The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, January 07, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] ■ Muscogee Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold onthenrst Tuesday in February nex.,atthe market house, in the city ol Columbus, between the usual ■ hours of sale, the following property to-wit: )/ A, A Negro Alan named Walker, about twenty-eight y/ars old ; levied on as the property of Thomas Stubblefield, to sa/isfy ail fa Br* from Muscogee Superior t'ourt, in favor of William V . Groom, K against said .Stubblefield and other fl fas in myjiaiids against said Stubblefield. w Also, that part of City Lot number four hundred, now occupied by Frederick Miller, as a residence ; levied on as the property of n T said Miller, to satisfy afi fa from Muscogee Inferior Court, in favor v < f James Ligon against said Miller, and ether fi faa in ray hands agairj&t Bait? Miller. I Abo, the peic of ground with the two story building standing theredri', on the east side of Broad street, in the city of Columbus; said ground extending oil said Broad street thirty -six feet more or less, and running back forty-three feet more or less, being in the norih west corner of city lot number one hundred and fifty nine; ! levied on as the property of James S. Norman, to satisfy a li fa from Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Lawrence &. 1 rerable, against uiid Norman. . Also, the Water Lot occupied and owned by the Howard Man- : ufacturing Company, the factory building thereon, together with all'lne machinery and tackle thereto belonging. Also the stoie house and offices on said lot, fronting on Frojit street, Also the large brick tenement on the orner of Front and Bryant streets, ’ \\ a;;.’ ihe grounds thereto attached. Also the tenement next ihere m to froming on Bryant strcdt. All levied eaijs the property oitlie , w? Howard Mffntffucturing Company, to satyr;) hi fl fa from Musco- , •fee Superior Court in favoi of William/A Redd, administrator, j c. against said company. * I aColuiu’ous. Doc 30-wtds Jl. 8. IR UTIIERFORD. Sk'ff. Y Randolph Sheriff Sales, A \¥l!,L be sold on the first Tuesday la February next, before \ \Mhe court house door in Uit viw|('. of Cuthbert, Randolph ooimty, within the usual hours vs sa\le, tho following property, to-wit: i Lot of land No, 82, in the 6th’.district of said county. Levied on as the property of Hugh McKinnon, to satisfy sundry fl fas is sued from the Inferior and Superior Courts of said county, in fa vor of Wm. H. Barton and others* vs. said McKinnon. Lot ofland No. 182, in the 6th district of said county, levied on as the property of Samuel A. P Dean* to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Inferior court of said county in favor ol J. B. Key, vs. i Samuel A. P. Dean. Also, lot of land number one hundred and fifty eight, in the ’ tenth district of said county ; leviera on as the property of Silas M. Beavers to satisfy two li las issued out of a justice court o* > Heard county, in favor of Johnson Frost, vs. Silas M Beavers. l Levy made and returned to me by a constable. 4 # Also, the west ballot lot of land number ‘y.o hundred and R tb : riy eight, in the tenth district of cot levied on as the F, property of Martin 11. Brown, to satisfy onegjfa issued from the Superior Court of said county iu favor of Aer Ward, vs. John IT.i-hnith and Vincent A. Smith, and -’-/artinßi. Brown. Pointed out by M. 11. Brown. K L Also, lot of land number one hundred arm fifty eight, in the i a sixth district of said county, levied on as the woperty of William • Bruner to satisfy two fl fas issued out of a Jticc court of said ■ county, in favor of William Caraway,’bearer,as: Wm Bruner and | S Ezekiel Hyde, endorser. Levy made and relumed to me by a ■ constable. f m Also, fifty acres of lot of land number one h rndred and ninety ■ three in the ninth district ol said county, it 1 eing in the North East corner of said lot; levied on as the property of William H. Chapman to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Inferior court of said 9 county in favor of Samuel T. Andrews, vs. Wm. H. Chapman. I Property pointed out by plaintiff. December 30—4wtds RICHARD DAVIS, Dep. Sh'ff. I MORTGAGE BALE. ; ■ Alike same place, on the first Tuesday in February next, wit be said the following property to-wi*: I City lots numbers two hundred and sixty five and two hundred 1 ■ and sixty six, each containing a half acre and irarJoved, it being j V he place whereon William R. Jones now resides A levied 011 Tin- , ■ der a mortgage fi fa from Aluscogee Superior Court in favor of ; J 9 Jamus M. Tarbox against Wiley Williams, Trustee,Sand Elizabeth I E. Jones. _ ! Dec 1 —wtds A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff. MORTGAGE SALE- P %so, at time and place will be sold no ‘’ jtipt Tuesday in March, the following prop nt ,o. • t: ’ T.of of land number ‘wo hundred and th r(y-> tip the fifth ’ <Mstr et o i‘s-'id county. /Levied on as the property |>f Tilrnan H s-Louvv- . n: ..g.-ge fi from tl’-A fnp-.--:cr ; t Court of said county, in favor of Philip Cook vs. Tilrnau-Hudson. : Also, lot of land number flfiy-twoin the eleventh district ot said I countv; levied on as the property of Roberts?. Scott, jO satisfy j I one mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of sajd county I in saver of Isaac B. Brown vs. Robert S. .Scott. Pointed out by I Plaintiff. RICHARD DAVIS, Dtfy. Slrff. December 30, 1852. GEORGIA, \ Court or Ordinary, I Aluscogee county, i November Te.-rn, 1^53. ORDER JV7 SI. WHEREAS, Thomas V. Miller,Guardian for Ma, ?a fc;. Rod gers, orphan of Adam Rodgers, deceased, having applied I or dismission from said Guardianship* I it is ordered by the court, th at all persons concerned, appear §at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said t y, 011 the second Monday in January next, to shew cause, i. 6 y u ey It. V‘S j why said Gnardiau should not be dismissed. v \ fi*iip transcript from the min ites ol saiu com itiib iitii < vember, 1852. 1 JNO. JOHNSON. Ordinal- Columbus, Nov 16—46w5t GEORGIA, \ Court of Ordinary, October Term. 1852. Muscogee county, S RUDE fill SI. . - p WHERE as, John Forsyth, Administrator of the estate of John ; Forsyth, deceased, having applied forietters t tis ordered bv the court that afl persons concerned shew cause, ; fnnythev have, why said administrator should not dismissed | at the next May term of said court. 1 tol . ia( . o i from “""whs SoHKßok. | GEORGIA, } Court of Ordinary, October, perm, 1852. | Muscogee county, j ROLL fill Si. 1 \\THEREAS, Edward Broughton, Administrator of the estate W of Lewis Lockey, deceased, having applied for letters of dis* j mission. It is ordered by the court that all persons concerned, I shew cause, if any they have, why the said Ldw aid Broughton, | administrator as aforesaid, should not be dismissed the next May Term of said court. „ ~ . KM l A true extract from the minutM ofsatd court, C 1 9.. ,’ *• Oct 12—tn6m JOHN JOHNbON, Oidinary. I Rkuben Simmons ) IfiW ’ I vs. ( Mortgage, &c—September Term, les^. 1 PRESENT the Vim. William Taylor, Judge of the Superior 1 i Court. It appearing to the coiirt by the petition of Reuben ; I Simmons, that on the 30th of June, l® 45 ’ ‘! ohn Sw'pAe 1 and delivered to said Reuben Silvey his certain note, bearing the I date and year aloresaid whereby the said John C. Silvey P f o n- j I ised to pay bv the 2d of December next, afterthe d|.to s.ud I note, the said Reuben Simmons, seven hundred and litAj “OBars I f>*rlot ol land numbei four hundred in tho tweniy d, B tnct I of Early county, And that afterwards, on the same day and year ( aforesaid, H,e said John C. Silvey the better to secure the pay I meat of sad note executed and delivered to said * mons. his deed of mortgage, whereby the said John O. -m ey u r veved to the said Reuben Simmons lot of land number four hun )* dred the twenty sixth district of said county ot Early, con aim ing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less—conditioned that if said John C. Silver should pay off and discharge said note, or cause the same to be done according to the tenor and cfleci there of, that then the said deed of mortgage and said note should be ‘■ome and be mill and void to alp intents and purposes. Audit f rther appearing, that said note remains unpaid. It is, thereiore, ordered—That the said John C. Silvey do pay into Court by the first day of next term thereof, the principal, interest and coat, due on said note, or shew cause, to ‘lie contrary, ft any nc oas. t hat on the failure of said John Os Silvey so to do, tne equity ot re demption in and to said mortgaged premises be forever therafter barretl and foreclosed. And it is further ordered—That this rule be published in the Columbus Times once a monU for iour utonths. or a copy thereof served on the said John C. Silvey or his “gent or attorney at least three months previous to the next term s* of said Court. nH .5 v IV Rki'bkn Simmons, ) Ear’y Superior Court, Sept Term, 18E2. OftLviT. ) bu,e Nisi t 0 forecloSe Mortgage - I \ I'appearing t° the Court that the defendant resides without I IVthe limits of this county. It, therefore, on motion of I * wisel—That service be perfected by publication ot this order. >” n a month far four months in the Columbus Times, a public Vfumite. y. S. STAFFORD, Pl’ffs. Alt'no. •®true extract from the minutesof Fury Superior Court, at e®P* I ! ‘*ier term. 1852. | fee 7—49fm THOS It. ANI)RFA\ S. Ci K. \ (jjLeorgla, Early county—Whereas. William Hid a* makes application to me for letters of Guardianship of the ( jpis m and property of Eliza Hill, a minor heir of Dr John liiti. / Ail persons concerned are hereby notified that said lexers\vd; granted said applicant if no objection is tiled in iriv office /I within the time prescribed by law.‘ Given under my hand at ot ! /■ tk'e,this November 23d Is*\ ffeA l) e ,-7—4<V7, ’ ‘ s. PTAVFORD. Orrttonrv. ~ 1 i” “” I I ( eor ß*a Talbot county— Whereas, Joseph;Hrovft; ■ ‘ 1 applies to me for letters of administration on the estate o nm i! - P. Daniel, late of Talbot county, deceased. Img , 1 are therefore, to cite and admonish all and mngtilar tm \.9 !V| b'e , l and creditors of <y>id deceased, to Ire and appear at nn o n, "‘ the time prescribed by law, then and there to shew Vj- cau-e, it any they have, whv said letters should not be cron ted t> i ven under tay hand and official signature, tins the iyta nay m > November, 185$. MARION BETH USE, Ordinary. m t>vic*mbr7—49\v7t “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ / 1 oorgia, liandolph county—Whereas Thomas Tins- VJT ley, administrator of Philip Tinsley, late of said cou Jeased, having made application for letters of dismission. Par ties at interest are hereby notified to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law—otherwise said letters will be granted. Given under my hand at office, this sth day of May, 1852. May 16-6 m O P BEALL, Ordinary. , i EORGIA, Early county —Whereas, Bet jamin L vJT Wolf applies to me for letters of Administration upou the e-date of Ann Ward, deceased, late of said county. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my off*within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 2d day of Nov, 1852. -Nov 9—45w7t 3 S S I'AFF°RD, Ordinary. IT'xecutor’ft Sale.--Pursuant to the last Will and testa 1/ ment of Philip F. Sapp, deceased, wtil be sold beiore the Court House door, in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the usual houns of sale, 011 the first Tuesday in February next, lot oflaud number not known, in the nineteenth district of said county of Stewart, known as the Mill Lot, and being a part and parcel*of the late settlement of the said Philip F. Sapp, de ceased. Said lauds to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM WEST, ) a Nov. 18. 1852.—47w5t B. S. WORTHLL, ( I executors’ Sale—On the first Tuesday in February next, a v/i 11 be sold,beiore the Court House, door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, the Southwest corner of lot number forty and the Southeast cor ner of lot number fifty-seven, in the thirty-third district of said county, containing one hundred rores, more or less, belonging to the estate of Wm. O. Prather, deceased. Sold agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov. 18, 1852—47w0t RICHARD PRATHF.R, Ext. (A eorgia, Muscogee county— Whereas, Frances L. T Bailey applies for let ers of administration on the estate of Samuel A. Bailey, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, ii any they have, why the administration ot said estate should not lie grant ed to said applicant, at the Court of Oidinary to be held in and for said county on the second Monday in January next. Given under mv hand, this 7th day of December, 1852. Dec 9,1852—47w5t JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. eoi'gia, Kitudclah eonnt-y--Whereas, Edgar C. El- X liiigton applies to me for letters of administration on t lie es tate of William Hatcher, deceased, late of said county. These are, wherefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said etters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office the 23<1 day of September, ’52, Oct s—w6t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Randolph county— Whereas, Nathan Miller, Guardian of Francis A1 Frith and Alary Fredonia Frith applies to me for letters of dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to shew cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office thi22d day of may, 1852. May 25— w6m ‘ O P BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Randolph county- Whereas, William Sandlin, administrator of Ephraim Adams, deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters of dismission irom said ad ministration. . , , ~ , , .. These are,therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to show cause, within the time prescribed by law (if any they havr,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under mvhand at office the 18th Jay of June, 1852. June 26 —w6m O. P. BE \LL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Randolph county— Whereas, Fredu rick Cherry, administrator of William Killingsworth, dec’d. late of said county, applies to me for letters of dismission from are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to show cause, within the time prescribed by law (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office the 18th day of June, 1802, June 29—26—w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. Georgia, Randolph county—Whereas, Thomas Corain,administrator of the estate of Joseph Williams, de ceased. applies to me for letters of dismission. These are, there for-. , .oVte ..i.v? n~Vi.rai.ffi -ud ‘Tp'. u-c ~ oVci. n.-.creoieu, to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law,"way said letters should not ba granted. Given under my hand atofflee the 2ist day of sept ‘52. „„ T . .. Sept 28—39 ■ i/m O P BEALL, Ordinary. Georgia, Randolph county— Whereas, Thomas W Garner,adir.nistrator on the estate of William L Morgan, deceased, app. ies to me for letters of dismission therefrom. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to show cause, if any they have, within the time pre scribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office sept iolh, ’52. Sept 28 —39w6m O P BEALL, Ordinary. G\ EORGIA, Randolph county- -Whereas. John J t Sessions, administrator upon the estate of Robert Butler, de ceased, applies to me forietters of dismission, ‘ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to shew cause, if aiijy they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Civ fa under my hapd at office this 22d day of may,lßso. jj/av2s-wGra O P BEALL, Ordinary. Gteoreia, Early county-- Whereas, Reuben McCor- JT quadale applies to me ft r letters of administration upon the estate of John McCorquadale, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish all and shi i gular the kindred anJcreditois of said deceased to file their ob jections in my office within the time prescribed by law, if any I they have, wtiv said letters should not be grunted stud applicant. j Given under my baud at office, tl is Dec 21st, l&it. ? Dec2B-52w7t S. S. STAFFORD, Ord’ry. dministrators S ale—Will be sold by virtue 0’ an or der of the Ordinary of Early county, on the first Tuesday in 1 February next, before the courthouse door in tue town ot Alake i ly Early county, Ga., within the usual hours of sale, lot of land number one hundred and twenty tnree in the filth distr c:. of stud 1 county, as the property of Allred Renfroe, late 0: said county de ceased. Sold tor the benefit of the he rs and craditors ot Bind deceased. Terms on the day of sale. Hec 28 tds THOM Ah B. ANDREWS, Adm r. POSTPONED. Administrators Sale-Agreeable to an order of the court ol Ordinary of Early county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the court house door in Starka viiie. Lee countv, between the usual hours of sale, lot ol land No. seventy six in t'ho twelfth district of Lee county Sold as the property of Abner W. Jones, deceased, late ot Early county, for . ie benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. Terms on day of sale. Doc 18-tds THOS HAN DREV> S, Ao’mr i dministratora Sale— On the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold in Cuthbert, Randolph county, the settle ment of ;ands oh which Erasmus Gay resided at the time ot ms death, in the eighth district of said county, consisting o. nine hun dred and ninety acres, more or less, of land, having thereon a t ohd gin house and screw and other buildings necessary tor far mers : 300 acres of open lands, all fresh, i rub three annual lnetai mtliits one third down, one third Janua 7 .la,,Mary ‘855. Nov 23-tda E.U I* GA\ , Adrn n, 4 dmlnlstrators Sale— Agreeable to an order from the A court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, I will sell on the first fAlday in January net, at the market house in the Cob a Me elm?.” atcid washer and kroner, a very likely plow boy, and l one ot seam anSfelon| I™ tie day. Herd U a fiao opportune to 8. a. BH.LISn. A.Wr. . -i x i Sale— Will be sold on the first Tues : 4 d e,v nb-Sv next, before the court house door in Cuth in l e P r “ * lot of land number one hundred and stx be t, Jw^SJ-STSVofiSdcountv. Bold as the property of tcee., hi the 4. hd St A p.mdolnh county, Alabama, deceased. John 1\ arson, la o ol Term • cn-h. Nov 39—tas * mpiisDe's Sale*Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Tcortof Muscogee county, sitting as a court ol t,nancery JL Coi.l Ol “'Vr. ill January next, at the market oi Columbus, 'between the usual hours of sale, ‘ flU f : ‘ e ff C ; ‘roes! to-wit : Bob and his wife Hester and their the tobo f* M;.tl.a, Marv, Jane and Susan a neice of children Hcnrj , Eouma, Ma.u * Jogfc j, H w WOO LFOLK, dob. Terms cash. W M G WOOLFOLK. Dec 3-td.s Trustees for Cornelia M. Walker ami her children. ‘T~Smlnlstrators Sale—uu me seconu 1 uesuay m JC -ember next, will be sold at the residence of James Baugh, r. CAV, * dmlnlstratcrk Sale—Will be sold before the court \ h >use 4 ea r iu the i->wr. ol Buena Vista, Marion co„ on the firE’ Tuesday in January next, during the legal hours of sale, lot ‘iffibnu'* number sixty oneiti the twelfth district oi Marion count), T ANARUS; Eking the property of Abner Dunagan, late ot said county, de- me p A J GORDON. A dorr. 4 diiiiidtrat ors Sale—On the first Tuesday in Ja< uary \ next nrttf be sold in Cuthbert. Randolph countv, lotaofland *umber\ vo hundred and thirty two and two hundred ana forty utre mihe eightn district of said county: these lands are in a •ine sti*edf cultivation, and have upon them all necessary build mns for a farm. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Isnam Wheehs d*cUtid, NvvVtds MARTHA WiIEELIS, Adm’r. COLUMBUS GEORGIA FRIDAY MORNING JANUARY 7, 1853 A dmintstrators Sale—On the first Tuesday in January xl next, at Cuthbert. Randolph county, between the hours of Sheriff sale, will be sold all the negroes belonging to the estate of Sterling G. Rodgers, late of said county, deceased, consisting of men, women, boys and girls—nineteen in all. A credit of twelve months will be aliowed to purchasers, and good personal security demanded on every purchase. Sold by order of tho court of Or dinary of said county for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors of eaid deceased. C. A. WILLIS, > November 16-tds C. C. WILLIS, \ rß ‘ 4 dministvator* Sale—Will bo sold, agreeable to an r\_ or der of the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, at the market house in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in January next, the negroes belonging to the es'ate of John A. Walker, deceased, the following negroes to-wit: Violet, a woman about fify iwo years old ; Hannah, a woman about twenty nine year- old : Caesar, a boy about twenty years old ; Sidney, a boy about seventeen years old ; Henry, about ten years old : Jerry, a boy eight years old; M tnda, a girl four years old ; Cyrus a boy about two years old; said uagroes to be soid lor the beuefit of the airs of said deceased. Nor 16—tds JAMES 3. WALKER. Adm’r. Administrators’ Bftle--On Thursday the sixteenth day of December, at the residence of Adolphus A. Rose, late of Randolph county, deceased, all the personal property belonging to said deceased, consisting of corn, cotton, nudes, horses, cows, hogs, plantation tools, househoM and kit men furniture, &c., i‘C. Also, the land bel raging to said deceased will be rented for the next year to the highest bidder. Hale to continue from day to dcy until ail are sold. Terms ou tno day. Nov 9-tds JAM Eg A/BULLARD, AdnPr. _ Administrators Sale—Will he sold, by virtue of an order of the Hon Inferior court of Harris county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, on the first Tuesday in January next, be fore the court house door in the town of Hamilton, Harris coun ty, within the usual hours of sale 1 11 the negroes belonging to the estate of Nathan E Bachelor, late ol said county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov 9-tds STERLING 3 JENKINS, AdnTr. \ dminlstrators Sale—Will be sold on Thursday the Ja. 9th day ot December next, at the residence of the late John Newsom, deceased, in the eighth dis'rict of Randolph county, all the personal property of said deceased remaining unsold. Sept 28—tds DANIEL A NEWSOM. Adm’r. Administrators Sale—Will be sold beiore the court house door in the town ©f Talbotton, Talbot county, Ga., on the first Tuesday In February next, within the legal hours of sale, by virtue of an order ol the court of ordinary of said county, the following negro property belonging to the estate of Young Daniel late of said county, deceased, viz; Ephraim about thirty six years old, Khody twenty seven years old, Lewis eleven years old, Zn*k nine years old, Franklin seven year* old, Joshua five years old ; sold for the benefit of th© heirs, tc. of said deceased. Dec 14—tds JOS. BROWN. Adrn’r. Administrator? Sale— Will be sold before thecourt house door in the town of Talbotton, Talbot county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, by virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of said county, fifty acres of land adjoining the lands belonging to Joseph 11. Wilson’s estate, and one negro boy by the name of Jacob, about six years old : sold as the property of Barney Wilson, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms givan on the day of sale. Dec 14-tds WM F. ROBERTSON, Adm’r. Executors sale—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the court house door in Lumpkin, Stewart county, and uring the usual hours of sale, two negroes, Bedford a man about 25 years old and Lucy a woman about 22 years old, belonging to the estate of James Perkins, deceased, late of said comity. Soid for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. SHADiACK PEARSOfiT, ) JAMES P. ED I,IS, V Ex’rs. December, 14—wtds MARY PERK I fit's, ) Art in infs trt o t'3 Sale.—Will be soid at tbe late resi dence of Henry Juries, deceased, in Muscogee county, on .Monday the 20th day of December next, all (lie perishable pro perty belonging to the estate ofsaid deceased, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, corn, fodder and oats, and all the household and kitchen furniture, plantations tools, plows, &.C., - aft numerous other things too tedious to enumerate. Lands to be rented and negroes to be hired on the same day. 7'ermsmade known on the day of sale. Nov 3-tds JETHRO OATES, Adm’r. Executors Sale*— Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Talbotton, Talbot county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next, within th® li ‘ -u hours ol sale, by virtue r ih“'V.tii’irc.k'Ty 1, v : .no ii, tiic lasL \* !* .1 tit. Testament ol Dun can Calquehoun, lat® of said county deceased, th® following ne groes belonging to the estate oi said deceased: One negro woman Kitty, about thirty five years old ; one negro child eigteen months old ; one negro woman Ursley* thirty five years old; one negro boy Sam, three years old; one negro boy Ralph, sixteen year j old. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov 23—tds SARAH CALQUEHOUN, Ex’trx, I executors Pale—Will b sold in Buena Vista, Marion ‘j county, on the first Tuesday in January next, during the law ful hours of sale, the undivided half of lot of land number two hundred end forty eight in the tnirty first district of Marion coun ty, belonging th# estate of William Powell, late of said county, de ceased. Terms twelve months credit. M L BIVINS, 1 F ; Nov 24-td# - JOPOWEILj""’ Executor’# Sale*—Will be sold at the late residence of Wilder Philips deceased, late of Harris County, on Thursday the 16th day of December next, the penshaine property belong ing to said deceased, consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, corn and fodder; one horse wagon, one set of black smith’s tool*, one thrash er and fan,one cotton gin, and olh#r articles too tedious 10 men tion; Sale to continue from day today until all is soid; terms made known on the day of sal©- Nov 24-tds STERLING S* JENKINS, Ex’r. Ex e cutor # S ft! e Will be old before the court house door in the town ol Talbotton, Talbot co., Ga., on th# first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of *ale, by virtue of the authority given us in the lust Will and Testament of Motes Boyn ton, Sr., late of said county deceased, all of the negroes belonging to the estate of said deceaed : about forty In numbering, consist ing of men, women, boy*, girl# and children. Terms made known on the day of sale. E. 11. VVORRILL, > November 23—tds E. B. SMITH. TT'xecutov# Sftl—Will be at the court hous* in Greenville, JLJ Merriwether county, ou the first Tuesday in January next, within the hours of sale, under an order of the Court of Or dinary of said .Verriwether county, the following negr es, to-wit: Aaron a man about fifty yeais old, Hampton a man about forty two years old, Reubiii a man about thirty three years old, Isaac a man about forty old, Stephen a man about twenty ‘five year# old, Douglas a man about twenty two years old, Tom a man about twenty years old, Waid a boy about thirteen years old, Spencer a boy about ten years old, Jesse a boy about eight years old. Billy a boy about six years old, Harriet a woman about thirty five years old, Caroline about thirty years old, Mary about eigh teen years old, Martha a girl about ten’years old, Mary a girl about six years old, Bet about four years old, Dinah about lour years old, Mandy about two years old and Creasy a wom. n about forty five years old ; said negroes belonging to the estate of Robert Hatton, late of Merriwether county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of tbe legatees of said decea-ed. Terms tweive months credit. JAMES W. HATTON, ) v . Nov 23—tds JNO. F. HATTON, j rs> Epxeeutors Sale- Will'be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, at the market house, in the city of Columbus, in the county of Muscogee, within the lawful hours of sale, for cash onlv. to the highest bidder, the following named slaves — sold as the property of Joadna Christian, deceased, late of the county of Muscogee, viz: a negro man by the name of Hezekiah, about twenty eight yea sold, Emily a woman, the wife of Hezekiah, about thirty two years old, Milley a girl, the oldest child of Emily, about seven years old, Reeves her second child, a boy about five years old, Charles her third child, a boy about three years old. and two twin boys of Emily, by name of Matthew and Mark about six months old. Sold for the purpose of closing up and division among the heirs of said estate. IVEY MORRIS, , Wov 23—ids 8„¥ McGRADF, < r * Exeeutor’s Sale.—By authority of the last wili of James Stanford, deceased, I will sell before the Court House door P the town of Talootton, en the first Tuesday in December next, the late residence of said deceased, situated in the Town of Tal botton, containing ten acres, with new and substantial improve ments. Terms made known on the dav of sale. Oct 19,1852 wtds ■ L. B. SMITH, ExV. Sale—Wiil be sold at the residence of Moses li Boynton, sr., late of Talbot county, deceased, on Wednesday the Sth'day of December next, all of the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of a large quantity of corn and fodder, a large stock of cattle, one cotton gin, horses, hogs, wagons, plan tation tools, household and kitchen furniture, together with many other article? too tedious to mention. Sold by virtue of the au thority given us under the last will and testament of said deceas ed. The sale to continue from day to day until all is disposed of. Terms raaae known on the day of sale. EII WORRILL, Ip, v Nov 9—tds E B SMITH. > Lx p” T7xecutoi-s Sale—Will be sold on Tuesday twenty F> first day of December next, at the plantation of Vy.fa Powell late of Jliarion county, deceased, one mile north of >pinevil!e, a large portion of the personal esiate of said decea-Efi, consisting of the crop of ginned cotion, horses, mules, pork gfod stock hogs, oxen and stock cattle, goats, corn, fodder, oats, |ase, wagon-* a cart, plantation tools, &e. &.c. A credit of tweht e mortbs will be given; and small notes with approved security will be requirerl of purchasers. The sale will continue fromyyay to day until all is sold. M L JbiviN.g, ) Nov 9-tds j c Cow ell, i Ex rs yoticetodebtorg aud cred/torg— All personsir debted to the estate of Steriiu Gj Rodgers, deed, late of ; Randolph ceumy, are requested to immediate payment: those holdirg claims against said de/ ( 3?ed. are noliflodtODre ! sent them for payment, duly authem!/ ; „ed. . P L*oa:ubr ‘Jii—s2wfit % 4 VVILLIB) j *^ ra ' f ‘VJotlce to debtors and credii or*** ill | orsons in. v defiled to the .estate of John Arriautoii, la.e of Talfiot county deceased, are requested, to make immediate payment : tin *0 holding claims against said deceased, te e notified to present thi m for payment, duiv authenticated. Nov 9—>U ‘ .TAMEB H dI.I.MORE. Adm’r. T’M r B months after date application xvill le 1 made to the court o. ordinary of Randolph county for leave to seft the land belonging to Hi rum Harrison, dec’d, late of said county. Dec L. c. SALE, Kx’r. T'WO months after dale application will be made to the court of Ordinary of Uauoolph county lor leavi to sell the land belonging io Timothy Pitman, deceased. Hitw ol sahl county. Dec 26—2 m A A PITMAN. Adm’r. r |Ytt'o months after date, application will be JL made to tho court of Ordinary of Randolph county f>*r leave to sell the real estate and negroes belonging to Everett J Pvarce. left* of Randolph co. deceased. Nov 2—tw D F PP.ARrT, Adm’r. r |>WO montiig afier elate application will be JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Randolph county, for ienv.- to sella portion of the negroes belongingto Tharpe Hale, dec’d. Oct 19—2 m D HUMPH, A<i ■f’r. npWO iMOnths after date appiloui n will be i made to the Court of Ordinary 01 Rando ph county, for leave to sell a negro man by the name of Guy, belonging to the estate of Allen Move, deceased. Oct SO—2m WM A MOVE, Adm’r. dje bonis non. rpWO months after date application will be I made to the Court of Ordinary of Early County, for leave to sell the lands belonging to th# estate of Jo?es li IS Holmes, late of #:iid county, deceased. Oct 19—2 m THOM A A E-PET OH TANARUS, AdmV_ rWO months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Early county, for leave to sell a portion of the lands belonging to the estate of John W Sutlive, late of said county, deceased. JAMES MN A DING, Oct 19—2 m Adm’r with will annexed. npWO month# after die, 1 will apply to tlic I- Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell me real estate of Francis C. Powell, deceased. October 12—2 m CENKY J. POVvT.Li, Adm’trx. Hp WO months after date application will ue 1 made to the > ourt of ordinary of Early county, ior leave to sell the real estate of F. Griffith, late of eaid county, dec’d. Dec7 —w2m FR \NCES A GRIFFITH, Adm’trx. LEGAL RATES OF INTEREST sji the different State# and s'erritoi ies. Maine, S per cent; forfeit of the claim. Neiv Hampshire, 6 per cent; forfeit of thrice th amount unlawfully taken. Y T ermont 6 per cent; recovery in action and costs. Massachusetts, 6 percent; forfeit ofthrice the usu ry. ilhoJi; Island, 6 percent; forfeit ofthe usury and interest on the debt. Connecticut, fi per cent; forfeit of the whole debt New York, 7 per cent ; usurious contracts void. New Jersey, 7 percent; forfeit of the whole debt. Pennsylvania, 6 per cent; for D-it of the whole deb 1 Delaware. 6 per cent; forfeit of the whole debt. Maryland, 6 per cent, on tobacco contracts; uisuri ous contracts void. Virginia, 6 percent; forfeit double the usury. North Carolina, 6 per cent; contracts for usury void forieit double the usury. South Carolina, 7 per cent; forfeit of interest and pemium taken, with costs. Georgia, 7 per cent; forfeit thrice the usury. Alabama, 8 percent; forfeit interest and usury. Mississippi, S percent; by contract 10; usury recov erab’e. in action for debt., ft per cent; Bank interest 6 ; contract 8 beyond contract, interest void, Kentucky, G per cent; usury recoverable with costs Ohio, G per cent ; usurious contracts void, Indiana, 6 per cent ; a fine of double the excess. Illinois, 6 per cent; by contract 12; beyond forfeits thrice the interest. Missouri, 5 percent; oy contract iG; if beyond, for feit of interest and usury . Michigan. 7 per cent; forfeit of usury 1-4 o: debt Arkansas, 6 per cent, by agreement 10; usury recov erable . butcontract void. District of Columbia, 6 percent usurious contracts veid. Florida, 8 per cent; forfeit interest and excess, Wisconsin, 7 per cent j by contract 12 ; forfeit thrice he excess. low by agreement, and enforced by law. On debts of judgement in favor of the Unite* States, nterest is computed at o percent per annum. GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. Governor—Howell Cobb, of Clarke. Secretaries—Arthur Hood, of Gordon, William Steele, of Baldwin, and W W Paine of Telfair. Messenger—Wiley H Pope, of Walton. Secretary of State—Nathan C Barnett,of Baldwin. Comptroller General—Ezekiels Candler of Carroll. Surveyor General —Pleasant ?,I Compton, of Baldwin Treasurer—Walter H Mitchell of Baldwin. State Libarian —Robert E Martin, of Miiiedgeville. President of Senate —Andrew J Miller, of Richmond Secretary of ** Lutfier J Glenn, of Henry. Speaker of House of Representatives —Janie# A Meri wether of Putnam. Clerk--Thaddeue Sturgis, of Muscogee. Principal Keeper eaitentiarr—Lewis Zachary, ol Newton. Assistant Keeper—William Turk, of Franklin. Book-keeper John SGnolston, of Madison. Inspector—Peter Fair, of Baldwin. Physician —Dr Charles J Paine, of Baldwin. Chaplain-—Frederick Blake, ot “ Trustees of the Lunatic Asylum —Dr Tomlinson Fort, Dr H K Gieen, and B P Stubbs. Resident Physician and Superintendent—Dr Thomas F Green, Superintendent Western and Atlantic Railroad Wm M Wad ley. Treasurer - Gen J W A Sanford. Auditor —Willia ns Rutherford, Jr. JUDICIARY. Supreme Court for the correction of Errors. First District; composed of the Eastern and Middle j Judicial circuits alternately at Savannah and Augista, on the id Monday in January and June. Second District; composed of the South Western ard Chattahoochee circuits, alternately it Columbus and Americas, on the 4th Monday in Japqcry and second i Monday in July. Third district; composed of the Coweta FHntand | Macon circuits, alternately at Mar on and Decatur, on thfe 2d Monday in Febiuarv and August. Fourth district; composed of the Western, Cherokee Judges of the Supreme Court —Joseph Henry Lump- ; kin, Athens* Hiram Warner, Greenville; Eugeni us A Nisbet. Macon. Reporter; Thomas R R Cotb, Athens. Clerk; Robert E Martin,Milledgevihe. Judges of Superior Cou is. Eastern circuit: Henry R Jackson, Savannah. Northern circuit; Eli H Baxter, Sparta Middle circuit; Ebenezer Stf.riioß. Augu ta ! Western circuit; James Jackson, Monrae j Ocmaigee circuit; H V Johnson, Milledgeville. Macon circuit; Abney'P Powers, Macon. Southern circuit:, Nug H Hansel!. Ha wkinsville. j Flint circa H Stark, Griffin. Chattahoia^ieecircuit; Alfred i verson'Columbus. Chferdkec circuit; J H Lumpkin, Rome. circuit; Edward Y Hill, LaGrango* ! Blue Kidge circuit; David Irwin, Marietta. ! Southwestern circuit; L‘At Warren, Albany. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Middle circuit; John T Shewmake, \\ aynesboro* SOLICITORS. Eastern circuit; Thomas T Long. Darien, northern circuit; J B Weems, \\ ashington. ! Western circuit; Win J Peeples Gainesville. Ocmulgee circuit; Thomas i Safioid, Madison. Macon circuit; \\ m K DeGrafTenreid, Aiacon. t * Southern circuit; P F D Scarboiough, Hawkinsville. Finn circuit; Joseph A Thrasher, McDonough. | Chattahoochee circuit; Charles J Williams, Columbus Cherokee ircuit; Join J Word, CtfssvjHe. | Coweta Circuit; M M Tidwell. Fayetteville. Blue Ridge circuit; Edward D. Chisolm, Van Wert. Southwestern eirait;Jhn Lyen, Albany y. ILIT 1A FIRST 11IVIS IOI*. !st Brigade; Bryan,Camden,Chatham, Effingham,Gly n Liberty, Afclntush and Wayne. 2d do Bulloch. Burke, Enianue', Jefferson. Montgomery. Scriven and rathail, SECOND DIVISION. 1 Ist Brigade; Columbia, Richmond,Taylor and Wairen jid o > Hancock,Talia erro and Washington. THIRD DIVISION. ; Ist Brigade; Baldwin, Morgan end Putnam. ; 2.i do* Clarke, Green e and Oglethorpe. FOLRTH DIVISION. Ist Brigade; Elbert Lincoln and Wilkes. 2d do Franklin, Jackson and Madison. FIFTH DIVISION, et Brigade , Jasper and Jones, and do Butts, Fayette and Henry, an 1 Blue Hid-e circuit?, at Cassvilie and Gainesville, on the third Monday ; t> Auh 1 and October. Fifth district; composed </f‘the Northern, Ocmulgee and Southern circuits, at Milledgevilie. or. the tirs>- Monday in May and November. SIXTH. DIVISION. Ist Brigade; Laurens, Pulaski, Twiggs and Wilkinson • 2d do Appling, Clinch, Irwin, Lowndes, Telfair and Ware. SEVENTH DIVISION. ! Ist Brigade ; Habersham, Hall and Rabun. 2d do Forsyth, Lumpkin and Union. EIGHTH DIVISION. Brigade; Bibb, Craw lord, Dooly and Houston. 21 do Monroe, Pike, Upson, and Spau dinu. NINTH DIVISION. Ist Brigade; Heatd, Merriweihtir and Troup. 2d do Campbell, Carroll and Coweta. TENTH DIVISION. Ist Brigade; Harris, A/uscogee and 2d do Macon, Marion, Sumpter and Taibot. ELEVENTH DIVISION. Ist Brigade ; Cobb, DeKalb, Paulding and Polk. 2d do Newton Walton an Gwinett. TWELVTH DIVISION. Ist Brigade ; Cass, Cberokee, Giliner, Gordon and Whitfield, 2d do Floyd, Murray, Walker, Chattooga and Dade. THIRTEENTH DIVISION. Ist Brigade: Decatur, Early and Randelph, 2d do Baker, Lee ano Thomas. THESOUTHEBSi SCHOOL JOUR SAIL, j UNDER this itle, it ie proposed to publish, city, | a Monthly Paper, devoted entirely to the ciuse ofgen ! eral Education* Its object will be— 1. To awaken a deeper and more general interest in : the subject of Education. , 2. To aid in devising and recommending some more practicable and efficient means ofextending the blcss j inga of education to aIJ classes and conditions of our 1 white popu'ation in the South. 3. To discuss ail questions relating to Schools ; such as—the quaii: cations of Teachers ; the principles and ; modes of organisation and discipline; the mostapprov ! cd and successful methods of teaching ; text hooks ; the co—operation ofParents and Teachers ; the con struction ands unilure of school houses; the compara tive merits of private and public schools,&c. It will lit us furnish a suitable medium through which Teachers, and tiie friends of education generally, may J commun cate with each other and with the pybiicupon ! all topics connected with that sul ject. The value, not to say necessity, of such a publication must be obvious to every one > mere especially as . i.e. o is no periodica) o! this character in the Southern States, so far as we are apprised. And we are particu j Jariy desirous it should find circulation among our | country population, as their condition and wants will inert with special attention in its columns. The paper will b# issued in monthly numbers, of | sixteen page> each, Royal Octavo, neatly printed and ! carefully mailed. Price, One Dollab per annum, in variably in advance. No subscription will be received i !<r less lime than one year, and no name entered as a subsriber until the money is received. Advertisements in any way connected with the ob. : jects o: the paper will bejuserted attho usual price, for cash in advance. The first number will be issued in January 1853. : Unless Providentially prevented, the paper will he published for one year at least ; so that no one need hesitate to forward his subscription at once for that ! period. We earnestly ask the aid of all friends ofgeneral ed ucation, particularly in Georgia and Alabama, in sus taining and circulating the work. Several of the Or ; dmuries in Georgia have volunteered in advance to ac‘ jas Agents. We respectfully solicit the same favor of ail. We shali be p eased to receive os many names as possible by the 15th of January, in tiino for the fiisi issue. Ail communications should be addressed postage paid to the Southern School Journal, Columbus, Geor gia. At the solicitation of many friends, the undersigned has consented to undertake “the Editorial department of the above paper. He does so with unfeigned difference I of his own ability in this untried s Riere of labor. But he i is cheered by assurances of aid from able hands. Hesoli cist contributions to its columns from the able and ex perienced friends of the cause throughout the South.— Let them be well .studied, plainly written, briefand to the point. He will be much gratified to receive cor rect accounts of the state ofeducation in the different counties, as we!) a3 the different sections of the coun try. These will furnish important tacts for our work. THOMAS F. SCOTT. Columbus Ga., Dec, l, !553. $3” The Press will confer a favor by calling the at ; tention of the public to the above Prospectus. | Dec 10. tt COPPER AND SHEET IRON AND subscriber, ever grateful for past patronage begs leave to „L iiuorm bis friends and the public that he has one of the largest aseo*. iments of 7’in Ware and Housekeeping articles ever ollered in this market; consisting as follows: Bath Tubs, Shower Baths, with Brass Valve*, Hip Baths do., siponged Pvratnid cake and ornamental moulds; Jelly moulds; coffee filterers; do. Biggins; do urge and small liras; Knife Tray a; do. Washers, anew article; Brooms, Cocoa Dippers; Pie and Dessert plates, all sizes; Britan nia ware, of all kinds; Spice Boxes; Dressing Cases, Cooking Stoves of various patterns, warrented to perform well. Alt manner ofTui or sheet Iron, or Copper or Zinc work, done at short notice, on the most favorable terini Ati orders tor Tin put up at short notice, on terms to suit the times. Having in his employ the best Job workman in this country all he a 4;s is to give him a trial. Guttering or Roofing done at short notice, and warranted. <'all and see n:e bclore engaging or purchasing elsewhere, as am determined to sell and work as iow as the lowest. J.B. HICKS. East side Broad street, near the Market. C- lu nbus, Ga.,May 18.1252 wtf list ion Iron Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP: OGLETHORPE STREET , COLUMBUS , GA, I”' HE subscribers hav ! t just completed their New Shop, are . now prepared to .build STIiAM EKGINBS of ail izes, at* he shortest notice, and at less than Northern prices with be expenses added. Castings, end Irons for Mills, and all othei ■lacainery n.ade ofthe best material and warranted to work well f properly put upT Weareaoe Agents for Pass <t Co.’s Circular Saw Mills in this e:tion of Georgia, the whole ot Clorida, and Alabama, and the performance oi vhich they will warrant against any other mill if uut np by themselves. Plans and specifications for mil!®f urnish ed Witho it charge, when they build the machinery. July 14—w&twtf SAMUEL HEYB & CO. THlc* is to certify thatl have just received from S. Hit* & Co > >e oi their 12 horse power Engines, and one of Page’s Uirculat ; aws, all of which has been put up under >he direction of Mr leys, and with the perlormance of which I am perfectly satisfied u every particular. 1 have no doubt in saying that I think it •qua! to any mill in the State of Georgia, not only in ihe quantity >ut also in the quality of lumber it pioduces, and am at any timb illing to give any information respecting it, to any person raak ngenquiries. WM. C. HILL. Randolph ceacty, July lA—wfctwtf [NUMBER 2