Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, September 06, 1838, Image 1

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COLUMBUS SENTINEL AND HERALD. VOL. VIII.] PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY’ MORRIWC BY’ 3. P. H. CAMPBELL St J. L. LEWIS. OX BROAD STREET. OVER AI.LEX & YOUXU’S, M’IXTOSH ROW. ‘l'iYil.Vl S —Subscription, three dollars per an num, payable in advance, or rout, dollars, (in aii cases ex icted) where payment is not made before the expiration of the year. No subscription received for than twelve months, without payment in advance, and no paper discontinued, except at the option of the KJitor3, until all arrearages are paid. ADVERTI3EMEN i'S conspicuously inserted at oxe dollar per one hundred words, or less, for the first insertion, and fifty cexts for every subse quent continuance. Those sent without a specifica tion of tho number of insertions, will be published until ordered out, and charged accordingly. 2d. Yearly advertisements. —For over 24, and not exceeding 36 lines, fifty dollars per annum ; for ovr 12, and not exceeding 21 lines, thirty-five dollars per annum ; for less than 12 lines, twenty dollars per annum. 3d. All rule and figure work double the above p:iccs. Legal Advertisements published at the usual rates, and with strict attention to the requisitions of the law. All Sales regulated by law, must be made before the Court House door, between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the evening—those of Land in the county where it is situate ; those of Personal Property, where the letters testamentary, of a 1 min istration or of guardianship were obtained—and are required to be previously advertised in some public Gazette, as follows: Sheriffs’ S x les under regular executions for thir ty days, under mortgage fi fas sixty days, before ‘he day of sale. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Executors, Ad ministrators or Guardians, for sixty da vs before the day of sale. Sales of Personal Property (except Negroes) forty days. Citations by Clerks of the, Courts of Ordinary, upon application fob letters of administration, must be published for thirty days. Citations upon application for dismission, by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, monthly for six months. Orders of Courts of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond or agreement) to make titles to land, must he published three months. Notices by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, of application to the Court of Ordinary for leave tr sell the Land or Negroes of an Estate, four months. Notice* by Executors or Admmistra’nrs, to the Debt or* and Creditors of an Estate, for six w*f.ks. Sheriff's, Clerk* of Court, hr., will be allowed the usual deduction. ft Letters on business, must be post paid, to entitle them to attention. WARE HOUSE Com ill isNion Rimixicss. f ■ VIE undersigned will continue the War* House JSL and Commission Business at his old stand in Front, street. Grateful for past favors, he trusts, bv a strict regard to business confided to him, to merit and ,-ereive a share of public patronage. He has in store for sale, on accommodating terms, 1450 Coils best Kentucky Rope, 450 Ibeces Bagging, different kinds, Coffee in Sacks, Chewing Tobacco,&c. Btc. WM. P. YONGE. Aug. 31. 5.5 ts JAMES H.KRVMObOS, WATOK rfIAS.BR AXT9 J33W BLt.SE. id door north of Kivlin's Confectionary , Br'd st. RESPECTFULLY informs his town and country friends that ho has just returned from 1 New York with a very rich //A 1 \ FffilliijQ; addition to his stock of Goods, V > | and ladies and gentlemen fSki-'C, t ing Watches or Jewelry of N'sxyi 1 .-,superior quality, have now an • •.•...•Wi&sSew"’ opportunity of supplying them selves with articles that cannot be surpassed. Rich fine gold Jewelry, Silver Ware, plated and Fancy Goods. The following articles comprise a portion of his stock, an lie will sellun as good terms as any other establish ment in Georgia. <£o!d and silver Levers, Anchor escapement Duplex, Horizontal and vertical Watches, of the finest finish —all of which he warrants first raio time keepers. Setts of Ladies’ Earrings and Broaches, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, enamelled and every description of Breast Pins and Finger Rings, Gold guard anil fob Chains, Seals, Keys, Lockets anfi Trinkets, of all kinds, in great variety, and most superb manufacture, Gold aiul silver Spectacles, Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Suparior Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirk and Pen Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, Ladies’ splendid Card Cases, Head Bands, Combs, Pelt PUcqties, Revolving silver mounted Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Fancy Bellows, (Cloth. Hair,Crumb and Hearth Brushes, English*!tic belt Pistols, Sword Canos, Four sided Razor Stro|>s, Silk Purses, Perfumery, And every other article usually found art Jewelry Stores. , J 11. R. as heretofore, will repair anil regulate CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description, and warrant all (that were made for time) to perform well. Gold and silver work, and jewelry, made and repaired. Er.grKvmg neatly executed. Cash, or goods,paid for ord gold and silver. Columbus, April 13. 15 t£ GEO. W. \V AY’S CAUItIAGE REPOSITORY, CORN ER of Oglethorpe and St. Clair street, im mediately in the rear o( the City Hotel. J'he subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is how receiving a general assortment of Carriages of all descriptions, to wit: Coaches, Coachees, Chariotteee, Cabriolets, dickey sat Barouches, one and two horse extension-top Ba tuchcs, three seats extension-top do., Buggies, four wheels, for one and two horses, two wheel do., Sulkies of every description. The above Carriages are superior to any ever re ceived in this market, and cannot be surpassed for ma terials, style and durability. Any arti-ie purchased from this establishm nt can be depended on. Call ami see. and T will sell you bargains. Carriages of every description furnished to order, by addressing the undersigned. GEO. W. WAY. I have a general stock of Coach .Materials, which I will sell low". Repairing done in the very best man ner. and bv Northern Workmen. G. W. AN . Feb. 1. o-y CARRIAGE SHOP. & FHISiIITT. Oglethorpe Street , North of Calhoun's Hotel, HAVE lost received anew assortment of good CARRIAGES selected from some efthe best manufactories at the North. They having taken par ticular pains to have them made to suit this country, and to insure satisfaction to purchasers, they will war rant them for one year with fair usage. AH kind of Carriages made to order. Carriage and Harness’re pairing"done in very neat style by g> >d Northern work men. “ Also a good assortment of Carriage materials, *ll of which they will sell low for cash or approved P Teb.l6. NEW SPRING GOODS. THIE subscriber has just received, a fresh supply of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS,of the latest fashi -its and importations. READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS, BON NETS AND SHOES. He would invito his customers and the public generally tocnll and exawinehis stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they no doubt will bo suit ed with the quality and price, lie is determined to sell lew for cash. Country merchants will he supplied at reduced prices. NEILL McNAlil* May 21,-7-tf _ WANTED. ff'AA BALES Cotton, for which the high est cash price will be paid by HARPER, THORNTON & LIVINGSTON, RAGGING AND BALE ROPE. 3i> ps. best Dundee Bagging 50 do Franklin works, Massachusetts 100 Coils Kentucky Rope 50 do. Hungarian 50 do. Russia Ilctnp HARPER, THORNTON & LIVINGSTON. Aug. 25. 11 AYMOND & ALLISON, wholesale Gro-ors and commission Merchants, Apalachicola, Flm-. Aa- H. COLUMBUS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ware-housb, At the sign of the Golden Saddle, a few doors be low D. Ilungerford & Co’s, and nearly opposite Ujquhart & Ware. s W. W-ADK & CO. i ave now on hand a complete as m'-'Awm softmeot of articles appertaining to their line of harness : /iPMmI —among which are— s !!T.MIm S P ani!,h ’ Guilted Overlaid and Shaf ted Saddles. Plain, Boys’, Race, Attakapas, and Planters’do. U Large and Extra Large do Ladies’ Saddles, of every quality and size. BRIDLES OF ALL KINDS. Some good for fifty cents; Saddle Bags, Carpet Bags; Valices; Stirrup Leathers; Sircinglcs and Girths. HARNESS—Coach. Gig. and Dearborn, from the cheapest to the best. TRUNKS, of ev’ery descrip tion. The above articles are of their own manufacture, made under their own immediate inspection, of the best materials, and by superior workmen. Also, on band, ENGLISH SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINGALES. Coach. Gig, Tandem, Sportsmen, and Waggon Whips; Slirrups, Bits, Spurs, Buckles, Hames, Col lars, Cut Tacks. Trunk Locks, Horse Brushes and Curry Combs, Trace and Halter Chains. ALSO—A good assortment of Coach and Gig Har ness Trimmings; Plated, Brass and Japan’d do. ALSO—A good assortment of Skirting, Harness, and Bridle Leather; black, blue, red, yellow, green, aud cochineal Morocco Skins; Butfaioßobes and Bear Skins. 1 N. B. Traders who may buy to sell again, will be furnished on as good terms as can be bought either in New York or Newark. Country merchants are re spectfully invited to call and examine our goods and prices, and satisfy themselves. sCjp* REPAIRING .lone on the most reasonable terms. April 29. 1837 Sltf CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WAlul> HOUSE. OONZBX.TKJL.Tf & ATfDBRSCN MOST respectfully inform the citizens of Colum bus. and its vicinity that they have removed from their former stand, to the store lately occupied by McArn,in Broad-strect, nearly opposite the Insurance Bank. They have now on hand an elegant assortment of FURNITURE of their own manufacture. —ALSO— Paper Hangings of the latest patterns with suitable Rordrring, Ornaments, and other materials for Cur tains, &c. Adverse to puffing, they would only solicit a call which would enable Ladies anil Gentlemen to judge for themselves by examining the articles. All orders will be executed with promptitude. Cur tains pm up in the most fashionable style. Rooms neatly papered. In short, any thing in their line will be punctually attended to. Aug. 25. 36tf JOHN fi. BACON & Cos. agents for the sale of the INDIAN’S PANACEA, HAVE just received ajfrcsh supply of this valuable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Gout, Sciatica or Hip Gout, Incipient Cancers, Salt Rheum, Siphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, particularly Ulcers and painful affections of the bones. Ulcerated Throat and Nostrils, Ulcers of every description, Fever Sores, and Internal Abscess es, Fistulas, Plies, Scald Head, Scurvy, Biles, Chro nic Sore Eyes, Erysipelis Blotches, and every variety of Cutaneous Atfcction, Chronic Catarrh, Headache, proceeding from vitiation; Affections of the Liver; Chronic inllammation oflho Kidneys and General De bility, caused by a torpid action of the vessels of the skm. It is singularly efficacious in renovating those constitutions which have been broken down by injudi cious treatment, or juvenile iriegularities. In general terms, it is recommended in all those diseases which arise front impurities of the blood, or vitiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. Some of the above complaints may require some assistant applications, which the circumstances of the case will dictate; but.for a general remedy or Purifi cator to remove the cause. The Indian's Panacea will generally be found sufficient. The following certificates, out of hundreds similar which might he procured, are given to show the effect of the Indian’s Panacea, in the various complaints therein mentioned ; and also to exhibit in the most sa tisfactory inaimer its superiority over the syrups iri common use. Charleston, Nov. 15, 1831. During the last winter and spring, I was afflicted with a very severe and distressing Rheumatism, occa sioned by exposure irt had weather. I now take great pleasure in'stating, that six bottles of Indian Pana cea, restored me to perfect health, and I confidently recommend it to all similarly afflicted. JOHN FERGUSON, King st. Charleston, July 12, 1831. T was afflicted four years with an ulcer in the leg, occasionally accompanied with erysipelatious inflama tion and an excessive pain in the leg and ancle joint. Several eminent Physicians exerted their skill upon it, but without permanent benefit. In this case, five bot tles of the Indian Panacea made a perfect cure. MARGARET A. WEST, Market st. 121. July sth, 1837. 51 if COLVJIBUS,A.JOCKEY CLUB RACES. fHNHE Fall Meeting of 1838, will commence over j!L the WESTERN COURSE, at this place, en Tuesday, the 9th day of OCTOBER next, and con tinue five days. First day, Swceptakes for 3 year olds spring ot ’3B ; sub. S2OO, fi. SIOO ; 1 mile, best two in three, to name and close 13th Sect, next ; four or more to make a race. Already three entries, Col. G. Edmondson, Messrs. Bonner & Iverson and Messrs. Hammond & Cos. 2d day, J. C. Purse, 2 mile heats, $350 31 day do 3 do do free 500 4t!i day do 4 do do for 880 sth day do best 3 in 5 do all 300 The fall campaign will commence here ; and that all may have a fair start, three additional stables to those owned here, arc on the way to our Course to continence training. Our sporting friends of Alub ma and South Carolina are there.fore invited also to come and measure strength with the Georgians at the onset, and return the last week in April n-.xt, to the regular spring meeting, to test with them the long rub. To avoid inconvenience, those intending to come with stables, would do well to write to the Secretary, that suitable accommodations should be in readiness. July 12. S. M. JACKSON, Sec’y. The Alabama Journal, Chronicle and Sen til. Augusta, and Journal and Recorder, Milledgeville. will publish the above every other week till races, and forward their account to ti-e Secretary. 23eotr YOUNG LADIES’ COLLEGIATE INSTI TUTE, Brmenveood, near La Grange, Troup county, Ga. THE exercises of this institution will be resumed on the first Monday in February next. The Teachers for 1533 are, ROBERT C. BROWN, > Princi- Mrs. M. L. BROWN, ] pals. Mr. Durand, Classical Department. Miss Clarke, French and English Department. Mr. Uhink, Musical Department. Board can be obtained in the fatnilv of the Principal, or m respectable families in the neighborhood. Brown wood. Dec. 12, 1837. 46tf STAGE LINE FROM COLUMBUS TO WEST POINT. nnUE public are informed that a line o'” STAGES J3_ has been put on the route from Columbus to Y\ est Point via Whitcsville, leaving Whiteside’s Tavern every Monday and Friday a! 4 o’clock A. M. { and arr ving at AN est Point the same day at 5 o'clock P. M.; leaving V est Point eve y Tuesday, Thursday an 1 Saturday at 4 o’clock A. M., and arriving at Co lumbus at 5 o’clock P. M. the same dav WHITESIDE, DUNCAN & EISSET.L. May 23. 1838. 17,f N. B. A Hack will be in readiness at West Point to convey passengers to La Grange or Lafayette. PACKETS FROM ST. .TOSEPII TO NEW YORK, THE following substantial and fast sailing vessels will run as regular Packets between St. Joseph and New York, and will take freight and passengers low. Brig HE ART I EA , Ryder, master. ‘ e CUMBERLAND, Darling, master. “ SADI, Vincent, w Also, the new and splendid ship SPRING. For Freight or Passage apply to E. J. A\ OOD & CO. Agents, St. Joseph. Flor. Nov. 1,1537 -24 if mi \_r ‘2OO casks Nails, just received and for sale bv WM.& JAS. BLAIR Broad street. Mry 9. 14’f COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 0, 1838. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. JUST RECEIVED, and now opening, a full and complete stock of Goods, well assorted for the country trade, selected by a competent judge, and bought on terms to enable the sub scribers to afford great bargains to their friends and customers. The stock comprizes: DRY GOODS Broadcloths, blue, black, aud fancy colors Cassimeres and Sattinetts Ready made Clothing Negro Clothes and Blankets Domestics, brown, bleached and plaid Sheeting, Irish and Russia Linen, Irish, Diaper and table Flannels, red, white and yellow Muslins, Cambric, Swiss aud Jaconet Calicoes, Ginghams, Dimities Painted and figured Muslins Gloves, Ladies’ and Gents Hosiery of every description Silks, black and fancy colors Black Lustring, Grosde Naples, &c. Edgings and Insertings, blonde and muslin Fancy Ball Dresses Superb Laces of nil kinds Boots, Shoes, and Hats, for men, women and children Silk and Cotton Umbrellasand Parasols Artificial wreaths of flowers Jewelry of every description. GROCERIES. Sugar—New Orleans, Havana & Muscovado “ Loaf and Lump Coffee—Havana, St. Domingo, Rio, &c. Teas—Gunpowder, Imperial, and Young Hy- son, Wines—Madeira, Champagne and Claret Liquors—Cog.Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Irish Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey Jamaica,Antigua, St.Croix,N O and NE Rum, Peach Brandy and old Apple Jack Cordials, in barrels and boxes Porter, Pale Ale and Cider Sarsaparilla, Lemon, and Strawberry Syrup Spanish, American, and Florida Cigars Tobacco, assorted Pepper, Allspice, Nutmegs Soap, Starch, Candles Sperm and Linseed Oil Flour, Butter, Lard Cheese, Poik, Beef Tongues Codfish, Salmon, Mackerel Herring and Ilallibuts Fins Bale Rope and Bagging Harness and Saddlery Buckets, Tubs, Baskets Hay and Shorts, Brooms, &c. Together xvith a fine assortment es Hardware and Cutlery, as Mill and Cress Cut Saws Trace Chains, Hoes, Axes Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols Bowie Knives, Arkansas Tooth Picks, &c. per brigs Hartley, Cumberland, Sadi, See. — The assortment will he kept full by the regular line of Packets. The above goods will be sold low. Terms Cash. E. J. WOO.D & CO. St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1. 1837 24 ts THE SUBSCRIBER IS now receiving his fall supply of Groceries, from brig Rhine, from New York, and brig Alto, Brown, Baltimore. 130 barrels superfine FLOUR 120 “ Baltimore rectified Whiskey 250 kegs assorted Liquors 140 barrels Bread and Crackers 20,000 lbs. Bacon, in bams and middling* 30 boxes Tobacco, all brands 150 barrels Mackerel 40 “ com. Gin 10 “ best Holland, do 60 “ Rum, N. E. 20 “ Monongahela Whiskey 30 “ Pencil Brandy 50 qr. casks Wine, all kiyds 200 boxes, do 50 baskets Champagne 30 boxes Sperm Candles 5 half pipes segnt. Cognac Brandy 50 bags Havana Coffee 30 “ Rio do 50 bids, and 20 lids. Sugar, St. Croix and Porto Rico Also, Bagging, Rope, Crockery, Glass and China Ware. Negro Shoes, !fc. 500 sacks Salt, by the brig Cumberland, which will j>e in market by the 20th instant. And is prepared to pay cash or advance on Cotton, on shipment to his fiiends in New York, Baltimore, Charleston, or New Orleans. JNO. T. MYRICK. Apalachicola, Oct 10, 1837 23 COLUMBUS COTTON FACTORY. THE owners of the Columbus Factory respect fully inform the public that it is now in operation. They have on hand a general assortment of YARNS, which may be had at all times at the most reduced prices. Their Wool Carding Machine is also in operation, and any thing in that line will be done at the shortest notice. |. .jP* A number of boys and girls wanted to work at the Factory, for which the most liberal prices will be given by the week or month. Apply to STEWART & FONTAINE, or S. K. HODGES & CO. Columbus, Feb. 8 6 ts S. T. CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY &. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Columbus, Ga., WILL attend the several Courts in Muscogee, and the adjacent counties of Georgia and Ala bama. Office in Hepburn’s buildings, immediately op posite the Oglethorpe House. REFERENCE. Hon. Jno. Macpherson Berrien, Hon. William Law, M. Hall McAllister, Han. Robert M. Charlton, Hon. Charles S. Henry, Savannah. Col. Seaborn Jones, Col. J. F. Foster, Col. J. W. Campbell, Judge Thomas, Judge Iverson, Colquitt, Holt & Echols, April 26. 12tf Columbus. DES. IIOLT AND PERSONS ARE united in the practice of Medicino, Their Offices are on Broad street, just below the City Hall, and on Randolph street., in the upper tenement of Calhoun’s Granite Building. Besides the usual branches of the practice of Medi cine, Drs. H. and P. tender their services as Surgeons of some experience in the higher opera'ions—such as operations for all diseases of the eyes,for Hernia, Li tiio.-'my, &c, Mac. Maroh 23. 12tf RANAWAY FROM the subscriber, living in Stewart county, about the 6th May last, a stout negro fellow, about 23 years old, a blacksmith. His name is PER RY. It is very probable that he is lurking about Col. Jones’ mills, near Columbus. He is very large and dark complected. I will give twenty dollars for his apprehension and-safe confinement in jail, so that I get him. LEWIS DUPREE: August 2,1838. 27 6t NEW AUCTION & COMMISSION STORE. fTjNHE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens Jl of Columbus, and the public generally, that they have entered into a copartnership, under the firm of PULLUM & MOORE. They have taken the stand formerly occupied by E. S. Norton, known as the Columbus Auction Rooms, west side Broad st., where they are prepared to attend to the above busi ness in all its branches. They hope, by punctuality and prompt attention to business, to be entitled to a share of the public pa tronage. THOMAS PULLUM, ° R. L. MOORE. REFERENCE. Col. A. B. Ragan, Hampton W. Smith, Col. John Banks, Wm. P. Malone. Messrs. R. A. Greene. Columbus. C. & G. H. Ivelsev & Halsted, Charleston, S. C. Kimbrough & Smith, St. Joseph, Fla. Spear & Patten, New Aork. Kimbrough & Smith. Apaiachicola, Fla. Columbus, August 2. 26 ts & E&X.IS CONTINUE to receive and offet for sale ail kiuds ofStaple and fancy Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, Hats. Saddlerv. Hardware. &c, together with a good supply of Groceries,all of which will be sold on the most favorable terms . Feb. Ist, 1335. 52 if FRESH THOM AS TON LIME FOR SALE ENQUIRE of WM. R. JONES, one door above G. B. Terrv. Esq. Columbus. July 25. 25if 100 niJLS. FORK FOR SALE BY WM. R. JONE*. on’ door above G. B. Terry, E&q. Gohimbtn, JuV 15, 25<f “NOT THE GLORY OF CLESAR, —BUT THE WELFARE OF ROME.” TO PLANTERS. THE subscriber offers for sale, upon reasonable terms for cash, or upon long time, as may suit the convenience of purchasers, the following tracts of land in Alabama. It is unnecessary to say any thing in regard to the quality. But I will remark, that some of the best settlements in the State are included in these lands. Purchasers need have no fears about titles—they shall be satisfactory. E 4 K 29 : Section 12 14 23 W 35 12 29jSEqr II 14 26 N 1 12 25EJNEJ 11 14 26 Section 8 12 26 jN 1 14 28 SW qr 5 12 26;S 12 14 29 E half NE qr 4 12 26 N 35 14 29 NW qr 5 12 26 S 25 14 29 S E qr 5 12 26;S 14 14 29 SE qr 4 12 26 S 11 14 30 W half NWI 3 12 26'S 10 14 30 Section 17 13 28;\V 31 14 30 Section 8 13 28;W 7 16 28 N 24 13 29 E S3 16 29 W 32 13 26;\V S3 16 29 W half SE i 32 13 26 S 26 16 29 W half NE 432 13 26;\V 10 16 27 NE qr 31 13 26 S 2 17 23 E half SE qr 31 13 26 N 28 17 28 E half N W 131 13 26 N 21 17 28 SE qr 29 13 26 N 18 17 28 SWur 11 13 26 S 29 17 29 N WISE} 11 13 26 S 27 15 27 SE qr 30 13 26*3 13 15 27 NW qr 11 13 26 N 12 15 28 S 23 14 27 N 11 15 28 W 17 14 27 8 SI 15 29 E 19 14 27 8 2 15 28 E 30 14 27 Section 3 15 28 E 32 14 27 N S 15 26 S 3 14 27 W 20 15 30 N 3 14 29 N 18 15 29 SW qr 34 14 29 N 29 15 29 WjNWj 34 14 29 E 28 15 30 W 19 14 SON 21 15 29 Section 24 14 26 N 8 15 29 Section 25 14 26 S 25 18 26 S 36 14 26jW 86 18 26 April 26. IStjan.l H. S. SMITH. ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. N. half 9 14 30 S. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 SO S. half 7 14 30 S. half 8 14 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. half 36 18 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N. half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 28 N. half 32 20 28 S. half S3 18 28 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above lands will be sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Flo rence, Ga. or the subscriber, at Macon. July 26. 26tf J. COWLES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. FOR THE AFFLICTED THERE IS A BALM IN GILEAD. THE citizens of Zubulon, in Pike county, are hereby notified, that Mr. H. G. JOHNSON, of that place, is the authorised agent for selling BRAN DRETH’S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS, and has his CERTIFICATE of Agency and a fresh supply of the Pills from the General Agency in Columbus. And they aro further cautioned against purchasing Pills, for BRANDRETH’S PILLS, of Mr. John Neal, of that place, as he is offering for sale the basest counterfeits. Purchase only of tho known and autho rised Agents, and you are on the sure side. AND YET ANOTHER. The citizens of Monticello, in Jasper county, are hereby notified, that Messrs. KELLUM & MAX EY, of that place, are the authorised Agents for the sale ofthc BRANDRETH VEGETABLE UNI VERSAL P’LLS, and have their CERTIFI CAT E of Agency, and a fresh supply of the GENU INE PILLS from the General Agency in Columbus. And lest any among them, who wish to purchase the genuine medicine, should be deceived by the counter feit at the peril of their health, and perhaps their lives, T would give them timely caution not to purchase Pills of Messrs. Hurd & Hangerfbrd. who it seems are of fering spurious Pills on Dr. Brandreth’s credit.— Touch not the unclean thing. JOHN B. PEABODY, General A^ent for Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Columbus, May 14. 15tf .TERNIGAN. A SALE of lots in this town will take place on Tuesday, the 16th of OCTOBER next. Terms—One fourth cash, the balance in three an nual instalments. This town is beautifully situated on a high bluff of the river Chaitohooehee, in the county of Barbour, Alabama, about one mile below the mouth of Hatche chubbee, and from twenty-five to thirty miles below Columbus. It possesses local advantages inferior to no place upbn the river. The blutf on which it stands is a continuation of the ridge, dividing the waters of the Hatchechubbee and Cowagkee creeks, affording the most eligible location for an excellent road into the in terior of Barbour, Russell and Macon, by which the product of the rich and fertile cotton lands of these counties can be easily conveyed to market. The road from Columbus to Florence and Irwinton, will pass through this town, situated below the Snake Shoals, Uchee Shoals and Woolfork’ - bar, which are the prin cipal obstructions in tile river, it can he approached without difficulty, by steamboats, at almost all seasons of the year. I ndisputable titles will bo given to pur chasers. For the proprietors, JAMES E. GLEN, Agent. N. B.—The cash payment may ho made by a good paper well endorsed, payable 60 days, at any bank in Columbus. Aug. 16 1838. 28ts MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. THE seventh Course of Lectures in ution, will be commenced on the second Monday (the 12th) of next November, and be terminated on the first Saturday (the 2d) of March following. The Lectures will be delivered by G. M. Newton, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. L. A. Dugas, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathological Anatomy. Charles Davis, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacv. Joseph* A. Eve, M. D., Professor of Theraspeutics and Materia Medica. L. D. Ford, M. D., Professor of Institutes and Practice of Medicine. Paul F. Eve, M. D., Prose sor of Principels and Practice of Surgery. Miltpn Antony, M. D.. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants. The Professor of Anatomy will superintend the Dis secting Rooms in person, and discharge the duties of Demonstrator without additional fee. He and the Professor of Chemistry and Pha-macy devote their whole time to the College. In the College Buildings, Museum, Chemical Apparatus, Library, &c., are in vested $40,000. The expenses for the full Course of Lectures, in cluding the Demonstration ticket, is slls. Students attending this Institution for the first time, will pay for Matriculation $5. The current money of any of the states in which Students may reside, will be taken at par. Specimens in Anatomy and Natural History will be thankfully received for the Museum. ’ PAUL F. EVE, Dean of the Faculty. Augusta, Aug. 16,1838. 30 3t .T. B. GREEN AND CO. HAVE FOR SAuE, FOR CASH ONLY, 1 HHDS. Porto Rico Sugar, i ‘AF 80 bags Havana Coffee, 50 bbls. N. E. Rum, 25 boxes Starch, 25 do Soap, 50 kegs NaiU, 100 bbls. Canal Flour, 50 tierces Molasses, 10 M best Havana Segars. Also for sale, exchange on Charleston, New Orleans, B >ston. New York and April 12. 10tf Philadelphia. DR. .T. A. YOUNG WILL attend to the practice of MEDICINE and SURGERY in Columbus and its vici nity. Office one door north of Dr. Pond’s Drug Store, up stairs, above Mr. Marshall’s Store. July 10. 23tf 7 BBLS. pickeled SHEEP HEAD. 20 boxes fine Scotch Herring, 4 bbls. Cranberries, 20 000 best Spanish Cigars, Just received and tor sale bv Feb. 1,1833. 52rf YONGE & ELLIS. A A BBLS Newark Cider, ■kS; 10 boxes fresh Lemons, just received, and for sale bv March 15. 6T YONGE & ELLIS. ROOMS TO RENT. FOUR ROOMS to be rented in M’Tntosh Roxv, well calculated for Lawyers, Decters. or Gen tlemen's Sleeping Rooms. March 8. ‘ hi M. N. CLARK. Agent. legal notices. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in NO VEMBER next, at the Court House door in the town of Franklin, Heard county, under an order of the Inferior Court of said county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, one hundred acres of laud, it being parts of lots Nos. 227 and 228, in the 3d district of formerly Coweta county, now Heard, sold as the property of Dennis Bates, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. Terms given on (he day. , WILLIAM PRITCHETT, Adtn’r. Aug. 15, 1638 29ts ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. AGREEABLE to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be so.d on the first Tuesday iu NOVEMBER next, before the Court House door, in the town of Lumpkin Stewart county, lots of land No. 71 and No. 90. in the 82d district of said county, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Eli Mayo, deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale - STEPHEN MAYO, Adni’r. Aug. 13, 1839. 28 ts ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeable to an order from the Orphans’ Court of Russell County, will be sold in the town ofGirard, Ala. on Thursday, the 4th day of Oc tober next, the whole of Section 32, Township 15, Range 28, lying in Russell county, on the waters of the Hatch-a-Chubbie, belonging to the estate of Ebe nezer Torrence. Terms —One h&lfCash, par currency, the balance at 12 months, with mortgage or other approved secu rity. ALBERT P. TORRENCE, LOUISA S. TORRENCE. July 5. 22 ts Administrators. GUARDIAN’S SALK. POSTPONED SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in OCTO BE R next, at the Court House door in Green ville, Meriwether county, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 2, in the 2d district of originally Troup now Meriwether county, sold as the property of the illegitimates of Sarah Richardson, for the bene fit of said illegitimates. SEABORN THORN, Guardian. FOUR MONTHS from date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Solomon Barefield, late of Randolph county, deceased. FREDERICK BAREFIELD, COLEMON BAREFIELD, Administrators with the will annexed. July 23, 1838. 25 FOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Early county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No. 1263, in the 16th district and 2d section, formerly Cherokee. Lot No. 252, in the 2d district of Monroe county, one-third of No. 407, in the 26th district of Early county, and 116 acres ol 406, in the 26th district of Early county, for the be nefit es the heirs and creditors of John Porter, de ceased. JOEL L. PORTER, Adm’r. April IS. II MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Ran dolph county, while sitting for ordinary purposes,for leave to sell one negro girl, Betsy, belonging to the estate of Jeremiah Bell, deceased. MILLY BELL, Administratrix. July 2. WILLIAM BELL, Adm’r. FOUR MONTHS after date I shall apply to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Meriwether county, while sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Nancy Brown, deceased. DANIEL KEITH, Adm’r. July 4, 1638. 23 POUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Heard county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of David S. Bradley, late of said county, deceased. July 2,1838. 23 J. B, GHENT, Adm’r. FOUR MONTHS after date I shall apply to the Honorab e the Inferior Court of Meriwether county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Joseph Forguison. late of said county, deceased. SAM’L FERGUISON, Adm’r. July 4, 1838. _______ 23 FOUR MONTHS after date application will he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Me riwether county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the land belonging to the orphans of Charles P. AVetherspoon, deceased. THOMAS PORCH, Guardian. .Tune 12, 1838. 20 I.NOUR MONTHS af cr date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Car rollcounty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lots of land No. 409, in the 18th district, 31 sec tion, Paulding county, and lot No. 758, in the Ist dis trict. 2d section, Cobb coucty, belong to the estate of Arthur Slaton, deceased. BENJAMIN ODAM, Adm'r. May 31, 1838. 18 FOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Me riwether county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the land and negro property belong ing to the estate of Thomas Matthews, late of Meri wether county, deceased. THOMAS F. MATTHEWS, Executor. May 7. 14 MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Heard county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Dennis Bates, lato of said county, deceased. March 3. mvS.l3 DENNIS BATES, Adm'r. GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNUY. William T. Sinclair and James V 4? Vaughn apply to me for letters of administra tion on the estate of John Sinclair, late of said county, deceased — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, Aug. 18. 1833. SO4t LEVI. M. ADAMS, Clerk. GEORGIA, MERIAVETHER COUNTY. WHEREAS John S. Ragland applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Asa AVright, late of said county, deceased— These a'-e therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred an 1 creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at rnv office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gr inted. Given under mv hand at office, August 3, 1838. 28 4t LEAH M. ADAMS, c. c. o. GEORGIATSTEAVART COUNT A’. WHEREAS AViliiam B. Butt applies to me for. letters of administration on the estate of Ro bert Reynolds, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office. Aug. 13th, 1833. 28 4t “ J. S. Y'ARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. W r HEREAS William B. Shearling, executor of the estate of Isham Shearling, late of said countv, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion on said estate — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred anil creditors cf said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, May 24. 1838. 17mSm J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORGIA, HEARD COUNTY. - ‘ W r HEREAS Hugh McCoy, administrator on the estate of Ransom Haines, late of said county, deceased, applies to rue for letter's of dismission on said estate — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed hv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters -hould not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, Mav 7. 1838. IGufin ‘ BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. c. o. GEORGT A. BAKER COUNTY VSTHEHEAS Mahlon Bedeli anil Me.rv H. D-n- V W nard, administrators on the estate of Burrell J. Dennard, deceased, apply fjr letters of dismission from said administration — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kin Ired and creditors of said deceased, to be ami aopear a’ my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they hare, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, Mav 5. 1838. 15 6m 1 M. BEDELL, c. c. o. NOTICE 18 hereby eiren to all concerned, that I have charged lot No. 3! 6. in the 13th district of Houston county, (pine land,) for its Taxes from the year 1823 to the vear 1837. inclusive, agreeable to the Tax Law now “in force in this Stale. DANTET. DUPREE, n. t. n. n.r. Perry, March 9, 1888. Cirdita GEORGIA. CARROLL COUNTY. WHEREAS Jilin Lumberth and James F.Gar rison apply to me for letters of dismission ol the administration of the estate of John Garrison, de ceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred an J creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the tiini; prescribed by la v, to show cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, April 9, IS3B. llmCm WM. L. PARR, c. c. o. GEORGIA. RANDOLPH COUNTY. WIIERF.AS James Whiteker, administrator, and Martha, administratrix crti the estate of David Suticy, deceased, late of said county, apply to me (or letters of dismission from the further manage meat of said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my orfiee. within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv band at office, Mav 21.1888. 161116111 JAMES BUCHANAN, c. c. o. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court of Soil county , sitting for ordinary pur poses. Present, Wily B. Ector, James Render, William D. Martin, anil Wilis Jones, Justices. WHEREAS Adam Spyvey, administrator ot the estate of Edmund Spy vey, deceased, applies for letters of dismission ; H nd whereas Wily B. Ector, administrator of the estate of Isaac Hall, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission These are therefore to notify all persons in any- man ner interested, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any, why said Utters ot dismission should not be granted to them. Given under my hand, this sth dav of March. 1838. 7m6in LEVI M. ADAMS, c. c. o. GF.ORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTYj Inferior Court of said county, sitting for ordinary pur poses. Present Wiley li. Eetor. James Render. Willis James ami Daniel Keith. Justices. This 2 d July, 1838. TT appearing to tho Court that, on the third day of JL February, in the year 1634, Thomas Matthews, deceased, late of said county, executed his bond to Hugli W. Ector, deceased, for titles for a certain piece or parcel of land, being one and an half lots, vix : the whole of lot one hundred and eighty-six, and the north half of lot one hundred and ninety-nine, both ly ing and being in the eighth district of originally Troup now Meriwether county, containing three hundred ai.d three-fourth acres, more or less ; and the said Tho mas Matthews having departed this life without mak ing said titles, and it appearing further that the said lands have been bargained and sold to Jordan Rees, and the said bond transferred to him, it is, on motion, ordered, on application of said Jordan Rees, that all persons interested shew cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why an order should not be granted requiring Thomas F. Matthews, executor of the said Thomas Matthews, deceased, to make titles to said tract or lots of land to tho said Jordan Rees, in compliance with and in terms ol said bond, and the law in such case made and provided ; and that this rule be published once a month, for three months, in one of the public gazettes of this slat*. A true copy from the minutes. 25m3m LEVI M. ADAMS, Clerk. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY^ Inferior Court of said county, sitting for ordinary pur poses. Present ICiley B. Ector, James Render, Willis James and Daniel Keith, Justices. This 2 d July, 1838. IT appearing to the Court that Hope H Tigner, of said county, deceased, entered into an obligation, in writing, on the thirteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, to one Alburtus E. Jackson, to make to said Jackson titles to lot* of land lying and being in the county of formerly Troup now Meriweth er county, in the third district of said county, one lot number two hundred and fifty, and fifty acres to be ta ken off lot number two hundred and twenty-seven, which lies on the north side of Flat Shoal Creek, all of which land is in the third district of formerly Troup now Meriwether county ; and it further appearing to the Court that the said Hope H. Tigner has departed this life without having executed the titles aforesaid. It is ordered, by the Court, that this rule be publish ed once a month, for throe mouths, and at the expira tion of which time, no objections being shown, Eliza A. Tigner, executrix of the said Hope 11. Tigner, will be required to make titles m terms of the agree ment. A true extract from tho minutes. 25tnStn LEVI M. ADAMS, Clerk. MUSCOGEE SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1837. UPON the petition of Isreal Phillips, jun., sitting. forth that he is in possession of a certain mort gage doed, made and executed by Nathan P. Willard, bearing date on the eighteenth day of February, 1836, by which deed of mortgage the mortgager conveyed to the said Isrea! Phillips, jun. a certain lot of land, situ ated, lying and being in the city of Columbus and coun ty and State aforesaid, known and distinguished in the plan of said city by lot number seventy-t-.vo, containing one half acre, more or less, known as the property of the Columbus Hotel, and also lot number seventy-six, in said city, which said mortgage was given to secure the payment of three several promissory notes, made by the said Nathan P. Willard,bearing even date with said mortgage, payable to the said Isreal Phillips, jun., one for five hundred and ten dollars, due three months after date, one for five hundred and twenty dollars, due six months after date, one for one thousand and eighty dollars, due twelve months after date, which said notes have not been paid. It is, therefore, on motion, order ed, that the said Nathan P. Willard pay over into the Olerk’s office of the Superior Court of Muscogee coun ty, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, the full amount of principal, interest and cost due on said notes, or that the equity of redemption to the said mortgaged premises be forever foreclosed ; and that a copy of this rule be served upon the said Nathan P. Willard, by publication in some public ga zette in this State once a month, for four months Be fore the next Court. A ‘rue extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of said county, this 14th day of June, 1837. 18m4m ‘ GIRARD BURCH, Clerk. HEARD SUPERIOR ToI'RtT APRIL TERM, 1838. George Lumpkin ) vs, > Libel for divo-ce.’ Lucinda Lumpkin. ) IT appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above stated case is not to be found in the county, it is, therefore, or dered, that the defendant be and appear at the next term of this Court, and answer said suit, and that pub lication of this ru!e, in one of the public gazettes of this state, once a month, for three months, be held sufficient service. M. C. SUMMERLIN, Plt’ff’s Att’y. • A true extract from the minutes of said Court, June 26, 1838. |"23m3m] BAILEY BLEDSOE, Clerk. MUSCOGEE SUPERIOR COURT, APRIL TERM, 1838. Margaret Amanda Orderly ) vs. > Libel for divorce. Felix Orderly. ) IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above stated case is not to be found in this county. It is, therefore, on motion of counsel, ordered by the Court, that service be perfected on said defendant by a publication of this rule once a month, in one of the public papers of this place, at least fjttr months before the first day of the next term of this Court, A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Muscogee Countv, June 10, 1838. 20m4m GERARD BURCH, Clerk. COURT OF ORDINARY, JULY TERM, 1838. GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. Present their Honors L/rverd Bryan Samuel Brooks and Mai their Wright. WHEREAS Larkin Reynolds, by his petition, sheweth that Alexander Nelson, deceased, late of said county and State, did, in his lifetime, on the fourteenth day of July, 1835. enter into a bond and agreement in writing, a copy of which is filed in this Court, to make titles to the following lots ami parts of I lots of land, to wit : the nor r. half of lot No. 125, lot No. 100, lot No. S3, and two hundred and a half acres! of lot No. 94. two acres of said lot being reserved for the use of the meetinghouse called Liberty, situa'ed on said lot, all lying in one bo. y i'fthe 251 h district on originally Lee, now Stewart county ; and the raid | Alexander Nelson having died, without having per formed the same, or making provisions therefor hr will, and prays this Court to direct Thomas S. Chap pell an and William Nelson, executors of the lasr will and testament of the said Alexander Nelson, deceased, to execute titles to the sai l lots and parti of lots of iaftd to him the said Larkin Reynolds. Thcref re. on mo tion of Do Launy ?nd Gaulden, petitioners for the said Larkin, it is ordered that unless good cause be shown to the contrary, this Court will, on the first Monday in November next, direct said executors to execute such .titles, ar.-f that this rule be published once a month, for three months before that time, A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Or dina(v of said countv. July 9. 3838. 23m3 u J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. HOUSE aYD SIGN PAINTING. fin HE subscriber respectfully informs the public JsL generally, that he is ready to execute all orders in the above line of business, in the neatest manner and on the most reasonable terras'. lie has also f< r sale, a splendid assortment of window sashes, of vart-1 sizes, made of the best materials, which arc far sr- J p-rior to any offered for sate in a Siveli.-rn market. His shop is one door below ICivhn’s Suns Snvri. hmcis 21 G-n STATES LEWIS. 1 MUSCOGEE SIPEIUOn COURT, APRIL TERM, 1838. Martha M. Russell ) vs. > Libel for divorce. Robert Russell. ) IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above sta’ee case is not to be found in this county. It is, therefore, on motion, ordered bv the Court, that service bo perfected on said defendant by a publication of this rule once a month, for three months, in one of the public gazettes of this place, at least four mouths before the next teint of this Court. A true extract from the minutes cf the Superior Court ofMuscogee county, 19th June, 1889. 20m4in GERARD BURCH, Clerk. niLE NISI. GEORGIA, RANDOLPH COUNTY'. Inferior Court qf said county, sitting for ordinary pur poses. HI ii/ adjourned term, 1938. IT appealing to the Court that AViliiam Oliver, late of said county, deceased, while in life, made, cxe-’ cuted, and delivered to Dossey Ivey, of Baldwin coun ty anil said State, his bond in writing, a copy of which is annexed, and that the said Oliver died without com rlvii. ‘ vith the terms of said bond, and that the said vey has complied with the condition precedent by paying the purchase money. It is, therefore, ordered, that Samuel Harrison, administrator of said Oliver, perform the* conditions of the said bond, by making good and lawful titles to the land in sakl bond de scribed. unless good cuase be shown to the contrary at the September term of said Court; and that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this dial. onct. mondi, for three months previous to the September term of said Court. COPY BOND. GEORGIA, RANDOLPH COUNTY'. Know all men Dy these presents that I, William. Oliver, am held and firmly bound in the penal sum oft seventeen hundred dollars unto Dossey IVey, of Bald win county, for the payment of which, well ami truly to be made, I bind myself, my heirs, executors, admi nistrators, and assigns, jointly and fimly by these presents. The condition of the above obligation is such that the above bound William Oliver, of Randolph county, has bargained and sold unto Dossey Ivey, of Baldwin county, one half section of land, containing three hun dred and twenty acres, lying and being in the State of Alabama and county of Barbour, it being the west half of section nine, township eleven, and range twenty nine. Now if the said AViliiam Oliver make, or cause to be made, good and lawful tittles to the above de scribed land, after the payment is made by the said Ivey of the sum of eight hundred and fifty dollars, then, and in that condition, the above bond to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law. as though there was no condition to it. (Signed) WILLIAM OLIVER. Signed, sealed, and delivered, this 26th Nov. 1835; in presence of Major James MoCrohx:, J. p. I certify the above to be a true extract from the mi nutes of the Court of Ordinary. Given under my hand, this 20th day of June. 1838. SlmSm JAMES BUCHANAN, c. c. o. #425 00 ON or before the first dav of June next, I promi; to pay George T. Wood, or bearer, tnc sur of four hundred anu twenty-five dollars, for va ! ue re ceived, this 6th of April, 1837. (Signed) ANN PETERSON. 1*425 00 On or before the first day of June next. T promise to pay George T. Wood, or bearer, the sum of four hundred and twenty-five dollars, for value re ceived, this 6th of April, 1837. (Signed) ANN PETERSON. GKORGAT, RANDOLPH COUNTY'. INFERIOR COURT, MAY TERM, 18SS. Personally appeared, in open Court, George TANARUS, Wood, who being duly sworn, deposed! and saith, that he was in possession of two promissory notes, of which the above are substantial copies, and that* h has lost the same. QEORGt T. WOOD. Sworn to in open Court. Georoe W. llarrisok, j. i. c. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that the abovcl copies be established in lieu of the originals, unless good cause be shown to the contrary, on or before the next term of said Court ; and that this rule be pub lished in ou of the publie gazettes of the city of Co lumbus once a month, for three months previous to the term of said Court last aforesaid. I certify the above to be a true extract from li e mi nutes of ihe Inferior Court. Given under mv hsu this 20th June, 1838. 21 m3m JAMES BUCHANAN • WHITE BULFIIER SPRING MERIWETHER COUNTY. THESE Springs, lately improved, and < presented to tho public as a watering place, ;.i< situated half a mile west of the main Columbus 1 ad leading to the up country, and near about hats va;, be tween Hamilton and Greenville, 12 miltl from the for mer and 10 miles from the latter place. From the ex perience of occasional visitors for several years past and particularly last year, when a number of families boarded in the neighborhood and used it, the water is believed to be strongly medicinal and salutary. The watoris soft and pleasant in quality, readily soluble in use, and highly tonic and renovating in character, and has been found specially adapted to debilitated and languishing constitutions. Its remedial eff* ■ diu retic, diaphoretic, and tonic. Thevioinii- Re i . in ous, and the atmosphere pure and inviy. ratin- Ar rangements have been made for the accommodati i t of considerable company the present season, which will be open for company on the 15th July. The man of pleasure and leisure, the traveller anl the invalid, will hero find a quiet home, abundant living, obi.•.hi- atten tion, reasonable charges, a pleasant neighborhood.and fair prospects of renewed health. It if 3 miles from the Warm Springs, direetlv west. Cal! and see. July 4. 24 8t GEORGE D. SHARP .V CO. G. C. BAILEY. (LATE OF THE THEATRE.) INFORMS his friends, and the public, tha’ he ha:; taken the house on Crawford street, next door to thn Columbus Hotel, formerly known u- 7.ANS BERG’S establishment. His intention i. to keep a genteel House of Refreshment for his friends, and, pledging his untiring exertions to please, polbbs a share of public patronage. His bar will be k-pt sup plied with a full and complete assortment ot Wines, Liquors, Cordials, etc. of choice selections. Great exertions to r,lease—every thing good — price:. low CASH doum upon the counter — nil /< 1 benefit of BAILEY—who is determined, in ibis nev -1 line of businessAto have a ‘ good house. August 9. - 27 ts PLANTATION AND LANDS FOR BjxLE. fllllli subscriber offers for sale his Plantation on ju. the Uchoc creek, near Sand Fort ;:i Re sell County, Ala., consisting of 1120 acres, the reVe.- p.i; of which is first rate lime lands, 200 acres under . good fence and in a fair state of cultivation Tvr-- is a small never-failing stream of water ninth- g i-r. ,v. it; also a good spring near the centre of t..- in: ny ?d lauds, and good dwellings and all necessary ■ m r Hid ings. A Gin House and Screw are now being t ol ed on toe premises. Persons wishing to r-wthase would do well to call. Also sor 4000 acres of first rale lands, ot: ‘ >Uow agee creek, in Barbour, near the linn of R>> * JNO. CROWELL,.Tr. August 27,1838. 30tf NOTICE. R ANA WAY from the subscriber, cn or a’.;. jt the 28th June last, a negro girl by the i ante of SARAH, rather ol a copper color; her teeth r; ; ar large and perfect, but wh ri laughing it mav',, - , that one is defective; stout or chunkey bruit.. 1 flunk that she has been carried off by some villain; and T will give one hundred dollars for'the dppreht n.-ior, sue conviction of the rogue having her in j* .-.-session, or !<•: dollars for the apprehension ami < uiifinement of fair girl in any jail so that I can get her. AARON GOODMAN Meriwether co. Aug. 21, 1638. The Montgomery Advertiser will insert the above three times, and send their account to the sub i scriber. 30 3t A. G. NOTICE. THE public aro cautioned against trading for a note of hand, given by us to the Comm* rcial Bank of Florida, z.’id endorsed by Nourse Brooks £. Cos. for three thousand doliars, dated May 17,1838. payable thirty days after date. The consideration having failed, we will not pav until compelled hv mw-. RAYMOND & ALHSON. Apalichico’.a, June 25, 1638. -A ? ,''V'. have every reason to believa that the abov NO I E is held by Mr. J. Ruse, the above advertise ment is not intended in any wav to injure his cr.r.-ac-- ter or reputation. RAYMOND &. ALLISON. August 15. IS3B. 30 4- OLAS.r FOR SALE, by the subscribers, 150 boxes Pittsburgh Glass, 100 do Bedford Crown Glass, 50 do Boston do do assorted sizes, cheap fir cash. T. & M. EVANS, April 12. 10if Ogleiho-p s\ SPLENDID VESTINGS. | rB 111 E subscribers have la'cly received an ass.” j JtL Dv-nl of extra ri-h figured Silk Velvet and | V ESTS. Also, plain black Bilk and Satin, v- I they wi !be kv c e-l to make ut) U> rder a* the - -><•;- c .tno i.-.-. ‘ HAMILTON, KURD & ft-. 1 Jam t. *f [NO. 31.