Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, March 29, 1838, Image 3

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1’ rom the Richmond EiKiuircr. ANY ISSUE ! Hie Compiler appeal* to our “fairness” and “justice. \\ e never turn a deaf ear to such appeals, Irom a quarter that, we respect. Tlic Compiler savs, the issue before the peo ple is not “ Mr. Clay and a National Bank, or Mr. Van Buren and no National Bank”— but that it really is, “or Mr. Van Buren and tile Sub-Treasury scheme .” The real issue is the one we have stated it; but take it any way the Compiler pleases, and we are pre pared to meet it. Is it “ Henry Clay, or Mar tin Van Buren r” We say, the Little Magi cian by all means. Is it “ a National Bank or a Sub-Treasury Scheme ?” We say, as we have unitbrmerly said, “ give us the Sub- Treasury Scheme infinitely. A National Bank is the last alternative of all.” Is it Clay and Bank ; or, Van Buren and the Sub-Trea snry. We are, of course, a fortiori , for Mr. Van Buren and the Sub-Treasury. We pre fer both the elements; and, of course, we un hesitatingly and decidedly prefer the com pound. But the issue is in fact ns we have stated it. This Sub-Treasury question will in ail probability be settled soon ; and we hope and believe, during the present session. But the National Bank never sleeps or slumbers. It never despairs of success. It will never cease its efibrts—and of all politicians breathing, Mr. Clay is the most desirous and capable to re-investing it with a national Charter. Give us, we say, then, Mr. Van Buren, and his pledged “ uncompromising hostility to a Na tional Bank,” in preference to Mr. Clay with his monster ; and his votes tor internal im provements; and his whig principles, and bis Whig allies. We cannot entertain a doubt, that such will be the voice of the people of Virginia. The spring election is rapidly ad vancing. if the vvhigs carry the state now; if they obtain this vantage ground over us, they will avail themselves of it to advance with stronger heart, and bolder steps to (lie attain ment of the objects which they have in view. It will be more difficult to dislodge them liom the citadel, if they once insinuate themselves into it —and, we are for meeting them face to ; lace, and contesting every inch of ground rluring the present campaign. We, there fore, cal! upon the republicans to re-unite; to abate their dissensions ; to marshal their ranks, and to save the state. The great is sue is now, as il will be, “ Clay and a Na- i tional Bank, or Van Buren ami no National Bank ?” OUR MINISTERS. A Paris Journal of the 30tb January states, that “on Sunday, several foreigners of dis tinction had the honor of dining with the king and royal family, the table being laid for forty-five guests. In the evening, the Amer ican Minister and Mrs. Cass had the honor •of being received by their Majesties.” Tne Paris Correspondent of the New York American, (said to he Mr. Walsh,) writes on the 31st January, that “The event of the week, in the fashionable world, is the grand bill of the Austrian Ambassador, which was given the day before yesterday. The Count ess d’Appony, a lady of the very best address and ton, was obliged by indisposition to retire early from her elite of not less than a thousand guests, spread through eight resplendent sa lons. No part of the various and elaborate entertainment was superior to the German band of Strauss, whose performance of waltzes surpasses all of the kind ever before known. Our legation were present. Mr. and .Mrs. Stevenson, who set out on Monday, on their return to London, dined with the Royal Fa mily tit the Tuileries on Sunday. They had enjoyed the balls and concerts al the palace, : and in general seemed to .have been nine!) ! gratified during their sojourn here of several Weeks, as the guests of Gen'i and Mrs Cass. “On the iff of next month Talleyrand will enter his eighty-lourth year. 11 • was born •on the 2 1 February, 17.01, and lias seen eight reigns in France: Lours Hi, and It>, the Re public, the Consul ale,’ the Fuipire, Louis ISili, Charles 10th, and Louis Phiiltppe. His men tal faculties are entire, his spirits lively, his observation and relish of life quick and strong. Mis lower limbs have failed him. Several* limes a week he is carried to the Tuilleries to bold conferences with the King. This day he gives a large dinner, a? which lie will pre side, and to which General and Mrs. Cass, With thei - guests from London, were invited. “In August, 1833, I saw Baric Mnrbois, then in his ninety-first year, entertaining at dinner, with full intelligence and zest, a dis tinguished company of ten or twelve. So much for French temp tram nt after scores of Revolutions.” Bank arran'gkaisn r— n. oulkans. We copy llic tollo.vinn iutormatioii Irom a slip issued from the ofilce of llic Merchants’ Transcript, March 19. “It affords miu'h pleasure to he aide to state that tni arrangement Is a!> >ut to lie en tered into by our different hanks, similar to the hotter portions of the first sixteen sections of the bank bill, which, if adopted, is calcula ted to restore confidence —establish credit— and revive trade. The heads ot the different hanks have held two meetings, which resulted in the adoption of the following plan tor ln- Tttre operation. The Presidents of all the hanks are to meet on the first of each month to receive the statements an 1 examine the condition of.each hank, which statements are to be published under the direction of a committee appointed for that purpose. The board of Presidents are empowered to t!e taand a more full statement from whatever bank they may think proper. The issues of each Bank are to he increased pro rata to the amount of their capital paid in, and the Amount of their profits and undeclared divi dends. Those hanks thinking proper, are al lowed to issue post notes in accordance with the vetoed hank bill. Each hank will he re quired to have in its vaults on ihe Ist March next, -0 per cent, of its cash liabilities, and on the Ist March IS4O, they arc required to lave 32 1-2 per cent, of their cash liabilities, in gold and silver, and the resumption of spe cie payment is to de|>end upon a perfect un derstanding with the principle banks through out the union.” Practical Benevolence. —“1 love,” says a correspondent, “ to see two persons meet on a rainy day on a narrow curb stone, boun ding a side walk, where no pavement has been laid and observe both step off simultane ously into the mud. It proves them mutual ly actuated by a spirit of benevolence and submissive to personal inconvenience for a neighbor’s accommodation. Our correspondent takes a l ight view of the matter, considering the “ equal.iy ol all men, and the folly of assuming a right of prece dence in such a situation. lie ha s reminded us also of a cricumstance which occurred three winters since. We were crossing from the corner of Derne am 1 H anc >ck streets to the corner of Hancock and Myrtle; at a time when the streets were flooded by a thaw, and having reached the centre of an ice bridge, on which only one person could pass at a time, we suddenly encountered a gentleman crossing in the opposite direction. To retreat was impossible, without plunging ancle deep into water. We looked up and paused. Our antagonist was also taken by sui prise—for both of us had been more intent oh our footsteps than noticing who approach ed us—and as our eyes met, he deliberately put bis hand into his pocket, and drawing forth a cent, “ head or tail,” said he, present ing his hand toward us, palm on palm.— “Tail,” said we. “Tail it is,’ said he, and off lie jumped into the water, and ran to the side walk, without giving us time to thank him for his courtesy, and proceeded on his wav, leaving us the remcmbranc'only ol the .olitest street encounter with a stranger that tfver occurred tons. — JJvflcn II raid. I Mr. Booth. —We regret that it becomes uo , jeeasary for us to stale, that instead of having * the gratification of witnessing the perforinan -1 c.cs of this gentleman on the stage last even ing, lie was an actor in a most extraordinary scene the previous evening, which came very near resulting in the death of bis friend and , companion, Mr. Flynn. We wrif state the circumstances as they have been related to us from good authority, and we do so with ihe special purpose of preventing the many exag- . gerated statements frequently put tortli on j such occasions, from obtaining credence. It appears that Mr. Booth bad exhibited no j signs of a return of his malady, since his res-: cue from drowning, to excite the watchfulness j of his friends. He was in company with Mr. 1 Flynn, on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, I and on Monday evening attended the Tliea- j tre, conversing, as usual, with such acquain- : lances as lie encountered. After leaving the j Theatre, they returned to their lodgings, at 1 the Planters’ Hotel, both gentlemen occupy ing the same room. Mr. Flvnn undressed j himself and retired to bed, and soon fei! asleep, j but was aroused between one ami two o’clock, A. M. by receiving a tremendous blow over the right eye. He sprang up in bed, and dis covered Mr. Booth in tiie act of aiming anoth er blow at him with one of the cast iron fire dogs, taken from the lire place, along side the bed, and with which the first wound had been inflicted. Mr. Flynn endeavored to avoid the blow, but received it over the left eye, with such force ns to break the fire dog into several pieces, when he leaped from the lied, and escaped from the room, Mr. Booth in close pursuit, and endeavoring to inflict other wounds. They finally grappled, and fell, the herculean strength of Mr. Booth, while In boring under the excitement of derangement, giving him the advantage. The calls” of Mr. Flynn finally brought assistance, and Mr. Booth was secured, but not until Mr. Flynn had received a number of severe wounds and bruises, none of which, we are happy to say, ; tire of a dangerous character. Mr. Booth is now placed under restraint, and will doubtless lie so kept until he recovers from his aberra ! lion of mind.— Charleston Courier, March 14. j ■ CITY II.AL.L, Columbus. Ga. > ! March 23, IS3S. f Council met pursuant to adjournment, 7 1-2 o’clock, P. M. Present, bis Honor the Mayor, Aldermen Smilii, Lewis, Ware, Aiien, Davis, Chipley, Head, Andrews, and Williams. By Alderman Chipley: Resolved , That S. M. Ingersoll have the privilege of washing the j loose sands in the Chattahoochee for gold, j for two years from date; but the Council re- j 1 serves to itself the right to prescribe the terms hereafter. By Alderman Allen: Resolved , That the ! public hands proceed to grade the sidewalks, in front of the lot on which the Episcopal church stands. By Alderman Hooper: Resolved, That the Marshall lie ordered to fill up the upper sew er, under the direction of the street commit tee. By Alderman Read: Ordered, That the agent appointed to represent the stock it: the Chattahoochee Rail Road and Bunking Com pany, be instructed to vote for the lbflowing seven persons, to wit: Gen. J. C. Watson, Hon. J. S. Calhoun, Col. J. W. Campbell. Get). N. Howard, J. R. Jones, J. L. Lewis, and Wm. H. Mitchell. A petition irom Mr. D. Sullivan, proving the remittance of the amount of an execution ■and cos! against him, was read and remitted 1 bv Council. ! A communication from George C. Yar- 1 i brough, was read and referred to the commit- | tee on pumps. Bv Alderman Chipley: Resolved, That E. • S. Norton’s communication he refened to j the committee on city improvements. Council then adjourned until Saturday, the 7th day of April, at 7 o’clock, P. M. Published bv order of Council. ‘J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. t’ww!mi j -nunLiKinEi MEDICO TIIERMOMHTRICAL RECORD, roll tiiz city or coi.i'mbus, March. 18-38. ; : Range of ( Frec- Therinu. Slate lions Days of the i of the of week. A] j n’t . Weather wind. WHnes la\ 2! 55 58 : S8 tiur s Thursday 22 i-55 70 lift tair s e Friday j 23 3S 59 :67 fair Saturday ;2 ■3B 70 ‘OS fair s Sunday j23:34 75 *7l fair X e Monday FJ6>3 70 |35 ifair s Tuesday 127 j3B >8 j 66 fair w | COLUMBUS PRICES CUiilt&MlV I'OKHECm) WEEKLY BY ALLEN AND YOI.’XG. AKTtCI.ES. PRICES. BAGGINIi —Kentucky, - - vd OCS3 aOO 25 Inverness, ------ yd (.0 22 aOO 24 American Tow, - - - - vd 00 00 aOO 00 8A1.12 iiOl'E, ‘lb 00 12 aCO 14 13AGON—[lane, - - - - lb 00 15 aOO 16 Hides, lb 00 15 aOO 16 Shoulders, lb CO 12 aOO 12 BEEF—At css, bbt 13 00 aISOO i Prime, ------- bbl 750 a O.J 00 BUTTER—Goshen, - - - lb 00 25 aOO 37J \Y osttirn, ------ lb 00 25 aOO 31 ! CA:\DEES—Sperm, - - - lb 00 40 a45 00 Tallow, - - ‘ lb 00 15 aOO 20 CASTINGS. lb 600 a 700 ! CHEESE—Noithern, - - - lb 00 16 aOO 20 , COTTON, - lb 00 65a 00 82 • ] COFFEE—Haranna green, - lb 00 15 aOO 16 Ri>, - -- -- -- - lb 00 12U 00 14 FlSH—Mackerel, No. 1, - 16 00 12 a CO 14 ” ‘ “ 2, - - lb 10 00 al2 50 “ “ 3, - - lb 9COa 950 Herrings, ------ box 200aCO 00 FLOUR—Northern, - - - i>6l 12 CO al3 00 Western, bbl 1100 a 12 00 1 Country, ------- bbl 1000 al2 00 | GRAIN—Corn, ----- bn 100 aOO CO Wheat, bu 02 00 aOO 00 GUNPOWDER, - - - - keg 000 a 850 HIDES, lb 00 72a 00 8| IRON, lb 00 6a 00 7 I.ARD, lb 00 11 aOO 12 I.IAIE, - -- -- -- - cask 400 a 500 MOLASSES—N. Orleans, - gal 00 48 aCO 50 NAILS, lb 00 9 aOO 10 PORK—Mess, lb 00 25 a CO 27 Prime. lb 00 17 aOO 23 PEPPER, lb 00 12’ aOO 15 PEAS, - -- -- -- - bu 00 75 a 100 RAISINS, box 250 a 400 RICE. lb 00 G aCO 7 SPI HlTS—Hran-lv, Cognac, gal 175a 225 Peach, ------- g;d 1 122a 150 ! Apple. ------- gal 00 58 aOO GO G! X—Holland, ----- gal 150 a 175 D miestic, ------ gal 00 62 \ aOO 65 1 RUM—Jamaica, ----- gal 177 a 225 Domestic, ------ gal 0060 a0062 j WHISKEY—Irish, - - - gal 00 00 a 4CO Monongahela, ----- ga! 00 65 a 100 New Orleans, ----- gal 0060 aOO 62 5 SUGAR—New Orleans, - 16 00 10 aOO 123 St. Croix, ------ I!* 00 14 aOO 15 Loaf, lb 00 18 a 00 22 s VT.T, ----- - - - sack 400 a 425 SOAP. lb 00 8 a 00 10 SHOT. lh 225 a 250 STEEL—Cast, lb 00 ISJ.aOO 25 German, ------ lb 00 00 a 00 15 Blistered, lb 00 12 aOO 20 r ALLOW, lb 00 S aOO 9 TEA—Green, lb 100 a 150 Black, lh 00 00 aOO 75 fOßA<'CO—first quality, - - !b 00 40 aOO 50 S,- ,nd quality. - - - - - lb 00 16 aOO 25 WlNES—Madeira,l., P. - - gal 300 a 350 Sicily, ------- gal 150a 175 Malaga. mil 00 621 aOO 70 Claret, Marseilles, - - -1... x 5 00* a COO Claret,Bordeaux, ... box 600 a7 00 EiltLK SOCIETY. A The Anniversary Meeting of the Chaitahco- . cbee llivtr Bible Society,will beheld in the Methodist Church, Oil the evening of Monday, 16th of APRIL, ‘ wtten the Annu.;. Reports tS.-creUirv ami Trea surer wilt be read; and Addresses mav be expected from Judge Colquitt and Judge Thomas. March 29. 32t T. GOULPING. Secretary. ; N OT If 12. HPJ'uiiiie is hereby torev anted not to ira le for 25. a NOT F. mad* I>e mrsetf to Joseph Morris, lornierly ot Harris, now the count v of Mrmvrther. for t *e sum ol seveutv-five dollars, da* Cie i-tina . next, A'. 1 mi det* riuiue,l ii"l to pav said 11 tr. unless com pe'lri! by low, the i'Oi|'!:J.;nCiol! lor win. b it was given ii.n'mx rntiieh fie■ <. JOHN RUSH. 1 Talbot c-'UiVy. U S>, 6, isjg. <it • j - - . . Dtt. W. li. BACON* ’ in prT. ERS# his professional services to the public, j j n*y be found during the day at the Drug ! -’ore ft John E. Bacon & Cos., and at night at his residence j immediately opposite ihe Female Acade- ; n, X- March 29. S 3t NOTICE. I /S> LI. persons having claims against the estate of jthe late 11. B. MILLIKIN, are requested to bring them forward, authenticated as the law directs; j : and those indebted to said estate are requested to make 1 ‘remediate payment, or the claims will be put in suit. , ‘ J. H. CAMPBELL, Adm’r March 28, 1838. Stf with tiie Will annexed. NEW MAIL, ARRANGEMENT. POST OFFICE. > Columbus, Ga. March 29.1535. ( NORTHERN EXPRESS MAIL, j Due daily at 84 A. M. Closes dailv at 9P. M. j NOR TIIERN SLOW MAIL. Due daily at II P. M. Closes daily at 9P. M. j r^ n after the first day of Ap ii, in consequence j ;of t- e above changes, the Post Office will not be open ; tor ‘he delivery of letters and papers until half past ! eight o’clock in the 111 ,rnin". J. VAN NESS, P. M. March 28 1833. Sit TO THE PUBLIC—MONEY TAKEN. SIIAVE had in my employ as Clerk, for the last j eighteen months, a young man bv the name of, .JAMES 15. WATKINS, from the state of Mary land, who lias lived in Baltimore a part of his time, and j about Eilicot’s Mitts, or in that vicinity. A few days ago, I believe on the sth of March, I placed in his * hands some TWELVE or THIRTEEN HUN- j DR ED DOLLARS, and started him up to Columbus j for the purpose of paying a Note which I should have to fall due about that time. Instead of paying over the money, he put up the horse which he rode at one of tiie Taverns, entered his name at the Stage Office for Mil ; ledgeville, and L have not heard of him since. The said Watkins is a small man, dark hair and eyes, rather stooped shouldered, and with a brisk busi ness movement. He writes a beautiful hand. If any person will overtake him and procure the mo ney, they shall be entitled to one half of it. JOHN DILL. j Fort Gains, Early co., Ga., March 25, 1838. [OF* The Baltimore Ameiiean will give the above ■ three insertions, and send their account to the subscri j her, at Fort Gaines, Ga. 8 3t J. D. NOTICE. ! A LI. persons are hereby forwarned from trading Jd&L for a NOTE given by the subscriber to Augus tus Harris, dated the 30th day of January, 1838, and ! due about the first of Match thereafter, for six hun dred do Jars as the negro hoy for which said note was j given was not sound, us represented to me by the said | Harris ; and as the said negro is levied on as the pro : perty of John Bone, by the Sheriff, and there is like to ! he a want of title in the said Harris to the property, I under these circumstances 1 will not pay the said note ’ unless compelled by law. PUCKETT WOt -D. ! March 24, 1838'. Blt OFFICE OF THE CHATTAHOOCHEE RAIL ROAD and banking company of ga. Columbus, Ga. March 26, 1838. ESOLVED, that the books for further sub 1> scriptions of Stock in the Chattahoochee Rail road and Banking Company of Georgia, be opemd j j under the direction of the Cashier, and any two Direc tors for Muscogee county, and such persons as they I j may appoint in’ other counti s. provided, that not more I than eight thousand shaiesshail be disposed of, in addition to those already taken. Ordered further, That persons subscribing for stock, ! shall comply with the charter, by paying twenty-live per cent on the amount subscribed, or execute a mort gage securing its payment, as provided by the Board, at the time of subscribing ; and that notice he given of the time and places of opening the hooks. A. true extract from the minutes of the Board. WILEY WILLIAMS, Cashier. Tn pursuance of the above order, notice is hereby given, that Books for receiving subscriptions to the stock in the Chattahoochee Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, will be opened on the third Monday in April nc<t,and remain open foi one week, ; at the following places to wit: j Taibottcn, for one thousand shares, under the su ; perintendencc of Dr. N. B. Powell, A. Sneed. P. F. : Mahone. | Greenville, for fifteen hundred shares, under the su- I perintendencc of W D. Alexander, Ziva Fletcher, ; Dr. W. B. Ector. ! New nan. for seven hundred and fifty shares, under ! the superintendence of Joliu Ray, W. W. Sillnian, G. 1 B. Greer. Decatur, for seven hundred and fifty shares, under j the superintendence ofG. u. Anderson, Wm. Ezzard, | and Dr. Thompson. j Hamilton, for one thousand shares, under tire su pcrintendence of Wm. Osborn, J. Murpliv, and Benj. ! Henry. : Lumpkin, for one thousand shares, under the super- : intendency of Col. J. & W. Jeniigan, Sami. Williams i and Elijah J'oarce. Notice is further given, that the books for reception j of subscriptions to the slock in .said company v.i'l he j kept open fr in date agreeable to the above order of the board, for Muscogee county, to the amount- of one j thousand shares. Persons re idiiig out of the state, 1 who may wish to subscribe for stock, will make a per- j sonal application to the Cashier, and it iff is necessa- j ry, and agent will he appointed to have the papers, 1 creating the securities executed, and to value the pro- i nertv. . . j Th.- present stockholders are hereby notified that the | Cashier, in connection with a committee of Directors, j will be pr* pared early in next week to take mortgages I and issue certificates of stock. 8 At WILEY wrr,’ TAMS. Cashier. TSS INDIAN’S FAN ACS A, FOR SALE BY JOHN E. BACON ASD CO.. AGENTS, TJTJSQR the Cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula or King’s M.” Evil, Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases, Ulcers, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin.— To show the standing of this medicine, the following testimonials and evidences of popularity are selected from the numerous letters received by the proprietor. The following extract is from a letter franked by a | member of Congress ; “ Washington, 24th .Tan.. 1835. ! “ Will you have the goodness to send me a dozen of the Indian's Panacea? 1 atn requested by one of ihe party of the delegation of Cherokee Jnd aris to procure j this medicine for him, they having found advantage from it heretofore, and being unable to procure it in the District. J. F. CALLAN.” “ Montgomery, Ala., 22d Oct., 1835. “Having nearly closed the lot sent [l2. dozen] we j will thank you to send us 24 dozen more by first vessel | for Mobile. We Punk very v-cl! of your Indian’s Pa j nucea, and find it is rapidly superceding all other kinds ! in this vicinity. MADDOX & POLLARD.” “ Mobile, Ala., 31st Dec., 1833. | “ Please send me 20 dozen Indian’s Panacea imme- ‘ diately, the demand being so great we shall be out be- j fore we shall receive next sh pment. WOODRUFF & WATKINS.” “ New Orleans, 20th April, 1537. | “ Your last shipment of 50 dozen has come to hand, j j which is considered sufficient for the season. As my ! j orders show, the sale of your Panacea is fast increasing j | in this part of the country , and I mint say it gives go- j 1 neral satisfaction. ‘ 11. BONN ABEL.” “ Natches. Miss., 28th Dec., 1837. “ Mr. D. G. Haviland, Sir—lt is with pleasure we ! give the opinion entertained of the Indian’s Panacea in this city and vicinity, and can ay, whe ever its combi nation, we know of no medicine introduced to public patronage so worthy of the high character it has sus tained here. We are acquainted with persons who have ‘thoroughly tried it in Chronic diseases, Scrofula and Mercurial affections, with entire success, and take great pleasure in forwarding, at their request, the certi ficates of cure of several of them. It has been pre j scribed by the faculty in many cases, meet in <* their cn j tire approbation ; and, indeed, such is its popularity, I we have calls for no otlmr Panacea. “ McGRAW & PULLING,” Many more letters of similar purport are at hand, | but we will close with extracts from a letter from Dr. , Witherspoon, giving a case of a member of the Le<*is i lature of South Carolina. “ Sr.MTEuviLLE, S. C.. 24th Avg.. 1837. “ The gentleman in this village whom the Indian’s j Panacea cured, had Mercurial diseases, and not Rheu- J matism. However, the cure it effected with him was j most obvious and remarkable, and, beyond all doubt, it | preserved the life of one of our most useful citizens. ! Asa consequence, it has acquired great celebrity in this | section of the State. A great deal is used, and marry i are using it for diseases in which it is not at all appli i cable, bv which means it will no doubt, after a while | fall into disrepute. J. B. WITHERSPOON.” i Also for sale by A. POND & Cos. | Columbus, March 22. gv j GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. DANIEL BAILLEY, of the 726'h district G. M. tolls before me a sorrel roan HORSE, with white spots on his rump, no shoes on, supposed to lie six years old this spring, five feet one inch and a half ; high'. Appraised by Talbert Key and John Wood to seventv-five dollars. March 15, 1838. H D. Tcojefr. 1. p. A true extract from the Estrav Book. S 3t R. S. RAGLAND. Clerk. GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY. TOLLED before ino. by Hambleton Chcsntit Sorrel IMA RE. about five years old, ■ appraised by John Harvv and Richard Ford, tosixiy five dollars. This 17th March, 1838. | C. Riley, j. p. A. true extract from th*- Estrav Book. March 21 1838. 83t J. S. YARBROUGH.c. 1. 1 . ’ !GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY. IN the 796th district, G. M. tolled before me. bv Drury M. I.csneur. one small bay horse, about S eycil vears old. lelt hind foot white, a white spot in Ins ; face, white snip on the n<*se. Appraised bv Harris J Kobb and James L. Martin to forty dollars, this 2Lh dav of March. 1 808. AV.A.May. .1 e. \ i r ne extract from the Estrav Book. March 26. 83’ J. S. YARBROUGH, r. 1. r. <:\i: PEN SEEDS. !UST received, an additional supply of <iaoEn Seeds, warranted genuine, and of the growth of |L.57. Also a few Fie!*! and Flower S’ i d-. 1 yi ircii 15. 65t H. ■ PHELPS cs Go* GREAT BARGAINS IN HORSES. FOR sale low, for cash,from sixty to seventy fine HORSES fit for saddle or harness. Also six > or eight six horse WAGGO ‘S, near Howard’s ware • house on the bank of the river. CI.EAVELAND & BARLOW. | March 29, 1838. Bh* HORSE GONE. STRAYED or stolen, on the Bth inst. near Cen trevilie, Talbot county, a common siz-d non grey HORSE, seven years old, with a switch tail, sev-.ra! large saddle spots on his back, newly shod all round, paces Weft and carries his head very low. Any infor mation directed to the subscriber at Florence, Stewart * county or to J. C. B. Mitchell. Mulberry Grove, Har ris county, will be very than-fully received. JAS. L. DANIEL. Maxell 28, If3B. 8 2t i NOTICE Ig hereby given, to those whom it may concern, that sometime in 1835, I gave a note to Culliti Pierce, (who is sifice deceased) for SBS. This note t f jrwarn all persons from trading for, as I am deter mined not to pay said note, unless compelled by law, until I have a settlement with the er ‘ate. THOS. J. HOLMES. Baker co. Ga. March 14th. 1838. 8 2t ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold, on Friday, the ISth day of MAY next, at the late residence of George Shaw, deceased, Stewart county, all the perishable property belonging, to said estate. Terms made known on the i day of sale. JOHN BLACKSHEAR, Adm’r. 1 March 26. • Bts I GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. 5S tjTHEREAS John Brady and Samuel Johnson ¥ V apply to me for letters of administration, debo nis non, on the estate of Nathan Brady, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kin Ired and credito-s of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand at office. March 21, 183S. 8 It J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY. W'HEREAS John Blackshear applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of George Shaw, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. , Given under mv hand at office. March 21, 1338. 8 4t J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. RULE NISI. STEWART SUPERIOR COURT. George R. McElvay, ) vs. > To establish a Note-. James Bruce. j IT appearing to the Court, from the affidavit of James U. Home, that he was in possession of a note cm James Bruce, and ihat the same lias been lost or destroyed, it is, on motion, ordered, that the said James Bruce appear at the next term of this Court, and shew cause why the annexed copy Note should j not be established 111 lieu of the lost original; and it is j further ordered, that a copy of this Rule be published in terms of the law. February Bth, 1838. GEORGE R. McELVAY, Plaintiff. COPY” NOTE, On or before the Ist day of January next, I promise ! to pay George R. McElvay, or bearer, fifty dollars, for value received. This 15th of September, 1835. Signed, JAMES BRUCE. GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. Personally appeared before me, W. A. May, a Jus tice of the Peace in and for said county, James U. Horne, who, being duly sworn, on oath, saith, that the Note, of which the above copy note is the same in sub- 1 stance, is lost, or mislaid so that it cannot be found. Sworn and subscribed before me, this Bth Feb. 1838. W. A. May, j. p. JAMES U. HORNE. A true copv from the Minutes of said Court, this 22d March, IS3B. Bml in ELIJAH PEARCE, c.s.c.s. c.__ IN STEWART SUPERIOR COURT. Murdock Chisholm, | D. A. Chisholm, L fo p discovery, re- Andrew Gibbs, | 110l > anJ Il, J uucllon< Andrew I,awson. J WHEREAS it appears to the Court, by the re turn of Sheriff, that. Andrew Gibbs, one of the defendants in the above stated case, resides without the limits of said state. It is, therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court, that said Andrew Gibbs do ap pear and answer, plead or demurr to the above bill, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, and in default thereof said bill be taken as to him pro ednfessio : and that this Rule be published once a month for four months, in one of the public gazettes of the city of Columbus, previous to the next term of this Court. A true copv from the minutes of said Court. March 21,1633. ELIJAH PEARCE, c. s. c. s. c. Bm4m WESTERS £* ATLANTIC RAILROAD. rgpiO LAND OWNERS. —Persons owning Land 13 in DeKalb, Cobb, Cass, and Murray counties, over which the route of the Western and Atlantic Railroad passes, and especially Guardians. Executors or Administrators, having legal control of any lot or lots of land on said route, are respec.fully requested to attend at the Commissioners’ Office, in Marietta, Cobh county, at any time, to suit theii convenience, in the month of April or May next, for the purpose of having their claims (if any) against the Slate, adjusted and settled, for the concess ion of the right of way for said Railroad, over their lots of land, respectively. By order of the Board of Commissioners. C. L. BOLTON, See’v pro tem. Feb. 24. 6 4t NOTIONS. ALL persons are cautioned against trading for ten PROMISSORY NOTES, signed by me, pay able to Charles Rosende, or order, bearing date the first of May, 1338. One for $1656 2-100, due. four months after date ; one for $1677 53-100, due six months after date; one for $1339 3-100. due eight months after date ; one for $1720 54-100, due ten months afterdate ; one for $1742 5-ICO. due twelve months afier date. Also four Rent Notes, dated at the same time, for two hundred dollars each, due at three, six, nine and twelve months from date. As I am detoimined not to pay either of said notes, | unless the said Charles Rosende complies on the first i of Mav next, with his part of the contract in connexion ! with which said notes were given. March 7. 54t ‘ISAAC H. SMITH. | TWO STOIf.ES AND A DWELLING, j rsno RENT OR SELL.—I have for sale or rent j h two Siores and a Dwelling on Oglethorpe street. For particulars inquire at Norton’s Auction Room, two doors from the Columbus Bank, or at Office No. 4, : McTntosh row. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. Dec. 21. 46if MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. THOSE persons who are indebted to me for work done. &c., are earnestly desired to come forward and pay up. 1 know that the times are severe, hut 1 [ must, have the rhino . or I cannot pay my honest debts. This is the last call—the next will be a tap on the | shoulder. MICHAEL HOFFMAN. March 15. 6 3t NOTICE. MN. CLARK. Esq., is duly authorised to set -9 tie with ail persons indebted, or having de mands against me You are, therefore, particularly invited to ccme forth, as he has full instruction to pro ceed immediately in the settlement of my affairs. N. B As I am compelled to have money by Spring, I hope tliis notice will he a sufficient hint. Marchß. stf K. SIGOURNEY NORTON. NOTICE. BY virtue of an order of the Inferior Court of Stewart county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, wii! be sold, on the first Tuesday in MAI next, be tween the legal hours of sale, at the Couit House door in the town of Talbotton, lot ofland No. 10, in the 23d district of originally Muscogee, now Talbot county.— Sold as the property of Cordelia Ann Calhoun, a mi nor. Terms of sale will be made known on the day by her GUARDIAN. Feb. 19. ots NOTICE. 5 FOREWARN all persons from trading for one promissory NOTE for S2O, made payable to John | A. More, dated some time in January last, due the! 25’h of Dec., 1833. The consideration for which said ] note was given has entirely failed, and I am determined | not to pav it. unless compelled by law. Feb. 27. 53m OWEN SIMPLER. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late sumos ALI* RED SHORT & CO. and A. K. ALFRED, will please call on the subscriber, at the store of Alfred & Porter, and settle the same. A. F . ALFRED. March Ist. 4 6t NOTICE. ALT. persons are hereby forewarned from crediting anv of the officers or crews of the Steamboats Alabama, Muscogee or Oceola. as no debts contracted bv them will be paid bv the owners. ‘Feb. 13. 2tf ‘T. &M. EVANS, Agents. NOTICE. “HtsthERAS the eleventh section of an act to in of the Planters’ an 1 Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus, assented to 30th December, 1836, requires those who may have sold their stock, to give sixty days’ notice j i of the same, iu some public gazette of this State. — Therefore in compliance with said section, I do here .bv give notice, that T have transferred the Stock in said Bank to which I was entitled as one of the origi nal Stockholders. JOHN L. LEW Irs. F-b. 20. 3 9t L IMK* .-.WY nm.-L new Tbomast9 Lime exp*- ted bv P r|,r Steamer De..'o'a, from Apalachicola. WlUl-e old 1-J V lftjk.m H ‘he “hart. WM F. I'LV i !.. Fr<u.’ tier*. • N-.-v. r;, 41 !’ BtS. HAWLEY, wholesale tin.l retail Drtig ® gist. at Apalachtbola and St.'Joseph, Florida. Nov. 1,1837. 21; f I RAYMOND & ALLISON, wholesale Grocers Ift/ and commission Merchants .Apalachicola, Flor. | Aug. 11. ‘ lSlf SEG ARS.—20 M Florida Segais; 5 M choice Ha vana do. for sole by June 9. 10if SAML. M. JACKSON, Auct. PIANO FORTES tuned and repaired by SA MUEL li YDEII, Columbus Hold. March 8. stf , ;CT~’ The undersigned has resumed the practice of nAW a! Columbus, Georgia. Feb. 27. 4;f ALFRED IVERSON. ” KNOW THYSELF.” MR. S. HERXIS, FRO-71 PARIS, PUPIL of Dr. GALL, practical Phrenologist, has the honor to inform the public that lie w ill remain a short time in this city. Ladies and Gentlemen who wish to have a Phrenological examination of their heads, will p! case call at the Oglethorpe House. The science of Phrenology being particularly useful in the education of Children, Mr. 11. will, at the re quest of parents, examine and give char's of their heads. Ladies visited at their residence. March 22. 7tf NOTICE. IF the man who took two barrels of POTATOES from on board the steamer Frances, marked G. B. T. on one head, and J. Day & Cos. on the other, will return them, no questions will be asked, and I will in form him where lie can hook a plenty. ! March 21. 7tf G. B. TERRY. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofoie existing between J. S. SMITH, F. A. FAIRCHILD & R. W. MORRIS, was dissolved on the 24th of February last, by mutual consent. The business will be closed by the subscribers, at the old stand .1. S. SMITH, F. A. FAIRCHILD. N. B.—We again invite those indebted to come forward and pay before return day is over, us our notes and accounts must be dosed. March 21. 7;f J. S. SMITH & Cos. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing, under the linn of THOS. H. SMITH & Cos , in the citv of Columbus, was dissolved by mutual consent on the sth inst. Those indebted to the late firm, will make pay ment to Thos. H. Smith, who is duly authorised “to settle all the business of the late firm. THOS. 11. SMITH, ISAAC 11. SMITH. Columbus, March 21, IS3B. The business will be continued by THOS. 11. SMITH, at the old stand, who has on hand a general assortment of Groceries, which will be sold low for cash. 7 It CAUTION. ALL persons are forewarned from trading for four PROMISSORY NOTES OF HAND, exe cuted by me to John Mayhair, for twenty-five dollars each, dated some time in last of January, or first of February, 1836, and due the 25th of December next, thereafter. The consideration of said notes having en tirely failed, 1 will not pay them unless compelled bv law. “ D. K. MYERS. Muscogee county, Ga., March 13. 7 4t TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. M ANA WAY from the subscriber, in Sumter county, on the 25th day of December last, a Negro man by the name of STEPHEN, a large man. of yellow complexion, about forty or fort} -five years of age, five feet nine or ten inches high, slow spoken, and very submissive when spoken to ; one or two of his fore teeth arc out. He carried a large bundle of clothes with him when he went away from Sumter.— He was seen lurking about a Mr. Leroy Jenkins’, in Randolph county, about a week after. He was there, no doubt, and probably is there yet. The above reward will lie given for his apprehension and delivery at Code & Quin's, in Columbus, or for his confinement in anv jail, so that the subscriber may get him. MICHAEL MADDEN. Feb. 1. 52tf EXECUTOR’S SALE. ‘'SOETILL be sold, at public Auction, on the fourth v w Monday in APRIL next, in the town rs Tus kenee, Macon county. Alabama, the following valua ble Tracts of COTTON LAND, viz : W 30 17 24 S 35 13 23 W 34 14 23 E 14 15 23 N 29 15 23 N 19 14 23 W 10 14 23 S 29 15 23 S 22 14 22 E 25 15 22 S 30 15 23 W 6 16 24 N 8 14 23 N 35 15 23 N 14 16 24 E 36 15 22 E 10 14 23 N 1 16 24 N 24 15 23 N 19 15 24 E 30 18 23 W 25 15 22 W 24 15 22 E 25 17 21 Frac. 4 14 22 527 15 22 N 21 15 22 E 13 14 22 E 24 15 22 S 1 16 21 S 24 15 23 S 19 16 25 S 28 15 23 27 14 24 (whole Section.) Terms of sale—One half payable on the first day of Jan. 1839, and the other half payable on the first day of Jan. 1840, with interest from date. The secu rity required, and other particulars, will be made known on the day of sale. The sale to be positive, and the lands sold without reserve. Titlts warranted. MOW’D IIANRTCK. Executor of William Walker, dec’d. N. Tl.—All persons who purchased lands from Wil liam Walker, deceased, or hold his bonds for titles to Ihe same, arc requested to be at Tuskegee on the day of sale. • E. H. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold, the follow ing tracts : S 22 15 23 F, 14 16 22 SE J2l 18 21 N 22 15 23 E 18 14 23 S 35 19 21 N 23 16 22 W 21 13 21 Terms, &c. same as above. March 16. 74t EDWARD HANRICK. SOUTHERN DISEASES. RESTORATIVE PILLS, FOR THE CURE OF LI \’ER DISEASES AND INDIGESTION, And for restoring it healthful action in the Stomach and Bowels. THESE HILLS ate decidedly the most superior that have ever yet been oti'ered to the Southern public. The healthy influence which they exercise in correcting the m iritid derauginents of the Liver. Stomach and Bowels, renders them at once the most useful, as well as the safest and surest remedy which can be used in the diseases for which they are recom mended. The remedial powers of these Pills are confined to diseases of the Liver, and all those Sympathetic, Se condary, and Complicated Affections which depend on a derangment of that important organ, as Dyspepsia, or Indigestion , Enlargement of the Spleen, Rheumatism, dependant oil biliary derangment, Palpitation of the Heart, when sympathetic and symptomatic of diseased Liver, Siniilatcd Consumption, from enlargement of the Liver, encroaching upon the cavity of the Lungs, producing irritation, lmflainmation. and finally suppu ration in these organs ; Obstructions of the Menstrual How, from enlargement of the Liver and Spleen, acting in such conditions as general reservoirs of the blood, di verting and absorbing those due proportions destined for the healthful supply of other neighboring organs ; low, nervous Despondency, dull, heavy Seirils, brood ing over imaginary evils, /lingering Debility, and oth er unhealthy conditions of the system, which frequently follow severe a'tacks of Bilious Fever, or are con tracted front residences in low, sickly sections of coun try ; Sr.cowlary Syphilis, in which the Biliary Secre tions are frequently much deranged, and the general health and constitution thereby much impaired ; dispo sition to attacks of Bilious Cholic entirely removed, and a most excellent remedy in Yellow Jaundice. These Pills wi 1 cure Bilious Fever, and Ague. an<t Fever, and arc perhaps the very best remedy for pre venting attacks of these diseases, by their great virtues in cleansing the Stomach and Bowels ol irritating ac cumulations. and restoring the system to healthful and vigorous action. PRICE, ONE DO’.LAR per Box. accompanied with directions for their use, to be had genuine and fresh at the office of Dr. DELONY, March 22, 1838. 7tf Columbus, Ga. FOR SALE OR RENT. TWO Dwelling Houses on Oglethorpe street, one Dwelling House and Lot on Broad street ; one | Store on Broad street. Also for Rent three Offices I I on Broad street, fronting the Columbus Hotel. i JUST received. 25,000 lights Window Sash, of various sizes, with or without Glass. Dec. 23. 47tf M. BROOKS, | STAGE LINE TO FORT GAINES. THE public are informed that, a line of Stages has ! beeii put on the route to Fort Gaines, via Flo-j ! rence and Irwinton. leaving Columbus (starting from j 1 Whiteside’s Tavern) every Tuesday and Friday, at 6 i | o’clock A. M . and arrive’at Irwinton -ante day by 6 | p. M.; leaving Fort Gaines every Sunday and Thurs- j lav. at 6 P- M. Stage office, itt Columbus, at John Whiteside’s ; at the Tavern in Florence ; in Irwinton, at Morrison’s : 1 l Fort Gaines, at Sutltfi’. l :. BISSELL & WHITESIDE, Proprietors, i March 6. ®tf THE ART OF SELF-DEFENCE, TAUGHT AT THE OGLETHORPE HOUSE. MR. BAUGE \thc Pugilist) most respectfully j informs the Gentlemen of the city of Columbus, i and its vicinity, that be will continue to take Scholars j un'il the first of April next. The art of Boxing and Wrestling, with various other branches of Self-De fence will be taught to perfection. Payment is not rc -1 qaired m advance, and if full satisfaction is not given. no charge will be made. Mr. B. will teach at his 1 ! Gymnasium, (at the Oglethorpe House,) every day from 12 to 2, and from 9 to 10 at night. Private lessons will he given at G* nt'-mien’.. houses ! from 9 to 12 A. M.. and from 3 **> 6 P. M. Mr. F “ >’i remain m the cits until his c’a;’ is made j> rs, -t ; -••Vr-h. having in engagement to 611 in another .er-tion of ‘hig hgta’c. he ‘'t'l not undertaken I epennd cht-e. ’ 1 Mar'li 15, bit SHERIFFS’ SALES. RANDOLPH SALES. be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL w ¥ next, before the Court House doot itt the town of CuihbVrt, Randolph county, between the husual hours of sale, the following property, viz : Lot of land No. 277, in the Bth district of said county, levied on as the property of John D. Leopard, to sa li-fy one ii. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Fay | ette county, in favor of Waiters Seal vs. John D. Lco ! pard. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. | East half ot lot ol land No. 162, in the 9th district of j said county, levied on as the property of Martin W. Britt, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of Win, T. Smith vs said Britl. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. Feb. 26. RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND t’LACE Wrl.L BE SOLD, One lot of land No. 218. in the slh district of Ran dolph county, levied on as the proper!v of Sain’l Gil more and Henry Sutnmerford, to satisfy the ft. fas. is sued out of a Justices’ Court of Houston county, in fa- I vor of Charles Haddock vs, Satn’l Giltnort* and Henrv i Sutnuierford. Levy made and rc.urued to me bv a Constable. Also the south half of lot No. 35. in the 10th district > ol Randolph county, levied on as the property of Joint i Chavers, to satisfy two li. fas. issued out of a’Jostices’ ■ Court of Fayette county, in favor of Jesse J. Robin- i son vs. John Chavers. Levy made and returned to j me by a Constable. LEV,'IS GREGORY, D. Sheriff: I Feb. 24, ’ 4 , s I i WILL EE SOLD, AT THE SAME PLACE, ON THE FIRST j TUESDAY IN’ MAY NEXT, One lot of land No. 94, in the 7th district of Ran- ; dolph county, levied on as the property of Irev Ellett, j to satisfy three ft. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor C. Alexander vs. Irey Ellett. j Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot of land No. 237, in the Bth district of said conn- I ry, levied on as the property of David Johnson, to sa- j tisfy one. ft. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Sum- : ter county, in favor of Joseph W. Little. Property ! pointed out by plaintiff in Execution. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lots of land No. 110 and 249, in the 4th district of Randolph county, levied on as the property of Axiom Webb, to satisfy two li. fas. issued out of Randolph j Superior Court, one in favor of Rawls & .lelks vs. Ax iom Webb, one in favor of John B. Coleman vs. Axi om Webli. Also lot No. 26D. and the south half of lot No. 268, in the slh district of Randolph county, levied on as the property of Josiah M. Thomley, to satisfy sundry fi. tas. issued out of Randolph Superior Court and Hous ton Superior Court. Also lot No. 29, in the. Bdt district of Randolph eounty, levied on as the property of John Chiles, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued out of Elbert, countv Superior Court, in favor of Welcom and Janies O. Whipple vs. John Chiles. Also half of lot of land No. 164. in the 9ih and istrict of Randolph county, known as the half on which voung Smith now lives, levied on as the property of John Dixon, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of the Inferior Court of Randolph county, at the suit of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said countv, vs. Allen L. Jenlts and said John Dixon and others. March 24. Sts RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. CARROLL SALES. WILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Carrollton, Carroll county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 177, m the 9rh district of Carrol! county, levied on as the properly of John W. Poiner, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Cotut of Henry comity, in favor of Jones and Johnson vs. said John W. Poiner. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. Lot of land No. 119, in the 10th district, the lot whereon the defendant now lives, levied on as the pro perty of Elijah Hendon, to satisfy a (i. fa. issued out of the Superior Court of Carroll county, in favor of Lew son Homes vs. said Hendon. Lot of land No. 35, in the 7th district of Carroll county, levied oil as the property of James Cash, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Franklin county, in favor of John P. Carnes vs. said James Cash. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Property pointed out. by Sam. Knox. Feb. 22. 4is “ JOHN DEAN, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL RE SOLD, One sorrel mare and colt, and two feather beds and bed furniture and bedsteads, levied on as the property of Neal Stone, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Christopher Bowen vs. Neal Stone. Property pointed out by Jonathan San ders. February 24, 1838. Will be sold, at. the same time and place, one red cow and yearling, and two sows and eight pigs, levied on as the property of Jonathan Walker, to” satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Augustus H. Palmer vs. Jonathan Walker and AVil liatn Hardm. MATTHEW REID, D. Sheriff Feb. 24. 4ts WILL BE SOLD, AT THE S AME PLACE, ON THE FIRST TANARUS( Es A VIN MA V NEXT, One negro hoy named Harry, Bsinu years old ; one negro girl, nine years old. named Charlotte; one sor rel mare, 8 or 9 years old. one bay horse 5 or 6 years old. one yoke ol oxen and cart, 3 cows and yearlings, and one two year old heifer, 4 stacks of fodder, 25 barrels of Corn. 2 feather beds, and furniture and bed steads, 1 clock. 1 slab, 1 chest, 1 table, 3 pair of plough gears, and 6 ploughs, levied on us ihe property of John Bone, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Madison county, in favor of John Nesbit and sundry others. Property pointed out by plaintiff and plaintiff's Attorney. March 24. Bts JOHN DEAN, D. Sheriff. BAKER SALES. WILL be sold, ori the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door, in the town of Newton, Baker county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : One lot of land, No. 29” in the 7th district of origi nally Early, now Baker county, taken as the property of Thomas E. Whatley, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. is sued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker county in favor of L. C. Musgrovevs. Thomas E. Whatley and M. T. Musm-ovc.” Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also lots Nos. 1.2 and 3, in the southeast block, and Nos. 1 and 2 in the south or middle block, and No. 4in the northwest block. Also the store-house and land, whereon the house stands, on the north or middle block, all in the town of Byron, Baker county, levied on as the property of P. M. Thomas, to satisfy sundry ft. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker county, in lavor of the administrators of L Bond, deceased vs! B. W. I hompson and P. M. Thomas. Levy made and returned to nte by a Constable. WILLIAM H. HOWARD, Sheriff. Feb. 24. 4 ts NOTICE—SAVE COST. ALL indebted to the subscribers, either by Note or Kook account, arc requested to come forward and make payment, on or before the 10th of March next. Those who do not comply will find them in the hands of an Attorney for collection. Columbus, F.b. 23. 3tf J. S. SMITH & Cos. NOTICE IS hereby given to all concerned, that T have charged lot No. 316. in the 13th district of Houston county, (prime land.) for its Taxes from the year 1823 to tin year 1837, inclusive, agreeable to the Tax Law now in force in this State. DANIEL DUPREE, r. t. n. ii. c. Perry, March 9, 1838. 6m6m NOTICE. THE citizens of Columbus arc requested to call at the City Hall, where the Clerk will attend from 9 o’clock A. M., until 1 P. M., and from 2 until 5 P. M. each day, (the Sabbah excepted ) until the 25 h day of April next, for the purpose of receiving Tax Returns for the city of Columbus. J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. Columbus, March 15, 183S. 6 4t DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of STAF FORD & WOODWARD. Florence. Ga„ is dis solved by mutual consent. H. W. Wo dward, one of the late firm, will attend so and settle all the business of the firm. WM. STAFFORD. Florence, Stewart county. Ga. Feb. 14. 6m3in CAUTION. ALT. persons are hereby forewarned from trading for a certain PROMISSORY NOTE, made I by myself to Henry Brewer, or bearer, dated the oil; j j January last payable on the first d>y of March next,! ; for one hundred and twenty-five dollars. As the con- i | sidcration for which said note was given has failed. 1 j i am determined not to pav said note, unless compelled ! !by law. WM. STAFFORD. ! Florence. Feb. T 4. 6 3t FLORIDA CIGARS. I HAVE jurst received, on consignment, and wifi keep constantly on hand. 100.000 FLORIDA 1 CIGARS, Manufactured bv AVm. McCall, Esq., in ! Quincy. E. SIGOURNEY NORTON, Agent, j March 8. oif NOTICE. j I I,L those indebted to us for the years 183 b and XjbL ’37, arc requested to come forward and settle.— I Those that do not we shall be under the necessity ol ! discontinuing anv further indulgence, j Jan. 17. *so.f J. S. SMITH & CO. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to E.C. Roberts, by note or account, are requested to make immediate pay ment to W.M. SULLIVAN, w-iio is authorised to collect the same. E. C. ROBERTS. Jan. 18. oOif PETIT GULF ( OTTOS SEED, A1 reduced pi warranted genuine, and for - sale bv YONGE & ELLIS. March 15. g,f ’ 4 BBLS Newark Cider, S’ A ■■ 1 lObew. fre-h Lomn., 11l • iceeived. ,;tri for ale bv ‘ *'■ larch le. f, f YOJfGE kEI LIS. SHERIFFS:’ SALES. TALJIOT SALKS. TB-nLD be sold, on tile first Tuesday iff APRIL’ ¥ V next, at the Court door in the town of Taiboiton, Talbot county, within ihe legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit One sorrel horse, seven years old ; otic yoke of ox-’ on and a cart; orie Jersey wagon and harness; live, cows and calves, two heifers, and the tritirc stock if hogs, levied on as the property ( ,f Jeptha M. Stanford, by virtue of a mortgage li. fa. issued front Talbot Inft-’ rtor Court, to satisfy James A. Chapman vs. Ji'ptha* M. Stanford. Lot ot land No. 131, in the 16th district of drijpnally Muscogee, now Talbot county, whereon Thorttas Mdl lins now lives, levied on as the property of Jaihes Gat lin, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued iYotft a Justices’ Court of Hancock county, in lav’or of John Dicksod’ and others vs. James Gatlin. Levy made and returned to me by Constable. Also oast half of No. or, in the 24th diktribt bf origi-’ t rally Muscogee, now Talbott county, levied on as the, property of John Collins, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued’ | from a Justices’ Court, in fuvoi* of William Quinerley. and others vs. John Collins. Levy made and returned* j to me by a Constable. ! Also the entire stock of goods now on hand of the • late firm of Maddux & Irby, levied on as the property ! of James J. Irby, surviving copartner of said firm, to’ : satisfy three fi. fas issued from Talbot Inferior Court, | one in favor of K. Hamilton. J. R. HaVs, L H. Wi-’ I ley, and F. W. Fort, one in favor of Benedict & Bene-’ | diet, and one in favor of William Wright, Hairford ! Smith, Harford Lion and William Cletii vs. James J.- j Irby, surviving copartner. Said stock of goods con-* j sists of dry goods, hard-ware, crockery-ware, shoes,’ ; hats, &C. POSTPONED SALE. Two houses and lots in the town of Talbotton, to’ wit, one whereon Wilson Parks now lives, and the’ I other whereon Janies Thompson now lives, both le-’ vied on as the property of Phillip Long, to satisfy two’ fi. fas. one issued front Talbot Superior Court in far vor of Ellison Taylor vs. Hamilton L. Wade ami Phillip Long ; the oilier issued from Talbot Inferio- Court, Edward W. Russel vs. Phillip Long. Pro-’ perty pointed put bv B. Hill, plaintiff’s Attorney. THOMAS V. ROBINSON, Sheriff. Feb. 26. 4t s STEW ART SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town’ of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the Usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit f Lot ol land No. 69, m the 19ih district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Henry Crow, to sa tisfy two small fi. las. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Jasper county, ia favor of Elisha Crow.- Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. Feb. 27. 4ts M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SC-U, One lot of land, No. 182, in the 25th district of ori ginally Lee, now Stewart county, taken as the pro perty of Johnathan S. Rook, to satisfy one small fi. fa. issued from a Justices’ Court of Newton county, in favor of William Stanford vs. said Rook. Levy made and returned to tnc by a Constable. Also one store house and lbt, containing one hnlf acre, as the property of M. O. Snelgrove, to satisfy sundry ft. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Stew art county, in favor of James Beard vs. said Snel grove. Said store and lot is part of the lot whereon’ E. E. Beard. Esq. now lives. LEONIDAS AV. IIILL, D. Sheriff. Feb. 25; sts WILL BE SOLD, AT THE SAME PLACE, ON THE i fnf* TUESDAY IN MAY NEXT. Lot of land No. 52, in the 23d district of originally Lee, now Stewart county, taken as the property of Uriah Perkir s, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued out of the Superior Court of Stewart county, one in favor of Da niel Richardson, the other in favor of John Peabody. Property pointed out by Daniel Richardson. Also one fourth part of lot No. 68, in the 2!(U disi trict of Stewart county, taken as the property of iVil liani Adare, it being his interest in said lot of land, to satisfy two small fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Madison county, in favor of Meroney & Banks.— Levy made and returned to me by a Constablb. Also lot No. 173, in the 23d district of Stewart coun ty, taken as the property of A. S. Miltofi, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Burke county, in tavor of A. H. Ral, administrator of J. J. Hal, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s Attorney. Levy made and returned to me by u Corn stable. POSTPONED SALE. At the same time and place will be sold, lot of land No. 100, in the 33d district of Stewart county, taken as the property of E. R. Heath, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of AVilkerson county, in favor of V A. Brazzill. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. March 26. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD. Abb. a negro fellow. 35 years old ; Milchiel, a fel low 21 years old, levied on as the property of Ro bert Reynolds, to satisfy one fi. fa. from Stewart Infe rior Court, in favor of Anderson Corum vs. Robert Reynolds, Richard Pickett ami John Reynolds. LEONIDAS W. HILL/D. Sheriff. March 24. Sts MERIWiiI'IIER SALE. WILL bo sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court Bouse door in the town ol Greenville, Meriwether county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two negroes, Mike, a man, about thirty-eight years of age, and I.uey, a wonmii, i lift t ia yooro of agf;, levied on as the property of Thomas Bateman, to tisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in fav r of Dixon Cureton against Thomas Bateman. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. MORRIS G. TOWLES, D. Sh’ff. Jan. 22. 51ts AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One sorrel horse, saddle and bridle, levied on ns the property of Isaac M. Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Walker vs. Isaac M. Tate. Also four negroes, levied on as the property of Bazzel Cone ; Sarah, a woman about 20 years of age, and three small children, Mary, a girl, Short, a boy, and Jane, a girl, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of A. L. Grant, George D. Sharp, Duncan and Ilarl and others vs. Bazzel Cone. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also John C. Willingham's interest in lot cf land No. 207, in the 11th district of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. m favor of Daniel Keith and others. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. One negro boy, by the name of Daniel, about nine or ten years of age. levied on as the property of Richard I. Loyd, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Zachariah White vs. said Loyd. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Feb. 21. MORRIS G. TOWLES, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOI D, One bay horse, levied on as ihe property of Britton Price, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Mary T. Switzer vs. said Price. One lot of land No. 28, in the Ist district of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on as the pro perty of Isaac Hammonds, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Harrison Crow vs. said Hammonds. Levy made and relumed to nte bv a Constable. SAMUEL DARDEN, D. Sheriff. Feb. 21. 4ts WILL EE SOLD. AT THE SAME PLACE, ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MAY NEXT, One lot of land No. 47, in the 10th district of for merly Troop now Meriwether county, levied on as tho property of Isaac Henson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Henry “Dunn, Jr. vs. said Isaac Henson. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also one lot of land No. 233, in the 2d district of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on as the property of Edward Magrttder. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Reuben Ransom vs. said Magruder. Levy made and returned to nte by a Constable. Also two negroes, one woman by the name of Sylva, about eighteen years of age, and her child bv the name of Jane, levied on as the properly of Bazzel Cone, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Willi am Sheppard, Campbell McDougald and Harris and others vs. Baz zel (Jour. MORRIS G. TOWLES, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One lot of land No. 78. in the 11th district of for merly Tron, now Meriwether county, levied on as the property of Isham P. Pool, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Putman vs. said Pool. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. SAMUEL DARDEN, D. Sheriff. March 26. Sts HEARD SALKS. -nrILL be su'd, ori the first Tuesday in APRIL [ w V next, before the Court House door in the town 1 of Franklin, Heard county, at the usual hours of sale, | the following property, viz : One lot of land No. 160, in the 12th district of origi nally Carroll, now Heard county, levied on as the pr<- ! perty of Robert J. McCurdv. to satisfy two fi. fas. in favtr of Thomas Broddus, issued ot t of a Justices’ j C-ur in Jasper county,Ga. The said property point ed out by the plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also will be sold, at the same time and place, the j State’s interest in No. 28. in the 13th district of for ! meriy Carroll, now Heard county, agreeably to an act ol the last Legislature. Terms made known on the j day of sale. Also one lot of land No. 298, in the 3d district of formerly Coweta, now Heard county, levied on as the property of Samuel Kite, to satisfy his tax for the year 1836. Tax due, 98 cents. Levy made and returned t to me by a Constable. WILL EE SOLD, AT THE SAME PLACE, ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MAY NEXT, A negro bov bv the name of Bill, about 22 years of age ; also Nat, a bov about 7 years ot age ; Job, a 1 boy about 5 years of age, and Siller, a woman, about 14 yea's of age, levied on as the property of Joseph Morrow, to sa’ifv a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Albert Scars against Joseph Morrow. Property pointed cut , bv sain mortgage fi. fa. ” Kcb. 23. 4*s POSEY JOHNSTON. Sheriff. AT tin . AML rmr; AND rtACI WILI r * SOLD. On- cotton ;nt and running gear, levied od as f 6e pToricrtv cf 1 ho; O. Dunlap, tn favor of George W. , 1 u ren'm” v r-i'd Punlat>. _ ‘rl.OUi-L W. CRAWFORD, D. Sheriff, i 7f 3r ,~>. in Vi •