Newspaper Page Text
■ttTBTILL b- sold at iho Market House in the city
‘ll of Columbus, on ‘he first Tuesday in WAkCH
next, between the legal hours of sale, the ful,owing
-One'aie” or tilberrv. wi'h harness complete, levied ;
“m as tlu”property of Pel*- Gedncy, to satisfy an at
tachment fi fa in favor ol Liwts Dow. le \s. Icier
Also’ half acre lot. number five hundred and eigh
teen in the city of Columbus and county of Musco- i
„ce ’levied en as the properly of John C. Austin, to j
satisfy a inertg *ge fi fa n favor of Zacheus Burt vs. j
John'C. Austin. Property pointed out m said h la. (
Also one negro mm, a good ciirpcnttr, by the
name of Augustus, aged about 50 years, levied on as |
the property of Nathaniel Harris, to satisfy a fi fu m i
favor of Hampton S. Smith vs. Na'haniel Harris.
Also, Jacob M. Jo.inson’s interest in and to the two
store houses on Hroad street,in the < ity of Co.umtus,!
the same, being a part of half acre lot number one j
hundred and eighty-two, said houses having a front j
each of thirty feet, more or less, and running east one j
hundred ands >rtv-scven feet ten inches, now occupied
by the Messrs {Nances &. levied on tosat
isfy a fi fa in favor of Lewis Dovvdlo- vs. Jacob M.
Johnson, maker, and H. S. Smith, security, and Hi
ram Read, endorser.
Also, two negroes, Crawford a man twenty-five
years old, and Susan a woman 20 years old, levied on
:i3 the properl v of Micajah Btnnett, to saUsfv the
ii fas in favor of A. M. Terry and W alter I . Lot
(jiutt vs. said Bennett, an J one other fi fit in favor of
j aine3 H. Shorter vs. said Ben.iett, principal, and D.
D. Ridenhour, security.
Also, the fjllowing half acre lots in the city of Co
lumbus and county of ‘gee. numbers ninety
eight, ninety-nine, one hundred, one hundred and one,
one hundred and three, one hundred and tour, one
hundred and five one hundred and six, one hundred
and seven, one hundred and eight, one hundred and j
nine, one hundred and ten, one hundred and two, j
one hundred and twenty-one, one hundred and twen- j
tv-two, one hundred and twenty-three, one hundred
and twenty-four and ninety-live, all levied on as the
property-of John W. Turner, to satisfy atifa in favor
of Robert Collins vs. John W. Turner.
Also, one negro woman aged about thirty years, by j
the name of Sarah, levied on as the property of John j
W. Turner, to satisfy the following fi fas: one in fa-j
vor of William T. Crawford, one in favor of Murphy
ft Graribury, and one in favor of Preston, Mitchell &
Jones, surviving copartners &c. vs. John YY. Turner.
Also, the following property: two sofas, one dozen
maliogony chairs, one do. rocking chair, one, pier
glass, one pair of ottomans two fenders, two pair
brass andirons, one pair shovel and tongs, one set
niantua curtains, two dozen cane bottom chairs, one
maliogony side board, two maliogony bedsteads, two
maple bedsteads, one tea table, one set dining tables,
two bureaus, three wash stands, two feather beds, two
hair mattrasscs, two cotton mattrasses, one passage
lamp, and one four wheel carriage and a pair of hors
es, all levied bn as the property of Edward Carey,
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Insurance Bank ol‘ Co
lumbus vs. Edward Carey and T. ft M. Evans, se
curity on the stay of execution.
Also, half acre lot number one hundred and thirty,
on Broad s'r> et in the city of Columbus, and being
the place where Joseph Sturgis now lives, levied on
as the property of Joseph Sturgis, to satisfy a mort
gage fi fa in favor of Burton Hepburn vs. Joseph
Sturgis. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi la.
Also, one negro man by the name of Moses, about
thirty-five years old, and half acre lots in the city of
Columbus, numbers one hundred and twenty-nine and
tluee hundred and twelve, and the undivided half of
forty-four feet fiv r inches, fronting on Dillingham
street, and running north seventy-two feet ten inches,
the same being on (he north side of said street, and
being forty-four feet tour inches from the corner of
Short and Dillingham, streets all levied on as the pro
perty of Joseph Sturgis, to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor
of the Bank of Darien, Rathbonc & Baker, Birch,
Welch & Cos. and others vs. Joseph Sturgis.
Also, half-acre lots, numbers ‘hree hundred and
nineteen and three hundred and twenty, in the city of
Columbus and county of Muscogee, both levied on as
the property of John T. Walker, to satisfy four fi fas,
one in favor of John Forsyth vs. John T. Walker, one
in favor of William and W. Toney vs N. M. C.
Robinson, maker, and John T. Walker and Joel C.
Wiggins, securities, one in favor of Waddy J. Jack
son vs MTtee & Prickett, principals, and John T.
Wa'ker and J. J. Boswell, endorsers, and the other
in favor of Walter H. Weems vs. John T. Walker
and J. J. Boswell, endorsers.
Also, lot of land number ten, in the thirty-third
district of originally Lee now Muscogee county, con
taining two hu dred two and a half acres, levied on
as the property of James A. Glenn, to satisfy a fi fa
in favor of Noel Matthews vs. James A. Glenn and
Also, half-acre lots in the city of Columbus, num
bers iwo hundred and eighty-three, two hundred and
eighty four, two hundred and eighty-five and two hun
dred and eighty-six, levied on as the property of Na
than P. Willard, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Wells &
John Godwin vs. said Willard
Also, the following negr es, to-wit: Craven a man
tv enty-eix years old. a good blacksmith, his wife Mary
twenty two years old, Jane a girl ten years old, and
Loy t.vwlv., y. a,-a olj, levied on as the pro
perty of John T. YValker, to satisfy sundry fi fas in
favor of John Forsyth and others vs. said YValker.
Ajso, the foliowin property: William a negro man
about twenty-five years old, two pianos, one music
stand and stool, two sofas, one dozen maliogony chairs,
six ottomans, one pier table, two pier glasses, one
centre table, one astral lamp, two mantle lamps, one
hat stand, six fenders, seven pair andirons, shove's
and tongs, three bureaus with glasses, one French
bedstead, four bedsteads, two small do, one set din
ing tables, one wash stand, two wash stands, two
rocking chairs, two large mirrors, one looking glass,
twenty common chairs, one sideboard, two settees,
one candle stand, two wardrobes, one writing desk
ari l chair, one small do., three foot stools, five small
tables, three hair mattrasses, five cotton do., two pair
small bellows, one dining set. china, one tea do., one
set cut glass, nine silver candlesticks, two dozen silver
forks and a set of knives, one pair silver waters, one
set castors, one pair flower vases, one pair silver snuf
fers and tray, one set Japan waiters, one cordial stand,
and two safes, all levied on o.s the property of James
S. Calhoun. Also, the interest which James S. Cal
houn and Charles L. Bass have in the Columbus
Wharf Company, all levied on to satisfy sundry fi fas
in fa'or of the Insurance Bank of Columbus. Burton
Hepburn, James Carey and o'hers vs. James S. Cal
houn and Charles L. Bass, and Calhoun & Bass and
Also, five negroes, to-wit: Jane a girl seventeen
x’ears old, Jane a girl sixteen years old, Black Jim a
boy eighteen years old, Frank a hoy elevn yearsold,
and Frances a girl five years old, levied on as the i
property of Hampton S. Smith, to satisfy a fi fa in j
favor of James H. Shorter vs. YVilliam li. Robinson
& Cos , makers, and Hampton S. Smith, endorser and
Also, the following furniture: one wardrobe, one
bureau, one table, one carpet, one looking glass and
eleven chairs, all revied on as the property of Lester
L. Cos vdry, to satisfy afi 1a in favor of Samuel Judd
vs. Lester L. Cowdry.
Also, the following negroes: Gilbert a man twenty
eight years old, his wife Beckey twenty-six. and her
two children, Lucinda six years old and a boy child
three years old, Henry eighteen years old, Mack six
teen years old, Adam sixteen years old, Martha twen
ty-two years old and her child Henry five yearsold.
Also, three lots of land in the eighth district of Mus
cogee countv, containing two hundred two and a half
acres each, to wit; numbers forty-five, forty-six, and
the other number not known, but being the place
where William YV. Pool now lives, having about two
hundred and sixty or two hundred and seventy acres
of cleared land and go >d improvements upon the same,
about fou** miles above Columbus; said land joins |
Matthew Hall and others, all levied on as the proper- \
tv of Wiiliatn W. Pool to salisfv sundry fi fas from
Muscogee superior court, one in favor of Edw’d. E.
Powers vs. \Vm. YV. Pool and Robert McCrary, one
in favor of Thomas Iloxey. \Vn. 13. Mitchell and J.
N. Betluine vs Wm. \Y . Po. 1, one in favor of Duvall
& Mattock vs Win. \V. Pool, and Robert McCrarv. i
security, and John L. Lewis, security on the stay, and :
sundry other fi fas vs. Wm. W. Pool and Robert Mc-|
Crarv. Property pointed out by Wm. W. Pool.
Also, twelve rosewood chairs, one mahogeny wash- |
stand, three bureaus with marble top, three wash- t
stands do., two rosewood centre tables and two pier J
tables, levied on as the property of John C. Jacobi 1
and Adolphus L. Heine, to satisfy sundry fi fas. me !
in favor of*A. &S.ft S. Thorp vs. Jacobi & Heine. ’
one in favor of Burton Hepburn vs. said Heine, and j
sundry o her fi fas vs. said Heme.
Also, half-acre lot in the city of Columbus and j
countv of Muscogee, on the corner of
streets, and b ung the place where John C. Maugham ;
now lives levied on as the property of George \Y r .
Towns, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Nathaniel Nuck
ols, bearer, vs. George YY. Towns.
S. 11. BONNER, Sheriff.
Januajy 27, 1811. 49ts
jTtl 1, BE SOLD AT the above time and place,
The following Negroes, to “it : Jim, a man
about 24 years old, William a'o boy about Ifi!
years old, Martha a woman about 33 years old, Ma- j
na a woiuaii about 30 years old, and her five children , |
Sarah 10 years out, Henry 7, Ludy 5, Frances 3 i
uud Laura, 1 year old; also, five, fine, two story, j
granite front brick store houses.oil Oglethorpe street,, j
immediately opposite the Oglethorpe House, a; this I
tim : unoccupied (or ihe most of them are) each con- I
tablin'* thirty feet font, more or less, on Oglethorpe I
street” and running west eighty feet, moie or less—alt
being in the cit v of Columbus and county of Muscogc.; j
also,” lot of land No one hundred and eighty-one, it: j
ihe six h district of Muscogee, containing two hun- J
dred two and a half acres, more or less ; saut land is 1
unimproved ; all levied on as the property of Burtor j
Hepburn, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. Horn Muscogee
Superior Court, one in favor of the Executors of
George YV Murray, deceased vs. Burton Hepburn,
appellant, and James C. YYatson, security on the
appeal and siuv, aud other fi. fa?. vs said Hepburn.
1 ’ S. R. BONNE.I, sheriff.
At the same time ami place will he sold:
One lot of land in ihe ninth district of Mnscogei
con*"v, known by number fifiv-six. con aim.,g to
hundred two and a half acres, I lie property of Hay.d
Madd-n. fdsa'isfy a fi fa from Muscogee superior
c.iiirt in favor of John Smith vs said Madden. Pro-
I erty pointed out by Randall 1 ill rv.
t Also, the end lot lately occupied by John C.
i Hamilton, situate on the west stJo of Oglethorpe
street, in the city of Columbus, bounded north by t * e
property of Thomas Dutton ami south by Dr. • •
j Hoxev, levied on us the property of David Y.ngn , °
i satisfy three fi fas fi as the superior court of blUkCO
| gee county, one n favor of ’1 homas ft. Crno <-m
in favor ol Ilium Cor.ev, and the other in favor ot
i Caroline E. Wiley vs. stud Wright, principal, arm
1 Hamptonf§. Smith, security.
Also, one lot of land in the sixth district of Mu. co
-1 gee county and State of Georgia, known by m>n;- ,el
! thirty-six,‘levied on as the property of Marshall Cov
ington, to satisfy a fi fa from a justice’s court of the
five hundred and fiftv-third dis*., G. M , I k- co., and
! State aforesaid. in favor of M. R. Mathews vs. said
Oovingt n Levy made and returned tc me by aeon-
Also, a quarter acre lot, with a good dwilltng house
and other improvements, being The west half of lot
number five hundred and sixty-seven, situate on
Crawford street in the city* of Columbus, now occupi
ed by* Mrs. Burton, levied on as the property of David
W. Upton, by virtue of afi faissued from the superior
court if Muscogee county, in favor of James H.
Shorter v-. John W hitesides, and said Upton, securi
ty on appeal.
Also, the undivided third of Jame#Terry’s interest
in the following negroes, to-wit: Dicy a woman about
forty years o! 1, Sam, her son, about seven years old,
Susan a girl about five years old, and Monroe a boy
about six nionihs old, levied on to satisfy a fi fa issu
ed from the superior court of Upson county*, in favor
of John Covanah vs. said Terry. The above pro
perty is a!.?'* subject to several executions from a
justice’s court. Property pointed out by Michael N.
Clarke, Esq.
Also, the following household furniture: four ma-
bogony tables, two dozen chairs, one carpet and rug,
two pair andirons, one finder, tw o bureaus mahogonv
and giass, four bedsteads, four beds and furniture, one
hair sofa, two pair silver plated candlesticks, t*.\o wa
ter buckets, three iron pots, two ovens, two spiders,
one kettle, one brass kettle, one tea and e.ofiee set
china, two pair of decanters, three Japan waiters, one
pair castors. Also, one hundred and eighty* volumes
of Medical aud Miscellaneous works, levied < n as the
property of Edwin L. DeGratfenricd, by virtue of
two fi fas from the superior court of Muscogee coun
ty. one in favor of the Bank of Milledgevilie, vs. said
DeGrafieiiri'd, and the other m favor of Wiley E.
Jones vs. said DeGratfenricd, maker, and Washing
ton Toney and Neil McNair, endorsers.
January 27, 1341. 49ts
At the same time and place will be sold:
One ball-acre lot of land, with the improvements
thereon, in the city of Columbus, known in the plot of
said city by number three hundred and seventy-nine,
fronting on Troup street, being the place whereon
Gerard Burch lives. Also three negroes, Hannah a
woman forty-five years o'd. and her two children,
Daniel ei<*ht years old and Henry six years old, levi
ed on as ihe property of Gerard Burch, to satisfy a fi
fa in favor of the justices of the inferior court of M us
cogee countv vs. James Moss, principal, Henry W.
McDaniel, James M. Russell, James S. Calhoun and
Gerard Burch, securities.
Also, one half acre lot of land, known as number
three, on the Female Academy square, in the city of
Columbus, levied on as ihe property of James S.
Calhoun, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the justices of
the inferior court lor Musci gee county vs. James Moss
principal, Henry W. McDaniel, Janies M. Russell,
James S. Calhoun and Gerard Burch, securities.
Also, Henry W. McDaniel’s interest in two hun
dred two and a half acies of land, known as lot num
ber one, in the seventh district of Muscogee county,
levied on as said McDaniel’s property, to satisfy a fi
fa iu favor of the. justices of the inferior court for Mus
cogee county vs. James Moss, principal, Henry W.
McDaniel, James M. Russell, James S. Calhoun and
Gerard Burch, securities.
Also, one Jack-ass, five year? old, levied on as the
property of Benjamin Howard, to satisfy a fi fa from
the superior court of Muscoget county, in favor of
Colquitt, Holt and Echols vs. Mary Williams and
Benjamin Howard.
Also, eight hundred acres of land in the ninth dis
trict of Muscogee county, adjoining lands of Thomas
Harrell, Motley and others. These lands embrace
a plantation of several hundred acres, with a comfort
able dwellinn- gin house, cotton screw, and othe 1 ne
nessary buildings, being the place whereon Axem
Dunn lives. Also, fourteen negroes, to-wit: Crom
well a man thirty years old. Charles a inan thirty-five
years of age, September a man fifty years old, Susan
a woman twenty five years old, Dicy a woman forty
yearsold, Fanny a woman twenty-five years old, Sa
rah a girl ten yearsold, Hetty a girl ten years old,
George a boy seven years old, Harriet a girl twe
years old, Cato a boy four years old, Lewi? a boy two
years old. Bill a boy twelve years old and Permelia a
birl ten years old. all levied on as the property of Ax
um Dunn to satisfy sundry fi fas from the superior
court of Muscogee county, one Ragan, Colquitt &
Grant vs. Axuni Dunn, Joel King vs. Carnes ft Ta
tum, makers, and Axuni Dunn, endorser arid security,
James C. Holland vs. Axum Dunn. The above
named fi fa * have been transferred to Jame? H. Short
er. Martha Gee vs. Axum t nnn, two T. W. Smith
ft C ‘. vs* Azum Dunn, Jamas 1. Laurence vs. David
Mann and Axum Dunn. Stewart Sc Fon'ain vs.Axunr
Dunn, Executor and Executrix of Abraham Alfriend,
deceased vs. Rob rt “YV. Carnes, principal, and Ax
uni Dunn, secu> ity on anpeal, Edward K. Powers vs.
Axum Dunn and Eli B. YV. Spivey, makers, and John
L. Lewis, endorser, Edwin Harris vs. Axtun Dunn,
Walter T. Colquitt vs. Henry Horton, maker, and
Axum Dunn, endorser.
Also, will be sold under an order from the inferior
court for Muscogee county, as perishable property,the
steam bout Tallapoosa, li vied on by virtue of sun try
attachments, one Sliubael Dummer vs. J. H.Gindiat
and Steel and Joseph Holland, joint owners of steam
boat Tallapoosa, one other Shufcael Dnmmcrvs. J. H.
Gindrat and Steel.
Jan 27,1841. 49ts
At the same time and place will be sold :
One lot of land number two hundred and five, in the
ninth district of Muscogee county, levied on as the
property of Arthur R. Johnston, to saiisfy two fi fa?
issued from Muscogee superior court, one in favor of
Joseph S. Smith & Go. vs. said Johnston, one other
fi fain favor of John & Wm. Kinkaid vs. William J.
Blair, and Arthur R. Johnston, security.
Also, one lot of land numbet forty-four, in the
seventh district of Muscogee county, levied on as the
pioperty of Little Berry Randall, it being the place
on which Little Berry Randall lives, being hand
somely improved, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued front
I Muscogee superior court; Alfred F. Brannon vs. said
I RaudaU, Moses Butt vs. said Randall and Alfred F.
Brannon, and Elizabeth A. Billups vs. said Randall
and Alfred F. Brannon,
Also, two hundred two and a half acres of land,
I bein'* the east half lot number one hundred and forty
one, and the north half of lot number one hundred and
sixteen, both in the sixth district of Mu.-cogce county,
and a negro woman about seventeen years old.named
Hannah, and her child about two months old, all levied
on as the property of James Howell, to satisfy sundry
fi fas issued from the superior court of Muscogee
county, in favor of Samuel C. Parks and others vs.
James Howell, also, sundry fi fas issued from a justi
ces court of Muscogee county, in favor of A. B.
Austin vs. said Howell, and E. Dean, security.
Also, Moses J. Hollts’ interest in lot numbar seven
ty-nine, in the sis ii district of Muscogee county, on
winch there is a sawmill, which interest is one-third
part, ii vied on as the proper y of said Hollis, to satis
fy one ii fa issued from Muscogee inferior court in fa
vor of John L. Lewis vs. Moses J.Hollis,maker,of Ma
rion county, and James li. Campbell, endorser and
security, of Muscogee county.
Also, one lot of land in the tenth district of Musco
gee county, number two hundred and eighty one, con
taining two hundred two and a half acres, levied on as
the property of YVilliam Patrick, to satisfy a fi fa issued
from the inferior court of said county, in favor of
Green P. Cozart vs. William Patrick,
j Also, one lot of land number three hundred and one
1 in the tenth district of Muscogee county, levied on as
| the property cf William Patrick, to satisfy one fi fa
| issued out o ajustice’s court of Muscogee county, in
j favor of Thomas Motley vs. said Patrick. Levied on
;bv Samuel P. Renfros, a constable, ad returned to
| tne.
Also, one lot of land containing two hundred two
1 and a half acres, number eighty-seven, in the seventh
district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property
of Henry Sanders, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from
a justice’s court of Muscogee county, in iavor of Ro
lin R. Paremore vs. Maderson Sanders and Henry
Sanders. Levy made and returned to me by a con
stable. The above property will be sold at the risk of
YVilliam Sullivan, the former purchaser.
January 27. 1841. 49ts
‘RSJ’ILI. be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL
Vs next at the Market House in the eitv of Co
lumbus, between the usual hours of sale the following
negroes, to-wit:
| Creasy a woman about twenty-five years old, and
i herfema e child about five vesrs old, levied on as the
j property of Robert L. Moore, ;o satisfy mortgage
I si s iin favor ol James 11. Shorter vs. said Moore.
Property pointed ou: in said mortgage fi fa.
Aiso, the following property: one negro man bv the
name of Ned twenty five years old, Rhoda a woman
thirty-eight years old, two bay horses, one four-wheel
carriage, one pi im, one sideboard, one bureau and
one sofa, ail levied on as the property of Henry King,
to satisfv a mortgage fi fa in favor of Catlett Camp
bell, as'-i; n* e of Hampton S. Smith vs. Henry King.
Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa.
S. R. BONNER, Sheriff.
January 27, 1841. 49ts
\&"jB"TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH
e w ii-xt, at the Market House in the eitv of Co
lumbus, between the usual hours of sale, the fallowing
propertv. to “i':
Lots of I ni'l numbers rightv-feur and eightv-five.
eaeh eon auiing two hundred two and a half acres.
H< ino io the thirty-third district of originally L'-e now
Muscogee coutity levied on as the. property of Y\ r m.
Htatn, to ?a'igfy a fi fi from Forsxth superior court
in favor of Ilardv Richardson vs Y\ i;!iam Hearn.
Jan. 27. 1841. 49ts
At tire same time and place will be sold: J
House and lot containing twenty-eight feet of ground !
froDt, more or less, on Oglethorpe stiei t in the city of
Columbus, it being part of half act e lot number one
hundred and seventy-seven, now occupied by Reuben
S. fcaff'obi, John A. McCloud and Lewis Monroe,
free persons if color, levied on as the property of
Eliza Shivers, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of Nancy
Tarver vs. Eliza Shivers and Se\mour 11. Bonner.
Property pointed out by Seymour K. Bonner.
Jan. 27, 1841. 49ts
r ILL be sold be fore the Court House door in
w % the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, on the
fiist Tuesday in MARCH next, within the legal
hours of sate, the fid owing propeity, to-w*U:
Lot of land No 238, in the Sist district of Stewart
county, and one lay mare, two cows and calves, all le
vied on as the property of M. M. S. W adsworth, to
satisfv one fi fa issued out of Stewart superior court in
favor of E. E. Crocker vs James Bather and M. M.
S. YVadsworth.
Also, lots of land No?. 40, 57 and 25, in the 24th
district of Stewart county, as the property if Samuel
Adams, to satisfy onefi (a issued out of Stewart infe
rior court, Richard J. Snell ng and Cornelius Leary
vs James S. Lunsford and Samuel Adams.
Also, lot of land No. 35. in the 33d district of Stew
art county, <* s the property of James A. Harri , to
satisfy one fi fa issudd out of Stewart superior court in
favor of John R. Cartee vs James B. YY i'son, James
A. Harris and M. M. S. YVadsworth.
Also, lot No. 183, in the 33d district of Stewart
county, taken as the property of Patrick Munroe. to
sa*isfy one fi fa issued out of Muscogee superior court
in favor of Alexander McDougald vs Patrick Munroe,
maker, and Thomas YY r . YVatson security.
Also, lot No. 72, in the 33d district, taken as the
property of Lawson Bov*ers to satisfy one fi fa issued
out of a justices court of Habersham county, in favor
of C. J. Thompson vs M. Burgess and L. Bower.
Also, lot No. 65. in the 19th district of Stewart
county taken as the property of Jonathan B. Dingier
to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Jasper inferior court in
favor of Matthew YYhitfield vs said Dingier.
Al=o, lot No. 50, in the 23 I district of Stewart coun
ty, taken as the property of James S. Lunsford so satis
fy one fi fa issuid out of Stewart superior court in fa
vor of Lewi.? L. Smith vs James S. Lunsford, John
Lunsford and A. B. Pope.
Also, lot No. 42, in the 23d district of Stewart
county, taken as the property of David G. Rodgers to
satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a justices court of
Stewart county in favor of James Clark and others vs
David G. Rodgers and Henry Kelbey.
Also, lot No. 93, in the 22d district, taken as the
property of Thomas J. Kislerson, to satisfy one fi fa
issued out of Lee inferior court in favor of YVilliam
Smith vs Thomas J. Kisterson maker, and Griffin
Smith endorser.
Also, lot No. 156, in the 21st district of Stewart
county, taken as the property of Jacob Mercer to
satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in
favor of Joseph S. Lee vs Jacob Mercer and Henry
B. Lee. ,
Also, John Lanturn’s interest in lot ofland No. 104,
in the 22d district of Stewart county. to satisfy sundry
fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in
favor of Thomas Brinsficld and others vs John Lan-
Also, the house and lot in the town of Lumpkm
known as the dwelling of A. B. Pope, taken as the
property of A. B. Pope, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued
out of the superior and inferior courts of Stewart
county in favor of Gustavus Delony and others vs said
Pope. .
Also, lots Nos. 212. 246, the undivided half of Nos.
244 and 243 except five acres reserved for the metho
dist church—with a valuable set of mills on the premi
ses, all in the 22d district of Stewart county, taken as
the property of Appleton Haygood to satisfy sundry fi
fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in
favor of H. H. Hudson and others vs said Haygood.
Also, James S. Lunsford’s interest in lot No. 79, in
the 23d district of Stewart county, taken to satisfy
sundry ft fas issued out of the superior and inferior
courts of said county, in favor of Lewis L. Smith and
others vs James S. Lunsford.
Also, the settlement of land where Samuel Tomp
kins now resides, containing eight squares, numbers
not recollected, in the 23d district of Stewart county,
taken as the property of Samuel Tompkins to s itisfy
sundry fi fas issued out of the superior and inferior
court, of said county in favor of James L. Martin and
others vs Samuel Tompkins, Nathan Clifton and Wm.
P. Tompkins.
Also, the settlement of land that Richard YV. Fort
now lives on, in the 20th district of Stewart county,
taken as the property of” Jesse P. Harreil to sntify one
fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of
Thomas Shannon vs Blount Troutman and Jesse P.
Also, lot No. 77, block D, in the to'’ nos Florence,
taken as the property of H. ii D. Garrett to satisfy
one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of
Kimbrough & Smith vs Henry Garrett and Daniel
Also, lots ofland Nos. 138 and 139, in the 20lh dis
trict of Stewart county, anrl five slaves, viz: Ben, Ned.
Jane. Amos and Jim. all taken as the property of
Major Stanley, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of Stewart
inferior court in favor of YY’illiam H. Wilder vs Major
Also, the settlement ofland that Thomas Brtnsfield
now lives on, in the 22d district of Stewart county,
taken as the proper y of Thomas Brinsfield to satisfy
one fi fa issued out of S'ewart inferior court in favor of
Jacob Watson, administrator of James H. Warren,
deceased, vs Thomas Brinsfield, Charles 11. YY'arren
and Thomas J. ~tell.
Also, William 11. Leary’s interest in lot ofland No.
73, in the 19di district of Stewart county, to saiisfy
one ti fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor
of Richard J. Snelling vs said Leary.
Also, the settlement ofland that YVilliam Fitzpatrick
now lives on, taken as the property of Wil iam Fitz
patrick to satisfy one fi fa issued nu! of S ewart supe
rior court in favor of Ebezezer YV. M. Rice.
Also, one hundred bushels of corn, four thousand
pounds of fodder and twenty head of stock cattle,
taken as the property of Gideon Massey to satisfy
sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart inferior court in
favor of YY’illiam Seymour and others vs said Massey.
Also, one negro slave by the name of Riah taken as
the property of Henry Beacham to satisfy two fi fa?
issued out of Stewart inferior court, one in favor of
George YV. Taylor, the other in favor ofG. B. Ball &
Also, one sttlkey and harness, taken as the property
ofGeorge W. Rice to satisfy one fi fa issued out„f
Jackson superior court in favor of John Appleton vs
said Rice.
Also, one sttlkey, taken a? the property of A. B.
Pope to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart st>
perior court in favor of Baker, Terry & Cos. and others
vs said Pope.
Also, one negro slave by the name of Mary, taken
as the property of Thomas J, Stoll to satisfv sundry fi
fas issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor ofMa
ry and others vs. said Stcll.
Also, one sorrel horse, one two horse wagon, taken
as the propertv of Simeon B. Luster to satisfy one fi fa
issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of Francis
Delone vs George D. Luster and Simeon B. Luster.
Jan. 27, 1841. 49 ts
At the same time and place will fce sold :
Tile following slaves, to wit; Hume, a man, and
Peter, a man, taken as the property of John D. Pitts,
to saiisfy one fi fa issued out of Muscogee superior
court, in favor of Thcophilus Sapp, vs John D. Pit ts,
ami others.
Also the house and lot on the public square, in the
town of Lumpkin, known as M . M. Fleming’s con
fectionary, taken as the property ofM. M. Fleming,
to satisfy one ii fa i sued cut of Stewart superb r court
in favo* of Leroy, YY'iley, Parrish. & Cos. vs M. M.
Fleming, James M. Sullivan and others.
Also, the Apothecary’s shop, on the public sqarc in
Lumpkin, stewart count’ , now occupied by Janies
Clark mil A. 13 Pope, taken as the property of A B.
Pope to satisfy sundry fi fa issued out ot Stewart su
perior court, in favor of Miller, Ripley, Cos and oth
ers vs Cain, & Hope.
Jan. 23,1841,
14JR7TLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL
V v next, before the Court House door in the town
of Lumpkin, Stewart county, the following property,
to wit:
The following slaves: Lucy and two children,Georgu.
Rose and her two children, Caroline. Daniel, Dave,
Arthur. Sampson, Diannah and two ‘children, Tenev,
and Alfred, all taken as the property of Robert Hatch
er, to satisfy three mortgage fi fa? issued out of S:e\v
art inferior court in favor of YY’illard Boynton, Lovt
J. Bryan, Tomlinson Fort and Elijah E Crocker,
executors of Samuel YVilliams, deceased. Property
pointed out in said fifas.
ARo, eleven slaves, viz: Dick, Dempsy, Ccilv fottv
years of age. Cedey three months old. Green, Urm
ia. Ailsey Julianti, John, Nancy and Matiah, all Icjied
oil as ihe property of Richard YY. Simmons, to spis
fy two mortgage fi fas issued out of Monroe in'yior
court, one in favor of Frederick G. Baibert, the Iher
in favor of Arthur Foster vs R. YV. Simmons, pro
perty pointed out in said fi fas.
Also, one road wagon, harness and six mules,aken
as the property of Nathan CUfto ■, to satisfy a rt,n
gage fi fa issued ou: of Stewart inferior couit in f& ar
of the executors of Samuel YVilliams. deceased. )
Jan. 27, 1841. 49 ts
THE copartnership heretofore existing under fim
of Drs. CHIPLEY & SCHLEY", is this ay
dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accou ts
arc in the hands of Dr. Schley, who is authorizecio
settle them. Persons indebted to the firm are respet
fuliv requested to call as early as possible and stße,
July 23, IS4O. 24 ti
THE undersigned will attend rathe PR ACTICI
OF LAW, in the name of JONES & BF.J
NING. in most of the counties of this Circuit, atuli
few of the adjoining c unties of Alabama. Tin*
Office will be found near the Oglethorpe House.
Sept. 16,1839. 33 ts
BY Order ot the honorable the Inferior Court of
Harris county, when silling for ordinary pur
poses, will he sold on the first Tussdey in APRIL
next, within the usual hours of sale, before the Court
house door in the town of Columbus, Muscogee coun
ty, Lot ot Land No. 148 in the 23d district ot formerly
Lee now Muscogee county, belonging to the minors of
Levi Kirk, deceased.
* WILLIAM KIRK, Guardian.
Jan. 27. 49 ts
bo sold, on the first Tuesday in March
W w next, heiore the court house duor, in the town
o( Hamilton, Harris com y,between the usual hours
of sale, forty acres of lan J, being part of lot number
two hundred and forty-seven, in the eighteenth district
of the said county of Harris. The properly of Jamas
11. Iverson, deceased, sold for ‘he benefit of the credi
tors of said Her son.
J. M. GUERRY, ailm'r.
Dec. 5, 1840. 45-tds.
HEREAS, John R. Burtee and Thomas P.
W V Burtee, apply to me for letters of administra
tion on the estate of James Glen, late of said county,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors ofsatd deceased, to
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed
bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under ray hand at. office, this 4th Jan. 1841.
47 4t .T. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o.
Court of Ordinary. January Tirm. 1841.
WHEREAS NoH Pace Si Thomas S. Johnson,
executors to the last will and tes>anient of Bar
nabas Pace, lute of said county, deceased, apply for
letters of dismission on said estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed
by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office. Jan. 20,1841.
49 mGiri ‘BAILEY’ BLEDSOE, c. c.
fSTHEREAS, Green B. Ball, administrator cf
W the estate of YVard H. Ball, deceased, ap
plies to me for letters of dismission on said estate,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to lie and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held
in and for said county on the first Monday in July
next, at which time application will be made to the
Court for letters of dismission, and show cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my band at office, this 4rh Jan. 1841.
47mCm J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o.
W'HEKEAS Robert Hardie and John Gillion,
Jr. administrators of the estate John Gillion,
Sr. deceased, apply for letters of dismission from said
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to file their objections, if any they have, why said let
ters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, Dec. 12.1840.
WHEREAS Robert Hardie administrator of the
estate of Michael Gillion, deceased, applies
for letters of disrnissi’ n from said estate—
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to
file their objections, within the terms of the law, why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under iny hand at office, Dec. 12, 1840.
WHEREAS Hugh F. Rose, adm’or. and Eliz
abeth Vinson, adm’trx. of the estate of Elisha
Y’mson, late of said county, deceased, apply to me
for letters of dismission on said estate,
These arc therefore to notify and require all persons
interested or concerned, to be and appear at or before
the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the first Monday in May next., to show’ cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not be
granted to said administrators on that day.
Given under my hand at office, October 10, 1840.
35m6m J. S. Y'ARBIIOUGH, c. c. o.
VVSjUHEREAS Allen Dykes, guardian of Maxi-
V W niiliiati Knight, applies to ine for letters of
dismission fiom the guardianship of said Maxiimllian
These are, therefore, to cite, and admonish all per
sons concerned, to show cause, within the time pre
scribed by law, why said Alien Dykes should not be
Given under my hand at office, June 18, 1840.
20 niGin LEVI M. AOAMS,c.c. o.
WHEREAS, Jabetli Gray applies to me for
letters of dismission of administration, dc bo
nis non, on the estate of Allen Gray, dec ased—
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand ot office, Jan. 4, 1840.
4Sm6.’n WILLIAM S. GOSS, c. c. o.
Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes: Present
YY. B. Ector, James Render, Samuel K. Gates,
Franklin H. Glazier and Darnel Keith, Justices, this
7th day of September, 1840.
‘VHrH'EREAS Abrahatn J. M‘Afee and Mary
vs M'Gahee, administrator and administratrix of
the estate of David M'Gahee, deceased, apply for
lette-s of dismission of said estate.
These are, therefore, to notify all persons in any
manner interested, to show cause, if any there be.
within the lime prescribed by law, why said letters of
dismission should not be granted to them.
Given under my hand at < ffice, Sept. 7. 1840.
32—61 m ‘ LEVI M. AMAMS, c. c. o.
WHEREAS, YY r m T. Sinclair, administrator
of the estate of John Sinclair, late and ceased,
applies for letter.? cf dismission.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and all persons in crested, to be
and appear at, my office within the time prescribed bv
law, and file their objections, if any there be, before
the expiration of six months from this date, why said
letters of dismission should riot be granted to him.
Given under my hand at office this 34 December,
43 in6in. LEY r I M. ADAMS, c. c. o.
MONTHS after date app ication will he
made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Baker
county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Jno
S. Butler, dec’d, late of said countv.
Jan. 4th, 1841. 43 4m
FOUR months after date application will be mode
to the honorable the Inferior court of Lee coun
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell
the undivided half of lot of iand number two hundred
and sixty-four, in the third district of Lee county; the
property of Lucy Hooks, late of said county, decea
JOHN G. HOOKS, adm'r.
Dec. 30 45m4m.
I AOOR months after date application will be made
•L to ihe honorable, the inferior court of Baker
co.inty. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
jto sell the land belonging to the estate of Michael
Hentz, late of said county, deceased.
ALEXANDER HENTZ, \ executor!s
Dec. 23,1811. 4-5-m4tn.
MONTHS after date application will hr
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Stewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell the iands belonging to the orphans of
Cullen Dorman, deceased.
Dee. 9, 1849. 42m4m.
MONTHS afier date, application will be
_SL made to the honorable the Inferior Court of
Baker county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes,for
leave to sell all the land belonging to the estate of
Benjamin Kt aton. late of said countv. deceased.
Sept. 25, 1840. 34:n4*n
EIOUR MONTHS after date, application wi! be
made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Ba
ker county, wht n sitting for Ordinary purposes, for
leave to seil sou negroes, the property’ of Thom as B.
Keaton and Rebecca Keaton, orphans and minors,
late of said county, deceased.
September 25, 1840. 34m4ni
FOUR MONTHS after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Randolph county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell lot of land number one hundred and
fiarlv in the ninth district of said county.
LEAH PEIRCE, jidm'rx.
Oct. 2, 1840. 34m4in.
W7?ENJAMrN BROYVN tolls before me, Samuel
iU© Paschal, a justice of the peace far said county,
one dark roan MARE, about lour feet six or seven
inches high, twelve or fifteen years old; appraised to
sis e- n dollars, by YV. B. YV. Dent and S. J. Duke,
this 14th of January. 1841.
Samitel Paschal, j. p.
A true extractfr en the Estrav Book, Jan. 2o, 1341.
49 3t BAiLEY BLEDLOE, c. j. c.
ARTICLES of Agreement made and entered
into this the day of eighteen hun
dred and thirty-three, between the undersigned indi
vidu ;| who have associated themselves as a Compa
ny, for th<‘ purpose of purchasing Indian lands in the
Creek Nation, under the style of George W. Dilling
ham & Cos. The Company is to be composed of the
so lowing persons! G. VV. Dillingham, D. K. Dodge.
Luther liiaae, Columbus Mills and Fielding Scrog
gins, to have each a full share—the purchases of said ;
iands to be made by Mills and Bk>ke, and to be certi
ried in the name of G. W. Dillingham & Cos., L.
Blake & Cos., F. Scroggins & Cos., or C, Mills & Cos.
The money to effect the purchases is to be furnished
by Dillingham and Dodge, the other members of said
Company proportions, to be taken out of liie proceeds
of the lands when sold, which sales and ail other
filings relating to the business of said Company, must
be made by and with the consent of a majority oi'said
Company. In all questions touching the general in
terest and concern of the company, a majority shall
aovern, each having an equal vote. Should aiy of
the Company die before a final close of the business,
die survivors shall go on and close the business of the
company, by disposing of the lands and other effects
of the Company with or without the consent of tlie
representative or representatives of the deceased par
ty or parties, but. the full share shall bo paid to iiis
i epresentatives.
Witness our bands and seals, this day of 1833,
D. K. DODGE, [L. S ]
Personally appeared before me Luther Blake, who
being duly sworn, deposeth and saitli that the original
Articles of Agreement, of which the above and fore
going is a true copy, was placed 11 the Insurance
Bank of Columbus for safe keeping, and that the
same has been accidently lost therefrom or destroyed,
so that the same is not now in the power or control of |
this deponent, nor in the power or control of either of j
the parties to said agreement, o far as this deponent
has been able to ascertain. Deponent further stages
that the above and foregoing is a true copy of said
lost original. LUTHER BLAKE.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day cf
October, IS4O.
Luther Blake ~|
vs. 1
The Representatives <>f | Rule Nisi to establish
George W. Dillingham, f copy Articles of Agree
dcceased, D. K. Dodge, merit,
Columbus Mills and
Fielding Scroggins.
IT appearing to tile Court, noon the petition and
oath of Lutner Blake, that the original Articles
ot Agreement, of which the above and foregoing is a
true copy, lias been lost out of the possession of the
Insurance Bank of Columbus, or destroyed so that it
is not now in the possession or control of this depo
nent. It is therefore on motion Ordered, That said
copy of said Articles of Agreement be established in
lieu of said lost original, unless good cause be shown
to ihe contrary at the next term of this Court, and
that this rule be served uoon the Representatives of
George W. Dillingham, deceased, D. K. Dodge, Co
lumbus Mills and Fielding Scroggins, by publication
once a month for three months before the next term of
this Court in one of the public Gazettes in the city of
A true copy of the minutes of the Superior Court of
Muscogee county. October Term 1840,
Dec. 28 45m3m A. LEVJSON, Clerk.
Published by Spalding Storrs, Hartford, Conn.,
and for sale by Booksellers generally through
out the United States.
SMITH’S School Geography, on the Productive
System, new addition revised and enlarged, il
lustrated by thirty additional cuts, put up in uniform
large type, accompanied by an entire new Atlas, con
taining eighteen very superior Maps, Chart of the
World, &c. &c. By Roswell C. Smith, author of
the Practical and Mental Arithmetic, Productive
Grammar, &c. &c.
[The population in the Book and Atlas will be
altere ‘ to correspond with the Census of 1840, as
soon as officially reported, will be kept in every re
spect fully up with the times.]
Smith’s New Arithmetic, on the Productive Sys
tem. 12mo. full bound, much larger than the Practical
and Menial, designed for scholars advanced in the
study, (accompanied by a Key and cubical blocks if
Smith’s Practical and Mental Arithmetic, on anew
plan, in which Mental Arithmetic is combined with
the use of the slate; containing a complete system for
all practical put poses; being in dollars and cents.
Stereotype edition, revised and enlarged with exer
cises for the slate. To which is added a Practical
System of Book-keeping. By Roswtll C. Smith.
Key to do., with examples fully wrought.
Smith's new Grammar, < n the Productive System,
(a method of instruction recently adopted in Germa
ny and Switzerland,) designed for Schools and Acad
IVe annex the following as Specimens of Numerous
iiecom mendati oils:
I have used Smith’s Grammar, Geography, and
Arithmetic on the Productive system, in my Acade
my for the last three years, which is sufficient proof
I hat 1 consider them superior to any works on the
subjects of which they treat. Students in Grammar,
using Smith’s work, make progress which astonishes
those who have been accustomed to the old system of
class-books: The same might be said of students in
the other branches. Os these l speak confidently,
having my knowledge from experience.
Rector of Mount Zion Institution.
From the Common School Assistant, edited by
J. Orville Tailor.
New York, Feb. 21,1844.
Smith’s Geography Improved.—The above stand
ard and popular work has just appeared from new
plates, the old ones having been destroyed by lire.
The entire work has been revised, and we now pro
nounce it the most accurate work in market. We
perceive several new maps; one of Palestine; one of
Liberia; one of Mexico, &c. The Map and Chart of
the World is presented on an entire new plan, and
one which addr great value to the work, and must be
universally admitted. In all respects the woik is equal
to any Geography we have, and in several important
particulars superio/ to the others.
N. B. The report that au action ha* been commenc
ed against the Publishers of Smith’s Geography and
Atlas for an infringement of “Mitchell's"’ is false and
without the least foundati n. S. & S.
The above Books for sale by
NORTON & LANGDON, Booksellers.
Nov. 11. 39tf Columbus Ga.
In a series of Original Pictures, on steel, with let
ter-press descriptions.
/inHE |>lan of publishing m successive numbers,
.ft. pictorial works, illustrative of the scenery ol
countries, has long be n a popular one in Europe and
is rapidly gaining favor in our own country.
The prospectus to issue such a work, devoted to
the scenery of Georgia, although novel, will ondoubt
edly find universal favor, and be regarded as it is by
tiie editor, a plan at once felicitous and feasible.—
There is much scenery in our State, that is not sur
passed in beauty and sublimity, by that of any other
State in the Union. The upper counties abound in
scenes, which need only to be known to command the
admiration of all who love the beauties of nature.
Much of the scenery of the north is inferior to our
own, but is yet visited by thousands simply because it
lias been wriiten, sung and “ lionized” by uutho.s and
travellers, until its beauty has become universally
known and appreciated. It is desirable that attention
should be directed to om own resources of ilie pic
turesque m natural scenery, and when this is done, our
own and northern tourists will speedily render our
beautiful views as immortal as our language.
The south is charged with general indifference to
C t* ... . . N ..VV .
the progress of Literature and the Fine Arts; ad
probably the strongest foundation for the charge is
(blind in her inaction in enterprises calculated to foster
these objects. The publication of the proposed work
will, it is believed, be an effective blow at this founda
tion, and a step towards the establishment of our lit
erary reputation, to which end much honorable effort
is now directed.
A third consideration, and the last which will now
be urged, is the intrinsic value of such a publication as
the representations of the beautiful and sublime in
our Stale scenery, and afford to all, at a trifling ex
pense, exact pictures of our mountains, valiies, catar
acts, public btii.dings, &c., which thev may or mav
not otherwise behold, but which, in either case, would
afford peculiar pleasure.
The proposed work will be executed in a style su
perior to any similar pictoral work in the country.
The plates will be executed on steel, by eminent en
gravers, from original drawings, in ide expressly for
the purpose, by Mr. T. Addison Richards, of Augus
ta. The engravings will be accompanied with letter
press desciiptioris, prepared for the work, and in tins
departmnnt the editor will secure, as far as possible,
the assistance and co-operation of our best writers. In
short, no pains will be spared to make the work a per
fect gem of its kind, to the end that it may meet a
welcome reception not only at home but also abroad.
will be issued in monthly parts, in the quarto form, a’
§5 per annum in advance , or at 60 cents for each
\)or\, payable on'delivery.
Each part will contain two highly .finished engravings
of Georgia Scenery, accompanied with letter-press
descriptions and historical facts, printed on large and
beautiful type on the finest paper,the whole enveloped
tn a neatly printed cover.
Any individual who will obtain and forward six ad
vanced subscriptions shall be entitled to a copy of the
work. Clubs may receive twelve copies to one ad
dress for 539, or twenty-five copies for in either
case free of postage.
Communications and subscriptions must be add es
ed. POST RAID, to the editor, Win. C. Richards,
Penfield. Georgia.
AM. HUGHES, Attorney at, Cuthber
• Georgia.
Jan. 25, IS W. 51 ts
THE undersigned having associa-1
J <S> Igf te( * themselves under the firm of Hall, j
L Ruse & Cos. for the purpose of trails- j
acting a general Commission and
Warehouse business; would inform
their friends and the public, that they are now prepar
ed so a’tend to a iy business entrusted to their charge.
Their Warehouse being constructed of Brick and
• detached from all other buildings, may be considered
in all respects as eut re Fire-proof. Planters will
therefore Imd it lor tnetr interest to store with them on
account ot the great saving in the prem um of Insur
ance, and the additional satety to those who dt> not
Ttvoy are prepared to advance liberally upon cotton
and other morctiandize stored with them, and their
rates es storage and commissions, and all o.her char
ges will he asdow as those charged by other houses in
the same line of business. DEBLOIS,
600 bags prime Havana Coffee,
3 D pieces best Kentucky Bagging,
153 coils best Kentucky Rope,
25 bales domestic Goods received direct from
the manufacturers.
August 29. 1840. aSU
unlersigned would inform his friends and
ii the public generally, that, he will continue the
above business at his Old Stand in Front street, oppo
sit.o the new brick building of James il. Shot ter, Kscj.
aud that his personal attention will be exclusively devo
ted to the same. By strict attention thereto, he hopes
to have a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto
fore bestowed upon him. He will as usual attend to
the sale of Cotton, from wagons or in store ; and from
a general acquaintance with the purchasers and true
situation of the market he believes he can generally
more than save the commission in the sale ot cotton.
Columbus, Sept. 13, 1339. 33y
He ii is in store for sale,
Liverpool and Blown Salt in sacks,
Chewing Tobacco and Segars,
Champaigne Wine, in baskets and boxes,
Bagging and Bale Rope
_____ groceries.
f barrels St. Croix, Now Orleans and
crushed loaf SUGARS
200 bags strong green Rio and Havana COFFEE,
of prime quality
200 kews NAILS and BRADS, all sizes
50 boxes SPERM CANDLES, best hydraulic
50 boxes 8 by 10 inch Pittsburg No. 1 GI.ASS
100 barrels Western rectified old WHISKEY
100 barrels Baltimore old rye WHISKEY
American and Holland GIN
American, French and Peach BRANDIES
OH Bay RUM, New Orleans RUM
Old Jamaica SPIRITS, fine CORDIALS
WINES, old Monongahela SPIRITS, &c.
in stoie, and lor sale, low for cash by
Columbus. Dec. 2 —lf—4l Broad street
reMTADE on GOODS consigned to SMITH,
iVI BSATTX3 & CO. A action and Com
mission Merchants. COLUMBUS, Georgia.
Novemoer 13, 1810—ts—39
The Commercial Advertiser, Apalachicola,
Florida, will insert the preceding three months, and
transmit the account as above.
THE undersigned have this da associated them
selves together under the firm of HOLMES St
SINCLAIR, foi the transaction of a PACTOIt-
We tender our thanks to our friends, for their former
patronage, and solicit a continuance of the same.
October 7. 1840. 34 3m _
■clcfatiiVATßD Oil SODA WATER.
fIirVTE subscribers are now prepared to furni h their
H customers and the public vvt.h Carbonated or
Soda Water.
Their apparatus is constructed in such a manner
ind of such materials as to prevent the possibility o
iny inetalic or delerious impregnations.
Sign of the Golden Mortar, Broad st. Columbus.
April 21. 10if
52 5 0 REWARD.
MANAWAY from the subscriber, last n'ght.a
likely Nigro boy named SCO 1 T. about 17 or
i8 years of age, o feet 10 inches high, light colored,
looks very pleasing when spoken to; very intelligent
and rematkably polite in lus deportment He took
with him from me about §IOO in money, 25 of which
was American Gold, the balance on the PI niters’ and
Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus. lam inclined to be
lieve that he has been seduced away by some white J
man, as he has hitherto been been very trustworthy, j
aud generally bore the character of an honest and
faithful servant.
1 am induced to believe that he is making wav to |
North Carolina, where he was raised, or to Ohio, as I
have been informed, since he left, that he expressed a
desire to go with some free negroes who lately left
Columbus. Ga., for that Stats.
I will stive Sold reward fur the Negro, if delivered to
me, or lodged in any safe jail; and if inveigled away
by a white man, 1 will give S2(JO reward for ;lie scoun
drel, with evidence sufficient l<> convict him. or §250
for both. WM. D. LUCAS.
Girard Ala., July 30. 1840 24|f
1 p ANA WAY fro u the undersigned, living in Rus-
J_'SLsell county, Alabama, about twenty miles west of
Columbus, Ga. on the 19 ii instant, a Mulatto-fellow,
nam ;d Caesar, about thirty-five years old, in height be
tween five feet seven ari l five feet eight inches, thickly
set, light complected, intelligent an I rea ly in conversa
ti >n, pleasing and regu ar features, Ills hair closely
cropped, very active in movement, and fir a negro
works tolerably well with carpenter’s tools. Having
formerly resided in Talbot county, G. it is not mono- j
bable that he mty bend his course m that direction, j
The above reward, together with all reasonable expen- j
ses.willbe given for his restoration to the undersigned j
or far his being lodged in an v j nl so that lus owner get J
Ocober 22. 1813. 37'.'.
IT) ANA WAY from the subscriber about the 23d
sL of December last, a NEGRO MAN by the
name of Ellice, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, has a
scar on one side of ins mouth, chunky built., and quite
bow legged, walks with his toes out. Ellice was
brought from Tuskaloosa, Ala , some time in last
vear, he perhaps has gone back as he had a wife in
that neighborhood. It is however believed that he is
in the vicinity of Columbus, Ga., and in all probability
harbored by some person. I will give a reward of
Fifty Dollars for his apprehension or delivery to ilie
Jailor of Muscogee county, or any other safe jail so
that 1 can get him, and -iff reasonable expenses paid.
Septerrber 5, 1840. 31 if
rBWS distinguished hoise, at the urgent solicita-
JL tion of many breeders in Georgia and Alabama,
has been brought back from Kentucky, where he stood
with great success last season, and will stand the en
suing season at his owner’s statue, at Fort Mitchell,
ten miles below Columbus. Lots and stables are
provide) for mares, and every attention wi 1 be paid to
them, and cart; used lo prevent accidents and escapes,
but no liability will be incurred for either.
The pedigree and performances of Bascombe are
too well known to the public to need repetition here.
His stock, in Georgia and South Carolina, where he
made his two first seaso s, are of the highest promise,
and he has proved a sure foal-getter.
I-lis owner would feel authorised to demand, and
might expect to receive, the highest price for bis ser
vices: but believing dial the state of die times and the
i price of stock, as well as the reduced prices o! a'ori
! cultural products, do no! w arrant the exhotlnfant char
ges heretofore made for the services of stallions, and
with a view to serve the best interests of the turf and
breeders, he has dete.mined to fix on the fallowing
reduced rates, viz: Seventy five dollars the seasoif.
with one dollar to the groom; three dollars pei week
for keeping the mares. Black servants sent wi.h
■ cares boarded gratis.
Persons sending mares from a distance, will dease
send with them a note for the season.
Dec, 22,1840. 4.5 6t.
15 UN A WAV from the subscribers, about die first
March last, an. gro man by name Presley
about forty years of age, somewhat grev hair very
thin, or perhaps no hair on the top of the’ head.’ quite
I black, eyes small and deeply sunk in the head, wide
between the teeth, I ’broad shoulders, and stoops,’ be is
ratner intelligent, though unprepossessing m appear
ance. makes great profession of religion, and prays in
public every opportunity. He was in the neighborhood
of Greenville, Meriwether county, some fifteen days
aiter leaving tuts place; where he left on the 29th ult.
h ' 3 wife with him, who belongs lo Freeman
McClendon, living near Greenville; she is by the
name of Julia, twenty years of age, common size a
aright copp r color, and verv likely. It is believed
tiat they were ta.ten off by a white man, and probably
t aveding west in a gig, as such information reached
Mr. McClendon.
A suitable reward will be given for the apprehon
/n of sail negroes and thief who cat ried them a wav,
id in.urination given to cither of the subscribers. ‘ j
v ml 16. 1810. f)tf
FORT & HAMr t/rtuv,
Lumpkin, Stewart county, Georgia
September 8, Ig-fO. SOtf
f yjV.IE importance of properly preparing be Staple
JbL of any country or section is well kno. n.but tw
no country or section is it of such importance as those
that grow and produce the Cotton as their only stable.
Therefore, under this and other considerations, I pro
j pose to publish by subscription my system and practice
in Cotton Gin making and Ginning.
With the advantage of many years, exper.eree —
J ;he sacrifice of much time and labor—and believing
.’ that l have brought n nearer to perfect on than any
jollier person, I submit it to the public m a concise
land correct m inner—with niv hue practice and with
j manv improvements besides the valuable one of the
j application of ihe Friction IVheels, and new mode of
making the brush, (which l have patented in the Re
public of Texas) ; and the Brake or Agitator, my last
imnrovement, which much increases the speed n gin
ning, and improves tiro Colt’ n. (It is well request nti and
in the plates and explained in the work.) The work
to contain about one hundred pages octavo, in good
binding, with ten well engraved (dates, illustrative of
the system; of the Gin complete, plans, elevations,
sections, and figures in detail, with references at and dt
scription of every part. Also plates of plan and eleva
tion of Gin House, Gear, position of the Gin, &<•. i al
culations of gear in speeding the gin, with particular
description, explanation and directions to the Cotton
Planters-fn constructing the gin-house and gear, and
general management of the gin, cotton, ftc.
With the rules and explanations given in the pro
posed Work, any good workman may execute the
whole plan well, and the Planter be enabled to judge
for htrnselfin constructing Ins House, Gear, &c., ind
in selecting a Gin that is rightly made in every respect,
and of good materials; therefore being a great sav ng
or gain to him, first, in cleaning iiis crop in half the
time usually required; and in pu king and moteing his
cotton well, so as to command the highest price uv
market; in the durability of his Gin, which, if made
by the directions given, will last to pek a thousand
bags of cotton, (this would require three or four com
mon made Gins to do the ftiffic.) And further, them
is no rbk or danger of burning ttie House, Cotton, Sic,
by taking fire from the Gin on the new friction wheel
plan, though you were to give it double the motion
Gins running on boxing would bear. Nothing w ill be
set down in the proposed YYotk but positive facts, be
ing the result (all prejudices aside) ol fait and repeat
ed experiments, (a safe guide to mechanical know -
ledge and skill.)
If l were uoing to continue the Cotton Gin making
business in tins country, I should not trouble the pub
lic with this Prospectus for 1 would much rather
work for money than write for it a* in the first case,
I would do it strict justice,-—in the latter, I must ask
allowance for its defects, and liberal patronage for its
Terms —Ten Dollars, payable on delivery. Non
subscribers Twelve Doliaas,
Editois of News Papers friendly to the advance
ment of the Cotton Staple will please give the above
an insertion.
Columbus September, 1840. S3 It
To ihe Honorable the Superior Court of said county.
William M'Lamel, 3
vs. > Rule nisi toforcclose mortgage.
Micajah Thomas. ) *
fHNHE petition ot William M Daniel sheweth, one
JiL Micajah Thomas, on the eighth day of May,
in t ,e year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, made
and delivered to your petitioner his certain pi< missory
note in w riting, the date where, f is the day and year
aforesaid, whereby the said Micajah Thomas promi
sed to pay the said “William Mel taniel, or Leartr, the
sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, oil or before the
first day of May then next ensuing the date of said
note; and your petitioner further shews that the sain
Micajah Thomas, for the purpose ol better securing
the sum of money mentioned in said note, to your
petitioner, as well as for the fui liter sum of one hun
dred and fifty dollars to the said Micajah paid l.y your
petitioner, the said Micajah executed and delivi rtd to
your petitioner his certain deed ol mortgage, bearing
date the day anil year first afim said. by which said
deed of mortgage the said M irajuh conveyed ur.u
granted to your petitioner two eciluin lots of land
known as lots numbers fifty ami ninety-nine, in the
fourth district of originally Early but now Baker
county, to have and to hold said bargained premists
to your petitioner, his heirs and assigns. Y\ Lie h said
deed of mortgage was and is subject to the follow ii g
condition : that it the said Micajah Thomas, lus heirs,
executors and administrators, should and did well and
truly pay, or cause to he paid, to your petitioner, his
heirs or assigns, the above rnentiomd sum ol or e hun
dred and fifty dollars, in said note specified,on thedny
and time appointed .uni specified in said note, on the
paynu nt thereof with interest on the same, according
to the tenor and effect of said i He, then the said
mortgage deed was to be void, and :!-c premises then in
conveyed lo avert toihesrfid Mint ;di Thomas. Aral
your peli ioncr further sluweth, that the time ap
j pointed in said note for the payimitof said sent if
j m mev in raid note specified, has ieg since passed,
j and said note ha> long since been !ce aid payable ;
| vet the said Mieajuh das not as yet paid the said sum
I of one hundred and fifty* dollars in said note specified,
or any part thereof
Wherefore your peri*ioncr prays tins Ilrnorahlo
Court lo grant an order riquiring lie said Micajah
Thomas to pav inio Court, on or before the first day
of die next Term of this Court, ’he pi Ircipal. inti n si,
and cost due upon said mortgage d< ed, or that his
equity of redemption herein be foitvtr f riclosed.
And vour petitioner v ill ever prav.
WM. M-DA NIK I .petitioner. Superior Court, August Term, 1840.
Upon hearing the above Rule Nisi, it is ordained
by the Court that the said Micajah ‘I horn as do pay
into Court, on or before the first dav oi the i ext Term
of this Court, the prin tipal and interest due upr n -aid
mortgage d-cd. ami that service of this rule be per
fected on the defendant, by publication of this rule
once a mo >th for four months in one • 1 the public
journals of this State.
A true extract from the Minutes ol Baker Superior
Court August Term, 1840.
SETH C. STEVE > S, Clerk.
Oct. 1 33 m fm
JamesC. Watson, Burton 1
Hepburn and Seymore j
R. Bonner
vs. I Bill in Equity in Mus-
Jonathan A. Hudson, ; cogee Superior Court,
j Daniel M'Dmigald I
and Henry H.
Cook. J
g"T appearing to the Court that Henry H. Cook,
j Jti L one ot the defendants in the above stated case,
j resides beyond the limits of this State, and that per
| serial service of said Bill cannot be made by the Shcr
; iff upon him. It is therefore ordeied by the Court,
■ That the sai l Ilenry H. Cook do appear at the next
Term of this Court, and plead, answer or demur, (not
| demurring alone) to said Bill, and that service of said
| Bdi he perfected on said Cook by publication of this
; order once a month fur four months in one of the pub
: lie Gazettes of the Citv of Columbus.
A true copy fri in the minutes of the Superior
I Court cf said county. A. LEVISON, Oink.
I October 23, 1840. 38in4m
John Johnson, guardian, j
Stc. Complainant,
; George Cooper, Thomas G. L f' l! > for Discover y>
Gordon, Allen G. Bass, I Rel,ef *
Jtunes S. Cu'liotin and
I S. R. Bonner. Hi’ff. J
i feT” 11E RE AS Thomas G. Gordon, one of the de
w w fendants in the above case, resides out of the
i State; on motion ordered, that service be and is here
by perfected on the said Thomas G. Gordon, by puh
iication of this ru'e. once a month for four months in
some public gazette of this State, and that the said de
fendant do ap;v ar and answer said bill by the first day
of the next Teiru of tins Court.
Sols. pro. Complts.
A true copy from the minutes of the Superior Court
Muscogee count v, October Term. 1840.
of Oct. 23, 1840. 38m4m A. LEVISON. Cl’k.
Jordan Tee) 1
vs. \ Libel for Divorce.
Polly Teel )
Iff appearing to the Court, in said cause, that the
defendant resides without this State: It is order
ed that service be perfected be perfected by publica
tion of this rule in some public gazette of this State
for three months once a month before the next Term
of this Court.
A true extract from the minutes of Harris Superior
Court, Oct. 2, 1840.
SomSin N. TL BARDEN. Clerk.
Board and Lodging per day, jfl 30
Do Do ‘ , Month, 30 OO
Do, without Lodging, IS 00
Breakfast, 30
Dinner, 30
Slipper, 30
L’dging, 50
Horse per night, ‘o
Fire and lights extra charge.
Oet. 26, ISt >. 37tf
PRACTICES in the Courts of the Middle and
Western Districts, and the Court of Appeals.
Refers to Hon. J. S. Calhudn, Jobs Fox.
j taine. Esq. and S, R. Bunker, Esq., Columbus,
j Georgia.
i'IJjiS’KNRY H. LUMPKIN will practice Law in
JUL the Chattahoochee Circuit, hi hiding Moseo.
gee. Stewart, Randolph, Sumter an I Early counties,
and in Houston and Dooly, ill ‘ h-- Western Circuit,
Office in Lumpkin, Stewart coun'v. where he may
be always be found when liot prufessiopally engaged
elsewhere. *
Nov. 4,18|0, 39tf