS. Agents. NOTICE. W HER AS the eleventh section of an act to in corporate a banking company under the name of the Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus, assented to 30th December, 1836, requires those who may have sold their stock, to give sixty davs’ notice of the same, in some public gazette of this” State. Therefore, in compliance with said section, I do here by give notice, that I have transferred the Stock in said Bank to which I was entitled as one of the origi nal Stockholders. JOHN L. LEWIS ‘ F-.b. 20. 3 9t NOTICE—SAVE COST. ALL in iobtea to the subscribers, either by Note or Book account, are requested to come forward and make payment, on or before the 10th of MLrch next. Those who do not comply will find them in the hands of an Attorney for collection. Columbus. Feb, 23. 3tf J. S. SMITH & Cos. NOTICE IS hereby given to all concerned, thai I have charged lot No. 316, in the 13th district of Houston county, (prime land,) for its Taxes from the year 1823 to the year 1837, inclusive, agreeable to the Tax Law now in force in this State. DANTEL DUPREE, n. t. r. h. c. Perry, March 9, 1838. 6m6m NOTICE. THE cit izens of Columbus are requested tocali at the City Hall, where the Clerk will attend from 9 o’clock A. M., until 1 P. M., and from 2 until 5 P. M. each day, (the Sabbath excepted.) until the 25th day of April next, for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for the city of Columbus. J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. Columbus, March 15, 1838. 6 4t DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of STAF FORD & WOODWARD, Florence, Ga„ is dis solved by mutual consent. H. W. Wo .dward, one of the late firm, will attend to and settle all the business of the firm. WM. STAFFORD. Florence, Stewart county, Ga. Feb. 14. 6m3m CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby forewarned from trading for a certain PROMISSORY NOTE, made by myself to Henry Brewer, or bearer, dated the sth January last., payable on the first day of March next, for one hundred and twenty-five dollars. As the con sideration for which said note was given has failed. 1 am determined not to pay said note, unless compelled by law. WM. STAFFORD. Florence, Feb. 14. 6 3t WESTERN fit ATLANTIC RAILROAD. TO LAND OWNERS.—Persons owning Land in DeKalb, Cobb, Cass, and Murray counties, over which the route of the Western and Atlantic Railroad passes, and especially Guardians, Executors or Administrators, having legal control of any lot or lots of land on said route, are respectfully requested to attend at the Commissioners’ Office, in Marietta, Cobb county, at any time, to suit their convenience, in the month of April or May next, for the purpose of having their claims (if any) against the State, adjusted and settled, for the concession of the right of way for said Railroad, over their lots of land, respectively. Bv order of the Board of Commissioners. C. L. BOLTON, Sec’y pro tern. Feb. 24. 6 4t STAGE LINE TO FORT GAINES. THE public are informed that a line of Stages has been put on the route to Fort Gaines, via Flo rence and Irwinton, leaving Columbus (starting from Whiteside’s Tavern) every Tuesday and Friday, at 6 o’clock A. M., and arrive at Irwinton same day by 6 P. M.; leaving Fort Gaines every Sunday and Thurs day, at 6 P. M. Stage office, in Columbus, at John Whiteside’s ; at the Tavern in Florence ; in Irwinton, at Morrison’s ; Fort Gaines, at Sutliff’s. BISSELL & WHITESIDE, Proprietors. March 6. 6tf THE ART OF SELF-DEFENCE, TAUGHT AT THE OGLETHORPE HOUSE. MR. BAUGE (the Pugilist) most respectfully informs the Gentlemen of the city of Columbus, and its vicinity, that he will continue to take Scholars until the first of April next. The art of Boxing and Wrestling, with various other branches of Self-De fence will be taught to perfection. Payment is not re quired in advance, and if full satisfaction is not given, no charge will be made. Mr. B. will teach at his Gymnasium, (at. the Oglethorpe House,) every day from 12 to 2, and from 8 to 10 at night. Private lessons will be given at Gentlemen’s houses | from 9 to 12 A. M., and from 3 to 6 P. M. Mr. B. will remain in the city until his class is made perfect; after which, having an engagement to fill in another section of this State, he will not undertake a second class. March 15. 6tf MUSCOGEE SUPERIOR COURT. James Reynolds 1 vs. > L ibel for divorce. Elizabeth P. Reynolds. ) IT appearing to the Court that the defendant in the above case resides beyond the limits of this state, it is, on mortion, ordered, that she appear at the next term of this Court, then and there to answer the said libel; and in failure to do so, the Court will proceed to • trial, as in case of default. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Muscogee county, this 6th daiv of Feb.. 1836. Im3m GERARD BURCH. Clerk. ROOMS TO RENT. FOUR ROOMS to be rented in M’lntosh Row.i well calculated fjr Lawyers, Doctors, or Gen-! ! tlemen’s Sleeping Rooms. 1 March 8. stf M. N. CLARK. A gent. SHERIFFS’ SALES. HEARD SALES. WILL bs-soid, on the nrst Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Franklin, Heard county, at the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz :• One lot of land No. 160, in the 12th district of origi nally Carroll, now Heard county, levied on as the pro perty of Robert J. McCurdy, to satisfy two fi. fas. ill favor of Thomas Broddus,"issued out of a Justices’ Court in Jasper county, Ga. The said property point ed out by the plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also will be sold, at the same time and place, the State’s interest in No. 28, in the lS.'h district of for merly Carroll, now Heard county, agreeably to an act of the last Legislature. Terms made known on the day of sale. Also one lot of land No. 298, in the 3d district of formerly Coweta, now Heard county, levied on as the property of Samuel Kite, to satisfy his tax for the year 1536. Tax due, 98 cents. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. WILL BE SOL D, JIT THE SAME PLACE, OX THE FIJIST TUESDAY IX MAY NEXT, A negro boy by the name of Bill, about 22 years of age ; also Nat, a boy about 7 vears of age ; Job, a boy about 5 years of age, and Siller, a woman, about 44 years of age, levied on as the property of Joseph Morrow, to satify a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Albert Sears against Joseph Morrow. Property pointed out by said mortgage fi. fa. Feb. 23. 4ts POSEY JOHNSTON, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One cotton gin and running gear, levied on as the property of Joseph C. Dunlap, in favor of George W. Tu.rentine vs. said Dunlap. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD, D. Sheriff. March 19. 7ts LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING ill the Post Oibce at Columbus, March 1,1838. Atkins, Thomas B Kav, \Ym K Allison, Miss Jane E Knott, Nathaniel Arms, Charles 3 Kell non, H J M Alston, Willis Kent, Thomas Adams, Mrs Sarah L Knowles, Robert Aldridge, Charles J Kirteher, Mr Aifriend, El D Kunze, Geo W Askew J&JH Keinp, Richard L Anderson, Win N Knight, Mr Bugg, Dr Thomas J 3 Lewis, L Babbett, Erasmas 3 Low, Miss Martha E 2 Bartlett, John Legrand, James 2 Bloodworth, Henry Laroche, Isaac Brasville, James Langford, Henry Bartlett, George Liverman, James Burt, Richard Little, Miss Mary Brown, J W P Loony, Larkin Burwell, Arche Lunsford, Geo J Bosworih, J E’ 2 Lorell & Matson Blanchard, Ephraim Mifflin, J H Baldwin, Marcus L Miars, Mrs Antoneth Beil, Francis Mitchell, Miss Francis Bell, Samuel Maxwell, Henry S Baldwin. Samuel Mims, Martin Bullard, Daniel Miazles, Alfred Banks, Thos G Moore, Nehamiah Barry, Patrick Mitchell, John Boykin, F E Matthews, Mathew Brantly, Henry Miller, Joseph Burch, Thomas Mitchell, James M Bolt, Miss Louisa Moore, Wm C Brown, Miss Elizabeth Mullen, Josiali Baira, Mrs Eliza lVleryill, John Brigman, Miss Mary Ann Murrell, Lemuel Barrow, Burrell Monroe, Patrick 2 Byrd, Asa Mitchell, Mrs Martha Brown, Stephen C Makey, Samuel Bates, Mrs Caroline Mims, Robert Baulk, Uriah Massy, John Bickworth, E’ W Mitchell, Mrs Catharn Bonna, T B Miles, Green Bishop, David Martin, Geo W B 2 Beman, D E Mirick, Wm Breedlove, M B Moore, Miss Eliza Currants, John Martin, Maj G W Cullins, P McGraken, Samuel Cook, Cornelius McCombs, Timothy Catnmack, Wm A McClusky, John Powell, Christopher W McClenden Crosby, Edmond McGeha, Dr Wm J Chadwick, Oliver McMurry, Wm Campbell, Thomas J McDaniel, Benj F Crosby, Mrs Mary McKenzie, Miss Rebecca Crawford, J A McLester, Nathan Craig, John 3 McJenkm, Samuel Clark, Jacob McKeen, Wm C Cook, E D McCartin, Mrs Eleanor Cook, W F Nixon, Wm II Clark, Marion S 2 North, C P Cook.H Niles, J S 4 Cooke, Andrew J Norris, Nathan I Cox, Moses Nott, Walter S Cooke, Johnson Odom, Daniel II Crawford, Hugh N Owen, Sarah A Candor, Charles Powers, Wm K Collins, John Parks, Sarah O Cox, Zelpha Perry, John M Clemmon, Mrs Elizabeth 2Pond, Asa 2 Culpepper, John P Pond, Thomas 7 Chambers, Philip Pride, John Chittenden, L S Parker, Jesse 2 Christy, Albert M Herry, Henry Caverns, James A Pruett, Mis Elizabeth Carr, Warner Parcell, Stewart Cholcall, Mr Pickett, James M Cozart, W IVI Parsons, Parra J Campbell, Miss Caroline Powers, Mrs Maria E M 2 Porter, W Courson, Dolly Mrs Philips, Miss Jane Day, John 2 Page, Miss Antonette Dudley, Miss Eliza 2 Pepper, Mrs C V 2 Dcvoraux, Charles 2 Perry, S 3 Dickinson, Rufus 2 Powers, Benj Davis, Win C Philips, John M Dent, John H Rogers, Burwell Doles, Francis Robinson, Robert Dozur, N B Rouse, F Davidson, Joseph Robinson, Miss Francis Daniels, Julius Reid, Miss Jane H Drury, Sherman Rynn, Joseph D 2 Dun, Lewis M Rakestraw, Miss S J Delony, Westley G Robertson, Mrs Mary A Dawson, Henry C Redwin, Jacob Davis, Hugh “ Rouch, Miss Lucretia Davenport, Joseph Rose, Henry 2 Dunn, Alexander Robinson, James W Douglass, John Roberts, Enoch C Dougherty, Robert Russell, James Everitt, Solonum liulin, Thomas Evans, Rev Josiuh John Little & Cos Etls, Nathan 2 Stanford, Nathahiel D Evans, Mrs Susan Shirter, John Forbes, Geo D Starrings, Miss Charlotte Forester, Joel 2 Smith, Cullen W Fargo, J C Storrall, George W Fannen, Mrs M D Southwell, John Fetner, James S Smith, Spirs Foster, Mathew Therman, Edgar Gibson, Jacob 2 Scott, G eorge Garrara, Wm 3 Swearingra, A A Gibson, Felix 2 Stund, John Goodman, Mrs Ellen Sherrell, S B Green, Mrs Eliza E Shivers, James Glasgow, Robinson Scarborough, James A Gregory, Ephraim 2 Shepherd, Martin W Gray, B H Smith, E W Gregg, J E Simpson, C N Grant, Mrs Mary P Skillruger, Wm Godfrey, Janies G Strond, Aplin Grant, Mrs John S Simms, Thomas Guthrie, Wm W Spiller, A J Gray, Miss Eliza Semms, B F Gardner, Colin Statham James M Goula, R H 3 Shrivers, Thomas Guelleara, D A Smith, John L Gardner, Elizabeth Spuring, Wiliiam Gordy, Mrs Rutha Silas, Thomas Gullett, Isaac Struson, Mariha A Garther, B S Sessions, Nicholas Grenus, Josiah Strickland, Houel HolcoMbe, Henry B Strickland. H II Hamilton, L H Townsend, Lewis Harris, Francis Thornton, Thomas A Hopkins, Philip Tomlinson, WerJL Harris, Lell Tutum, Albert Howard, Freeman Thompson, M S Horne, James V 1 aylor, Mrs M M 2 Harris, Miss Sarah 2 Tomme, T P Harris. Miss Arebella 2 Torner, Joseph Hatch, Mr Turner, John Hanson, Wm Thornton, Meu Hammond, Mrs Elizabeth Tune; .lames Harvey, Thomas Terry, Sam’l C Hale, Wm N Thornton, Micajah Houghton, John Taylor, John L Hailey, John Underwood, Wm H Howell, Nathaniel Vinson, Peyton Hall, Henry Wimberly. Mrs Narcipa Hogg. James V Wurd, AVilliarn 2 Hasbick, Richard Watkins, Cornelius Hickey, C M Watson, Thomas 2 Holstead, Willis Wetherby. P Harris, James Wine, E Augustus Hartness, Robert Wesson, Alexander 2 Hill, John G Wade, Edward Harris, L N Weart, Barrett W Heard, Mrs Sarah Whort, Svlvanus Hurt, Henry Whitaker, John Harvey, Wiley Watkins. William Iraburt, J J & H Wiilup, Careyl Johnson, Mrs Ann Wonnbel Edmund Jolinson, Miss Nancy Williams, Mrs Martha II Jones. Daniel Wilber, E/.ra Jackson, Amasa Waiters, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs E W Williams, David Johnson, Riley Wood, Williams Jolinson, Charles Woods, N G Johnson, James “Wood, E J & Cos 2 Jones Si Danforth Wilkins. John Karerchee, Miss Christina AVarr, Henry Kidder, Dr Frederick T 2 AVatley, Tvre King, Geo AV Yarborough, Cyrus H 2 King, Geo C JAMES VAN NESS, Post Master. Persons calling for nttv of the above Letters i will please sav they are advertised. 5 3t PIANO PORI ES tuned and repaired by SA- 1 Ml EL RYDER, Columbus Hotel. I March 8. 5 ,f j ! , undersigned has resumed the practice of j LAW at. Columbus Georgia. Feb. 27. 4 f ALFRED IVERSON. 1 SHERIFFS’ SALES. TALBOT SALES* “UtTBT ILL be sold, on the tirsi Tuesday in APRIL 'S W next, at the Court House door in the town of Talbotton, Talbot county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, so \Vit: One sorrel horse, seven years old ; one yoke of ox*- cn and a cart; one Jersey wagon and harness; five cows and calves, two heifers, and the entire stock of hogs, levied oil as the properly of Jcptha M. Slanford. by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Talbot Infe rior Court, to satisfy James A. Chapman vs. Jeptha M. Stanford. Lot of land No. 131. in the 16ih district of originally Muscogee, now Talbot county, whereon Thomas Mui iinsnow lives, levied on as the property of James Gat lin, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Hancock county, in favor of John Dickson ami others vs. James Gailm. Levy made and returned to me by Constable. Also east half of No. 5, in-the 24'th district of origi nally Muscogee, now Talbott couuty, levied on as ’die projrerty of John Collins, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court, in favor of William Ciuinc rlcy and others vs. John Collins. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also the entire stock of goods now on hand of the late firm of Maddux & Irby, levied on as the property of James J. Irbv, surviving copartner of said firm, to 1 satisfy three fi. fas issued from Talbot Inferior Court, one in favor of EL Hai-ilton, J. R. Hays, L H. Wi ley, and F. W. Fort, one in favor of Benedict & Bene dict, and one in favor of William Wright, El air ford Smith, Harford l.ioi William Clem vs. James J. Irby, surviving copartner. Said stock of goods con sists of dry goods, hard-ware,, crockery-w are, shoes,, hats, &c. POSTPONED SALE. Two houses and lots in the town of Talbotton, to’ wit, one whereon Wilson Parks now lives, and the. oilier whereon James Thompson now lives, both le vied on as ihe properly of Phillip Long, to satisfy two fi. fas. one issued from Talbot Superior Court in far vor of Ellison Taylor vs. Hamilton 1,. Wade and Phillip Long ; the other issued from Talbot Inferio- Court, Edward W. Russel vs Phillip Long. Pro perty pointed out by B. Hill, plaintiff’s Attorney. THOMAS U. ROBINSON, Sheriff. Feb. 26. 4ts STEWART SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : : Lot of land No. 69, in the 19th district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Henrv Crow, to sa tisfy two small fi. fas. issued out of a justices’ Court of Jasper county, in favor of Elisha Crow. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.. Feb. 27. 4ts M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One lot of land, No. 182, in the 25th district of ori ginally Lee, now Stewart county, taken as the pro perty of Johnatlinn S. Rook, to s-attisfy one small fi. fa. issued from a Justices’ Court of Newton county, in favor of William Stanford vs. said Rook. Levy made and returned tome by a Constable. Also one store house and lot, containing one half acre, as the property of M. O. Snelgrove, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Stew art county, in favor of James Beard vs. said Snel grove. Said store and lot is part of the lot whereon E. E. Beard, Esq. now lives. LEONIDAS W. HILL, D. Sheriff. Feh. 25. sts CARROLL SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the tow n of Carrollton, Carroll county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 177, in the 9ih district of Carroll county, levied on as the property of John W. Poiner, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Henry county, in favor of Jones and Johnson vs. said John W. Poiner. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot of land No. 119, in the 10th district, the lot whereon the defendant now lives, levied on as the pro perty oi Pllijah Hendon, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of the Superior Court of Carroll County, in favor of Lew son Homes vs. said Hendon. Lot of land No. 35. in the 7th district of Carroll county, levied on as the property of James Cash, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Franklin county, in favor of John P. Carnes vs. said James Cash. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Property pointed out hv Sam. Knox. FVb. 22. 4ts JOHN DEAN, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One sorrel mare and colt, and two feather beds and bed furniture and bedsteads, levied on as the property of Neal Stone, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Christopher Bowen vs. Neal Slone. Property pointed out by Jonathan San ders. February 24, 1838. Will be sold, at the same time and place, one red cow and yearling, and two sows and eight pigs, levied on as the property of Jonathan Walker, 10 satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Augustus H. Palmer vs. Jonathan Walker and Wil liam Ilardtn. MATTHEW REID, D. Sheriff. Feb. 24. ■ 4ts RANDOLPH SALKS. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Cutbbert, Randolph county, between the htisual hours of sale, the following property, viz : Lot ofland No. 277, in the Bth district of said county, levied on as the property of John D. Leopard, to sa ti.-fy one fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Fay ette county, in favor of Waiters Seal vs. John D. Leo pard. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. East half of lot of land No. 162, in the 9th district of raid comity, levied on as the properly of Martin W. Britt, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of Wm. T. Smith vs said Britt. Levy made and r(.turned to me by a Con stable. Feb. 26i RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One lot of land No. 218, in the sth district of Ran dolph county, levied on as the property of Sam’l Gil more and Henry Summerford, to satisfy the fi. fas. is sued out. of a Justices’ Court of Houston county, in fa vor of Charles Haddock vs. Sam’l Gilmore and Henry Summerford. Levy made and relumed to me by a Constable. Also the south half of lot No. 35, in the 10th district of Randolph county, levied on as the property of John Chaners, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Fayette county, in favor of Jesse J. Robin son vs. John Chaners. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. LEWIS GREGORY, D. Sheriff. Feb. 24. 4ts MERIWETHER SALE. WILL be sold; on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Greenville, Meriwether county, between the Usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Two negroes, Mike, a man, about thirty-eight years of age, and Lucy, a woman, thirty-six years of age, levied on as the property of Thomas Bateman, to sa tisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in fav r of Dixon Curcton against Thomas Bateman. Property pointed out ih said mortgage fi. fa. MORRIS G. TOWLES, D. Sh’ff. Jan. 22. 51ts AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One sorrel horse, saddle and bridle, levied on as the property of Isaac M. Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Walker vs. Isaac M. Tate. Also four negroes, levied on as the property of Bazzel Cone ; Sarah, a woman about 20 years of age, and three small children, Mary, a girl, Short, a boy, and Jane, a girl, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of A. L. Grant, George D. Sharp, Duncan and Hart and others vs. Bazzel Cone. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also John C. AVillingham’s interest in lot cf land No. 207. in the 11th district of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Daniel Keith and others. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. One negro boy, by the natne of Daniel, about nine or ten years of age, levied on as the property of Richard I.Loyd. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Zachanah White vs. said Loyd. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Feb. 21. MORRTS G. TOWLES, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOI U. One bay horse, levied on as the property of Bi. !< n Price, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Mary T. Sv. czer vs. said Price. One lot ofland No. 28, in the Ist district of fi orr.crly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on a: ifi pro perty of Isaac Hammonds, to satisfy a fi. fu. in favor of Harrison Crow vs. said Hammonds. Levy no de ami returned to me bv a Constable. SAMUEL DARDEN, D. Sheriff. Feb. 2T. 4ts BAKER SALES. ‘C'iRTII.L be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL i vlr next, before the Court House door, in the town of Newton, Baker county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : One lot of land, No. 29, in the 7th district of origi nally Early, now Baker county, taken as the property of Thomas E. Whatley, to satisfy sundry fi. fas is | sued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker county in favor of L. C. Mtisgrovc vs. Thomas E. Whatlev and M. T. Mu-grove. Levy made and returned to me bv a Const ab’e. Also lots Nos. I, 2 and 3. in the southeast block, and Nos. I and 2 in the sooth or middle biock, and No. 4in the northwest, block. Also the store-house and land, whereon the house stands, on the north or middle block, all in the town of Bvron, Baker county, levied on as the property of P. M. Thomas, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker county, in avnr of the administrators of L Bond, deceased vs. B. W. Thompson and P. M. Thomas. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. AVJLLIAM H. HOWARD, Sheriff. Its FLORIDA CIGARS. I HAVE jorst received, on consignment, and will keep constantly on hand. 100.000 FLOP IDA j CIGARS, Manufactured bv Wm. McCall, Esq., in I Q.uincv. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON, Agent., March 8. s*f