Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, August 09, 1838, Image 1

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COLUMBUS SENTINEL AND 111 VOL. VIII.] PUBLISHED EVER V THURSDAY MOR.VIRO BY B. V. IVEKS3N AND J. B. WKBB. OH BROAD STREET, OVER ALLEN St YOUNO’j, M’INTOSH ROW. ‘l'w.l.U J -jjajjy.uii, (nut. j,. nuin, payable tit a lvaace, or sou.-. doll irs. (in a cases ex icted) where payment is not mi le before tli expiration of the year. No subscription received f less than twelve in >:iths, with jut payment uiadvaric an 1 n > paper discontinued, except at the option u. the E litors, until ad arrearages are paid. ADVE.t Tl 3 £ vl £ >1 I’d c mpi: lojsly inserted a one dol ar per one h'in Ired words, or less, for the first insertion, an l fifty cents fur every subse quent continuance. sent without a specifica tion of tho nu nb:r of insertions, will bS published until ordered o it, and charge I accordingly. Id. Yearly advertisements For over 24 and nol excee ling 3ti lines, fifty dollars per annum ; fir ovr 1 2, an 1 n it exceeding 2 t lines, thirty-jive dollars per annum ; for less than 12 lines, twenty dollars per annum. Sd. All rule an 1 figure work double the above p; ices. Legal Advertisements jiuhiished at the usual rates, an 1 with strict attention to ihe requisitions of the law. All Sales regulated by law, must he made before the Court House and >or, between the hours of 10 in the morning anJ 4 in the evening—those of Land in the county where it is situate ; those of Personal Property, whire the letters tes amen'ary, of a Imin istration or of guardianship were obtained—and are required to b • previously advertised in some public Gazette, as follows: Sn eriffs’ S*t.r.s under regular executions for thir- TV Diva, unler mortgage fi fas sixty days, before the day of sale. Sales of Land and Negroes, bv Executors, Ad ministrators or Guardians, for sixty days before the day of sale. Sales of Personal Property (except Negroes) forty days. Citations by Clerks of the Cour's of Ordinary, upon application for letters of administration, must be published for thirtv days. Citations upon application for dismission bv Executors. A I ministrators or Guardians, monthly for six months. Orders of O mrts of Ordinary, (accompanied with a , copy ol the bond or agreem rnf) to make titles to land, must be pub'ished thref. months. Notices by Executors A Iministra’ors or Guardians, of application to the Cou t of Ordinary for leave to sell the Land or Negroes of an Estate, four MONTHS. Notices bv Executors or Administrators, to the Debt ors and Cre l:.ors j( an Estate, for six weeks. Sheriffs Clerks of Court, .Hie., will be allowed the usual deduction. IIZF* Letters on business, must be post paid to en‘ile them to a’fen'ion. NOUItSE AND BROOKS, HAVE ESTABLISHED THEMSELVES AT APALACHICO LA. FOR THE THAIfSACTION OF A gbnehalagency jUI c<mmssiosr iuj* TtlE V be” leave lo acquaint their friends and the o Iblic gen trallv that they will conitui* the busi ness of the late tirn >f Nourse Tavlor & Brooks, At their old stand, and thankful for the liberal patronage attended to that linn w rill respite fully solicit a con tinuance of the same, assuring their friends that the business of the new firm will be conducted with the pante promptitude an I security which characterized their former connexion. HIRAM NOURSE. HIRAVf VV. BROOKS Aoalachicola Julv I. 43 ts _________ MM KjlJ €oiniiiit<itM( Bntiiienii. THE un lersigned will continue the Ware House , anJ Cos n ntssion B tsiness at his old stand in Front street. Gra'eful for past fivors, he trusts, bv a •trictrogarl to b win ;ss con i led to him, to merit and .receive a dure'if ihlic paromge. He basin store for sale, on aceoin n riatirig terms, 5839 2 >tls b *s■ Ksn'uckv it me. til Puce i B iggmg, different kinds,* Coffee in “tacks. Chewing Tobacco, &c. &c. WM. P. YONGE. Att®. 31. 35 if I V I ‘CS H. I .iZ * $l) IS, watch yia.xu'x. &*£> js .vist.t.i:rx, 2d door north of Kil lin'* Confectionary Br'dst. ~S KhlSPhO'l'KlHjl.l inform his town and country friends tha. lie has just returned from e ' v York wi.h a very non fj JSgSjjL!; addiiion to lus slock of Goods li and >adies and gen lemon tvish \f ‘ m o VVatches or Jewelry ol superior quality, have now an opponuni.y of supply mg them selves witharacles thai cannot be surpassed. Rich une gold Jewelry, Si.ver Ware, pla ed and Fancy Goods. The fr.lo-vin® articles comprise a p .r.ion of his stock, and he will seilon as good term. as any otner eslabiish tnen; in Georgia. Go.d silver Levers. Anchor escapement Duplex, Horizontal and veri.cai Watches, of the finest finish—all of which he warrants first rate lime keepers. Setts of Ladies’ Earrings and Broaches, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald Opal enamelled an 1 every description of Breast Puis and Finger Rings, Gold guard and fob Chains, Seats, Keys, Lockets and Trinkets, of all kin Is. in great variety, and most superb manufacture, Gold and diver Spectacles, Silver Spoons. Butter Knives, Superior Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirk and Pen Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, L.. lies’ splendid Card Cases Head B in Is, Combs, P-b Plae pies, Revalving silver mounted Gastors, Plated Candlesticks, Fancy Bellows, Cloth, Hair. Crumb and Hearth Brushes, English rirte belt Pistols, Sword Canes, Four sided Razor Strops, Silk Purses, Perfumery, And every other article usually found at Jewelry Stores. J. H. R. as here'ofrre. will repair and regulate CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description, an I warrant all (that were made for time) to perf >rm well Gold and silver work, and jewelry, made and repaired. Engraving neatly executed. Cash, or goods, paid for ord gold and silver. Columbus. April 13. 15 ts GEO. W. WAY’S CVRRIAGIi REPOSITORY, CORNER of Oglethorpe and Si. Clair street, im mediately in the rear of the City Hotel. The •übscriber respec fully informs the pub ic that he is now receiving a general assortment of Carriages ol all descriptions, to wit: C-'lches, Coachees. Chariotte-'s, Cabriolets, dickev •eat Barouches, one and two horse extension-top Ba rouches. three seats ex en non-top do , B iggies, four wheels, fr one an l two horses, two wheel do., Sulkies ■of every description. The above Carriages are superior to anv ever re ceived in this market, and cannot be surpassed f >r ma terials, style an! durability Anv ar'iele purchased “from this establishment can be depen led on. Call and see. an 1 1 will sell von htrainx. Carriages o f everv description furnished to order, bv addressing the undersigned. GEO. W. WAV. I have a g >neral stock of C taeh Uaterials, which I will sell low. Repairing done in the verv bet man gier. and by Northern Workmen. G. W. W. Feb. 1. 52 v CARRIAGE SHOP. MMS3 Sc P^XSiXITT, Oglethorpe Sired , North of Calhoun ’* Hotel, HAVE just received a ue.v assortm >nt of good CAR AtA SES selected from some of the best manufactories at the North. Tney having taken par ticular pains to have them made to suit this coun'ry, and to insure satisfaction to purchasers, they will war rant them for one year with fair usage. All kind of Carriages made to order. Carriage and Harness’ re pairing done in very neat style by g i id Northern work men. Also, a good assortment of Carriage materials, mil of which they will sell low for cash or approved paper. _Feb. 16. 7tf Live Geese Feathers, just re (f ceived and r or sale by RANKIN. Mc.Q.UAID & WISE. Doe, 21. 4>f ’ ” RO'tMS to rrst. FDUR ROOMS to be rented in M’lntosh Row, well calculated for Lawyers, Doctors, or Gen tlemen’s Sleeping Rooms. March 8. stf M. N. CLARK. Agent. RAYMOND & ALLISON, wholesale Grocers and commission Merchants, Apalachicola, Flor. Aug. 1L *Btf COLUMBUS WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL SiLODZiEHY WAftfi-HOUSS, At the sign of the Gulden .saddle, a few doors be low D. Hungerford St Co’s, and nearly oppnfile Ujquhart & Ware. W. WADE & CO. T "^sMtil flaVe now °° hand a complete as %lSkoWwaSg ‘ortni’ ut of articles apper.anting to IIumSI n,;lr * ltle °*" t)aß,neßß : jflilrlwfonl'lV . —AMONG WHICH ARE IliintHnlniiinHB ~paninh, Limited, overlaid and Shaf m-ll® ted aul le.s. Plain, B iys’, Race, Attakapas, and /\ Planters’do. Large and Extra Large do Ladies’ Sa 1 lies of every quality and size. BittUliKS OK ALL* KINDS. Some go k 1 fir fifty cents; Sa Idie Bags. Carpet Bags; Valiees; Stirrup Lea'hers; Sircingies and Girths. HARNESS—Coach Gi® and Dearborn from the cheapest to the best. TRUNKS, of every descrip tion. The above articles are of their own manufacture, made un ler their o vn im ue lia’.e inspection, of th< best materials, and by superior workmen. Also, on hand, ENGLISH SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINGALES. Coach Gig. Tanlem, Sportsmen, and Wargon Whips; S irrups, Bits, Spurs, Buckles. Haines, Col ars, (Jut Tacks. Trunk Locks, Horse Brushes anti Jurry Combs, Trace and Halter Chains. ALSO—A good assortment of Coach and Gig Har ness Trimmings; P.ated, Brass and Japanhl do. ALSO—A goo 1 assortment ol Skirting, Harness, tnd Bridle Leather ; black blue, red yellow, green and cochineal Morocco Skins; Buffalo Robes and Bear Skins. N B. Traders who may buy to sell again, will be furnished on as good terms as can be bought either in New York or Newark. Country merchants are re spectfully invited to c ill and examine our goods and prices and satisfy themselves. ‘thf*’ REPAIRING done on the most reasonable terms. Anri! 29. 1837 31 ts CABINET AND CPHOLSTERY~WAUE HOUSE. CONZELNIAW & ANDERSON MOST respectfully infoim the citizens of Colum bus. and its vicinity that they have removed from their former stand, to the store lately occupied by McArn, in B-oad-street, nearly opposite the Insurance- Bank. Thev have now on hand an elegant assortment of FURNITURE of their own manufacture. —ALSO— Paper Hangings of the latest patterns with suii®*ilt- Borderin®, Ornaments, and other materials for Cur 'ains. &c. A tverse to puHog. they would only solicit a call which would enable Ladies and Gen'lemen to judge for themselves by examining the articles. All oders will he executed with oromptitude. Cur tains put up in the most fashionable style. Rooms neatlv panered. In short, any thin® in their line will be punctually attended to. Aug. 23. 36tf CITY HALL. f INHE subscriber .nlverti-e-r the community 1 that since his occupancy of this establish ment. it has undergone the most general and thn rough repairs—much labor and expence have been bestowed to render the house comforta ble and commodious—and lie is now folly pre pared to receive and entertain customers in style not surpassed ny any other Southern Hotel Having spent many years of'liis life in the bu siness of keeping a |>ublic house, he entertains confidence in himself of an ability to give gen eral atisfaction. His Table will he constantly and abundantly supplied with the best provisions which the country affords. His liar is stocked with a supply of choice VVi ties. Liquors, and Segars. Ills Starnes Hie < nnrt attended liy experienced 0.-tlers. THOMAS JAMES. RATES OF BOARD: Board and Lodging per month, - S3O 00 Board without Lodging per month, 22 0 Dinner Boarders per month, - - 12 00 Board per week, ... 10 50 Board per day, - - - - 175 Dinner, - - 75 Breakfast, ... 50 Supper, - - . 50 Lodging, - ... 5t Horse permeuth - - - 20 (to Horse per dav, - - I Os Children and Servants half price. Fires and lights extra. Oct. 10 23 JOHN K. B AGON & Go. AGENTS F R THE SALE OF T E INDIAN’S PANACEA, HA VE just received a fresh -upp.y .it this valuable rom dy for die cure ot R ism Scrofuia or liiiig’s Evil Go it Ecu ica or flip G m Incipient Oaucers, Sail Riieuni E'.piu.i ic and .\1 -rcurial .lis ea :es, particularly Utct-rs and pain m art-c ions of ihe bones. Ulcerated Throat an 1 N istrns. Utcers of everv description Fever Sores and (u ernal A'xces— ■s Fiituias. Flies, S:a and Heal S;uivy, Bnes Chro nic S ire Eves Hry.sipeiis B.otches an.l every vaiiely of Ciraneoiis A dec ion, C ironic Ca arrh, Hea lae,.e. proceodiug from vriaiui: A fctlous of the Liver; Chronic iiiila u ni’ion if he Ki Ineys ail I General De hi iiy causea by a turpi i a tiion of the vessels of the Ain. I:. is singularly eifi .acious in renovat ng those eons, i ution.s which have been broken down bv mjudi ■:i iis irea incut, or pivcniie iriegulariues. In genera ternr. i'is recommended in ail those diseases which arise from im mri ies of the blood, or vi’ration of the hum ir?. of wha ever name or kind. Some of the above complaints may require some assi-an a-iptica ions, which the c rciinis antes if ih case will die ae; bin for an ral reme ly or Purifi cator to re nwe th: c tune. The I.vola.n's Panacea wn gen -radv be found su fici-n . Tlie fiilo ving certificates. out of hundreds simi'a l which migh’ h ; procured are given to show the effm of the Indian’s Panacea in the various complaints ! h ’rein men'imed ; and also to exhibit in the uost sa ti-fietorv manner its superiority over the syrups in common use. Ch arleston. Nov. 15, 1831 During the last win’er a >d spring I was afflicted with a very severe an t distressing Rheumatism occa sioned bv exposure in had wea her. 1 now take grea pleasure in s’a’ing that six h files of I vdi an Pa'a cea. restored me to perfect health, and l confidently recommend it to all similarly allured. JOHN FERGUSON. King st. Charleston July 12. 1831. I was afflicted four years with an iflcer in the leg occasionally accompanied with erysipe'a'ious inflama tion and an excessive pain in the leg and ancle j in'. Several eminent Phvsicians exerted ‘heir “kill upon it hut without permanent benefit. In this case five bot tles of the Indian Panacea made a perfect cure. MUdARUT A. WEST,Market 5t.121. Jii]v .Vh TS37 ‘ll r twstv Jit’ll Ati liilDdS. subscriber has just received, a fresh 1 supply of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, of the latest fishi ns and’ui’iortations. ■READY MADE CLOTHING HATS, BON NETS AND SHOES. He would invite his customers and the public generally tocall and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they no doubt will be suit ed with the quality ,iiid price. He is determined te sell low for cash. Country merchants will be supplied atreduced P r ' ce *- NEILL McNAIR- May 21,-7-tf WANTED. BALES Cotton, for which the high tF k * ‘ * fcst cash price will be oaid bv HARPER, THORNTON & LIVINGSTON, B VfiGIXG AND BALE ROPE. SOD ps. best Dundee Bagging 50 do Franklin works. .Massachusetts 100 Coils Kentucky Rope 50 do. Hungarian 50 do. Russia Hemp HARPER, THORNTON & LIVINGSTON Aiig. 20— ts 7 BBLS. pickeled SHKFIP HEAD. 20 boxes fine Scotch Herring, 4 bbls. Cranberries, 20 000 best Spanish Cigars, Just received and for sale by Feb. 1,1838. 52tf ‘YONGE & ELLIS. 4 BBLS Newark Cider, 10 boxes fresh Lemons, just received, and for sale by March 15. 6tf YONGE & ELLIS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1838. U’tY GGJDt, GROCE (IBS, ETC. JUST RECEIVED, a:id now opening, a fill and complete stock of Goods, well assorted for the country trade, selected by a competed judge, and bought on terms to enable the sub scribers to afford great bargains to their friend and customers. The stock c apprizes: DRY GOODS Broadcloths, blue biack. and fancy colors Cassimeres and SattiuetU Readv made Clothing Negro Clothes and Blankets Domes ics, brown, bleached and plaid Sheeting Irish and Russia Linen, Irish, Diaper and table Flannels, red, white and yellow Muslins. Cambric. Swiss and Jaconet Calicoes, Ginghams, Dimities Painted and figured Muslins Gloves, Ladies’ and Gents Hosiery of every description Silks, black and fancy colors Black Lustring. Gros de Naples, &c. Edgings and Insertings, blonde and muslin Fancy Ball Dres-es Superb Laces of all kinds IJoots, Shoes, and Hats, fir men, women ahd children Silk and Cotton Umbrellas and Parasols Artificial wreaths of flowers Jewelry ol'every description. GROCERIES. Sugar—New Orleans. Havana & Muscovado “ Loaf and Lump Coffee —Havana. St. Domingo, Rio. &c. Teas—Gunpowder, Imperial,and Young Hy son, Wines—Madeira, Champagne and Claret Liquors—Cog Brandy. Holland Gin. Old Irish Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey Jamaica,Antigua. St.Croix,\ O and NE Rum, Peach Brandy anti old Apple Jack Cordials, in barrels and boxes Porter, Pale Ale and Cider Sarsaparilla, Lemon, and Strawberry Syrup Spanish, American, and Florida Cigars Tobacco, assorted Pepper, Allspice. Nutmegs Soap. Starch. Candles Sperm and Linseed Oil Flour, Buttei. Lard Cheese, Pm k, Beef Tongues Codfish, Salmon. Mackerel Herring and Hallibuts Fins Bttle Rope and Bagging Harness and Saddlery Buckets, Tubs, Baskets ITav and Shorts. Brooms, &c. Together with a fine assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, as Mill and Cress Cut Saws Trace Chains. Hoes. Axes Shot Guns. Rifles, Pistols Bowie Knives, Arkan-as Tooth Picks, &c. Per brigs Hartley. Cumberland. Sadi. &c.— The assortment will he kept full by the regular line of Packets. The above goods will he sold low. Terms Cash. E. J. WOO-O & CO. St Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1. 18:17 24 ts THE SUBSCRIBER. IS now r-.ceivilig his fall supply of Groceries. from brig Rhine, from New York, and brig Alto, Brown, Baltimore. 130 barrels superfine FLOUR 120 ‘ Baltimore rectified Whiskey 250 kegs assorted Liquors 140 barrels Bread and Crackers 20,000 lbs. Bacon, in hams and middlings 30 boxes Tobacco, all brands 150 barrels Mackerel 40 “ com. Gin 10 “ best II dlund, do 00 “ Rum. N. E. 20 “ Monongahela Whiskey 30 “ Peach Brandy 50 qr. casks Wine all kinds 200 boxes, do 50 ba-kets Champagne on boxes Snerin x^'aiime* 5 halfpipes -;egn\ Cognac Brandy 50 b igs Havana Coffee 30 Rio do 50 hhls. and 20 his. Sugar, St. Croix and Porto Rico Also, Bagging, Rone. Crockery, Glass and China Ware. Negro Shoes, 500 sacks Silt. by the brig Cumberland, which will he in market by the 20th in-tint. And is prepared to pay cash or advance on Colton, on shipment to his fiiends in New York, Baltimore, Charleston, or New Orleans. JX>. T. MY RICK. Apal ichico'a, Oct 10. |r(37 23 iVASlll.iiii'Uj AC.I J 4 .im. k AND TON Fc.MAI*K SEMINARY. , sec- I. ill ti riii of iiistl u ions will cum- Jl .lienee on me 2 1 .VI ill lay in July. Tne Iru.lees a.e lae greatest p.easure m reconim n ting these m s.uu.i >iis .o ihe fav rami patronage if the public.— From p rsoiiai ib.-erva ion inej nave the m.l en ne MtiiiJeiice in uie moral ami ual ej.i ;a.ion, coll ide en nu cr their experienced and liiglny coiupeit n teachers t'.ie -ervices of die pr -sent Teachers have been se cure t for ihe space of three years. In the in tie de par iiimii Augunus K Hug®, A. B. Principal; an i .vlisses Lstvi.iid S VVaJswonli au 1 Augusia A. Giles, lea thers m teinaiedepa imenl. Two urge c in n Miious rooms have been ad led to the Fern lie \cademy for the purpose of Recitation. Music, Painting, and Dr twin ; ; and the Trustees jledge them-eiVes that no pains shah bi spared to >1 ice iliese among the besi ins i mions in the conn ry. t'he number of scnoiars in ihe Academies during liie irst term wa-> ab ml one hiindri tl. In t'le ill and < department are thoroughly taught all he brandies of Aeale me and Code-late courses of Aitidn-s in the b st and most a- proved manner. In the feoii.e deja’ini lit besides the common an 1 li rlier Praneues of En pnh Literature, wi.l be augm ■ ,ain Greek, French Drawing, Panning in oil and water ciors, M zzotin mg. Vocal and Instrumental M i-iic, etc etc. Ti t VIS PER QUARTER : 1 it Div. Or higriphy Re,dm; VVri iug Par ley’s Geography Hi no.-y, an l Elem ui ary Ait iin iio ----- $5 00 2 I ■riitne ic M *n'a! an I Opera ive Eng ish Gram nir Geography, Aucieii and Modern ills or,. Rhetoric and Mythology, with coin p >si inns an 1 die a'ion, ... 7 59 31 Nauru! Moral anJ Intel eetual P liloso pay, Chemistry As ronomy N imral Huto to y. including Z mlogy, Geology, and B >tu® ny Algebra Geome ry, nl higher Miihe ma'ics, P di'ical Economy, Languages, Latin and Greek, etc. etc. - - 10 00 French ------ 1000 Draving Flower Painting, and Mezzotinting, 10 00 P liming in oil and water colors. - 1 i 03 Transferring and making wax fruit and flown s, per lesson, ----- I 03 Mine V ical and lns*rum?n al, - 15 00 B tar 1 can be ob ained in the sime family wiih the teachers and o'her respec able families, at trom §8 to SI 2>o accordin’ to ths age of individual.on applica tion to the Principal. JAMES Y. GARDNER, President B >ard of Trustees. JOSEPH PDU. Secretary Board of Trustees. Talho'ton. Ga. July 1 IP3B 22 6t CILUMHUS CH’TON PACrORV. ■'•NHti owners of the Columbus Factory respeef ■ fully inform the public that i’ is nnv in operati n. They have on hand a general assortment of YARNS which may be had at all times at the most reduced prices. Their Wool Carding Machine is also in operation, and any thing in that line will be done at the shortest notice. 5. Jp* A number of boys and girls wanted to work at the Faoorv for which ihe most iberal prices will be •'iven by the week or m >nih. Applv to 3 STEWART & FONTAINE, or S. K. HODGES & CO. Columbus Feb. R 6 ts PACKETS KittlM Sl’. .<DaiGPH in NEW YORK. THE following substantial and fast sailing vessel-’ will run as regular Packets between St. Joseph and New York, and will take freight and passengers low. Brig HXRTI EY. Ryder, master. “ CUMBERLAND, Darling, master. “ SADI. Vincent, “ Also, the new and splendid ship SPRING. For Freight or Passage apply to E. J. WOOD i CO. Agents, St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1. 1537 24 ts YONGE & ELLIS CONTINUE to receive and offei for sale all kinds ofS'aple and fancy Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes Hats. Saddlery, Hardware. &c. together wiih a good supply of Groceries,all of which will be sold on the most favorable terms . Feb. Ist. 183S 52 ts “NOT THE GLuKY OF CjEsAR,—BUT THE WELFARE OF ROME.’’ LAND AT AUCTION. GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD. ON Friday aud Sa urday, the i 9th and 20di OC TOBER next, the sub criber will sed at Public Auction, in ihe own of Cusseta Chambers county, Alabama, the foUowm® parcels of land, unless previ ously disposed of at jinva e sale, viz : ‘.Vest iof section 26 21 27 ) A splendid settlem -nt. •Vest jjf do 3i 21 2/ > vith3soor3/5 acres,well Southwest qr. 26 21 27 ) improved, adjoining the town of Cusseta. South Jof sec. 72127 ) 100 acres well im- Nirih jof sec. 72127 ) iroved. W'est jof sec. H2125)> 13 lucres well improved. East jof section 2 22 28 1 Fir nmg a splendid se - with the fraction numbers 1 lenient of aboti’ 650 .- not recollected in the sth j cres,with about 350 acre district Troup county, Ga J well improved, immedi ately on the Chattahoo chee river. 3 miles above West Point. South ] of section 26 22 26 West ” ” ” 34 21 26 N rrh ’’ ” •’ 24 22 28 North” ” ” SO 22 26 aNorth” ” ” 621 25 ‘Vest ” ” ” 620 28 East ” ” ” 22 20 26 South”” ” 24 21 28 Smth” ” ” 119 23 Souti” ” ” 322128 North” ” ” 23 21 26 The above lands all in Chambers county. North }of sec. 11 18 241 S.uth ” ” ” 11 18 24 East ” ” ” 27 19 24 .. ... Ea:t ” ” ” 24 19 21 j' Macon county, Ala. West ” ” ” 9 19 25 I North”” ” 61325 j West ]of sec. II 20 24) East ” ” II 20 24 South ” ” ” 13 20 23 South ” ” ” 82023 I West ” ” ” 15 20 24 )Tallapoosa county, Ala West ” ” 18 21 22 I Nonh” ” ” 3120 23 East ” ” 2B 21 23 | West”” ” 35 21 23 J West iof sec. 18 22 28 ) About 30 or 40 acres South” ” ” 72228 ) improved, with a good Mill sea’, an 1 only 4oi 5 miles above West Point. Also, at the same time and place, will be disposed of, all the unsold lo s in the flourishing village of ‘Jus seta, Chambers co inty, Ala., situated about 12 miles west of Wen Point, Ga., immediafelv upon the line marked out for the Montgomery and West Point Rail road. and in which there is now a male and female Academy, conducted bv first rate insiructors. To persons desirous of setili’ g ‘n this section of country, some of the above lands offer superior advantages to almost any o;her in the State. Part of the ab ive lands wlt be sol I'o close a ompany c neern. The terms will be made to suit purchasers. WM. VANN. Cusseta. Chambers county, Ala , Julv 20. 1838. fCjP* The S’andard of Union, and Recorder, Mi'- ledgeville, and Chronicle and Sentinel, Augusta, Gb., and the Mon'gomery Advertiser, Montgomery. Ala., will please give the above six insertions, and fa ward their accounts to the subscriber for pavment. 256 t WM VANN. TO PLANTERS. THE subscriber offers for sale, upon reasonable terms for c.ish, or upon lon® time, as may suit the convenience of purchasers, the following tracts of land in A.abama. I.’ ‘s unnecessary to say any thin® in regard to ihe quality. But I will remark, that some of the best seiiletii in the State are included in these lands. Purchasers need have no fears abojt titles—they shall be satisfactory. E 4 12 2St Section 12 14 26 W 35 12 29,SEqr 11 14 26 N 1 12 25 EiNEj 11 14 26 Section 8 12 261N 1 14 28 S Wqr 5 12 26 S 12 14 29 E haif NE qr 4 12 26 N 35 14 29 N VV qr 5 12 26 S 25 14 29 SE qr 6 12 26 3 11 14 29 SE qr 4 12 26 S 11 14 30 WhalfNWiS 12 26 S 10 14 30 Section 17 13 28 VV 31 14 30 Section 8 13 28 W 7 16 28 N 24 13 29 l£ 33 16 29 VV 32 13 26 VV 33 16 29 VV half SE ] 32 13 26 S 26 16 29 W liaif NE) 32 13 26 VV 10 16 27 NE or 31 13 26 S 2 17 28 E liaif SE qr II 13 26 N 28 17 28 E haif NW) 31 13 26 N 21 17 28 ?? U IS 17 28 NW)S Ei 11 13 26 S 27 15 27 SE qr 30 13 2,1 13 15 27 NW qr II 13 2. V 12 15 2-< S 23 14 2 4 11 15 28 W 17 14 2 > 31 15 29 E 19 14 27 - 2 15 28 E 30 14 2. (ection 3 15 28 E 32 14 27 N 3 15 26 S 3 14 27 V 20 15 30 N 3 14 2 V 18 15 2) SW qr 31 14 2 N 29 !5 29 WjNWi 34 14 2 £ 28 15 30 VV 19 14 30 N 21 15 29 Section 24 14 26; N 8 15 29 Section 25 14 2ti 1 S 25 18 26 S 33 14 26 VV 36 18 26 Ajiril 26. 13jan. 1 H. S. SMI H. IMP >RT YNT NOTICK. FOR THE AFFLICTED THERE IS A BAIM IN GILEAD. TIE oiiz-n-s of Z b don m Hike aounty, are hereby no i ied ilia’ Air. H. G. JOHNSON ol tlVi p ace is the ai h iri-e I a;ent fir selling BRAN )I i TIS V£ i £ TABLE UNI V -RtSAL PILLS an I his bis C £ tTI <’[OATE of Agency a i.l a “resh supply of the Pi.lsfro.n the General Agency in C->lum nis. Ani thev ar® further cau'ioned agiinst purchasing Pills for BRANDRETH’S PILi.S of Mr. Joiui Neal, of that p aee. as h-n . f ring f>r sale the basest co inferfeits. Purchase only of ilie kno-vn and audio tised Agents, an 1 you are on the sure side. AND YET ANOTHER. The ciiz-iH f vl > l iceti in Jasper county are hereby q i lied, that Messrs. KELLUM & MAX EV >f thu u'uce, ire the au'liorised Agents for the sale of the B t AND IS TH VEGETABLE UNI VERBAL PLUS an) have their CERTIFI - T i of V; mev, an 1 i fiedi supply of the GENU -1 N PILLS’ fr > n h* General Agency in Columbus. Al l lest IIV inll;th •nwh > vis to purchaV die • nuin ; n • licm * sh nl<l be deceived bv the counter fei> a- the ,e il of their heal'h ail I perhaps their nv. s, t w vil 1 gi e the n “i ndv cn in n > to purchase Pil ■ >’ M -ssrs Hirl & Ia igerf rd whiiiseemsareot f-rin js > irm is Pills on Dr Branlrelh’s credit.— T>uch not the unrlenn thins:. J<KIN B. PniAß Y. General Agent for teor’ia, Alabama and Florida. Columbus, Mav 14. S. T. CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY & GOJNsS it AT LAW, Cotumbui, Ga ., WILL a'ten 1 the several Cos iris in Muscogee, an 1 the a Ij icen’ conn ies of Georgia an I A a ha ni. O.fice in Hepburn’s buildings, immediately op posite the Ogletho-pe Ho ise. REFERENCE. Hon. .In>. Vlacphersojj Berkien, Hon. William M. Hali Me Allister, Hon Robert M. Chxklton, Hon. Ch \Ri es si. Henkv, Savannah. Col. Seabirs loves, Col. J. F’. Foster, Col. J. W. Campbell, Judge Thomas, Julge Iverson, Colquitt, Hilt & Echols, April 26. 12 f Cum.ub is. J, B. GREEN AND CO. H AVE FOR SALE. FOR CASH ONLY, -| HHDS. Porto Rico Sugar, J. Vr 80 bags Havana Coffee, 50 bbls. N. E. Rum, 25 boxes Starch, 25 do Soap, 50 kegs Nails, 100 bht’s. Canal Flour, 50 tierces M I'asses. 10 M best Havana Segars. Also for sale, exchange on Charleston, New Orleans, B >ston. New York and April 12. lOtf Philadelphia. DUS. HOLT AND PERSONS 4 RE united in the prac'ice of Medicin® Their Offices are on Broad street, just below the City Hall, and on Ranialph street, in the upper tenement of Calhoun’s Granite Building. Besiles the usual branches of the practice of Medi cine. Drs. H. and P. tender their services as Surgeons of some experience in the higher operations—such as operations for all diseases of the eyes,for Hernia, Li thotomy. &c, &c. Marsh 23. 12tf FOR RENT. TWO verv Hsirab'e ROOMS, over the store of Hamilton, Hurd & Cos. For ferms apDlv to J.m® 28 21 ts H. H. fc ‘CO. LIME. |-v RBLS. new Thomaston Lime expected by the Steamer Oceola, from Apalachicola.— Will be sold low if taken at the wharf. Nov. 16. 44:f WM. P. YONGE, Front at. u: <; ar, i\ otic ks. A Dull NTS T.i AT.)RS SALE. PUoI'IMNED SALE. W r U.L he sol-1, on the first Tuesday in SEP TEMBER nex , at the Court rlou-e square a’ Ta!b utton, U albot county, Geoigia. the remainder >f the personal property of the estate of Abel Cnu lec®a>ed, laie ot said emin’y. Terms on .h*- dav. July 21. 25 s ISA \C F.. B>v KR A ’ ADWISISI it II'UU'J a 10-.. A GREEARLE to an order Iron the Orphan C i irt of Ru-sell Cos in y, will be -old in th of Jirard Ala. on Thurs ay, the 4ih da of Go ober next the w tile of Section 32. Township 15 t inge 28 Iving in Russell co mty, on the wafers ol’ he Ha’cti-a Chubl ie, belonging to the estate of Eb.-- ii -z o r Torrence. Tcrmi~ >ne half Cash, par currency, the balanc at 12 monihs, with m irtgage or other approved secu rity. ALBERTP TORRENCE, L HHSV S. TORRENCE, Ju'v 5. 22 ‘s A l-niuis'ri'o-s. A D >i INISTR ATOR’S SALE. n’ ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in SEP TEMBER next, at the Court House door in he ; > inty of vleri -veer. within the legal h rurs lot of lan I N>. 2)1 in the 10th district of, originally Troup, n> v VJeri vether c > city. S ltd a3 the property of the estate of Po veil .Vard, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms,cash. JOHN BUCE,Adui’r. June, 1838. 47ts ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AT the Court H ruse m the town of Hamilton Harris county, by virtue of an order of the Infe rior Court, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, wi.i be sold in the. town of Hamilton, on the first Tuesdax in SEPTEMBER next, within the usual hours ol sale, the following tracts of laul, viz: One tract <f land conn aimn® two hundred two and one half acres, situate, lying anl being in the third district of origi nally Troup, but now Harris county, by the No. 7 Also eighty-five acres in said disirict more or less part of lo’ No. 47 su’ and f>r the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Obadiah M. Cuibreatli, late of Harris countv, deceased. ’ WILLIAM L. CULBREATH, Adm’r. Julv 3. GUARDIAN’S! Auki. POSTPONED SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, at the Court House door in Green ville, Meriwether county, within the legal hours of sale, lot of iand ‘o. 2. ill ihe 2d district of originally Troup now Meriwether county, sold as the property of the illegitimates of Sarah Richardson, for the bene fit of said illegitimates. SEABORN THORN, Guardian. Ju'y2s. 26ts FOUR MONTHS from date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, when sitting for ordinary |iurposes, for leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Solomon Barefield, late of Randolph conntv deceased. FREDERICK BAREFIELD, COLEMON BAREFIELD, Administrators with the will annexed. July 23, 1838. 25 FGUR MJN'THS afier date application wil. be made to the fiomrable the Inferior Court o'. Early coun y, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell lot of lan 1 N • 1263, in the 16 h district and i 1 section, f .rtnerly Cherokee. Lot No. 252 in the 2 1 district of vl r-iroe c runty, one-third ->f No. 407 in the 23ih district of Early cotnty, anl 116 acres ol 406. in the 26th district of Early coun'v, for the be nefit of the heirs an I creditors of John Porter, de ceased. JOEL i.. PORTER, Adm’r. April 13. II iVl IN I'HS ifter due a iplicati n ill bn M? male to the ho.i >rable the.lnferior C urt ofßan .lolph county, while sitting for ordinary purposes for eave to sell one negro girl Betsy, belonging to the estate o f Jeremiah Bell, deceased. MILLY BELL. A lmmistratrix. July 2. WILLIAM BELL. A dm’r. jJTIuUR Vi IN TH.3 after date [ shall app.y to the JC Hon irable the Inferior C irt of Meriwether c (t.'nty, while sitrin; fir or li lary p trposes, for leave to sell t te !an I belon .ing to he esta'e of Nancv Brown, Jeceastd D VtNIEL KEI I’H Adm’r. • Julv 4 1338. 23 JN I’tdS after date a.ipltcau n will be in tie to the H > lorab’e the Inerior Court of for leave w sellTlilfTeSjPtf’t'aA-J* Gttltt £ .<iyfciSr J • ;ate of said c i-inty. deceased. July i 1838. 23 J_ B. GHENT. A Im’r. FJUIi MON I’HS afterdate I shall apply to the Honorabe the Inferior Court of Meriwether county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell the lan I an i negroes belonging to the estate ot Joseph Ferguison late of said county, deceas and. SAM’L FERGUirfON. Adm’r. July 4 1838. _____ 23 FIUR MONTHS after date app'ica ion will be made o the honorable the Inferior Court of Me riwether couny. when sitting for ordinary purposes, fir leave to s ;ll all the lan 1 belonging to the orphans ol Charles F. Wetherspoon deceased. THjMAS POACH, Guardian. June 12 1838. 20 JTIOUit VI IN THS af er dite application will be 1’ tn ile to the ir ibte the Inferior Court of Car r > Icounty, while si tin fir ’ litiarv o trposes f>r leave r > sell os of tao l ST 4J9 in the 13 h dis ric', 31 sec ion ‘a tiding county, and I.t No 758 in the Ist di>- rict 21 sec ion. Cobb county, belong to the estate of \r.hur S.aton, deceased. BENIAMIN ODAM, Adm’r. Miv 3 1838 l3 vl IN 1’ 18 after ia e up tea ton will b? Si 1 rnalettii-j hto cable the Inferior Cos trl of Me riwether entity white sitting or ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the lan ! a t I negro property belong ing to ho es are of To > nas Matthews, late of Meri vether c i in’ v deceased. TH JMAS F. MATTHEWS, Executor. M tv 7. 14 S.NUuit 1 l s’ T to at er ia e ■ ■ Mca.ini win be . mad •to the id > i orahle the Infe tor Court of Heard co tn'v. when srting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the ‘an Is b'longing to the estate of Dennis Bt’es la'e of sat I c mn’v deceased. March 3 ui -3 13 O E NNI 8 B\ T ’.S A I n’r. 171 Oil Avl J sT.Id afer lie a idea ton will be . in lie to the Inferior Cos irt of Heard county vliile si ting for or li i.irv purposes f>r leave to se.l the n gro ts heion ring to tha eua e of Thus. Bro-vn, late of Heard co tntv deceased C IRI ->T< >PHER B. BEAWN. A Im’r. M V { lAdiir C. BKO WN. A Infix Aoril 26 1833. 12* fVJC.t .Vl IN THS after da e. app i;ad >n will loe in lie to the Inferio C i.iri of Harris co tnty v leu si Jug fir ordin irv purposes, for leave to sell the real es ate ot Joseph vVeiJon, late of said coin y. de ceased. SALLY WELDJN. Adoi’x. Aoril 20 1838. 12* JNJUA vl J 2 Til I afer di e application wt;i be maletofu do air ihlc the Inferior Court of Tai bo; c >u tty, whan xittin ; for ordt tary purposes; for leave >n sell tie r al esta’e of Abel Ca-np, late of said coun ty, deceased. Slid fir the bene it of the heirs and credi ors. ISAAC E. BOWII.R, A l n’r. Aorii 22 1333. \2 JEOR II A. HEARD Cull Nil. aTHEREAS Thomas Watts applies fir letters ?V of administration on the estate of Thomas J. Wutteher. late of said county, deceased— These a’e therefore o ci'e an I admonish all and sin gular the kinJre J in I crodt ors of said deceased, to be an Ia ipear at tn/ i fi:e. within the tun? prescribed by ta.v. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gr nted. Given under mv hand at office, July 1, 1833. 24 4t BAILEY BLEDS K.c o. 3EORGIA STEWART COUNTY. WHEREAS William B. Shear mg, executor of the estate of [sham Shearing, la e of said conn'v, deceased applies to me for le.ters of dtsmis sion on said es ate— These are theres >re to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kin Ired an I creditors of said deceased, to he an I appear at my olfi te. wiihis the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. Mav 24 1838. 17m6m J. S. YAIdBR IUGH.C. c. o. GEORGIA. HEARD COUNTY. WHEREAS H igh M;Ooy,alininstratoron the estate of Ransom Haines, late of said county, deceased, ap;ilies to me for ietters of dismission on said estate — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gul ir the kindred and creditors of said decea-ed, to be an! appear at m/ ofi te, within the time prescribed bv law. to show ca ise, if any they have, why saiJ letters hould no! be granted. Given under my hand at oTice. Mav 7. 183*. 16 n6na BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. c. o. GEORGIA, HEARD COUNTY. WILLIAM H. WALDEN, of the 792 J district GM. tolls befire m. one es*rav strawberry roan PONEY mare, supposed to He nine or ten years old. brand on the right shoulder. wiih a figure (2) two. Appraised by Robert Brook and E.isha Glass to thirty five dollars. This 9'h June, 1838. Daviu Smith, j. p. A true extract from the Estray Book. 263 t BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. i. c. GEORGIA BAKER COUNTS HEREAS .Vlahlon Bedell a< w ¥ nard. administrators on the e • Donnanl deceased, app y for letters said adinimstra ion— These are therefore to cite an and adt gular the kinired an t credt'ors of sa aid appear a mo o K re, wirhui tne aw to show cause, if any they hav should not be granted, tliven under my hand at office IV 15 6m M. Bit tViH'IU CARROLL COUN John Lumberth t “V rison aiplv to tne fir le'te the a 1 ministration of the estate of J. cease 1— These are therefore to cite and aim’ gttlar the kindred an I creditors of sai 1 an 1 appear at mv office within the tin 1 1 ,to show cause, it any they have, w should not be granted'. Given u ider my hand a! office. Apri 9 1 Itnfim ‘ WM. 1.. PAR G vJKGIA RANDOLPH COUNTY. W’ HE RE AS James Wii’eker, adt. an 1 Martha, a Im'nhtra'rix on the David Sutiey deceased. la’e of said county, me for Ic’ters of dismission from the further n mnt of said estate— These are therefore (ocife and admonish a'l ai. gu’ar the kindred an I creditors of said deceased, t and a ip tar a’ my office within ’he tini • prescribed ‘aw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under m hand a’ office. Miv 21 1838. lfimlim JAMES BUCHANAN c. o. GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY. TOLLED before me, of the 780th district G. M. one gray HORSE, ?hmit four yeats old ; he is about four feet and a half high, his right hind foot is white, some white spots on his back. To'led bv Neal Mcßeithin, and ap-'raisi-d bv Peter Lull at and J tmes Webb to be worth seventy and il'ars. July 14,1838. James W. Dcj.vaway. i p. The ab >ve is a true extract from the Es(rav Book, Julv 26 1838. 263 t. J. S YARBROUGH, c i. r. GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court of said county, sitting for ordinary pur poses Present. Wily B. Ector Jam°s /tender fVdliam D Martin and Willis Jones, Justices. WHEREAS Adam Spvvey, administrafor ot the esta'e of Edmuni Spyvev, deceased applies for letters of dismission ; and whereas Wily B. Ector, administrator o f the estate of Isaac Hall, decea ed, ap plies for letters of dismission— These are therefore to notify all persons in any man ner interested, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv law, and shew cause, if any, whv said litters of dismission should not be granted to them. Given under my hand, this sth dav of March, 1838. 7tn6m LEVI M. ADAMS c. c. o. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court of sai 1 county sitting f r ordinary pur p >ses Present Wiley II Ector James Render Willis James aid Daniel Keith Justi . es. ‘Phis 2d July 1338. IT appearing to the Court that, on the third day of February, in the year 1834, Thomas Ma'theivs and ceased, la e of said county executed his bond to Hugh W. Ector, deceased, for titles for a certain piece or parcel ol land being one and an half lo s. viz.: the whole of lot one hundred and eighty-six and the north ha'f of lot one hundred and ninety nine, both ly ing and b ing in the eighth dist'ict of originally Troop n iw Meriwether c mnty, con aiding three hundred ai.d three-fourth acres, more or less ; and the said Tho mas Ma'thews having departed this life without mak ing said titles, and it appearing fur'her that the said lands have been bargained and sold to Jordan Rees, and the said bond transferred to him. i’ is, on motion, ordered on application of said Jordan Rees tha all persons in'erested shew cause if any they can. wThin the ime prescribed by law. whv an order should not be grant'd requiring Thomas F Matlhews. executor of the said Thomas M itthews. deceased, to make titles to said tra*-l or lots ol land to th said Jordan Rees, in compliance with and in terms of said bond, and the law in such case made and provided ; and tha* this rule be published once a m ;n'h f>r three months, tn one ofthe pub ic gazettes of this slate. A true copy from the minti es. 2>m3m LEVI M ADAMS. Cl* r k. GEORGIA MERIWETHER COUNTY. Itferia nf.said coyntu. si ting so: ordii ary pur- IVillis Janes and Daniel Keith Ju:tices. This id Ju'y 1838 IT appearing to the Court that Hope II Tigner.of said county, deceased, entered into an obligi ton in wri in-i, on the thirteenth day of Febniary, eighteen hundred and thirtv-five, to one Alhur us E. Jackson o make to said Jackson ’it es to .ms of land lying and being in thee tinty of form :rly Troup now Mertweih er county in the third disirijtof said conoiy. one lot number two bund ed and fifty and lil v acres to be ta ken off lot number two hundred and twenty-seven which lies on the north side o’ Fiat Shoal Creek, all of whi-h land is in the third distric of formerly Troup now Me iwether county ; anil it farther appearing to tile Court ‘hat the said Hope H. Tigner ha* departed this Jfe with in’ having e.vecb ed the titles aforesaid. It is ordered hv the - Court, that this rule be publish e I once a month for three m >nths and at the expira tion of which time, no-objections being shown Eliza \. Tigner, executrix of the said Hope 11. Tigner. will be required to :n ike titles in terms of the agree ment. A true ex ract from the nvnutes. 25m3 n LEVI M. A >AM3, Clerk. MUSCOGEE SUPERIOR. COURT, April Term. 1837. UPON the pen ion oi Isr- ai Pnildps. jun., setting forth tl a’ lie is in possession of a certain in >rt gigd deed, made and executed by N t han P. Wiilard o■! ing di'e on the eighteenth oJiy of February. 1836 by winch deed of mortgage .ho mortgager conveyed to the said [area. Phillips jun. a certain lot o’ land si u a ed lying and in ine city of Columbus and cuuii tv an 1-3 a e aforesaid known dis inguished in die. plan ol sai l citvby lot number seventy-i.vo containing one half acre more or less, known as the property of the C dumb is Hotel, ad also lot number sev n y-six j in <ai 1 city, wh ch sail mor tage was given to secure j the pi.’ n -o’, of thr e several promissory u ites. made ‘ bv the aid N t han P. Willard,b-aring even da ewi h i sa l l ningige payable to the said Isreal • hillips jun | o ie fir five h m Ired an 1 ten dollars and m tliree in mtbs | after la e one fir five hundred and iw-.n’y dollars. Hit” six u iiuht afer Ja e me f>r one thousand an I eighty | and nlars due twelve in m bs aft r date, which .••aid notes have n> b ten pail It is. therefore, o:i motion order ed. that the sai I Na'ban P. Wtilar.l oav over in'o th • Clerk's oTi :e f the S.iperi ir Juurt of Al im >ge -co n tv. on or before the first dav of the nex’ term of this C uirt. the full i i| i it of oriatiou! tn’ rest and eos due on sai l notes or that the equity of redemption o th” sail nir'giged premise? be forever fire-lmed; a i I that a copy of this ru> be served upon the said Na’han P. Wiilard bv publication in some public ga i’.et'e in ttiis State one a mouth, for four months be fir- the nex* Court. A me ex'ract from the minutes of the Superi .r Cos. irt of said c lunty, this ] 4:h dav n r June I S3*. Ifc’indm GIRARD BURCH. Clerk. HEARD SUPERIOR COURT, APRIL TERM, 18.>8. George k .umpkin 1 v.v > Libel fir divo ce. Lucinda Lu.mpkin 1 IT appearing to the Court, from the return of the 1 Sheriff, tha’ the defendant in the above stated Case is nut to b fu mi in tile <:• n...y, it is therefore, or dered tha’ the defei dant be and apjj*.*r tit the nex* j term of this Court and answer said suit ani. 1 that pub- : licit 101 lof .hn rue, ii one of the p'lb'ic gaze tes o.’ - this i state, once a man'll for three mon'hs. beheld sufficient service. ?rl 0. SJMM “IRLJN. Pli’tf’s At.’r. A *rue ex'rsc: fr on the mmoles of said Oour', June “26. 18J8 f23 ii3 ii] BAILEY BLEDSOE. Clerk. MUSCOGEE SUPERIOR COURT, APRIL TERM, 183S. Margaret Amanda Orderly J vs. Libel for divorce. Felix Orderly. J 11’ appearing to the Court, by ih* return of the SherifT. that the defendant in ihe abc v e stated case is not to be found in ibis county. It is, therefore, on mo ion of counsel, ordered by the Court, lhat s rvice be perfech and on said defendant by a pub ication of this rule once a month in one of the pub.ic papers of this place, at least fun in diths before the lirst day of the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Muscogee County June 19. 1838. 20m4m GERARD BURCH. Clerk. MISCoGEE SUPERIOR COURT, APRIL ‘IF.RM, 1838. Martha M. Russell 1 vs - / Libel for divorce. Robert Russell. } IT appearing to the Court, by the re’urn of the Sheritf that the defendant in the above sta'ee case is not to be found in this county. It is, therefore, bn motion ordered by the Court, that service be perfected on said defendant by a publication of this rule once a month, for three months, in out* of the public gazettes of this p ace, at least four months before the next te.m of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court ofMuscogee county. 19th June. 1838. 20m4m GERARD BURCH. Clerk. FRESH THOM ASTON LIME FOR SALE I kjd NQ.iT IRE of \VM. R. JON ES. one door above M2J G. B. Terry, Eeq. Columbus, July 25. 25tf ON or before iu. ursi n kp to pay George T. VVo kI, or bv<rer. >• of tour hundred an 1 twenty-five dollars, f u vaiilu re CeiveJ, lilia 6 L (Signed) ANN PETISKSON. s4§s 00 On or before the first day of June next. I promise to pay George T. Wo"d. or bearer the sum of four hundred and twenty-five diua.s, for value re ceived. Utis 6th of April, 1837. (Signed) ANN PETERSON. GEORGAI, RANDOLPH COUNTY. INFERIOR COURT. MW TERM 1838. Personally appeared, in open Court, George T. Wood, who being duly sworn deposeih and sat It. that he was in possession of two promissory notes, of which the above are substantial copies, and hat he has lost the same. GEORGE T. WOOD. Sworn to in open Court. George W. Harrison j i. c. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that the above copies be established in lieu of the originals, t n ess good cause be shewn to the contrary, on or bifore ‘he next term of said Court ; and that this rule be pub lished in one of the public gazettes of the city of Co lumbus once a month, for three months previous to the term of said Court last aforesaid. I certify the above to be a true extract from the mi nutes of he Inferior Court. Given under my hand this 20'h June, 1838. 2lm3n JAMES BUCHANAN c. t. c. KVI.B NISI. GEORGIA, RANDOLPH CuUNTY. Inferior C >urt -f said c .unty sitting Jut urriinar pur poses May adjourned term 1838. ■pf T appealing to ike Uo.iri it.a V\ nJam Oliv* r la'e JH. of sai J county, deceased, while in use made xe cuted, an l delivered io Dossey Ivey, of Baldwin coun ty and said 3'a:u. his bond in wri ing, a copy ot •- lin h is annexed, and thai ihe said Oiivn died wi:hou com plying wi h the terms of said bond, and lha: the said Ivey has complied wi h the condition precedent by paying the purchase in >ney. It is, therefore, ordered, that tSamuel Harrison, adiiiinisu a or of said Oliver, perform the conli tons of the said bond bv making good and lawful ti tes to the land in said bond de scribed unless good ctiase be shown to •hecou'tary at the Sep ember term of sai l Court ; and tha this rule be puhii.hed in one of the pub'i ? gaze tes of this S ate once a inon’h lor diree mouths previous to the September term of said Court. f'OPY B-JND, GEORGIA RANDOLPH COUNTY, Kuow ad men by these presents that I Wi’ iam Oliver, am held and firmly bound in ih penal sum of seven eeu h m ired and >1 ars un oDosse- lv,y.ofbad win coun y. fir the paymeti of which w>-u and truly to be made. I hind mvseif ms heirs, execu ors a Inti nivra'ors, and assigns, jmi l/ and fim.y by these presents. The con lition of the above ohliga'ion is such hat he above h > ui 1 vVidiam Oliver, of K.*n olph •■ , " n ’ j has bargained and sold umo Dossey Ivev. ol iJaid ,n dred and twenty acres lying h*i e iu lilt- s Alabama andc-ninlv of Barbour, it being the west ha f .if section nine township eleven and range twentv nine. Now if the said Wi liarn O iver make orcau-e to be made, stood and lawful if es t the above He sc ibed land, afer the payment is made by the said Ivey of the sum of eight hundred and fif’y dollars, >h m. and in •ha’ condition the above loud to b - null and void, other vis;; to remain in full force and vir.ue in law, as though ihere was nocond ‘i m ‘o it. (Si rrd), WILLIAM fII.IVER. Sign- and, sea'ed, and delivered, this 26th Nov. 1835, in presence <>f Major Stixdlfv. James McCr ,ne j p. I certify the above to be a true ex’ract from the mi nutes of th* Court ol Ordinary. Given under my han 1. this 20. h dav of lune 1838 21 n3tn JAM IS BU -'HANAN c c o aroTi e IS hereby eiven to ah concerned, tha’ I have charged lot No. 3 6 in the 13 h dis rict of Iloust’ ucoiin’v, (pine land ) for ns ‘Taxes fiuin he vear 18-3 to “the year 18.37 i elusive, agreeable to the Tax Law now in fare in this State. DANIEL DUPREE, r. t. r h.c. Perry, March 18:58. 6iu6in WHITE SUiiPHER fPlUitti, .\l ERlWid 1 rlit.R Cut, Nil. THESE Springs, ta eiy improved and now first presented o he puli’ic a-a a ern.g place are situated half a tu ie west of the main Coiiuntms Hoad leading to ‘he up country,and ne r aboir ha f be tween Hamilton and Grttenville 12 miles fr. tn vhe 1 r rn-T an 110 miles from the later p aee From h ex- I perience of occasional visitors for several y * art |,H-t, and pir'iculariy las year, when a number of fa t:ies_ ’ h uirde 1 in the neighborhood and it. the wa i is b J ved to be strougl inedicuia. and -a u ary ‘J e water is sos an I pea ant in q-’a'ity. readi. v .-olt ble in use. an I highiv tonic and r> nova mv iii charai er. nnd has been found specially adapted -o debiit a'e i and is’Jn. constitutions. Is remedia t flee is art do j re'ic, diaphore'ic and tonic. The vi'-ini v is inoiiiiiuii - i ous, and the a'mosp’oerc pure anil inviporait.g Ar ! ratioem n'.s hav • he: n ma 1c f>r ih .• arctmiii da’i nos ! considerable company the prc.en* season 1 l ich v ill ! beop m fsr coinpanv on the Isdi July. The, man <>f pleasure an ‘ ; eis r“ the'rave.'cr rnd th* i valal will here iiw| a qme home aben I; n! I'viug atten • lion reasonah.e char >• s, p’ a an n- lgl hot’ oori aid fiir prospec'B of renewed health. Ii h nn.'s i the Warm Springs dircct'v we-’, CnM an * sic. July 4 246 t Gt( RGK D. tl Ai I & CO. REAL ESTATE FOR SALK. [l.l. bes >td. u> the Court House n this city, ¥ * on'he Isi Tuesday in SEPTEMBER nrx T , tny one half tn in the Brick Stoie on Bioad s’., at present occupied by M -ssrs. R eid & ‘ iv. o stories high fully completed, and occnp in <ne of tie best locaii ies in the ci'y. Also my residin'c on Troup s'reet, b:-inu one half a< rc io r \i'h a two s’ory and welling ‘h/re >u 20 by 43 wi han L running baor one story 20 fi. by 44. together with die u ial on b id ings. ah of which are und’-r ci rnple'e ri ]ar Al-o one other ha.f acre lot wi han w s'abtt an-l carriage house thereon. The above property ra 1 In* trea’i and f.-.r on applica ion to the under* ei;cd pitvi is to the day of *..!*• Terms ban! able pap< rpa fable one half 25 h Dec. ioSC i'a’ame iniwnequa pa irems at 6 and 12 mm hs. SAMi\. H AMiRF.VxS. By S. M. JACKSON, Au.; ’er. July 19. 24 s COLUMBUS,GA.JOCKEY CLUB i.ACJ S. Till’, i* ail Alee.tug ol IbS-J wii i i.iiuihmi m<r the \V ES l EKN CbbHbfc,. at .ins p.uce . u 1 uesday, ihe 9.h day ot OC’l OBKR nevi. amt ren tinue hve days. First da” Sweep'nkes tor 3 vtar olds spring ot ‘3B ; sub. s2lo. f JHO ; 1 imie hi st two in three, to name and close 13 h Sen . in xt ; four or more to make a race. Already ihiee t iiitu s, (■ I. U*. Edmondson .Messrs. Bonner bi Iverson ai.d Messrs. Hammond &. Cos. 2d day, J. C. Purse. 2 mile hta's, SfScO 31 day do 3 do do free *SOO 4'hday do 4 do do for B't.O 5 hday do best 3 in 5 do all 300 The fa 1 campaign will cimrruiice here; ano that all may have a lair start, three additional s to those owned here, are on the way to our Course to commence training. Our sporting friends of Ah.b ma and Sou h Carolina are therefore invited a'so to c< mo anil measure strength with the Georgians at the onset, and return the last week in Ap ii next, to she regular spring meeting, to test with them the long rub. To inconvenience, those in ending to come with stables, would do well to write to the Secretary, that suitable accommodations should b * in readiness July 12. S. M. JACKSON Sec’v. TC3 2 * The Alabama Journal, Chronicle and Sen* til Augusta, an I lournal and Recorder Miliedgeviile, will publish the above every other week till taces. and forward their account to tot Secretary. SJSeotr DR. J. A. YOUNG WILL a tenl to the of MF D CINE tod SURGERY m Co.itmbos and its vici nity. Oifice one door north of Dr. Pond’s Drue upstairs, above Mr. Mai shad’d Store. July 10.23f