The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, April 22, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI -WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME Ij JfHE TIMS & SENfINfiL. rENNENT LOMAX & HO -WELL ELLIsf EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL s published EVERY IVEDXf S!)A Y and FRIDA Y JHURA fXG and SATURDAY EVEXJXO. TUB VVEBKuY TIMES &- SENTINEL is published every TJESDA Y MOKXIXff. Office on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office. te : TRI-WEEKLY, Fite Dollars per annum, In advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. rir advertisements conspicuously Inset ted at Onx Dollar | .e • -quart*, for the first Insertion, and rirTY cents lor every sub eaneut insertion. .ineral deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Muscogee Sheriff Sa'es. \ I'M I, Lbe sold <>n the first Tuesday in May next, fit flu * > in irttel In* i<e, in ttM*eity *f ttl unlitis, between the usuui u- tuso side, tl.** tollo-v inif properly tow it: Lit oi mu I n.itub -r oi.e hunur* and and ninety four in the sixth liVriot ot Mu e county, two Mindrcd :u and two am a .ml aiTos. nmr fir h-sh, e*isd on as the property *>i N ttiauiel tiuffl -, to suii-iy afi n min .1/ i-coyee Super or eou r t unav.-ro t'ar.,er Lister agau ut snitl D (lie. Also, I ts *1 litiiiis numbei 8 one hundred and twenty nine, on< him ired amlfl ty nine and r:e hundred ui and sixty, eacii contain- In - w • liutidfed and two and a hall acres, more or has. lyi v II the -ixt 1 oistricl o Miiscouee county, i* vied < n asti e prop r ty 01 ■'ainuel L. Hussey to satiety a fi fa roni T.dbotlnfeii r court in t'avor ot loseph lie .gh, lor'.tie u?e of Hilliard Y Butt against -a one. F. Hussey and iVt r Bauyh. Aiso the ..ortli tiati o city ot number four hundred and ninety •tie, together with ail the improvements tie remi. levied on ns the properly oi Wi.liuin Alley to satis y a ti la from Ji/uscogee Supe rnr court ; levy made and reiur. eo to me by ucon-tat.le. Also, tlie west half ot lot ot land number nil eteen, in the sev enth disriet of Muscog.-e co titty, containing one hundred and one and a q tarter acre*, more or less, levied on as the property ot liadtson LhmciT to satisfy ufl fa I min Muscogee Superior court in iavor of Ralph >. Howard against said Da* cer., city lots numbersnne iiundred and filter n and one him Ired and sixteen, each containing half an acre, more <> less, h uids miely improved, being tiie place #1 ere John ilun ej tow resides; a.sottie otlowimr articles 01 housetio and lurndure: one ti ie rocking char, half dozen maple < lai-s tind rocker, ot.e s t lire brass small mahogany tab e, one fine nm, otie strip of car p-ting, one oil cloth pass ive carpet, one maid eid ss, one mahoe tny bureau, one carpet, one wardrobe, all levied on as the pio perty of JOllll Hunley to satisfy a ti ta from Muscogee Superior court in iavor les Mygalt, and oilier fl fas in my hands against said Hun ey. Aiso.all the interest or Flkanah Pol ard in and toth. north half tot of land number one hun ired and seven in the -ixth and g tnct or du'rogee county, sai ! interest l>ei g one undivided eighih interest ; also his nlerest in and to lot number one hum,red ad fix in the sixth di tr.ct of Muscogee, levied on to satisfy fl fa ron Muscogee “hiper or court it lavo of Leroy l.ioyd again-1 hKana 1 Pollard, principal and Joim I ollard, -J.ereditb W ise security. Amo, the banking house of the Rank of St. Marys, and t’ at part of c'i y lot immtier one hundred nd seventy eight, on wl ich said building stand.-, levied on a- the property ot the Bai k of M. Marys to a nis y -nnriry ti as rom ih * magistrate court in lavor Henry W. Brooks, and others against said hank ; 1. vy made and ret.trued tome by a constable. Vis >. the oilowiiigartic e.-: tliree cloth coats, three d'esa cloth c nits, three cassimere coats, six cassimere sacK coats, two cassi mere vests, three summer c.>ats, five pair cassimere pants, three pairw dte Uiieu pants,seven pair gray satinet pauis, eighteen v weeds and Keu; tcky geans punts, one pair keoey pants, four pair summer pants, three pair wl ;e summer pants, one linen j *cket, three el >tli b ushes, one hair brush, 1 olin n bosom shirts, three red II innei shirts, two hickory shirt*, seven pair pa ts, one lot padding, one ot remnants, one lot burtons, silk and thread, one pair. shears, roll paper,one showcase and rule, levied on by Attachment ns the property ofJohn Kanton to eatis.'y a demand -if Alex. Hunt- rs , sold by order o: court. Aptit 2, 1653. A. fe. KLTIFEicFOKB, Sheriif. MORTGAGE SALE. Also, at the same place, will be raid, un the first Tuesday in May next, the ful owing property, to-wit : John a man about forty years old, Agnes a woman about forty three years old, Cornelius ft man about twenty one years old, Catherine a girl about twelve years old, Daniel about ten and Charlotte a girt about five years old; all levied on asthe proper ty of Silas McGrady to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Muscogee Su perior Court in t'avor of YVi.liam A. Redd against said AicGratly. A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff. Columbus, March 4 —tds Randolph Sheriff Sales, ITTILL be sold on tiie first Tuesday in May next, before [ Y the court louse door in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph I'.ouuty, wiuiiu tiie usuui hours of sate, the fo.iowiug property. I o wit: One lot of and number one podred and forty eignt in the aixth district 01 said county, * J ed .>ll as the property of Arthur .Uuiii'u 10 s.ilisiy one If'ta ed (rom the Superior Court oi I county in favor ot Uonpuntu 0. Dikes vs. Arthur Mai.o .; pointed out by tVtf Ally. out 01 land number one hundred and sixty nine in the sixth district of said county, levied on as the properly of Willis Cole losaiisty sundry :t fas is-ued oui ot a justice court of said county 111 tavor ot E. MeD mald and others, vs Willis Coie, prmc pal, and Washington Joyce, security ; levy made and returned to tue by a co. .stable. 1 hie town iot in Cutl bert number seven in letter G., levied osi as tue property of Wilt am H. Barton, to s-tisfy two ii sits iss ed oulof a jus ico court ol saiu county in tav r ot James it. Dane, vs A ti.tain ti. Barton ; levy uiuue and reuiri.eU to uie oy a eou s table. Lot otland number one bund ed and fify five in the fourth ais tr.ctoi said coiti.iy, levied o*i its ihe property of A.iies Murphy to satisf, ou_-tl *a issuer oit ot a justice court 01 Talia errocoii - ty, 111 iavor of Aar u V or.or, \s. Torrence Kuork and Miles .li.upiiy: ievy made ami returned to me ly a constable* fwoioisofi ud numb rs one Hundred and eighteen mid lour, it tne .o.irin dist ict oi s.nd county, levitd on as the property ot vat.ian >. ourtsttetosa is y one li fa issued iroin tneJjuptr.or -p,.rt 01 surd coindy in la>or oi Hiram Roberts, v- .Nathan 1.. Lii'isac, md sundry fl t ts in iavor oi the omcersol court, vsaid dotstie; issued iroin me upt rnr c*urt of .-aid county. * even an i turee q tarter acres oi tiie suiuh east corner of iot of in 1 .tu utter seventy six 111 me sixth and str.ct o. s .id county, oi *c t .t as me proper y <>t WHuiain Fac • tosaiisry suin.ry fl ias -s to t o it o. a jas.tce court of iieark County in favor oi John T. le.itu v>, vs . 110. am Face; levy made and returned to lue by JL C i‘.t mo mdivi.kd >ou h half ot town lot in Cuthbert, Randolph co 1 tty uu uoer two m sq 1 re it being one murth part 01 s.i and 0,, ivini on name , roperiy o. James t\ . Johnson to sal.s ----y 00 ; and 11 iSsd and trotuine .inerior court of said coue y in in\o. n.ri.iois c.tooy, is J.uuos >v r . lotiisou ; pointed out by pi’tf. or.y five.toris 01 mno lit nor It east ori ei tti nt oi tuntl itito *r odudfed and nim ty turee in ihe ntiiiiid.strict 01 sa.d ceiio y, tev.ed on as me p.. pvrty til W iltiam 11. J. Cniipimin to -tliSy sa.i-.ry u tus .s Ued out 01 a justice court ol sa a co .uty in .tv >r o. 1 .eod.'ick ac. vs iv iu. H. e. CnaputuU ; icvy .i.t u 1 .and r lurtteo to n e by a c instable. Cue 1 >llll tue oi Cutiibert, Kiodolph county number me ii sq 1 ire uiue, .ev led on a. tue property of Jan es E. John, to s .nor. ti fas issued trout a j lance court ot said county m • avvir oi John M. it. *.nni. vs J. ... John and others; James B - .010, vs Judies E.; levy made and returned to u.e by a J lilliilU.f. O e negro vvourui by the name of Rachel, levit and on as ihe • r -per y o. c?ml iet Rtgs.ty to ;a.i.-ly sundry tl ias i-aued out 01 a j 1 tt- e court o. said co uty in iavor o. He..dr ck Hungerfo'd .a l .biers, vs R gsoy ; 1 evy made aad retu ued 10 me oy a co.iatabie. uit o. 1:1 and itumber two iiundred and sixty eight, and east hall >1 .it < ter two ,tu.aired seventy eignt ui Hie >tx*h dis r.el o; .-aid county, levied oil as the property •*! JeUitnaW . Coo.e, to s tiisiy oao li .t issued .rom Hie oil pert->r Coin l o sutu co duly in favor ot Delaware Moms, Va nemima W . Ft.o e; point ed out by de.endant. I One negro gi. loy the name of Amelia, about nineteen years I of age, levied 0:1 as tnepr -p r:_, ot Henry S lia..e toatiSiy tU r ee J i t is, ou j from tie inter .or court *i said . ounty, in lavor 01 Au- I gislus tieodersou, vs tie .ry a. H.uie; one James B. shni.'i,\s *. n Line .r -iu me {superior court o saidcouniy, and o! bes. lue loan A utg nud udin itrs forty nim , and north ball >f 1 Un Hour oriy euh: m tne oieven h district, and iiiiiunei oiry ite, a.nltho ..urtti lia o; wit nu nbv r t.or.y three in tiie ‘.e.tlii disinci, an oI said, county, levied on as llic pr periy o. viinitm da to.k to -iis y i.ree ri ias issued iru c t iri oi s.u t c.i i .ty in .*%•• r of Al Pace, “Vs \ iiaaut >aitocKi..d Jtitui i. iiclamdoit amt o.hers. 5 10ot it toeiowu ot Cumbei 1, Rmd -ipn county, number om. as; ttieeie.e , *v led on t3 Hie pr -jicrty oi viexa tlir < ci mr ; ; ‘is.tis.y nod 1 tod t'rotu the court 01 said co my it. 3 ‘Vor .t Deiawaro Morris, vs Hexa nor tcCrary,oue in thetiiui 5 ii 4. aad A. McCrary ; by p.’ff. I , , \V Vll Nd l’ , JOYCE, Sheriff. 1 vprill—tils by K iCil Aiti* DVViS. Hep. ff. a ® Rll A, , COCt,T or -RUINARY, ri fiascos c county, j April Term, 1863. RULE XI SI. V _ l hu es ate of Jo.i i Liggin, deceuseil, having applied for .f ‘-tter-o. dtsin saiou irom said admiuuuratiou: It is oiuered that 0 • p rson* concerned sb wc u-e. if any they have, why >u id “ “ ,l .V‘*V‘ r ‘* lur sa:,tud ,w *t he dismissed attlieCour ofOrdinarv to v '! c j “* auti ' r said county ou me first aionday in N vetnber J X 1 ’r.iJiscript from the minutes of said court, April 4, 18 3. m U—wtfm J.Ne>. JdHNoUN, urdiuary. “THE UNION OF THE states AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ O 11) 1A A4 Y COUItT—JAN. TERM, 1853. / 1 EuUGI Randolph county.—it i.ppeariug to the Coun b\ V A the petition of Be jamin Dawson, that John G. Aiamor o’ viia deCi j as<’(l, dul, in his Ii e tirn#, execute to said Pen jamin ItiW-i 1., his bond, conditioned to execute titles ill cr siin pie to said Henjainiit Dawson, lowest h dl o lot of .and numbei one hundred and forty six, in the tenth district ot er.i t count v. ami t Dinner appearing ihat s ihl John C. Mat-.or departed ihisti e without executing lilies to said lot ot land, or in any way pr - udnig for the same; and it appearing that said Bu.j imin Daw son has paid the mil mno mt or the purchase price ol * tid hai o:: and said Benjamin Diwsoii havi ig peHtumed this four to iirect David. !'. Langley, Adininis’rautr upon the estate of John • . Mai nor. deceased, toexecuie to him to said land in con '•>rm'ty with said wood : lit-*, l ier‘lore, h-*reny ord‘r--d. That notice he given at three •r more public p aces in said county and in Cniumhua Times and ■‘eutinel ot such application, that a 1 pe sons concerned may fi 1 •bjeciiona in C.erk’s i ffice, it any t iey live, why said Daviii 1". Langley, Adimtiistraior aaa oresaul, should not ext cute titter to sail! hail tot otlaiid in con ormity vvitli said bond. the minutes of aid court, Feb. 251 h, 1853. Marcn 8 Bexborn Jones, “i vs. j Bill for l)is- Heoroe Field, The Life Insr-’ coven, Relief iUNi k a.nd Tri st Company, The Fhoenix f &c., in Muscogei Bask, VV’ili.ixM Doi uitnaTV. kouge Har-i Superior Coun. GKAVKS.JOHN ivASKViHIId PHILIP I'.SCHLICY.J It appearing to the Court that tiie tie endants. Go rge Fie and and the Souther 1'e tsurnice and Tiiist t.'onij any, are not within t e jurisdiction of tins C >urt—Field being a citixei Imi resident o New York,and the Southern Life iistiram e and fruit Company be-ng a body corporate established by the Terri ory 01 Florida. it is, on motion of complainant, ordered lhat the said Field and the said -on hern Li e In. ••mu I'rtut Cos. plead, answer 01 deuitti to said ili,n tdemurring a one, on or before Hie fir.-t day of be next Term: \nd it is further ordered ttm the above order be nub ished by Ute > ierk of this Court, once a inontn for our months, before the next Tern o’ this Court, in one of the public Hazetips o the city ot Columbus, Geor. i:t. A inn* extract from the minuses of Muscogee Shinerior Court at Novetnbci Terra, 1852. this lUih and >y ot .lanuarv. 18:>3. .i'iilN R. STURGIr*. Clerk, Jan. li. 18.13 _ i m4m GEOUf-IA, / Court <*f ordinary of said co ex it nndolph county, j ty, April Term, 1863. JA \i ES W. COI.LINB, administrator of N. Coliins, latoof said county, deceased, petitions this court to grind him letters of dismission trom his said administration, and it appearing that said estate ha- been fuily administered : < irdered titat all persons ti!c their objectiona if any they have, on or before the November ; Termol thi- court next ensuiitg, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed. April 12 w6tn O. p RE VUL. Ordinary. GRopQi i } court of Ordinaky, Msncogee county. | April itira, .8:3. RULE XI SI. YT7IIEREAP. Win. N. Nelson, adm ni-irator oti the estate of f P.-abody, deceasetl, having appii. and lor leitt-rt* <d’ dismission ir-*m said adm nist ation : It is order and that all per sons cdicen ed, slew cause, if ai yit t*y have, why said adiiDn i-*trati r should 1 oi be dismiss* and ai the ( ourt ot t lidn ary to 1-e he and iu an 1 for said county on the first Monday in November next. A true transcript from the mit u'es of srtid (uvr’. April 4. 1853. Aprii 12 —wfim J <•. .loHM N.,‘'rd 1 ary. Gt* lihGl A, t Court of oriinary of ,-md cusn lf ftudolph county, ( ty, April ieim. 1853. r<iHX T. ‘ cLI’NDGN, Cuar iian of 3.meon P. Turner, peti tions this court for et'ers o’ dirtiiissioii from h r said guar- j diai eht|: t ‘rdtred that a i per-ons t-aviirr o j- ctioi ofi o hem vu or be ore the July Term ot this court next ©nailing, otner wise said .etteis will be then and tlieia granted. April 12 —w 3m ~ O. P. BEALi , Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, Talbut county, $ February Tone, i833. RULE NI SI. \TT HERE 4 P, William F. applies hy petition tor V t letters ©''dismission Hethe administrator 01 Barney VV’iieoti, iute of Talbot county, dec- used. Bo it ordered,.That ad persons concerned, be and appear at ! the September term ot this court next ensuing, then and th re \ to shew cause, if any they have, why said tetter? should not bo ; granted. A true extract from the minutes ofsuid effort.. •C4jb* v Fejy.,.<B. : i3. ; March 1 fiflfim M ARION Hi.l HUN 1, <irdinary. G K fill GM , i COURT OF OLD I VARY, 81 e wai t county. ( April Tern , 8 3. ITl’* N tiie petition of William H. House, it-.-r of the last J Wi.l ana Testament of Ihotnas House, deceased, lor tetters of dismission fromliis said executotsh p: It is on motto-, ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term oi sa.d cour , why said should not then*be granted. A true extract tr-.iu the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. April 19 —wlm J. L. WIMBcIILY, Ordinary. (A EOBGIA, llanddlph county,--Court of Or- T din ary. Whereas, oy the petition ot William Hayes, ad ministrator on the estate* of Eroch Rigsby, deceased, and the estate of Kilichen Faircloih, deceased, it appearing to this court that !*e has fully administered both o said esiatea, and moves t-Le court togrsun him ie ters ot dismiSii in: All \ er-ons cotiCt rued in ; either of said estates, are hereby notified to make known tite.r 1 otijectious, ifany they have, >n or be ore the October teim of thiscourt next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will than and ttn re be dismissed. Given under my hand at o'Lcetnexihh march 18.13. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. j Aprils— wfim 1 i i teorgia, Uandoluli co niity,-u heieas, Fatmt-I A. vl Orier. auiniiostraior ite bouis no., on ti.e estate of .loim H. j Weaver, late o said c<mu‘.y, deceased, Itas petitioned lor letters ot dismission troin said udmini-trat on. These are, therefore, to : te,adm uiish and require all persons i concerned to tile their objections, if any they have, on or tie ore j the September term o the 1 our of ordinary o'said county, to j be hoiden on th<-first Monday o September ext, otherwise said j adininistritor v. iil to H en amt tin re ui-mis-ed. Given un l< r niy hand at office ties 22d day ol Feiirunry, 1853 ! March I—O.itVii 0 P ’’ v r’- \ j (oorgia, If arly count y.= vVtiereas, Joint inompson ; I <0 me ror letter* 01 Hum, mstrutioii wiihThe will an- ! iiexetl, upon tiie • state 01 Robert Thompson, late o said c- tinty, dec* ascii. ~ - Thes - are to notify nil person* concerned, tir be and appear at my office Within the time prescribed by law, and Mte*-e;,use, it any they have, why said tetters e amid not be’ granted ap- : plcmt. Given under my hand at office .nis February 24, 1853. v l/areh I— 9w?t - -T v ’■’ l>. r-ij ->-v (s eorgia, ttatntoijih county —.v hen a.-, Ai n g. I jeu *3 applies t > mo .or ettefs ui .uardtau.-hip lor the p. r soti and prop rt,- 01 France* Rigs <y, orphan of Enoch llijstiy, late 01 Mod county, nec a-td. I‘itese are, therefore, 10 ct e and adra uiish. ail concerned, to shew onus*. if any they nave, why sad etters site od not he grafted,otherwise they w tti lie granted at Hu next Ap-il term of ttnscoirt. Given under my timid at office Varcli Ist. 18 3. F' ri'f —if P. “VALL. r'in-irv. (* eui gia, Etti'.y cuhhiy.-V\ n, i e ..9 -10.-eph i.rimaley, .1 aviin...i3tr our wiln ti.e din annexe , upon tue estate ot Small Grt I.* ey iata *.f and cm ity *lece ised. m ikes ai plication to me tor letters ot dismission iroin the lurlhcr'ad ni nist rat ion ot -aid estate. Alt persons concerto and are hereby no *tied to be and appt ar at my office, within Hie time prescriied by law, and -hew cause, if any thiy have, wlty said iut.trj should indue granted said applicant. Given m.di r my hand at office, this February the 24th. 18.'3. March I— 9>vCui S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. / 1 eorgia, Talbot county,**Whereas, t.zekiei B. IJI i*mith pp ies to me for tetters of Administration ou the estate of John VY. G. Smith, ateo Tabiot county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all a 1 and sinxnlar he kindred aid creditors of -ain deceased, tote aiid appear at my olHi-e, within tiie tune projeribed by law, then and her* to tiew cause, 11 any they have, w.iy said letters should not t*- granted. Given Unuer my muid in offl e tins o h da c.*, 1r53. >iarcti 29 -l3wjt • A i{i< >N hKT 1 ’ V•* 1 . r.'in ry-: 1 ’ corgia, k riy county.— A'her*-; #, James B. V I manes application to me t<r <c ets i Atltniiiistt-a ion npoi. .he Josepti < . Gray, lateol -aid countdecease*.: Tees*.- 1 re o notify all persous concern <1 to stew cause, it ai y they have, why sad .elu-r* -liou.d not lie granted su:d applicant. Gl’ ell Under my i.and at office, tills lliarcii 21st, (85 t. March 29i3w*t 8.6. tsf vEFig.D, * rlinarv. — (’ eorgis, Early comity.** vV hereas, he estate of Jack JI-so >.uLe<i, .ate ui sum comity, deceased, is uurepre 9*nled al law: These ire to notify ail pers uisconcernedin s.-tid e-tat,to shew cause, it any they na*e, wtiy Tnomas M. Andrews, the elerk o t> e .-upe ior 1 ourt 01 saii com ty. should not l e ap| <-inteo au mi Ist tator de bonis non upon thcetate<>t -aid deceased. Given n.deriny lutnd at • ffi* tni* march 2!, I* 3, March 29 I3x’7t * 5 . ‘ •’ \ p > R'*. ’ *rd ! n-rv. eoi gift, iHiidiiipii c miil}.** v liereas, John V. I ben, *,uar..ian of ..euu<ey K. IJ ill, minor and orphan it Wuiiatu K. t to, decease 1, app.ies to iuc f r ..i-ui ss *ni iD'tn said Guar.lianstup. All | eraointititeresiei are therefore beret*} required to file 1 heir objection*, itany they have.yn or oetorethi May lerrauithis t our next <-"*uinx, o nerwtsot said applicant t will be then aim there dismissed. j Given under my nana at eu< e, the 17th Mi rch. 1853. ftiarch 22-wtim ‘P H* A’ * “•dinarv. VdinluUtratOrs -*K.e • ,_iee..bie t an order ol ti.e court ot Drat nary of r.ariy eo in y, wilt be sod la; oe tin court house door in me town of B.aket*. on the ur t T esday ti June next, ill me real estate us F. Griifith,deceus.o, siiuuteuie. the s id town of Btukeiy. Apr. l lß-wtds FRAN I8 GRIFFITH, Adm'r. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL V 2, 1853. eorglu, H&ndolph county...Wherec?, Jus. Bmi - t 1 erto.ei, t.uaruiau o. Bel jamin and X 03a Oin'■'utley, appliv ome for dismission trom t*i .-aid <tu r inn-hip. An person nti-rested are, tiierelbre, h re >y re-qu’tre*i to file tb'-jr objection-, i 1 any they have, on or betbrethe May term ol this court text ensuiny, otiierwi* e-ii*l applicant will be then ami t *i -mis sed. < iven under tny aund at office rt e !7 ii \ arch, 18 3. March 22 —wfim O. P. BE XLH. Orutmoy. dmiuistraf cr 1 * *alt •• Agri-eabty to an order of ihe \ ru*nary of i.ur.y county, wnl be so!t on the first Tuesday in May next, in the town of Dub in, I .aureus county, tot oi land number eighty-nine, in the first district 01 Lauren-county. Foil a-the ptopetiy of the iate Ai red Rentroe. of Furly coimtv, su ri -r tie heuefit of tim lieirs and creditors of saui d* ceased. T* rms oudnyofsae. fHox. B. AN DRKU 8, Adm’r. ’ 1 t**-u:'r’ * 3 ricv*d* Vdminialratnr’k Sale.•• Will be B<>d in Cuthber, ua* do pti county on the fir-t i'ncsday in 5 ay next, lot ot land number one iiundred and ourleen in the e th <listr.fl o -aid coun y ; on w htcli are sm t! imptdv* n.ents. Persons w isn ng a small hum will do well to examine it. T< r none i.alt 1 ayable first January i.ext, the balan e first January, 1815. -old ty order n tiie court o ordinary o s id county .or distr bu'ion mn >ng tli. 01 ‘l lu*rp*- i’ale, <*e<-i a-- e*i. M arch 23— tds HAY J> iffit PD, Adn.’r J ‘Xfeutor’* ftftle.- .Will besoUi.tuThomasviLt, in j as county, on itie .list Tuesday in May next, lotei lai.d mini* beretg ty eigh', in the eighth district ot said cou ty. Foul by order oi the court ot Oidttniry of Raudoipti county, as the pro pt-rly cf Hiram Harrison, deceased. March |5 —wtos 1.. U. 8- AI.F.. Fx’r. Notice to debtors and creditor-.-- \il persott mdebied to ihe i state o. James eaugl), late of Vu.-cogee county.decease*!, are t.ereby re jiieii* and to make immedt.-ie pay ment-; and ml persm s having demands a-ainst ea and decea ed, wiii tender them accurding to law. WILLIAM C. GRAY, AduTr. Columbus, March 12—10w7t , N oltce to debtora and credit 01 s. —Ai pt rsons yt di oted to tiie estate ol Kpsy 1 Vson, late o‘ Early eoimly, and ceased, are itqttesied to make immei.iate payment; aid a!i persotis navinc detuantis against aai* estate,are r*-qu •{* dto hand tiietn in nu v authenticated the time pie-cr bed i.y t; w, to .Larch I; - a st ABN Eit DY-SUN, Adm'r. r rwomoiiilisHfiflr date I will apply to the A OrUiiiar of .lf*isc*gee county, lor leave to -i.. a ctiiid (uosa) tiie property 01 Henry .M. jernig.m, (;diot.) April 9— vv2m A. B. AN, Giutrdian. r |’ , wo month* after date applicaeiou will be i made to the no.i*<ra de court of < r.tinuiy l Ear.y county, lor leave lose.l the lauds belonging to Eps> i>ys*n,‘ late of said county,deceased. AhNEII DYBUN, Adm’r. Mnrcti 15- w-.m S Wfi iiiaw is date, i sSlail apply to tllp *• Gottil of ndin ry of amio.p.i county, for to .-ed die lands he onging to Stephen Wcatherby. mteo said count}, decVl i e". 15 ?w jin M V I.l’iN P< H.U U t\. A r l'wo months after date 1 shall apply to iie 1 o ir. o, irdiuaiy *.t 1 .arly county or *e..v*. to ;** me n ;.r- es belonging u> ttie esiaieot Jolm Jones, deceased, la e ot saiil coun t},T<>rttie purpose ol making a distribii-ion among the t*eirs of said es ate. THuS. AND**EM'S, Adti.r. inarch C 9 -w2m ‘|'W inunUis after date 1 shall apply to the a Court of* r.linaiy ot nanuoiph coun y, .or ui.*ve u> s*.-d tlie and Lev to Henry Sandlin, a (2-d. i’eti 8- fiwJni IE-Sr. SANDLIN, Adm’r. ‘UWOwimithsafler hate, I shall apply tu the 1. Court 01 '*r .in..ry oi uam.o.| h coumy n<r .*.uve to sell the negroes elougiiig to l itnoUiy Piltuan, .tecetise<J,i:!e o said coun y, A..rii (2—*2m A. A. P. i"i AN, Adm’r. / * uaruiau a salt I>n tliehrsl . uc.-iu.y it* .Ins.e . u. 1 , w ill ue sot.l in gu noet i, R.ipdoipli county, ti man nan ed Peter, about fitly years of ai.e. fold as the property if the minors of .-01. • raves, deceased, Ly'order o) he tonnol* rdina r\o si and county. B.DliAVts. Guardian. * April t,-ivitis HOME MADE ATTRACTIVE! FURiN ITU RE ! Fu k NtT UR E!! AT SZM.MIS & RCO.NET f ffS f Vue (loo* below Hall ami Moses. Pr.R'UNS in want oi inruiture, can . ere lie immmmmW supplied with eveiy quality of Parlor, Sitting. I3A Dining <>vd lied Room furniture. ; matte 01 jiff : Jr’ST-i lancy and durable wotafs, at New York prices: * * • got up (with the exception 01 what is made in Coiutnbusy un der s ecial supervision ot one of the partners at their inuuutuclo ry in New York city. The tollowing named are a part of the articles in their exten sive Aock Divans, Sofas, Ottomans, Te tea Damask and Lace Window Teles, all sizes; Curmin-, ui the puce ormaoe Mart' Table-, ali kinds ; to*.nle ; Folding Tables, V* alnut and Window Shades, Carpeting, Mahogany ; Enameled lurnitu e in sets, Work Tables, Extension ando’ tor Bed Rooms, a beauthut Bureaus of ait kinds am prices; artici*-; Malio.any ."pring seat chairs; Portia.t and P.cture Frames of Cane nid ’ pdt do do j . Mahogany or out, made to of ail k nds, and good articles.; j order; Work stand.*, t-Va -n elands | Window Curtain Trimmings and id/usic stands. j in ureal vnr.ety. Paper and Wall papering, of ali kinds Ail articles not found in their >tock wiii befir.ushed to order, witti dispatch. ‘olumlius., Jan. •-1 t*x3m VER.NOY & FcTUo’t) OMNIBUS LINE. Fare—in Pritparliii.t to’ the Uirtaaec. -yp WE retur.i our 1 1 inks to the traveling public (.72.atm the citizo is geuerai.y, tor their itoeial pat roi*iii>e, and xvo iht infona tin m ln.,t itr splendid new O.t/.W ----BU <S r.S* with FIXE TE iMs a*.d caret ui Dl iEr.Rm, wiii couiinue to run for tiie acc-un.n •d.dtoa oi Ute citizens an t per son- stoppmg at tne Public liou.-es. . Calls .o*l at it;e Hoteis. or at o ir stable, strictly aUetnie i t<*. t'oliimhu-. March fo—w&twly ’ -*_ ft o c t : s u AND COMMISSION BUSINESS * r TMiE undesigneil respectfully inform tus friends ami l the pub.ic generally, shat he has opened a store on Broad street, o-ite Mr.Hx.mks Kivlin’s Fan- Smici, tor the purpose 01 carry ng on the alaive bust I* ss, and wouti ne happy .or them l > give In 111 a csd!. t*e proposes doing the .i L CTI* A i.YD Cos ti.MsSluX b U<IXi.SS iu tne usual way . and will also attend to the s-lung . hiring ot Negroes or those who ma\ entrust him with their piitr mage. JOHN QU.N. N. It. —Consignments<*f. Vlerchandtze carefully aitendid to. October *'- > . Isl2—wV twl \.’ t FLO UK! FLO Lit! AT WINTER'S I 1 A fi AC E MILLS! \T K will receive this day, and continue to k. ep on hand, for V V our customers, a sitppiy ol'.F LuUti Irom the celebrated .Montgomery Milts, until weare able to lesume opeiatmns. < oilllllbus, |)eC 15 —tvvrt C. T. . VSLRk, Xgen J.ST RECEIVED FROM .NE-V VOKK AND FOR is ALE CHEAP. VT Agency of Rock Island Factory, a sptend.d article of En gli<h. t re:r..i aud Blue Loi 1 .etier j.aper, un ruled. -*iso i fetich ouperjine Biueand vYhite l.elter papei ruled and 1 1 uled. g. It. v Ui.!.;?, AgoUt. Qiiuinbn-. Dec lb-tv* 1m . LAND WARRANTS WANTED. I) OUNTY LAND WARRANT* for 40, 80, ICO acre? 1 ) wanted, for-wnich thentgiiest cosli win oe pain by Columbus, ant 24 3*wtt 4. I NMr * 1 *i. ROCK ISLAND FACTORY, 13 now manufacturing W riling Paper ot ail the vtriot 5 It 1 mis,—suets a- *.e'.i* r, toots-cap, .at-eap, 1 oli* and C* to imTciai ruled tind <iuruied,y .Medium, nisnyt, &c. Aiw* \ews-priiit, 80-.jK and Colored Pipe!, Post-otnce and New” Knv* i** e- slid * rappmi per ot all size?: ail ol wiiici- will tu- -old on as fav>* ih! pterins as can be purchased in any mar .el Febftw&fwt! k. u. L’l KTIr s.. c ‘. _ _ Mexican Mustang Linpacnt. VT Ne t Y"ri, prices. v\ e rmmmdt u large invoice o ti.e above excellent “> at ti.e uianuiac turer s prices. Uaiiaithe UE BKWt. STK*, March 2 —twAvwly of the Xegrj nud Mortar. J-S. WOOBBRiDGE, PRACTICAL ART 16 F &. DAGUERREOTYPIST COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Roo-tis over Foster & Purple’s Jatvelry St h tiroad Street. Uoiumbus, Jan s —lw& BOOKS! BOOKi!! JUST rkceived by A D. FLEW£LLEN CO. a?>s- CAJjHOUN’S works; Maunder’* B‘o - > /I pra|i ical Dictionary ; ltige~so!l’s Hi-to yoi tin* late war; SmititV Wealth of Nations. Second part —My Novel; by Dulwcr. Cecilia; hy Miss tfari.ey. Peckman’” Hisfoty of Inventiona. Taylor'.- floly Livii gand Dying. Michelet's Firm h Revolution. Count Hamilton’s F'ai y ‘Pales. Miller’t* 1 h.losophy >l Hi t *ty. L.-tmatline’s [fi t<nyo|"l he (*ironli t- 5 . Memoirs oi Count Graniinoiit and Cltarles 2d. Rabelat’s Works Bacon’s h.PFay at and Historical Wo;ks. Schleeer’s Philoroj hy of Ute. Sheridan’s Dramatic VS oiks and Life. Robeit Hall’s Mi.-eeilareoits VVmks. Gt*gro y’s Evidence <>i the Uhr* tian Religion. FchiMet s He’ o!t of the N*-th*rlands Nea di r's Histoiy ot the pla.ti.ig of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad : by Cox. Memorie oi the (in at Metropolis. Morell’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelh’s Hi tory of Fi->,< nee and other Works. RoseoeV Life of Lorenzo De M> dici. Schiegel’s D.amatic Literature. Ho coe’s Life ot Lk-o the Xth. Goeth *’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenin, Effinont, and Goetz. The Koitm es ol theCoivillc Family; by the author ol Lewis Arm del. The Rifle Ransrers. The Marrying Man ; by of Lewie Arundel. Home Influ* nee; Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; Va!*- ot edars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Hea t Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Hay e and Webster’s Speeches. Waide Warren; a tale ot Circumstantial Evidence,by Emerson Bennett A Life of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R Jame s . ‘Pile Living At til lerut; ataleot Mexican Treachery, by Harrv Hazel Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy ; Ihe Free Hooter. ‘Phe Hi tory of PendennL. Vanity Fair. St bbs’Calendar, or the Fatal Boots; by Thackeray. Katie Stewart; a true .-tory from Blackwood's Magazine Ditvid Coppetfield. ‘I he Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and his Me-iy Min. Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan Quintin Mat ys, or The Black mhh ot A> twerp. Hester Somerset, a novel by N ****** The adve* tures of Captain Blake ; by VI ax well. Ctaigall ,n Ca tie,or The Stolen Will ;hy Mrs. Gore. Lord Saxoridale.or Li e anio igthe London AriAocracy • aptain Kyd.or ‘Phe Wizard of the Sea. Heads and Hearts, or My Brother, the Colonel. Stanfield Hall. Yankee Jack, or the Peri!- of a Privateersman. Minnie G ay, or The Alice tral Cur e. Amy Lawrence, or ‘Phe Freetna on’s Daughter. Sto ies of Waterloo ; bv W. H. Maxwell The Bivouac or ‘Phe Rival Su tors ; by Maxwell. Many Burnham, the Young Continental. Columbus, Match it—twly ShLLIM JOFFSP EiTMUSiC AT HALF PRICE. TiU nnderYg* ed desiring to reduce tt eir xt -rs ! ve stock ot I Si kkt ) i sic, will -fell al thr t c nte per page, (*>r ball ti e u-uul pi ice) a ar*ae sliare *u tl e*r preseiil -t- cu. omong wliich niuj n*- round mail} ol tm- new ami popiti ar piece? 01 it e di*j . I’ll ih in : n opportunity not to be i.egi* cteti 1} ikaci.kks aid Schools, .0! ym a su;.p }. In l.lis lot wiii be .ound most of t. e and airabie Aiustc every lav r 1 ud. Also, alar e slock of Instruction Rooks for the PIANU FOR! 1 , which v” 1 1 S be sold at leer than curt. Among ti.e Hieet Music are I*e loiiowing piecea, arranged b} ‘'. Rt FS, viz.: Daiicit g Feall er Waltz; ! Bombaidinent of Vera Cruz; Elbe IVY ai'zes: J Stone Mountair, Q S La Sultana Waltz ; \ Cos umbusGu r is, Q. S. Oibr .Far tY a.l> ; > Hyacinth Gallop; Alpine Horn, Q. S. ? Gsdlopade lb.lka. —A large variety 0} Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, aud steps, y c.tiei*iaie*t auitiof.-. fu es t tins lot 10 oe eti icny Gash. Ju-t received, a large lot of NEW’ MUSIC, whLh will be sold at the usual price. Call and examine. Ord. r with money enclosed wit be and .orwarned to any part ol tne count!} b mail. VVHITTELSEY & CO. fVi'utT'l us. Gn„ March 9 - t*tf ANOTHER MUSIC STORE. WILLCCX & CARTE X NO. 02, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., ARE now receiving, aud will keep constantlv on hand, MI SET MUT.C, PUN) VMW, GUITAKS* VOLINS. ACCObDEONS, BANJOS, TAMBORINES, FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FIFES, &J. Strings fur the VIOU N AAD Gtl T A It. ALSO - Ins ructioti I’ooks for th ab ve Instruments. Also, Exercites for tiie c.ilnvai ion oi tiie Vo.ce. Orders are suite.ted from .eachers and others. D. t . Uli.l.G *X. YV M. B. CARTER. N. B. Mr. Garter will attend to Tuning and Repatiing PiaLOs a- iieretoiore. tot iniut-, April 15— wktwtf BOOKS JUST RECEIVED AXI) FOR SALE BY’ a* c. plpwi;lit:\ *& c:o. Castle Avon, by the author of “Ravensclifie ” ■ V ‘‘ I lie *wo old Men’s Pi le-.” Vblette, by Bell; author of “Jane S&MJQkd Egiee.” The Spaewife, or tiie Queen’s Secret. A story of the reian of Elizabeth, by Paul Peppergrtus, E.q , adhor of ‘Sbaimy McGuire.” Beat.tee,by C-athatine Sind ir.authcrof‘Jaie Bouverie.’ ‘lite i hree Pi.ates, by Ha.ry Hazel, author ot “Yankee Jack.” My Scrapes aud Escape-, or The Adventu;es of a Stu dent ; hy one of the Faculty l’he Two Merchant*, by P. S. Arthur. ‘i he Emigrant Squne, by P. Plaunitoa Myers, author oi Beti B andoii. Culinnim.-, March 30. Blew theet Riusic. I'H K subscribers have this nay i.-c iv*.o a iarie assortment o . sheet ; among which are man* new and p. , e*i pn-Cts never ie ore >fl. r,it in tins market. The iauies m pant invited to cat.auu txuinn.c our stock. a. PEASE, lumbus, March 2— -tw HO Broad street. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. r |' , HE undersigned respect tub} informs Ins lonuer riendsat.O a pupils, aiid tiie pu uc generally, that he lias returned to tkir oil} v* here lie proposes to establish iiiiiiseti in his proiess.on as a ieaber 01 J.usic. Heisnov* preparetl to take a limited numbei ol pupilsouthe Piano Forte aul tn Vocal Music, to whom nir reguiai auu undivided attention wilt be -Alien. t.jF’oruercleii at the .Uusicdtore 01 vvtiu.eisey it Go. willr* cene prompt ttiention* 1 ,ril -M. 1851 —wx t** it RUSSEI E.HARhtr* Fiiuw Tunai aad Repaired! T_ jflfe-- '* undersigned take ple;*Bure in annr uneng me r cus.omers ai.u tt.e nublic general.*. ,hat they haveoiiiaii ed the sen .cesoi f. #. t.U.i Al, and W ‘J J Who, Igr several years pasl, has been Tcnkk, kc in AraU.-G*-ienrated E-tauiist.meiil in ib.ris. .v r. Bumin c*.ines to us with ti e hig* e-t recommeii.ial.ons And we are prepared n niteiH) to ali orders for fuu ;.g and repairing, m the most il.or u_h manner. V\ e lnii ourselves esponsibie I-r a.l wora 10.. e by Mr. uitmm, be.ievu.gtha he wih give entire satisiac iii'ii. A.l order- addressed to \\ i.ittklsky k Cos., *>r Tklax a. Pka-k, wit. prompt attei lion WHITT I.SIY & GO. Columbus, Feb. l'*--twa.wif TuL'AX & Pt,.\aL. |)culnj. The Fine Old Arktiusns lemnn ! Those of our readers at all familiar with the history and i fidilifr eharaeters of our sist* r State of Arkansas, will seare. ly lequ're a hint as to the autl o*shipof tip* exceedingly ch-ver s<uicr u hieh \v* putilish to dav. It b.-irs the unmistiikabl- impiint of the Host v* isatiiej genius, tin* abbst lawyer, the h* st hunter, th - moat dis tittffifsh'd oiator and p** t —and l ist, th nigh tmt least.! 4lit* jollies! goad fellow in the Soutil-Wvst.— Della. SO\’G. TIIE FINE ARKANSAS GENTLEMAN. t. Now all trood fellow- li ten, at and a ftorv I will tell, Ola mighty clever gei tieman who lives extremely well. In the wet rn pait of Aka - c a?,olo?e to the India:; line, j Where he geUd link once a week on whi key, and ini me diate I v so'.iers huneelfcompletely on the very best of wine; ! A fine Arkansas gentleman, clo e t*> the Choctaw lii.e. - it. This fi e Arkansas gentleman has a mightv fine estate, I 01 five or six thousand acres or mo e of land, that will he 1 worth a great deal some and ty or othet, if he don't kill hitnsself too soon,and will only cond*vcerd to wait ; And four or five dozen negroes that would rather work than not, j And such quantifies of horses, and catt’e, and pigs, and other poult y, that he never pretends to know how many he has got; | This fine Arkansas gentleman, close to the Cfioctaw iit.e. | m. Phis fine \rkansas gentleman has built a splerdid hon e o. * On the edge of a hig prairie extremely well* and with deer, and hare-, and grou e ; And when he wants to leas his friend', he has nothing more to do, Than to leave the pot-lid off, and the decently-behaved birds fly straight i to the pot, knowi g he'll thoot them if they don’t, ami he ha* splendid stew ; £ This fine Arkansas ge: tiemar,close to the Indian line. IV. -j This fine A kansas gentleman make-several 1 undred bales, Unless, font and. ought, or worm, 01 getting a bad stand, or some other damned contingency, his ctop is shoit, or fails; |j And when it’s picked, and ginned, and baled, lie puts it on a boat, | And gets aboard himself likewise, and charters the bar, and has a devil of a spree, while down to New Orleans he and his cotton float; This fine Arkan as gentleman, clo e to the Choctaw line. And when begets to Now Orleans he sack) a clo'.hing stoie, % And puts rp at the City Hotel, the St Louis ihe St Cha: le% the Veranda, and all theoth*r hotels in the city, it he succeeds iu finding any more ; Then he draws upon his ith rchnut, and g.jes about and treat? Everyman tom Kent.cky, ad Arkansas, and Alabama, and Virginia, and the Clio, taw nation, and every other damned vagabond he meets ; This fii.e A.kansas gentleman, c!o:e to the Choctaw , VI. The last time he was down there, when he thought of going ■. l-aek, Alter staying al out fifteen days or lc-'s, ho discovered ‘hat ly let.ding and hy spendii g, and teing a prey in general to gamblers, haekmen, loa!e s, brokers, boosters, t tiior , 1 se;vails, at and tna<*y oth.-r ittdivid als white and black, C He'd oi trila ted hi- a-stts and g-t rid of all hi< means, \nd had nothing left t >s!tow for them,ha, ring two or three 3 headaches, an i ivi .cihle thirst and an extremely gene al and | toniLcuous acqaai-tanco in the afo.c aid New J Orica 1 s; This fine A:kansas gentleman, close to the Choctaw | ii..e. vti. | Now, how this gentleman got home is neither here nor • there, But I’ve been credibly info mod 1 e swore worse than fort}- s. ven pi ates.a *d fi*-rcely c**m’ ed hi hai ; A: and after he got raftly home, they ray he took an oath I hat he’d 1 ever bet a cent again at any game of card , and j moteover, tor want ot dece t advi.ers, he to.sw ove j whiskey and women 1 cth ; Thi fine Aikaii;as gentleman, close to the Cho taw } line. VIII. Phis fine At kan-as gentleman went strong for Pierce and 1 Kmg, And so came on to Washington to get a nice iat office or a some other mi hty comfo table thing ; Bat like him from Jer t-ahm that went to Jericho, He fell among th< thieves again, as and could not w n a bet ; whether he coppered or not, • o hi- ca.-ti was t ound to go; 1 This fine Aikan-as gentleman, clo-e to the Choctaw i line. : m IX, ?o wl.en hi - moneys all were gone, he took unto hi bed, And Doctor Reybum physicked hn:,and thechaittht i ;r:. \i, v.ho had a g cat affcctiou for him, with tar atm laid t p his head ; And all his friend came weeping round and biddii g him * adieu, And two or three dr>zet p-eachers, whom he didn't k: ow at all, and didn’t cate a car.-e if lie didn’t, c-an.e p aving 1 for hirnt.K*; This fine Atkansas gent’, close to the Chocta line. X ’ They clored hiseje-, and rpr. ad h.m out all ready for the , tomb, At and merely to console themselve- they o;e: ed the biggest \ kind of a game of taro right there in hi own room ; Bui when he head the check-,he flung the linen ofl his tace. S And sung out jmt pieci ciy as ho ust and to do when he was ;< alive ; “Piindie,don’t turn ! hold on ! I go twenty on the King and copter on tho Ace !” This fine Arkan as gentleman, close to the Choctaw • line. I’ikk I |NUMBER 47.