The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, March 11, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME Ij T L. XENNENT LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS^ EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. TIIK TRI-WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL is published E VERY IYEDXfSDA Y and FRIDA Y MORX IXO and SATURDAY EVEXIXG. THE WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL. i is published every TUESDA Y MORXIXG. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS: TRI-WERKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. JrtgT Advertisements conspicuously inserted at One Dollar per-quarc,for the first insertion, and fipty cents for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Muscogee Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the market house, in the city of Columbus, between the usual hours o! sale, the following property to-wit: Water Lot number eleven (owned and occupied by the Howard Manufacturing Company, meets and bounds as set forth by the deed from the Water Lot Company to Van Leonard for the How ard Manufacturing Company,) toge'lher with the factory building thereon with all the machinery and tackle thereto belonging; also, the store room and offices on said lot, fronting on Front street; also, the large brick building on the corner of Front and Bryant streets, and tho tenement next thereto, ironting on Bryant street, together with the ground thereto belonging; being one hundred feet by one hundred and forty-eight feet of lot number forty seven, and thirty seven feet by forty nine feet off of lot num ber forty eight; alt lying and being in the county of Muscogee, and levied on as the property of the Howard’ .Manufacturing Company to satisfy sundry fi fas in my hands ; one in favor of Robsrt Mitchell, from Muscogee Inferior Court: one from the Superior Court of Muscogee in favor of John Warren, and other ii fits In my hands against said Company. Also, a lot of dry goods, consisting of calicos, silk, muslin, laces, rjesdy made clothing, bonnets, hats, shoes, blankets, &c , levied ton as the property of E. & B. Mendheim, to satisfy afi fa from .Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Binswaoger & Eger, and other fi fas in my hands against Emil Mendheim and Benjamin Mendheim. Also, a lot of dry goods, consisting of muslins, laces, silk, cali co. &c\, levied on as the property of Francis Goulding, to satisfy a distre-s warrant in favor of John B. Strupper, against said Goulding. Also, one and a lmlfshaiesofthe capital stock of the Muscogee Railroad company, levied on as the property of Lively & Clapp, to satisfy afi fa from Muscogee Superior Court in favor ot John i Banks against Live!} &. Clapp. Also, a negro boy named George, about eighteen or nineteen years old, levied on as the property of Marcus Johnson to satisfy ii fi fa from Pike Superior Court in fitvor of Bradford T. Chapman against said Johnson. Also, one horse and buggy, two mules, and a two horse wagon, a yoke ot oxen and cart, all levied on as the property of Daniel D. i Ridenhour to satisfy a fi fa trom Muscogee Superior Court in favor of George W. Leo, against said A'idenhour ; property pointed 1 out by said defendant. < Also, the following negroes: Caroline a woman about twenty five years old, and Lodiska a girl about twelve years old, and the life estate of Richard YV. Fox to Coffee, a man about fifty five years old,and GJarisa a woman about fifty years old; all levied n as the property of Richard W. Fox. to satisfy a fi fa from f luseogee Superior Court in favor of John Banks; and other fi at in my hands against said Fox. MORTGAGE SALE. ■.l/so, at the same place, trill be fold , on the first Tuesday in May next, the following property , to-wit : John a man about forty years old, Agnes a woman about forty- ! three years old. Cornelias a man about twenty one years old, Catherine a girl nMnu old, Daniel about ten and | Charlotte a girl about five > ears old; all levied on as the propei ly of Silas McGrady to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Muscogee Su- 1 periorCourt in favor of NVi lliam A. Kedd against said JtfcGrady. A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff 1 . Columbus, March 4—tds Seaborn Jones, ) vs. | Bill for Dis- ] Georok Field, The Southern Life Insv- ! covery, Relief, ; ranch and Trust Company, The Pikenix r Ac-, in Muscogee I Bank, William Dougherty,Georoe Har- ! Superior Court. | (}raves,John Banks and PhilipT. Schley. J It appearing to the Court that the defendants, George Field ; and the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company, are not j within the jurisdiction of this Court—Field being a citizen and resident of New York, and the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company being a body corporate established by the Terri tory of Florida. It is, on motion of complainant, ordered that the said Field and : the said Southern Life In. and Trust Cos. plead, answer or demur j to said Bill, not demurring alone, on or before the first day of the i next Term: And it is further ordered tha: the above order be 1 published by tho Clerk of this Court, once a month for four ! months, before the next Term of this Court, in one of the public j Gazettes of the cify of Columbus, Georgia. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court 1 ,?t November Term, 1852, this 10th dav of January, 1853. JOHN R. STURGIS, Clerk, Jan. 11, 1853 1 m4m GEORGIA , ) Court of Ordinary , October Term, 1852. , Muscogee county. ) RULE XI SI. WHEREAS, Edward Broughton, Administrator of the estate i of Lewis Loo key, deceased, having applied for letters of dis mission. It is ordered by the court that all persons concerned, shew cause, if any they have, why the said Edward Broughton, i aditimstrator as aforesaid, should not be dismissed at the next j May Term of said court. A true extract from the minutes of said court, Oct 9tli, 1832. Oct 12—lnfim JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, \ Court of Ordinary , October Term. 1852. Muscogee county, ) RULE AT SI. A \7"H ERE AS, John Forsyth, Administrator of the estate of John ; 1 > Forsyth, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission. ( t bordered by the court that all persons concerned, shew cause, i f any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed at the next May term of said court. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, Oct 9th, 1852. Oct 12—mfim JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, TnlDot county, s February Teim, 1853. RULE NI SI. YX7TIEREAS, William F. Robertson applies by petition lor i late of Talbot county, deceased. Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at j the September term of this conrt next ensuing, then and there j to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be ■ granted. A true extract from the minutes of saUl court. 24th Feb.. 1853. , March I—9w6m MARION BETIIUNE. Ordinary. Reuben Simmons 1 vs. > Mortgage, &c—September Term, 1852. > John C. Silvey, S PRESENT the Hon. William Taylor, Judge of the Superior j Court. It appearing to the court by the petition of Reuben | Simmons, that on the 30th of June, 1845, John C. Silvey made *ud delivered to said Reuben Silvey his certain note, hearing the date and year afore mid whereby the said John C. Silvey prom- j bed to pay by the 2d o r December next, after the date of said *iote, the said Reuben Simmons, seven hundred and fifty dollars i for lot ol land number four hundred in the twenty sixth district •of Early county, And that afterwards, on the same day and year ; aforesaid, the said John C. Silvey the better to secure the pay j ■inontofsaid note executed aim delivered to said Reuben Sim mons, his deed of mortgage, whereby the said John C. Silvey con- ; veyed to the said Reuben Simmons lot of land number four hun- j •dre l in the twenty sixth district of said county of Early, contain- j mg two hundred and fifty acres, more or less—conditioned that j. it said John C. Silvey should payoff and discharge said note, or j cause the same to be done according to the tenor and effect there- j that then the said deed of mortgage and said note should be- j come and be null and void to ail intents and purposes. Audit ; f irther appearing, that said note remains unpaid. It is, therefore, ; ordered—l’hat the said John C. Silvey do pay into Court by the j first day of next term thereof, the principal, interest and cost, due j ou said note, or shew cause, to the contrary, if any he has. That j on the failure of s lid John C. Silvey so to do. the equity of re- | demption in and to said mortgaged premises be forever therafter barred and foreclosed. Audit is further ordered—That this rule be published in the Columbus Times once a month tor four months, or a copy thereof served on the said John O. Silvey or his agent or attorney at least three months previous to the next term i ot said Conrt. K'iUBEN Simmons t vs ‘ ’ ( Early Superior Court, Sept Term, 1852. j John G. Silvey. S Rule Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. T 1 appearing to the Court that the defendant resides without I ■ limits of this county. It, therefore, on motion of Pl’ffs. , C mnsel—That service be perfected by publication of this order. ! once a month for four months in the Columbus Times, a public I Ba * e * lu - . S. STAFFORD, PFffs. Att’ny. mieoxtraet from the minutes of Earv Superior Court,at Sep- j >er term. 1852, * j T—494m THOS B. ANDREWS. CPk ‘TWO month* after date 1 shall apply to tlie j an , i °f Ordinary of Randolph county, for leave to sell the I F*h l° n $ ln 3 to Henr - V Sandlin, deceased. ! PW.B- 6w2m JESSE SANDLIN, Adm'r. I “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ Georgia, Randolph county.—Wheteas, Samuel A. YA Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John H. \ eaver, late of said county, deceased, has petitioned for letters of dismission from said administration. These are, therefore, to gite, admonish and require all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the September term of thcCourt of Ordinary of said county, to j be holden on the first Monday of September next, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed Given under my hand at office this 22J day of Febrnarv, 1853. ! March I—9w6m P. BEALL, Ordinary. Georgia, Randolph county.—Whereas, Alien L. j s Jenks applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the per- j son and property of Frances Rigsoy, orphan of Enoch Rigsbv, late ot said county, deceased. 1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail concerned, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be j granted, otherwise they will be granted at the next April term of j this court. Given under my hand at office March Ist, 1853. j March 4 - O. P. BEALL, t rdinary. f \ eorgia, Randolph county.--Whereas, John Col- j vJ Her applies tw me for letters of administration, cum testimrv i to annera, on the estate of John Frith, late of said county, dec'd. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the ; creditors awl kindred of said deceased to appear at my office ! within the time prescribed by law', and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office the 22d day of February, 1853. ! March I—9w7t1 —9w7t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. Georgia, Early county.—Whereas, John Thom; • applies to me for letters of administration with the will :n nexed, upon the estate ofßobert Thompson, late of said coim v. deceased. These are to notify all persons concerned, to be and appear my office within the time prescribed by law, ami shew cause, • any they have, why said letters should not be granted said ;. plieant. Given under my hand at office this February 24, 1853. Jl/arch l—9w7t _ 8. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. eorgia, Early county.—Whereas, Joseph Grimslcx. YT administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate •. Sarah Grimsley, late of said county deceased, makes applicate-; to me for letters of dismission from the further administration s> said estate. All persons concerned are hereby notified to be aim appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, ami shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not I * granted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this February the 24th. 1853. March l—9w6m 8. 8. STAFFORD, Ordinary. ■Vfetice to debtors and creditors.—-Ml persoi s 1A holding demands against the estate ot Oliver li. P. Dank- 1 , late of Talbot county, deceased, are hereby notified to presem them for payment, duly authenticated, withintlie time prescribed by law: and those indebted to said deceased, are requested t make immediate payment of the same. March l--9wfit JOSEPH BROWN. Adm'r. eorgia, Early county.—All persons are desired t<> vJ take notice, that letters of Administration will be granted the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, on the estate ol the late Nathaniel G. Bartlett, unless objections be filed by the first Monday in April next. Feb 23—9w7t S. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale.—Agreeably to an order of the - Ordinary of Early county, will be sold on the first Tttesdu} in April next, in the town of Dublin, Laurens county, lot of laid number eiglity-nine, in the first district of Laurens county. 8o • as the property of the late Alfred Renfroe, of Early county, ai < or the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Term on day of sale. TIIO.S. B. ANDREWS, Adm’r. February 23—flwtds G EORGI A, ) Court of < > rdinary ./or said county, Early county. ) January Term, 1853. OWEN W. SHACKELFORD, Guardian of the minor heirs o James Foster and Asa Travis, deceased, having applied i the Court for letters of dismission from the guardianship of sad minors; It is hereby ordered, That all persons concerned, l>. and appear at. the March term of said Court, and cause shew', (I any they have) why said applicant should not be dismissed true said guardianships. A true extract from the minutes ol said cour January 15th, 1853. January 25 —4w(t S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. (1 eorgia, Randolph county.—Whereas, Daniel A. X Newsom, applies to me for letters of Guardianship for ts. persons and property of William Newsom andGlaucus Newsom , miiiors am. orphans of John Newsom, late of said county, .dee.!- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular th kindred of said orphans to be and appear at my office within tie time prescribed by law’, and shew cause, if any thev can, wh; said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, February Bth, 1853. Feb. 15—7w7t O. P. BEALL, < trdinary. Georgia, Randolph county.—Whereas. Henry 1. Taylor and Mariah L. Taylor apply to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of William Taylor, late of said count), deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all amt singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tubs and appear at mj office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 22d day of Jan., 185 J. Jail. 29—5w6t O. P. BEALL, Ordinal}. CN eorgia.Randolph county—Whereas, John Peter-i T son applies to me for letters of administration on the pstate j of Archibald Peterson, lateof said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny ol fice, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given undermv hand at office this 11th day of January, 185. t. January 18—3w5t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. J C'A eorgia, Early county.—Whereas, Jesse Collier X makes application to me for letters ot Guardianship of the j persons and property of Martha, John and \Y iliiain Travis, minor heirs of Asa Travis’ deceased; and of Shepperd and Malissa i Foster, minors of Jane Foster, deceased : These are to notify all persons concerned, to shew cause, and any thev have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant, at the March term, next, of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under inv hand at office this January 15th. 1803.. January 25—4\vfit 8, S. Sf* A Ft 1 ‘ *RD, Ordinal I }. / i eorgia, RandolpH county— Whereas, Thomas VX Coram, administrator of the estate of Joseph Williams, de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. These are, there fore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed in > law. why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office the 2ist day of sept ’52. Sept 28—39w6m O P BEALL Ordinal}. n eorgia, Randolph county—Whereas, Thomas YV VX Garner, administrator on the estate of William L Morgan, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission therefrom. I hese are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parUag nterested, to show cause, if any they have, within the time pre scribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given ; under my hand at office sept I6th, ‘52. •28 39wfim O P BEALL, Ordinary, j dministrat or’g Sftlejof Notes, Accounts, !Lc Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, hi the mar ket house, in the city of Columbus, between the legal hours ot Sheriff’s sale, the outstanding accounts, notes and due bills ot Peabody k Cos., claimed by administrator of Augustus 1 eabouy. deceased, as the exclusive property of his intestate, warranty m everv respect expressly excluded. Pokl by order ol < ouri ot t r dinarv for Muscogee county, as debts insolvent and of uountni[ collection, t erms of snie cash. . WM. N. NF.LBON. Adm'r. AUGUSTUS PEABODY, dec'd. A/arch 2—tw 1 tkwtds Per R, Watson Denton, Attorney. A dministratovs Sale—Agreeable to an order of the | A court of Ordinary of Early county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, before the court house door in Blakely, a likely negro boy named Wesley, about fourteen years old, ot iight complexion, belonging to the estate of Dr. John Hill, deceased. Sold to make a division of said estate. , Jan.29—tds WILLIAM HILL. Adm i. Notice to Debtors and Creditors—All persons in debted to the estate of John A. Walker, deceased, arere anested to come forward and make payment, and t hose Jedding claims against said estate are requested to preseiit them duly au thenticated to me. JAB. 8. V\ ALKKR, A in i. January s—2w7t _ __ XTotice to Debtors and Creditors—All persons IN indebted to the estate ot John Newsom deceased. Sale ot Randolph county, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demand- against said estate, are requestcu to nresent them duly authenticated tome. , Feb. 15—7wtit ‘ DANIEL A. NEWSOM. Adm r. ! rpWO mouths ufter date, I shall apply to the V Court of • >rdinary of Randolph county, for leave to sell the lands belonging m Stephen Weatherbv, late o said county, dec'd | Feb> ir,—7w2tn MARTIN POLLOCK, Aom’r. TWO months after date, application will be tn:ule to the Court of <rdinary of Randolph county, tor leave I to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of George W. Move, i deceased, late oi said c*>unt} . j January ?5-4w2m WM. A. M<>VE. AdnFr. 1 TWO months after date,l shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell a j neirFO belonging to the mil ors of Sol. Craves, deceased. January IS—3\v2m B. GRA VE-SGuaatian. I j ri'vwn months after date application w ill be L made !<> the Court of Ordinary oi county, for leave to ! sell tlm lauds belonging to the estate oi Kpsey Dyson, deceased j January 29-a.n “ ABNER DV ON. Adm’r. rpWO months after date, we shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell a i town lot in Covington, New ton county, as the property of Sol. | Graves, deceased. r £ } A<lm,rs - I January 18—2 m with tboWiP, wneied. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH If, 1853. NOTICE. I hereby warn all persons against trading lor a note which 1 made to one R. F. Morris ; the consideration thereof having failed, 1 do not intend to cash the same unless compelled by law. The following is in substance a copy of said note : ‘•Bv the first day of January next, I promise to pay R. F. Alor j ris or order, the stun of eight hundred and ten dollars, for value I received, with interest from date, this February 12,1853. (Signed) Matthew J. Lewis. Blakely, March I—9w2t M. J. LEW IS. NOTICE. A Li. persons are hereby notified, that I claim to own the west ’ . half of section live, township fourteen, range twenty seven, a Creek Indian reservation, certified ami approved to me; and the approved contract for which having been io t or mislaid. ! i shall proceed, on the first Monday in April next, at the office ot the Hon. Allred Iverson, in this city, to take testimony asio the j loss of said contract, ill order to establish a copy thereof agreea- i bly to the regulations of the General Land Office, and to apply j for a patent in my name, JAMES KtVLIN. j Columbus, Ca., February lfi—Bw6t j NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby notified, that as sole heirs at law of j the late James S. Calhoun, we claim mown the east part of section two, township nineteen and range twenty-eight in Cham- . hers county, Alabama, the same being a Creek Indian reserva- | lion, certified and approved to AI. W. Ferry k Cos., the approv ed j contract for which has been lost or mislaid so that it cannot, alter j diligent search and enquiry, be lound. * Having contracted to sell said land, we shall proceed, outlie j first Monday in April next, at the office ol lion Allred Iverson, in i Columbus, Georgia, to examine testimony as to the loss of said : paper, with the view to establish a copy thereof, agreeably to j the regulations ot the General Lad Office, uud that vve shall ilten j and there cause the same !> be assigned to the purchaser by the j said Iverson, Attorney in tact tor said M. YV. Ferry & Cos., in or* j •lei* that a patent may issue to said purchaser. WM. E. LOVE, Columbus, Feb. lfi—Bwfit CAROLINE LOVE. | NOTICE. A LL persons interested, are hereby notified Had I claim to l e i the owner of section thirty four, township twenty and range I twenty eight, Alabama, the approved Creek Indian contracts, lot I which have been lost, and that on the first Monday in April next, j it the office of the Hon. Allred Iverson, in the city of Columbus, j Geoigia, 1 will proceed to examine evidence, as to the existence and loss of the said original contracts tor the two parts of said section, with the view oi’ establishing copies and applying to ;he General Land Office for patents. February lfi—Sw6t I!. K. IRWIN. | GUANO. Tpil E season is fast, approaching when this wimble manure 1 should be used. The experience of those who have used it proves, (if we believe their agricultural essays, which vve do not doubt) that even the cotton planter is doubly, and sometimes trebly paid bv its application. Da. E.T. Taylor’s experiment applied to pine lands near Col umKjgn, on corn and peas, proves that it much more than doubly j piVTOftim Gardens are greatly benefited by it, producing vege- i tables in abundance, and leaving the ground much benefited for the succeeding years. By referring to the Boi I of the South, full ! directions for its application as well as for its benefits may be seen. ; The undersigned has it for sale at Greenwood & Go’s. Ware house. Jan.2B—twlf J. IL.TONES. I For the rapid Cure of COIIGnS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. Many years ot trial,instead of impairing the public con fidence in this medicine, has won lor it an appreciation and ! notoriety by lkr exceeding the most sanguine expectation- ; ol’its friends. Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and the un mistakable benefit conferred on thousands ot sullerets could originate and maintain the reputation it. enjoys. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community luiw failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefit*on the afflicted they can never for get, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable To be forgotten. While it is a fraud on the public to pretend that, any one medicine will infallibly cure —still there is abundant proof that the Cherry Pectoral does not only n> a general thing, but almost invariably erne the maladies tor which it is em, ploved. As time makes these tacts wider and better known, this medicine has gradually become the best reliance ot the stl fiicted, fro n the log-cabin of the American Peasant, to the palaces of European Kings, Throughout this entire coun try, in every State, city, and indeed almost every hamlet it contains, Cherry Pectoral is known as the best remedy ex tant for diseases’of the Throat and Lungs, and in many foreign countries, it is coining to he extensively used by their most intelligent Physicians. Ju Great Britain, France and Germany, where the medical sciences have reached their highest perfection, Cherry Pectoral is introduced, and m constant use in the Armies, Hospitals, Alms Houses, Public Institutions, and in domestic practice, as the surest remedy their attending Physicians can employ for the more dan gerous affections of the lungs. Also in milder cases, and lor children it is sate, pleasant and effectual to cure. In fact,some of the most flattering testimonials we receive have been from parents who have found it efficacious in cases particularly incidental to childhood. The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a practical Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own eye, with in variable accuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently can be relied on as gen uine without adulteration. We have endeavored here to furnish the community with a medicine of swell intrinsic superiority and worth as should commend itself to their confidence—a remedy at once sate, speedy and effectual, which this has by repeated and count less trials proved itself to be: and trust by great care in pre paring it with chemical accuracy, of uniform strength to afford*Physicians anew agent on which they can rely iqr the best results, and the afflicted with a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can do. Prepared and sold by James C. Vyer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Columbus, Ga., bv ROBERT CARTER. • and DANFORTII & NAGEL and by Druggists generally. Jan. 2*2—w&,tw4m. ‘dkV"ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AM) TAR Far the complete cine of Coughs, Colds . Injlnenza. Asthma, Bronchitis, Spilling- of Blood, and all other Lunge CotupUiinis ten ding to CONS [IMP I'IOiS ; TUK GREAT GOUGH REMEDY! Header ! have voti a Cough, which y<u ;ue neglecting, under the idea that it is only a common cold, and that it will soon ‘"wear itseif out?’’ Let a biend tell you, in aii kindness, what will soon be the probable result. In a short time, if you continue to neglect yourself, you will begin to feel a sense of tightness and oppression across the chest, accompanied w ith frequent sh; rp dart ing pains. Then a dry. hacking Cough will set in, and when yc u raise anything it will boa thick and yellowish, or white frothy matter, streaked, perhaps, with blood. II you still take no medicine, these unphasant symptoms will increase, and you will soon have Ilectie bevel*, Colo Chills. Ni|'ht Sweats, Copious Expoeloraon, fy then Great Prostratiol. If yon still neglect yourself, a tew weeks or months will see you consigned to the grave, leaving your i friends to* mourn how rapidly Consumption did its work | and hurried you away. Friend ! have you no cause to be : alarmed ? In the above sketch you may see as in a glass I how everY Ct se of Consumption progresses, with more or ! less rapidity, t> a fatal termination. Os all the Thousands j and Millions v? horn this great Destroyer has gathered to j the tomb every single ease began with a Odd. If this bad been attended to, all might have been well; but being neg lected, under the fatal deksion that it “wear itsell off.’ 5 it transferred Hs deadly action to the substance of the | Lungs, exciting there the formation of tubercles. An— I other, and anot lu rcold added fuel to the flame, until these i tubercles began to soften and suppurate, i, aving, by their ulceration, great cavities in th*- Lungs. U ties crisis, | the disease is vei v difficult of cure, and ou.-nt'm* s .-etsat i defiance all human means. i In the latter or worst stage, tills medicine will often- I hues arrest the disease, ot - elietfk its progress, am! wil always make the patient more comfortable, and prolong h.s | life, and is therefore worthy oi a trial ; -bn* in its ineip- * ! ent or 1 inning periods < lonsumption i>.a ■ ai. 1 i • as any i other disease, and “IV. lo>ger>’ Syrup <ii iverwoiri. Jar j and Canelialagua.’’ it’ taken at this time, w *;i our*- it at j surely as it is Liken ! i'lus is strong language, but we j can refer you to nuuibi-rb-ss living witnesses to prove that j it is V 'rue! And therefore, we earnestly exhort every ; man, woman ami child, who has a Cough, * r is subject to | Colds, to keep this medicine by you in the homo ; and j whenever you take Cold, do not “let it alone” to work ; i mischief in your s\stem, but eradicate it thoroughly, and : at once, by ibis om.vevfullv healing eempouml, and leave - j vour Lungs miiniiU'tsl. to eaiTv \ou in !ml v <rto a good j old age 1 Vi o r iIF. t: s ! 1 lave you deir a c. weakly children, who me always i taking cold, and. subject to Croup ? Remember! Thev* | never was a case of Croup, whieli did not originate in a Cold ! And when vour chilis goe to bed wheezing and j coughing, you know not that, before morning. Croup may , ; not set in, and ere von <an get a Physician, your dear 1 child may be beyond vite !• aeliol h< ip. V\ e beseceli you, : i therefore, as you value the lives of your children, keeps tins medicine by you in the house,and wlienyour little one take cold and commence coughing, give it to them at once,and rest not until the cough is entirely subdued. We conscientiously aver, alter the most extended experience, : that if this advice ware followed, no child need ever j; Die of Croup. For the cold would be cured, before it could arrive at this j aggravated and fatal stage. Let every Mother, especially, | heed well these remarks, that she may not hereafter, when j mourning over the early blight of some cherished blossom, j have occasion bitterly to reproach herself for her criminal j neglect. It is an old adage, that “to be fore warned, is to be forearmed.” Parents ! so let it be in your case. lie sure to ask for Dr. A. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort. Tar and Canchalagua, and let no other I c palmed on you. SCOYIL A M RAD, 111 Chartres Street, New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for agencies must be addressed. A1 so sold by DANFORTII At NAG Lib. Columbus, Ga. ROBERT CARTER, GKSNER & PEABODY, DAVID YOUNG. “ “ And by one Agent in every town in Georgia and Alabama. Sold at wholesale by the principal Druggists j I ; Augusta, Savannah and Charleston, S. ( . February 8-6wljs Mexican Mustang Liniment. T 1 US invaluable preparation has. been but a IV sv mouths J 1 before the people of the South, yet many thousands of j bottles have been sold and used in aor eat variety ok j diseases, and it lias given universal satislaet'.on. We j have heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We i oiler it as a remedy in the various diseases and coin plaints ior which it i> recommended, with full confidence • in curing them, as over four millions of Bottles have been said and used for a great variety of complaints, both ol men and animals, and it has always given - egan-e it has performed just what we said it would. Ii has healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty. A child in Fredorieklon, N. !>.. a few days ago burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother im mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the i child induced the mother to remove the bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton wool had taken (ire by spon taneous combustion and bad considerably increased the size of the burn. The mother happened u> think that she had pai l of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house, which she* got immediately and applied to the burned ; limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon as j; \ V ;.s applied, ; the child ceased its cries and soon after LI! asleep in its ; inoiher’s arms, bv the soothing influence of this valuable i . 7 preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment j has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams fy j Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for i ; curing Galls, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and Brui... ~-,and i it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have | also used it on themselves and their familits, and they all j speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest j terms. One ofour hostlers got kicked, and badiycutand j bruised on his knee—as usual, theMusumg Liniment was { resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re- j moved, and it was perfectly well in three of four days.— j Wo have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable ; preparation, to be used externally on man *>r beast. Rheumatism. —This is to certify that my wife was af flicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she bad suffered j tor months with the most excruciating pains: she had j tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every ; thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None of : them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent j i fKittle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she 1 I is now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends j to use the Mustang Liniment. (.Signed) ‘.James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia. .January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. j j Lotus, Missouri. A. C. BRAGG & GO., Proprietors. j Bold in Columbus, Ga.. by GESNEII w PEABODY. February .”>, 1853—tw&wly VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. STEAM MILLS, LIML WAIdM, MI LES, CARTS, W ORK STEERS, STOCK HORS of superior breeds, I COWS* working utensils of various kinds, &e*, &e. j ALSO, A POUT ION OF THE MILL HANDS, \ If wauled by the purchaser of the property. •. Dissolution of the copartnership heretofore existing in the 1 j.‘\ above valuable property having taken plate, the nmlersign ! ed subscribers will proceed to sell, On the Saturday in March next, On the premises,tthe highest bidder, iheir STEAM AND GRIST MILLS, With all their appendages, consisting at Three Corn Mills, ca pable of grinding five hundred bushels per day, and a Mmufac- i luring Mill with French Burrs, sufficient to grn and all tin Wheat 1 made in the countv and convert it into first rate ii>ur. ALSO, TWO FIRST RATE SAW MILLS, Inferior to none in the State : oue a Circular saw that can cut ; I with skillful management from six to eight thousand feet ot Jura- i I ber per dav, the other an Upright ior Sash) equal t any saw ol j j that kind ; the whole propelled by an Engine of great power, ca able of running all the machinery that can be attached to it. ! Alai, Xine Hundred Acres ot first rate. Pine Land. ! j Well timbered and finely adapted to growing Gotton, and an iu j exhaustible quantity of hard rimbernenr by, suitable for all me ■ chanted) business. These mills, known as Powell &. Blackman's steam Mills, are j i most favorably situated —bordering on that rich Prairie legion: : thev have scarce ever been able to supply the wants of the coun , try during summer —the grist mills ha\ e to be run day and night ; j to keep up with the custom —water power at that season entirely i failingdn all the lime region. The terms of sate liberal; particulars made known on the day i of sale. M N. B. POWELL, i WILLIS GODWIN, H. BLACKMAN, l B. SMITH, . j Jau. *2B- -4t J. D, WALCOTT. i United States Mail. FiOPOSALS tor carrying the Mails of the United States on the following rentes from the Ist day oi April to the 30th day of June, 1855, will be received at the Contract Ofliee of the Poet Office Department, in the city of Washington, until 10 o’clock A. AI. of the 17th day of March next, to he decided Wy the next day. 3510 From Bambriilge, Ga.. by Chattahoochee, Ocheesce, West Win ton, Rickoe’s Bluff, lola, and Fort Gads den, to Apalachicola, Fia., ‘3(H) miles and back, three times a week, from the 15th October to 15th June of aelv year, and twice a week residue. From 15 th October to 15//i Jot,e. Leave Bainbridge Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5a m ; Arrive, at Appalachieola next *biys by 11am; Leave Appalachieola Monday, Thursday, and Sat urday by 10 p m : Airive at Bainhridge next days by 10 p hi From 13/// June to 13 October. Leave Bainbridge Sunday and Wednesday at 5 am ; Arrive at Appalachieola next days by 11am; Leave Appalaehiebla Monday and Thursday at 10 p m ; Arrive at Bainbridge next days by 10 p m. Proposals arc invited for six times a week service from 15th October to I.sth June of each year. NOTES. Bidders should state the mode of conveyance intended. Mail Agents are to be conveyed without charge, if the ser vice be let to coach, stage, or steamboat conveyance. De duction will be made from the mail pay for trips not run, and lines imposed for those not performed, agreeably to the contract in all particulars. ‘Flic Postmaster General may annul the contract for repeated failures, or for violating the Post Office law.-. He may alter the contract or schedule, provided he allow pro rata extra pay tor additional stock made necessary by the change, and one month's extra pay in cases of curtailment for the service dispensed with. No extra pay will be allowed for excess of actual over advertis ed distance, should the distance above stated prove to be short stated. The proposals should be addressed to the Second Assis tant Postmaster General, endorsed “Mail Proposals for Route 3,510,” and be accompanied by a guaranty ofoneor more responsible persons: also by a eertilicate of one or more postmasters, setting forth that, the guarantors are able to make good their guaianty. 8.1). HUBBARD, Post Ollice Department, Postmaster General. February 8, 1853. leb 22, Bw4t. TROY FACTORY, HAKIMS ( ou.vrv, GEORGIA. Ware Room on (Cast side livead street, aejci dour to I*. McLaren . R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. “pf FiiOPRl Es 0118 of the above works respectfully inform Sk tile public, tliilt they have now on hand for sale, and are con vJkd staidly manufacturing till descriptions of Wooden Ware, such as Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, Buckets, Tubs,&c.. &c., <>l the best.material, and tinisned in excellent style under their personal supervision. They particularly eallaUenlion to their various styles and quali ties ul chairs, which, lor neatness, comfort, durability and cjieav nkss cannot be surpassed in any country ; varying in pricetrom 810 to $24 perdnzen—specimens of which can be seen at their Ware liooiioonc door above I*. .McLakkn’s, Broad strict, Columbus, which the publicare invited to examine. Kvery description ol t’hairs, Buckets, Tubs, &•. made to order after any fashiondesired. They are also prejiared to furnish M in- D/av s. as 11 and Blinds ofnli descriptions to order. premiums were awarded to the Troy Factory at the ?oulhern Agricultural Fair at Macon, for the best specimen ofChairaiid Wooden Ware. ffTgrOrdersleft at their Ware Boom—east side Bread street, ireded u it. <;. Jefferson &. Cos., Columbus, will meet w rompt attention. May 10— wly TO CAPITALISTS! riMIK subscriber desiring lo remove West, offers for sale his I interest, One Fourth oi an IRON FOUNDERY. Ihe Founder)’ is situated in Creene county, Alabama, about six teen miles from Boiling Springs. There is plenty of ORE, which is pronounced by those who know, to be ol the first quality.— The Foundery has been in successful operation for two years; makes the F/MTEST (. ts’j'/.YGS, which have so far, and al- MEFT WITH READY SALE. There is also now in course of construction a set of EX 7T.V si E K ,V//.y..s,one fourth of which I also will sell, and which are located within half a mile of the Iron Works: healthy loca tion, good water, &.c., Acc. A man with Capitol and Energy could limkc a fortune therte For further particulars, address’the subscriber at Orion Post Office, Alabama. 8. K. IBBELL. February 2 —w3t JAMES ROUSSEAU KCCPS a line assort men t of Groceries on hand, for sale on reasonable terms, consisting of— -175 Bbls. New Orleans Molasses; 100 Bbls. Flour ; 20,000 lbs. Bacon Sides ; 75 Sacks Rio Coffee ; 10 Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar; 100 Boxes Tobacco —Assorted Qualities; 25,000 Cigars—Assorted Brands ; 50 Bbls. Wlnskey; 20 Bbls. Dexter Whiskey; 10 Bbls. New England Rum; ]() Bbls. Common Gin ; 25 Jars SntuT; 100 Bushel Cow Peas; 200 Bushel Finder Peas , Also, Bagging, Hope and Balt, and many other articles too ! numerous to mention. Those wishing to purchase, will please give him a call. Or Btore West side Broad street, fi doors above Rankin’s Corner. Columbus,Jail. 11, 185 . 1 wtf “fancy grocery store” I e. OGLETREE, Oglethorpe Street, opposite Kentucky House, , V ITOULL) say to his friends, that lie has just received a ; VV fine assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES FOR | THE CITY TRADE, which he would be much pleased | to have his friends to call and see for themselves. The following comprise a part of his stock, viz.: ('oft Fish, dried and pickled Salmon, dried Holleburt, pickled Shad, No. J, 2, & 3 Mackerel, o. 1&. 2 Kits, Mess Pt.,rk, Beans, Irish Potatoes, Rice, Buckwheat Flour, tine St. Louis Flour, Butter, Cheese, Java and Rio Coffee, line Teas, Raisins, dried Figs, Preserves, Pickeds, Catsup, Yea. . Powders,Cranberries, dried Apples and Peaches,fine chew ing Tobacco, Powder and Snot,.Mustard, Onions, Table Salt, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Just received, a Fresh supply of Family Groceries, and a line lot of Brandy, Wines, Champaign,Cider and Whis key, and a fine lot of Cigars. Dec 16. 1852. __ 51 3ia New Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper Manufactory. : npilE undersigned have opened a store on Broad street, oppo I site Hill & Dawson's ohl stand, where they are prepared to I turiiisb everything in their line of business. They have a large assortment of Stoves on band, including ! every ear it ty of ehapr. anil pattern . 1 Z’W” Thi Roofing and Guttering, neatly executed. I’-oltimhu*. Feb. 23—tv,3m G. SALVO & GO. Avery's Sewing Machines. Price Only $25 !! Futented October 19, 1852. rwMilS machine is acknowledged, by ail who have used it, to be j J superior to that ot any other Sewing Machine ever invent j ed. for its simplicity, compactness, the beauty and strength of its i stitch and its cheapness. It wekrtis about 25 lbs., and costs only from $25 to s3o. It will work, neatly with the smallest thread, I the finest muslin, cambric or silk, as well as linen, woolen and cotton goods, and all kinds of leather, ft is so simple, that a ! child of 10 years of age can understand and work it rapidly, with ■ ! out anv dan"er of its getting out of order, and can do the work ! of more than 20 se mistresses much better in every respect than ! it can be done by hand. The stitches are independent of each other—so much ‘so, that if every other stitch is cut, the seam still hold “ood and strong. Uis unlike and much better than any i other sewing machine ever invented. This machine is peettfiar ,v adapted to family and plantation use, as it does all kinds ol ! ing, and w hen known will be generally introduced into fami iies and-plantations. .... . I Yhe Averv s-'ewing Machine Company have perfected their ar ran -eiuents tor manufacturing on ttie largest scale, and will tup ! nlv anv number of m add lies at the Shortest notice. Orders nd -1 dressed to CH ARLES N KTTLF.TON, 2XI Broadway, New \ ork, I will receive prompt attention. . I January 11,1853 1 6nils [NUMB hiR