The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, March 18, 1853, Image 3

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/ I hers, on going home the oilier night, was ,(iu ,'igninst by a three story brick house which I . IS phasing a lamp-post up the street. On (oming to he thus reasoned with himself: “Is ( j iat mud (hiccup ?) or is it brains (hiccup) If !(’; mud, I’m mortally ’toxicated. If it’s brains, I'm slightly dead, (hiccup) that’s all.” T,ie Inaugural Address.—VVe have already pressed our general approval of the grounds assumed and the doctrines laid down in the In u,rUral Address of President Pierce. If he acts j,p to the principles he professes, we apprehend that it will be less difficult for him to secure the ,rood opinion and support of the friends of the fate administration than of Filibusters, Fire-ea terS) or Abolitionists. * By the propriety and dignity which have marked his conduct from the time that his name was first presented as a candidate for the Presidency, and the respect ful and manly tone of his Inaugural Address, he has made an impression on the public mind so favorable, and lias won so largely *npon our own regards, that we should do vio lence to our sense of justice and of honor if we hesitated to a vow our convictions.” Washing ton Republic. A gentleman hearing that a literary pretender, with a “plentiful wit” had been seized with a brain fever, dryly observed, “O ! the thing is im possible.’’ “Why impossible ?” asked his informant. “Because,” was the reply, “there’s no founda- \ linn for the fever or tlje report.” There is a plant in the Island of Sumatra, the circumference of whose fully expanded flower ! is nine feet ; its nectarium is calculated to hold nine [dates ; the pistils are as large as a cow’s horns; and the whole weight of the blossom is computed to be fifteen pounds! A Scotchman complained that he had got a ringing in his head. “Do ye ken the reason o’ that ?” asked his worthy crony. “No !” “I’ll teK you—it’s because it’s empty.” “And have never a ringing in your head ?” quoth the other. “No, never.” “And ye ken the reason ? It’s because it’s cracked. When a witty English government defaulter, after his lecall, was asked, on his arrival home, if he left India on account of his health, he re plied ; “They do say there’s something wrong in the chest.” ‘You are writing my billon very rough paper, 5 said a client to his attorney. ‘Never mind,’ said the lawyer, ‘it has to be filed before it comes to court.’ Lost.—A small lady’s watch with a white face, two ivory young ladies work boxes— A mahogany gentleman’s dressing case, and a small pony, belonging to a young lady, with a silver mane and tail. A latecelebrated judge who stooped very much w|Yn walking, had a stone thrown at him one j (Ly, which fortunately passed over him without j him. Turning to his friend he remarke. ‘ndad 1 been an upright judge that might have caused my. death.” -i ’ -jK - v ——x °’ pv ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA-FURTHER ADVICES. Baltimore, March, 13. The it. M. steamship Africa arrived at her wharf r sNevv York on Sunday afternoon from Liverpool, Vyych port she did not leave until Sunday, the 27th ult She has brought SIOO,COOin specie,She passsed the it. M. steamship Canada on Monday, the 28th ult. The Livertool Markets, —The demand for Cotton during the week ending the 25th ult. was fair, but the sales were effected at lower prices.— Holders, however, did not press on the market.— The middling and lower grades declined the most. The sales during the week comprised 34,000 bales, of which speculators took 5,030, and exporter® 3,000. The quotations were as follows:—Fair Oilcans 6jjL; Middling Orleans from 5f.; to 5|.; Fair Up lands 6d., and Middling Uplands from skl to sjd. On Saturday, the 26th ult., 4,000 bales were sold, and the market closed at prices in favor of buyers, Flour was in moderate demand from the trade and for export, and had declined sixpence per quar ts ter. Western Canal was worth 265., and Ohio ” 275. per 100 lbs, The demand for Rice was good and prices stiffer, but quotations were unaltered. Trade in the Manufacturing Districts had declined during the week. London Money Market —No change had taken place iu Consols, and they closed at 99£. The rate of interest, also, remained the same. In American securities there had been large transactions. The Havre Cotton Matket had advanced, and the sales during the week comprised 10,00 J bales. France was quiet. Hungary.— At Pesth extraordinary precautions ‘•’ sere observed as an outbreak was apprehended, ’ ,i Northern Italy.—Mazziui was lurking in Milan I 'La had planned the seizure of an Austrian steamer, but was frustrated in his designed. Prussia. —The report that an attempt had been - made to assassinate the King of Prussia was un founded. Pjssia and Turkey. —A war is likely, jt is ♦ought, to occur between Russia and Turkey ; the latter has sought the arbitration of England and France. Asia.—lt is rumored that the King of Burmah has been dethroned by a. revolution. Further per Africa, (steal fears are entertained of another outbreak in Hungary, “The garisons are kept constantly under arms. The Cologne Gazette says that Russirhas rejec ted the profered arbitration of the Turkish difficulty and war is inevitable. Turkey considers herself under ;he protection ol the -tfglbh and French governments. l'he Hungarian who attempted tu destroy the 1 iIV <‘t the Emperor of Austria, was with his wife flo; s>. at Pesth. Contemplated revenue three years hence. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. COTTON STATEMENTS. |§=oo 503 j£ [Stock i | -oH on £ g SJi 2. I F* *2 IS 2 | hand • - r-h< r< 5? dav March 13, 1— jl I 1852. 360 674 j 38772 40306486 31868 32354 7952 March 12, 1853. 229 539 1 53339 54106 1291 37034 —5 15777 Columbus, March 17. The sales of cotton for the past two days have been very light; but little is offering in our market; all that has been offered has been sold at very full prices- We quote Middling 9 a 9 1-8 ; Good'Middling 9 1-4 a 9 1-2; Midd'ing Fair 9 3-4 cents. New Orleans, March IG. The excess of receipts at all Southern Ports, accord ing to the Prices Current, to-day, is 47 ,oto boles. Middling is quoted at 9 1-4 cents. Mobile, March 1 6. There is a better enquiry. Sales 2000 bales. Mar ket firm, at previous quotations. Charleston, March 15, P. M. Ihe cotton market was very active to-dav, (Tuesday) and the sales reached 3,400 bales, at extremes ranging from 6 3-4 to 10 1-2 cents. Prices have advanced from 1-8 to 1-4 cent. Savannah, March 17. Cotton.—Our market was very active yesterday, and i j the sales reached 1796 bales, at prices ranging from ■ StolO 3-8 cents. Prices were very full, and sellers i obtained 1-Sc. advance on the previous day’s asking rates. We quote Geod Middling at 9 7-8 to 10 cents, j and Middling Fair at 10 1-4 cts. DIED. On the 9th hist., in Russell county, Ala., at the residence of Mr. Sterling Bass, ol'Small Pox, Sarah Ann, infant daughter of Washington and Sarah Tony. Aged three months and twenty days. ————————fwiyv MAD. EMMA G. BOSTWICK, OF NEW YORK, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Columbus, and her friends, that she will give one BRAND CONCERT, When she will be assisted by the eminent Violinist , MR. HENRY APPY, The celebrated Flutist, MR. JULIUS SIEDE, La petite fille de regiment, only nine years of age, the wonderful performer on the Concertina, MISS ANNIE OLIVER, And the Sole Pianist, HERR THILCW. 85P’ Tickets One Dollar each. Choice Seats may be secured without extra charge, at the office of the Hall, on the day previous to the Concert. For particulars, see programme at Concert. Columbus, March 18, 1853. F. THIES, Agent. VERNOY & ECTOR’S OMNIBUS LINE. ; Fare —in Proportion to the Distance. WE return our tlianks to the traveling public jrT and the citizens generally, for their liberal pat ronage, and would inform them that our splendid new OMNI | BUSSES, with FINE TEJIMS and careful DRIVERS, will f continue to run for the aceommodjMon of the- citlxensLand-per-. j sons stopping at the Public Houses. Calls left at the Hotels or at our stable, strictly attended to. Columbus, March 18—wfctwly SELLING QFFTiHEET MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. THE undersigned desiring to reduce their extensive stock of Sheet Music, will sell at three cents per page, (or half the usual price) a large share of their present stock. Among which may be found many of the new and popular pieces ot the day. This is an opportunity not to he neglected by Teachers and Schools, to lay in a supply. In this lot will be found most of the desirable Music everyday ordered. Also, a large stock of Instruction Books for the PIANO FORTE, which will be sold at less than cost. Among the Sheet Music are the following pieces, arranged by C. REPS, viz.: Dancing Feather Waltz ; i BombardmentofVera Cruz ; Elbert Waltzes; Stone Mountain, Q. S La Sultana Waltz; Columbus Guards, Q. S. Gibraltar Waltz ; •- Hyacinth Gallop; Alpine Horn, Q. S. Gallopade Polka. also —A large variety oj Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, Marches and Quick steps, by celebrated authors. Sales of this lot to be strictly Cash. Just received, a large lot of NEW MUSIC, which£will be sold at the usual price. Call and examine. Orders with money enclosed will be filled and forwarded to any part of the country by mail. WHITTELSEY & CO. Columbus, Ga., March 9—twtf New Sheet Music. THE subscribers hare this day received a large assortment of Sheet Music; among which are many new and popular pieces never before offered in this market. The ladies in patti culirare invited to call and examine our stock. TItUAX & PEASE, Columbus, March 2—tw 10(3 Broad street. BLACK SILKS. JUST received, an assortment of superior Plain Black Silks and Satin du Reines. . February IG-twtf BROKAW, CLEMON§& CO. PRINTS. MERRIMACK, Fall River, Cocheco. and Hoyles” Prints, war ranted fast colors. Also, French Cambrics and Brillinntes. Just received. Feb. 16—twtf BROKAW. CLEMONS fc CO. EMBROIDERIES. 1 BREACH worked Collars , Under Sleeves , Jaconet and Swiss and EdtrivbS , Insertions a7id Flouncings, a large lot, just re ceived by Feb. 16-twtf BROKAW, CLEMONS fc CO. “school ASSOCIATION OF MUSCOGEE. #AN Educational Address will be delivered at Presbyterian Lecture Room on Saturday next at 5 o’clock,?. M. by the Rev. Thos. B. An Essay will be read at the same time by Mr. John Isham. All teachers and the public generally, are invited to at tend. March 16—tw2t WM. F. PLANE,Sec’ry. HYDRAULICS. HYDRAULIC RAMS, FOUNTAINS, AND AQUEDUCTS, ON IMPROVED PLANS, fitted up with dispatch, AND DURABILITY WARRANTED. BY A. McQUEEN, March 16— twCw* Oglethorpe House, Columbus. “dancing academy, at concert hall. A rR. G. W. DEMEREST very thankful to the citizens of Col- IM umbus and vicinity for the very liberal patronage hereto fore extended to him, begs leave to renew to them, by the re auest of many families, the offer of his services t teach a third term in the polite art of dancing, to commence on SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 19. at 9 o'clock. School for Masters and Misses, exclusively, on Saturday morning and afternoon. , _ 4 . The Gentlemen's class will meet on Friday and Saturday eve nings, March the 18th and 10th. , . There will be a liberal reduction made on scholars who ha? at tended the two courses. Terms ten dollars, pavabie half quarterly in advance. Tickets for the parties can be had by applying at Foster &. Purple's or WhitteKev & Co.’s Jewelry Stores, or Mr.Demerest at the room. There will be no gentlemen’s invitation tickets excepting to heads of families. There will be a reduction to gentlemen who wish to atteud the parties and not wishing to take lesson*. Columbus, March 16—tw5t RETURNED. C T. CUSHMAN, D. D. S. HAS returned from New York, where he critically inspected, in m - • v various Dental Laboratories, some of the best woi k that can be done, and availed himself of addi- I tional means to execute the same stvles with dispatch. Also, tooperate on the teeth, withhisusual care and finish. Over Fester & Purple’s Jewelry Store. No. 69 Broad Street. Columbus, January, 7—twtf W, F. LEE, D. D. S. dental surgeon. Office on Broad street, over Mygatt‘s store. Columbus, Oct 29—ts DENTAL NOTICE. dr. o. p. laird HAS returned’and resumed his profeessioal duties. Office next door to Mulford’s, up stairs. Columbus, Nov 13—tw6m. Metallic Burial Cases. THESE cases have been universally approved wherever used. They are much superior to those of wood, and j combine within themselves all those qualities so desirable in a | Southern Climate. They are composed of several kinds of Metal, but principally j of Iron. They are thoroughly enamelled inside and out, and thus made j { impervious to air and indestructible, and can be sold at about ! i the rates of covered coffins. ; The public are invited to call and examine them for them- i ! selves, and at a glance they will seethe great advantage of this j [ article over any other ever offered to the public. ! Columbus, Feb. 23—w&tw6m SAMMIS & ROONEY, j Pianos Tuned and Repaired! jrfg’- v —, THE undersigned take pleasure in announcing r-.j: *i!gj to their customers and the public generally, lhat the >’ have obtained the services of F. O. RUMM, j * “ U “ who, for several years past, has been Tuner, &c. in Arads Celebrated Establishment in Paris. Mr. Rumm comes to us with the highest recommendations. And we are prepared to attend to all orders for Tuning and repairing, in the most thor ough manner. We hold ourselves responsible for all work done by Mr. Rumm, believing that he will give entire satisfac tion. All orders addressed to Whittklsey &. Cos., or Truax & Pease, will meet with prompt attention. WH ITT ELSEY &. CO. Columbus, Feb. 12—twfcwtf TRUAX & PEASE. New Boarding House. BY D. A. GARRETT. a_„j> THE new Brick House, East side of Broad street, op posite the Market, is now in full running order, and •SjjiSil ready for boarders and transient customers. Persons i patronizing this house, will find good board and good attention in exchange for their money. Colnmb ,s, ebruary 18—4w3m ’ For Rent. |jji|iii ! FROM u, • . L< ■ °ctober, for a term of years, the ■ . brick store bet we: n . Ennis &. Co.’s and D. Mulford’s. It is well fitted for a Dry Goods or Clothing business, and for location is nearly as good as can be found in the city. Columbus, March 4—twfit ___ D. F. WILLCOX. A STORE TO RENT. M The store house known as the Columbus Times Office, one door south of A. K. Ayer’s Auction Room, will be rented until October next. Apply to ROSWELL ELLIS, February 4—tw&wtf Columbus, Ga. FOR RENT. -s A small and comfortable dwelling on Broad street, ad joining Captain Barrows and E. S. Greenwood, pag Apply to J*JuL J. L. MUSTIAN. Columbus, Jan. 7 —2 twtf For Rent. 111 -I j THE large and pleasant room, over J. M. Kanin’s Dry JOCL ’Goods Store, Broad street, till first of October next. Apply at Ruse’s Warehouse. Columbus, .March s—tw3t For Rent or Sale. _n House and lot in Summerville, Ala., immediately ad l&rfjfV joining Dr. Lockhart’s residence. The houses and offi | ill A ill ces sire Die best character. For information apply to me, or to G. W. Dillingham, ru Hall &.’MQses’ Store. \ -■ Columbus. Marchy—low3m E A. CAIRNS. GLOBE HOTEL, ISIJENA VISTa. MAIUON CO., GA a TllEsubscriber respectfully announces to Lis friends ar.d the public generally, that lie has taken charge o. this well known K S T A B LISIIM E N T. The house is commodious and well finished; and no ..dnswill besparedto render those comfortable, who mayfavor him with their patronage. Dec 3—ts E. TITCOMB. CENTRAL HOTEL, BUTLER, TAYLOR pP COUNTY, GKO. BY JOHN B. ARNOLD. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public, that he has opened this large and new establishment situate immediate ly opposite the MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD DEPOT, and just half the distance between the cities MACON JIND COE UMB US, and as the junction of the South Western Rail road branch and the Muscogee Railroad,he hopes by untiring en ergy to receive a liberal share of patronage from a generous trav eling public. Bn tier, Dec 13—50w3m HOTEL FOR. SALE. j__!, THE subscriber offers tor sale his eommodi oils and well finished Hotel, situated on the east side of the finialii public square, in the town of Buena Vista, Ga., and known as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” It is furnished with all necessary conveniences, and has pertaining to it, a go<., kitchen, smoke house, stable, lot, &c., all in good repair. The houseis conveniently situated, and is favored with a liberal share of boarding and transient custom. Buena Vi?/- , new, is a large and beautiful town. Its schools, an * ]Ma? H mercliantile and mechanic interests, insure itspermane’ . ~ i rapid growth. No one need fear depreciation in property so r ,y years. Persons wishing to purchase such propei- ,r< ould do well to call and examine. Reasonable time will be a’ - wed for payment. For terms apply to the undersigned Z WILLIAMS, or to WILLIAMS & OLIVER, March s—9wtf Buena Vista, Jl/arion co. Ga. For Sale. A small farm about one and a half miles from Colum bus. It contains 150 or 160 acres ol land ; about a third of which is cleared, and in suitable condition for cultiva tion. The remaining portion is well timbered with pine. It is a desirable location for any person, wishing a small farm or summer residence in the vicinity of the citv. Applv to Columbus, March 9—twtf E. T. TAYLOR. GUANO. THE season is fast approaching when this valuable manure should be used. The experience of those who have used it proves, (if we believe their agricultural essays, which we do not doubt) that even the cotton planter is doubly, and sometimes trebly paid by its application. Dr*. E. T. Taylor’s experiment applied to pine lands near Col umbus, on corn and peas, proves that it much more than doubly pawl him Gardens are greatly benefited by it, producing vege tables in abundance, and leaving the ground much benefited for the succeeding years. By referring to the Soil of the South, full directions for its application as well as for its benefitsmay be seen. The undersigned has it for sale at Greenwood & Co’s. Ware house. Jan.2B—twtf J. R. JONHS. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. Bounty land warrants for 40, so, 160 acres wanted, for which the highest cash prices will be paid by Columbus, aug 24 —34wtf J. ENNIS & CO. NEW BACON. WE have purchased 450 Hhds. of good Cin cinnati cured Bacon Sides, a p trt of which arrived, and for sale at a low price. We will sell, to be delivered on the river, if engaged before rrives. GREENW OOD &. CO. Columbus, Feb. 25—2mw&tw For Sale. A Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold below Boston prices. For particulars, apply at this office. Columbus, Jan. 4—it J-S. WOODBRIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster & Purple ? s Jewelry Stor Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. 5 lw&tw. ly WILLIAM B. CARTER, TU3V F. R aN D REPAIRER OF ETA no loins. Order* received at the Book store of D. F. Wn.teox, Broad street. Jan 19—tw ly HOME MADE ATTRACTIVE! FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, One door below Hall and Hoses. I “ j PERSONS in wauU|of furniture, can here be iwFMiir supplied with every quality of Parlor , Sitting. | .IL. Dining and lied Room furniture ; made of . fancy and durable woods, at New York prices: * i * I got up (with the exception of what is made in Columbus) un ! der snecial supervision ofone of the partners at their muimfacto { ryinNew York city. The following named are a part of the articles in their exten j sive ttock i Divans, Sofas, Ottomans, Tetea Damask and Lace Window Tetes, all sizes ; * Curtains, in the piece or made | Marble top Tables, all kinds ; to order ; Folding Tables, Walnut and Window Shades, Carpeting, Mahogany ; EnameMed furniture in sets, 1 Work Tables, Extension do for Bed Rooms, a beautiful i Bureaus of all kinds ant prices; article; j Mahogany & Spring seat chairs; Portrait and Picture Frames of ; Cane and Split do do | Mahogany or (lilt, made to of all kinds, and good articles;] order; ’ Work stands, Wash stands, | Window Curtain Trimmings and J/usic stands. | in great variety. Paper Hangings and Wall papering, of all kinds. All articles not found in their stock will befurnished to order, with dispatch. Columbus, Jan. ill—tw3m BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! JUST RECEIVED BY A 0. FLEWELLEN & GO. I CALHOUN’S works; Ma under’s Bio- j j j/’ graphical Dictionary ; lngersoll’s History of ; the late war; Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Second part—My Novel; by Bulvvcr. Cecilia ; by Miss Buniey. | Beckman’s History of Inventions. 1 Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying. | Michelet’s French Revolution. Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. Miller’s Philosophy ol History. Lamartine’s History of The Girondists, Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d. Rabelai’s Works. Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. Schleger’s Philosophy of Liie. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life. Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religion. Schiller’s Revolt of the Netherlands. Neander’s History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Great M etropolis. Mo roll’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelli’s History of Florence and other Works. Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo De Medici. Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature. Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Eginont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the author of Lewis Arundel. The Rifle Rangers. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence ; Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women oflsrael. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Hayne and Webster’s Speeches. Waldo Warren ; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence, by Emerson Bennett. A Life of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. The Flying Artillerist; a tale of Mexican Treachery, by Harry Hazel. Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy ; The Free Booter. The History of Pendennis. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots ; by Thackeray. Katie Stewart; a true story from Blackwood's Magazine. David Copperfield. The Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and his Merry Men. Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan Quintin Matsys, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Hester Somerset, a novel by N ****** M***** The adventures of Captain Blake ; by Maxwell. Craigallan Castle, or The Stolen Will; by Mrs. Gore. Lord Saxondale, or Life among the London Aristocracy. Captain Kyd, or The Wizard of the Sea. Heads and Hearts, or My Brother, the Colonel. Stanfield Hall. Yankee Jack, or the Perils of a Privateersman. Minnie Gray, or The Ancestral Curse. Amy Lawrence, or The Freemason’s Daughter. Stories of Waterloo ; by W. H. Maxwell. The Bivouac, or The Rival Suitors ; by Maxwell. Harry Burnham, the Young Continental. Colupibus, March 9—twly The Grammar of English Grammars. WITH an Introduction, Historical and Critical, / y- the whole methodically arranged and amply illus trated ; with forms of correcting and of parsing; Improprieties for correction; Examples lor pars mg; Questions for examination; Exercises for writing : Observations for the advanced Student; decisions and proofs for the settlement of disputed points; Occasional stric tures and defences; An exhibition ot the several methods of analysis, and a key to the oral exercises ; to which are added four appendixes pertaining separately to the four parts of Gram mar—byGooLD Brown. , This great work containing 1028 puges'oetavo, has been finish ed in accordance with a design formed by the author twenty s en years ago, and there is no book like it or equal to it in the English Language. It has received high commendations lrom distinguished scholars in this country and Europe, and is justly considered the most comprehensive Treatise on Grammar to be found. For sale by D. F. WILLCOX, Columbus, March 9—twtf 92 Broad street. MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD CO. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Only 10 miles of Staging between Colnmbus and Macon. On and after the 15th inst. the Passenger Train will leave and run by the following schedule daily until further notice: Leave Columbus at SA. M.; Arrive at Butler A. M. Leave Butler at \% P. M.; Arrive at Columbus 5 P. M. E. F. RICKER, Superintendent. Columbus, March 5, 1853, EASE’S PATENT PUMPS. JUST arrived, a lot of Ivase’s Patent Pumps of various sizes, manufactured expressly for Southern use—a few of which are not yet engaged. Those desirous of obtaining one should apply immediaitely at MUSTIJIN & MOT'f’S stage yard. For all purposes to which a pump is applicable, these stand unequal led. Columbus, Feb. 2—tw6t* A. McQUEEN, Agent. Printing Presses For Sale- TWO large and very superior Washington Printing Presses, with 29 by 44 beds, will be sold low for cash, or on time if preferred by Che purchaser. Warranted as good a3 new. Apply to LOMAX & ELLIS. Columbus, Ga. February 4 —tw&wtf Look! SIX NEGRO MEN FOR SALE. Apply to SAMUEL M. CARTER, or ROBERT E. DIXON. _jColumbus, Ga. -March 2—twtf. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST'! r FMIE subscribers having determined to close their business, JL offer their large and well assorted stock ol GROCERIES at Reduced Prices, For Cash. Thev would also beg to say to those indebted, that early pay ents would be quite acceptable. I Columbus, Jan. s—twtt’ E. BARNARD & CO. Copartnership. WE, the undersigned have this day formed a copartnership to transact business under the name and firm of WHITTELSEY & CO., Which will be continued at the old stand in Winter’s Building, where w r e shall keep as god an assortment as can be found in this city, of „ PIANOS, MELODEONS, and other Musical Instruments ; together with Watches', Jewelry, and fancy articles, which we shall sell at prices satisfactory to purchasers. J. H. WHITTELSEY, Columbus, Feb. 18—tw6t C. S. WHITTELSEY. OLD RAG NOTICE. and after the 20th of this month. Rock Island Factory 1 will pay tor Clean Cotton or Linen Rags 3 cents a pound Cash, or 3>< cents in paper at Cash prices. . H. CURTIS, Agent. Columbus, Jan. 11, 1853 j wtt - Al> papers that advertise Rags for us, will please alter their advertisement to read as above. Wood Land! Wood Land!! THE undersigned wishes to purchase a lot of wood land, with in a shortdistance of the city. -J. RIIODE3 BROWNE, February ll—twtf office of the Avery’s Sewing Machines/ Price Only $25!! Patented October 19, 1852. THIS machine is acknowledged, by all who have used it, to l> superior to that of any other Sewing Machine ever invent ed, for its simplicity, compactness, the beauty and strenglh of its stitch and its cheapness. It weighs about 25 lbs., and costs onlv from §25 to §SO. It will work, neatly with the smallest thread, j the finest muslin, cambric or silk, as well as linen, woolen and I cotton goods, and all kinds of leather. It is so simple, that a ! child of 10 years of age can understand and work it rapidly, with out an v danger of its getting out of order, and can do the work of more than 20 seamstresses much better in every respect than I it can be done by hand. The stitches are independent of each [ other—so much so, that if every other stitch is cut, the scam still I holds good and strong. It is unlike and much better than any ! other sewing machine ever invented. This machine is peculiar* ’ ly adapted to family and plantation use, as it tloes all kinds ol j sowing, and when “known will be generally introduced into faini j lies and plantations. The Avery Fewing Machine Company have perfected their ar rangements for manufacturing on the largest scale, and will eup plv anv number of machines at the shortest notice. Orders ad dressed to CHARLES NETTLETON, 251 Broadway, New York, will receive prompt attention. January 11, 1853 1 0m is 1853. SPRING GOODS, 1853. WILLIAM 11. KNOEFFEL, 99 William Street, New York. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, IN FRENCH, GERMHN, ENGLISH JIND DOMESTIC [GOODS. For Tailors and Clothiers, have received by late arrivals, a large and well selected stock in German, English and French Cloths, of all grades and styles. Mohair Coatings, Drap D’Ete, Queen's doth, Alpacca and Worsted Coatings, Cashmerette. Mixed and Clouded Zephyr Cloth, plain and twilled. Fancy French and Barnsley Drills. Brown and Yellow Linen's, Fancy Flaid and Figured Mar seilles ; White and Buff Figured Marseilles; Drab Silk and Linen Coatings, together with an extensive assortment of TRIMMINGS, ami other Goods, suitable for the CLOTHING TRADE, the most favorable terms. Particular cash or short-time buyers, and all who study thei interests, will call and examine his stock, before purchasing else where. New York, January 22—4wly HEIRS WANTED. A NUMBER of Georgians were killed in the battles of the Tex 1\ an Revolution. The heirs are entitled, by the laws of Texas, to a large quantity of land ; seven thousand acres if the soldier was married, and four thousand if single. Further information can be obtained by application to .V. YATES LEVY, Savannah, Ga., or to J. & P. CORDOVAS, March 12—It Austin, Texas. DR. H. M. CLECKLEY HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. f POLITELY tenders his professional services to the citi zens of Columbus and vicinity. He may always bel'ouml at his office on Broad street, two doors above the old Bank of Ft. Mary’s, or at Captain P. T. Schley’s residence, on Oglethorpe street. October IJ, 1852—tw6m DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A T TII E BL U E DR U G STO RE , Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. fJUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply of select Medicines, consisting of pure and select Powders and Extracts, for sale at the lowest market prices and warranted to give entire satilaction or we shall count it no sale. Physicians’country bills and plantation medicines put upon the lowest terms; every attention will be paid to their quality, and they will be securely and speedily packed and forwarded. GESNER & PEABODY, Druggisis, March 2—tw&wly Sign of the Negro and Mortar. Mexican Mustang Liniment. AT Ne w York prices. YVe have just received a large invoice of the above excellent medicine, to be sold at the manufac turer’s prices. Callatthe BLUE DRUG STORE, March 2—tw&wly Sign of the Negro and Mortar. Pure Medical Wines. DOZ PORT and Brandy for Medical purposes, for sale at the Rlue Drug Store, March 2—tw&wly GESNER & PEABODY. Paints and Oils. I)URE and Gelna Lead, Linseed, Lamp and Machinery Oils, for sale cheap at the lllut Drag Store, March 2—tw&wly GESNER & PEABODY. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK AND FOR SALE CHEAP. AT Agency of Rock Island Factory, a splendid article of En glish Cream and Blue Laid letter paper, unruled. Also French Extra Superfine Blue and White Letter paper ruled and unruled. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Columbus, Dec 10-twlm FLOUR!FLOUR! AT WINTER’S PALACE MILLS! \TTE will receive this day, and continue to keep on hand, for V r our customers, a supply of F LOUR from the celebrated Montgomery Mills, until wcare able to resume operations. Columbus, Dec 15—twtf C. T. INSLEE, Agent. IT'OR the Growth and Embellishment of the Hair to Prevent j its Falling off and turning Gray. Awarded the highest prem iums by the States of New York,Maryland and Michigan, at their Annual Fairs ot 1851. The Kathairon neutralizes the effect of disease, climate, and old age, in preserving and restoring the Human Hair, even af ter a baldness of twenty years; cleanses the scalp from Scurf and Dandruff; will cure the Nervous Headache, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Skin, &c.and is the most desirable TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies’ or Gentlemen’s use in the world. Its perfume equals Lubin’s Choicest Extracts, and being free from all offensive oil, or coloring properties, it gives the Ilair that clean, bright, soft, lively appearance, secured by no other preparation. The use of the Kathairon is adopted by the first physicians in Europe and America, and has a patronage and sale unprecedent ed in the history of the materia mcdica. But words are superflu ous, a trial only can attest its real virtue, as millions certify. — To be had throughout North amt South America, Europe and the Islands of the Ocean, in large bottles, for2s cents. Sold in Columbus by DR. R. A. WARE, GESNER & PEABODY, ROBERT CARTER; E. Thomas Lyon, IGI Broadway, N. Y. LYON’S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER. NOTHING need be said to command the attention of the pub lic to this article. when convinced Ithat it is PURE and una dulterated. M edical men, or those seeking a harmless beverage to destroy the unwholesome effects of brackish and turbid water, can rely upon its genuine character, and it is also extensively used for culinary purposes, in flavoring cakes, preserves, &c. To"the aflYcted with Dyspepsia, Summer Complaints, Cholera, Nervous Debility. Fever and Ague, Dizziness, general Prostration, &c. nothing has” ever been prescribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. Thomas Lyon, Chemist, 161 Broadway, New York. Inquire for Lyon’s Pure Ginger. Sold by reputable Druggist3 throughout the world. (JESNER & PEABODY, ROBERT CARTER, DR. R: A. WARE, March 16—tw6m Gcrlurnbus, Ga. SMITH AND BROTHER, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, OF ALL KINDS, No. 209 Dnane street, New York. Folicit Southern orders for the same; who will pack and ship in the best manner, and sell at the lowest^cash N. York..lan. 29, 1853-sw3m -I. F. SMITH. FINE ARTS. COLUMBUS ART UNION. X OVERS of the Fine Arts can have an opportunity of seeing Xj many fine Pictures, by calling at WOODBRIDOE’S DAGUERREIAN GALLERY, o\'er Foster 6c. Pin-pie's Jewelry Store. o.’T’Seld WANTED, „ , TN a private .family in Columbus, n HOUSKh E X experience, who has not amijy. Address Post omce Columbus, Dec }5 —twtf