Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, October 18, 1838, Image 4

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■JI.I.IJW !■ IH— — r~. L K (?Al< ,\ i>r m ’ s. ADMINISTRA r.>il S WILL be a'. me Colum >is A icujii Room on r.iesJiy th-i 20ih of NOV EMBER nex a lar ‘ ion of B *oks a-n mg which are History, L iv” r 1: morica;. M iica!. Mijcebaiieous ami Stand ar.J W >rm Sc:.. cu n >ri-in soin; thousand of vo lumes; also a quantity of Dry Goods, ; anl. a the tnvt tint’ ani place, a large quan i y of Jewelry Wi'cim. Stc., an n;u which are some of the fine.- OoiJ VVa'ches ii this section of the country; ail o the ab >ve described property sM tj the properly “< E.S. Miron, lae of sail county, deceased. Tht sale will continue from day today, til! all is dispose of. Terms of sale : A I sates under §IOO cash ; urn §IOO small notes an 1 good security, p tyable at ninet days. MICHAEL N. CLARKE. Adtn’r of the estate of E. S. Morn i. Columbus Oct 9 1838 ADMINI* i’K lid .V u - AGREEABLE to an order of the llutijrah e tin Inferiir C cart, sitting as a Court of Ordinary will be sold, before the Court H cue door in Cuthbert Randolph county, on the first Tuesday in DECEM B -7R nett, all t!m lands belonging to the estate of Jeremiah Bell, late of aid county, decea ed, the wi 1 ot :epted ; oIJ f>r tho beaont of iho heirs au creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. MfLLY B *,LL Admix. WILLIAM BELL. A Im’r. Oct. 4,1833. ~ ADMINISTIIAfiUIS’ sAtiiii. WILL be sold, on the twenty-second day of NO V r EMBER next, in Troup cou-ty, all the porisftab’e property of the estaie of Joseph Payne, !aU of said coun y, deceased. Sale to continue from day to day, until all said pronerty is sold. y> YV ILLIAM IIENSLEE. Oct. 3.1839. S3t.s JOdIAH PAYNE, Ad.n’rs. ADHrnsraATJH’S SALE. W[ A* >ie -0.1, on me first Tue day in DE CE.VIB R next, at the Court House in Greenville, Mertwuher county, unl-r an order of th> H>4orable the lafsri r Court of Meriwether county w nld silting for or li.tiry irp tses, lot of land Ni. 13 in tin llfl dii riH of vl • I yet i;r conn v, former! > Troup c curity ; also one negro bv the name of Sam abut 1I years o; J,an Ime negro >irl. R icliael, abo i I.J years old. s >ll as tins land anl negro property ol the estate of Joseph Ferguson, late of Meriwelhei county, deceased. for the benefit of the creditors o! said deceased. Term ml l ■ known on the day. SYMBOL FEIIUISON A I i v Sept. 14 1838 _ AUillliU ji'ittA a >• - - - -—- WlLi* b t soid. oa I’miri isiy, mo Ijili tl.iy ot NGVEYIBER next, at the late re.-ideuce > f D. J. B ,‘itt ,do leased uu ler an order of the Honora ble the Infer! ir Court of Muscogee county, when sit tin t for ordinary purposes, all hr personal properly belon *in to tb j estate of sail decease 1, consisting of com, fidler, stoc horses, tnules and wagon, house hol an I Kitchen furniture, e;c. Sale to continue from day to day un ii all is sold. Terms on Hay of sale. CHAS. D. STE.VARt A-imV. Sept. 27. 1833. ‘ ‘ ‘ AO.tILVfe i'ua i./ ..'a i AGR EEA 3LE to an ord r of ihe Honorable the Inferiot Court of Henry c > m y, when sitting for or Ini ary p irposes, will bes o,J, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in the county of Dscatur, lot of land No. 275, in the 17ih district ot for nerly Eany, now De :atur comity, being part of the real eilateof Jesse Mclntosh, deceased sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms, cash. ZADJCK SAWYER. Adm’r. Sept. 21 1831 31- • A DJI IN 18 fill t'OilS s\i. ... BY virtue of an order of me li.moraine tue In erioi Court of Harris couuty, while silling as a Couri of Dr Jin ary, will be sold, at tiio Court House in th. .ou ity of Early., on the first Tuesday m NOVEM BER next, within the legal hours of sale, one tract ot land, situate, lying and being in the ldth district of said eounty, No. 377. Also will be sold,on the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, ouj tract of laud, situate, lying and being in tic 331 district of old Lee county, now Stewart county, by the No of 176. Alsu on the tint Tuesday in JANUARY next, will be sola, at the Court House in the county o. Lu npltin, on? forty acre lot, in the h i.f of the I Jth district, Ist section, in 01. l Cherokee county, by the No. of 92. S >ld for the benefit of the h urs and creditors of Obxiia t M. Cuib.ea.h, late ol Hams county, deceased. Terms at each sale, Sec. WILLIAM LOWE GULB lEATH, Adm’r. King’s xap. Sept. 5, 1838. 32tn.6 AD AINISra,ATaiX SALE. WILL be said, on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, at the Court House door in the town of .1 laditon, Harris comity, wi.hin the le gal hours, half of lot No. 91. in the 2Jih district of ori ginally Muscogee, no v Harris county ; also 92,:n the sa no district; also 11), in the same district; also 133, in the same district. SALLY WELDON, Adin’x. Sept, 10, 183 . 32 s ADAH VIS rttATOll’S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order ot the Inferior Court of Talbot county, Ga., silling for ordinary uur p isas, will Uj soid. oa tue nrst Tuesday m NOV L.VI BER next, within ihe legal hours of sale, belore the C sort Hiuse do >r in the town of l'albotton, in said count., lots of land Nos. 21 and 22, in square A, of said town, o.i one ol wnicli said lots the e is a large two siory dwelling, sino.iohouso kitchen, stables, car riage house, &c.,a1l new. Also, on Hie first Tuesday in DEO EMBER next, wi.i bes >id, withm ihe legal hours, at the Cou t House -'w jn fe't iioty of Lee, Ga., lot of land No 8, in the 31 dis rict of sail c >unty of Lee. All to ho soid for the benefit of heirs and creditors as the real estate of Abel Ca.tip, late of said county of f.i’hor deceased. ISAAC E. BDVVER, Adm'r. Sep’einber 3, 1838. 3Ms Vt> Hals t'.Uf JR'S -'Ru .. WtLij bo sod, on the first Tuo.-Jay m NU VE >i J JR uexi, a tiio Couri H >use door ii the of e’rau tmi, Heard county, uader an order ot tn j Ini irior C > irt of said county, siuing as a Court oi OrJin try, on > nu iire l a ires of .anJ, i being parts ol lots Nn. ill au l 223, in the 31 disoic of form rly O • vota cj w'.y, mw Heard, soid as tile pr >peny of Dennis 3a es,” for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors I of sai l decease 1. Terms given on the day. WILLIAM PRI rCdE'T i\ Ad n’r. Aug. 15. 1838 ’ 1 AD dlJls i'lia I'O-i'a o-x..*.. a GREEABuE loan order of ifie tioiioraole the ‘uja Inferior C urt of cs.ewa t c >uoty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will ue so and on ihe nrst Tuesday in S.) VE ol BE R next, before the Court ;io se door, in .lie town of Lump,in Stewart couuty, lots ut land No. 70 au l No. 9t u the 32d dtstric of said county, sold lor the benefit of the neirs and creditors of Eii Mayo, deceased. Term made known on the day of ga ie. STEPHEN MAVO, Adm’r. Aug 13, 1833. -S s GUARDIAN’S SALE. WILL be sold, agreeable to an order of the hono able ilie Interior Court of Elbert county, while sitting for ordtna y purposes, ou the first d'ues ,:.-v in DECEMBER next, before tiie Court House door in the town of Lu.npkin Stewart county, lot of 1..0 I ‘o. 6S. in the 33 I district of sai l county, origi nally Lee. Aso before Hie Court House door in Talbotton, Ta hot county, lot No. 94 in the 14ih dis trict of originally Muscogee, now 1 ulbot, it being the real estate'ot Richard Ward, deceased. Sold for ihe purpose of division among the legatees. Terms, twe! o months credit with good security. A. T. WARD Guardian. Sept. 25, 1833. 35 s GUAUDIANS SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of me Honorable the Inferi r Court of Fayette county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, win ne so.d, within iho legal h i irs ass iio. b f ire the Cos ire House door in the town of Cmhhert. R tnJolph co mty, on the first, Tuesday in DECEMBER next, one lot of land No. 21, in the Bth district of originally _ Lee county, now Randolph county, as the property of the minors of Jeremiah Leg get, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. PENELOr’E i.EGGET, JOHN Pit E, Guardians. Sept. 24, 1833. 34ts EXECUTOR’S SALE. YV^ r be ,sold, on tlie tirst Tuesday in DE w w CEMBER next, at the Court House in’ Greenville, M -riwether coun y. under an order of the h in it able ihe lueri ir Court of said county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, tots of land No. 184 and ISo. m the llth district of oriainaily Troup now Me riwether couuty ; also seven negroes, to wi : Ellick a nun; Harry, a man ; Jaca, a man ; Sam a boy • Bffl, a b>y ; Mana, a wo nan. and Mary a girl Min of <ai 1 negroes are v jung an 1 very hkeiv. Soid as a part of the estate of Th >mas Matthews “late of M ’ri vet ler coun’y, deceased, f.r the benefit’of the heirs of said deceased. Terms accomm Matin t a .Jj made known on the dav. T.i ).M\B F. MATTHEWS, Execu'or. August 29. 1833. 31 FJUR MONTHS af er da'e appiica.ioti win be j tna 1: to the Hiuor hle the Inferior Court of Troup couuty. when suing for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ail of the re i. au 1 personal property of Joseph deceased, la*e of sat.l c mntv. WILLIAM HENSLF.S, Sept.S 1533. JDSIAH PAYNE, A ltn’rs. ‘o'qjUll M )N T IS after date 1 shad apply ta the Hono'able the Inf-rior Court of .'Meriwether | county, while sining or ordinary purposes, for leave to j aHi lo- oflan l N>. 7-> in the 231 district and 31 sect: m ■ of originally Gherphau. nw Floyd county, b longing j to Elixa a# i Lucretia Hussey orphans ol John Hu-sev. deceased. HIRA M li. HUB3EY, Guardian.” Sept. S. ISIS. 3245n -K y-w )NS IRON, assorted, 41 200 casks Nails, ju-t r ceived and for sale ir. j WM. & JA3, BLAIR Broad street. j Columbus. M ’-v 9, ‘d MON Idl'd aftr date upttiicauoi; be * made to the Honorable the Inferior Court oi •l.Tiwei.ier coun y, while sitting for ordinary pur >oses. fir leave to sell all the real estate of Benjamin Johnson, late of said county, deceased. DOLLY JOHNSON, Adm’x. Aug. 31, 1838. 3-2 4in jAut/it .viON I'liS after dale apptica.ion wall be 38 ’ made to ihe Honorable the Inferior Court of • vleri wether county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell a part of the negro property belonging o the e tate of Henry Jossey, late of Meriwether tountv, deceased. JOSIAH W. JOSSEY, Executor. Sept. 3. 1838. 32 4 m fNOU R 51 JN THB ailer date aponcauou wm hi made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of vluscogee cc'unty, when sitting for ordinary, fjr leave to sell the real csta’c and negroes of David J. Britt, late of said county, deceased, of which the heirs and executors of sai l esiate can take notiefe. CHAS. D STEWART. Adm’r. J- ZF* All persons having demands against said estate, are requested to present them within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted are re quired to make immediate payment. Septembers. 1533. SI 4m Ij’qoUit MON THS after date T shall apply to the Hono able the Inferior Cou t of Meriwether county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to seil all the negro property belonging to the estate of John Knight, late of said county of Meriwether, de coased. ISAAC W. PERKERSON, Augu t 29, 1833. 31 Adm’r de bonis non. FOUR MONTHS afi-r date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Muscogee county. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Francis O. Ticknor, otphan ofOrra Ticknor, decea-’ed. HARRIET C. TICKNOR, Guardian. Sep’ember 4 1838. 3i 4tn POUR MONTHS date application will be male to the Honorable tne Inferior Court of Muscogee county, when iitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the rea 1 es’ate of Elisha S. Norton, ate of said county, deceased MICHAEL N. CLARKE, Adm’r. September 4. 1338„ 31 4m POUR MONTHS from dati? application will be made to the Honorable tfre Inferior Court, when sitting for ordinary purposes,for leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging to the estate of So.omon late of R m lolph county deceased. FREDERICK BA RE FIELD, COLEMON BAREFIELD, A Imiuistraiors with thj will annexed. July 23 1833. 25 aNO UK .U JN i’ii.s after date, applicati n -ill be i? made to the honorable the Inferior C >urt of Ran dolph county, hile sitting for ordinary purposes,for eave to sell one negro girl. Betsy, belonging to the estate of Jeremiah BHI, deceased. MILLY BELL, Administratrix. July 2. WILLIAM BELT,, Adm’r. FOUR MONTHS after date I shall app y to the Honorable the Inferior Cos rt of Meriwether county, while sirtin; for ordinary p irposes, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Nancy Brown, deceased. DANIEL KEITH, Adm’r. July 4. 1838. 23 INOUR MONTHS after date applicati n will be . made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Heard county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real e-tate of David S. Bradley, ate of said county, deceased. July 2,1838. 23 J. B. GHENT. A Im’r. FOUR MONTHS afterdate I shall apply to the Honorab e the Inferior Court of Meriwether county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Joseph Ferguison. late of said county, deceased. SAM’L FERGUISON, Adm’r. July 4, IS3B. 23 GEORGIA STEWART COUNTY. WHEREAS Wiley Massey applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Ce.ia Henry, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gula the kin Ired an l creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my o lice, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hanl at office Oct. 4. 1833. 36 4t J. S. YARBROUGH c. r n GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. WHEREAS Calvin B. Seymour, executor of the estate of John Stevenson, late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion on sai t estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bl and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my h ind at office. Sept. 3.1538. 32 6 n .1. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORGIA.-STEWART COUNTY. WHEREAS William B. Shearling, executor of the estate of [sham Shearling, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion on said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditor of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv law, ‘o shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. C\ en under my hand at office, Mr 2-i. 1938. Klj-im _J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORGIA. HEARD COUNTY. HEREAS Hugh McCoy, administrator on the sF w estate of Ransom Haines, late of said coun tv deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission on said estate— These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my o'fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters hnuid not be granted. Given under tnv hand at office. Mav 7, 1833. 16m6m ‘ BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. c. o. GEORGIA. BAKER COUNTY. AWT HEREAS Malilon Bedell and Mary If. D( n S V nard, administrators on the estate of Burrell j Dennard, deceased, apply for letters of dismission from said administration — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kin Ired and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear a’ my o n -e, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office. May 5, 1838. 15 6m M. BEDELL, c. c. o. GEORGIA RANDOLPH COUNTY. W r IIEREAS James Whtteker, administrator. and Martha, administratrix on the estate of David Sutiey. deceased, la : e of said county, apply to me for letters of dismission from the further manage ment ol said estate— These are therefore toci'e and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the tun ■ prescribed bv ‘aw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under rn hand at office. May 21 1838. 16m6in JAMES BUCHANAN. c. c. o. GEORGIA, MEIiIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court of sai l county sitting for ordinary pur poses. Present Wiley B Ector ‘ James Rc idir. Willis Junes and Daniel Keith, Justices. This 2d July. 1838. 11’ appearing to the Court that, on the third day of February , in the year 1834, Thomas Matthews, deceased, late of said county, executed his bond lo Hugh W. Ector, deceased, for titles foi a certain piece or parcel ol land, being one and an half lots, viz : ine whole of lot one hundred and eighty-six and the north half of lot one hundred and ninety-nine, both ly j mg and being in the eighth district of originally Troup I now Meriwether c nmty, containing three hundred and j three-fourth acres, more or less ; and the said Tho i mas Matthews having departed this life without mak ing saul titles, and it appearing further that the said lands have been bargained anti sold to Jordan Rees, and the said bond transferred to him. it is. on motion, ordered, on application of said Jordan Rees, that all persons interested shew cause, if any they can, within the lime prescribed by law, why an order should not be granted requiring Thomas F Matthews, executor of the said Thomas Matthews, deceased, to make t titles to said tract or lots of land to th. said Jordan ; Rees, in compliance with and in terms oi said bond, I I and the law in such case made and provided ; and that i ! this riiie be published once a month, for three months, j in one of the public gazettes of this state. A true copy from the minutes. 25m3m ‘ LEVI M. ADAMS. Cletk. GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court of said county sitting Jor ordinary pur poses. Present ll iley 11. Ector. James Render Willis James and Daniil Keith, Justices. This 2d July, 1838. E x’ appearing to the Court that Hope H Tigner, of said county, deceased, entered in’o an obligation in writing, on the thirteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and thirtv-five, to one Aiburttis E. Jackson o make to said Jackson titles to lots of land lying and being in thee unty of formerly Troup now Meriweth | er county, in the third district of said cou ty, one lo! : u tniber two hundred and fiftv. and fifty acres to beta- ; "'n otf lot numb -r two hundred and twen’y-seven which lies on the north side of Flat Shoai Creek, all of which land is in the third district of formerly Troup now Meriwether county ; and it further appearing to the Court ‘hat the said Hope H. Tigner has departed ■his ‘ife without having executed the titles aforesaid jI ; s ordered, by the Court, tha’ this rule be puhlish | e 1 once a month, for *hree months, and at the expira | ion ot winch time, no objections being shown Eliza i Tignei, executrix of the said Hope H. Tigner ’ t be required to make trde3 m terms of the agree i in<-nt. A true extract from the minutes. 25m3tn LEVI M. A MM a , Clerk. ! NOTICE* TIIK OONTFIiiC r ION ARY business heretofore carried on by Co.fe & Q,u*n will hereafter be i continued at the old stand on 13r®ad street, bv Columbus. Aug. 22. 2?f JOIIN'QUIN 121 TALBOT SUPERIOR COURT. j John YV. Ransom ] Bill for discovery, re- T , J’. 8 ’ jii r !iet ’ 311(1 s P et ‘ified per- 1 Joshua Threadgtll, . f orma nce and injunction. Peter McGiaine. J IT appealing to the Court that Joshua Threadgill, i one of the defendants in the above hill, resales out I of the ,imits of this state, it is, therefore, ordered, that service of said defendant be perfected by publication in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of Talbot Superior Court, September term. 1838. SSmJni CHAS. R. YVYNX c, s, c. STEWART SUPERIOR COURT. Thomas YV. Pierce 1 r> V3 ’ l Bill for discovery’, relief 1 David Bivins, p an( j injunction. Benjamin Moroney. William A. Maxwell. j IT appearing to the Court that all the defendants in the above stated case live out of Stewart county, said Bivins m Carroll county, said Maroney in Camp bell county, and said Maxwell in Lee conn y, it is, therefore, on motion, ordered, that service be perfect ed on said defendants, bv publication ot this rule in one of the public gazettes of said state, once a month for four months before the next term of this Court, re quiring said and fendants to appear and answer, demur or plead to said bill, at said next term of said Court, and ibis they may in no wise omit. A true extraef from the minutes o r the Court, this 9:h August, 1838. 35tn4tn E. PEARCE. Clerk. IN STEWART SUPERIOR COURT, AUGUST TERM, 1833. Frederick L. Bow.nan, I Moses L. Bowman B H for discovery, re- David P. Hil’bouse, I David B. Perryman. J IT appearing to ihe Court that service of the above bill has been perfected on the defendant, David P. Htilho ise. returnable to this term of the Court, an I •hat the defendant. David B. Perryman resides out of the said county of Stewar*, it is, therefore, on motion of como'ainants’ S ilicitors ordered that service of sai I bill, upon the said David B. Perryman, be per fected by publication of this rule, once a month, for three month previous to the next term of .his Court, in anv public Gazette published in ibis s ate. A true extract from the minutes of this Court, Au gust 11. 1833. 31.n3.-n E. PEAROEc. s. c.__ RANDOLPH SCPSRIOU COURT, Nancy Dumpier ) vs. > Libel for divorce. Daniel Dam|>ier. ) £T appearing to the Court, bv the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above stated case is not to found in said county, it is, therefoie or dered bv the Court, on morion that service be perfect ed on said defendant, by a publication of ‘his rule once a month for three months, in one of the public ga zettes of he city of Columbus, at east four months be fore the next ti t rn of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of said Cou;t, this 6th dav of September, 1938 32m3m O. £. GRIFFITH, c. s. c. RANDOLPH SUPERIOR COURT. Mary Gilder ) vs. > Libel for dtyorce. Gilbert Gilder. ) IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above cas ■ is not to be found in said county, and it being repiesented to the Court that he resides out of this state, it ts. there fore, on motion, ordered, that service of the above, case be perfected on the said defendant, by a publication of this rule in any public gazette published in Columbus, once a month, for three months previous to the next term of his Court. A true extract from the minutes of >aid Court, this 6th dav of September, 1839. 32m3m O. 11. GRIFFITH..c. s. c. HEARD SUPERIOR COURT, APRIL TERM, 1838. George Lumpkin ) vs. > Libel for divorce.j Lucinda Lumpkin. ) IT appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff’, that the defendant in the above stated case is not to be found in the county, it is, therefore, or dered, that the defendant be and appear at the next term of this Court, and answer said suit, and that pub lication of this rue, in one of the public gazettes of this state, once a mon h. for three months be held sufficient service. M. C. SUMMERLIN. Plt’ffi’s Att’v. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, .Tune 26,1833 f32m3m] BAILEY BLEDSOE, Clerk. LAW NOTICE. THE subscriber has resumed ihe practice of tnc LAW at Ooiumbus, Ga. He will be prepared to make advances on Notes placed in his hands for collection, provided the parlies are unquestionably sol vent, and the terms can be agreed upon. His office is on Broad street, uirectlv over the Planters’ and Me chanics’ Bank. .-8. ARMSTRONG BAILEY. Ma.v 23d, 1838. 16tf NOTICE. TTE COMMISSION MERCHANTS of Ap alachico.a. Florida, have concluded to reduce their Commission charge for receiving and forwarding Merchandise and Cotton to the following rates, viz: Cotton per bale 25 cents, exclusive of other charges; Merchandise per burr I 25 ecu's including till other charges. Columbus. Aug. 20 1838. _294i>i NOTICE. A NOTE tty me to Win. Robinson, or hear tor two thousand dollars, dated 2lst June, j and Joe the Is of Januaty next, was given for money on the Commercial Bank of Florida, and will be paid m bills of the same ban!:, and no o'h*-r wav. Cuthbert, July 24 1838 25’f A. HOWARD. NOTICE. rjp TE sub criticrs having removed from Columbus, a we have authorised Messrs. J. N. .St J. M. BETHUNE to act as our Agents, and all persons indebted to the subscribers will call on them and settle. SMALLEY, CRANDALL & Cos. June 14. 19tf NOTICE. THE co-partnership lu retofore existing under the firm of I’. H. & I. C. PLANT at Augusta. Ga. is this day dissolved by mutual con-enr. Either party ts authorised to use the name of the late firm in set tling up the business. T H. PLANT, July 3. 1838. T. C. PLANT. The Bookselling and Binding business wih he con tinued at the old stand by the subscriber on ht< own account. 25if T. H. PLANT. NOTICE. 1-qHE copartnership heretofore existing at Colum bus, Ga. under the linn of I. C. PLANT & Cos is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. A. Norton is duly authorised to attend to anv business of the late firm. I. C. PLANT. July 3 1838. 25tf T. H. PLANT. NOTICE. rgNIIE undersigned lias located himself at Macon, A as his future residence. During his temporary absence communications for him may be addressed to the care of J. T. Contant. JAS. R. BUTTS. Macon. July 1, 18S8. 25;f. HEARD AND WELSH, BOSTON, Mess., have fur sale American Gin, of Eage, Anchor, and other brands; American Brandy of ail proofs, pure -pints. Imitation Rums, ‘ew Rum and Alcoh I. Orders will be punctually attended to, and the Liquors put up in good barrels or lihds. at t e option of -.he purchaser. Ssir'ict attention will also be given to the shipping of Liquors ordered. Boston, Ma 28,1838. 19 f TO RENT, THE STORE recently occupied by the sub scribers. Also TWO ROOMS suitable for Offices or Bed Rooms, in the upper story of the same building. Persons wishing to rent will apply to J. N. ! & J. ,\i. Bethtine. SMALLEY, CRANDA .L & Cos. June 14. I9tf COPARTNERSHIP. TSNHE subscribers this day formed a co ja. partnership in the Bookselling business, and ta ken the stock of the la e firm of I. G. Piant & Cos. at Columbus the business will be conducted under the firm of PLANT & NORTON. T. 11. PLANT. J. A. NORTON. Columbus, July IS. 1838. 25ti STRIVED OR STOLEN, ABOUT the 10 , h May last, a large bay HORSE, long tail, rather sway back, racks easy but short, j a few marks of the saddle and harness. Information j or delivery of the horse thankfully received arid iibe- : rally rewarded. VOiSGE & ELLTS. ! June 7. IST SPLENDID VESTINGS. THE subscribers have lately received an assort- i tnenl of extra rich figured Silk Velvet and Satin VESTS. Also, plain black Silk and Satin, which they will be pleased to make up to order ai the shori est notice. HAMILTON, HURD & Cos. Jan. 2. 4tf 7 BBLS. pickeled SHEEP HEAD. 20 boxes fine Scotch Herring, 4 bb!s. Cranberries, 20.000 best Spanish Cigars, Just received and for sate bv Feb. 1.1333. 52tf YONGE & ELLIS. 4 BBLS Newark Cider, m *dfc 10 boxes fresh Lemons, just received, and for sale by Match 15. 6 f YONGE & FT LTS. ROOMS’ TO RENT. FOUR ROOMS to be rented m M’fntosh Row, we: calculated for Lawyers, Docters, or Gen tlemen’- Steeping Rooms. March 8. o f M. NT. CLARK. Asent. EOR RENT. TWO very desirable ROOMS, over the store of Hamilton, Hurd & Cos. For terms aoplv to June 28 21 if H. H. & CO. WANT 1). A HEALTHY WET NURSE, for which a] liberal price will be given. July 10. 23tf S. M. JACKSON. { TO PLANfEftA THE subscriber offers for sale, upon reasonable terms for ca .h or ntwn long tune, as may suit the convenience of purchasers, the following tracts of I land in Alabama. It ts unnecessary to say any thing iin regard to the quality. But I will remara, that some |of the best settlements in the State arc included in ’ these lands. Purchasers need have no fears about j titles—they shall be satisfactory, i E 4 12 29 .Section 12 14 26 W 35 12 29 SE or H 14 26 N 1 12 25iE JN E 1 U 14 26 Section 8 12 26 N 1 11 28 S Wqr 5 12 26 S 12 14 29 E half NE qr 4 12 26 N S5 14 29 N Wqr 5 12 26 S 25 14 29 IS Eur 5 12 26 S I t 14 29 SE qr 4 12 26 3 H 14 30 YV half NYV i 3 12 26 S 10 14 30 Section 17 13 28! YV 31 14 30 Section S 13 28 YV 7 16 23 N 24 13 29 E 93 18 29 W 32 13 26 ! W S3 16 29 W half SE j 32 J3 26 S 26 16 29 W half NE 132 13 26 YV 10 16 27 NE qr 31 13 26 S 2 17 28 E half SE qr il 13 2oiN 23 17 28 E half NWi 31 13 26 N 21 17 28 SE or 29 13 26: N 18 17 28 SWqr 11 13 26|S 29 17 29 N WISE ill 13 26 S 27 15 27 SE qr 30 13 26|S 13 15 27 NYV qr 11 13 2b N 12 15 28 S 23 14 27 N 11 15 28 YV 17 14 27 S 31 15 29 E 19 14 27 S 2 15 29 E 30 14 27 Section 3 15 29 E 32 1 1 27 N 3 15 26 S 3 14 27 vV 20 15 30 N 3 14 29 N 18 15 29 SYV qr 34 14 28 N 29 15 29 WjN W J 34 14 29 3 23 15 30 !YV 19 14 30 N 21 15 29 Section 24 14 26 N 8 15 -29 ! Section 25 M 26 3 25 18 26 S S3 14 26 VV 33 18 26 April 26. 13 jan.l H. S. SMITH. i ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. N. hail’ 9 14 30 S. half 4 14 SO N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 SO S. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. ha;f 36 19 29 S. had’ 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N ha f 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 28 N. half 33 20 26 S. ha.f 32 13 28 YV. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 10 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above lands will be sold on terms tb suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Flo rence, Ga. or the subscriber, at Macon. July 26. 23.f J. COWLES. NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS UNDER THE CREEK TREATY. & N act of Congress tiavmg been passed on the 5 h /R of July last, authorising patents to be issued to th present owners of the lands originally reserved for Indians, under the Creek Treaty of 1832 ; and there being every reason to believe that a large number of the approved contracts will be very soon released from the suspension which has heretofore precluded furiher action thereon, and allowed to be patented, ICING & WILSON, LAND AND GENERAL AGENTS at Washington Guy, offer their services to the parti- s interested, in prosecuting their claims before the de partments and procuring the patents thereon. To obtain the patents it. is necessary that the original ap proved con rack , with all the subsequent claim of tide under which the parties claim, should be forwarded, accompanied, as required bv the act. bv ‘ sa'isfac ory proof’ of the fairness of the several transfers or assign ments. Where the approved contract has been lost or destroyed, or is not in the possession of the party, the necessary examinations will be made, and instruc tions given, upon the receipt of a full s atement of all the facts in die case. King & Wilson will also attend, with fidelity and promptness, to all claims which may ne placed in their hands arriving in any manner out of hat treat}', or under the preemption and other laws reguladng the disuosal of the public domain ; and hope that the experience acquired, during the twenty years in which they have been familiarly acquainted with all the ope rations of the Laud System of ‘he United States, will enable them to <io justice to their enedoyers. Communications must be post paid, enc osing a re taining fee proportioned to the interests involved and the services to bo performed and addressed to us at Washington City. KING & WILSON. Land and General Asents. Washington 1 ‘ey. Sept. 6 1838. 83 7t JOHN BASCOMBE. THTS renowned atio ever memorable HORSE will occupv his old stand *’ <.ne Hampton Course, in the v>.un'tv-f A'.'Just a, under mv direction. Col. Crowe- ; ■. owner, after returning from his tour . jJjrbugh the north, east and west, has come to the con ! elusion to allow him to remain with me another season. I Applicarions were ma !e in various sections of our coun j try; unlimited-business was guaranteed ; large Sums of i ered by various jen lemen for the service of the horse • j but Col. Crowe threw aside all minor con-idera'ions, ad pecuniary nn ives, when on his return he found so | many soiieitario; s from various quarters of the south. io allow the horse to remain with me, that he at length yielded and gi itified their wishes. In fact-. Bascombe has so many warm admirers, that thev nearly view him as their common property. Bascombe ha- 5 attain ed his end in one point, he has put to rest ail those iit tle, petty slanders, relative io impotency. as h has proven himseff’ as sure a foal-gi tl l as any horse that stands on four feet. His first get was dropped this season ; each and every person’s colt, in different parts of the south is the crack and bias colt ; in fact, for game-like appearance, quickness of action, sprightli ness and playfulness, unsurpassed. He will commence hi< season on the 15th ot Febru ary next—to terminate on the 15 h of Julv. Terms, ,SIOO the season, and $1 to the groom. — Good lots fine stables, pastures and provender, vvi.l be provided f>r the mares—no liability for escapes or ac cidents. Persons sending rnares are particularly re quested to send their pedigree, also notes made payable to John Crowell, or beater. The expenses of the mares to be paid briore taking them away. Mares remaining with the Horse will he taken cate of at 50 cents per dav—servants with them fed gratis It is useless to mention pedigree and performances ; Bascombe’s speak for th- mselves; the world know them ; his na n will be Landed down from Turfite to Turfite; and whe no more, the bosoms of future sportsmen* will swell with emo’ion and delight, when they hear mentioned the name o r Bascomhe. Sept. 11, 1838. S3 8t F. W. LACY. IMPORTANT NOTICE. FOR THE AFFLICTED THERE IS A BALM IN GILEAD. rgJNHE citizens of Zebulon, in Pike county, are a hereby notified, that Mr. H. G. JOHNSON, of that place, is the au hotised agent for selling BRAN- DttETti’S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS, and has his CERTIFICATE of Agency and afresh supply of the Pills from the General Agency in Columbus. And they are further cautioned against purchasing Pills, for BRANORETH’S PILLS, of Mr. John Neal, of that place, as he is offering for sale the basest counterfeits. Purchase only of the known and autho rised Agents, and vou are on the sure side. AND YET ANOTHER. The citizens .f Mon'icelio, in Jasper county are hereby notified, that’Messrs. KELLUM & MAX EY, of that place, are the authorised Agents for ihe sale of the BRAN DRETH VEGETABLE UNI VERSAL P LLS and have their CERTIFI CATE of Agency, and a fresh supply of the GENU INE PILLS from ihe General Agency in Columbus. And iest auv among them, who “is i to purchase the genuine medicine, should be deceived by the counter feit at the. peril of their health, and periiaps their lives, I would give them timely can*ion not to purchase Pills of Messrs. Hurd & Ha’ngerford. who it seems are of fering spurious Pills on Dr Brandreth’s credit.— Touch not the unclean thing. JOHN B. PEABODY'. General Agent so; Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Columbus. Mav 14 C 1 otf j ’ iTemolTal^ pHYR. YVILSON may in future be found at the iLi’ Drug Store of John K. Bacon & Cos. during the day, and after night at his resiuence. It is his in tention to devote himself exclusively to his proses duties. Those who nny desire his services, when he is absent, can be informed, by applying as above named, where he has gone to. and at what hour he will re urn. Columbus. J'liy 16,1838. 24 6m MEDICAL NOTICE. DRS HOXEY & WILLIAMS have taken into connexion with them Dr. JNO. J. B. HOX- E I . and will attend to all calls in town or country.— Tht-ir office is situated on the corner of Broad and Randolph streets, immediately over the store of A. Gilbert. “ April 5. 10 6m SELLING OFF AT COST. r?|NHE subscribers, having made other business ar- B rantjements will sell their entire stock of Rea dy mate CLuTHING, either at wholesale or retail, at cost for cash. J. S. SMITH & Cos. Jan. 29. 1838. 52'tf P. S.—Ad those indebted to ns are respectfully re quested to come forward and pay up* J. S. S. R Co^ l, v XV. THE subscribers having connected themselves in the practice of LAW, will attend all the County Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of Alabama. Office in Mclntosh j Row, immediately over Allen & Y oung’s Store. ALFRED IVERSON, j June 14. 1 Hts J. M GUERRY. j PETIT GULF COTTON SEED, & T reduced puces, warranted genmne, and for ‘ Xl*- sale by ‘ YONGE & ELLIS. I March 15, fifi [ LIST OF LETTERS i UEMAINING in the Post Oifice at Columbus , October 1,1838. Abbott. Augustus Jr. Jay, F N Arrant, Nimrod Jones, Samuel Anders in, Miss Jewett,M Aval. Solomon Johnson, L Allen, John S Johnson, Luke Arileck, J Jonts, Clara Adams, Frances A Johnson, Ann Bird, iMiss 15 Johnson, George Bonn, Lafayette Johason, Alford Banks, Francis Jones, Ur E Barnett, Lady Jackson, Miss E Ballotv, YVm James, S H - Biekerstaff, Capt H 2 Kemp, J S 2 Barrow, Capt J King, Mr Bush, Tilpha Lewis, Andrew Brown, Win B Lloyd, John B iggs, John M Leach, Lucrctia Buckelew, Samuel Lyon, Leonard 2 Blake, Wm Lewis, YVm F Btantiy, Henry Lewis, J C Busmon, Wm Leonard, Frahcesß B ard, Mrs Louisa V Mangham, Thomas H Burns, Mrs C Mank, Daniel F 2 Boggs, John 2 Myzell, Alfred eaitie, James 2 Moore, E E Bell. Andrew Marrow, Wm L Burt. Mary T May, Hardy Brady, Asia Madden, John Blalach, H Mannon, Hen y S Betilv, H McLea y, Thomas E Brannon, Albert McCary, Mary E Brockway, Cltas McFleethan, Alexander Bugg. Jacob C , McKissack, Thomas B Bates. John A McClendon, Alexander Bacy, Urbin McMurtntis, John 2 Baptist, Church McGhee, Isaac 2 Cooper, Wm McKissack, Jeremiah Chamberlin, R M McDonald. Andrew Chalmers, George McCoy, Nancv Coleman, Eliza McMichael,Mathew Cooper, Isaac ‘ McKenzie. K Chapman, i II McLean, W Cook, Thomas F Princail, Edward C Canning, J L Prober, Wm Cornealus, John Purson, Wm arthage. Jeremiah 2 Persimon, Nancy Caihoun, Samuel Prance, G P Oaihoun, Louisa Parker, John YV Chandler, Wm Pride, J P F Campbell, WtnC Price, Wm L Chapman, Allen Peabodv, John 2 Cox. Lanson Pigott, Levi YV Chandler, Wm C Piper, Alexander Croft. Ralph Phillips, Mary Carr, Paddy Pond, Cranston Cobb, J B Pltelon, John Cady, Edmund Pitts, nouter Cainoun, John Richardson, John P Ohatmors, George Robertson, Dr Caldwell, Allen Robison, AS 3 Campbell, M A Redd, O A Jr Campbell, S Riley, Wm 2 C roes'on, Franklin Rib y, Wm M Chamberlin. R M Riley, Wm H Cook, R. B Richter, Frederick Carnes, It W Rhodes, A S W Calhoun. John Rogers, Nathan Diilenhoffer, Adam Ritch, James J Dent, A F Roqueinore, John ninham. C H Robinson, Mrs Drucilia Dt;nt, J II Itawes, Lucien II Dougherty, John . Raney, YVm Dure, L M Reid, Mrs Ann Dinsmone, James H Reese, Rivers Duri an, Mrs V R Scurl ck, John Ellis, Johua Smith, JohnS Elton, Mary Smead, P H Fie well in. A H - Sapp, Mrs Elizabeth Finegan, So omon Samrnis, Mary II Farris, YV W Shickland. Aaron Finnigan, Catherine Summons, Miss Catharine Fraser, Duncan Stratton, Charles Feeks, Charles F Smith, Julm Foster, Georgewell Statham, James Fielding, John W Singleton. Francis Frank, Yellow man Smith, W W Foster, John W Scott, Alexander Green, Wm Smith, J P Glasco, Robertson Stuart, Robert L Grav, Thomas E Siller, Wm F Gray. Benom Sammis, Richard Guthrie. Wm Shopner, Jacob >rear, James Smith, Abel Gran berry, Thomas Sullivan, John Grice, Richard Scott, 1 Joctor Guldens. Eveline Smith, James Godfrey, James M Smith, Mr George, Robert Spellon, C L Grover, Mary S Sanford, Thomas Goldsmith, John F Rmith, H S Giabarn, Nicholas Stephenson, Thomas Goldstein, David 2 Stenson, James Hickev, C E Stallinfis, Charlotte Holland YV F Steven*, Elvy Hail, Robert Seedorf, C Horn, Seaborn Swann, Harrison Harris, YViley Stevoson, Mary Harp, Henry’ Samis, Mrs Richard Haywood, Mrs YVincy Shorter, Robert Herring, Joseph A Smith, YY rn Hackney, Martha A S-m*, John Hflrt.vSdu, W G To - 11S, Win Haywood, Jessie r I hemas, Nathan Jr Hardwick, Wm YV Towns, Wm Hasting, YVm B Turbewell, Alfred C Hawks, Lewis Towesler, Joel Harris, Blakely A Tray wick, Wm Hun , Dt. A i Tisdale, H T Harris, Wm Thompson, Mary A Howard, James Thomas, !• nathan Holladery, S A Tiler, Paul H Holland, Janies C Teel; Asa Hue. Keb ft Thompson, Elizabeth Herniigdim, Thomas IC 1 arver, John Harris, Joseph Towns, Mrs A P Llaiton, YV B Tay or, Mrs .1 B Hull, Altha Turner, Mary Hargrove, W D Taylor, Mr. LI B Harris, James Tarver, Nancy S Hunt, Daniel Turner, G P Hall, Thomas L Young George II Hamlet, James Woolfork, John ~ Herring, Joseph A Williams, William Holland, YVm C Willis, Littlzburg II Henderson, K Welsted, Samuel J Howard, Hiram Walker, Martin Hu’chinson, Thomas Wallion, James Hicks, YVm YVilliams Stephen Harrison, YVm YVymon. Beujamin Horton, Sara Wvnn Louis Harlv, J D 2 Wamble. Andrew Howard. Darsy YVilliams, George M Harris, Francis Wilhelm Frederick Hoffman, Mr. YY ilson Joseph Holladav, Sullivan 2 YY’illiams. YY’ißon YV Harris, Joseph Williams. Shephard Hargroves, Albert YVeatherwood. Jesse Haws, Barnet 2 Wicks, Bartlette Ilarnev, Idiiam YY’i’borne Col A Hardaman, Jack YY r a’son. Mary A 2 Hamilton, lohn C YVillis. L K Holland, YVm YVred and Hooper Tverson, James II YVilibv, Asa Iverson, Virling YViggins, Thomas E John, J B PCP Persons calling for anv of the above Letters will please sav thev are advertised. 35 It JAMES VAN NESS Post Master. LIST OF LETTERS REMANING in the Post Office at Talbotton, Ga.. October 1, 1838. I Atkins, Robert Holt, Raleijh Armstrong, Stith M Hill, James Avent, Caroline Miss Hart, Rebecca Miss Borke,Col Jamison, George Butler, Elijah Jernagan, Alex Beall & Grant Johnston. James Bullocks. Samuel Jones, Martha Mrs Beek, Joseph Ivivlin, M L Mrs Barnett, YV B Rev 2 Kendal. Henry Bynum. Henry King. Mr ; Bruce James & Spencer Lawrence. Dr ! Bass, Buckuer Miller. John J | Booth, John VV Miller. A Bailey, Henrv Esq McDonald. Lovett Barron Thomas McKnight. Charles YV Baron Jas Murphey. Matthew Birch, Ann Mrs McDowell Thos C Burch. Charles Mrs Mitchell Mary Ann Mrs Be k, Martha Miss Oliver. Win H Caleoun. John C Peele, Wil iam | Croson, George Presott, Leroy M ! Colquhoun. Duncan Phi ips. Gen Childers, Nancy Mrs 2 Powell. Hiram Clark, Elizabeth J Miss Park. Y\ ilson 2 Dexon, Robert H Rountree, Jesse Duffie. Thos Robinson Z Douglass, Tilman Rev Rusn B T Rev Donason, YY f tn Sistrunk. Jacob ’ Dismukes, Jas Smith, Robert M Davis. Jnoß Smith, James Egar. John M Stub is, A B j Foster Henry Stringer. James A I Falkner Willis 2 Sealey. Garrett ! Fields, G Short, Jas or Franklin j Flourney, Nelson Sauls. David I Freeman. B S Steel, John H | Fisher Harriett or Slaton. Joseph ’ Sarah, Adams Simmons. John i Gregory, Jacob 2 Strickland. Peter i Grant John O Stinson. Thomas Goolsbey .Ylieajah Steed. Mrs Mary Howart. Hiram YVilliamson, Y\ m Harris. Wm B YVilliams, Jacob Hancock. LJ Dr YValker, George Hill. E P Wallace John H Hearn Elijah G 2 YValker, Andrew Harace. Robt YValker, Elizabeth Mrs Hardv. Joseph 35 3t R. YV*. ROFFE. Post Master. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office atHalloca.Oct. 1,1835. Austin. Mr Seaborn J Maxims. Michael Barbarce, E'ias Marshall, YV illiam Cobb, Seth Painter. YVhluam __ 2 i Culpepper, Ed Rohetts. YY illiam II Culpepper. John Smith, Eli Davis, Daniel C Warner. Pleasant Holts Moses J YY'alis. Madox Hinson. Mathew YVtllinghsm. Mrs Jano Jon-s, Seabo-n ‘V YVaiker. Nancy YV Macdaniel. Richard YY'alters, George Morrell, YViHtatn YVhorton. John YV 33t J, R. MrCOOTs. F~’ M-'er. .jrnHE PUBLIC ULCilfSlkQ winch is ika B. universally admitted to exisit in PE I ERS’ | vegetable pills, is every day demonstrated | i py their astonishing efficacy in all the cases which they 1 are announced to cure, i ins is no deceptive or iner- j j cenary boast, but a tact undeniably proven Pj numerous | ; certificates gratuitously and voiumaniy ottered to the) ! proprietor, who, being a regular Physician, and having ! practiced his profession for many years in dilf'erciu | I climates, is enabled to oiler to the atiheted invalid a . medicine, on the effects of which he is willing to risk I lus reputation. He does not pretend that they are a positive cure, i or even beneficial in every complaint; but he most positively beneves that in every disease where a cathar- j tic or an aperient medicine is needed, they will bo found 1 superior to any of those diastie purgative medicines j which are so much pulled in ine public prints as puri fiers of kite blood. When taken according to the direc- I lions accompanying them, thev are highly beneficial in ’ the prevention and cure of Biltious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dy spepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Colic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Nausea, Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatu lence, Habitual Cosuvettcss, Loss of Appeti.e, Blotch ed or Sallow Complexion, and in ail cases of Torpor of ffie Bowels where a cathartic or aperientYs needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea griping nor debility. Wherever these Puls have been once introduced nto a family, they become a standing remedy, and are called fur again and again, which is sufficient proof of th. tr good qualities. Perhaps no article of the kind has ever been effort o to the public supported by- testimonials of a character so decisive, from sources as respectable,or that has given more universal satisfaction. They have the testimony of the whole medical pro fession in thetr favor, w hile not a single case of ill con sequences or inefficiency can be alledged against them. Hundreds and thousands bh ss the day they- became acquainted with Peters’ Y'egetable I ills, which, in consequence of their extraordinary goodness, have at tained a popularity unprecedented in the history of medicine. The very circumstance alone that Physicians, in every part of the Union, (but more especially in the Sou hern States, where they have lout; been in Use.) are making free use of litem in thetr practice, speaks volumes in their praise. Add to this fact, that all who use invariably recommend them to thetr friends, and | the testimony in their favor is almost irresistible. As an An'i-bilinus remedy, and to prevent Cosliveness, j they have no rival. One fifty cent box will establish j their character, and prove that there is truth even man J advertisement. Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. at his j Insti ution for the cure of obstinate diseases by means i of Vegetable remedies, No. 129, Liberty street, New | York, Each box contains 40 pills. Price 50 cents. Clarksville, Mecklenburg co. Y~a. Feb. 7, 1837. Dear Sir—l embrace the opportunity of expressing ! to you my gratification at the success which has attend ed the administration of your valuable Pills in this section of count! v. It is a common fault with thos who compound and vend patent medicines to say toi much in their favor, but from what I have seen of tli effect of y-ottr pills l do not think they have, as yet received unmerited praise. -i\ months ago they wen i almost entirely unknown in this part of Virginia; the) are now tlie most popular piils we have. In dvspepsii 1 and sick headache, derangement of the biliary organs j and obstinate constipation of the bowels, I know ot it, j aperient more prompt and efficacious. Their mildness and certainty of action render them a safe and efficient purgative for weakly individuals, and may be given at all times any of those injurious consequences that frequently- result from t lie long confirmed use of calomel or blue pills. Un the whole, 1 consider them a valuable discovery. Very respectfully, S. H. HARRIS, M. D. Mecklenburg Cos. Va. Feb. 7th, 1837. Having used Dr. Upters’ Pills in my practice for th last twelve months,*ake pleasure i.t giving my testi mony of their gootl effects in cases of Dyspepsia, Sic! Headache. Bilious Fevers, and other diseases produced by inac ivity of the liver. T’t y are a safe and mild aperient, being the best article of the kind I have ever used. GEO. C. SCOTT, M. D. The above valuable Pills are for sale by John E. Bacon & Cos. Columbus, Ga. July “27. 1837 30;f YELLOW FEVER CURED WITH B.tANDJtETiFS FILLS. MR. ARNOLD, who last August boarded with Mrs. Ward, near the corner of Tchapitoias and Gtrod streets, was attacked with Yellow Fever, and immediately swallowed 15 Piils, and then took 10 Pills every hour for 7 hours afterwards. During the seven hours they appeared to produce no effect, but at the end of that time a feeling of faintness came over him, amt lie thought the last hour of his existence was at hand He then blamed himself for putting faith ip 1 Bi andreth’s Pills. He told his nurse if tie ae ous, to continue to give more, as he had begun he made up his mind to eon tnue them even in t - str he was. Scarcely had tie given these orders whet .• j raised hIS hand to Ins, an,l, to use his owii expres- | sion, there were upon it drops of perspiration as | large as buck shot. He- found that he had bro ken out into the most profuse perspiration. Almost immediately the Pills began to take efft ct. and he tie scribes the evacuations as of the most dreadful kind, biack and tiufid to suffocation. The doors and win lows wet c obliged to be thrown open. He was out of danger within 24 hours of the commencement of the attack, and by taking 15 Pills night and morning, on ihe 4,1i day he was out, an I in 10 days entirely reco vered. Tt is I (Dr. Brandreth) would guarantee would be Ihe case in ninety cases of 7 ellow Fever out of a hun dred, was the above method adopted on the commence ment. Dr. Franklin never spoke more truly than when he said ‘‘ a stitch in time,” &c. Would the people were wise—time may convince. All fevers are occasioned by the disordered motion of the blood, produced by the humoral serosity harden ing the valves vessels. The blood circulates with greatly increased veloci y. and is still increased by the friction of the globules, nr particles which com pose the mass of fluids. Then it is that the excessive heat is experienced throughout the whole sys'em ; and accompanied with great thirst, pains in the head, back, kidneys, and in fact a complete prostration of all the j faculties of ihe mind as w ell as body. Bleeding, calomel and barks are'the usual remedies ! employed by physicians. YY'hat is the consequence? j Two thirds die “and the other third recovers from the j fever—but—yes, mind that hut—hut with their blood \ overcharged with the very remedies themselves which i hope been swallowed to dispel the. fever. These gen - j rally depo ile in the cavities of the veins and arteries, | producing most horrid pai.’s—especially in the night, when the cured patient is w-arm in bed—often obliging him to rise arid apply cold water or some other cold ap plication to ease the excessive pain,of entimes coughs, j most obstinate ones dropsy, consumption, bv the re medies obstructing the lungs, and oiher debilitating af- j j sections lead the poor patient to the tomb after long and i cruel sufferings. This may be prevented—can always be prevented, j if purgation is at once resorted to —and after the pa tient is reduced ever so low there is hope—provided he j perseveres. Hundreds havt been prevented from fill ing an untimely grave by following the advice < ontain- ! ed in the followi.,g SHORT SENTENCE : On the first attack of fever, or any disease, immedi ately take a lari-e dose of ‘Brandreth’ s Vegetable Universal Pills, And continue to keep up a powerful effect on the : bowels until the fever or pain has entirely ceased. j | These Pills are au assistant of nature, • and afford peifect r lief whenever any organs ol the body are unhealthy, restoring health and strength by removing accumulated impurities—otherwise,in simp, ianauage, vitiated humors. This is following attire this is taking disease out of the body—and no other way can cure disease but taking it out. It must be carried away from the body, not merely changed, as is the case when blue pill or calomel is given, or any of the numerous mineral medicines, ft is in consequence of the per pira'ion which arises from the Thompsonian practice that has brought it into notice—but sweating is nothing, otnpared to purging with Brandreth’s Pills, in the good effects on the body. One dose of 10 Pills i will remove more bad humors, by the stomach and bowels, than a dozen vapor baths, on Thompsonian or other principles could remove. Purging and sweating is all that is required to cure disease, no matter what j kind IT CAN BE CURED IN NO OTHER WAV. BRAN- | DRETH’S PILLS are both sudorific and cathartic I —that is, produce both sweating and purging. In some cases they produce vomiting : that is only when the stomach is m such a state of foulness that it cannot cleanse itself by any other means. They always pro- j duce health, because they invariably f.xcite every or- ; cm to healthy action—in other words, THEY AS- SlB I’ nature to bring about such a state of things as necessarily causes this desirable result. No method is so sensible as following Nature. — Mankind have been long enough out of he- path, and j unfortunately after anything but common sens;, and j guided by any whim but reason. Let us abandon, then, false notion-- and falser practices—etus endeavor to resume the path of nature, and be guided by the light of reason—let us cease to ruin our eves by gas or can dle light, and we shall need no optician-—let us cease doing those things-which are contrav to the nature of our bodies, and we shall need no physicians—let us endeavor to find out what is na ure, what a e the laws that govern her. In this work experience must be our teacher, and prejudice must be forever di carded as our companion. BRANDRETH’S Y'EGETABLE UNIVER SAL PILLS. May be obtained genuine and pure, of my Agent, in Co’umbus Mr. JOHN B. PE A BOD Y, and no where j else in said citv. Remember always, that, no Druggist is allowed to sell the GENUINE PILLS. [! is for this cau=e that so many of them have the counterfeits for sale. If there is any virtue in the genuine Pills is it not basely criminal to offer the countefeits ? arid if there is no virtue in them (which nror-t of them believe tobe ‘he tact,) are their motives n > equa’lv unworthy in offer- j ng to the public anv medicine under the na ne of Bran- ! retli ? Let. every unprejudiced mind judge between us. BENJAMIN BRANDRETH. M. D. o’umh’t' 3 . Crj. Aprtl"2’ r 1833. IJ'f , INFOK MATICW IO filOaE SUFFERING WITH Cholera Morbus, Jjiurrhau , SummComplaint, Co lics, Crumps uud Spasms, TIIE utility of li. S. BERNARD’S Remedy for Cholera has ceased to be a problem. Experi ence, the only sure foundation of Medicinal, as of all other kinds of knowledge, has effectually established what the judicious composition of the ‘Remedy, its admirable adaptation to the various indications which occur iu the course of those diseases of the stomach, j liver and bowels, usually designated as Cholera Com- I plaints, led the proprietor to anticipate from the first. Ot all experience, however, that of men competent to dis criminate accurately and to decide justly upon the I effects of a medicine, must be the best; and with such ! m its favor, even the most fastidious in these matters i must lay aside their prejudices. i The indications of cure are—to tranquilize the sto- I mach and bowels; to relieve the excessive puking and j purging; to allay the increased irritability of the inte.s ----i tines, giving rise to increased peristaltic motion; to i relieve that rheumatic state of the bowels which is of ! ten the attendant of chronic cases, sometimes accom panied with inflammation and ulceration; to overcoma i the spasms, equalize the circulation, and restore warmth : to ihe surface; remove congestion of the internal or | nans, and to relieve the morbid irritability of the brain and nervous system; —all of which has been effected by I the use of Bernard's Remedy for Cholera, certificates j of which have been given at various times, of its effi- I cacy in cases widely different in their origin and pro- I gress from each other. to the certificates; they aro the best, j evidence that can he given. The commendations which several hbera’and tntoJ -1 ligent Physicians have bestowed upon the Remedy, have already been published; ami the subscriber hi>-. ; now the gratification of adding the following trom a most respectable pratising physician of Somerton,Y a. ‘ R.S. BERNARD. Sourer ton, May 14, 1837. ! Mr. R. S. Bernard : I Dear Sir—This is to inform you I have tested the j efficacy of your Remedy for Cholera in several instan ! ces that have iaielv come under my care, and that its ’ effects evince it to be a judicious preparation—one emi i ni nth- serviceable, 1 will say ullogtlltcr competent to j cure the diseases for which it is recommended. I feci ’ no hesitation, tlu-rt fore, in declaring that for the treat- ment of such disorders, l shall regularly dispense your j Remedy from my office, and would recommend it to be 1 kept iu all families liable to these dangerous attaekst You may use this certificate as you will; Yottr’s, very respectfully, YY'. L. PARHAM. ! This certificate was given to inv agent, K. P. N".sh; I of Petersburg, and for its importance notice Mr. Nash’s ! remarks : I As for Bertiatd’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Mc ! dicine, I ea 1 the attention of the public to the certificate | below from one of the most respectable gentlemen in j the Sta e; and I particularly call their attention to the one given by a gentleman in this town— and if it were necessary, I could produce a half dozen others from Petersburg, who have tried the medicine within two weeks past. EDYV. P. NASH. Mr. Jur/uard P. JVash, Agent for Bernard’s Cholera Medicine. Dear Sir : I feel it a duty I owe to the proprietor ot the above medicine, as well as the public generally, tef i inform you that the bottle of Cholera mixture which ! 1 bought at your store a few evenings since, has entire-’ Ily cured me of a severe Diarrhoea. The cure was I effected in taking only two doses; and as I had tried 1 many other remedies without the least effect, I am fully of the opinion that the medicine hero alluded to is eve y thin it that it is said to be. ’ JAS. S. YV ALLACE, Petersburg, Y T a. YY r lio will neglect to supply themselves with Ber nard’s Remedy for Cholera, w-hen it is so fully proven to be efficacious in all the diseases for which it is re commended? In no case has it failed to cure the most obstinate attacks of summer complaint made upon chil dren. In one instance a permanent cure was effected upon a child in this place aftei the summer complaint had put it (as thought by the doctors) beyond the pow er of medicine to relieve. It was such an aggravated case that the child had, in the course of one day arid night, sixty-three evacuations from the bowels. Yet one bottle proved a sovereign remedy. Extract from one of my agents— Petersburg, June 4,1836. Mr. R. S. Bernard—Dear Sir: Your Cholera Me- dicine is highly thought of in Petersburg and adjacent counties; 1 have never sold a bottle out of the whole that I have sold which has not, so far as I could ascer tain, proved effectual in curing; I have never had a complaint—but many commendations of its gootl ef fects iiave been given me. Y'ou may, as far as my judgment and the good sense of the many tv w hom [ have sold it goes, recommend it highly to any and all who may w ish such medicine. 1 shall soon be in want of more. Respectfully, E. P. NASH, Agent for Petersburg, Y r a. From my A>ren*. 2VT . J ‘ Hare, of Mi mphis, i .a;, formerly of Murfreesboro’, N. C. Memphis. July 7, 18..3. jYlr. R. S. Bernard —Dear Sir.’ After selling a“, i : :il of your medicin- ior Cholera w h entire satisfac -1 I called on a few of our most respectable citizens I to get, if possible, some evidence of the * (ficacy of -aid | medicine.” and I an. glad to enclos- j .i ome certifi cates, which lam confident uddTJlutlT*t!thr r T already-obtained. Having used your medicine in my own family-, for some most violent attar ks of Cholera and Diarmaea, t take pleasure in adding my certiorate, inasmuch as I consider it the most valuable preparation ever made. If my name is of any set vice, you may use it in any way you think best, and I shall at all times’ feel proud to think that 1 have been called on to tcs’ify to the many cures performed by your medicine. I uii daily distrtouting it over this district, and have sen some to Arkansas, where it has been tried with com plete success. Your friend, J.HARK. To prevent imposition, a fiic sirni e of my name wi!i be attached to each bottle. For sale bv John E. Bacon Sc Cos. A. Pond & Cos. and E. S. Norton, Columbus, Ga. July 27. 30 VUZ INDIATS’S FANAC I.A, FOR SALE BV JO IN E. BACON AND CO., AGENTS, feiYOll the Cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula or lin g’s 3? Evil, Syphilitic and Me ct rial diseases, Uicirs, White Swellings. Diseases of the Liver and Skin To show the standing of this medicine, the followin’_• testimonials ana > idences of popularity are selected from the numerous: etters received by- the proprietor. The following extract is from a letter franked Ly a j member of Congress : “ Washington, 24th Jan., 1835. j “ Will you have the goodness to send rne a doz< nos j the Indian’s Panacea ? lam requested by one of the | party of the delegation of Cherokee Indians to procure | this medicine for him, they having found advantage j from it heretofore, and being unable to procure it in the | District. J. F. CALLAN.” “ Montgomery, Ala., 22d Oct., 1835. j “ Having nearly closed the lot sent [l2 dozen] we i will thank you to send us 24 dozen more by first vessel j for Mobile. We think very veil of your Indian’s Pa ! nacea, and find it is rapidly superceding all other kinds j in this vicinity. MADDOX & POLLARD.” “ Mobile, Ala., 31st Dec., 183 C, | “ Please send me 20 dozen Indian’s Panacea inline | diately, the demand being so great we shall be out be ’ fore we shall receive next shipment. “ WOODRUFF & WATKINS.” “ New Orleans, 20th April, 1837. | “ Your last shipment of 50 dozen has coine to hand, | which is considered sufficient foi the season. As my I orders show, the sale of your Panacea is fast increasing ; in this part of the country, and I must say it gives ge i nerai satisfaction. H. BONNABEL.” “ Natches, Miss., 28th Dec., 1837. “ Mr. D. G. Haviland, Sir—lt is with pleasure wo give the opinion entertained of the Indian’s Panacea in this city and vicinity, and can say, wha ever its combi nation, we know of no medicine introduced to public patronage so worthy of the high character it has sus tained here. We are acquainted with persons who | have thoroughly tried it in Chronic diseases, Scrofula and Mercurial affections, with entire success, and take great pleasure in forwarding, at their request, the certi : ficates of cure of several of them. It has been pre scribed by the faculty in many cases, meeting their en tire approbation : and, indeed, such is its popularity, we have calls for no other Panacea. “ McGRAW & PULLING,” ?.Tany more letters of similar purport arc at hand | but we will close with extracts from a letter from Dr. Witherspoon, giving a case of a member of the Legis : lature of South Carolina. “ Sumterville, S. C., 24th Aug., 1837. ! “ The gentleman in this village whom the Indian’s. Panacea cured, had Mercurial diseases, and not Rheu matism. However, the cure it effected with him was most obvious and remarkable, and, beyond all doubt, it j preserved the life of one of our most useful citizens, Asa consequence, it ha; acquired great celebrity in this ; section of the State. A great deal is used, and many are using it for diseases in which it is not at all appli— i cable, by which means it will no doubt, after a while, fall into disrepute. J. B. WITHERSPOON.” Also for sale by A. POND & Cos. j Columbus, March 22. gy FZ*GHA’S BAZiUtI OF GZILEAD, AT THOMAS’ BOTANIC PHARMACY. rgYHE Flora of North America is astonishinglv -EL rich in remedies for ail manner and forms of dis eases. Consumption, Colds, Influenza, Dyspepsia Indigestion, Headache, Jaundice, Fever and Ague Bilious, Typhus, Scarlet and common Fevers, Ner vous Diseases, Asthma, Gout, Rheumatism. Pleurisy Liver Complaint, Debility, Palsy, Dropsy, Fits. Mea jsles, Croup, Small Pox,”Whooping Cough, Quinsy, | Cholera Morbus, Worms, Scrofula. King’s Evil Saint Anthony’s Fire, White Swellings, Ulcers of long standing, Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Plies, Costiveness, Female Complaints of every kind’ are all speedily removed by the use of Flora's remedies. I tie cure of Hydrophobia will be warranted in all cases. I N. B.—All persons afflicted with Chronic and Lin gering Diseases, who desire to be restored to health, | greatest of all earthly blessings, will please send the symptoms of their diseases in writing to the sub scriber, in 'Columbus, where be will select, prepare, and compound, at his BOTANIC PHARMACY : I* lota’s Medicines exactly to suit their dis> ases. Pob, 8 lv B. R. THOMAS. K4T jkBBLS. RECTI FED WHISKEY, just re- V” ct-ived and for sale bv Aug. 21. 23tf * 9. M. JACKSON. f