Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, October 18, 1838, Image 2

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From the (Ark.) Little ON | TIIRKATENED LYDIAN HOsTIL^r I | THE SOUTH-w Lte 1 EftN I le * K - We heard, some weeks since, that consid erable alarm has been excited on* tne south side of Red River, in Texas, m consequence of its heing ascertained that the Mexican go vernment “was sending emissaries among the south western tribes, for the pur|><>se of en gaging them in a league to massacre or drive ali the inhabitants from that section of Texas, and that one of those emissaries (a Mexican officer) had been shot by a friendly Mexican, nnd his sword, epaulette, journal, and other papers, with his rutile and trappings, carried to the nearest friendly post —all which infor mation, together with a copy ot the journal, had been sent to the commanding officer at Fort Towson; but we fell some scruples a bout noticing the report, until received in a more tangible shape. We now learn, how ever, by an officer of the army, direct from Fort Gibson, that the same information and journal had b.en received by express, by Gen. Arhuckle, commanding that post, who consi dered it of * > much importance, that be im mediately ordered twoe.o.iipaniesol dragoons, under the command >!*Ctpl. IVenor, to F ori Towson, where they will act as circumstan- ces may require. We also learn,by a gentleman from Hemp-; stead county, that several families residing i south of lied River, hive been so much a larmed by the report, that they have removed across tne river, into tiiis Slate,an I that con siderable alarm still existed in most of the set- . dements south of the river. These reports, from being corroborated . from so rnioy different and respectable sour- 1 ce3, leave us no too o to dmd.t tL;t a deep laid plan has been formed by die Mexican | government, to rid tlie Texian country ol all its white inhabitants, hvemploying the neigh- j boring Indian tribes to aid in driving them off, or massacreing them —liie bounty offered, j being a division of all the country they may j succeed in depopulating, together with the j effects and property of the inhabitants among j the captors. Since the above was written, we have been i favored with the perusal of a letter from G n. Arhuckle, addressed to tlw Governor of this State, together with a copy of die journal of the Mexican officer alluded to ab> ve, and two ! letters frm T xns, one of which is from D. A. G. Wright, (who translated* the journal.) dated Lima, on FL-d R ver, ‘25 miles east of the Eausst e W ashita, 21st August last, and the other from M. J. W. Green, written a- ; bout the same time—both detailing flnrijjP, the operations of die hpHtik; ‘party, and their ■ hpprehending a general war in Hint quarter. We publish below the letter of Gen. Ar buckle, in which it will be seen that Captain Collins, who has charge of the ordnance stores at this place, been ordered to fur nish such munitions of war as may be requir ed for the use of our militia. Our limits only permit us to make the fol lowing extracts from the other letters: Mr. Wright says —‘ ‘There is, at tiiis time, on the head waters of the Trinity, and west ofit, and on the Sabine, both north and south, various tribes of Indians and Mexicans pre pared tor ban: \ and many are now crossing, it is believed to join the other tribes. Mexi co has had he,-nfi-.TS since May last in actu al service, buying over the Indians both in Texas an i the Umte.i States, and have suc ceeded. Numbers ofCherokees have passed across Red river, and have formed a rendez vous at the Cherykee town on the Sabine. — You may look for one blow to be struck, that j Will lay waste our country from Nacogdoches to Fort Gibson, unless an army be in readi ness on our frontiers immediately. 5 The Mexican officer, iie says, was killed by a vomirr •••■** wnom ne had employed as; a pilot and iuterp eter. At the close of his letter, he adds a note to the following efli ct: That he had just received a letter in Span ish, from Gen. Felisola, (the Commandant of j the Mexican forces,) in which he orders his officers to offer the entire country to the In dians, and those who partake in the war, and all goods, chattels, &.c. taken, to be held in reserve, and placed in deposite, to be equally ] distribuled at the close of ilie war; that no j time is to he lost in establishing posts to facil-; ilate communications to him, to enable him to send double forces to the weakest points ; to stop at nothing ; to make one general rush, and to conclude the war at a blow, he does not care in what wav ; and to receive the fa milies and children as hostages for the govern ment to dispose of at the close of the war. Mr. Green urges, in his letter, that every ni;in who can be mustered, be despatched immediately to the frontier, to meet the Indi ans. He says, 1 vve have direct imformation that Capt. Farmer and thirty of his men have been killed on ihe Sabine, hv the Indians, within the last three days. Blandiezs’, Lew is’, and several other plantations have been sacked, and their places surrounded, since *S..t inlay, by hostile Indians. The road is com pletely lined with wagons for the prairies.’ The journal of the Mexican officer is a brief memoranda of every day’s proceedings from the 2Gth May to the 12th August lt*at, noting the different tribes he visited, their j h", propositions for j them to i in him, See. ; and leaving no doubt of the errand he was on, and that he found but little difficulty in persuading the Indians to accept his invitation to wage a war of ex termination of the people of Texas. It and oesnot appear, from any ofthe papers, that there is any intention to commence hos tilities against the people of this State; hut that would Inflow as a necessary consequence, j if they prove successful against (he Texians. j We are glad tint Gen. Arb iokU has acted i with such promptittitle, in despatching n por- , titin of his command to Red river, where J they may have it in their power to renderes- j sential service in protecting that frontier from ! encroachment, an I where, also, they may he j employed in preventing any of the Indian tribes residing north of Red river, from join- i ing those south of that river, in waging war I on the citizens of Texas. We presu e the ! Governor will take die necessary steps for j having our militia organized and in readmes* t ... . . I to march to the post of danger, in the event oi their services being required—bn* our own impression K that they will not he required. Tiie plans of r e Mexicans, we think, have j been developed sooner than they intended. \ nn 1 when thev fin 1 the Texians prepared for 1 them, we doubt not thev will abandon their j project and withdraw, at least for a time, within their on n limits. Hu ao Quarters, 1 Sscon'd Dept. W. Division* > Fort Gibson, Sept. 5. 18J3. 7 To his Excel* enev. Sim. C. Roane, Aciiosr Governor of Arkansas : Sir—l lieew tli transmit fir your informa tion, on ! that of the people of Arkansas, the enclos -d journal of a Mexican officer, nn 1 two letters in relation to the war in Texas, which weie forwarded to tins post hv the commanding officer at Ft. Towson. InteUi g:mc- urn received, hv this night's nvtil.fnvn Fort Jesnp, which proves, beyond a doubt that .a war actually commence 1 in that country. This information is given, that the inhabitants of Arkansas may h? on the alert and read / for action ; vet it J s hoped that our frontier will he respected. Instructions have been given to Capt. Col-; lir.s, the ordnance officer at Little Rock,to fu-- nisii you with such ordnance and nrd:-ar.ce stores as von mav require, fir the use of the 1 jililitia of Arkansas, should it b* necessary for ! the inhabit:.tits r> the .southern border of your State to embody fir their defence, which will probably be reqtfred before a suitable regular gbrcc can be assembled in lhatq nrler. 1 am. sir, v<*orob' wrv’t, AT. ARBUCKLE, Pv’i, Brl". Gc t. U. 5. A. * FOREIGN. j The Morning Chronicle states that prepa- j , ations, on a grand and costly scale, were j making for the coronation ol the Emperor Ferdinand of Austria, at Milan, on the Gib i hist. Greece seems to be in a distracted, impov-i erished stale. ’The young Queen was about j to visit Germany. King Onto is now actual- i ly said to be in the pay of Russia. It appears that the Egyptians have not yet succeeded in quelling the insurrection in Sy ria, and that the Druses are again in force. The Queen's Speech. — The Lord Chancel lor, kneem.g on ins right knee, then presented to uer Majesty a manuscript of the royal speech. Her Majesty, in her usual distinct an em phatic manner, then read the following speech: ‘My Lords and Gentlemen: The state of | public business enables me to close this pro • traded and laborious session. ‘ I have to lament that the civil war in Spain forms an exception to the general tranquility. 1 continue to receive from all lb reign powers the strongest assurances ol their desire to maintain with me the most arnica bid-relations. 4 The di.st_rbanc"s and insumetions which had unfortunately broken out in Upper and Lower Canada, h;,ve been promptly sup pressed, and I entertain a confident hope that firm and judicious nteasmes will empower yon to restore a constitutional form of govern ment, which imhapy events have compelled yon for a time to suspend. ‘ I rejoice at the progress which has been j made in my colonial jjossessions toward the entire abolition of nejyoapprenticeship, i ‘I have observed with much satisfaction .the attention which yon have bestowed upon! the amendment of the domestic institutions ; ;of the country. I trust that the mitigation of i the law of imprisonment for debt will prove ! at once favorable to the liberty of my subjects, land safe lor commercial credit, and that the I established church will derive increased (strength and efficiency from the restriction of ! the granting of benefices in plurality. I ‘ I have felt great pleasure in giving my as- 1 sent to the bill for the relief of th“ destitute 1 I poor in Ireland. I cherish the c.\; elation j that its provisions have been so cautiously | j framed, and will be so prudently executed,! j tiiai while they contribute to relieve distress,! (they vviii tend to preserve order and !„< en courage habits of industry ant 1 , exertion. ‘I lrut,’. • that, the act which you • have passed relating to the compositions for j : tithe in Ireland, will increase the security of j i that property, and pomote internal peace. I | ‘ Gentlemen of U> House of Commons :I j j cannot sufficiently thank you foryourdespatch j . and liberality in providing for the expenses o’ j j ray household and the maintenance of the j aonor and dignity of the crown. Puffer you ; ! my warmest acknowledgments for ihe addi-! lion which you have made to the income of J j my beloved mother. ‘I thank you for the supplies which you r i have voted for the ordinary public service, as I : well as tor the readiness with which you have ; j provided means to meet the extraordinary i j expenses rendered necessary bv the state of; my Canadian possessions. * ‘My Lords and Gentlemen: The mn ny ! j useful measures which you have been able to j j consider, while the settlement of the Civil! i List and the state of CV* :ula demanded so J | much .of your attention, tire a satisfactory proof of your zeal for the ‘ic g- .1. You j are so well acquainted with the duties nh ‘now devolve upon you in your respective j i counties, that it is unnecessary to remind you J ;of them. In the discharge of them you may j securely rely on m.v fir'* °od i< only ; remains to express a humble hope, that Di vine Providence may watch over us all, and prosper our united efforts for the benefit of! I our country. 5 Truns-Atlantic eSaeigatvm. — If is stated in j an English paper, that aMr.MCail has sug- j gessted to tiie British Post Office Department, j a plan for transmitting the tnail liom London i ’ to America via Valeutia, in Ireland, in seven | | days. The plan is to avati himseif, he says,! ;‘ of the wind which prevails eleven months ! in the year, leading into YVexiord and Fisli j guard harbors, vvitii tides a-beam, which ; would insure punctuality ;’ whereas he says, j the Holyhead packets have repeatedly taken | three (.lays to perform the voyage between 1 1 Kingston and Holyhead, a distance of only ! j sixty two miles. He proposes to extend (he j j Great \\ estern Railway to Fishguard, thence | to Wexf iti by steam packets and by railway; thence to Dublin. By this plan he says only I One mail between London and every part of lieiand will be requisite; and the London mails can arrive in me most distant parts of Ireland in fifteen hours. Regarding the A merican voyage, he adds, a railway from Wexford to Valentis, as a foreign packet sta tion, will bring Gieat Britain and America within seven days sail by steam packets.— This plan is similar to the one suggested sonic lime before the cesign of steam communica tion between England and New York was j carried into execution. It was then proposed j more fully to cair.V ‘.‘ ut lht ’ p !a n ‘ 3 this side! !of the Atlantic, by constructing a rail road 1 j from New York the whole length of Long! Island, and thence to connect with the British! provinces by steamboats.— JY. 0. Bulletin, j Steam navigation io America. —The Liver-! pool Albion oi August 20, lias the following : i j A meeting of tiie Great Western Steamship ! Company was held at Bristol, on Wednesday, > ;by adjournment,for the purpose of confirming! j or otherwise the resolutions passed at the lasi j | meeting, which went to the creation of new! shares and the extension of (he capital ol the; ! company to 1.000,000/. The cha.rman ex J j plained, that, in consequence of ihenhj< ctions j of a portion of the proprietors to tiie adtnis ! sion of new shareholders until the year 1839, 1 the din c'.ors had deteimined to abide by the j j deed of settlement, and only at present 10 fill i up the capital to the amount staled in lliej I deeds. The debtor and creditor accounts of! ! th.e company were then read, from which it! i appeared that the p .peels of the company | > were so excellent, that alter setting down the I 1 first voyage to the co-t ofthe ship, the actual ; piofit on the two otiieis h is been sufficient to | admit of a very handsome dividend, which I I crould ire declared accord ng to the deed of! ; settlement on (he 6iii of September, h was] ■ alsio slated that ninety seven berths (or her : ’ ne:ct voyage were already taken, and that the! I keel of another steamer, to he called the Ci.vj !of New York, would ie laid down in the! | course of a few days, ail the preparations he-j ! ing already in progress. Health of the City. —lt is now near the : middle of October, and no epidemic has yet l appeared in our streets. On the contrary-, . there is every indication of the present and prospective health of the city. Strangers j can now visit us with safety, and he as secure from the ravages of disease here, as in New Y'ork or Boston. Numbers have already come among us. \Y e recognize on our pave ments throngs of new fac**. Every packet from the sea—every steamer from th* rive; above, is crowded with passengers. Ihe ci ity is rapidly ti ling tta; an i were the 000 i and Mississippi to rise, it would not be many days before we witnessed again the bttrrv and dm of the business season.—-*V. 0. Bulletin. ‘ John,’ sai l a traveller to n farmer’s boy, I ’ was booing iti the field, ‘your corn is ‘ les, we planted the small kind.’— La! it looks dwarfish and yellow.’ ‘ Yes,we planted the yellow sort.’ ‘I mean yon will i !'r, get hah a crop—do you understand mer’j U yes, sir—l understand—we don’t expect’ to ; lor we planted on share-.’ From the Frieaslle Democrat. In November, ISI4, Matthew Carey ad-! dressed the Federalist, and that address is in ! many respects applicable to the self-styled Wings of the present day, who are the old Federal party m disguise. We extract from his Olive Branch, page 337. O’Your ‘part* rises, as your country] sinks. >X3r It sinks as your country rises : Tins is .another awful fact. It cannot fa;! to j i rend the heart of every public spirited man I j among you. For the love ol'the God of! peace-—by the shade of Washington—by j that country which contains all you hold dear,’ 1 abjure you to weigii well this sentence—i I Xs“ioe SINK, as YOL’ii COUN TRY ri- j i ses. Yes, it is indubitably so. Ii is a terrific i and appalling truth. And YOU RISE. AS : THAT DESPONDING, LACERATED COUN TRY SINKS. ‘1 would rattier he a ; dog, and bay the moon, 5 than stand in this odious predicament.’ So ii hasever been with the opposition, and so it. will continue to he. Look to the times ! i at which they have achieved partial triumphs, j ! and you will find that they have been the pe i riods of the nation’s suffering and distn. ss.— When the Bank Bill was vetoed, tne cry of j ! ruin rung throughout the label—the bank cur ! tailed, pressed upon its debtors, and finis ; caused intense suffering. It was then that j party entertained strong hopes of ultimate i j success. V. hen the deposited were removed, I | the cry was revived —speeches and memori als, descriptive of the awful distress of dial j day, ail caused by the stupidity and folly of a , headstrong old man, daily consumed the time iof Congress, and the mi; fortunes which then ■ pressed heavily upon the na ion, brought ! about by the Bank and its hirelings, afforded them another short-lived petty triumph. And more recently, when the bad management and the reckless imprudence erf the Bank offi cers caused a suspension of specie payments, they have succeeded in misleading the people in some of the Slates, arid thereby securing the success of their friends. But the mist is fast passing away—the eyes of the people are opening to the deceptions which design- I mg demagogues have practised upon them, ] and as a consequence, the Whigs are sinking j inio a mail minority. From the N. ‘i \ pint of the Times. BULLETIN FROM ARKANSAS B.\Tfsvir.L£, Arks.. Aug. 22 1888. Dear P —The quiet monotony of our little ‘■ village has-been* somewhat agreeably dis-j turbed 1 v the arrival of Messrs. W. Water- ! man ami J. O. Brown’s circus. The appear- j a nee of Miss Ellen Tree, Madame Celeste, j the Woods, and other brilliant stars among’ you of Gotham, could not create a greater sensation than did their caravan among us ! chaps of the Rackensacks. When my eye j first fell upon the big bills, 1 concluded there ‘ were monkeys to bp stirred up with long i poles—; n I Hie white bear with thirteen j stripes, and 1 tinny one alike’—and the tnons j | capricornus , sometimes called the William : i, goat, hut vulgarly the Billy goat, with his i long beard, the s uell of winch is offensive to ! some hot agreeable to others—an the tin- ] tameable hyena, from Ethiopia, that follows j armies on whole day’s marches, and ran- ] sack* graves at night, to prey on human ho- : dies—and the kangaroo , that jumps forty feet \ up a tree and sixty feet down, that lives on ; ! fish, flesii and fowl, and devours whole flocks ; of small birds at a bait, that cions, except when irritated—but l was dis- j * tinted. Mr. Waterman’s riding is truly sp'endid, j and loses nothing bv comparison with that] of North or Siiclcney;’ the of Mr. John'*'=’.. petlbrmancc. ‘The teats j ‘• balancing dishes, plates, swords, chairs,; tables, See. by Mr. Lyons, were truly asto nishing to those who had never seen tlie like I before. Creighton, the clown, is a sprinkling j past So! Siptnan— ‘ ever ready, wide awake, j and full of fleas,’ he kept his audience in a ; constant roar—the best thing I heard him say was ‘that a dreadful accident befel a : child, who, in turning a street, fell over a : lawyer , and has never been able to speak the truth since.’ The managers deserve credit for their enterprise. ‘They are now on their way to Fort Gibson, where, if they are al lowed to exhibit, a golden harvest awaits them. Now for other matters. Billy Alexander, Col. David Thompson’s trainer, leaves here | to-day with his stable, for Van Buren. The reason of his lea vug is that Col. has no one to train that part of his stable that has first arrived there, and the friends of his horses and those of Mr. Dillard’s horses, are betting with a perfect loosness. They will meet at Fort Smith, Van Buren, and perhaps Fay-1 etteville. Our races here will he but a poor j affair. The withdrawal of Thompson’s i sta’i'i? will leave the stable of Col. Tunsal! I without competitors. We have, however, a sweepstakes to be j run in 1843, the produce of mares put this! spring. It is called ‘ The Hampton Streep- ! stakes .’ in honor of that most accomplished ; gentleman and liberal turfite, Col. Wade i Hampton, of South Carolina. To it there: are 10 subscribers already, and ihere will he ! more than 20 —cut. SIOO, ft. SSO, and dec. 1 $25. Truly yours, N. I j From the Charleston Courier. . Messrs. Editors: — 'l lie celebrated horse j j M tzeppn, whose interesting performances iti j the play ol the same name, have so often de- i J lighted our Southern audiences, arrived on I Monday lost, Irom New \'oik in the ship j j Anson, after a passage of thirteen days,; | during four of which the vessel experienced 1 two severe storms, and having been in the | j same vessel myself, and in consequence of the j ! confined air of the cabin, neccss.rated to re- i i main on deck, had an opportunity of wit- 1 nesting an exhibition of suffering- and saga -i cuy in this wonderful animal, a reciial of; which may prove interesting to some of your readers. The first storm commenced i on the 9th inst., wind blowing a gale from I the N. W. The horse, as is usual, was con fined in a close stall, winch was padded on ’ all sides, to secure as much as puss ble the 1 comfort ofthe animal, but the violence ofthe j wind and waves was so great, tlial the ani mal was thrown with such force to and fro, that I: J body was shockingly cat and lace ; rated, and but for t!.-■ canvass slings which j were placed about his body he must inevi ! tably have been swept Sway ; and while the | sttfrm was at iis height, the horse, with a dis : play of sagacity rarely witir =srd. was seen . j to brace himself, as the sailors termed it,; * litre and aft,’ by taking hold of the manger j with lii.s mouth and teslmg on the rear bar of the stai! with his tail, and in this manner i ! endeavored to support himself, all the time : j groaning most piteously from the pain occa- j . sinned by h;s many wounds. The food winch j Iliad been provided fir the passage was so j ; damaged by the salt water as 1o be unfit for j j use, and the horse was kept al ve by means; ! of a bag ofapp! s, which was kindly tender \ ed by Dr. De La Motta, a passenger, who ! j had provided them tor his own use. The j second gale, which commenced on Tuesday. • with increased violence, was so terrific as to ; j preclude toe possibility of his owner, Mr. j Thomas B. Franklin, rendering him any ns i sis t a nee. During the storm the slings gave ; . wav, and tiie horse was tfrown in the stall, 1 ! and so injured as 1? lose the use of his hir-.d ! | legs —at the same time tormented by an in-j ; satiable thirst, and ever as the sailors passed j him would stretch out his neck and mo n j p:icou*!y for writer, and during the rain the beast would hold up his head witli his mouth ; open, thus endeavoring to and u-ive temporary relief from the few drops that fell in Ins lips. 1 The horse is, however, now doing well, and through the attention of his owner, Mr. F., wifi probably recover. a ta.-sena-er. SENTINEL & HERALD. COLUMBUS, OCTOBER 18, 1833. j TAX COLLECTOR. We are authorised to announce the name j of Kinchex Grier, Esq. as a candidate for j Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in! January. Is is need:e*s foi us to add that he j is well qualified, and in every respect entitled j ; to the esteem and confidence of his fellow ! citizens. It is always a source of gratification to us, ] to present for office tho*e of our -fellow-citi zens, who, if elected, will discharge then duty faithfully and impartially. In favor op no one f*r tiiis office can more be said than for our friend Grier. Columbus Hotel— This establishment pre sents strong claims to the patronage of the public since it has passed into the hands of Messrs. Howard & Lloyd, its present spirited proprietors. The house has been fitted tip ; in a style neat and comfortable, and the table j ;is really superior. Our old friend Lloyd, for -1 merly of ‘ Ttie Shades,’ so favorably known j : for his taste in the selection and arrangement | of matters a id tilings which minister to the ! igratification of the appetite, spreads his! ‘lunch daily at the craving hour of eleven; and his bar, adorned.-with the accurate and splen did portrait of Osceola, the renowned Indian j chief, contains a full and well-selected stock.! ELECTIONS— RECAPITULATION. Dawsou, vSd 035 Campbell, 30,841 Habersham, 8-,060 Iverson, 30,821 ] Colquitt, 32.197 Patterson, 30,787! Alford, 82,107 Pooler, 80,631 1 King, 32,000 Graves, 30,6.42; : JNisbet, tsY.C-.U Burney, 30,55 b Black, 31 584 Hi.'ver, 30.533 ! Warren, ;31,b7” McW liorter, 30,373; Cooper, 31,522 Nt on, 30 422 Om county oi., renia us to he heard tiom viz: Emanuel; me L • m majority in which last ycM v. a- 09 votes- . , j In on ‘ g- • t<i <;, ’he.-e will he a tie in ; Ihe Senate, i a tie a>u in the House, ac cording to ibe.Ct. <to die opposition papers; but giving to is a ember from Wilkinson, i (Mr. Murphv,) v’bom we claim, there will he j a majority for ihe U :<n party, m the Repre sentative branch, of two. THE ELECTIONS. Now that tk elections are over,and victory ] ; perches upon the standard of our opponents,! j perhaps it maj not he useless for us calmly | to contemplate the ground we occupy, as : well as the piespcct before us. Is the defeat i that we li ive just suffered one of little mo , tneni? was tie. contest a mere struggle for j party ascendancy—or was l one in which ’ great principle were involved? If the for j mer only, it of but littie consequence, so j that those elevated to office are true to the j interest and ginry of the republic. If the .■- cu,-j. cause for self con- j demnaiion, and are deeply ana,, rhlp t,, our j injured country. In ihe first place ihen, what are the lead j ing measures advocated by the democratic ; parly ? what principles are they, as a party, seeking to preserve and perpetuate? One jof the leading articles of their political faith ; is, an uncompromising opposition to monop olies and exclusive privileges of all kinds.— They believe that a literal interpretation should be given to that clause of the consti tution which declares that ‘ exclusive privi leges shall not be granted.’ They believe in the soundness of that doctrine boldly put forth by the sages of the revolution, that ‘ all men are born equal;’ lienee it results, tiiai ! we oppose, upon the highest authority, the establishment es a great monied monopoly by Congress, not only on account of its dan ! gerous tendency, not only because it is at ! • war with the genius of our free institutions, hut for the further reason that it is at war I with lhe great charter of our liberty. The i ° - ; Democratic party holds that the people are ; the true and only legitimate source of all 1 power ; and hence, whatever is likely in I its tendency to impair or destroy the free ! nnd calm exercise of the elective franchise ; : whatever tench in its consequences to foster j | and cherish a rival influence, will ever meet j with the firm and uncompromising op pc is i- j lion of that party. A strict and literal construction of the Fe ■ deral Constitution, is another of the leading | articles of their faith. They believe that al! ! the powers intended to be conferred upon the federal government, were specifically conferred by shat instrument, and that no thing is left (conference or implication. That the government, as it stands, is sufficiently energetic lor ail the purposes of liberty ; and that under a proper ex-icise of those powers tiie rights of the states or of tiie people are not endangered from its overshadowing in fluence. 8 And lastly, ihey rally around (he standard of L nion. They hold that the blessings of | liberty ; the perpetuity of our gloi ions institu | ttons ; the honor and welfare of our common ! country, purchased by the blood of our c>rti tnon ancestry, is better preserved by United America, presenting one grand and impreg nable front, than by the separate, divided, in.!, it may be, the discordant and belligerent members of which it is composed. Tiiese, freemen of Georgia, are the princi- : j pies which lia e suffered defeat in the late ; elections; principles which, in our humble I opinion, you are called upon, by every corisi- • deration that can bind you to country, as sa- , credly and as zealously to support as you would the society of the domestic hearth, your homes and your firesides. But because we have suffered partial de j feat, shall'we give up the ship* We feel, that every Republican answers no. Though defeated, we are not conquered. Our prin ciples yet remain; the Constitution is ve! 1 unimpaired ; our country’s flag yet waves ! proudly over us, and if true to ourselves and the holy cause of truth, we shall rise, Phce-1 R’X like, in all our native strength and ma jesty. Where is the man who is willing to! forsake his colors ? Nail your flag to the mast, and n >b!y determine to shield it from danger or fall defending it. If we are not i greatly mistaken in the materials of which the Democracy of Georgia are comprised, our opponents will soon have to say with j the usurpers of Scotland’s crown, ‘ We have ‘ scotched the so kc. not killed iff’ THE RACES—CONTINUED. i In our paper of last week we gav-e the] result of the first two days racing, and have ] now to begin with tiie third day, three mile j heats, which was a race ol considerable inte rest, although the pace was too slow for I‘crack nags,’ and the ‘old ones’ shook their I heads and cried, ‘a very slow race', a very slow race.’ It resulted as follows: Col. Crowell’s imp. f. Susan Dodge, by Tramp, dam by YVhisker, 3 ys old, 83 lbs. 1 l Mr. Jeter’s s. c. Henry Buster, by Eclipse, dam by The Maid of Lodi, by Virginia, 5 ys. old, 100 lbs 2 2 Gen. Scott’s b. f. Reveille, by Ber- I trar.d, dam Sally Melville, by Vir ginia, 4 years old, 07 ibs. 33 Purse SSOO. Time, 6.3 ; G. 7. The owner of Henry Buster declared him out of order at the lime his entry was made. I he contest on the four mile day was be tween Count ■ Zaldevar and Gerow, no other horses having entered. They both came upon the track to all appearance in good order. It was generally thought that Gerow j had‘the order’ of the Count, but for our j I selves, we were disposed to believe otherwise. ; The Count was undoubtedly the best ordered j horse; Gerow was carrying 100 much beef. Trie odds at starting were five to four on | Gerow, and the friends of the Count, while ! they held the best hand, were actually ‘ bluff ed off’ bv excessive bragging. The Count j won the track, took the lead from the word ‘‘go, 5 and maintaiied it at ease throughout | the race, never save in one instance being passed by Gerow during the eight miles run. j This was evidently the result of a mistake, j and occurred in this way: The rider of Gerow, on terminating the third nile of the ■second hr;.; mistook it for tiie fwtH mile, I ianti • rnned up, uti’uei ‘KiT . - <t. a t 1 ‘he had made the fuli heat. Chari e, the rider i of Count Zildevar, who is in himself a small | -'hunk of Ethiopian politeness, as well as a beautiful race rider, discovering that his an- I ingontst had come well uigli to a dead halt. j ° :aiso drew a ‘ taught rein’ upon his noble steed, at the very moment of doing which l!u A rider of Gerow had received item to ‘ go on.’ and vvitb rein and spur dashed forward and ! gained tiie inside track. This was a moment j big with excitement; and the heat was almost j unanimously accorded to Gerow, great confi : deuce ag flt in his game, and he being (siipi •. J to possess a good share of foot. ’ But Charlie rising in his stirrups, for the first land only time, we believe, duriiwr the race. I • ° ‘ gave his gallant courser a delicate toucl, of [the spur, and he sprang into his track again! i quick and nimble as a fox would jump at the j ! cry of the hounds. The race was one of| s much interest, owing to the high reputation ;of both horses. Tiie time was slow, but the ] track was heavy ; and the Count, to our eye, ! ran under a hard puli, and strode at his ease jin*ail the race. Each successive round as j they passed the judge’s stand, the cry of | ‘ hold him Charlie,’ rang from the friends of I the Count, and the little fellow’s arms fairly j cracked under the severe pull which he had i upon Ms horse, and he gave token of his ! pleasure at running m the lei W grinning j the discovery of a fine set of ivory from ear jto ear. Result of the race : j Four mile heats—Jocky Club purse SSO0 — inside stake ol SI,OOO aside. Iverson Si Bonner’s s. c. Count Zal- j devar, 8 years old, by Andrew, I dam by Timoleon, SG lbs. 1 1 j Hammond & Lovell’s c. h. Germv, i 4 years old, by Henry, dam by | Eclipse, 97 lbs. 2 2 ‘l ime, 8.14; S.B. j Fifth and last day, best three in five, for a ; purse of S3OO, resulted as follows : Col. Crowell’s hr. f. Florida Hep burn, 3 years old, by Tramp, dam by Whisker, S3 lbs. 11l Col. Edmondson’s c. m. lone, 5 yrs old, by John Richards, darn by imp. Expedition, 107 lbs. 3 2 2 Col. J. S. Campbell’s c. f. Four pence, by Jackson, dam by He phestion, 3 years old, 83 lbs. 2 33 Time, 1.54; 1.52; 1.53. Although Florida Hepburn had lost the I two mile day, yet in this last race she was ; tl e favorite nag bv great odds, and large j amounts were bet up< n her against the field. | The race afforded fine sport, and tire nags I proved themselves (lie * real grit.’ Tire httle Fourpenee won for herself numerous friends, | ami gave earnest of future success. Our j friends from Alabama did not win, but they showed us some ‘good tins,’ and we wish them belter luck next time. Previous to the best three in five, a match came off’ between Iverson So Bonner’s !>. f. Maria Reeves, by Wild Bill, lam by Tuno | ieon, and Edmondson’s hr. in. Charlotte | Barnes, by Bertrand, dam by Sir Andrew, |sloo aside; mile heats. The first mile was I won by Maria, in 1.53, hard in hnr.d; the (second was won by Charlotte in 1.51, after I which Maria was drawn. 1 \ EVEN i PUI. MORNING. THE BASE INCENDIARY ! THE BRUTE ASSASSIN !| On Monday momma;, between the hours of I three and Four o’clock, the alarm of fi e was given, and the lurid flame was seen burstingi forth in the direction of Court House square. Go hastening to the spot, we found the Court | House wrapped in fames, as also the offices jof the Clerks of the Superior and Interior! , Courts, standing on trie same lot, some twenty | yards distant from trie Court House, andj [being entirely separate. \ The old Court] i House was but triflino’ in v'shte, and beside,! . . . . ‘ our city authorities are m the act os building anew one; but the great inconvenience andj j loss consequent upon the fire, is found in the i j fact of the Cleiks’ offices being destroyed, together with all the books, papers, etc. con nected with the offices, and appertaining to ( tty? Superior Court more especially, as the fail term of said Court was to have com , menced its session on the same day o the j ; catastrophe, namely, last Monday. , This was doubtless the work of an incen [ diary—some pitiful, base wretch, who proba-j b!y stood amenable to the requirements of. tile law, at the present term of Court, either , ]in criminal or civil prosecutions, and who lighted the torch with his own vde hand, that] he might witness at the dead hour of night, 1 when vigilance herself had (alien asleep, the; iconsummation of his fiend-like wishes, and; • have the hellish pleasure of saying to himself,I i thus pryi,;fuih the retard! k ! Poor fool! let him know that justice can not be burned, but is of herself a consuming j flame to tiie wicked. On the same morning, a most brutal act was committed by a negro man upon an old colored woman and her daughter, who lived without protection in the suburbs of the city. Whilst they were sitting at breakfast, the negro man entered the house with an axe, and commenced his tbul work by striking the old woman a blow upon the head with the axe, which brought her to tiie floor, and then turning to the daughter gave her a similar blow, breaking her skull, aid leaving jier i:i a situation from which it is doubtful whether she will recover. These acts were commit ted—as acknowledged by tiie negro man on his examination before Justice Clarke— with a view to plunder and rob, the old woman Judah having in her possession, as we have been informed, some five or six hun dred dollars. The villain, however, missed his booty, having obtained only a pocket-hook containing the woman Judah’s free papers, hut no in ney. The wretch is now in jail, awaiting his trial. The night preceding tiie perpetration of the foregoing deeds of bold and vilianons daring, a forgery was committed, and three horses sfolerftfmm a stable in the city. Verily, it is high time that our good citi zens had awakened to the protection of their lives and property; and,we call upon the police to sum lip from their lethargic slum bers—organise a regular and efficient patrol —establish committees of vigilance, and blow the blast of terror ami alarm to prowling vagabonds, thieves and murderers, who hang as nn infernal incubus upon the skirts of our population. The hand of the robin r is in your pocket : ! the torch .■; the incendiary is under your, -!.,-,..u;r,rr ns) .t :, e j, : . ,jf tfig murderer is at j vour thru ;l Awake; awake!! awake!!! and defend yourselves. The Superior Court met on Monday morn ing at the Council room, was organised, ant! in consequence of the destruction of the Court House and Clerk’s office by the fire, adjourn ed till the second Monday i<i December next. I We see by the election returns, that a gen- j tleman by the name of is elected to the j Senate of Georgia from Glenn county We | would most respectfully enquire, whether this ! i is the same gentleman who is elected to Con- j | gress ; and if so, as he is prohibited under the i j Constitution from holding both offices, which ! j does he intend to resign ? Cotton. —The market is very brisk. There ; are scores of buyers, abundance of money, j and high prices afloat. j sales on yesterday, 10 l -da 11 1 -2 cents. Spur up your mules, planters, the mer chants are waiting for you. Irwinton Herald. —This paper lias be n napping for some time pa at • ; the :•* •*- banks of the Ch. . thooehee, but the whistling winds of old October have a wakened its dormancy, and we are pleased to read from the editor’s pen, that i's publication will be henceforth continued uninterruptedly. theatre. Tiiere are theoi? who nightly appear on the i boards of this establishment, greatly to the an noyance of the audience, (which is usually in- j telligetit) and who, out of pure respect to the ‘immortal bird,’ should never attempt to spout his productions. Gag. gag, gag, whew, whew, whew. O, shade of Shakspeare, res! j ve quiet until these lb;d murderers of thy j genius betake themselves to some other quar ter ! But there are those again who, having ! adopted tlie profession as their favorite one, ‘ and blending with it mental requirements j and exertions, stand forth, on most occasions, in their proper parts, prepared to instruct and please. At the head of this list, as best deserving of rank, vve must place . Mr. Whi ting. Although riot a siarof dazzling bright ness, yet he is the chaste and gentle light, which shines with pure and steady beam, and on which the beholder may gaze with quiet and increasing satisfaction. His performance of the Stranger, on Tuesday evening, was marked throughout with grace and strength, and showed how closely and accurately he had studied the part. Some of his readings were beautiful, and *his voice, though weak, is soft, touching, and musical. His studious habits, should his health sustain him, wifi advance him to tire highest walks of the drama. * Mrs. Hart, the accomplished lady of the manager, has been often paragraphed in the newspapers of this city, as well as in sister’ cities; but although known, she is not pro : perly appreciated. Heis is not the style of acting which will carry a house as by storm, but rather the quiet, gentle ‘ play,’ which in sinuates upon ttie feelings, end rules by per suasion rather than by force. She is a self taught actress, without the advantages to be derived from highly finished schools; h it still she would not suffer by a comparison with many who ha're been brought up at the fee* of Melpomene. H; it is the hoy fir merry making—always comes witii a budget of • fun and frolic,’ ar.d ! forever throws the house into •convulsions.’ Clan-; lias improved, and is improving, but is not sufficiently accurate in his readings; he is not quite as fond of the author as of him. elf. j While reading Bennett’s Herald at the | ‘Sans Sooci’ t’other night, a gentleman ob served that Mr. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Ad ! darns, were daily expected. Let them come ; they are ail first-raters. Who wouhl’nt love | to see Forbes’s Hamlet, Adda ms’s Virginias j | or Macbeth, and Airs. Ad da ms’s Lady Mac beth? Hart an old fox; he knows what will cram the house.— Go it Tom—go it Jerry- Mr. Franklin's Benefit. —This gentleman, who, it will be recollected, played Mazeppa [ formerly in this city, will take a benefit to ; morrow night. He has been extremely un fortunate in transporting his beautiful horse ; called Mazeppa, from New York to Charles- j ton; having suffered in a severe gale, (as ( may be seen in another column,) and has purchased the house of Air. Hart, as we learn, for to-morrow n’ght, on which occasion the | public’s o! 1 favorite, Bailey, has volunteered his-~crr:ces. We are notable to say what: the play will be, but we are assured of a first- j rate entertainment, and lots of fun. Herr b’chmidt, r.-q., the accomplished and talented Mali ... 1 leader of ttie Ochesfra, says the music shall be ‘better as nice.’ \Y e take occasion to say of the music at ! inched to the Theatre, that it would not dis credit even the great Park itself. How can the south, always the steady and unflinching opponent of any increase of Ex ecutive power, agree to unite the purse and the sword in the hands of the President by advocating the dangerous project of a Slib- Trcasury. — jV. Y. Star. Upon the ground that we have more con fidence in our general government, than we have in Nick Biddle. A New York paper says, that Morris’ lines of ‘ Woodman spare that tree,’are applied to Bunker Hill Monument. The first time we ever heard of the aforesaid monument being a tree. Gen. Morris will have to remodel his pretty song, and the ladies will be forced to elongate a note and sing, ‘ Woodman spare ’ that monument. ’ Ob! what a head song to sing—Pa, I must learn somethimg else. For the Sentinel and Herald. THE ELECTIONS. So it appears from the results, so far as ascertained, that tiie Clay and Bank ticket for Congress in Geor gia iias succeeded, aiul this State wilt be regularly en tered on the ti~-;, as a Ciay and Biddle State!! sand we presume that a regular Ciay and Bank electoral ticket for President, v.i'd be nominated by the party in power. We draw these conclusions from the fact, that Messrs. Habersham and Dawson, being avowedly ill favor of Mr. Clay and a United States Bank, have each received perhaps the highest vote in the State, and the whole balance of the ticket being avowedly oo uosed to a constitutional Sub-Treasury, have all been elected. Under these ciicumstances, there can be no doubt that the opposition parly will cling to the princi ples which have brought them into power, and that j they will support Mr. Olay for the Presidency. ‘ldle question then is fairly at issue in the State of i Georgia. Mr. Clay for the Presidency, with his Nu [>tonal Bank, high tariff', and federal principles. Mr. j Van Baron, with a constitutional Sub-Treasury, and We are ;. <, a nut for the conlest. Let tire lines b distinctly drawn and well defined ; there can be no half wav ground in this question W batiie for principle ; :*r. struggle for trie tights of the south the liberties of | our pe’ | , jj „c : ran w*. smut nave the consdiui.o.. I hue, iat w fail in a righteous and glorious cause, j But w . , uU f ear (i le result; the triumphs of fede ralism ,always been but momentary, and although iit may .„, w be in t! • ascendency in Georgia, it will be • dem jits , v< j - u suddenly as its triumph has been unex \ posted. v. DEM'iCß.iTtl’ REPBEUi!t, Fur the Sentinel and Herald. PUBLIC MEETING. Mono \v, September 24, IS3S. At a moot] , ~f q- citizens of Albany, Baker county. Gu.. tv>, ;| u . purpose 0 f forming a Society for tip suppression f Gambling in the village and vicini j'Y !, oi M>>r: LOa j Alexander, Esq. was called to i the t ,:.ur, and 11. . lrv c. Bragg appointed Secretary. | 1 he object <f the timet in - being explained by the • ‘aatrnein, tho lullo Constitution was read and \\ “ the underspent ,j ) believing it to be a duty which we owe o our Geit, t - our country, to society, and to ourselves, hereby agrt • to form a Society, therbject of which shall be to u <uu-.h.m in :!>•• v ‘.la/., and immediate vicinity f Albanv. We believe it to ’>• an evil which if | era utrd to exist, will it jure the pro perily ‘X village, corrupt the morals of our | voulh ar.d other ire oxcrcft ean evil influence through j o'.: sp.'tety. V, c know it to hi an evil, the effects of j whn h hav ■ driven perronsof ail ages, from the youth jto the r rat -haired, into the depths of poverty, degrada tion and misery—an evil which not only robs its vic tim of tin earthly substar.ce. but. it robs him of that w'n;w is far more valuable, his virtue. his reputation, j h> s triends, and finally, b ! s hopes of future hartpiness. lltis an evil which has deprived many a worlh . .inidy of Us last support and hot e, and society of some oi its !•••■•’ memo rs and brignu-st w. ••ments. In short jamb ’ . pai .. and nursc'of many , art’ ,nsv. •: | com:vivo it to I.i t'l-d ty of every good citizt n t.> make use of all honorable means for the promotion of moral ity and the general _ > id, we hereby adopt anil pledge otirsei-- s to support the following constitution : This Society shall i. known n ‘lie ‘ Albany Ao*i crnb'li.g ‘-!-. i-dy,’ and its regular meetings shall be on the so > : !i Saturday of every month. •- ‘ii i ;iv. i } • : j kti t 1 : y tii rvrry fmuei •u . The office s shall eons:- 1 of a President. Vice Pre salent Secretary, and Treasurer, who he Heeled j hy ! allot miiioally. and o P;o. • enter to be drawn r-t each regular inretinsb from whicli draft the efficern j shall lip exempt. I The ‘. esid nt shall call, moetiffs of the Society at i niiy t in- i !>a ho r.iav think it necessary for the promo- I lion ot io, oiijcu s i t the Society, or upon the appli ! cation of two members in wri'ing. He shall preside I and cond'ict the business at nl! ‘heir nt etings. and see that ‘he constitution and laws of the Society arc strict !lv adhered to. In the absence of the Prosecutor, ho j shall assume the duties and responsibilities of that I office. The Vic? Prrsi'h nl shah araumr all the duties J ‘ J responsibilities of (he FrrsFenf, in his absence. The Secretary shall !;< ep a record of fill the hnsi j ness and proceedings o’ (he Socie'v. subject to their • inspection arid correction or approval, j The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due to the ] Socit tv and hold the same subject to their order. The prosecutor shall cause a warrant to be issued against any person who shall he known to violate any law of this B<ato against gambling, binding lum to p pear at t!ie next criviiinw court which has jurisdiction thereof who, he shall appear with his witnesses against, the accused, an 1 prosecute the case to judgment. T? hall be the duty of each individual member of tlvs f-'ooietv. to make use of a'l honorable means to ob tain information of anv smmb'ing that mnv he carried on in the village or imuiediafe vicinjtv of .Albany, and report the same to the Prosecutor, to whom thev shall render every n* ressT’ v assistance, and protection in the discharge of his du ! v. The else ten of nv role rs and all o'her questions not ot'u r'-vise provided for shall he decided hy a majority o the members present at any meeting of the Society. ihds constitution shall not he altered, except by the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members belong ing to the Society, at a regular meeting of the same. kite Society Own proceeded to the eleetirn of offi cers. when Mermen IV!error Esq. was e'ectcd Presi dent, IWordecai Alexander Vi-e President. IT. C. Bray?. Secretary IT. B. Gunncrson. Treasurer, and F. Midcalf Pro’ ecufnr. \ Gu mo*ion it was ordered That the Secretary have the OonsGtigion of tl is Society published in the Co lumbus Sentinel and Ftiquirer ‘he R ioi,. v th rn adjourned until the fourth Satur day in October next. I MORBETA r ALEXANDER, Chairman, c, ] Henry (J. Bragg. Secretary. To the Editors of the Federal Union : Gentlemen: On Saturday last, a handbill was presented to rt.e with the request that I would peruse i( ; on doing which, I was not n little astonished at the glaring statements, or rail) r charges, it contained against Dr. Alexander, tlie Principal Keeper of the Pen iieui ary. The piece alluded 10, is signed 1 V> m. L. Griffin,’ which 1 hope you will give a place in your columns, that'the Doctor may have an opportunity, if false, of refuting— :f true, that the public may see the prospect 1 of reformalion among the inmates of the in stitution. ! cannot believe i ; nor will I, un ci the Doctor cries out, 1 True, O, King.’ Can ii be po-sible that the Doctor, \x ho en joys the communion of the Presbyterian Church, and who was so very strict when h<? first cam ■ into office, as to forbid the guard j from playing on the violin, should row coun tenance such wanton and lascivious conduct by those over whom lie has control ? Can it be true that lie j.ns suffered such conduct as j is stated by Mr. Griffin, to pass with impuni ty —in fact, even sanctioned it —when he has inflicted the severest punishment on others for rerimes of comparatively a trivial nalure? !f these charges are true, the Doctor must certainly have 4 gouged’ the beam out of his own eye, when he saw the mote in ibe eyes of those to whom he gave ‘ Moses’ Law’for trying to escape from * durance vile.’ But, as I am told the Doctor reads your paper you will please give him an opportu nity of speaking for himself, by publishing ! the article that it may meet his eye, and by so doing, much oblige his friend, HENRY. TO THE PUBLIC. Having been discharg'd as a sergeant of the guard at the Penitentiary, as I conceive without any just cause, I feel it my duty to | utnke a plain statement of facts. Noi bug before I was discharged, Ihe Prin cipal Keeper, Dr. Thomas W. Alexander, said to me, that he had understood some of the guard had been betting on the election, I and further remarked, that he hail taken them without distinction of party, but if they we ■against the party xelm nut f dm in power