Newspaper Page Text
editors and propribtors.
4a published every TUESDA Y MORJYIA G.
Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office.
TRI-WEEKLY, Fits Dollars per annum, in advance.
A WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance.
Advertisements conspicuously inserted at Os* Dollar
ner square, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for every sub
eauent insertion.
liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements.
Randolph Sheriff Sales,
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before
the court houso door in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property,
1 One lot of land number one hunted and twenty-four in the
dPTenth district of said county, and one negro man by the name
of Jeter about thirty three years of age ; levied on as the proper
1, oi James Morris, to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Superior
Court of said county in favor of Howell Cobb, Governor ot the
Slata of Georgia, vs. James Morris.
Also, the east halfoflot of land number six in thesixth district
of said county, and one sorrel mare and fc colt ; levied on as the
the property of James A. Foster to satisfy two fl fas issued from
tin-superior court of said county*, one in favor of Brooks and
Smith, one in favor of Thomas W. Robinson, vs. James A. Fos
ter. Pointed out by defendant.
Also, lot of land number two hundred and forty eight in the
sixth district of said county : levied on as the property of Robert
Nickols to satisfy two fl fas issued from the Superior court of
said coanty ; one in favor of John Alley, vs. Robert Nickols,the
(4h<T in favor of W. Jordan, administrator of John Alley, de,c and
is. said Nickols. Tointed out by W. Jordan.
Abo, two lots of land number one hundred and twelve and
eighty one in the ninth district of said county; levied on as the
pro pert*’ of Herbert Stubbs to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Su
perior court of said county in favor of Macon Langley, vs. Her
bert Stubbs and John F. Ball, endorser. Pointed out by Herbert
undivided south halfoflot in the town of Cuthbert No
two in square eight, it being one-fourth part of said lot; levied
on ns the property of John Hamel! to satisfy sundry fl fas issued
from the Interior court of said .county, onein favor of//enry L
Taylor, vs. John Hatmell and William C. Perkins.
Also, four lots of land number forty-nine and the north half of
lumber forty eight in the eleventh district, and number thirty
five, snd the north half of lot nninber thirty three in the tenth
dislriet, a'l of said county : levied on as the property of William
Matlock to satisfy three fi fas, one in favor of Alexander Pace
and others, vs. William Matlock and JohnT. McLendon.
Als*, two negro boys named Adam ten years of age, and Jim
•i years of age, and one two horse wagon and two horses; lev
ied on as the property of John H* Jones, to satisfy’ sundry fl tas
issued troin the Superior court of said county in favor of David
BiirserMnff and others, vs. John H. Jones.
Also, one sorrel mule, levied en as the property ot John J.
Bell to satisfy one fl fti issued from the Superior court #f said
county in favor ofS. P. Allison, vs. John J. Bell and Duncan Jor
dan. ,
Also, the undivided half of forty aerds of lot of lmid number
one hundred and thirteen in the sixth district of said county, it
beiiqf in the north east said lot ; levied on as the pro
perty of John 11. Jones to satisfy sundry fl fas issued out of a Jus
tice court of said county in favor of Morris Sels and others vs.
John H. Jones. Levy made and returned to mo by a constable.
Also, six acres of lot ofland number one hundred and twenty
owe in the eleventh district of said county, it being the north east
corner of said lot, levied on as the property of M icheU Deaßon to
satisfy one fl fa issued from a Justice court of Stewart county in
avorof John Fussel, vs. Mitchell Deason and IPm. Deason.—
Levy made and returned to me by a constable.
Also, east half a ten acre lot, it being in the south west corner of
lot of land hundred and ninety throe in the ninth dis
trict of said county ; levied on as the property of John H. Jones
i and Andersen Lee to satisfj one fl fa issued front the Superior
* court of said county in favor If E. D. Smith vs. John H. Jones and
!/*'•, at the s tune time and place will he sold on the .first 7 ties dap
in March, the following property, to-wit :
l<nt of laud number two hundred and thirty-six, in the fifth
district of said county. Levied on as the property of Tilrnan
Hudson, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from tho Superior
Court of said county, in favor of Philip Cook vs. Tilrnan Hudson.
Also, lot of laud number fifty-two in the eleventh district of said
county ; levied on as the property of Robert S. Scott, to satisfy
one mortgage ft fa issued from the Superior Court of said county
in facer of Isaac B. Brown vs. Robert .S’. Scott. Pointed out by
Plaintiff. RICH BHD DAVIS, Dp'y. A h'ff .
December 30,1852. RJ*
Early Sheriff Sales. sold before the court house door in Blakely, Early
county, on the first Tuesday in March next, between the
usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit :
Two lots of land numbers one hundred and forty eight and one
hundred and forty nine in the fifth district of Early county, to
satisfy afifa in favor of Peter Lee and Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, vs.
Burrell T. Hinson, issued by the Superior court of Early county.
Also, one sorrel mare, one voke of oxen and cart ns the proper
ty of one Joseph B. Ellis to satisfy afl fa issued from Randolph
Superior ceurt in favor of Bennett H. Perkins, vs. said Ellis.
Also, one negro woman levied on as the property ol Etheldred
Hays to satisfy a fl fa issued from the Early Superior court in fa
vor es Bolen H. Robinson, and sundry fl fas issued from a justice
court, against said Hays.
Also, lots of land numbers three hundred and sixty five and
three hundred and sixty six in the thirteenth district of Early
. county to satisfy afifa in favor of James S. Lathrop, vs. James
P L. Cartlage. , , .
Also, bt of kind number two hundred and fifty nine m the
fourth district of said countv of Early; levied on as the property
of William TANARUS, Smith to satisfy fi fa from Early Superior court;
in favor of John Hollis, vs. said William T. Smith.
Also, one lot in the south part of Fort Gaines, number five, lad
out by O. H. Davis on the north side of Albany street, containing
an acre, more or less ; also, three thousand feet of lumber, more
or less; a Iso, four thousand siugles, more or less, levied on as the
property of Willis J. Langford to satisfy a fl fa in favor of R. S.
Williams, vs. Willis J. Langford.
Jan.9o— lds JOHN WEST. Sheriff.
Seaborn Jones, )
TS . 1 Bill for Dis-
Reoroh Fistn, This Southern Life Insu- ‘ covery, Relief,
ranch and Trust Company, The Phoenix t fee.,in Muscogee
Bank, William Dougherty, Georok Har- ! Superior Court.
grave*. John Banks and Philip T. Schley. J
It appearing to the Court that lhe defendants, George r leld
and the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company, are not
within the jurisdiction of this Court —Field being a citizen
ami resident of New York, and the Southern Life Insurance and
Trust Company being a body corporate established by the Tern-
lory af Florida. ... ,
It is, on motion of complainant, ordered that the said r leal anu
the said Southern Life In. ud Trust Cos. plead, answer or demur
to said Bill, not demurring alone, on or before the first day of the
next Term : And it is further ordered tha the above order be
I'Sblshed bv the Clerk of this Court, once a menth for Tour
months, before the next Term of this Court, in one of the public
Gazettes of the citv of Columbu\ Georgia. .
Virus extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court
♦ Severn be i Term, 1852, this 10th day of January, 1853.
Jhh. 11, 1853 1 m4m
GEORG 1.1, l Court of Ordinary, O stoker Term, 1852.
Muscogoc county. \ R Ul. R JV l SI.
\ITHF.REAS, Edward Broughton, Administrator es Hie estate
’ ‘ of Lewis Lockey, and *ceased, having applied for letters #r dis
missinn. It i* ordered by the court that all persons concerned,
*1 shew cause, if anv they have, why the said Edward llrwughton,
* tnlainiitrator as aforesaid, should not be dismissed at the newt
May Term of said court. 1# _ 0
A true extract from the minutes of said court, Oct 9th, lm>~.
Oct 12—mbm JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary.
GEORG 1.1, ) Court of Ordinary, October Term. 1852.
Muscogee eonnti/, ( RULE. AT SI.
WHEREAS, John Forsyth, Administrator oflhe estate of John
Forsyth, deceased, havirg applied for letters of dismission,
t bordered by the court that all persons concerned, shew cause,
f any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed
t the next May term of said court.
A‘rue transcript from the minutes of *aid court, Oct9th, too..
Oct 12—m6m JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary.
gforgia, ) court or ordinary,
Talbot county, ( February Teiin, 1853.
WHEREAS, William F. Rol*crtson applies by petition for
’ * letters of dismission as the administrator ot Barney Wilson,
•ate of Talbot county, deceased.
Re it ordered. That all persons concerned, be and appear at
the September term of this court next ensuing, then and there
to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be
A true extract from the minutes of said court, 24th Feb., D53.
March 1-11 *• 6 m M A WON BETIIUN F,, Ordinary.
R*t'*HN Simmons 1
. > Mortgage, &e —September Term, H 52.
John C. Bum, >
PRESENT the Hon. 11 illiam Taylor, Judge of the Superior
Court. It appearing to the court by the petition of Reuben
Simmons, that on the 30th of June, 1845, John C. SiWev made
and delivered to said Reuben Silver bis certain note, bearing the
date and year aforesaid whereby the said John C. Silvev prom
ised to pay by the 2d of December next, after the date'of said
note,the said Reuben Simmons, seven hundred and fltty dollar*
forlot ol land numbei lour hundred in the twenty sixth district
of Early county, And that afterwards, on the samedav and rear
aforesaid, the said John C. Silvey the better to secure the pay
mentor said note exeented and delivered to said Reuben Sim
mons Ins deed of mortgage, whereby the said John C. Silvey con
veyed to the said Reuben Simmons lot oflaiul number lour hun
dred in the twenty sixth district of said county of Early, contain
ingtwo huudred.and fltty acres, more or less—conditioned that
if said John C. Silvej should pay off and discharge said not#, or
cause the same to tie done according to the tenor and effect there
of, that then the said deed of mortgage and said note should be
come and be null and void lo all intents and purposes. And it
turther appearing, that said note remains unpaid. It is, therefore,
ordered—That tho said John C. Silvey do pay into Court bv the
first day of next term thereof, the principal, interest and cost', due
on said note, or shew cause, to the contrary, if any he has. That
on the failure of said John C. Silvey so te do, the equity of re
demption in and to said mortgaged premises be forever tiierafter
barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered—That this rule
be published in the Columbus Times once a month for four
months, or a copy thereof served on the said John C. Silvey or his
agent or attorney at least three months previous to the next term
of said Court.
Early Superior Court, Sept Term, 1852.
John C. ntlvky. £ Rule Xisi to foreclose Mortgage.
XT appearing to the Court that tim defendant resides without
the limits of this county. It, therefore, on motion of Pl’ffs.
Counsel—That service be perfected by publication of this order,
onceamonth for four months in the Columbus Times, a public
gazetto. S. S. STAFFORD, Pl’ffs. Att’ny.
A true extract Irotn the minutes of Earv Superior Court, at Sep
tember te rm. 1852.
Pec 7—494 m THOS B. ANDREWS, CPk
Georgia, Randolph co unty—Wheieas, Samuel A.
Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John 11.
Weaver, late ot said county, deceased, has petitioned for letters
of dismission from said administration.
These are, therefore, to jite, admonish and require all persons
concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before
the September term ol (lie Court of Ordinary of said county, to
lie holdcn on the first Monday of September next, otherwise said
administrator will be then and there dismissed.
Given under my hand at office this 22d day of February, 185.1.
March 1— Owfitn O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
Gt eorgia, Randolph county.--Whereas, John Col-
I Her applies to me for letters >f administration, cum testinirn
ta annrzo , on the estate of John Frith, late of said county, dec’d.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
creditors and kindred of said deceased to appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law', and shew cause, if any they
have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given tinder my hand at office the 22d day of February, 1853.
March I—9w7t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
/Georgia, Early comity—Whereas, John Thompson
v.T applies to me for letters of administration with the will an
nexed, upon the estate of Robert Thompson, late of said county,
These are to notify all persons concerned, to be and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if
any they have, why said letters should not be granted said ap
Given under my hand at office this February 24, 1853.
Jl/arch I—9w7t* S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary.
Georgia, Early county—Wheieas, Joseph Gritnsley,
administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate of
Sarah Grimsley, late of said county deceased, makes application
to ine for letters of dismission from the further administration of
said estate. All persons concerned are hereby notified to be and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and
shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be
granted said applicant.
Given muler my hand at office, this February the 24th, 1853.
March I—9.w6m S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary.
‘Vfetice to debtors and creditors.--All persons
it holding demands against the estate ot Oliver H. P. Daniel,
late of Talbot count v, deceased, are hereby notified to present
them for payment, du'y authenticated, within the time prescribed
by law ; and those indebted to said deceased, are requested to
make immediate payment ol the same.
March l--9wfit JOSEPH BROWN, Adm’r.
G eorgia, Early county.—All persons are desired to
r take notice, that letters of Administration will be granted
the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, on the estate of
the late Nathaniel G. Bartlett, unless objections be filed by the
first Monday in April next.
Feb 23—9w7t S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.—Agreeably to an order of the
Ordinary of Early county, will be sold on tlie first Tuesday
in April next, in the town of Dub in, Laurens county, lot of land
number eighty-nine, in the first district of Laurens county. Sold
as the property of the late Alfred Renfroe, of Early county, and
or the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms
n day of sale. THOS. B. ANDREWS, Adm’r.
February 23—9wtds
GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary*for said county,
Early county. $ January Term, 1863.
OWEN W. SHACKELFORD, Guardian ofthe minor heirs of
James Foster and Asa Travis, deceased, having applied to
the Court for letters of dismission from tho guardianship of said
minors; It is hereby ordered, That all persons concerned, be
and appear at the March term of said Court, and cause shew, (If
any they have) why said applicant should net be dismissed from
said guardianships. A true extract from the minutes of said court,
Jauuarv 15th, 1853.
January 25—4w6t S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary.
Ctcorgia, Randolph county— Whereas, Daniel A.
vX Newsom, applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the
persons and property of William Newsom andGlaucus Newsom,
minors anu orphans of John Newsom, late of said couety, dec and.
These are, therefore, te cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred of said orphans to be and appear at my office withia the
time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any thev can, why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, February Bth, 1853.
Feb. 15 —7w7t O. P. BE AI .L, Ordinary.
eorgla, Randolph county.—Whereas, Henry L.
T Taylor and Mariah L. Taylor apply to mo for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of William Taylor, late of sakl county,
deceased. .... , . , ..
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bn and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, it any
they have, why said letu rs should not bn granted.
Given under my hand at otttce, this the 22d day of Jan., IHSB.
Jan.29—sw6t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
rA eorgta, Randolph county—Whereas, John Peter-
VT son applies to me for letters of administration or the estate
of Archibald Peterson, late of said county, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditorsofsaid deceased, ray of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, and skew eause, it any
they have, whv said letters should ot be granted.
Given under my hand at office Ibis 11th day of January, 1803.
January 18-3wst O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
core a, Muscogee ceunty-Whereas, Benjamin
IT Matter. applies for lettersof administration on theestateof
A on Johnson, late of said county, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew caase, it any t he}
have why tho administration of said estate, should n< tbe granteu
to said applicant at tho Court of Ordinary to b* held m and tor
said county on the first Monday m February next.
Given under nay hand, this 4th ot January, ISo.i,
Jams—2wst JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary.
Gx ©origin, barly^county.—Whereas, Jesse Collier
r makes application to me for letters of Guardianship of the
persons and property of Martha, John and William Travis, minor
heirs of Asa Travis, deceased; and ot Shepperd and S.abssa
Foster, minors of Jane Foster, deceased :
These are to notify all persons concerned, to shew cause, if any
thev have, whv said letters should not be granted said applicant,
at the March term, next, of the Court of Ordinary for Mud county.
ssssiatir* *’
Theorem, jfiarly county—Whereas, William Hill
\T makes application to me for letters of Guardianship of the
person and property of Eliza Hill, a minor heir of Dr John Hill,
dC \lfpo d r*ons concerned, are hereby notified that said letters will
be granted said applicant, if no objection is filed m my office
within the time prescribed by law. Given under my hind atfof
?—4^hvTt' i r 2M ’ 1 ’ ’S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary.
CaeorelH. Talbot, county—Whereas, Joseph Brown
T annliestome tor letters ot administration on the estate of
Oliver I P. Daniel, late of Talbot county, deceased.
Th ire therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my
within the time prescribed by law, then and there to show
thev have, w hv said letters should not be granted,
“riven under mv hand and official signature, this the 29th day
Vein her, 1852. M ARI ON B ETH U N F., Ordinary.
, December 7— 49w7t
r7eor*i, Muscogee county—Whereas, Frances L
(j Bailev applies for leters otadmimstratHm on the estates
* 1a ‘ 11*. ilev “ate of said comity, deceased,
bamuel .. ‘ to cite and admonish all and .jugular the
these art, „r* of *aid deceased. to shew cause, it any they
kindred and c ,J, ot said estate should not be grant
have, why !h * *1 “ ‘. the Gp urt of Ordinary to be held in and
ed to sud Monday in January next,
forsaid county on \^ n^™7th tlav of Decern tier. 1352.
Given under my han i JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary.
Dec 9, 1852 —4iw.t ’
■ p eorgia, Randolph county—Whereas, Thomas
| VX Coram,administrator of the estate of Joseph Williams, de
ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. Thee are, there
fore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested,
• to show cause, if any they have, within the lime prescribed by
| law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my
J hand at office tlie 21st dav of sept ‘'s2.
| Sept 2H—39wt>m OPBE A LI, Ordinary,
j ( Veorgia, Itnmlolph county—Whereas, Thomas W
i VX Garner, administrator on the estate of William L Morgan,
■ deceased, npp.iesto tne for letters of dismission therefrom. These
, are, therefore, to cite and admouish all and singular the partti*.
nterested, tOßhow cause, if any they have, within the lime pre
scribed by law, whv said letters should not be grafted. Given
under my hand at offite sept IGth, ‘SB.
| Sept 28—39wflm O f BKALI.. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Randolph county- -Whereas. John J
Sessions,administrator upon the estate of Robert Butler, de
ceased, applies to me tor letters of dismission,
These are, therefore, to eile and admonish all and singular the
parties interested, to shew cause,if any they have, within thetitne
prescribed by law, why said letters should not lie granted. Given
Umder my hand at office this 22d day of may, 1852.
M&y 2s—wfhn OP BHALL,Ordinary. !
j p eorgia. Early county--Whereas, Reuben MoCor
j VX quadale applies to me fer letters ofadministration upon Hip
i estate of John McCorquadate, late of said county deceases!.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish all and sin- ;
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their oh
| ject ions in my office within the tim* prescribed bylaw, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant.
Given under my band at office, tl is Dec 21st, 1852.
Dec 28—59w7t 9. 8. STAFFORD, Ord’ry.
AdministratAr’g Male,—Will be sold in Cuthbert, Ran- ‘
dolph county, on the first Tue,day in March next, a negro
man by the name of Nod, about fifty-five years old. Sold as the
property of Everett J. Pearce, deceased, for the payment of his
| debt*. Terms on the day. DIXON P. PEARCE, Adm’t. j
January 18—td
Administrator’s Sale.—YVili lie sold in Cuthbert, Ran
dolph county, on the first Tuesday ill March next, a likely
negro man by the name of Sant. Sold by an order of tlie Court
of Ordinary of said county, as the property ol Tharp Hale, tie
ceased. lot the payment of his debtSi Terins cash.
January Ift—lds DAVIT) ttUMPH, Adtn'r.
\ dmlnlsiratrlx’s Sale—tin the lirsi luesdayin At arch
A next, will lie sold in Cuthbert. Randolph county, lotsof land
numbers two hundred and thirty two and two hundred and forty
nine, in the eighth district of said comity; these lands are in a
fine state of cultivation, and hav* upon them all necessary build- j
ings for a farm. Sold lor the benefit of the heirs of [sham Whcelis
deceased. Jan 18-tds MARTHA WHEF.LIS, Adffi’x.
A dmiulst rat ert* Sale Will be sold on the first Tues
j9Ldayin March next, before the court house door in Cuth
bert, Randolph county, lot of land number one hundred anti six
-1 teen, in the 4t h district of said county. Sold as the property of
John Dobson, late ot Randolph comity, Alabama, deceased.
Termscasb. Jan 18—ids JOSIAII GRIER, Adtn’r.
A dminist intors Sale.—Agreeable to an order ol the
JrV. court of Ordinary ol Early comity, will lie sold on the first !
Tuesday in April next, before the court house door in Blakely, a j
likely negro boy named Wesley, about fourteen years old, ol light
complexion, belonging to the estate of Dr. John Hill, deceased.
Sold to make u division ol said estate. .
Jan. 20—tds WILLI AM HILL, Adm’r.
I Executor’s Sole.—Agreeably to an order from the lion
1J orable Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, l will sell, at
the market house, in the city of Columbus, on ;hc first Tuesday
in March next, the following negroes, belonging to the estate of
N. Me. Robinson, deceased, late of said county: Henry, a man
about twenty-five years old ; Pam, a man about forty years old.
Paid negroes sold for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of said
estate. Terms cash. ISAAC T. ROBINSON, Ex’r.
Columbus, January 18—tds.
Notice to rtehiors and creditors--AII persons in
debted to the estate of Sterlin G. Rodgers, dec’d. late of
Randolph county, are requested to make immediate payment;
those holding claims against said deceased, are notified to pre
sent them for payment, duly authenticated.
C C WILLI .S', | ,
December 28—52w6t C A WILLIS, 1 r
Notice to Debitors and Creditors—All persons in
debted to the estate of John A. Walker, deceased, are re
quested to come forward and make payment, and those holding
claims against said estate are requested to present them duly au
thenticated to me. JAP. P. WALKER, Adtn r.
January s—2w7t
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.—All persons
indebted to the estate ot John Newsom deceased, late of
Randolph comity, are requested to make immediate payment ;
and those having demand-, against said estate, ar* requested to
present them duly authenticated to me.
Feb. 15—-7wtst ‘ DANIEL A. NEWSOM, Adm’r,
Notice to debtors and creditors—All persons in
debted to the estate of Charles Kendall, deceased, In** of
Muscogee county, are requested te make immediate payment:
those holding claims against said estate are requested te present
them duly authenticated to me.
Columbus, Jan. 25—4wft JANH KENDALL, Adm’trx.
TWO monlbs after date, I shall apply to the
Court of • Irdinary of Randolph county, for leave to sell the
lands belonging to Stephen Weatherby, lateot said count?, dec’d
Feb. 15—7w2m MARTIN POLLOCK, Adm’r
TWO months after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Randolph comity, for leave
to sell tlie negroes belonging to the estate of George W. Move,
deceased, late of said county.
January 25 —4w2m WM. A. MOYE, Adtn’r.
rpWO months after date, I shall apply t* the
X Court of Ordinary of Randolph comity for leave to sell a
negro belonging to themirors ofSib Graves, deceased.
January Ift—3w2m B. GRAVES,Guardian.
TWO months after date application will he
made to the Court of Ordinary of county, for leave to
sell the lands belonging to the estate of Epsey Dyson, deceased
January 29 —2m ABNER DY-ON, Adm’r.
TWO months after date, we shall apply to
the Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell a
town lot in Covington, Newton county, ns the property of Sol.
Graves, deceased. L. A.GONEKE,) . . ,
B. GRAVES, yAUntrs.
January 18—2 m with tho Will annexed.
TWO months after date application will he
made to the court of ordinary of Randolph county for leave
to seil the land belonging to Hiram Harrison, dec’d, late of said
Caunty Dec 28-2 m L. C. SALE, Ex’r.
TWO months after date application will toe
made to the court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave
to sell the land belonging to Timothy Pitman, deceased, lat of
said county. I)cc 28 —2m A A PITMAN. Adm’r.
rpWO months after date application will be
X made to tho court of ordinary of Early comity, for leave to
sell the real estate of F. Griffith, late of said countv, dec’d.
Dec7—w2m FRANCES A GRIFFITH, Adm’trx.
TWO months after date 1 shall apply to the
Court of Ordinary of Randolph county, for leave to sell the
and belonging to llenrv Sandlin, deceased.
Feb. 8- 6w2in JESSE SANDLIN, Adm’r.
I hereby warn all persons against trading for a note w hich I
made to one R. F. Morris ; the consideration thereof having
failed, I do not intend to cash the same unless compelled by law .
The following is in substance a copy of said note :
“By the first day or January next, I promise to pay R. F. Mor
ris or order, the sum of eight hundred and ten dollars, for value
received, with interest from date, this February 12,1853.
(Signed) Matthew J. Lewis.
Blakely, March I—9w2t M. J. LEWIS.
At, Lpersons are hereby notified, that I claim to ow n the w-est
halt of section five, tow nship fourteen, range twenty seven,
a Creek Indian reservation, certified and approved to ine; and
the approved contract for w hich having been lost or mislaid,
t shall proceed, on the first Monday in April next, at the office of
the Hon. Alfred Iverson, in this city, to take testimony as to the
loss of said contract, in order to establish a copy thereof agreea
bly to the regulations of the General Land Office, and to apply
for a patent in my name, JAMES KIVLIN.
Columbus, Ga., February If—Bw6t
ALL persons are hereby notified, that as sole heirs at law of
the late James S. Calhoun, we claim to own the east part of
section two, township nineteen and range twenty-eight in Cham
bers county, Alabama, the same being a Creek Indian reserva
tion, certified and approved to M. W. Perry t Go., the approved
contract for which lias been lost or mislaid so that it cannot after
diligent search and enquiry, be found.
Having contracted to sell said land, we shall proceed, on the
first Monday in April next, at the office of Hon Allred Iverson, in
Columbus Georgia, to examine testimony as to the loss of said
paper, with the view to establish a copy thereof, agreeably to
the regulations ot the General Land Office,and that w e shall then
and there can se the sumo to tie assigned to the purchaser by the
said Iverson, Attorney in fact tor said M. w. Perry it Go., in or*
der that a patent may issue to said purchaser.
Columbus. Feb. 16—8w6t CAROLINE LOVE.
ALL persons interested, are hereby notified that l claim to lie
the owner of section thirty lour, township twenty and raiwe
twenty eight. Alabama, the approved Creek Indian contracts lot
which have been lost, and that on the first Monday in April next
at the office of the Hon. Alfred Iverson, in thecity of Columbus’
Georgia, l w ill proceed to examine evidence, as to the existence
and loss ot the said original con'racts tor the two parts of said
section, with the view of establishing conies and inntvmr to
the General Land Office for patents. 1 1 * “
February 16— Bw6t fi. p IRWIN.
j (’. (M-JLKTKKK,
Oglethorpe Street, opposite Kentucky House.
say to his friends, that he has just received a
VY tine assortment ot FAMILY GROCERIES FOR
! THE CITY TRADE, which he would be much pleased
to have his friends to call and see for themselves.
The following--comprise it part of his stock, viz.: Cod
Fish, dried and pickled Salmon, dried Hollehurt, pickled
Shad, No. 1,2, 3 Mackerel, -'o. lOt 2 Kits, Mess Pork,
Beans, Irish Potatoes, Rice, Buckwheat Flour, fine St.
Louis Flour, Butter,, Java and Rio Coffee, fine
Teas, Rafeins, dried Figs, Preserves, Pickels, Catsup, Yea
Powders, Craulierries, dried Apples and Peaches, line chew
ing Tobacco, Powder and Snot, Mustard, Onions, Table
! Sait, and many other articles too tedious to mention.
Just received, a Fresh supply of Family Groceries, and
i >t fine lot ol Brandy, Wines, Champaign, Cider and Whis
key, and a title lot of Cigars.
Dec 16, IBf>2. ol 3rn
For the rapid Cttre of
Many years of trial, instead of impairing the pul lie con
fidence in this medicine, has won for it an appreciation and
notoriety by far exceeding the most sanguine exp c ation
of its friends. Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and the un
mistakable benefit conferred on thousands of sufferers could
originate and maintain the reputation it enjoys. While
many interior remedies thrust upon the community have
failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every
trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never for
get, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable
to be forgotten.
While it is a fraud on the public to pretend that any one
medicine will infallibly cure—still there is abundant proof
that the Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thing,
but almost invariably'cure the maladies for which it is e,
As time makes these facts wider and better known, this
medicine has gradually become the best reliance of the af
flicted, fro n the log-cabin of the American Peasant, to the
palaces of European Kings, Throughout this entire coun
try, in every State,city, and indeed almost every hamlet it
contains, Cherry Pectoral is known as the best remedy ex
tant for diseases of the Throat and Lungs, and in many
foreign countries, it is coining to be extensively used by their
most intelligent Physicians. In Great Britain, France and
Germany, where the medical sciences have reached their
highest perfection, Cherry Pectoral is introduced, and in
constant use in the Armies, Hospitals, Alms Houses. Public
Institutions, and in domestic piactiee, as the surest remedy
their attending Physicians can employ for the more dan
gerous affections of the lungs. Also in milder cases, and
for children it is safe, pleasant and effectual to cure. In
fact,some of the most flattering testimonials we receive
have been from parents who have found it efficacious in
cases particularly incidental to childhood.
The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a practical
Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own eye, with in
variable accuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by
law from counterfeits, consequently car. be relied on as gen
uine without adulteration.
We have endeavored here to furnish the community with
a medicine of such intrinsic superiority and worth as should
commend itself to their confidence—a remedy at once safe,
speedy and effectual, which this has by repeated and count
less trials proved itself to be: and trust by great care in pre
paring it with chemical accuracy, of uniform strength to
afford Physicians anew agent on which they can rW for
the best results, and the afflicted with a remedy that will do
lor them all that medicine can do.
Prepared and sold by .fames C. Ayer,
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Muss.
Sold in Columbus, Ga., bv ROBERT CARTER,
and by Druggists generally. Jan. 22—w&ftv4m.
For the complete care of Coughs , Colds. Influenza,
Asthma , Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood,, and all other
Lung Complaints tending to CONSUMPTION;
Reader ! have you a Cough, which you are neglecting,
under the idea that it is only a common cold, and that i;
will soon “wear itself out?” Let a friend tell you, in all
kindness, what will soon be the probable result.
In a short time, if you continue to neglect yourself,
you will begin to feel a sense of tightness and oppression
across the chest, accompanied with frequent sharp dart
ing pains. Then a dry, hacking Cough will set in, and
when you raise anything it will In*a thick and yellowish,
or übite frothy matter, streaked, perhaps, with blood, ll
you still take no medicine, these unpleasant symptoms will
increase, and you will soon have Hectic Fever, Cold
Chills, Night Sweats, Copious Expeeforaon, & then Great
Prostration. If you still neglect yourself, a few weeks or
months will see you consigned to the grave, leaving your
friends to mourn how rapidly Consumption did its work
and hurried you away. Friend ! have you no cause to be
alarmed ? In the above sketch you may see as in a glass
how every cas • of Consumption progresses, with more or
less rapidity, to a fatal termination. Os all the Thousands
land Millions whom this great Destroyer lias gathered to
the tomb, every single case began with a Cold. If this had
been attended to, all might have been well; but being neg
lected, under the fatal deksion that it would “wear itselt
off,” it transferred its deadly action to the substance of the
Lungs, exciting there the formation of tubercles. An
other, and another cold added fuel to the flame, until these
tubercles began to soften and suppurate,leaving, by their
ulceration, great cavities in the Lungs. At this crisis,
the disease is very difticuit of cure, and oftentimes sets at
defiance all human means.
In the latter or worst stage, this medicine will often
times arrest the disease, or cheek its progress, and will
a'ways make the patient more comfortable, and prolong his
Ife,and is therefore worthy ol a trial ; but in its incip
ent or forming periods Consumption is as eurahle as any
other and sease, an 1 u l)r. Rogers Syrup of I iverwort, Tar
and Canehalagua,” if taken at this time, will cure it at
surely us it is taken ! This is strong language, but we
can refer you to numberless living witnesses to prove that
it is True! And therefore, we earnestly exhort every
man, woman and child, who has a Cough, or is subject to
Colds, to keep this medicine by you in the house ; and
whenever you take Cold, and. not ‘Met it alone” to work
mischief in your system, hut eradicate it thoroughly, and
at once, by this powerfully healing compound, and leave
your Lungs uninjured, to carry you in full vigor to a good
old age !
Mo theßs!
Have you deii a e, weakly children, who are always
taking cold, and subject to Croup ? Remember! There
never was a case of Croup, which did not originate in a
Cold ! And when your ehilds cr.K*to bed wheezing and
coughing, you know not that, before mowiing, Croup may
not set in, and ere you <an get a Physician, your deal
child may be beyond the reach of help. We beseech you.
therefore, as you value the lives of your children keeps
this medicine bv you in the house,ami whenyonr little one
take cold and commence coughing, give it to them at
once,and rest not until the cough is entirely subdued. M e
conscientiously aver, after the most extended experience,
that if this advice were followed, no child need ever
Die of Croup.
For the cold would be cured, before it could arrive at this
ngjMfXwnted and final stage. Dd every Mother, especially,
beffl well these remarks, that she may not hereafter, vdlicH
mourning over the early blight of some cherished blossom,
have occasion bitterly to reproach herself for her criminal
neglect. It is an old adage, that ‘‘to be fore warned, is to
be forearmed.” Parents ! so let it In* in your case.
Be sure to ask tor I >t. A. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort,
Tar and Canchalagtia, and let no other le palmed *rn
111 Cliartres Street, New Orleans,
Wholesale Genetal Agents for the Southern
States, to whom all orders and applications
lor agencies must be addressed.
Also sold by
DAN FORTH A NAGEL, Columbus, Ga.
And by one Agent in every town in Georgia and
Alabama. Sold at wholesale by the principal Druggists
in Augusta, Savannah and Charleston, S. C.
February 8-6wly
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
THIS invaluable preparation has been but a few mouths
before the people of the South, yet many thousands of
hott!i s have ln-en sold and used in a great VARIETY OF
diseases, and it has given universal sat intact on. Me
have heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. M c
otter it as a remedy in the various diseases and com
plaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence
in curing them, as over four millions of Bottles have been
sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both ol
men and animals, and it has always given satisfaction, be
cause it has performed just what we said it would. It has
healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had
resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty.
A child in Fmleriekton, N. U., * few day* ago
Itunicil its legs severely against a stove. The mother im
mediately applied L : nsce<l Oil and Cotton Wool, with a
tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the
child induced the mother to remove the bandage, when it
was discovered tlint the cotton wool had taken fire by spon
taneous combustion and had considerably increased the
size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she*
had part of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house,
which she got immediately and applied to the burned
limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon a it was applied,
the child ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its
mother’s arms, by the soothing influent** of this valuable
This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Linimcut
has been used quite extensively in the stable of Adams fc
Co.'s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for
curing (Jails, Chat*s, Scratches, Sprains and Bruits,and
it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have
also iis<m.l it on themselves and their tamilies, and they all
speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest
terms. (>ne of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and
bruised on his knee—utmal, thw Musio.ig Liniment was
resorted to. and the soreness and lameness was soon n*
moved, and it was perfectly well in three or four days.—-
We have uo hesitation iu recommending it as a valuable
preparation, to lx: used externally on man or beast.
Rheumatism. —This is to certify that my wifo was af
flicted with severe chronic Hheamntism ; she had suffered
lor months with the most excruciating pains; sho had
tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every
thing recommended for lids dreadful disease. None of
them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent
bottle of iUttatang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; sho
is now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends
to use the Mustang Liniment.
(Signed) James L. Oliver.
Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853.
Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, Nwv York, and St.
Louis, Missouri.
A. G. BRAGG & CO., Proprietors.
Sold in Columbus, Ga., by GESNER <fe PEABODY.
February 5, 1853 twArwly
WORK STEERS, STOCK HOGS of superior breeds,
COWS, working utensils of various kinds, &e*, kr.
If wanted by the purchaser of the property,
\ Dissolution of the copartnership heretofore existing in the
above valuable property haring taken plane, the undersign
ed subscribers will proceed to sell,
Oh the first Saturday in March next,
On Ibe premises, 1* the highest bidder, their
With all their appendages, consisting of Three Corn Mills, ca
pable of grinding live hundred bushels per day, and a Mwvt'ac
faring Mill with French Burrs, sufficient to grind all tin Wheat
made in Ibe county and convert it into first rate fiour.
Inferior to none in the Slate ; one a Circular Saw that can ent
with skillful management from six to eight thousand tret #f lum
ber per day, the other an Upright, (or Sash) equal t* any saw of
that kind ; the whole propelled by an Engine of groat power,
ai able of running all the machinery that can be attached to it.
Au *9, Mine Hundred Acres f first rate Pine Land.
Well timbered and finely adapted to growing Cotton, and an in
exhaustible quantity of hard timber near by, suitable for all me
chanical business.
These mills, known as Powell At Blackman's Steam Mills, are
most favorably situated—bordering on that rich PrairU region ;
they have scarce over been able to supply the wants of tho coun
try during summer—the grist mills have to be run day and night
to* keep up with the custom —waterpower at that season entirely
failing in all the lime region.
The terms of sale liberal; particulars made known on the day
of sale.
Jan. 28—4 t J. D. WALCOTT.
VTTE will receive this day, and continue to keep on hand, for
VV our customers, a supply of FLO U R from the celebrated
Montgomery Mills, until wear® able to resume operations,
jolumhus, Dec 15—iwtf C. T. INBLEE. Agent.
Ware Room on East side. Broad street , next dotr to
P. McLaren .
PROPRIETORS* t*l the above works respectfully inform
JxS* the public, that they havenowon hand for sale, and are con
kiJ stantly manufacturing all descriptions of Wooden Mark,
such as Chairs, S*kttke*, Bedsteads, Buckets.Tubs,fc-c.. fee.,
of the best material, and tinisoed in excellent style under their
personal supervision.
They particularly callatlention to their various styles and quali
ties of chairs, which, for neatness, comfort, durability and cheap
ness cannot be surpassed in any country; varying in price from
$lO to •’t>24 per dozen—specimens of which can be seen at their
Ware Roomsne door above P. McLaren’*, Broad street,
Columbus, which the publicare invited to examine.
Every description of * ‘hairs, Buckets, Tubs, &c. made to order
after anyfashiondesired. They are also prepared to furnish ik
dowSash and Bunds of all descriptions to order.
tJs?” Handsome premiums were awarded to the Troy factory at
the Southern Agricultural Fair a! Macon, for the best specimen
ofChair and Wooden Ware.
£’a p ’<>rderslett at their Ware Room—east side br% ad street,
ireeled to if. C. Jefferson 6c Cos., Columbus, will nm, *.
yompt attention. May 10—wly