Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, September 27, 1838, Image 1

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COLUMBUS SENTINEL AND HERALD. VOL. VIII.] PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY’ MORNING BY J. P. H. CAMPBELL & J. L. LEWIS. A OX BROAD STREET, OVER ALLEN & YOUNG’S, ** m’intosu row. ‘l'— Sufis crijttion, three dollars per an num, payable in advance, or eou.x dollars, (in all cases uxtcte.l) where payment is not maJe before the expiration of the year. N o subscription received for less than twelve months, wi-hoot payment in advance, and no paper discontinued, except at the option oi the Editors, until ail arrearages are paid. AUVUItTISEMIiMI'S conspicuously inserted at one dollar per one hundred words, or less, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for every subse quent c mtinuance. Those sent without a specifica tion of tho Dumber of insertions, will be published until ordered out, and charge i accordingly. • 2d. Yearly advertisements —For over 2d, and not exceeding 36 lines, fifty dollars per annum ; for ovr 12, and not exceeding 24 lines, thirty-fine dollars per annum ; ffr less than 12 lines, twenty dollars per annum. 3d. All rule and figure work double the above prices. Legal Advertisements published at the usual rates, an 1 with strict attention to the requisitions of the law. All Sales regulated by law, must be made before the Court House door, between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the evening—those of Land in the county where it is situate; those of Personal Property, where the letters testamentary, of admin istration or of guardianship were obtained — .and aro required to be previously advertised in some public Gazette, as follows: Sheriffs’ Sales under regular executions for thir ty days, under mortgage fi fas sixty days, before the day of sale. Sales of Land and Negroes, bv Executors, Ad ministrators or Guardians, for sixty'days before the day of sale. Sales of Personal Property (except Negroes) forty days. Citations by Clerks of the Oour's of Ordinary, upon application for letters of administration, must be published for thirty days. Citations upon application for dismission, by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, monthly for six months. Orders of Courts of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond or agreement) to make titles to land, must be published three months. Notices by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, of application to the Court of Ordinary for leave To sell the Land or Negroes of an Estate, four MONTHS. Notices bv Executors or Administrators, to the Debt ors and ( reduors A an Estate, so- six weeks. Sheriffs, Clerks of Court, Sic., will be allowed the usutd deduction. ft-HP* Lr. ters on business, must be post paid, to etiMtlt them to attention. WARS HOUSE COMKUMOn BCgIXfiiSS. f.WE undersigned takes leave to inform his friends ~ -M. and the putilic generally, that he will continue the Ware-llouse and Commission Business, to which his atention will he exclusively confined ; and by strict attention thereto he hopes to merit a continuance of natronago which has been so liberally bestowed upon him. He will attend to the sale of Cotton from wa gons or in store, and from a gener .l acquaintance with t he purchasers, and true situation of the market, lie be lieves that he can, generally, more than save the com mission in the sale of Cotton. Liberal advances will be made on produce or mer chandise in store. Wi\l. P. YONGE. Columbus, Sept. 18,1838. S3y JAMBS 11. r.Eb\() iDS WATGII m AI£E Jl ABTD J2WSILEH, 2 d door north of Kivlin's Confectionary, lir'dst. RESPECTFULLY informs 2/ bis town and counlry friends ye ( hat he has just returned from New York with a very rich addition to his stock of Goods, Vi® i and ladies and gentlemen wish- J ‘ m Washes or Jewelry of superior quality, have no*v an opportunity of supplying them aelves with articles that cannot be surpassed. Kicli line gold Jewelry, Silver Ware, plated and Faney Goods. The following articles comprise a portion of his stock, and he will sellon as good terms as any other establish ment in Georgia. Gold and silver Levers, Anchor escapement Duplex, Horizontal and vertical Watches, of the finest finish—all of which he warrants first rate time keepers. Setts of Ladies’ Earrings and Broaches, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, enamelled and every description of Breast Pitts and I’ inger Rings, Gold guard and fob Chains, Seals, Keys, Lockets and Trinkets, of all kinds, tu reat variety, and most sttporb manufacture, Gold and silver Spectacles, Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Superior Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirk and Pen Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, Ladies’splendid Card Cases, Head Bands, Combs, Belt Placquos, Revolving silver mounted Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Fancy Bellows, Cloth, Hair,Crumb and Hearth Brushes, English rifle belt Pistols, Sword Canes, Four sided Razor Strops, Silk Purses,- Perfumery, And every other article usually found at Jewelry Stores. J. H. R. as heretofore, will repair and regulate t CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description, and warrant all (that were made for time) to perform well. Gold and silver work, and jewelry, made and repaired. Engraving neatly executed. Cash, or goods, paid for ord gold and silver. Columbus, April 13. By GR O. W . \Y AY ’ S C Viuu u; E ItEPOS ITORY, CORNER of Oglethorpe and St. Clair street, im mediately in the rear of the City Hotel. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now receiving a general assortment of Carriages ol all •descriptions, to wit: Coaches, Coachees, Chnrio'tees, Cabriolets, dickey sat Barouches, one and two horse extension-top Ba juches. three seats extension-top do., Buggies, four wheels, for one and two horses, two wheel do., Sulkies of every description. The above Carriages are superior to any ever re- ! ceived in this market, and cannot be surpassed for ina- j terials, style and durability. Any article purchased from this establishment can be depended oti. Call and sec. and I will sell you bargains. Carriages o r every description furnished to order, by addressing the undersigned. GEO. W. WAY. I have a general stock of Coach Materials, which I will sell low. Repairing done in the very best man ner. and bv Northern Workmen. G. W. W. Feb. I. 52v CARRIAGE SHOP. TTSSa ik P3X3 SITT. Oglethorpe Street, Xorth of Calhoun's Hotel, HAVE just received a new assortment of good CARRIAGES selected from some of the best •manufactories at the North. They having taken par ticular pains to have them made to suit this country, and to insure satisfaction to purchasers, they will war rant them for one year with fair usage. All kind of i Carriages made to order. Carriage and Harness’ re pairing done in very neat style by good Northern work men. Also, a good assortment of Carriage materials, ell of which they will sell low for cash or approved paper. Feb. 16. 7v SEW SPRIAG GOODS. THE subscriber lias just received, .a fresh supply of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY C001)S. of tiie latest fishi uis audimportations. ready made clothing, hats, bon nets and SHOES. He would invite his customers and tite public generally tocall and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they no doubt will be suit ed with the quality and price. lie is determined to sell low for cash. Country merchants will be supplied at reduced prices. ‘ NEILL McNAIR- May 21,-7-tf RA\ MONO & At,I.ISON, wholesale Grocers and commission Merchants, Apalachicola. Flor. Aug. 11. lS?,f t>. GDLSTEIXE, Commission & forwarding mer chant. Apalachicola, Flor. June 21 20tf FRESH THOJIASTOX LDIli FOR S \LE ENQUIRE of W.M. R. door above G. B. Terry, Esq. Columbus, July 25. gotf BS. HAWLEY, wholesale and retail Drug -9 gist, at Apalachicola and St. Joseph, Florida Nov 1. 1537. ‘ 21 f JB. STARR, Commission Merchant, St. Jo • seph, Florida. March 8. stf COLUMBUS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EAOl>l4 3!i2’ WAR2-HOIJSS, At the sign ol the Golden Sa ddi.e, a fe.v doors be low D. Hungerford & Co’s, and nearly opposite Ujquhart & Ware. AY. WADS & CO. ’ yMi|jl Have now on hand a complete as -h *if .■>. of articles appertaining to theif bn® of basiness : AMONG WHICH ARE fill lil iHillii S P anish ’ Overlaid and Shaf- V.giii.jiijfllfflr ted Saddles, Plain, Boys’, Race, Attakapas, and Planters’do. Large and Extra Large do Ladies’ Saddles, of every quality and size. BRIDLES OF ALL KINDS. Some good for fifty cents; Saddle Bags, Carnet Bags; V a! ices; Stirrup Leathers; Sircingles and Girths. = HARNESS—Coach. Gig. and Dearborn, from the cheapest to the best. TRUNKS, of every descrip tion. The above articles are of their own manufacture, made under their own immediate inspection, of the best materials, and by superior workmen. Also, on hand, ENGLISH SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINGALES. Coach. Gig, Tandem, Sportsmen, and Waggon Whips; Stirrups, Bits, Spurs, Buckles, Harnes, Col lars, Cut Tacks, Trunk Locks, Horse Brushes and Curry Comb.-, Trace and Halter Chains. .ALSO —A good assortment of Coach and Gig Har ness Trimmings; Plated, Brass and Jjpan’d do'. ALSO—A good assortment of Skirting, Harness, and Bridle Leather; black, blue, red, yellow, green, and cochineal Morocco Skins; Buffalo Robes and Bear Skins. N. B. Traders who mav buy to sell again, will be furnished on as good terms as can be bought either in New York or Newark. Country merchants are re spectfully invited to call and examine our goods and prices, and satisfy themselves. ‘CP REPAIRING done on the most reasonable terms. April 29. 1837 31y CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WARE HOUSE. si COJTZEX.7YIAS? Si AJJDSESON MOST respectfully inform the citizens of Colum bus, and its vicinity that they have removed from their former stand, to the store lately occupied by McArn, in Broad-street, nearly opposite the Insurance Bank. They have now on hand an elegant assortment of FURNITURE of their own manufacture. —ALSO— Paper Hangings of the latest patterns with suitable Bordering, Ornaments, and other materials for Cur tains, &c. Adverse to puffing, they would only solicit a call which would enable Ladies and Gentlemen to judge for themselves by examining the articles. All orders will be executed with promptitude. Cur tains put up in the most fashionable style. Rooms neatly papered. In short, any thing in their line will be punctually attended to. Aug. 25. 36y JOHN E. BACON & Cos. agents for the sale of the INDIAN’S PANACEA, HAVE justreceived ajfresh supply of this valuable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Gout, Sciatica or Hip Gout, Incipient Cancers, Salt Rheum, Siphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, particularly Ulcers and painful affections of the bones. Ulcerated Throat and Nostrils, Ulcers of every description, Fever Sores, and Internal Abscess es, Fistulas, Piles, Scald Head, Scurvy, Biles, Chro nic Sore Eyes, Erysipelis Blotches, and every variety of Cutaneous Affection, Chronic Catarrh, Headache, proceeding from vitiation; Affections of the Liver; Chronic inflammation of the Kidneys and General De bility, caused by a torpid action of the vessels of the skin. It is singularly efficacious in renovating those constitutions which have been broken down by injudi cious treatment, or juvenile irregularities, in general terms, it is recommended in all those diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, or vitiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. Some of tho above complaints may require some assistant applications, which the circumstances of the ca’so will dictate ; but for a general remedy or Purifi cator to remove the causey The Indian’s Panacea will ireneraUy be found sufficient. The following certificates, out, of hundreds similar which might be procured, are given to show the effect of the Indian’s Panacea, in the various complaints therein mentioned ; and also to exhibit in the most sa tisfactory manner its superiority over the syrups in common use. Charleston, Nov. 15, 1831. During the last winter and spring, I was afflicted with a very severe and distressing Rheumatism, occa sioned by exposure in bad weather. I now take great pleasure in stating, that six bottles of Indian Pana cea, restored me to perfect health, and I confidently recommend it to all similarly afflicted. JOHN FERGUSON, King st. Charleston, July 12,1831. I was afflicted four years with an ulcer in the leg, occasionally accompanied with erysipelatious inflama tion and an excessive pain in the leg and ancle joint. Several eminent Physicians exerted their skill upon it, but without permanent benefit. In this case, five bot tles of the Indian Panacea made a perfect cure. MARGARET A. WEST, Market st. 121. July sth, 1637. 51y YOUNG LADIES’ COLLEGIATE INSTI TUTE, Brownwood, near La Grange, Troup county , G'i. THE exercises of this institution will be resumed on the first Monday in February next. The Teachers for IS3S are, ROBERT C. BROWN, ) Princi- Mrs. M. L. BROWN, (pals. Mr. Durand, Classical Department. Miss Clarke, French and English Department. Mr. Uhink, Musical Department. Board can be obtained iff the faintly of the Principal, or in respectable families tn the neighborhood. Brownwood. Dec. 12. 1837. 4ffif STAGE LINE FROM COLUMBUS TO WEST POINT. THE public are informed line of STAGES has been put on the route from Columbus to West Point via Whitesville, leaving Whiteside’s Tavern every Monday and Friday at 4 o’clock A. M., and arriving at West Point the same day at 5 o’clock P. M.; leaving West Point eve yTo -day, Thursday ani Saturday at 4 o’cloclt'A. M., and arriving at Co lunfbus at 5 o’clock P. M. the same day. WHITESIDE, DUNCAN & BJSSELL. May 28, 1838. 17tf i N. B. A Hack will be in readiness at West Point to convey r> issen-Ters to La Grange or Lafayette. PACKETS FROM ST. JOSEPH TO NEW YORK. THE following substantial and fast sailing vessel- will run as’regular Packets between St. Joseph and New York, and will take freight and passengers low. Brig H\ItTIEY, Ryder, master. “ CUMBERLAND, Darling, master. “ SADI, Vincent, “ Also, the new and splendid ship SPRING. For Freight or Passage apply to E. J. WOOD & CO. Agents, St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1,1837 *24y G. C. BAILEY, I _ (LATE OF THE THEATRE.) INFORMS Ins friends, an l tiie public, that he has taken the house on Crawford street, next door to the Columbus Hotel, formerly known as LANS- I BERG’S establishment. His*intention is to keep a I genteel House of Refreshment for his friends, and, j pledging his untiring exertions to please, solicits a I share of public patronage. His bar will be kept sup plied with a lull and complete assortment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, etc. of choice selections. GreU exertions to pirate — cie.'y thing good — prices low CASH dawn upon the counter all lot t e hcnrjtt of BAILEY —who is determined, m tins mu 4 line of business,’ to have a good house.’ August 9. 27 ts HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public generally, that he is ready to execute all orders in the above tine of business, in the ri a-est manner and on the mist reasonable terms. He has also fir sale a splendid assortment of window sashes, of vari ous sizes, made of the best materials, which are far su perior to anv offered for sale ina Southern market. His shop is one door below Kivlin’s Sans Souci. June 28 21 6m STATES LEWIS. GLASS. FOR SALE, by the subscribers, 150 boxes Pittsburgh Glass, )U0 do Bedford Crown Glass, 50 do Boston do Jo assorted sizes, cheap for cash. T. & M. EVANS, April 12. 10if Oglethorpe at. ‘WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT ALL MEN ARE BORN EQUAL.’ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1838. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. JUST RECEIVED, and now opening, a full and complete stock of Goods, well assorted lor the country trade, selected by a competent judge, and bought on terms to enable the sub scribers to afford great bargains to their friends and customers. The stock comprizes: DRV GOODS Broadcloths, blue, black, and fancy colors Cassimeres and Sattiuetts Ready made Clothing Negro Clothes and Blankets Domestics, brown, bleached and plaid Sheeting, Irish and Russia Linen, Irish, Diaper and table Flannels, red, white and yellow Muslins, Cambric, Swiss and Jaconet Calicoes, Ginghams, Dimities Painted and figured Muslins Gloves, Ladies’ and Gents Hosiery of every description Silks, black and fancy colors Black Lustring, Grosde Naples, &c. Edgings and Insertings, blonde and muslin Fancy Ball Dresses Superb Laces of all kinds Boots, Shoes, and Hats, for men, women and children Silk and Cotton Umbrellas and Parasols Artificial wreaths of flowers Jewelry of every description. GROCERIES. Ss,g ar —New Orleans, Havana & Muscovado “ Loaf and Lump Coffee —Havana, St. Domingo, Rio, &c. Teas—Gunpowder, Imperial,and Young Hy son, Wines— Madeira, Champagne and Claret Liquors—Cog. Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Irish Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey Jamaica,Antigua, St.Croix,N O and NERum, Peach Brandy and old Apple Jack Cordials, in barrels and boxes Porter, Pale Ale and Cider Sarsaparilla, Lemon, and Strawberry Syrup Spanish, American, and Florida Cigars Tobacco, assorted Pepper, Allspice, Nutmegs Soap, Starch, Candles Sperm and Linseed Oil Flour, Buttei, Lard Cheese, Poik, Beef Tongues Codfish, Salmon, Mackerel Herring and Hallibuts Fins Bale Rope and Bagging Harness and Saddlery Buckets, Tubs, Baskets Hay and Shorts, Brooms, &c. Together with aline assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, as Mill and Cross Cut Saws Trace Chains, Hoes, Axes Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols Bowie Knives, Arkansas Tooth Picks, &c. Per brigs Hartley, Cumberland, Sadi, &c.— The assortment will be kept full by the regular line of Packets. The above goods will he sold low. Terms Cash. E. J. WOOD & CO. St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1. 1837 24v •* THE SUBSCRIBER IS now- receiving his fall supply of Groceries, from brig Rhine, from New York, and brig Alto, Brown, Baltimore. 130 barrels superfine FLOUR 120 “ Baltimore rectified Whiskey 250 kegs assorted Liquors 140 barrels Bread and Crackers 20,000 llis. Bacon, in hams and middlings 30 boxes Tobacco, all brands 150 barrels Mackerel 40 “ com. Gin 10 “ best Holland, do CO “ Rum, N-E. 20 “ Monongahela Whiskey 30 “ Peach Brandy 50 qr. casks Wine, all kinds 200 boxes, do 50 baskets Champagne 30 boxes Sperm Candles 5 halfpipes segnt. Cognac Brandy 50 bags Havana Coffee 30 “ Rio do 50 bids, and 20 hds. Sugar, St. Croix and Porto Rico Also, Bagging, Rope, Crockery, Glass and China Ware. Negro Shoes, Sgc. 500 sticks Stilt, by the brig Cumberland, which will be i?i market by the 20th instant. And is prepared to pay cash or advance on Cotton, on shipment to his friends in New York, Baltimore, Charleston, or New Orleans. JNO. T. MYRICK. Apalachicola, Oct 10, 1837 23 COLUMBUS COTTON FACTORY. THE owners of tho Columbus Factory respect fully inform the public that it is now in operation. They have on hand a general assortment of YAK, NS which may be had at all limes at the most reduced prices. Their Wool Carding Machine is also in operation, and any thing in that line will be done at the shortest notice. !• -IP A number of boys and girls wanted to work at the Factory, for which the most liberal prices will be given by the week or month. Aprily to STEWART & FONTATNE, or S. K. HODGES & CO. Columbus, Feb. 8 6tf DUS. HOLT AND PERSONS & RE united in the practice of Medicine. Their jrlL Offices are on Broad street, just below the Cily Hall, and on Randolph street, in the upper tenement of Calhoun’s Granite Building. Besides the usual branches of the practice of Medi cine, Drs. H. and P. tender their services as Surgeons of some experience in the higher operations—such as operations for all diseases of the eyes, for Hernia, Li thotomy, SCC, Si C. Mar.jh 23. 12v NEW RACES OYER THE HARRISON COURSE, IRWISTOIY, ALA. RACES over the above course will take tea place near Irwmion, Alabama, on the 23d OC TOBER, for the following purses : Ist day mile heats, $l5O 00 2d day 2 mile he„ts, 300 00 3d day 3 mile heats, 400 00 4th day 4 mile heats, 600 00 s'h day best three in five, mile heats, 300 00 The Jockey Club of this Course met at the Ex change, in the Club room ot this town, and proceeded regularly to the appointment of officers. On motion m ule and seconded. Dr. Benjamin P. Harrison was unanimously elected President of said Club, Col. J. !| W. A. Pettit and Col. Isaac Fort, Vice Presidents, Mr. Jno. R. Fort, Secretary and Treasurer. This Club is uow regularly organised, and the pros pects for good sport flattering. The patrons of the turf in our sister states, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennes see, North Carolina, and even the Old Dominion her self, should give us a call. We promise them ail in the way of convenience and luxury that anew and flourish county can afford, and as good a beating too, if we can. The proprietor expects them to give him a chance to do all this, and every thing more necessary to add to the sports of the turf, in this portion of the moral vineyard, wherein he hopes, ere long, to see the spirit of rating in its acme. CRAWFORD SPROWL, Proprietor. Jno. R. Fort, Sec’v and Treas. Trwinton. Aug. 18, IS3B. 304 t COURSE, GA. THE annual JOCKi CLUB tail meeting will commence on Monday, the 12th of NOVEM BER next, and continue six days. The following purses will b - given : Ist d.iv—a post stake, four mile heats—entrance five hundred dollars, two hundred and fifty forfeit; three or more to make a race : to close Ist October, and name at the stand. Iverson & Bonner, 1 2d day—Mile heats for a fine silver Pitcher and Cup, worth S'2oo; for col's and fillies two or three years o:d, $25 entrance; three or more to make a race. 3 ! dav—Two mile heats, free for all—purse, §3OO 1 h day—Three mile heats, free for a!!—purse, 500 sth day—Four mile heats, free for all—purse, 1000 6th day—One mile hea’s —best 3 in s—purse, 400 11. F. YOUNG & Cos., Proprietors. July 30. IS3S. 31 tr CENTRAL COURSE, MACON, GA. THE RACES over this course will commence on the last Tuesday (30th) of OCTOBER, and continue five days. First day. sweepstakes for three year olds, entrace §IOO with* Slo*3 added by the Proprietors— one mile heats—three or more to make a race. 2d day, two mile heats, purse §250 Sd day, three mile heats, purse * 500 4th dav, four mile heats, purse 700 sth dav. mile heats, best 3in 5, purse 300 LEE, HARDIN & Cos., Proprietors. Aug. 29, 1833. 31 tr 100 E3LS. POIIK FOR SALE BY* W.M. R. JONES, ons door above G. B. Ttrrv, Esq. Columbus, July 25. 25:f —The undersigned has been appointed to investigate the validity of the assents of the Creek Indians (reported by Captain John Page) to a certain contract, entered into by James C. Watson, Edward Hanriek, William Walker, Peter C. Harris, and John Peabody, with certain chiefs ot the Creek tribe of Indians, on the 28>h of August, 1836, which was approved by the late President of the united States on special conditions, one of which was that each individual Creek, whose land was covered by it, should agree thereto. It lias also been made his duty to examine into the validity of such prior contracts for reservations embraced within the contract ot 28th of August, as claim in preference to it. Notice is given to all concerned, who intend to im pugn the said assents, or any of them, or to set up contracts adverse to that of J. C. Vv at sc n and others, that they are required to file memorials with the under signed, at his office in Washington city, on or before the Ist day of November next; after that day memo rials will not be received. It is further required that each memorial shall relate to a specific case, and be made and filed by a person interested in the particular contract it is intended to establish, or in the tract of land to which the assent obtained to the contract of 28th August relates. When these preliminary steps have been taken, am ple time will be allowed the parties on both sides to examine witnesses, under such rules and notice to the adverse party as shall be hereafter prescribed.and also to file such written evidence and arguments as they may be advised are proper, in support of their several claims; of all which, public notice, by advertisement in the newspapers,-will be given immediately after the said Ist day of November. T. HARTLEY CRAWFORD. Washington city, August 25,1838. 32 6t PLIPPIA SPRINGS. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends, an 1 the public generally, that he has now opened a BOARDING HOUSE at the Flippin Springs, where all persons wishing to spend the sum mer can be accommodated on the cheapest ar.d best of terms. This spring issues from a steep bluff'on the bank of Mount Mariah creek, only a half mile from the Chattahoochee river, and one mile and a half from Franklin, in Heard county, and for medical qualities is not surpassed, if equalled, by any yet discovered in the state. For has been found an immediate cure for the Rheumatism in its worst stages, and lias never, with proper use, been known to fail to cure the most violent fits and spasms. For your further satisfaction call and see. SHADE LEATIIERWOOD. Flippin Springs, Aug. 20, 1838. 32 4t GROCERIES. -b p* MY, BBLS. old Rectified Whiskey A O'tJ’ 30 bbls. Monongahela do 20 bbls. N. E. Rum 25 do Gin 20 do Peach Brandy 50 do Sugar 30 bags Coffee ■ 25 boxes Tobacco 100 pieces Dundee Bagging, for sale by ALLEN & YOUNG, Sept. 12,1838. 321f No. 1 Mclntosh row. AVARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscribers have associated themselves to gether, under the firm of PRESTON, SMITH & KIMBROUGH, for the transaction of a general COMMISSION BUSINESS, and would be thank ful for a share of public patronage. Tbeir Ware llouse is situated at the upper end of Broad street, opposite Hayward & Gerrard’s. We are prepared to purchase Cotton on orders, and will make liberal ad vances on Cotton for shipment. TIIOMAS PRESTON, GEO. W. SMITH. WM. H. KIMBROUGH. Columbus, Sept. 13. 1838. 32 5t SELLING OFF AT COST. THE subscribers, having made other business ar rangements, will sell their entire stock of Rea dy made CLOTHING, either at wholesale or retail, at cost for cash. J. S. SMITH & Cos. Jan. 29,1838. 52tf P. S.—Ail those indebted to us, are respectfully re quested to come forward and pay up. J. S. S. & Cos. LAW. THE subscribers having connected themselves in the practice of LAW, will attend all the County Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of Alabama. Office in Mclntosh Row, immediately over Allen & Young’s Store. AUPRE D IV fvP SON, June 14. 19tf J. M. GUERRY, DISSOLUTION. THE subscribers have this day dissolved their connection in the Mercantile business, under the firm of CAIN&POPE, by mutual consent.— The business of the firm will be settled by A. B. Pope, who will continue the business alone at the same place. He expects this fall to renew his stock, and would be thankful to their old customers for a continuance of their patronage-. A. B. POPE, W. 11. CAIN. Lumpkin, Stewart co., Sept. 5, 1838. 32 3t HEARD AND WELSH, BOSTON, Mass., have for sale American Gin, of 1 Eagle, Anchor, and other brands; American Brandy of all proofs, pure Spirits, Imitation Rums, New Rum and Alcoh 1. Orders will be punctually attended to, and the Liquors put up in good barrels or hlids. at the option of the purchaser. Strict attention will also be given to the shipping of Liquors ordered. Boston, May 26,1838. 19tf TO RENT, THE STORE recently occupied by the sub scribers. Also TWO ROOMS suitable for Offices or Bed Rooms, in the upper story of the same building. Persons wishing to rent will apply to J. N. & J. M. Bethune. SMALLEY, CRANDALL & Cos. June 14. I9tf COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers having this day formed a co partnership in the Bookselling business, ar.d ta ken the slock of the late firm of I. C. Plant & Cos. at Columbus, the business will he conducted under the firm of PLANT & NORTON. T. 11. PLANT. J. A. NORTON. Columbus, July 18, 1838. 25tf STRAYED OR STOLEN, ABOUT the 10th May last, a large bay HORSE, long tail, rather sway back, racks easy but short, a few marks of the saddle, and harness. Information or delivery of the horse thankfully received and libe rally rewarded. YONGE & ELLIS. June 7. 18tf RAILROAD IRON, FOR sale at the Depository, Charleston. 200 tons Railroad Iron, half inch thick, bv two and a half inches wide. If not sold before the first Mortday in October next, will then be otfered at auction. Apply at the office of the S. C. C. U. R. Cos., State street, Charleston. Aug. 30, 18?8. 31 4t SPLENDID VESTINGS. THE subscribers have lately received an assort ment of extra rich figured Silk Velvet and Satin VESTS. Also, plain black Silk and Satin, which they will be pleased to make up to order at the short est notice. HAMILTON, HURD & Cos. Jan. 2. dtf 7 BBLS. pickeled SHEEP HEAD. 20 boxes fine Scotch Herring, 4bbls. Cranberries, 20.000 best Spanish Cigars, Justreceived and for sale by Feb. 1,1838. 52tf ‘YONGE & ELLIS. A BBLS Newark Cider, mI fjfc 10 boxes fresh Lemons, just received, and for sale by March 15. 6:f YONGE & El LTS. ROOMS TO RENT. FOUR ROOMS to be rented in M’Tntosh Row, well calculat’ and fr Lawyers, Docters, or Gen tlemen’s Sleeping Rooms. March 8. s‘s M. N. CLARK. Acent. izrozfG-a & CONTINUE to receive and ofl'ei tor sale ail kinds ofStaple and fanev Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats,Saddlery, Hardware, &c. together with a good supply of Groceries,all of which will be sold on the most favorable terms . Feb. Ist, 1838. °2y NOTICE. THE CONFECTIONARY business heretofore carried on by Code & Quin, will hereafter be continued at the old stand on Broad street, by Columbus, Aug. 22. 29tf JOHN QUIN DR. B3WARD SETIOWST, COLUMBUS, GAm Office on Broad Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. April 12. 1838. 1 Oif FOR REST. TWO very desirable ROOMS, over the store of Hamilton. Hurd & Cos. For terms apply to June 28 21 ts H. H. & CO. WANT ~D, A HEALTHY WET NURSE, for which a liberal price will be given. July 10. 83! f S, M. JACKSON. PETIT GULF COTTON SEED, AT reduced prices, warranted genuine, and for sale by YONGE ELLIS. March 15. ~ POETKY. ‘ In the year 1212, as we learn from an Italian an tiquary, a general belief prevailed in Germany, that the Med it erranean sea was to be dried up, that be- | lievers might pass to Jerusalem on foot. Italy was crowded with German pilgrims.’ — Walpole. A sound went upward upon startled ears, Like music of some mighty instrument, Os that commanding and great harmony That takes the spirit captive. From the sky A voice broke o’er the mountain and the vale, And rushing river with its castled crag, Telling, as through a prophet’s stirring trump, That the Mid Sea, which lash’d the Holy Shore, Should to its grave go back—and a great path Open for chariots o’er its vanish’d tides— The jewels of the ocean, from thtir caves, Flash to a wond’ring world—and the vast deep Bare its unnutnber’d mysteries to man ! A nation woke. Along the shadowy Rhine, As though another ‘ star’ upon the air, With its unmaster’d glory, had come forth, Men startled as from slumber—and away They gather’d to the Capitol—and Rome Grew dark with pilgrims—and all Italy Was crowded with believers—and they stood, Pressing the classic shores—with rounding eyes, Gazing upon the quivering expanse, V\ ilh its unalter’d blue—and the dull dirge Os its unshrinking waters. Still they gaz’d With that sad fixedness of spirits bow’d, Which rest hearts only token. Stiii away To the lost land—the sainted sepulchre— They gaz’d with eyes though tearless, yet how full ! They gaz’d—but the sea fell not—not a wave •Sunk from its royalty—but on. and far, Deep, calling unto deep, it swung and swept, Unrein’d, from shore to shore ! Alas ! for man ! How strong his fai’h—bow weak Ins fantasies ; What riddle, with his * brief authority,’ And his few days, he reads to all the earth ! He would not trust his spirit for the sky, To promises of Him who plan’d the stars, And gave the heavens their glory. Not to Him Would he give up his life, who for him died, And pass’d within the veil. He asks not first That lighting through the Valley of the Dead, Without which hope is darkness ! Yet behold! A pilgrim from the spectre land, he leans Upon the broken shafts of a past world, As waiting for the earth with that great noise To pass away, which prophets sung of old ; Believing that the blue deep shall roll back Into its vasty caverns—and a path Open from Italy to Palestine, O’er which the pilgrim army shall tread forth, With staff and cowl, as o’er the torrid plain, Up to the portals of Jerusalem! Ah ! man—thy pilgrimage must be to shores, Where life, hencefotih, must thrive with memory, And thy years cloud them with forgetfulneess ! Where thy dim dreams must lie down with the faith That can bid oceans to a sepulchre, And stay the elements Back to thy home ! And with God’s volume, and its worship there, Yet find a Calvary among its hills ! From the New Yorker. THE EARLY” LOST. I stole to the grave of one 1 had lov’d in my happier years, And tarried till each idle gazer was gone, Then I water’d her turf with my tears : For she was the beauteous ark In which I had ventur’d my all— Too rude blew the winds for the summer-built bark, My hopes were all quench’d in her pall. I knelt ’neath the funeral tree, That fitfully stream’d in the wind, Raving aloud, all unheeded by me— The body felt not, but the mind ; For I thought on those rosy-wing’d days When we roam’d in the vale of our youth ; Where citron groves shaded her form from the rays Os the life-teeming sun of the South. I thought on her genius and worth ; I thought on her white swelling btow, Round which the base worms of the earth Were revelling greedily now : A shroud and cold worms for the clay, But a heavenly crown for the soul; And a bower which can never decay, Whore the waters cf melody roll. Place no stone o’er the bed of her rest, For she had small part with the world ; Though the cold clay now presses Iter breast, Her spirit’s young wings are unfurl’d : Oh ! she was a fair bird of spring, Les, behind in a bleak, wintry clime, Where cold breezes faded the hue of its wing, Once so bright in the soft vernal time. Oh! she was a bright Eden flower, Severed far from its nurturing earth, Which sprang into life in a warm April shower, But withered away from its birth : The bird to anew spring hath fled ; The flower in anew Eden smiles, Whose vales are ne’er water’d with tears for the dead, Where the weary worn rest from their toils. A dirge, when nv heart is in wo, My frail harp will breathe o’er her tomb ; For though dark be my pathway below, Her memory cart silver its gloom. Alas ! for the love that lies buried In the wreck-covc-r’d tide of the past ! Alas for time’s flood, which hath hurried My soul on its voyage so fast! W. F. MEETING AND PARTING. A GLEE COMPOSED FOK THE ADMIRED AIR, ‘ SPARKLING AND BRIGHT.’ Sparkling and bright With silver light Are the stars in the blue sky gleaming, And the moon’s pale ray On her azure way Is soft as an infant’s dreaming. Then meet to-night In the mellow light The moon and stars are flinging, And light be our feet As the arrow so fleet From the bow of the hunter ringing. Then meet to-uight, &c. While thus we sing, With rapid wing Old Time on bis flight is speeding ; And soon we must part, Though careless of heart— We wist not the moments’ receding. Then part to-night With hopes as bright As the moonbeams round us playing ; And oft as we meet Each other to greet, May jov wing the moments unstaying ! We part to-night, &c. ANTONIO ALLEGRI DA CORREGGIO. ‘ Here conies Antonio, with his new pic ture,’ said Maddelena to her father Nicolo ; ‘ do, clear father speak kindly P> him.’ ‘ Nay, daughter,’ replied Ntcolo, ‘ thou canst not expect me to be as dove-like as thy self. I will speak to him as one man may speak to another. It would have been well for thee, had I not yielded to thy foolish fancy in the first place. Hadst thou married Pietro, thou wouldst have taken thy proper siation in the world, and been mistress of one of the finest Inns in Correggio. I should not see thee, as I now do, wanting the necessaries of life.’ ‘Father,’ said Maddelena, ‘ thou art mis taken ; I want nothing. lam the happiest being in the world.’ ‘ Then why dost, thou weep?’ said Nicolo, for the tears of the young wife were falling like a morning shower. ‘Look '.’said she, ‘ Antonio is just coming up the ltiii—see how feeble he walks—he can j scarcely carry his picture—ah, he stops to re-s t —do you see how pale he is ?’ ‘ Y r es, yes, ;he had better taken my advice, and worked at my trade; I offered to give him a years instruction for no remunera tion but his services; but nothing would do— he must paint pictures, that are good for no thing in the world. Now jars and pipkins and milk-pans and flower-pots are good for something, and will always bring money.’ ‘ Yes, father, but Antonio’s work will bring him fame —glory.’ ‘Fame, glory! nonsense! canst thou live on these commodities?’ ‘ We want but very little to live upon : in deed. father, if Antonio were well, I should not have a wish ungratified. He is so kind, so gent'e. so fond of our little Giovanni, and , of the infant. ‘ Oh, there are few so blest as l I ant!’ To have such a husband, father— one whose genius will lead him to immortali ty !’ ‘lt is in a fair way of leading thee to im mortality, mv poor child,’said Nicolo, with feeling. ‘ Thou art almost as pale as he.. I little thought, when I let thee out of my fold, that thou wouldst find no other shepherd.’ ‘ Sav what you please tonic,’said Maddel ena, ‘you are mv father, my dent father, and I can bear it all: hot I beseech you, do not say such things to jny poor Antonio ; they make him miserable—they break his heart.’ ‘ I wish you had married Pietro,’ reiterated Nicolo, ‘ he has a slout heart.’ ‘ Rather sa v, you wish I was in my grave ; for I would sooner be there, than married to him. No, no, you do not wish such miserv for your poor child. Look, father ! Antonio is up again, and coming—ah, when you see his picture, I am sure you will say to him, ‘ You were right, Antoaio, to pursue painting —it will lead you to immortality.’ Antonio slowly ascet.ded the hill, and Mad delena met him. ‘ Let me look at it,’ said she, and he turned tl? piettre towardsher. ‘How beautiful!’ ex-la i tel; ‘jthey are just such faces as we shall see in heaven.’ When they entered the house, the painter modestly set down the picture with its face to the wall. ‘ A warm day, Antonio,’ said Nicolo; ‘thou shale have a cup of good old wine to refresh ihpe.’ * ‘ Rather a cup of milk,’ replied Antonio, ‘ldo not love your heating draughts; they only add to t.he heat here,’ and lie laid his hand upon his breast. ‘My dear husband,’ said Maddelena, sooth ingly, ‘ thou hast painted too closely for these few days past; but it is for you, father, An tonio has been engaged. He said lie would paint a picture for your room, and lie has brought it.’ ‘lt is but a little thing,’said Antonio, rising, ‘ but I will show it you.’ ‘ Wait a moment,’ exclaimed Maddelena, ‘I hear our little Giovanni, and baby too is awake ;’ and going out, she returned in a few moments with the child in her arms, seated herself near the window, witli Giovanni lean ing upon her lap, and said, ‘ Come, Antonio, lam ready.’ Slowly, and with trepidation the painter displayed the picture. It was a Madonna with the infant in her arms, and John near her—Maria and Iter children —bearing a ve ry striking resemblance to the living group before them. Nicolo gazed fixedly upon it; his stern fea tures relaxed ; he attempted to speak, and burst into tears. ‘ My daughter!’ lie at length exclaimed, ‘my little Giovanni! just as they look now !’ and suddenly turning to Antonio, he seized his hand. ‘Yes,’ continued he, ‘thou wert right to pursue painting—it will lead you to immortality .’ ‘Did I not say so?’ said the delighted wife, and her arms were in a moment around her father’s neck. ‘ Good, kind Antonio,’ said Nicolo, ‘ I will not find fault with Maddelena that she'did not choose Pietro—no, no, lie cannot paint such a picture as this —he ;s a very good tapster, and keeps good wines, and a good Inn ; but thou hast chosen well, my daugh ter.’ It was a happy day for Antonio and his wile. Nicolo who esteemed the value of the picture, by the perfect resemblance the mo ther and children bore to the beings he loved best, and by his devotional impressions, re peatedly exclaimed, ‘ Pietro never could have painted such a picture as that.’ Mr. Willis in one of his letters to the New York Mirror, thus delicately, and poetically, alludes to the sale of the Sigourney estate : ‘ Talking of home, 1 wonder whether it is true that adverse fortunes have thrown Mr. Sigourney’s beautiful home into the market. It is offered for sale, and the Newspapers say as much. If so, it is piiy indeed. 1 was there once, and to leave so delicious a spot must, 1 think, breed a headache. In general, unless’ tiie reverse is extreme, compassion is thrown away on those who leave a large house to be comfortable in a small one —but she is a poet ess, and a most true and sweet one, and lias a property in that house and in ali its trees and flowers, which can neither be bought nor sold. It is robbing to sell it for its apparent value. You can understand, for ‘your spir it is touched to these fine issues,’ how a tree that the eye of genius has rested on while the mind was at work among its bright fan cies, becomes the cradle and home of these fancies. The brain seems driven out of its workshop if you cut it down. So with walks. So with streams. So with the modifications of natural beauty seen'tlience habitually— sunrise, sunset, moonlight. In peculiar pla ces, these daily glories take peculiar effects, and in that guise genius becomes accustomed to recognise and love them most. Who can buy this at Auction? Who can weave this golden mesh in another tree —give the san e voices to another stream —the same sunset to other hills ? This fair property, invisible as it'is, is acquired slowly. Habit, long associ ation, the connexion with many precious thoughts, (the more precious the farther be tween) make it precious. To sell such a | spot lor its wood and brick, is to value Tom* Moore for what tie will weigh—Daniel Web ster for his superfices. Then there will lie a | time (1 trust it is far off) when the property will treble even in saleable- value. The bee i and the poet must be killed before their honev j is tasted. For how much more would Ab-S botsfbrd sett now- than in the life-time of j Scott ? For what could you buy Fernev— Burn’s cottage— house at Sirat- 1 ford? I have not the honor of a personal j acquaintance with Mrs. Sigourney, and can-: not judge with what philosophy she may Bus tain this reverse. But bear it weilor if', there can be no doubt it falis heavily; and it is one of those instances, I think, where public feel-1 ing should he called oh to interpose. But in what shape? I have always admired the’ generosity and readiness with which actors! play for the benefit'of a decayed brother of j the Stock. Let American authors contribute : to make up a volume, and let the people off Hartford, who live in the light of this bright; spirit, head the subscription with ten thou-1 sand copies. You live among literary peo ple, dear doctor, and your ‘smile becomes j you better than any man's in all Phrygia.’— j \ r ou can set it afloat if you will. My name is among the W’s, but 1 will he ready in my small turn.’ Jl Workman. —‘ Patrick, I want some body to kill my hogs; do you understand butch ering ?’ ‘Faith, and its m • that can lend you a hand at that same: but its a 60s? you’ll want along wid me, for getting the fur off is the onlv part of the business I understand.’ The F.rie canal, which was pronounced a visionarvand impracticable project,and losuch an extent was hostility carried, that DeWitt Clinton lost the vote of Herkimer county, be- 1 : cause it was said that he haft ruined t.i.anv j of the finest farim of that county, by cutting! Ia ‘ big ditch’ through them. ~ 1 Front the Pennsylvania Sentinel. YOUNG MEN. Most young men consider it a great mis fortune to be poor, or not have capital enough to establish themselves at their outset iu life in a good business. This is a mistaken no tion. So lar from poverty being a misfor tune to him, if we may judge from what we every da-y behold, it is really a blessing.— The chance is more than ten to one in favor of the success of such a young man over one who starts with plenty of money. Let any one look back twenty years, and see who commenced business at that time with abun dance of means, and trace them down to the present day. How many of these can now boast of wealth and standing? On the con trary how many have become poor, lost their places in society, and are passed by their once young companions, with a look which plainly says, 1 know you not. In this country the wheel of fortune is con stantly turning, and he who is at zenith this year, may be at nadir next, and excite no surprise. It is seldom that the fourth, or even the third generation, enjoys property and station, which was won by the industry ot the first. i'bis eoastont olmn-'u is the natural result of causes in continual opera tion. A man starts in life poor, but indus trious and honest. He resolves to acquire property, and at the same time sustain a character that shall command respect. By dint of long perseverance in business, he at tains a high character for integrity and fair dealing, and becomes wealthy. Ilis sons succeed him, perhaps maintain the character of their lather, and add to the wealth he left them, because they were educated to busi ness, and know how the property they enjoy was acquired. But their sons grow up, and from infancy find themselves in the lap of luxury, and rocked in the cradle of ease, their minds are never turned on business : that, they consider beneath them. They scorn labor, run the rounds of folly, marry light-headed, fashionable ladies, who have as sovereign a contempt for labor and the use ful arts as themselves, dash away a lew years in their carriages, lose their parents, divide their property, attempt to carry on business—are incapable of managing it— fail, struggle to keep up appearances, and their places in fashionable life—are obliged to retire, are wretched and miserable at home, and get through the world as they can, carrying the appearance of shabby gentlemen,-and being looked at askance by their Conner companions. Their children are more miserable even than themselves, being brought up with the idea that labor is degrading, while necessity compels them to resort to some means of getting a living. Pride and poverty are forever at war with them, and they drag out a miserable and precarious life, and finally die in poverty and obscurity—ofien kmthsome drunkards. From the Knickerbocker. A LITERARY CHARACTER. One morning, during the ‘ rabid stage’ of the late ‘ pressure,’ while looking over some new publications, in the fashionable magasin of one skilled in bibliography, there enters a middle aged specimen of humanity, who, from crown to heel, bore the marks of a de cayed gentleman. He looked as if he had been ‘ spending the night in a stable, and taking his breakfast at a pump.’ ‘Sir,’ said he, bowing condescendingly to the shopman, and sneaking with a studied precision of diction, ‘you see before you an unfortunate who, as the poet remarks, is greatly ‘ In want of ready rhino, Like many hereabout that you, And some, perhaps, that 1 know.’ Permit me, therefore, my dear sir, to ask, could you oblige me with the loan of a fip?’ x -‘No, sir, I ‘could’ not!’ replied the shop man, sarcastically. ‘ Ah !’ responded the solicitor, 1 I had no idea that the times were so hard here. I thought they were hard enough in Philadel- * piiia, hut nothing like it—nothing like it. J ieel for you,’ he added, laying his hand, with a philanthropic air, upon his breast, ‘ I feel lor you all!’ He mused fora moment, then extending his arm, and flourishing the tattered remnant of a pocket handkerchief, he continued— ‘ What is this great and glorious country coming to, I should like to know, under its present rulers, with their bank laws, sub treasury, so forth ? To ruin, sir—to ut ter ruin ! Man, as the English grammar very correctly observes, is a verb. Our gov ernment, the body corporate, is the verb to be ! — to do ! And we, the people, sir, of this great and glorious country, are the miserable passive verb, to suffer !’ * Shade of Cicero!’ thought we, ‘such elo quence would shame the oratory of our Eagle of the .North!’ ‘ Sir,’ said the shopman, ‘ I have no time to attend to you. You will oblige rne by leaving the store/ ‘ Oh certainly !’ And he retired accordingly. The battle of eleven hundred Horses. —Two of the (Spanish) regiments which had been quartered in Fund were cavalry, mounted on fine black long tailed Andalusian horses. It was impracticable to bring off these horses, about eleven hundred in number, and Roma no'uas not a man who could order them to be destroyed ; le was fond of horses himself, and knew that every man was attached to the beast which had carried him so far and so faithfully. Their bridles were therefore taken off, and they were turned loose upon the beach. A | scene ensued such as probably never before i was witnessed. They were sensible that they | were no longer under any restraint of human ! pbwer. A general conflict ensued, in which, | retaining the discipline they had learned, they | charged each other in squadrons of ten or I twelve together, then closely engaged, stri j king with their fore feet, and biting and tear ; ing each other with the most ferocious rage, and trampling over those which were beaten down, till the shore in ihe course of a quarter of an hour, was strewn with the dead and disabled. Part of them had been set free on a rising ground, at a distance; they .o sooner heard the roar of battle, ti an they came thundering down over the intermediate hedges, and catching the contagious madness, plunged into the fight with equal fury. Sub lime as the scene was, it was too horrible to he long contemplated, and Romano, in mer cy, gave orders for destroying them; but it was foun ! too dangerous to attempt this, and alter the last boats quitted the beach, the few horses that remained were seen still engaged in the dreadful work of mutual destruction.— Southey. ‘ Thunder,’ observes Sir John ITerschd,’ ‘can scarcely ever be beard more than 20 or 30 miles from the flash which produces it. Lightning, on the other hand, may be seen, or at least its reflection in the clouds, form ing what is called sheet lightning, at the dis tance of 150 or 200 miles.’ Bennett, of the N. Y. Herald, says that ‘the Eng!i ll surpass us in many thins, but in wo -1 men and horses ;ve beat them out and out,’ [NO. 34.