Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, October 11, 1838, Image 1

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COLUMBUS SENTINEL AND HER ALD. VOL. VIII] PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MOBNITfI BY J. P. H. CAMPBELL & J. L. LEWIS. OX BROAD STIIEET, OVER ALLEN St YOUSd’s. M’IXTOSH ROW. TiittiVld—Subscription, three dollars per an nmo, payable in a Ivancc, or four doll ars, (in all cases exacted) where payment is nol made before the expiration of the year. N o subscript ion received for less than twelve in tilths, without payment inadvance and no paper discontinued, except at the option of the Editors, until all arrearages are paid. AIJ VERIia EVi Ni B conspicuously inserted a! ONE dollar per one hundred words, or less, for the first insertion, and fifty certs for every subse 'f|uent c mtinuance. Those sent without a specifica tion of tho number of ioseriions, will be published until ordered out, and charge 1 accordingly. 2d. Yearly advertisements —For over 24, and not exceeding 30 lines, fifty dollars per annum : for ovr 12. and not exceeding 21 iines, thirty-five dollars per annum ; for less than 12 lines, twenty dollars per annum. sd. All rule an l figure work double the above piices. Legal Advertisements published at the usual rates, and with strict attention to the requisitions of , the law. All Sales regulated bylaw, must be made before the Court House door, between the hours of 10 id the morning and 4 in the evening—those of Land in the county where it is situate ; those of Personal Property, where the letters testamentary, of admin istration or of guardianship were obtained—and are required to be previously advertised n some public Gazette, as follows t BitEßiru’ Sales under regular executions for thir ty days, on ter Mortgage ii fa3 sixty days, before the day of sale. Bales of Land and Negroes, bv Executors, Ad ministrators or Guardians, for sixty days before the dav of sale. Bales ofPersonal Property (except Negroes) roitTY DAYS. Citations by Clerk3 of the Courts of Ordinary, upon application for LETTEns of administration, must be published for thirty days. Citations upon application for dismission, by Executors, A Iministrators or Guardians, monthly for six months. Orders ot Courts of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond or agreement) to m ake titles to land, must be published three months. Notices by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, of application to the CouU. of Ordinary for leave to sEL r the Land or Negroes of an Estate, four MONTHS. Notices bv Executors or A Iministrators, to the Debt ors and Creditors ol an Estate, for six weeks. Sheriffs. Clerks of Court, &c., will be allowed the usual deduction. 1C? 1 * Letters on business, must bo post paid, to entitle them to attention. WARE COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE undersigned takes leave to inform his friends and tho public generally, that he will continue the Ware-House and Commission Business, to which his atentfon will be exclusively confined ; and by strict attention thereto he hopes to merit a continuance of patronage which has been so liberally bestowed upon him. He will attend to the sale of Cotton from wa gons or in store, and from a gener and acquaintance with the purchasers, and true situation of the market, he be lieves that he can, generally, more than save the com mission in the sale of Cotton. Liberal advances with be made on produce or mer chandise in stare. WM. P. i’ONGE. Columbus, Sept. 18,1838. 33y JAMES 11. LRyiSO ,DS, WATCH MAIL23XI ASJiD JE 2 d door north of JCivlin's Confectionary , Br'd st. RESPECTFULLY informs his town and country friends v? ‘ /"“V that lie has just returned from u ''firf.s.J New York with a very rich gs S. addition to his stock of Goods, Ii uiJjirjSki and ladies and gentlemen wish jsAyyP | ing Watches or Jewelry of iVPv'vgF superior quality, have now an opportunity of supplying them selves with articles that cannot be surpassed. Rich line gold Jewelry, Silver Ware, plated and Fancy Goods. The following articles comprise a portion of his stock, find he will sell on as good terms as any other establish ment in Georgia. Gold and silver Levers, Anchor escapement Duplex, Horizontal and vertical Watches, of the finest finish—all of which he warrants first rate time keepers. Betts of Ladies’ Earrings and Broaches, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, enamelled and every description of Breast Pin3 and Finger Rings, Gold guard and fob Chains, Seals, Keys, Lockets and Trinkets, of all kinds, in great variety, and most superb manufacture, Gold and ‘silver i~ pec Lacies, Silver Spoons, flutter Knives, Superior Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirk and Pen Knives, Scissors, Thimbles, Ladies’ splendid Card Cases, Head Bands, Combs, Belt Piacques, Revolving silver mountea Castors, Plated Candlesticks, Fancy Bellows, Cloth, Hair, Crumb and Hearth Brushes, English rille belt Pistols, Sword Canes, Four sided Razor Strops, Silk Purses, Perfumery, And every other article usually found J Jewelry Stores. J. H. R. as heretofore, will repair and regulate CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description, and warrant all (that were made for time) to perform well. Gold and silver work, and jewelry, made and repaired. Engraving neatly executed. Cash, or goods, paid for Ord gold and silver. Columbus, April 13. 15y GE O. W . W AY’S CARRIAGE repository, CORNER of Oglethorpe and St. Clair street, im mediately in the rear of the City Hotel. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is how receiving a general assortment of Carriages ot all descriptions, to wit : Coaches, Coachees, Chariottees, Cabriolets, dickey eat Barouches, one and two horse extension-top Ba juches, three seats extension-top do., B iggies, four Wheels, for one and two horses, two wheel do., Sulkies of every description. The above Carriages are superior to any ever re ceived m this market, and cannot be surpassed for ma terials, style and durability. Any article purchased from this establishment can be depended on. Cali and sec. and I will sell yon bargains. Carriages o f every description furnished to order, by addressing the undersigned. GEO. \V. WAY. I have a general stock of Coach Materials, which I will sell low. Repairing done in the very best man lier, and bv Northern Workmen. W. W. Feb. 1.” 52 v CARRIAGE SHOP. ax’zsa st pricsitt, Oglethorpe Strt t, North of Calhoun's Hotel, HAVE just received anew assortment of good CARRIAGES selected from some of the best manufactories at the N >rth. They having taken par ticular pains to have them made to suit this, country, and to insure satisfaction to purchasers, they wiii war rant them for one year with fair u-age. AH kind of Carriages made to order. Carriage and llarne-s’ re pairing done in very by go id X.a thorn work men. Also, a *(W.I assortment of Carriage materials, all of which they will sei! low tor cash or approved paper. Feb. 16. 7 v NEW SPH XG GOODS. The subscriber has just received, a fresh supply of FAXC YAN D ST \PLE DR Y GOODS, oPthe latest ftsiii is audio)portatton*. READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS, BON NETS AND SHOES. He would invite his customers and the public generally toeal! and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they no doubt will be suit ed with the qu fiity and price, lie is determined to sell low ibr cash. Country merchants will be suppi, .*d atre iuced prices. NULL McNAIR* May 21,-7-tf BS. HAWLEY, wholesale and retail Drug -9 gist, at Apalachicola and St. Joseph, Finrtda. Nov U 1837, ‘ 24tf RAYMOND & ALLISON, wholesale Grocers and commission Merchants,Apatachicoia, Flor. At’F- 11. * S: f . GOLSTKD B, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MER CHANT. Apalachicola. Flor. June 21 20if riiOIIASTOX LIME FOR SALE ENQUIRE of WM. R JON BS, mu- door above G. B. Terry, Esq. Columbus. July 23. 25'f JB. STARR, Commission Merchant St. Jo • seph, Florida. March stf COLUMBUS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SAS9L3IiY WARE-SOUSE, A: the sign of the Golden Saddle, a few doors be low D. Hungerford ic Co’s, and nearly opposite Ujquhhrt & Ware. W. WADE & CO. ... .< Have now on hand a complete as '. ,'y,. j sort merit of articles appertaining to Uiiiif heir line of business : / —AMONG which are— ft s!il Spanish, Quilted, Overlaid arid Shaf xli'lliiifllar R’d Baddies, Plain. Boys’, Race, Attakapas, and Planters’do. * Large and Extra Large do Ladies’ Saddles, of every quality and size. BRIDLES OF ALL KINDS. Some good for fifty Cents: Saddle Bags, Carpel Bags; Va!ices; Stirrup Leathers; Sircingles and Girths. HARNESS—Coach. Gig. and Dearborn, from the cheapest to the best. TRUNKS, of every descrip tion. The above articles are of their own manufacture, made under their own immediate inspection, of the best materials, and by superior workmen. Also, on hand, ENGLISH SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINGALES. Coach. Gig, Tandem, Sportsmen, and Waggon Whips; S'irrups, Bits, Spurs. Buckles, Humes. Col lars, Cut Tacks, Trunk Locks, Horse Brushes and Curry Combs, Trace and Halter Chains. ALSO—A good assortment of Coach and Gig Har ni s Trimming.-; Plated, Brass and Japan’d do. ALSO—A good assortment of Skining, Harness, and Bridle Leather: black, Foe. rod, yellow, green, and c ..incai Morocco Skins; Buffalo Robes and Bear Skins. N. B. Traders who may buy to sell again, will be furnished on as good terms as can be bought either in New York or Newark. Country merchants are re spectfully invited to c ill and examine our goods and prices, and satisfy themselves. C 'ZP* REPAIRING done on the most reasonable terms. April 29, 1837 31 y CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WARE HOUSE. CO*?Z33I/WIAM & ANDERSON MOST respectfully inform the citizens of Colum bus, and its vicinity that they have removed from their former stand, to the store lately occupied by AlcArn, in Broad-street, nearly opposite the Insurance Batik. - They have now on hand an elegant assortment of FURNITURE of their own. manufacture. —ALSO— Paper Hangings of the latest patterns with suitable Bordering, Ornaments, and other materials for Cur tains, &c. Adverse to puffing, they would only solicit a call which would enable Ladies and Gentlemen td judge for themselves by examining the articles. All orders will he executed with promptitude. Cur tains put up in the most fashionable style. Rooms neatly papered. In short, any thing in their line will be punctually attended to. Aug. 25. 36y JOHN E. BACON & Cos. AGENTS for the sale of the INDIAN’S PANACEA, HAVE just received affresh supply of this valuable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Gout, Sciatica or Hip Gout, Incipient Cancers, Salt Rheum, Siphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, particularly Ulcers and painful affections of the bones. Ulcerated Throat and Nostrils, Ulcers of every description, Fever Sores, and Internal Abscess es, Fistulas, Piles, Scald Head, Scurvy, Biles, Chro nic Sore Eyes, Erysipelis Blotches, and every variety of Cutaneous Affection, Chronic Catarrh, Headaci.e, proceeding from vitiation; Affections of the Liver; Chronic inflammation ofthe Kidneys and General De bility, caused by a torpid action off the vessels of the skin. It is singularly efficacious in renovating those constitutions which have been broken down by injudi cious treatment, or juvenile irregularities. In general terms, it is recommended in all tho.a diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, or vitiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. Some of tho above complaints may require some assistant applications, which the circumstances of the case will dictate ; but for a general remedy or Purifi cator to remove ike cause. The Indian’s Panacea will generally be found sufficient. The following certificates, out of hundreds similar which might, be procured, are given to show the effect of the In,liati’s Panacea, in the various complaints therein mentioned ; and also to exhibit in the most sa tisfactory manner its superiority over the syrups in common use. Charleston, Nov. 15, 1831. During the last winter and spring, I was afflicted with a very severe and distressing Rheumatism, occa sioned by exposure in had weather. I now take great pleasure in stating, that six bottles of Indian Pana cea, restored me to perfect health, and I confidently recommend it to ail similarly afflicted. JOHN FERGUSON, King st. Charleston. July 12, 1831. T was afflicted fair years with an ulcer in the leg, occasionally accompanied with erysipelatious incarna tion and an excessive pain in the leg and ancle joint. Several eminent Physicians exerted their skill upon it, luit without permanent benefit. In this ease, five bot tles of the Indian Panacea made a perfect cure. MARGARET A. WEST, Market st. 121. July sth, 1837. sly A CARD. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of this place, that he will take charge of PIANO FORTES by the year. It is well known that fre quet tuning alone can save an instrument from early deterioration ; and that playing on a bad tuned Piano F ‘rie destroys or vitiates the ear of the performer.— To obviate those difficulties the subscriber proposes to tune an instrument, which shall be given to his charge, six times a vear, (once very two months.) His terms will be $lO per annum, five payable at the first and five at the fourth tuning. Application to be made at Messrs. Plant & Norton’s Book Store. A. IVERSEN, Professor of Music. Columbus, Sept. 26, 1838. 34 6t STAGE LINE FROM COLUMBUS TO WEST POTNT. THL public are informed that s line of STAGES has been put on the route from Columbus to West Point via Whitesville, leaving Whiteside’s Tavern every Monday and Friday at 4 o’clock A. M., and arr vutg at West Point the same day at 5 o’clock P. M.; leaving West Point eve Tuesday, Thursday an 1 Saturday at 4 o’clock A. M., and arriving at Co lumbus a f 5 o’clock P. M. the same day. WHITESIDE, DUNCAN & BtSSELL. May 28, 1838. 17tf N. B. A Hack will he in readiness at West Point to convey u xssen rers to La Grange or Lafayette. PACKETS FROM ST. JOSEPH TO SEW YORK. THE following substantial ana fast sailing vessel- will run as regular Packets between Bt. Joseph and New York, and wiii take freight and passengers low. Brig ll VIITI FY, Ryder, master. “ CUMBERLAND, Darling, master. “ SADI. Vincent, * “ Also, tiio new and splendid ship SPRING. For Freight or Passage apply to E. J. WOOD & CO, A gents, St. Joseph, Fior. Nov, 1, 1837 24v G. C. BAILEY, _ (LATE OF THE THEATRE.) 5 N FOR MS his friends, an 1 the public, that he has taken the house on Crawford street, next door to ! -’y Ooiumhus Hotel, formerly known as LANB - BERG’S establishment. His intention is to keep a j genteel House ot Refreshment for his friends, and, j P 1 edging his untiring exertions to please, solicits a share oi public patronage. His bar will be kept sup o ied we - a’oil and complete assortment, of Wines, • Liquors C or-iuls. o•• C choice selections. , jre i. errrh ■ -is to please—every thing good—prices low CA> 1 down upon the counter all lot t e j benefit of BAFLI-.V —.vho is determined, in this new | • line of bu in.'ss,’ to have a t -od house.’ j August 9. 27 :f HOUSE AND SIGN PAIN*TING. THE subscriber respectfully informs the. public generally, that he i- rcadv to execute all orders i in the anove line, of business, in the nea-est manner I and on the most reasonable terms. He has also for sale, a splen lid assortment of window sashes, of vari | ous sizes, made ot the best mat’ Hals, which are far stt j ■eertor t ■ any offered tor sale in a Southern market, i ih? shoo is one door below Kivfin’s Sans Souci. I June 28 21v STATES LEWIS. GLASS. FOR SALE, bv the subscribers, 150 boxes Pittsburgh Glass, 100 do Bedford Crown Glass, 50 do Boston do do assorted sizes, cheap for cash. TANARUS.& M. F.YANS, April 12. lOtf Oglethorpe st. ‘WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT ALL MEN ARE BORN EQUAL.’ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1838. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, ETC. JUST RECEIVED, and now opening, a full and complete stock of Goods, well assorted for the country trade, selected by a competeir judge, and bought on terms to enable the sub scribers to afford great bargains to their friend? and customers. The stock comprizes: DRY GOODS Broadcloths, blue, black, and fancy colors Caasinieres-and Sattiuetts Ready made Clothing Negro Clothes and Blankets Domestics, brown, bleached and plaid Sheeting. Irish and Russia Linen, Irish, Diaper and table Flannels, red, white and yellow Muslins, Cambric, Swiss and Jaconet Calicoes, Ginghams, Dimities Painted and figured Muslins Gloves, Ladies’ and Gents Hosiery of every description Silks, black and fancy colors Black Lustring, Grosde Naples, &c. Edgings and Insertings, blonde and muslin Fancy Ball Dresses Superb Laces of till kinds Boots, Shoes, and Hats, fir men, women and children Silk and Cotton Umbrellas and Parasols Artificial wreaths of flowers Jewelry of every description. GROCERIES. Sugar—New Orleans. Havana & Muscovado “ Loaf aud Lump Coffee—Havana, St. Domingo, Rio, &c. Teas—Gunpowder, Imperial,aud Young Hy son, Wines—Madeira, Champagne and Claret Liquors —Cost Brandy, Holland Gin. Old Irish Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey Jamaica,Antigua, St. Croix, n’ O and NE Rum, Peach Brandy and old Apple Jack Cordials, in barrels and boxes Porter, Pale Ale and Cider Sarsaparilla, Lemon, and Strawberry Syrup Spanislx, American, and Florida Cigars Tobacco, assorted Pepper, Allspice, Nutmegs Soap, Starch, Candles Sperm and Linseed Oil Flour, Butter. Laid Cheese, Pork, Beef Tongues Codfish, Salmon, Mackerel Herring and Haliibuts Fins Bale llope and Bagging Harness and Saddlery Buckets, Tubs. Baskets Hay and Shorts, Brooms, &c. Together with a fine assortment of Hardware and Cutleryi as Mill and Cross Cut Saws Traca,Chains, Hoes, Axes Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols Bowie Knives, Arkansas Tooth Picks, &c. Per brigs Hartley, Cumberland, Sadi, &c. — The assortment will be kept full by the regular line of Packets. The above goods will be sold low. Terms Cash. E. J. WOOD & CO. St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1. 1837 24y THE SUBSCRIBER IS now receiving his fail supply of Groceries, from brig Rhine, from New York, and brig Alto, BrovvTi, Baltimore. 130 barrels superfine FLOUR 120 “ Baltimore rectified Whiskey 250 kegs assorted Liquors 140 barrels Bread and Crackers 20,000 lbs. Bacon, in bams and middlings 30 boxes Tobacco, all brands 150 barrels Mackerel 40 “ corn. Gin 10 “ best Holland, do 60 “ Rum, N. E. 20 “ Monongahela Whiskey 30 “ Peach Brandy 511 qr. casks Wine, all kinds 200 boxes, do 50 baskets Champagne k*3o boxes Sperm Candles 5 half pipes segnt. Cognac Brandy 50 bags Havana Coffee 30 “ Rio do 50 bbls. and 20 lids. Sugar, St. Croix and Porto Rico Also, Bagging, Rope, Crockery, Glass and China Ware. Negro Shoes, tyc. 500 sacks Salt, by the brig Cumberland, which will be in market by tlffi 20th instant. And is prepared to pay cash or advance on Cotton, on shipment to his friends in New York, Baltimore, Charleston, or New Orleans. JNO. T. MYRICK. Apalachicola, Oct 10, 1837 23 COLUMBUS COTTON FACTORY. THE owners of the Columbus Factory respect fully inform the public that it is now in operation. They have on hand a general assortment of YARNS, which may be had at all times at the must reduced piices. Their Wool Carding Machine is also in operation, and any thing in that line will be done at the shortest notice. |. _jP A number of boys and girls wanted to work at the Factory for which the most liberal prices will bo given by the week or month. Apply to STEWART & FONTAINE, or S. K. HODGES & CO. Columbus, Feb. 8 6tf DitS. HOLT AND PERSONS ARE uniied in the practice of Medicine Their Offices are on Broad street, just below the City Hall, and on Randolph street, m the upper tenement of Calhoun’s Granite Building. Besides the usual branches ofthe practice of Medi cine, Drs. H. and P. tender their services as Surgeons of some experience in the higher operations—such as operations for a!) diseases of the eyes, for Hernia, Li thotomy, Sic, &c. Marsh 23. 12v MILLEDGBYILLEB COURSE, GA. TAiIE annual JOCKY CI.UB fall meeting will . commence on Monday, the 12th of NOVEM BER next, and continue six days. The folio wine purses will b given : Ist d;iv—a post stake, four mile heats—entrance five hundred dollars, two hundred and fifty forfeit; three or more to make a race : to close Ist’October, and name at the stand. Iverson & Bonner, 1 2d day—Mile heats for a fine silver Pitcher and Cup, worth $200; for cols and fillies two or three years o.d, §25 entrance; three or more to make a race. fid day—Two mile heats*, free for all—purse, £3OO Pit day—Three mile heats, free for ail—purse, 500 sth day—Four mile heals, free for all—purse, 1000 6lh day —One mile heats—best 3 hi s—purse, 400 H. F. YOUNG Si Cos., Proprietors. July 30, 1838. Sir 6SO ACRES OF LAND FOR SAbiß. THE subscriber having determined to settle in Macon, Ga will selLhis 1 mis in Russell county, Alabama, (contaming six hundred and eighty acres, but will sell one half of the laud to suit purchasers.) ten miles from Columbus, between the big and little Uchee creeks. On the lam l is a comfortable dwelling house and out houses, arid good stables. &c.\viih up wards of one hundreu acres in cultivation, with good water and several sprigs. Also is situated in a neighborhood of good society, and within one mile of a good school and church. Possession will be given at anytime aLer the fir -1 of October. The purchaser will have the privilege of purchasing a!; my stock of eattle and hogs, also corn and sod h-r. and many things of convenience, all ot which I will sell a’ a reasonable price. Indulgence will be given to suit the purchasers. STERLING LANIER. Reference: Dr. Pleasast Phillips, Russell co. Russel co- Sep. 6. 1838. 3ltf A GUEAF BARGAIN! T A N YARD FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers his TAN YARD, to gether with the ii uses and outhouses, and twentv- ive acres of good land, all under good enclo sures Jor sale low for cash or approved paper, on short time, together with all the tools and implements be longing i” the said Tan V ard. ThereHs also an e.v celienTwell of water and an extra Bark Mill on the said premises. Persons wishing to obtain this property cheap, would do well to make immediate applica-ion to E. EZEKIEL. * or to A. Levison. Esq., in Columbus, Ga. Columbu . Aug. 23. F33. 30 13t TONGB & ELLIS CONTINUE to receive and offer for sale all kinds ofSrapie and fancy Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes. Hats,Saddlery, Hardware. &c. together with a good supply of Groceries,all of which will be sold on the most favorah’e terms . Feb. Ist 1833. 52 y DH. EDWARD DSLOICT, COLUMBUS, GA.. Otfice on Bhoad Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. April 12, 18S8, lOlf POETRY. A FRAGMENT OF THE PESTILENCE. by major calder campeell. ‘ Bring forih the dvad!’—and the w >rds came fast From the haggard lips of these men aghast— ‘ Bring forth the dead ! We wait not now For priestly prayer or virgin’s vow !’ The crimson- cross of the pest v, as o’er The sculptured arch of that lofty door, B it no menial Irani unbarr’d the gate— No sound was heard from these halls of state, Save, aye and anon, lit howl of a hound That moaned as if struck with a mortal wound ; And it was the only liviii i thing ’Neath the roof that had wont with joy to ring ! But the cry passed on—‘ Bring out your dead!’ And a tardy footfall’s solemn tread, And a low. faint. \ ail was heard to come From :he desolate gloom of that humble home, A little babe ! And its mother, there, Kissed the loved orse, in her mad despair ! Why should she weep iri .t it first should rest, Since the purple spot is on her breast? Why should she seek such leprous kiss ? To morrow will see her a thing like this ! ‘ Bring out your dead !’—and the buryers stand Uqder the porch of a hostel grand ; And transe, wild sounds from that gorgeous hall Their hardened courage <>f heart appal. Oh ! dread is the echo of laughter heard In the chamber where •!;-. !• he- nswlv been ! Like a tranquil lake that is here-iy stirred By the monstrous wings of a fiend obscene. And ribald sftonts t f riot loud, And ‘.he jests and the oaths of a drunken crowd ; And the rrash of the gl ss and the goblet there, Mingle wi'h songs in the sickening air. ‘ Off! and away, ye fetid crew, Whose badge is the boil and the plague-spot blue ! Off! and away ! We are merry here, Leave us to-night t our wassail cheer, To morrow, perchance, you may find us fit For a loathsome shroud and a yawning pit. More wine! fill high ! A way from hence ! Here's a health to the speckled pestilence !’ And thus, through many a scene of woe, Do these gloomy buryers swiftly go ; While their solemn cry sounds overhead, Like the mock of a demon, 1 Bring ‘orlh the dead !’ From the Boston Quarterly Review. THE SUB-TREASURY BILL. The principle of the Sub-Treasury Bill is simply that of providing fur, collecting, sale keeping, and disbursing the public revenues without recourse to banks. We shall not trouble ourselves or our readers with the de tails of the Bill. They ate, we presume, in the main, satisfactory; for we have heard little or nothing said agurnst them. The principle of the Bill is .all that we feel much interest in; it is all the friends of the Bill are very tenacious of, and all its enemies very strenuously oppose. To Ihe principle of the Bill, as we have slated it, shall we therefore confine the greater portion of the remarks we have to offer. ft may be assumed in the outset, that the government has the right to collect, keep and disburse its revenues, by means ofits own of ficers, without any recourse to bank agency. It may also be assumed that the banks have no natural claim on ihe government to be em ployed as its fiscal agents, and that they will have no injustice to complain of, if they are not so employed. Moreover, it may be as sumed again, that the government can, if ii choose, manage its fiscal concerns without any connection with banks or banking insti tutions. Banks are a contrivance of yester day; but governments are older than history. older even than tradition ; and there can be no doubl that they had fiscal concerns which they managed, in some instances very well too, a considerable time before banks were dreamed of. What has been done, may be done. The question, then, on the side we are now viewing it, is one of expediency. Is it expedient fur the go • *riirm*nt <>* dispense wiih banks, and all bank agency, in the man agement of its fiscal concerns? Our government, in its measures and prac tical character, should conform as strictly as possible to the ideal or theory of our institu tions. Nobody, we trust, is prepared for a revolution; nobody, we also trust, is bold enough to avow a wish to depart very wide ly from the fundamental principles of our in stitutions; and every body will admit that tire statesman should study I** preserve those institutions in their simplicity and integrity, and should seek, in every law and measure he proposes, merely to bring out their particular worth, and secure the ends lor which they were established. Their spirit should dictate every legislative enactment, every judicial decision, and every executive measure. Any law not in harmony with J heir genius, any measure which would be likely to disturb the nicely adjusted balance of their respective powers, or that would give them, in their practical operation, a character essentially different from the one they were originally intended to have, should be discountenanced, and never for a single moment entertained. We would not be understood to be abso lutely opposed to all innovations or changes, whatever their character. It. is true, we can never consent to disturb the settled order of a State, without strong and urgent reasons; but we can conceive of cases in which we should deem it our duty to demand a revolution. — When a government has outlived its idea, and the institutions of a country no longer bear any relation to the prevailing habits, thoughts and sentiments of the people, and have be come a mere dead carcass, an encumbrance, an offence, we can call loudly for a revolution, and behold with comparative coolness its ter rible doings. But such a case does not as yet present itself here. Our institutions are all young, full of life and the future. Here, we cannot be revolutionists. H ere, we can tole rate no innovation, no changes which touch fundamental laws. None are admissible but such as are needed to preserve our institu tions in their original character, to bring out their concealed beamy, to clear the field for their free operation, and to give more direct ness and force to their legitimate activity.— Every measure must be in harmony with them, grow as it were out of them, and he hut a developement ot’ their fundamental laws. Tbegovernment of the United States is a congress rather than a government. It is not instituted lor the ordinary purpose of govern ment, but for few and comparatively a very few, special purposes. The ordinary rules ibr interpreting the powers of government can be applied to it only to a limited extent, and even then with great caution. The principal governments of die country, accor ding to the theory of American institutions, are the Slate governments. These were in tended to be the governments for the people in ail their civil, municipal, domestic, and in- i dividual interests and relations. Th 6 federal government was designed merely to take charge of the externa! relations of the con federated Stales with foreign nations, and to a certain extent, with one another. It was never intended to be a government affecting the private interests of the people, r.s indivi dual citizens. It in fact repudiates every measure which would make it a great central government, giving law to the States, or which tends to give it a direct or indirect con trol over tlie private fortunes and affairs of the people; and it can own only such mea sures as tend to keep it within its province, to preserve its original idea, and enable it to discharge its legitimate functions. Undoubtedly the federal government may take such measures, though they affect the private fortunes and relations of individual citizens, as are necessary to the exercise of its delegated powers. But they must be ne -1 cessary, not merely converiienL The rule al ways to be observed is, the Federal Govern ment must touch'lie individual citizen as sel dinn and os lightly as possible, consistently wiih the faithful discharge of its constitutional duties. Should two measures he proposed for accomplishing a constitutional end, one of winch has very lit tie bearing on individual cit izens, leaving them almost entire freedom, the other connecting the miverument intiinaielv with all the business of tiie country, ami bringing it into a close relation with every individual citizen, the first oughLto be adopt-: ed instead of the last, although the iast might ha the more feasible of tiie two, and likely to be attended with more beneficial results. — \\ hat may be consulted openly and done di rectly, must never he consulted covertly* and done indirectly. Vi e muM avoid ns far ns practicable, all incidental action of the government —and that too, when it promises to he useful as well as when it threatens to be injurious, i Fltese principles, we believe, are sound. — V\ e do not mean to say that some person may not he found who will controvert them ; for there are persons to be found who do not very well comprehend the relations which were originally established between the Fed eral and ihe Slate governments, and who have a strong desire to make the federal government, the supreme government of the country. But they are’ the only principles we can adopt, if we mean to avoid the charge of being revolutionists, and to preserve our in stitutions in their real character; if we mean to preserve to States, as we ought, the main business of government, and to restrict tiie federal government in its action to the special purposes for which it was originally instituted. Yet these principles ha-*e been departed from. The federal government, in point of fact, has become the supreme government of the land. It is no longer a congress for reg ulating our relations with foreigners, for ad justing the intercourse of the States with one another,, and providing for the general de fence ; but it has become a grand central go vernment, affecting, by its measures, indivi dual interests and relations more powerfully than the action of the State governments themselves. The people, at least a large and influential portion of them, have come to re gard it as the supreme government. They think of it as such ; speak of it as such ; con demn it as such. All eves turn towards it.— Do capitalists want to clrange their mode of investment, Congress must provide for the change; do their profits turn out to be less than their wishes, Congress must raise the tariff of duties to make them greater. Is there distress in tiie money market, commer cial embarrassment, Ihe federal government has caused it; are our factories closed, ships hauled up to rot, industry paralyzed, and the laborer seeking in vain for employment, the federal government is in fault, and Congress must afford relief. Federal politics, too, absorb State politics. State legislators vote on a bill for the organi zation of a primary school, or for construct ing or repairing a bridge, according to their opinions on a bill before Congress, or the fit ness or unfitness of this or that man to fill the Presidential chair. A federal warrant must lie obtained before one feels himself authoriz ed to support a measure of State policy; and the merits or demerits of any given measure will be determined by the fact, that it b or is not opposed by the federal administration. Federal politics, therefore, decideevery thing, and reduce Stale politics to insignificance. Is this the order of things demanded by the genius t)f our institutions? Dues this com port with tiie Divine idea with wit ch our fa thers were inspired ? Was the federal go vernment llauied to be the supreme govern ment, and intended to invade by its acts even our domestic fireside ? Does the theory of our institutions make the State governments mere prefectures, dependent on and account able to the federal government? Most assu redly not. Widely then have we departed from the theory, and fearfully rapid has b#en our progress towards centralization, which is only another name for despotism. Without delay, then, should we hasien to retrace out steps, and return to the special purposes for which the government was instituted, and beyond “which it should never have strayed. Fite people are honest, and they mean to preserve their democratic institutions. They never would have suffered thisdeparture from first principles, had they clearly perceived the precise nature of the federal government. — Our system of government, though exceed ingly simple, has nevertheless the appearance of being exceedingly complex. Foreigners rarely if ever comprehend its tea! character. They regard the federal government as the supreme government, the State governments as inferior and Subordinate. Their view of it presupposes the federal government to have possessed in the outset all the powers of go vernment, and to retain in its possession now all not conceded to ihe States. Many of our own citizens seem to fall into the same error. They appear to regard the constitution of the United Slates as a limitation, rather titan as an enumeration, of the powers ofthe federal government. They seern to forget that the sovereignly exercised by the federal govern ment is, after all, vested in the States, and is exercised by the federal government, only be cause the States have, by mutual compact, ag-eed that that portion of their sovereignty shall he so exercised. They have, therefore, felt that the federal goveanment, instead of being at liberty to do only what it has the express leave to do, is at liberty to do what ever it is not forbidden to do; that where it has not the power to act directly, it may act indirectly; and while in the pursuit of a con stitutional end, it may accomplish, incidental ly, any object it can, provided that object promises to be of general utility. They have, therefore, been able to see, without alarm, 1 the government touching more interests arid 1 exerting almost infinitely greater control in j cidentativ, than it can directly, in the plain,! straight-forward exercise ofits constitutional! powers. They have, a'so, in consequence of adopting this principle of interpretation,! been able to solicit, without compunction, a continual extension of this incidental action, and to allege such pretexts for so extending it, as to bring it home jo every man’s ‘ bo som and business.’ Had they clearly per ceived the true character of the federal go vernment, ihev had not seen this without lively alarm, nor done it without poignant re morse. In consequence of adopting the rule, that the government may do incidentally what it mav not do directly, and what is not necessa ry to the discharge of its constitutional func tions, three systems of policy have grown up, which not only create obstacles to a retrrn of the government to its legitimate province, hut also perpetual inducements for it to de part further an.! still further from it. These are the sys’em of internal improvements, the American sy-tem, as it is called, and the con nexion of the government with hanking.— Therp is no constitutional gmnt of power to the federal government, in favor of any one of these. Congress has the right to establish post offices and post roads, and to provide for the general welfare; therefore, it has heen contended that it may intersect the whole country with great roads, and undertake any work of internal improvement that promises to be generally useful. It has no right to lay a protective tariff ; hut inasmuch as it uas the right to lay imposts for the purpose of reven ue, it may lay them to double the amount needed Ibr revenue, and so lay them as to tax one portion ofthe community to enhance the profits of another,aud in point of fact so us to affect alt the businessol the whole coun try. Under the grant of power to regulate commerce, to coin money and fix the value thereof, it is contended that it has the richl to be connected with lite banks and the whole business ol hanking. By means of its con nexion with the banks and banking business it is brought into tiie closest connexion with every man, woman,and child in these twenty six confederated Slates. \\ e say nothing against banks or the bank ing system. We are now enquiring wheth er the system be a gttod or a had one. W’hat we are contending for, stands above and inde pendent of any vi ws any may enter tain of banks or banking. The hanks are in timately connected with all the business con cerns of the community; they affect the pri vate fortune of every individual; they deter mine, to a g-ea? extent at least, the price of every article b .-tight or soid, produced or con sumed. rite Government, by being connect ed with them, becomes connected with the business concerns of every individual citizen, and controls those concerns, just in proportion as it is connected with the hanks or exerts a controlling influence over their operations. By means ol the Internal Improvement system, of the American system, ami its con nexion with banks, the federal government lias become tin* supreme government of the land. We say has become, perhaps it were as well to say had become. Tiie tendency to centralization was unchecked till the acces sion of Gen. Jackson tothe Presidency. Du ring his administration it began to be arrest ed. Some may indeed question this fact, and we will not insist on it so far as concerns the Executive department of the federal govern ment. Circumstances, not sought by Gen. Jackson, and which we see not well how fie could have controlled, threw into the hands of the Executive an uncommon share of pow er, and gave to administrative measures an influence and an importance, which we hope never to see possessed by the measures of any subsequent administration. Nevertheless the tendency—excepting always a certain proc lamation—so far as the doctrines promulga ted, and measures recommended were con cerned—was arrested. The Internal Im provement system was vetoed, the American system was modified,compromised, and sent on its way to to the place whence it came.— And now, if we mean to finish the work, and arrest completely and perhaps forever, this dangerous tendency, we must disconnect the government from all hanks and bank agency, and adopt the principle of the Sub-Treasu ry bill. Now, as we have taken it for granted that nobody amongst us is for changing the fun damental laws of our institutions, or for dis turbing the relations which our lathers saw fit to establish between the federal govern ment and the State governments, we see not well how any man can avoid coming to the above conclusion. There are only two cour ses for us to take. One course is to make the federal government, by its connection with the banking business, and through that with private credit, which is, in this country, the basis ol most business transactions, the su preme government, the government controll ing ail the State governments, aud the one which most vitally affects the people. We can take'this course if we will. Revive the Deposue system, or charter a National Bank, and we shall have taken it. But then our institutions are radically changed ; the wis dom of our fathers set. at naught; and vve ourselves afloat on the tide of anew experi ment. We trust that we are, as a people, vet too near the cradle of our institutions, and that we yet feel too much of tiie joy that thrilled our hearts, when vve were told the young child, LIBERTY, was born, to be prepared for this. We trust also, that we have too much stability of character, firmness ol purpose, and seif-respect, To disappoint at once the hopes of the friends of freedom throughout the world, who h ive been looking to us for encouragement, and for a triumph ant answer to those who alledge that society cannot subsist without Kings, Hierarchies and Nobilities. The other course is to adopt the principle of the Sub-Treasury bill, and divorce the government from its destructive alliance with the business of banking, it is to follow out the policy already commenced, and as we have abandoned the internal improvement system, and the protective system, so now to abandon the banking system. We mean not by this, that the government is to wage war against the batiks, but that it shall let them alone. If the States have not yielded up to the general government their right to insti tute banks, the banks are matters wholly within the jurisdiction of the Slates, and we should he the first to repel any attacks the federal government might be disposed to make on them ; and this too, whether we ap prove the banking system or not. The States are competent to manage their own affairs. We ask nothing of the federal government in relation to banks, but to provider for the man agement of its fiscal concerns, without mak ing any use, directly or indirectly, of their agency; The adoption of this principle will be for the federal government to witfiraw itself with in its legitimate province, from winch we can see nothing, very soon at least, likely to tempt it firth again. This will leave a broader field and weightier matters to the State go vernments which will raise their importance in the estimation of the people, m ike them objects of more serious attention, enlist more talent in their administration, and make them altogether more practically useful. We have no wish to underrate the federal government. If the tendency of the times were to les sen its importance, we would set forth its claims in as strong terms as we do r.ovv those of the States. Because we value the rights of the must not be inferred that we do not value the Union. The Union is by no means likely in our days to he under-esti mated. The centripetal force is altogether too strong lor that. Should we, however, see the centrifugal force predominating, and be led to apprehend any danger from a ten dency to individuality, to disunion, dissolu tion, we trust we should be found among the last friends of the Union. But we are not one of those who neg’ect the danger which now is, to utter warnings against a .danger, whic'.i may possibly never come. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. The federal government is indispensable, and in its sphere it should be preserved at all hazards. But it is after all less essential than our State go vernments. Our external relations, our affairs as communities, which it belongs to the fede ral government to watch over and regulate, are of far less consequence than of relations as individual citizens. The former are few. and comparatively remote, while the latter , are many and intimate. The first affect us I on.y occasionally, the last continually, every l moment. Ihe federal government is also so lar removed from ths individual r ifizm, and permits so few to tala 1 part in its delibera tions or administration, that it can never le gislate for private interests, wisely, usefully, and safely, even if it had the constitutional right to do it. The States are therefore the more important institutions of the two. They should therefore claim our first attention. If toe principle of the bill under consideration be adopted, they will receive our first atten tion. Political men will not he thinking per petually then of what may he though! at Washington. They tv ill have leisure to be stow their best thoughts on Stale legislation, <>n the means of removing abuses which weigh heavily on the individual citizen, of improv ing our systems of jurisprudence, increasing the facilities for popular education, encour aging literature and the arts, and elevating the individual man. The balance between .the State and the individual, between the federal government ,q>;d the Shite govern ments, may be re-adjusted, and be at liberty to deveiopo the resources o( our noble coun try, to avail ourselves of our commanding position, and to prove ourselves a people worthy to he studied and imitated. Ti.e principle of the Bill ought also to be adopted, because it simplifies the-fiscal con certiS of the nation, and keeps them clear of the complicated financial systems of the Old World. The real governments of the Old World are at this moment on Change or the Bourse, and the regulation of funds is the principal business of government. Govern ment, instituted for the social weal of the people, becomes thus the nice instrument of private interest, of stock jobber-', speculators in the lunds. We do not want this state of things here. V, e want a government, sim ple, open, and direct in its action, performing in the simplest and plainest manner possible the functions assigned to it. We have also commenced in this country anew system of government, not in forni only, but in spirit. We reject the maxim, that it i3 necessary to deceive the people for the people’s good, and adopt the maxim, that honesty is the best policy. To carry out this maxim, it is necessary that the government should always tell the truth, both in its words and in its deeds. It has a right to impose taxes, but only for defraying the expenses incurred in the legitimate exercise of its con stitutional power. It may lay imposts and collect revenues for this purpose, and for this purpose only. It has then no right to use its revenues, or to suffer them to be used, for any other purpose. Now, when it deposites its revenues in the banks, whether in a na tional bank or in a state Lank, in general de pnsiie, as it is contended it should, it uses its revenues, or suffers them to-be used, for other purposes than those of defraying its expenses.: They are not deposited there for safe keep ing, as the people are taught to believe, but to be made the basis of loans to the business part of the community. They serve the pur pose of sustaining the credit of the banks, and, through the banks, of the merchants and manufacturers. This is to collect the revenues for one purpose, and to appropriate them to another. This is to deceive the people, and to depart from the fundamental maxim of our state policy. If it be necessary to tax the community some thirty millions of dollars annually, to sustain the credit of busi ness men, and enable them to carry on their extensive operations, let them be so taxed; but let it he openly and avowedly. The people will know then what they are taxed for. But so long ns the revenues aie avow edly collected for tlie pnrpo-e of defraying the expenses of the government, they should he sacred to that end. If in this way a por tion of the funds of the nation be useless, it may operate as an inducement to make the taxes as light as possihle, which in its turn will icheve the people, and keep the govern ment poor ; and by keeping it poor, keep it honest, free from corruption. The greatest objection, or one of the great est objections, to the deposife system, in eith er a national bank or in state banks, is, that it gives to the hanks the use of the govern ment funds. Being given to the hanks, the use of these funds is virtually given to the business community. The business commu nity, so long as it has the use of them, will not be anxious to reduce the revenues. It will prefer high taxes, and favor the accu mulation of a surplus, because by having the use ol the funds to sustain iis credit; it gels back more than it is obliged to pay in taxes. I his part of the subject, Mr. Calhoun, in his speech of February Isth, has set in a clear light, and his remarks deserve to be read and pondered well by every freeman. The po licy of our government should he to make the taxes as light as possible, consequently to look with distrust on sll measures, the direct tendency ol which must he to i : crease them. Ii may also be maintained, with eomeplau- Sibildy at least, that it is for the true interest of the banks themselves to have no connexion with the fiscal concerns of the government. Nobody, we presume, h hardy enough to contend that the hanks should control the government. It has never, we believe, been the intention of the people to place the real government of the country in the hands of the corporations. J hov have, we believe, always iiitenddfi that the government should maintain its supremacy, and follow its own interest and that of the country, regardless of the special, interests of the .presidents and directors of banks. In case the government maintains its supremacy, the amount of its funds, the time, place and extent of its appropriations, must always be matters beyond the control of the banks, and also matters which they may rot always foresee or be prepared to m e*. Go vernment will have it in its power to disturb, whenever it chooses, their nicest business calculations, and thwart them in their most cherished plans. It may call upon them fur its funds, when they are a!! loaned out, and when they cannot be called in without great detriment to the business operations of the community, often not without producing a panic, financial embarrassment, commercial d's r s. If there be b it one bank, or if there lie one mammoth hank, it may, perhaps, profit by panics, financial embarrassments, commercial distress, but the banks generally cannot. Their interest is one and the same with that of the business Community ; it is he t promo ted by sustaining credit, bv keeping die wa ters smooth and even, Ihe timesgood an 1 ea sy. They ought, then, to he free from all connexion with a partner over whose opera tions they have no control and who may choose to withdraw his investments at ihe. very moment when they are most in need of them. It is altogether b Her for them to trust to their own means, and keep to their proper vocr. tion, than it is t > mix up their interests with those of the government. The hr lorv of the late deno itc hanks mav be thought to afford some evidence of the truth of this. Publish your Dissolutions. —A suit was tried io the N. \. Circuit Court, recently brought by a Mr. BngW “gainst Corning & Spence, to recover ti-300, the amount of” n bid of goods sold by piaintifi’fo Spence, and charged to the firm two months after its dissolution. As no positive evidence was addc.c and to show the dissolution had heen published, the jury gave verdict for plaintiff. [NO. 36.