Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, October 18, 1838, Image 3

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Vsntld not do. On the next day he came to me and raised the subject again, and in the course of the conversation/ he (no doubt thinking as I was under him 1 dare not resent the insult) accused rue of lying, and said I had been in trie habit <>( teilmg lies, to which insult, I, as a freeman, replied, that he, or any other ruan, who said so, was a liar; and this has been made the ground of rnv removal, after having discharged mv duty faithfully lor eighteen months. It now remains for the public 1o decide whether I was right in repelling the insult asT. I did, or whether I should have submitted to ’ it like a slave. Bui as the Doctor is equally responsible to the public tor his conduct, ami as his attempt to injure me places him where lie can have o claim io my sympathy, I deem it a duty to myself and my country, to make puhjw; certain acts which he has done since lie has. leen in office, that they may whether or not he has complied with the obligations of the oath required of him on taking charge of the important trust confided (o him ; and whether tie should he continued in the respon sible siaiion which he occupies. I slate positively, that on a certain occa sion, he had a negro Jiddler brought into me Penitentiary—let the convicts oil’ from work, and a dance commenced in the yard in his presence and with his sanction ; and then he had the women let out <f the chapel, and all hands went into the harness department, (a large room) where the dance was kept up hv both sexes fir several hours. He, on another occasion, gave a written ‘ order to one of the I) *puty K eepers to allow the women and four of the men (mention ing their names in the order) to promenade the yard 1 arm in arm,’ which they did lor se veral hours. This has since ?cen repeatedly done by his permissioi. He has permitted two or three convicts to remain out of their cells at night, and two of the women to remain at night in the chapel, where those men can approach them at their pleasure. And not many days since, a con vict who was allowed this privilege was in town until a late hour at night, drunk, and on his return to the Institution bid defiance to one of the Deputy Keepers. The foregoing are facts, incontrovertible. The public can j idge of t’ e estimate which should be placed upon his accusation against others of lying. Mark the fid flit if with which helms discharged his oath of office; bear in mind the scriptural assurance: ‘bv thrir fruits shall ye know them and then decide whether he is a fitting head for the institu tion over which he presides. \VM. L. GRIFFIN. Supporting the Press. —Taking a newspa per three or fouryears, and when dunned liar the money, getting in a pet, refusing to pay, and discontinuing the paper. CITY HALL, Columbus, Ga. ) October 10, 1839. J Called meeting of Council,-1 o’clock P. ivt. Present his Honor the Mayor, and Aldermen Hoop er, Williams, Lewi-, Wans, Davis, Ciripluy, Allen, Li rooks ami Hodges. By Aidonnan Ohiplev : Resolved, That the reso lution passed March i7th, authorising certain indivi duals to provide for Hot ks, Ladders, &c. at the ex pense of Council, be and is lici t by rescinded. Resolved, Thai the Committee on Lire Engines be instructed to provide 6 llooks ami Ladders. Resolved, That his Honor the Mayor lie authorised to oiler a reward of lor the apprehension abd conviction of the incendiary or incendiaries who tired the Court House un i Clerk’s Oliiee, of lhi county, on this morning, the 15di inst-, in addition to any reward which m ay be ottered lay the Inferior Court. Application from sundry citizens, praying the erec tion of a Lamp at the east corner of Oglethorpe and Baldwin streets, was read nd prayer granted. Aldermen Ghipley and Lewis, and Capt. M. N. Clarke, were appointed bv his Honor the Mayor to ex amine the brick work of the Hewers, and report in conformity to the resolutions of Council. Council then adjourned auis die. A true extract from the Journals. J. ROBERTS, City Clerk. Communicated. : OBITUARY. Died, in Charleston, o:a the Ist cf October, Mr. Charles Young, Tragedian, aged 65. Mr. Y. was English by lairila and education, and was bred to the service, but left the army for the stage, and continued to tread the boards unit, a shur. time la- fore his lie hud been an actor On the American stage for a period of thirty years ; and was well and favorably known, from Boston to New Orleans, both as an ex cellcnt actor of the old school, and as a geiatlt man of polished mama rs, and many amiable qualities m private life. Farewell—‘ Othello's occupation’s gone'.’ fiv’-*..*—. r >.- wrur.-. •.•xitiw: .. ‘. COBUAI BUS P’ilCihlS Cl niUh.N i’. COKUECIED WEEKLY’ BV ALLEN AN 1 > Ull'.Va. AtariuLss. rait'KS. BAGGlNG—Kentucky, - - yd Cl) 25 aGO 2S Inverness, ------ yd 00 22 ulo do A men. til Low, - - - - vd Ohio <{U)l7 BALE'RUPE, ‘ib 00 Id a ODD BACON—Hum , - - - - ib 00 18 a Oat d0 Sides, - -- -- -- lb oo 17 a .00 18 Saouldors, ------ lb 00 11 aOO id BEEF—Mess, ----- Obi 1600 a 1700 Prime, ------- bbl 75U a 900 BUTTER—Goshen, - - - iti 00 do aOO 371 Western, - - - - - - ” Ib 00 do aOO 31 CAN DEES—Sperm, - - - Ib 00 4b aSO 00 Tallow. ------- U> 00 15 aOO dl) CASTINGS, ----- |f> 600 a 700 CHEESE —Noithern, - - - 11a CO i7 aOO 25 COTTON, lb GO 10j GO 11 j COFFEE—Havaima green, - ib 00 15 uOO 16 Kara, - Ib 00 13 aOO 15 FlSH—Mackerel, No. I, - - Ib 00 Ida 00 14 ’’ “ 2, - - Ib 10 00 al2 60 “ “ 3, - - ib 900a0 50 “ Herrings, ------ box 200 00 00 FLOUR —Northern, - - - bbi 11 (i0 al2 00 Western, ------ bbi 10 (hi ulO 50 Country, ------- bbl 900a10 00 GRAIN—Com, ----- bu 175a00 8J Wheat. ------- laa 02 (X) aOO 00 GUNPOWDER, ’- - - - keg 7’>o .-50 HIDES, ,l> 0( 7 /. t • c IRON, lb 00 6 a O ‘I LARD, - - - - - - - Ib 00 11 aOO 12 LIME, - - - - - - - - cask 400 a 500 MOLASSES—N. Orleans, - ga! Qu 50 aOO 55 NAILS, ------- ib 00 9 oi. iO PORK—Moss, ----d) UU d3 <* 00 25 Prime, ------- ib 00 15 * 002'. PEPPER, ------ lb In ’ nd 15 PEAS, - I,ai 1 !td a 170 RAISINS, ------ box 250 a lit . RICE. - - - - - - - - lb 00 6 a6O 7 SPIRITS—Brandv, Cognac, ga! 175n 225 Peach, ------- ga’ 1 12| 150 Apple, ------- gal o*3 5S aOO 8 ‘ GlN—Holland, ----- rj.l 15’ <* 175 Domestic, ------ sat5 a t 00 G5OO 7 J REM—Jamaica, ----- g :l | |77 n 225 Domestic. oil 00 58 aOO 62 3 WHISKEY—Irish, - - - gal 00 00 a 400 ’ M anongahela, ga! 00 87’r I Ufa New Orleans, . a l 00 55 aOO 0 SUGAR—New Orleans, - ib 00 10 aOO 16 St. Croix, lb 00 Id aOO it; L ivt, -------- lb 00 25 aOO 35 SALT, sack 353 a 450 SOAP, lb 00 S aOO 10 SHOT, Ib 225 a -2 50 STEEL —Cast, ----- lb 00 Germ in, ------ Ib (FO 00 aUO 15 Blistered, ------ lb 00 id 00 20 r ALLOW, lb 00 8 aOO 9 TEA—Green, lb 100 a 150 B k. -• lb 00 00 aOO 75 TOBACCO—In si qualify, - - Ib 00 iO aO9 ’ ) Sevan! quality. - - - - lb 00 15 aOO 25 WlNES—Madeira,L. P. - - gal 300 a 350 Sicily, ------- gal |SO a 175 Malaga. ga! 00 62 j a 00 70 <‘iaret, Marsel.les, - - - box 500 a 61 11 Claret. Bordeaux. ... box 600 a 700 -a—wo ■ iii ■■■■■■■—a—r r C3 & W<<are authorised to announce WM. MAR TIN.of DoK i b county, as a c.aai ii five for re,-lection to ‘he office of D aor Keeper of the House of Repre sentatives, at the ensuing session. Get. 4 IS3S 3 THEA T R E . On THURDAY EV ENING.Oct. IS, wid be per formed the tragic play of PIZARRO ; Or the diMh t, f Rolla. Ilolia, Air. Whiting. Orozembo, Air. Hart. Cora. v , fairs. Hart. Elvira, \ • Airs. Carter. Overture- by the Orchestra. The v.hole to conclude with the laughable fame of A DAY IN PARIS ; Or l;n Fern dc Protein. In which Airs. IIART wid sustain FIVE CHA RACTERS. -Sam, Mr. Clark. J CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION RETURNS. ’ UNION. ~~ STATE RIGHTS. ‘ 2? < £ g 2 * p 3 • £ij? ‘■ % -T’ - ■, - 2 t 5 * < -i ■ r 5 4b 0 3 % a lie.. ,t V i 1 • 5i - 5 S 5 5... s s j s ; I . 5 g ; i * i l •+ *. ‘ S•• * i • 5 • • •*| • A,wG!ig, -a* 91 92 fd 91 j 89 | S0' T St ! 92 j 47” 4J j 43 46 49 I 47 f 43 37 IS£r !i ’ • * mi u’- ‘‘n 4 2 ni ‘ IS! * BS i 294 - 7J 330 320 I 344 350 337 00! 335 f 321 3t2 *5? i 208 1 219 206 207 ‘j 117 113 j 113 115 115 109 113 ! 117 121 1 o OJ; i, s ~* | 5-4 bzi) j 619 57 i 5G9 j 676 SSI 596 Li3 579 j 557 546 *™ f ?!ui aJ =4 a nd! i 1 1! S 1 1 1; %i 1 % Ur’ 147 *7! I*4 in 126 I 148 : 624 648 ! 647 616 614 637 1 592 1 65a 612 3 ; 041 *4* 340 | 00l 341 j 341 343 341 i 216 212 1 223 215 215 214 215 2!5 213 ,"**1"!, ‘ ll ’ 2lj 2 3 214 ! 211 213 1 gj] 213 i 214 124 123; 123 125 ! 1.23 122 107 j 120 117 ‘.ampjeil, jt>4 470 445.- 4-1 4>6 4od • 467 455 I 397 ’i 251 1.6 i *203 ! 171 171 220 ! 177 185 171 ‘7 4 d 4 4 i~ 448 40 ~ 445 | 455 415 174 167 169 | 202 ! -15 Jls IS2 161 | 167 155 * ° 3 mi '! 029 ° 37 S3.J ; 537 527 j SSS ! 347 34! j 361 | 356 333 344,1 356 < 336 311 Glia.ham, 4 3 4-9 455 4ou 455 4,5 ! 454 492 j 4.2 II 320 326 333! 338 ! 325 315 277 322 321 Columma, .g‘2fc 229 223 223 224 223! 224 226 226 1 34 . 341 361 357 345 316 343 • 312 345 ’ 4G ’ 4 d >9 ! 406 456 I 456 | 4H j 458 292 287 298 290 j 281 290 289 287 286 Cherokee ‘&? S2? 887 665 666 631: 592 575 566 563 568 575. 5-37 564 569 Cherokee, b4l 332 Ml o-_8 314 345 325 320 ! | 193 186 222 194 1 187 203 ! dl4 185 I 184 ,ar i *’ 317 324 315 349 3 ‘9 3*6 316 CIS 329 54> 533 601 517 514 534 517 53.3 | 537 iff 6 -° 63j 607 617 (125 61J 624 606 6- 6 232 283 302 276 i 231 274 28l ”74 27’ 1232I232 254 2:36 2.,4 234 250 236-1 ?4i 234 318 221 3)7 318 ! 313 313 316 316 ! 317 u. ivato, 629 6k, b.j.j 641 6.<6 6 15. 613 650 656 427 410 450 421 j 425 420 423 422 ! 424 | 321 330 332 333 323 333 ‘327 303 147 146 149 13d 136 (32 142 113 149 * ’-G®. 1 7g 74 72 7 i 73 75 at a a an lu 10 on us to 10 10 1; a a ’ I ff- (11 <4 01 /2 n 7 ‘ < 3 *‘ 2 71 71 70 19 13 ! 33 16 19 17 18 15 17 £*M y V 2,1 j • >l2 017 312 302 : 315 215 1 94 95 91 91 ‘ 88 82 : 93 85 81 ‘ Eihaiguarn, gg 82 82 ! 82 82 82 82 85 82 167 163 169 167 163 133 161 163 i 163 Emanuel 77 ,S ‘ 79 . 8U 74 74 79 75 83 j 867 679 879 873 678 875 SB4 676 IBM 435 43 | 43 J ! 429 427 425 428 429 402 543 349 359 347 342 .343 i 337 348 j 311 p’? a nd;, ffff 399 1 ? 9 3 ' 400 392 397 395 3e9 204 258 249 232 233 235 235 230 ! 2:7 I-: b • £ l3 317 518 5.8 520 507 210 j 202 I 216 2'Jl US 198 197 192 193 Gilmer ’ ! 11l 769 788 7)1 \ 752 769 552 j 392 i 420 391 394 358 3J4 397 I 384 . -® 3 -°' s I 209 198 £OB did 20.6 221 22 !23 27 23 21 ! 20 22 22 122 l ff : 13 1 3 13 13 is n i4 73 1 72 ; 72 71 72 67 10.3 70 1 71 Gwinne’it Cut -n a iAq ‘ can 44 27 41 i 42 06 763 | 759 777 764 ; 768 757 762 762 760 Haber hum £ 97 ‘? 4 939 G . J ff 695 685 819 | 694 755 ■ 689 | 474 ; 71)0 697 669 669 674 670 650 Had ’ r-i t-a \-- 5tJ 638 548 I 3:4 6-3 302 294 . 311 304 j -291 238 292 300 203 Hancock S3l 337 i 056 579 j 3-0 397 4IS 403 i 315 304 397 293 387 Hams ’ lit 111 ! It- H 232 *56 256 ! ’254 255 . 456 452 479 451 | 464 469 451 455 447 Heard* 337 33’ o’- 3l ! 8 327 3 ' B 329 li 717 717 729 1 714 713 703 711, 717 710 * 937 S2o 335 324 338 335 jj 258 207 267 ! 25) 247 249 248 256 245 Houston n In ffA ‘fi ’27 721 725 SIS 724 1 751 735 758 729 725 372 723 727 | 727 Irwin ’ - ill 194 li- to , e - 9 618 620 629 312 : 339 330 379 I 363 561 573 507 571 ! 565 | lack sou I*o 490 is, Jn 1 ,8 ° 187 203 198 193 1 4 13 11 i 4 ! 5 5 20 6 ! 37 I j“"r ’ tin ent °A\ i 437 433 489 435 5;8 j 500 492 509 491 493 „ 492 489 490 481 I j,'.-...,’ 5 A 093 593 j 596 5)3 510 507 513 ; 481 482 439 479 476 474 474 47! 465 i me .I Jfi ®{ 83 80 82 82 73 8g 410 403 4(2 412 405 407 411 404 403 ! , , ’ 413 44 ! 443 439 410 412 443 412 440 415 415 436 435 434 431 432 431 435 I l*“* ’ ,f . 4 , 4 ; 4 4 5 5 4 373 379 380 373 376 376 376 37.9 31 j n> I ’oi 14 1 13:3 147 141 148 15! 197 198 195 194 195 196 ‘196 199 204 r J -om’ 9 „ 9 '7 94 93 94 96 98 96 148 146 152 149 j 1 17 148 151 .145 142 , ’ * 33 162 lbi 163 161 164 163 164 ’253 254 257 252 250 254 252 249 249 t 9B i ~’/ 9 . I ‘; 2 207 208 194 208 207 230 323 333 324 322 ; 317 268 318 320 304 V,‘ l 3 ( 9 3 ‘ B 614 619 616 616 6t l 682 199 207 239 211 197 183 192 195 202 293 *? 3 2Go 302 297 299. 249 296 302 296 296 299 293 296 245 234 23 5 292 \luimo%h ?fi- no fee 949 34 ’ 330 330 349 349 303 301 393 303 298 303 30a j 306 308 Mclntosh, 16, 12 166 168 16S 170 160 17! 17. 87 83 92 87 87 90 Sri 87 £7 MertAetiier, 734 72a til <726 730 730 724 721 720 723 7! 4 712 691 706 697 701 696 709 Murray, 307 oO- 317 311 3 8 505 305 315 313 81 70 77 60 59 79 69 69 60 Muscogee, 694 (H 672 691 769 666 639 659 678 905 858 887 881 847 890 855 833 859 i 9 ’ I/,| 173I 73 9 182 172 173 134 IS2 ‘ 370 363 405 365 ! 372 404 368 306 356 Vorri’o’ rv 749 738 /3 f /38 734 732 832 737 738 1 780 778 794 781 765 730 769 756 771 -ar'E, t-n 1-n 1-1 ae- if 1 9 9 18) 185 190 185 195 194* 191 186 191 If If 171 169 170 133 163 ! 393 309 399 303 3)8 30- 309 310 305 -IV ~ ’ 293 377 484 381 334 376 331 3SI 375 745 733 557 750 747 700 735 | 743 746 i ‘,.orP e 73 id ,3 ,7 73 70 74 76 76 412 443 ; 454 455 440 1 434 440 431 413 D U,aK ‘ a 220 220 7 21 220 221 221 222 2-3 22.) 119 122 120 117 119 116 119 • H 7 123 I -j'laani, 203 197 194 195 200 195 194 200 196 5 6 546 568 519 556 522 563 1 550 553 , m, ;y 43 ’ 487 483 483 386 485 483 483 482 445 447 466 457 416 j 445 445 I 450 450 latticing, • 172 170 112 172 j 170 172 174 171 152 132 152 147 143 143 ! 144 14! j 144 141 Uabani 209 223 223 £4l 229 214 212 215 207 4 5 1 7 4 ! 4 4 4 I 4 K;mdo!|)!a 505 508 508 602 Sol 502 606 504 503 325 321 332 318 314 30! 316 314 ! 327 f! 4 ° 2 ff. 3(93 3i ,° 323 359 399 523 517 674 676 710 714 684 | CS2 707 652 I 661 7, “ lt > /2 ' 2 * 24 724 124 732 724 727 724 724 747 743 749 730 739 737 739 745 735 8 ' m ! 1!er * 289 30;) 293 237 302 295 SOI 289 3 0 412 414 414 4)2 413 410 410 4.0 1 439 ’*23 127 127 123 124 124 132 126 123 187 187 180 182 184 j 2B 192 I*4 j 186 laiaferro, 29 28 28 28 3J 27 2.8 29 28 420 416 416 413 419 i 423 421 420 i 411 4a . l ’ 8219 *l 829 826 I 813 829 i 815 810 820 816 828 816 825 814 819 819 818 ; 810 * SO6 421 j 427 426 424 425 426 426 423 425 3)4 395 397 390 339 j 392 39 j 398 ! 401 l-uinas, 57 ■ 80 60 1 63 82 t .52 98 70 102 303 331 324 290 286 285 372 320 341 * oUa!r ? 1 233 ; IjS 153 156 j 154 155 155 155 18.5 | 188 185 181 182 184 189 184 ! 192 I attnaJ, 47 : 62 62 63 63 ! 61 60 60 60 210 ! 213 213 209 196 209 225 20! j 2!4 r V°"i , > 241 j 245 239 242 237 ! 231 245 238 244 874 I 884 881 870 871 870 873 874 872 320 . 331 331 336 336 337 335 333 337 : 22 14 39 14 14 14 14 I 13 14 ‘! ,son ’ 328 | 424 410 406 407 4)4 408 411 418 51ri 520 529 523 515 ! 502 514 I 513 512 * a ' ne > 84 97 97 97 S3 92 82 100 97 | 45! 46 47 74 42 | 45 45 31 47 . 408 425 421 419 429 419 412 429 402 4 5 424 435 432 419 399 ] 422 435 407 Wilkinson, 42 377 370 361 381 373 376 372 384 878 378 382 375 379 MS 37) 173 372 “* lker 459 43.3 460 4a 1 455 415 457 440 454 380 ‘ 312 331 312 313 310 311 306 311 Warren 371 477 370 361 373 376 372 374 511 515 537 508 505 496 o 4 503 507 Washington, 511 511 oil 511 511 507 512 511 I 503 550 551 554 549 >4) 549 549 550 I 549 Walton, 694 691 698 616 067 637 685 6*5 • 694 383 383 419 330 336 i 375 380 374 i 372 Vn . rt h- 123 133 125 129 I>9 1 23 129 130 130 , 19 31 21 19 19J 23 40 18 I 32 STATE LEGISLATURE. •Appling. Hall. Smith. liibb. Taber,* Lamar,* Tracy. Baldwin. Hansrll,* Rockwell,* Hines.* Butts. Bailey, Goodman, Byers. Burke. Lawson.* Berrien,* Hurst,* Pat terson.* Baker. Holmes, Cawley. Bryan. Smith,* Maxwell.* Bulloch. Cone, Wilkinson. Crawford. Bradford, Carr, Hancock. Clark. Dougherty ,*Richardson,*Stroud, # Vincent.* Chatham. Gordon, Drvsdall, Bullock, Shafier. Columbia. Robertson,* Crawford,* Stap le;,* Giinby.* Camden. Atkinson, Clark, Cone. Campbell. Cochran, Watts,* White. Carroll. Springer, A wiry, Cobb. Cuss. Baker, Burnell. Clurokee. Camden, Ford. Cobb. Guess, Anderson. Coweta. Smith, Green, Dver l) ccatiir. Curry,* (Jhester,* Arnett. Dekalb. Wilson, Lemmon, Evans, Col lier. Doohj. Bowen, Graham. Dade. Hendricks, Street. J'ffingham. JVloruan,* Sanssv.* Ktbert. Alien,* Jones,* Harper,* Ham mond.* Early. Scarborough, Ward. Forsyth. Foster, Greene. Fayette. Still,* Marlin, Landrum. Floyd. J. Smith,* L ambeth. Franklin. Cleveland, Neal, Freeman, Ash. Glynn. King,* Scarlett.* Dart.* Greene. - Janes,* Cone,* M.isely,*Porter.* Gwinnett. Loveless, Hamilton, Stell, Ma gutre,* Pittman.* Gilmer. Eilerinuton,* Jones. He.U. Dimair;m,Hardiidge,Holling\vort!i, McClesky, Roberts. Hancock. Saver,* Sarsnet!,* Rabun,* Hudson.* Harris. Murphy,* Pryor.* Crawford. Jleard. Brown, Dodson. I bury. Seticrur,* Camp, Coker, Malone. Houston. Lawson, Kelley, Saddler, Bale man. Habersham. Maulden, Phillips, Shelton, San lord. Irwin. Sloane, Yonnay. Jefferson. rum. r,* Boyd,* Cain.* Jackson. Siiaw.*DeL:tperriere,*Horton,* Witt. Jasper. Jordon, Robertson, Waters, Wy att. Jones. Hutch.ns, Franks,* Renfroe, Day. Laurens. Wright,* Guyton,* Stanley.* Lincoln. Lamar,* Lockhart, Slatham.* Lee. Greene,* Janes.* Lowndes. Kni-ht,* Hall.* Liberty. Spencer,* Bacon,* Gauiding.* Lumpkin. Oharr, Stocks. .'■[array. Broun, Carroll. Jladison. Polk, Daniel!,* Pittman. Macon. Tilghltard, Hunt. Montgomery. McL-eland,* Ale Art bur.* Marion. Bivins,* Powell.* Mclntosh. McDonald, Mabry.* Lefils.* Meriwether. 2\lexander,* Fletcher, Chat field. Mmroe. Bfack,*Powell,* Lesieer,*Gaar,* | Turner. Morgan. Floyd,* Swift,* Whiting,* Stai- j I mgs. Muscogee. Calhoun,* Evans,* Howard.* , - \ewion. Williamson* Harris* Rey nolds* Clack. ‘ ! Oglethorpe. Ballups,t Hutchinson,t Wil- , j linhau;,t Hubbard.t Pike. Pryor, McDowell,f Neall. Putnam. Bianham,t Meriwether,t Whit field.t Sha w.f Paulding. Jone-,t Sparks.f Pulaski. Bust wick. Coliier, Johnson. Randolph. Move, Harrison. Richmond. Mailer,f Jenkins,t Crawford, 7 Rhodes, f Rabun. Mostly, Kelley, Cannon. Serioen. Greenc.t Prescott,! Conner. Stewart. Brvan,f Ball. Sumter. Tomlinson,t Suliivan.t Talbot. Drane, Sme-id.'t iiite. Taliaferro. Ha it is, t Stephens,t Chap j man.t “ - •* * Troup. Haralson,f Dougherty,! Webb.f Telfair. Rogers, Ft ter.f Tatnall. Surrericy.t Smilh.f Thomas. Heath,f McMillen.t Seward.f Twiggs. Pierson. Fitzpatrick,JDunidl. Upson. Gibson,f Aleadows.t | Cunnim haimt Union. Rmlierford, WelilFtm. Warren. Harris,t Lovve.t gers.f Washington. Curry,t Floyd,j; Wort!;en,| Jones, t Wilkinson. Beall. King-4 Murphy.± Wilkes. Andcrson4 Brown, Turner. J Fait on. Ecliols, Stroud, Bryant, Hand son. I Payne. Wiggins,! Raulerson. JPare . Matton, Htlltiwd. Walker. McFar!and4 Gross. * t 1 State Rights members. i FIVE HCKDRF.D DDLOLARS REWAitD, f N compliance with a rvaotunon of Jouncil, 1 here by ptfer a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS, for the apprehension un-.l convi. tioia of die m cendiary or inoendiaries who tired the Court House arid Clerk’s Oftioe, on the morning of the 15th of Octo ber. in this city. Given under my hand, this 16di Oct.. 1338. -7 61 J. S. CALHOUN Mayor. ONE THOUSAND DOLL A1? S REWARD. A I’ a called meeting of he Inferior Court of Mus- i cogee county, it was ordered lay said Court,that * reward of ONE THOUSAND’DOLLARS be offered for the apprehension and conviction of the in cendiary or incendiaries, who set fire to -he Cota t House and Clerk’s office of said county on the morn ing of the 15th inst., and that the inf rior Court will pay the above reward-as soon as said apprehension and conviction shall take pi ac . iaj .addition to the re ward offered by llie City Council of Columbus ; and ! ordered ihat this be published in the three ‘jaz.ettes of I this city N. McLESTER, Clerk, i Oct. 18 IS3S. 37 2t MUSCDGEE SUPERIOR COURT, . OC ToiJER TERM 1833 .Adjourned to the 2 J Monday in Dec. next, j OtDEREIJ that the Grand Jurors summoned to i a’ten I this Court on the Monday afier the fourth i Al Midav in October, ore ordered t . attend said Court <>n tne second Monday in December next; and that! ! the Petit Jury subpoenaed to attend the sai l Court on | the Thursday after the fourth Monday in this instant • will atten I said Court on the Thursday after the third ‘ Monday in December next and that the Clerk do ! cause this order to be published in the several “azettes I in this place. October 15 183S. A true extt act from the minutes of said Court. GERARD BURCH Clerk. Wi'tavsses bound by subpGsna or other M-e, to af fend the Superior Court, at he < ‘ctober term, 1838 and all oilier persons interested will take notice oftha above order for ‘he adjournment of s aid Court Oct 17.1838. 37 It GERARD BURCH.'CIerk. ‘ TO BUILDERS. WD'iOPOSALS wi I be received at the Clerk’s of- ! MT free o'"the Int.-rior Court of Muscogee county-. the Ist. duv of January next, far building and corn pleting a JAIL Far -uid county,according to a plan to i be seen a; s.iad ofSce B. order of the Honorable the Inferior Court N. McLESTER, Cierk. October 18,1338. 37 ts ISEAV AUCTION AND COMMISSION I FWNIIE undersigned will open a house in the above I Jj. business, on Broad stre. r, at the old stand of jJ. T. NILES & Cos., on the 22d OCTOBER Ait business entr asted to heir care wid meet with prompt j attention. They wail at tern! to the having of Cortoai; I also to the receiving ands irwarding G’ods. BENJAMIN B. MORRELL W-ALTBR S. C. a ONGE. ’ Tl £FERENCES. George Whitman N. Orleans. S e-vart ic Cobb. \ do J imes M. arltota. Mobile. Stanton it f ilerd. do • Cummings & Smfccr, Montgomery. McKenzie & Adams, do S. Al. Robinson, do Beni. \Yi son. do J. \V. S. Read, do J. S. Calhonn Columbus. \Vm. P. Yongc, do J.T Niles, do IE. & F. Vad'ev, do Columbus, Oct. 17, 1838. 37;f j i GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY. ]ETHEIiEAS Fclsum C. Pickat. administrator on the estate of Thomas R. Cochran !a*e ot said i countv deceased, app let* to me for letters of d.smis sion on the said estate — These are therefore to cite and admontsh all and sin gular the kindred an I creditors of said deceased to be ! and appear at mv office within the time prescribed bv i a ,to show cause, if any they have, why sa-.J letters should not be crau’ed. Given under nay hand at office. Oct. 11 1838. ‘ J S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. PIANO FUiITES. THE subscribers respectfully inform ihe public generally, trial they have t >r sale a variety ol those justly celebrated PI ANO FORTES, maniaVac ttired by Messrs. Nunns. C aik & Cos. of New York which for durability, workmanship; and brilliancy of tone are not surpa tsed by any others manufactured in the United Slates. Lovers of music, and those de sirous of purchasing, are requested to call and exam ine them, as they wall ha sold on tiie m >st reasonabl •iSWfts—.. PLANT & NORTON. Columbus, Dcf. V 2-. 37 3t A DAI I NIST 11 ATOH&- SLItK. be sold, oaa the first Tuesday iii” BSe. es OEMBER next, at tha Court House dooi-Jii Columbus, a large quantity of Cabinet Maker’s Tools, parts of two unfinished Pianos, and one valuable Work Bench. S aid as the property of Win. key, deceased. MICHAEL BARSOHALL, Adm’r. Columbus, Oct. 17.1838. 37is RStIOVAL. fWNIIE subscribers would respectfully inform their JsL friends thro ‘ghoul the Carphnas and Georgia, that they have removed from their old stand, 2c-l • Kiug-streast, to No. 1 Graniie Rang ;, comer of Meet ing and Pearl streets, where they are opening a splen did stock of DOMES TlC.and DIRECT IMPORT ED ENGLISH and FR..NCH DRY GOuDS, which they offer to their fr.c nis and customers al WHOLESALE, upon the usual liberal terms. FORT, i'OWNSEND & MENDENHALL. Charleston. Out. 5. 37 4t DRY GOODS* ■ subscribers are now offering an extensive as jti. soriincntoi Btiiishand French DRYGOODS, I selected by one of ihe partners in Europe, andiniport- Led direct. Aiso a large Stock of American Dry i Goods, which they offer for sale can favorable terms, at No. 2, in the Granite Range on Pearl-s reet. BANISTER & LANNF.AU. Charleston, Oct. 5. 37 4t DUV CiOODS. rMIHE subscribers inform uaeir friends andcustom -Si. ers, ihat tuyy are in the receipt ot a larg* and rieii assortment of fresh Impoited British. French, In j dia and American DRY GOODS, which they offer tor saie on favorable terms, at No. 3 Granite Range, jPearl-st. WILEY, LANE & CO. Cimrleston, Oct. 5. 37 4t SADDLERY, | Sign of the Black H.irsc Head. No. 4 Pearl-street. ’ fj| hJti tv stib.ciioerv removed .rum then old j jH. re.-idence, No. 289 King-street, are now open ing a largo nd splendid Slock ct SADDLES. BRI DI.ES, 6c. &c. Also a complete assortment ot Sad diery Hardware, imported direr- from England, winch they are no.v oil. ring for sale 0:1 accommodating irrin-, a t eir new store. No. -i Pearl-Sireel, sign of the Black Horse Ho at, Charleston S. C Oct. 5 37 4t HAKKAL, HARE & CO. TiiE SUBSCRIBERS U" Kr7TT 'AV E received by rceeii. arrivals, anew .nd handsome assortnieni ol BRi t tSii and ioO [ iVI e.S TIO DRY GOODS.suited to the season, which they iffer al Wholesale at their Store, No. 5 Pear.- sireet. on accmniniodai-hg terms. ’ G. 2c G. U. KELSEY 2c HALSTED. Charleston, Oct. 5. 37 4t HATS, CAPS, &C. subscribers nav r. ceived from their Manu- Jt factory, b. recent airivals from the North, an ! extensive assor.tnent ot HATS and CAPS o the ia ; test fashion, .viaich they oilbr tor sale, at their-store No. 6 Pearl-street, on accommodatin’ tea ins. W.-.ED & FANNING. Charleston, Oet 5. 37 4t BtJOTS, SSIOESj BOSrißfSj ccC* THE suo-cri ers nave received by recent arrivals tro.n the North, an nsiv. assort *ont of the above Goods m a heir line, Inch they offer for saie at their Store No. 7 Pearl-st.,on accommodating terms. HATCH FLEMING R CO. Charleston, Oct. 5.” 37 4- ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN GOODS. rgXHE sub scriber iniorms ins fri. nds and custorn- Jii ers, that he has received by late arrivals, direct from Europe, ala ge and elegant assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY,” AND FANCY GOODS, of entire new stvie and patterns, selected by hints-if an pers n an the i .ngush, French, and German markets, which ar • offered for sate on t ie tiltst favorable terms, a; No. 8, 1 the Granite .ange. on Peart street HENRY W. CONNER. Chari sion, Oct. 5.- 37 4t TflEd SUB -aCrilhli!ilS gJS3 trQ t 0 mfi-rin rh ar coma ry liiemis that they have removed from the corner of King and George | s, ree.s, to No. 9 Granite Range. Pearl-street, where | thev are receiving a general assortment ol Bn ish and 1 Domestic DRY GOoDS, which they offer for saie ! on their usual terms. HYATT, McBURNEY & CO. I Charleston. Oct. 5. 37 4t AGEJICT FOR THE SAJLE OF CHICK.” Ei'iXG ii CO.’S PIASO POK'fES. SMITH. GRIMES & Ho. have been made Agents for the sale of PIANO FOR I ES. from the celebrated Mmu aciory of Chickering tz Cos., B >ston ; and are preoared to furnish any description of Piano Fortes, at the Mannfactur. r’s prices, deli- j vered at this place, with the addition only of the charge ’ of transportation from Boston ; and on such terms as j will suit persons desirous of purchasing. Columbus. August 2,183?. 26tf ‘ L A XV . I THE undersigned, having associated themselves oge.'her lor Uie practice ol LA VV, at Lumpkin j Bio.vart county, will proinp lv attend to ail business, with which they mav be entrusted. A. M. HUGHES. U. S. MITCHELL. Lumpkin. Oct. 10 1838. 37m6;n 1 : _—xOs-i*- ——a TAX COLLECTORS SALE. t' 1 a IHEKE -.vili bes and at the Court House door, in JiL the toA nos Hamihon. Harris county, on the first I'uesday in tANUAKY, 1839.the fol owing property o wit: IG3 acres of land No. 34; m the 12th district. 4 h section Cherokee, levied on as the property of Vh r Fuller for his Tax due the State and County for 1337; Tax 32 cts. Also 40 acres of land No. 253. in the 4 h district Ist section Cherokee, evied >n as the property of Wm. Crane, to sail >fy his Tax due the S ate and County for 1837; Tax 275 cts. Also 2021 acres No. 140, in the sth district Ca roll county, levied on a* the property of David Funlor burk, to satisfy his Tax due the S a'e and County; Tax 59 cts. At the same li no and place, 250 acres of land No. 87. In the 13 h dis’rict of Early county levi ‘don as ihe property of Howel Hancock, to sa isfv his Tax due ’lie State and Coon tv for the vear 1837 ; Tax due, SI 14. WM. DUKE r. c. Oct. 12 IS3B. 37rs GEORGIA. S’ EWART COUNTY. ? STS JLLED before me. hv Arthur Miming, of thg ■H. 736th district G. M., one flea-bitten gray H JRSE, 9 or 10 years old. about four or five feet hi orh. . Apnraised l.v Mason H. Bush and Jarvis K. Picet to SSO. Oct. 5, IS3S. W. Id. May J. p. A true ex'ract from the Eslrav Book. Oct. 7. 1833 37 3t 1. S. Y ARBROUGH r i.c. LIST OF LETTERS ‘• MAIN ING in the Post office at Greenville; SL in. Oct. 1,1833. A a nr, McMiuh. John H Esq An.ins, Hudson Mcßtssac, Archibald Adams, Mrs Ann C Mann, James W Adcock, Archibald P Mitchell. Uriah Esq Bateman, Thomas 2 McLendon, Jepthy B trro vs. Jo in J M L-ndon William B i iiin. Wm S MJnhews Jolin B >yd. Joseph McDi.u .nil, Thomas Esq B ssey. William Morgan HenryC Bryan. Asburv Newell, Thomas Brannen, Wiluam 2 Ogletree, Rev Philemon Bartley, John Perry, M'ss Susan Brewer. Maria Patterson Mrs Emetine E Burr, Wut-son Power E J Birron, Thomas Philips, Dread B indy. Betsey Parker, Mrs Elizabeth Butts, Zachariah Ann Campbell. J LO Patterson, Wm Cosey, Thomas Parks John T D Clark, William Roberson Hardy Camion Rev Samuel llagiaod, Richard Cole, Wiluam D Ray, Thomas D yie, William Robertson, fosse Day, John Robertson. Mis Nancv A Dys n. Mrs Eliza C Roberts, Thomas Esq Ellis, Na hen Spencer. A.bert. care of Earnest, William W George W Burr Ford, Joseph A Sheritf Meriwether co Furioiv John Simms VVtn Gibson, John C Slaughter, John B Gam, Jordan Smiih, Alexander Ggodmaii, Aaron St-eber. John Griffith, James Swint, William 2 Greenwood. Wiiliam Story. Thomas Hall, Josepli II Seay, James i Heard, James Story. Tilrnan I Hopkins. James 2 Strickland, Airs Elizabeth Hoke, David Smith, John B Houge, Mrs Arletha Sinclair. John lalfacro. Jacob Tea-lev, Joshua Hobbs, William Thompson, Isaac Jackson, Moses 2 Vone, Capt Win Jones, John Vardernau, Edy Jones, Rachael or Jacob Ward, Miss Ann Gates Willhite, Ricks Esq Tones, James Williams,Seih Jones. Early T Williams John II Kobk, Wm M Wii banks. Mr Eliam Keoih. James J 2 Wheeless, Reuben L Kuchins, Ransom Wheel ess, Abner Levvritt."‘Duncan Wynn. Robert B Lewis, Samuel Ward Peyton MYRON ELLIS, Post. Master. 5Cp Persons calling fir any of t..e above letters will please say they are advertised. 37 3c fShiT J I’fO E.—The undersigned has been appoin od lAi io investigate the validity of the assents of tin Creek Indians (reported by Captain John Page) to a certain contract, entered into by James C. Wasson, Edward Hanrick William Waikor, Peter C. Harris, and Jonn Peabody, with certain chiefs ot the Creek tribe of Indians, on the 28ili of August, 1830. which was approveo by the late President of the United States on special conditions, one of which was that each individual Creek, whose laud was covered by it. should agree thereto. It has also been made his duly to examine into the validity of such prior contracts for reservations embraced within the contract of 28th of August, as claim in preference to it. Notice is given io all concerned, who intend to im pugn the said assents, or any of them, or to set up chi racts adverse to that of J. C. Watsrn and others, that they are requin and to file memorials with the under signed. at his office in Washington city, <,n or before tlie Ist day of November next; after that day memo rials will not be received. ft is further required ihat each memorial shall rela’e ~to-a tW-:.:me case, ant! be made and filed by a person interested in the ‘paKC'dar contrite it is intended to establish', or in the tract of t;m-i-i!2_which he assent obtained to the contract of 2:3th August reVi'es. When these pr -himnary steps have been luVunvaKl pie tiin will lie allowed the parties on both sides to. examine witnesses, under such rules and notice io the adverse party as shall he hereafter prescribed, and also to file such written evidence and arguments as they inuv be advised are proper, in support of their several claims ; of all which, public notice, bv advertisement in the newspapers, will bo given immediately after the said Ist day of November. T. HARTLEY CRAWFORD Washington city, August 25. 1833. 32fit GROCERIES. ~B r” rifTt RBLS bid Rectified Whiskey JL 30 lilils. Mutiongabela do 20 U>!s. N. E. Rum 25 do Gin 20 do Peach Brandy 50 do Sugar 30 hags Codec 25 boxes Tobacco 100 pieces Dundee Bagging, for sale bv ALLEN & YOUNG,- Sept. 12, 1838. 32 f No. 1 Mclntosh row. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of TAYLOR, HOLMES & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either o! the subscribers are duly author.sed to settle the bu siness of the same. 11. R. TAYLOR, C. G. lIJLMES, W. H. HARDER, L). THultN ION. Apalachicola, Aug. 1, 1838. 27U GEN Eli JL COM MISSION & FA CTO RAGE BISINESS, APALACHICOLA, FLA. ’ M NiliE nil ler ugned. Under die styie an ! linn ot ! JiL HARPER & HoLMES, Will continue o; ■ ransact a general Commission and Factorage busi- j ness at lliis place; an 1, thankful for the libera! patron- i age to iheir late firm, rospeoifuily so.icit a continuation o*’the same. W. H. HARPER, c. a holm .s. l.ibeial advances made on Consignments, either fur ale ur shin ri nt. A t nis* L 1833. 27 f ID K. TA x holt M CO., ik EO.i WARDING MER-j CHANTS, 22 Water street, ApUiuehicolu Fla. H. it. I'JE Lull, M. L.‘ TAYI.uK. The silbsc iber respec fuPy informs Ins friends and the public, ‘hat he vvtii continue the COM A1 IBs ION AND FORWARDING business, m Connexion ml. his brother. Al. L. Taylor, m Apalachicola, and take.-1 ihis m-nhod to thank hi- friends for ihetrpairouage.and j o srifn i its c >n: iiiuance. H. K. I'AILoR ! (Jo iml . Aug. i 1888. 27;i j NOURSE, BROOICS & CO. FACfOiIS t.l'O CiiM.Mttsl I.x MEHCHAST3, APALACHICOLA, FLUIi. ARE prepar'd to make iiueral advances on Co* j ton sent us for sale or fur shipment to our friends j in New York, Boston and Liverpool. HIRAM NOURSE, HIRAM W BROOKS, i JNU. D. HOWELL,. j Apalaciiicola. Aug. 23, 1838. 2S6tn j NOTICE. 1 FOREWARN ail persons from Lading for a NO I'E given by myself to one Jonn Boles, ai | no call 1 himself. for one thousand dollars, dated he i I -Itti Oct. 1338 an I die 15 t Jan uVy next, f>r lot of! ! .an i N >. 115. in the 6 i district of Randolph couniv, i as lan leienmasl not to pay said no e, as the cm-! ’ sidera ion for winch sai l n ice was given ha failed. I tie is in impostor no and übt. He is going over the 1 ■--our. ry wi.h forged dee U. s • ing land us his. FREQERLJx BA REFIELD. : C i i'* ■ ri. Ran lon co., Oct.. 7, ISIS. 30 2t :i v ica r, :v ovt. ck . ygi IVEIiSEN, Piofvss or of Aluac from Grcr ’ A£L© many, and Organist of Trinity Church, in tins citv, oilers “his services, as a tear-her on the Piano Forte, to this community. Piano Fortes will he toned !at the shortest notice. Applications are to be made to Messrs, f. C. Plant & Co.’s Book -Store. II ‘l fences. —Rev. \Y. D. Cairns, the Vestry of Trmi v Church, and the Trustees of the Female Acndemv. April 59 ts FGVTHEttS AXD Eli IE1) FtIUIT. 2 h, 33. Sirs q:irv FHA TtiEiiS, j ‘-i3 iff iP 49 bushels Dried Apples. For a . by ALLEN & YOPXG. : Oct 11 39 3 F’fKSJf THOMAS TON LIMB FOit SALE EN r Q,I : IREof V"M. R JONES, one loor above J. 13. Perry . Esq. Columbus. July 25. 25't | “*X 13 STARR, Commission Merchant St. Jo ! 9 seph Florida. March 9. stf . I MAGNIFICENT LOTTERY. Capital prizk bioo*ooo. J f mo t briiiiaut iScht-me ever drawn in the | JH_ United States. ALEXANDRIA Lui'TE- Iri i, Class- A, for 1833. in uj drawn al.A.ejtanJria * D. <j. rfaiuraay the ii h November 1838. 75 nunmet Lo'lerv—l2 drawn Ballots. ~ PRIZES. 1 Grani Prize of §IOO COO 1 Prize of 30 000 1 do £0 t ill) * l.r do 10 000 ’> 1 and o 8 000 1 do 7.500 1 do G 000 1 do 5 Out) 1 do - 4 ouo 1 do 3 740 ” 5 • Prizes of 2 suo 10 do 2.G)0 50 do i .000 t 0 do b(JO S3 ,do 500 Besides Prizes of §250, 2,;0, 130. 100, 80, GO, .0 40, and lowest Prize 20. I ickets omy §2O. ni.ves 10. quarters 5. eighths 2 50. Oonidcates of Facades of 25 whole tickets j2G do do 25 half do 100 do do 25 quarter do G 5 do do -25 eighth lio 3z 50 iCJ*’ Orders f>r rickets and Snares or Ceruti-! or Packages m the above unrivaled Scheme j will receive the mod prompt a tentio . and those who 1 order t?oin us, may rely upon having the drawing sriu [ them immediately after it is over. ‘Send otd. rs early and address D S. GREGORY & Cos., Alan igets. Washington City, Sent 23, 1833. 35 2;* COhlJJaUu tlUi'tUL. ’ Yi e *sjo sc. i irrs won, i iieorm tinni* from.Js au . SL the puuue, that they luve taxen tne old welt j known sittiid called the COLUMBUS liuTEL, for merly kept by Ponn roy 5c iVlrinague, at the corner of. Broad uni Crawlord streets; aii.i design keeping a .hot se of public entertainment! with siric. regard to ihe j coilit’ori and convenience of ilii ir custom rs. j d'qe house wui oe tuorougtiy cie used and fitted up ! n good style, and the strictest personal attention and.- : Voted, by bo h of ihe undersigned, to the duties of tin. j estabii-timent. The Bir .i.i be kept constamlv 4 stocked with first qualities ot’ Liquor, the choicest on! j • vines of all muds, and the best Spanish Svgars.— | Good have been provided and attentive ostlers I 1 be patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. HO ,V ARD & LLOYD. I Columbus, Ocr. 4. 1838. 35:f j WASHINGTON IIALL. * THE subsenb r nas aaen the lease of the above large and commodious House of Entertainment j hi -Vlacon, ia ey occupie I by IVlessrs -Musiiaii 5C ; .viott, where he designs keeping as good accouunoda tion i ,r l'ravel.ers au.l B larders as tlie produce of the country will atfurd, a good Bar. and B abies well a— tended to, extensive rooms for Bonders, ad a v.inmj mind Io acc ■mmodaie. lie desires the pa r niage oi the public. BI’ERIING LANIER. -Ma on. Sept. 25. 1833. 35 3m il iiJd A WAY XifltUO, ; ANAIV A Y from uie subscriber, on the 13;h 1 >f S'p tuber, a negro man by the name of j WARM -,N. about 25 or 26 years o.d, having lost ; erne of Ins fore teeth. It is presumed that lie has ; shaped his course for Charleston, B. C. A libera: ! reward will be paid for his apprehension ands fc ! beeping, so that t get him again. Del. 2 1833. BYRD M. GRACE. ! P. S.—..eiiors will reach me either at Couniba-, ; G.i.. or Henry Cou i House, Aia. The Georgia and South Carolina papers will ; c py the above 4 times, and forward their accounts to this office. * S5 4t VALUABLE LANDS FOl! SALE. 5 subscuber imeiiJing to reembark in the | J3. morca tile operation in Cudrbert and wi-hing ! to remove his hands on am her situa:i<m, otlers for I sale ins valuable ri ant of Land wiie con he n >w lives, i being known as the former residence ot Benjamin ! LI bland, la e of Ran i >lph comty, deceased lying in : said, county and cuuated umiti-diately on the ruaii I loading to Fori P. rrv and Lumpkin 5 niins uorih of j Cuilibert, containing 810 acres, oi which there are up- j ward i of 225 acres of’ open land under a good fence, | and in the highest stale of cultivation, well known as fine Cotton an ! Corn lands, a large portion of which will yield with usual cultivation and moderate seasons, from 1000 to 1500 pounds of seed Cotton per acre ; sni I farm being well watered, having several first rate springs of pure water m different directions through i the plantation. On the premises there is a good dvvel- j ling House, 46 feet long wish, a passage of 10 feet, : with two good brisk chimneys, tolerable good out houses, such as negro houses, cribs, stables, &e.; also i a good gin house, a good gin and gear and packing j screw: also there are a first rale peach orchard and an extensive garden. Said premises lias all the natu ral advantages which could be desired. It lias an ex tensive outlet for slock, sever 1 good springs quite con ven'ent lo the yard having a good well of water in the yard fur poultry : in fact, it is on:- cf the must beau i fol. roman’ic. and healthy situations in the country, ha- ing on it a good stream fur a water gin and grist mill ; also a blacksmi'h shop and a good set of tools ; also i can firm h the purchaser on the place with stuck of ail kinds, and provisions he first year. Any persons wishing to purchase good land a liatid-ome sirua ion in good fix. wi’h all those aJvnn’aga* can call <m the subscriber, on'he premises who will give avora'ole payments or Mr. Z. Sawyers, one mi e oil the road lettiimg to Culbbsrt, or Lewis VV. B ik. r. on the precises. DAVID RUMPH. Sept. 25 1333. 35 9t Tv-vih-i LOTS AT AUCAtd?;. yV 3’ Auburn IviaiiotiJdi’Ait v, on .lie first Friday in ia. N : J % EJ.I3ER next, t:;g” FFma lll -.'uUc'Ts iv l: i offer to the public a great number of lots f r s.iVer A'a burn is sinned m the north cast corner of Macon county, directly on .he railroad from Montgomery to West Po nt. GO miles from the former piaoe, anil 30 Iron the lamer, ii is nov cer aia that Ive shall liaw a depot at Aubu-n. tV e will od’. r the remain tr of the lo s a groa: many choice lots fur private r sidtnce ; Those wishing to settle in a health country, and con venient o fine schools, and in good society, that can i not be surpassed in any conrurv. would do w !l to j avail themselves of this opporuiniiy. A first r;t ; School is in opera'ion at this time, and the railroad . will be in operation within 29 mi es of Auburn by be 13. h January. Auburn t surro -ruled by fine settle, j ni n's of land, and never failing springs. Terms i made known an the Jav. HENRY MIMS, Ni. t,co r t\ ■ JOHN J HARPER, E. F. M A HUN E, VV. M F R ‘.E .IAN, Sept. 27 1038. S-3 s Couiriu fjioncrs, i HAMPi'OX CDUKSa-tiJA'ilEj? a fAIZES A8 ii la, atid iias been, sual oi ale years, wi ll tile proprietors of tile diif rt ui R ace ‘i'racks of our country, toadver ise their •'Mttk <,aml. in my ojiin iun. they close at too early a period to give the own ers ol colls a fair opportunity of tea.ina then rucuia quad ies, 1 com n imeare, t.h refun-, to the sporting worid, my present plan, rules and terms. There wil b; kepi q*■ -n s tikes tor two atlu tliree ! year oids. io be run ti.r ev-.-ry sueces.-i e year, and not j to be closed until iw-j motitli pr* vious lo ihe race j ■ aeclitrauun tifiecti days bei’ore the coining otf of the i race. Brakes of one thousand dollar, entrance will be tvvo mile hea's. ’orfr .'5 )0 ; dselora’ion, §l9l). Three entries to f >rni ais ak :. rila :es of rive hun Ired dollars cn’ranco wil! be mile heu s. Forb.-if.S2SO; tl.-c aranuri, |s7s. Three tu rn .s to cousfitiue a stake | Dashes ol r.vo or o - mih-, io suit the convenience ! of pardes that is the a noun to be run fir. Peisons wishing lo make 11;< ir enfi .es. will plea-c diiee. their let cr- to the sitbscnber. setting prouri.uor of the H i • j on Course or to Capt Wm. G. ,s intmo Secretary of-he Hutntr an Jockey Club Augusta. Ga S-.-pt. 27, 1838. 33-u6 u ‘ F W. LACY. iPLANTATION ISD - - D > L'BIHE subscriber n.*r m.i bis'.i: n .m [ JSL lire Uehee crees, n -ar San - Fort, in K --ui. comity. Ala., con of I 120 acres, the grea r part •ot winch is first ra e lime iau zI)J acres uu I* r a goud fence and in a fair start o. cuitivauoii. There i< a ; j small u ver-failing stream i.f v-a cr running ihrt>U; ; ii j:; : ! also a good spring near lit ceil le of tile improved { j lands, a lid go .and dwellings uu !ad iiecc .iry mu bui - ; i mgs. A. Gin House and Su -v are now being ert-e - j ed’ on trie premises. Pei .sons wLhiag to pu.enu.te : would do Well In Cal!. j Also 3or 4900 acres cf firs; rate lands on’!-. Cuw- I a n ee creek, in Barbuur, near the liu ot R-tsseil. JNU. CROW ELL,..r. I August 27,1558. ‘ SO f (JBXTKAL CdrilSf!. JIACiCf, GA. I rSNiIE RACES over tins course wi i;o v. ■ I xL bu the la it L'ues.iaj (30tit) of OCTOBER i and con inui- five days. i First <!ay sweepstakes for three year olds, en'rac ! SIOO, win SIOO added by the Proprietors—-ue mile Ilea s—three or more to iii.i’.e a race. 2 1 and :y, t vo miie hea-'s purse $250 3i day( three mile heats, purse 5’ 0 4 h dav, four nine I. a- pur e 7v'o 5 h dav, nine bas ‘i ■■’ 3n. 5 purs© •! ) i.EE, HARDIN Sz Cos.. Prop i ors. gVug. 29. 1533. 31 tr Pl* :\IZT &. 2JGIITO'?, BJOKSELLEIii A VD STATIONERS, OL. L r .VI B U ij. (i fc>9. S"B~ATE on hull a lac-and irmeral as ortznen. • La if M C a'sieai, ThcoAgicaJ, School am. : .vlisceilancotis Works; S'-dionary “f every riet-enp t\o:i. Blau!: Books. Paper, Pdjier Han it gs, Benders Fine Cut! rv. Mc-ic, .Musical It.s ru: e is, Ik, m Articles. Picture Krarrr>. cud every article ke;>’ ina B nstre Meremmts, Teachers and - supplied on reasonable terms. Cict. II 36 3- ‘IJ'IOItGIA ALMANAC FOR Wi l'd Asiroiioiiiuai Calculations bv Robert Geiek. Just published and for sale, wh le gale and-retail, by PLANT & NOitTi N. Coiurnhus. Octoher 1 l.h 1833. 33 100 BBLS. PORK FOR SALS B i VVM. R. JON P, , one door ebavtj G. U. TrrfyEy4. Co'ur-V' >r, Jv- 23. 2c f SHERI FFS > S ALE S._ TALBOT SALES. Vt Jit ILL be so.J, on ihe iirst I uesday *n N( * * V EAiß lictfst at ihe Court i.ou e door me town oi i' l Ju'a!b,)t Cyldlly, witliUl lilt. It gai bums ol sale, prupeitv to vvn : A negro woman by of GraJy, levied on a ne prop ry oi Jonii TdbltijWsfiauaf. sunuiv s ; a •V. Jus. tro.ii a Jusiiee’.-, t_ uurl cour. y . in fit • ‘ii*’ ,olvri Cos. o.ihers v . John - iJoBc.. made and returned to’Sk b. a - Aiso ano r. boy by the name of John IH. fi „„ as the property oi Riet-Sra-e oi Philip Long, to- a :R\ a ■i fa. from l ull, a Court m lavo't of J -latl'ai- Parrish.. Garden i>; -■ Op.-**. Phi.ip Long. B and J yiAi Lfc *g.’ . ‘THuS. U.-ROBINSuN : iurdf Oct. 1 1833. ; •’ ‘ *’ 3, s ‘ siF.i: i YYiirrh kit salin. He -om. bfi'jfte nr-r-- i'•.i, ‘in DE* Vw CF.MBER n x , >,f. . li(,u l du-.|- in own and w|. Ai civ* cottntv widiiii the usual bouts .f :atg, my i' .: . er ty o Wit t 1 - 1 Two tots of landy.Nos 74 an , in ‘ I] £ ;. s _ rict ot’ originally J'rmc. u-iw IVifirnveAtc; v -o;J dinler a iiiurtg ge (i. ft. .jpi Ure’ pt-.uit-,- , o. Athn-i j Pruitt, in favor of Alct-’ e-lon & Ragar’ v-. Atia.ti | Pruitt. Proper v pom-Rd xir i t ai moit • - i a FAAJ UEL h A N D. t 0... i■ u. I Sept. 14 1838 • .■ t 33s KsYADt)! PH S.VLI76* ‘y! t ; hw’!LL be s.i.t, on lii-e first i-hesiiay in NO ‘$ s ViJ >.lsfil{ next. ii\-fiiA* /.he CutlTl Hiyut e j door !tt the town t.f Culhberl c(it:ntj, I’ Use usual hoi’irs of sale, l - efj l-oRI .g’ j.rOiu r v to • i : Lot of laud No. 11 in the fl.frdikt.’ Vvpji'.j-scyd e ..n; levied on tn ihe prune-tv of Jess - iiewgi. In sa J i two ft. tas. issued out of a JustieWCyfir: of P'iat.'.ut ! county, in favor ot Thomas H. towuv vrt. lit,, ei ! Levy made and returned i r me-by. a* Consult,.o.— | Property poin ed oul by ihe plaftnitt’ | Lot of land No. 28, in the 4 h distj-iet nfsaid coui v ! •eviotl onai the pnqi-.r-y of Andrew Howard, to s.- I tisfv one Ii fa. i-’ sued out ol a Jus-ice-’k Court of „! • j county, in favor oi'Samuel Berry-vs Andrew Ko - lard. Property puttied out in n ainttii'. Levy made i and return* diumeby a t \;n’fs;bhv : fi'. Lot of land No. 11,in ihe 9th district'oi*said emm’ * l levied on as the properly of Andrew Howard, to iti. ty five li. fas. issued out of a Justice’s Cour \ said count v in favor of l. ewis .Rivers and others v j Andrew Howard and J. 13 Shropshire. Piopti j pointed out by defendant. Levy made ancf retmn and [ lo me by a Dunstable. j The y .nil hall of lot of land No. 35. in the lOi fit • trier, of said coun y, levied on as the prope tv cf l u ! u.-ss Wiiiiam an i Jo ! n Wti iain cud Daniel N. I tie, his st curities. lo satisfy two fi. fas. i.-sued on- .1 Justice’s Coin- of said county, i favor of Wil Castleberry. Levy made and icturpe/d to me by a C'.nsiable Also one negro man bv the name of Ri!!, nbo-t 2 ‘ years old levied on as the properly of D D. Si grove, to rausfy one fi. fa. issued from the S-. j ne.rior Court of sahl county, in favor cf William P< a | body vs. D. D. Snelgrove. POSrPON'I-lD SAr.ES. i Lot of land No. 77. Andrew Howard in possessin | ancl lot No. 114 whereof Jonathan Pu i-ili is in |h - j sr-ssion, all of lot of land No. I 15, eu-t of D. B. Riel Spring B .inch, li ir hard Kespass in p'-s-essii n ; <a | half of lot of land No. 116 all lit the b h dis-rirl ol sa j co-intv. levied mi a.t the proj r y of Audi ew How aid ito sa’isfy sundry fi fas. issnt and run ,fa Ju; tin’s C< i t j ofsaid couniv. in favrtr of i!:p,ni ‘l'a\!< r and other j vs. An hew Howard arid John U . Killin.-worth. Lrvy made and resumed ome by a C onai able. Three negroes, to it: Alfred, a man about 39 years old; Matilda, a woman about 20 years oh!: j Oherrv. a girl ahum 10 vents old levied on as ihe pro perty of Andrew Howard, to Ft.tisfv si ltdiy fi. fas is j sued ( i.r of a Justice’s Court ofsaid couri’y. it* favor of j William Tavlor and others vs Andrew Howard and I to*m R. Kiilingswor h. Levy made and returned to in eby a Constable. RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. : Sf pt- 29.1838. 33ts STEWART SALKS. A|,W ILL in- sold on ihe lirsi *i uesday in NO- V % VEMBER next, before the Court House ■ lour n>!he town of l.iiinpkiii. S.c-v’ art county, beuvc-c-r the usual hours of s-a e. -he fallowing properly, to wil : Lot es land No. 223, in ihe 22J district of Stewart \ county, iak< n as the property , f John C. Crave.-, to • satisfy -everat small fi. fas. is,-tied on of a Justice’? ! Court of Newton coun y, in favor of Charles Carpi: ; vs. said Grav s. i Also one half < f the undivided Jot No. 53 in the j 25th district of Stewart county taken as the property j ot Joseph Mitch hid, to sa'i-fy one fi. fa. from a JiC j lice’s Court o) Troup county, in favor of Henry C I Towns Vs. said Mitrliani. j Also one eiglnh part oi lot No. 7i. in the 24’h 0i..- ; trict of S ewart county, lak.-n as the projn-rlv of Mo-- j .-i s Ha.rvii:, lu satisfy a small fi fit. issut and by ihe Roa 1 Commissioners fur ihe 727di district G M j Lot cf land No. 9. ill lie 2‘2d di- nict ofsaid cci-ntv ! taken as ih : [iroperty of Jolin Owens, to satisfy sini | dry fi. fas. i sued out oi a Jusiicc’s Co-it es 8hvo : t eoun’v. in fav-u of Charli..- S. Ganklin and oilurs j Property pointed out bv llu- dis-t dan’. Also lot of If-.nd No. 119, in ihe 19-b district o • Stewart county, taken a th- p-operiy of Zac! atiah C. Wright to one fi fa issu.-d out of Pii nam iSnpvih.r Court, in favor of Isaac New hall \s. rat \\ I ; ;!l'. Oct. 2. 1838. Sots M. M I I FMING. Sluiifi. MUtC JGKK SALES. ‘B-'.j.v.'’ ILL bes ad, on tin- lust Tuesday in NO- L-J vc. A1 Be.R next. before ibeCourl lions, d,,-.i ;in ttie city ofCouuubos. Ai useu.pee couriiy vhh:n u i legal ofra;--, llu; folio -,ing properly to v. i • | Charles, a li’iath-aEga’ fi,riy-;.v.- veins old ; Lu- n • Ja. twenty-!brao years oiHT'anii-Lcrj’uv chi and J i.,- k n, about three years old, ynd l- luTsi'iii r ‘(■” abont Juriy-ihrue years old. kvietl ~n as die prop, i jof Benjamin K. Elds 1D >a i fy a mortage fi. fa. fi - j A-Iu -cogoe .Miperiur Cuiu t, ir, fay or of J-um-s C. L ■ iiard and VYiluam E. i< vs. H -ujaiuin F. j\iso iwo s , ret mares and cols, too pray In, ’ or:e gray colt one giuv muh- one btiv mare one l i laced leoAit man- one <>x cart on- i horse bts:--\ I tour I --ur e wagon Icvu.ii ori as ihe prop, riv of i’ ru; : uu., P. Ellis, io f -iti-o- afi fa fiom the Baldwin < - - It. , if rir,;- CJo'.irt, in (avoi of .!es-e Wilkinson (:•!.--i; I O’Neai toiiiieou td.N’ea: and Barihit ‘i'o"n- vs. I jai-iin F. Mills ALPHA K AYER, D She it Sept. 5 1833. 33 s BAKER JSAb!iS. j - so,d on the first ‘iuerduy iu N--’ V V Vi-MBER next, lichee the Cm r I ; - tool, in the i-u.-n of Newton. Baker couniv wi-i | usu.illinurs of sale, the following proper j tovvi : Cue gold watch, ildun , ihe ptopd’ v . f J I ... I! j Satin i. is lo 8a i fv a fi. fa. i.-oto and oiu , The to. Court of Dccatt r couniv iu lavoi <>l V, i.iium St Cos. vs. John B. Saunders, and Daniel B. iehi i i i-nri von appeal. Property pointed out io me |y Belcher. A:vu one lot of land No. 333 in the Ist distri < ! origtiia .y Eai!y t< w Buker ctn y. Uikt na, lit; . r.v • l i.i h bury Clanton o suusfy an lu i ; into! In- Superior Court of Columbia court \ ; ‘ [ vor of Micnm-i D .uph.r y vs. Ti.n.o Cii* • . . cciimr - I’Ll y ( j...iu, di ceased. i’|. . j pointed out io i, bv Ai. R. Mooie. i At-o two lots of land Nos. 259 i>u ! 226 in .• r . jui-:>tc; cf oripin s i tu.\ i i.v. BaDr com. •! . r ■s the pr- pi rty .f John VV. Ho'nies to so iix n t j fas. i .sued ou- of he hup* rior Court of Bak t j in tavor of th - adtuini t rat ors o! Lew .x Bi <J x--. J. ;* :i | W ilo.wt-s. Proper y p-o uted oul lo me by h. - i J. Holmes. I ‘ lot of land No 259. ill lie 7'h di-triet <f, , naiiy Early, now Baker couniv ‘aftn as die j •< •• ; of John VV*- H dm. s to a.isfv thru: fi. fas..i e •fa Ju*--:ice’s Court of Baker coun'y in fav r , ! . | ki-.l Pierce vs. Jcfin V-. . Homes ’I I.i n as I } lan : Er.-kid Pu re- vs. John W.llulme 1m r-.p. j iur, and Lucne!:; Finger.-’ u. I A -'i fur! us in the ox* u.- f Hvrr-r N< s 1 2 Jnd f, •!. ii a ill-- property ll. H. Acice. o. • a i fa in fa n rof Jol u Meljnidon vs. H I Vij above were made and rti iu. ;i V. ?LL*¥VM H. HOW A • ’ I 8s( :>:. 15 18 8. ; I t. £. T. TAILOR .. mp h , he n i I Bo irc S', alk r. and cot i.: he i-'iui, i bu mm ti.i r he film • f : w F . j ‘I nir Store is ou lire.- sue. . mu: die ; fii< ranee B.inK whirr lu y m t ii; ... . ;r> keep a fresh an Ig, te. a! uj pi .!1 ■: , : s T'• i Painis. Ons. Dy> s.i.fis I-eif-im iv Cl-- | S ittucal fus’n■:::! rils hi- t:i. rtticf v. ■.- j <eii on mod-va'c and acccmn ci r i<• i-ip- ■ *1 k. v ; r,-s;,ec fiikx solitii t!,e |.a:ru<aje ol U.etr frn. and I he |, :b ic gc-erodiv. 9 management of the bore v. ii’ be nrid r .v, I -ieriu'ei .'bnee cf Dr Walker. Dr. Ta-.u v.: . oc> | -i.pv the offi-e at ur unt oeenpitd 1-y him. ami - ; i* ati*rr : iin ev- iv- jto the practice of Ins ;: :• i xion. fi pf t 2S, I£CB. 3i v ! . NOTICE* j 17 [J ti.i, h-i r id. cn toe first Tuesday in CC- I ‘J ‘a (J EMBER n -xt, before tLc Court i e J !<xr in the town of Hamilton. lla tis county, t > 94 | Sowmo prop’ r'y for Tawes. viz : FiOv acies of iand, i N-* 17 in the 1 !'Jt di>'r!c f .f Monroe county. < vied i f -.i as the proper'y of Garret Hu.more, guaicimir for ! Marv D. A c.jek f r hr,- ‘ax for 1537 ; ta< due 15 ets •3 mi is. Also 40 acr. sos Sami. I. vied on as the pro* i; cr vof l.An Sc.(it No. 493 in the 5 h district If :t r: of Cberukc* Uvi--d on for his tax for IfS7 ; . a\ c': 25 Aso 40 acr. 1 .-- i.i land. No 749 r. ’ ; l<t district and 1.-. s. in t f Pautdiirg cot n>• * V!1C “ :n a-: the r ropf itv of Jo n V*'. Carter, to salt -fy 1 ■ tax fur 1637 ; tax ore 27 o':. \Y ■ LLfAM Tax Coil. e rr. Sept. 13. 1833. 24>s Jl’ L-f, dEAkf, JKANS. ’ 73 f\ AAA YA tD3 Kentucky SMibei x..!- ’ I £ \ ?a-;|U if an ‘ Ohio JANES, of the o , ’ pia ity fer side at the lowe-1 Fscio-y prices n> y,'.v: It. JONES, Bread gtr-et. G-irnf-rr- Kept. 1 .4. 1 * A*. 2SSi*