The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, April 27, 1853, Image 3

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LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. Eoss of the Steamship Independence ! DREADFUL LOSS OF LIFE ! New Orleans, April 23. By an arrival here, we learn that the steamship In dependence, with four hundred passengers on board ran ashore at Lower California, and after being backed off, it was ascertained that she had ten feet water in her hold, when it was deemed advisable to put her ashore again, and in attempting to do so from some cause or other the vessel canted on one side thereby setting fire to the magazine, which blew up, causing the loss of one hundred and twenty-five lives! The remainder were ;dl saved after being exposed for fifiy-six hours on a barren island. Indian Ravages. —The Indians are committing more of their ravages in California. The San Francisco markets are being overstocked with every article of commodity. • COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. COTTON STATEMENTS. 9 2§:?3 i l?3 istoek I°-; g oil sjf % 8.12 2. r* |£S jfrs ‘3 | hand i2L jL ; j.g. **— this * I? I day. April 24, 1852. 860 367 41728 42095 1272 38366 39638 33J7 April 23, j 1 1853. 229 j_ 290 54880 55170 1184 50335 51519 3876__ Columbus, April 26. There lias been but little doing in our market since last statement. All that is offered is readily taken, and we notice good demand for crop lots. Although sales are light, prices are pretty well sustained. We quote Middlings 8 3-4 to 9 5 Good Middlings 9 1-2 to 10 \ I Pair 10 1-2 cents. Savannah, April 26."* Cotton —The market was dull yesterday, the sales j being only 79 bales, viz.: 9 bales at 9, 16 at 10, lat 10 1-4, 20 at 10 3-8,2 at 10 1-2, 7 at 10 7-8, nod 5 at j 11 cents. l Mobile, April 25. qftere is considerable animation in the market to-day. ! The sales reaoh 4000 bales. Tho market is easier— name quotations. Montgomery, April 25. Prices for the last three days have been feeble, par ticularly for the lower qualities, which are fully 1-4 c. lower than at the first of the past week. Our receipts are larger, owing to the better stale of the roads. We quote Middlings 9 1-4 to 9 1-2 *, Good Middlings 9 3-4 to 10 cents. New Orleans, April 23. Cotton.— The receipts at this port since Ist Sep tember (exclusive of the arrivals from Mobile, Florida and Texas) are 1,499,831 baleß, against 1,241,399 bales to same date last year ; and the inoreaso in the receipts at all the ports, up to the latest dateß, as compared with last year, is 308,229 bales. In the exports from the United States to foreign countries, as compared with the same dates last year, there is an increase of 132,210 bales to Great Britain, and 25,222 to other foreign ports, while to Franco there is a decrease of 14,865 bales. Cood Middling, 11 to 11 1-4 cts. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED T.Kt-WEXKLY BY J. K. REDD INi CO. BAGGlNG—Kentcky S <SL „15, India 2.*... ROPE Vlb 9 10 i BACON —Hums V Ibi 13 14 Sides 4Mb’ 10 <* 11 I Shoulder* V lb 1 9 ® 10 PORK—Netl 4Ml> BUTTER Vlb 25 <aJ 30 CIIEESE 4Mb 12 (44 14 CASTINGS 4? lb tat A COFFEE—Rio 4Mb; 11 (cl 12# , Java lb I*2 @ 15 CANDLES—Sperm 4P lb 50 © Wax lb! Star 4Mb 30 <& - Tallow 4Mb 18 ft. 50 FEATHERS 4Mb 40 (3 45 FlSH—Mackerel No 1 V bbl 14 00 <& 10 00 Mackerel No. 2 4? bbl 13 00 © dackerel No. 3 W bbl 11 00 © 0 00 Shad..... V* bbl 18 00 © Herring ~,..V box 100 © FLOUR—Western Canal 4f bbl! 7 50 © 000 Citv V bbl 600 ® 750 FODDER...’ V 100 lbs; 125 © 1 jji GRAIN—Corn 4P bushel! 75 © t? 0 Wheat bushel j 1 00 @ l 25 Gaia V bushel) 50 ©. 00 GLASS box; 225 © 700 j GUNPOW ER 4*kegi 500 Cal 650 ■ HIDES T-! 8 © 9 ! IRON —Swedes 4? tb © * . English 4# © 5 , faARD ..... 4f’ 12#® 14 I fEAD 4Mb ® 18 i I bbl; 3 50 © 4 00 MOLASSES V gallon 33 © 40 j NAILS 4Mb 6® 7 i OlL—Lamp 4? gallon 150 & 200 j Linseed y gallon 1 00 © 000 Train 4P gallon 75 © j PAINTS keg 200 © 275 j PV’ bushel 75 © 80 RICE..* 5 & 6 X j SYRUP—Lemon pergallon 125 © Raspberry V doz 600 © SALT ® 1 50 PHOT V bag 000 © 225 PUAP V tt> 5 (§4 7 STEEL—Cast 4P tt> 20 © 22 German 4* lb 15 © American Vlb 10 © SUGAR—St. Croat Vtbl © New-Orleans HP lb; 7 ® 10 Loaf, reflued Vlb; 12 © 12# Lump 4P 5b 8 © 10 SPIRITS Brandy,Cog HTgaf 100 © 400 American 4* gas 40 © 100 Peach HPgalj 100 © 162 ; Apple, y gai: 60 (r 7o RUM Jamaica, HPgalj 200 © 350 New Eugland ....*Pgal 45 © 50 WHISKEY—Irish 4^gal 400 ® Monongahela Vgai 100 <3 200 . Western 4P gal 30 © 40 GlN—Holland ’Kgal 150 © 200 American HPgah 40 © 50 TALLOW 4? tb 10 @ <X VINEGAR— 4Pgal 37# @ 50 WlNES—Madeira, V'gali 125 ® 400 Sherry Y gal 150 ® 300 Champagne Bask 15 00 @ 20 00 Malaga HP gal —7O ® 100 Port 250 ® 400 Claret 3 00 @- Guano $3 Der hundred lbs. 41 ‘ Cincinnati, April 20. The Anti-Siavery Convention continues in session. A resolution is now under considera tion declaring, among other things, that aboli tionists seek the true interest of the South, and that the pro-slavery men at the North are great enemies to Southern interests. Samuel Lewis, on introducing Garrison, and referring to the charges of infidelity against him, 9aid he him self is an infidel if pro-slavery men are to ex pound Christianity. He deemed the idea that men may be slaveholders and Christians more odious than any of the notions called infidelity in anti-slavery men. Washington, April 23. Solon Borland has been appointed Minister to Central America. Extension of the S. IV’ Railroad. —Several companies have concentrated their hands along the line of the extension of the S. W. Railroad from Oglethorpe to Americus. The grading has commenced in good earnest, and the work, ! we are informed, will be prosecuted to a speedy | completion. We congratulate the citizens of the interior of ! South Western Georgia upon their good fortune, notwithstanding the loss of the terminus to Ogle thorpe will be a serious, if not fatal blow to her former business operations.— Oglethorpe Demo crat. Excitement in Mexico— lmportant News.— ‘Ve gather the following important items, by a recent arrival from the Plains, from the New Orleans papers: Governor Lane of New Mexico has issued a proclamation claiming the valley of Mecilla, near El Paso, as a portion of the American ter ritory. Col. Bartlett having made a mistake in the survey’, called on Col. Mills to-support him in 1 the claim, who refused to do so. The Mexican authorities have sent several i hundred soldiers to repel all aggressions. The most intense excitement prevailed there in con- j sequence. Gov. Hebert, of Louisiana, is a prominent j candidate lor U. S. Senator, vice Mr. Soule. MARRIED. In Eufaula, Ala., on the sth inat., by the Rev W. 11. Mclntosh, Mr. A. L. Gaston to .Mias A/ary C. Sinqukfikld.&U of Eufaula, Alabama. In the Presbyterian Church, Cuthbert,on Sunday 17ih, by Rev J. H. Luther, Mr. J. J. Kiddoo to Mrs. Amanda C. Clarke, daughter of J. W. Wilson. SPECIAL NOTICES. Emporium, Said Mrs. Beau Monda to her dear : “If you’ll buy me a beautiful robe, I'll pour out your coffee so clear 1 And your steak shall be done ala mode:’ \ Said Mr. Beau Monde to his spouse: “This current bank bill you may take, Buy the beautiful robe tor our house, And then let me go—to the steak.” And so it happened that Mrs. 8., got a bill from her j husband —and a beautiful robe from J. M. RAUM, April 22—tw3t-w3t. No. 64 Broad-St. COLUMBUS GAS LIGHT COMPANY. The subscribers to the above Company are hereby noti fied that the second installment of Tweuty-live percent. I will be called in on the first May. By order of the Board, C. E. DEXTER, Sec’y. j Columbus, April 27—twtfm. .———————— GAS FIXTURES, THE subscribers haring engaged competent workmen, will be prepared to lit up Stores and Houses with pipes, burners, and all ! necessary Hpparatus for the use of Gas. This work will be war ranted, and done under the superintendence of the Engineer off the Columbus Gas Light company. VVHITTELSEY CO. According to the by-laws of the company, the houses and stores will be fitted up in tho order of their application. A Register Book is now ready at the store of Messrs. Whittel- ! sey it Cos. , C. E. DEXTER, Sec’ry. April 15—w&twtf Columbus Gas Light Con pnny. ICE, ICE, ICE! The Ice House is now open for the season. The price will be for all amounts less than fifty lbs., three cents per lb. Over fifty and less than two hundred, two and a half cents ; two hundred lbs. and over, two cents. Hours from 7# to 12# A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M., except Sun- j days, on which day the house will be open from 7# to 10, A. M. i only. Tickets can be had on application to Columbus, April 13—twtf W. J. CHAFFIN. LaGRANGE FEMALE COLLEGE The Mystic Sisters, composed of young ladies of the i above Institution, will hold their Anniversary in the new j Chapel, commencing at 7i o’clock, on the second of'May ! next. It will consist of 8 Fair, Tableau Exhibition, a | splendid Supper, tyc. The young ladies of this society, stimulated by a desire to be useful, organized this society wo years ago, since which time their meetings have been j weekly, and they have worked with the needle every Sat- i urday from morning till night, the avails of which are now ! for exhibition and sale. The proceeds of this Fair will be appropriated to benevo lent purposes. The public areeamestlly socited to attend- ; Come one ! Come all ! ! The 11th Rule will be suspended on tho occasion. By order of the Sisters. ‘ March 26-w&twtmayl always gives us pleasure to notice any article that confers a real benefit on the community, and it is with con fidence we heartily commend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to our readers as possessing extraordinary virtues for the cure of diseases incident to the Throat and Lungs. This may ; account for our frequent reference to this article which we feel fully justified in making known to the public,— N.Y. Tribune. GUANO. I STILL HAVE ON HAND SOME FORTY OR FIFTY TONS OF GUANO, AT GREENWOOD S WAREHOUSE. The season is fast advancing when it should be applied. Those wishing profitable investments, would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining it. Ex perience has proven that it adds about one half to the pro duct. After the corn is up, many think it as good a time to apply it as before. See tha Soil of the South. March 25-w & twtf J. R- JONES. LABORERS WANTED. ONE DOLLAR PER DAY, Will be paid for good White laborers, or stout negro fellow?, r.t the Water Works in this city. Columbus, April 15—wAtwim - the ‘soiToTtheloltii, FOR 1852, ; Containing Peabooy’s method of cultivating his cele j Crated Strawberry . beautifully illustrated, and much I ether valuable Agricultural and Horticultural infor roation ; for tale at the office of the Times £ Sentinel, ! Columbus, Georgia. Unbound Volume •} “J Bound Voiume..• • • • • • 1 Columbus, March 2,1b53. w&twtt Laths! Latlis !! Laths!!! I have for sale 30,900 Lath?, which l will deliver in any part or AKll'&SlfwK rUIOa!MMl ’ o. S. IIOM.A-VP. Self-Heating Smoothing Irons. A GOOD supply oi the above useful articles on band, and for sale by HALL & Musts, t Columbus, April 23—twTra tl WILL commence the making of season, on Monday, the 2d day of May next. In addition to the two rooms formerly used, I have fitted up a commodious “ARBOR,” which will be lighted up in good style, everv night, for the benefit of those who may call on Your humble servant, JOHN B. STRUPPER, 136 Broad Street. The Saloons will be opened on Sunday eveniDgs from sto 11 o’clock. April 27—tw3t “DECIDEDLY COOL!” 1 G STRUPPER’S ja. H ICE CREAM SALOON! W M ill be open to the public t Ins day. Lovers of || STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM, Si Will make their arrangements accordingly. dZTSs L G. STRUPPER, Columbus, April 20—tw6t Randolph street. The American Missionary Memorial. DF.ING an account of the origin of American Foreign Mieeioini; the ordination of the first Amer- Matonwles, am i Biographical Sketches of many Pioneer Missionaries, by Clergymen ofvari denominations in the country, with 33 fine wood-cut Portraits and other Illustrations, and” 25 sac similes from the letters of Missionaries in various parts of the world. 7h© whole comprising a Book of exceeding interest and value as a manual of missionary information. Price. 92 00. For sa.e by t,. p. WILLCOX. April 27—twtt RUSHING THEM OFF ! RF.CF.TVED this day, 50pieces cheap Jaconet Aluslins , fast colors, which wo aro rushing oil'at 75 cents a Drkso of eight yard*. J. M. P.AUM, April 22—tw3t-w3t. 61 Broad-Street, j IRISH LIN EXB, bleached aDd unbleached Homespuns, brown ■ Linens, Striped Drillings, Tickings and Cottonades, 20 per cent. Jess than they are sold for in this market. . „ „ J. M. RAUM, April 22—tw3t-w3t. pi Broad-Street. IriRENCH, English and American PRINTS—new styles—juat opened at J. >l. ItAUM’S April 22—tw3t-w3t. 64 Broad-Street. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. j.TlTkyle, A RE now prepared to exhibit to the public, the largest, most -Tjl varied, and best SELECTED 5 TOOK of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, ever opened in Calurabus; embracing every style of new and fashionable goods in their line. Also, anew and direct importation of IRISH LINENS, SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, Ac., Sc. Also, a complete stock of HATS AND SHOES, including 5000 pair Negro Shoes, of a superior quality. Columbuts, April 13—2mw&twlm PRINTEDJffIUSLINS. SUMMER SILKS. HER AGES AND GRENADINES. \ very largo assortment just received bv FA. BROKAW, CLEMONS & CO. < Columbus*, march 26-tw . NE W Yi OODSI The subscriber has in Store a large stock of AND FANCY DU Y 0-00 DS I which are offered for sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. Purchasers for Cash will find it to their advantage to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus, April 2—tw C. MYGATT. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Just received an assortment of kink MOURNING DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OF Black Grenadine SILKS ; Lupin’s BERAGES : Plain and fig’d. French JAOONETTS ; French PRINTS; Canton GAUZES ; TISSUES, TAFFETA Lusture Crop de Paris, Satimdu Cirine, India ummer SILKS; Challeys and Satin La Reine. BROKAW,CLEMONS & CO. Columbus, march 26-twif ; 1853. SPRING GOODS, 1853. WILLIAM 11. KNOEPFEL, 99 William Street, New York. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, IX FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH ANI), DOMESTIC GOODS. For Tailors and Clothiers, have received by late arrivals, a large and w'ell selected stock in German, English and French Cloths, of all grades and styles. Mohair Coatings, Drap D'Ete, Queen's Cloth, Alpacca and Worsted Coatings, Cashmerette. Mixed and Clouded Zephyr Cloth, plain and twilled. Fancy French and Barnsley Drills. Brown and Yeliow Linens, Fancy Plaid and Figured Mar seilles ; White and Buff Figured Marseilles; Drab Silk and Linen Coatings, together with an extensive assortment of TRIMMINGS, and other Goods, suitable for the CLOTHING TRADE, g 2 the most favorable terms. Particular cash or short-time buyers, and all who study thei interests, will call and examine his stock, before purchasing else vrbere. New York, January 22— 4wly W. D. FORD DEALER IK CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Pickles, Preserves, Fruits, Confectionaries, Segars also. Fish, Oysters and Ice when in season. Waldbcro’s Building, Jyfkehson stkcict. Savannah, Gx February 9, 1853. tw6m NOTICE. rTMIE Partnership between CALAOUN & CODE having been X dissolved by mutual conseat, the subscriber will settle the business of tue firm, and continue the business at the same old stand. A. CALHOUN. April £2, 1853—t3t. JUST Received, a lot of Fine FANS. Also, Embroiderv Silk, by [April 22.] WHITTLESEY & Cos. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. THE undersigned respectfully informs his former friends and pupils, amTihe public generally, that he has returned to this 1 city where he proposes to esii'diah himselfdn his profession as a Teaher of Music. He is now prepared to take a limited numbei of pupils on the Piano Forte and in Vocal Music, to whom his regular and undivided attention will be tfiveo. left at the Music Store of Whii.elsey & Cos. will re ceive prompt attention. .fprtl 23,1831—wfcl*tf RUSSEL E.HARRIS SMITH AND BROTHER, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC PRODUCE AND PEOTISI'OSS, OF ALL KINDS, N'o. 209 Duane street. New York. | Solicit Southern orders for the same; who will pack and ahip > iu the beat manner, and sell at the lowest cash price. ! 1 S. B. SMITH, York Jan. 29, 1333.-5w3.n L F. SMITH. T. J. COLQUITT, attorney at la w Buena Viata, Oa., TI r [ | L practice in the Courts of arion and StewarttheChat- VY tuhooehee Circuit—an dacon, Lee and Sumpter, of the bU ß*a*J™—Hon!'W. T. CotgriTT Columbus, Ca. tulyls—tf MCI U) DUS AGENCY mi mi hid mam m mu. 102, BROAD STREET. HAVE just received and offer ibr sale, a good variety of Staple and Fancy Station* ery, Domestic and Foreign Writing Papers. Foreigu Writing Papers.— De la Hue’s, Joynscn’s, the celebrated Victoria Mills, and the best French maauiac tured Packet, Letter, Cap, Bath and Note. American Papers.—Blue and White, Laid and Wove, Foolscap, Packet Post, Commercial Cost, Letter, Bath Post, Bill and Commercial Note Papers —Manufactured by Owen 6c Hurlburt, Planner & Smitn; also, various kinds of our own manufacture, including Flat Cap and Mediums. Biue, Cream Laid, Wove, Damask, Mourning, Adhesive, White and BiutF Government and Plain Envelopes of all sizes. Pens of every description both Gold and Steel, also Quiil Pen Nibs. Ink Stands of bronze and silver plated tape, colored and plain glass. OCrOur arrangements are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to buyers, and a libe ral discount made to cash purchasers. Initials stamped on Paper or Envelopes. April 27, 1853—w&twtf. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Look! SIX NEGRO MEN FOR SALE. Apply to SAMUEL M. CARTER! or ROBERT E. DIXON. Columbus, Ga. March 2—twtf. A young gentleman, educated at Oglethorpe University, j and who lias had a short acquaintance with business, do- I sires a situation as clerk or agent in some active employ- j ment; or should he not succeed in this, will accept a place ; as teacher in some private family in the country. Address, Rev. S. J. CASSELS, April 23—2 w Savannah, Georgia. PIANOS TOWED AND REPAIRED. .-vnpSja THE undersigned have engaged the services of P- O. RAMM. Tuner and Piano Maker, lately from E rarci8 ’ Celebrated Establishment in Paris. J ** “ 1/ * Mr. R. is probably the best in his profession in the Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to all orders in the above line, and will be responsible lor ail work done by our workmen. Orders addressed to Whittklsky & Cos., or Truax & Pease, will meet with prompt attention, WHITTELSEY fc Cos. 1 Columbus, April 22, 1853. TRUAX &: PEASE. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOE S ALE . I will sell my Plantation, situated In Russell County, Ala., 18 miles west of Columbus, on Uchee Creek, containing twenty-two hundred Acres—seven hundred cleared, with allnecessa ry improvements. Also, my House and Lot, in Wyniiton, containing twenty acres, and one of the most desirable residences, and among the best improved places in or near Columbus. April 22. JOHN VV. HURT. HOME MADE ATTRACTIVE! FURNITURE r*FURNITURE!! AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, One door below Hall and Moses. PERSONS in want .of furniture, can here bo <■■■■■ jjfc’ supplied with every quality of Parlor , Sitting. yH JjL Dining and Bed Room furniture ; made of fancy and durable woods, at New York prices : * * ‘ got up (with the exception of what is made in Columbus) un der snecial supervision of one of the partners at their manufacto ry in New York city. ’ The following named are a part of the articles in their exten sive ttock Divans, Sofas, Ottomans, Tete a Damask and Lacc Window Tetes, all sizes ; Curtains, in the piece or made Marble top Tables, all kinds : to order : Folding Tables, Walnut and Window Shades, Carpeting, Mahogany ; EnaineMed furniture in sets, Work Tables, Extension do for Bed Rooms, a beautiful Bureaus of all kinds am prices; article; Mahogany & Spring seat chairs; Portrait and Picture Frames of Cane and JPpiit do do Mahogany or Gilt, made to of all kinds, and good articles; order; Work stands, Wash stands, | Window Curtain Trimmings and Mu sic stands. j in great variety. Paper Hangings and Wall papering, of all kinds. All articles not found in their stock will befurnished to order, with dispatch. Columbus, Jan. 21—tw3m Good Bargains . CHEAP Xfs, figs, AND S! r subscriber having entered into the hotel business, which I proc ises to pay better than HATS and SHOES, and which will require pretty much all of his time, he therefore proposes to wind up the HAT AND SHOE BUSINESS, i:i short order. Those in need ot such articles will do well to call soon, if they do not wish to lose all of the good bargains. D. A. GARRETT. N. B. —No goods delivered until the money is paid. Columbus, Ga. march 23—twtf Genin’s Hats. A FEW cases Gknin’s a no. one Hats — Spring sivles. Just received and for sale by March 30—tw J. 11. MERRY. On Consignment. rjr\ 5n Hds. New Orleans Sugar. Qd.bfc! 50 BbJs. “ *• u lafeaa*/ 30 Casks Sides. 5 84 Shoulders. All of which wiil he sold low for Cash. Cali and examine them. C. S. HARRISON & CO. Columbus, April B—twtf NEW BACON. WE have purchased 450 Ilhds. of good Cin- QgEas cinnati cured Bacon Sides, a p \rt of which arrived, and for sale at a low price. ImaU We will sell, to be delivered on the river, if engaged before it arrives. GREENWOOD & C. Columbus, Feb. 25—2raw&tw Printing Presses For Sale. fTVWO large and very superior Washington Printing Presses, A with 29 by 44 beds, will be sold low for cash, or on time it preferred by the purchaser. Warranted as good as new. Apply to LOMAX ts. ELLIS. Columbus, Ga. February 4—tw&wtf HYDRAULICS. HYDRAULIC RAMS, FOUNTAINS, AND AQUEDUCTS, ON IMPROVED FLANS, FITTED UF WITH DISF ATCH, AND DURABILITY WARRANTED. BY A. McQUEEN, March 16—tw6w* Oglethorpe House, Columbus. RETURNED. C T. CUSHMAN, D. D. S. HAS returned from New York, where he critically inspected, in a-* - various Dental Laboratories, some of thebe3t woik that can be done, and availed himself of addi tional means to execute the same stvles with dispatch. Also, to operate on the teeth, with his usual care and finish. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. No. 69 Broad Street. Columbus. January. 7—twtf w. F. LEE, D. D. S. UE§pPj% dental surgeon. Office ou Broad street, over Mygatt‘s store. Columbus. Oct 29—ts ge*zm>. DENTAL NOTICE. DR. O. P. LAIRD HA3 returned, and resumed his profeessioal duties. Office next door to Mu!ford’s, up stairs. Columbus, Nov 13—twtim. NOTICE. MR. WM. H. GRACE, is the authorized Collector for the Columbus Guards, and all monies due the Company, must b paid to him, until further orders. N®v 24 ft. ALLSTON, Bact’j. Blank Cards in packs, of the best uuaiities. Waterman's and American Drawing Paper of all sizes. Waters and ! Sealing Wax, red, black, assorted colors and fancy. Ladies’ Reticules and Satchels of new styles, Port Fo lios, Port Monnaies, Quills, fancy ptmei Weights, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper, Lead Pencils ot Faber, Rhoades, and other make, Backgammon and Bristol Boards, Writing Inks, Banker’s Cast 7 *, Aruoldo’sgenuine Copying Ink, glass Ink Stands, India Rubber and Green’s Patent Ink Eraser, Pocket Knives of Wostenholm’s, Rodgers’and Crooke’s manufacture. Blank Books made and ruled to order ; also on hand and constantly making, Printing and , Wrapping papers of all the various kinds. BOOKS! BOOKS!! JUST RECEIVED BV A C. FLEWELLEN & CO. CALHOUN’S works; |MaundePs Bio graphical Dictionary; lngersoll’s History of the late war; Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Second part —My Novel; by Bulwer. Cecilia ; by Miss Burney. Beckmau’s History of Inventions. Taylor’s Holy Living and Dyiug. Michelet's French Revolution. Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. Miller’s Philosophy ot History. Lamartine’s History of The Girondists, Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d. Rabelai’s Works. Bacon's Essays and Historical Works. Schle2er’s Philosophy of Lite. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life. Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religion. Schiller’s Revolt of the Netherlands. Neander’s History of the plauting ot Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Great Metropolis. Morell’s Philosophy of Religion. Machftvelh’s History of Florence and other Works. Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo De Medici. Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature. Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, lphigenia, Egmont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by tho author ot Lewis Arundel. The Rifle Rangers. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewie Arundel. Home Influence; Days of Bruce; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Ilayne and Webster’s Speeches. Walde Warren; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence,by Emerson Bennett. A Lite of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. The Flying Artillerist; a tale of Mexican Treachery, by Harrv Hazel. Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy ; The Free Booter. The History of Pendennis. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’Calendar, or the Fatal Boots; by Thackeray. Katie Stewart; a true story from Blackwood’s Magazine David Copperfield. The Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and Ins Merry Men. Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan Quintin Matsvs, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Hester Somerset, a novel by N ****** M***** The adventures of Captain lllake ; by Maxwell. Craigalian Castle, or The Stolen Will; by Mrs. Gore. Lora Saxondale.or Life among the London Aristocracy. Captain Kyd, or Tho Wizard of the Sea. Heads and Hearts, or My Brother, the Colonel. Stanfield Haii. Yankee Jack, or the Perils of a Privateersman. Minnie Gray, or The Ancestral Curse. Amy Lawrence, or The Freemason’s Daughter. Stories of Waterloo ; by W. H. Maxwell. The Bivouac, or The Rival Suitors; by Maxwell. Harry Burnham, the Young Continental. Columbus, March 9—twly SELLING OFF SHEET MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. THE undersigned desiring to reduce their extensive stock of Sheet Music, will sell at three cents per page, (or half the usual price) a large share of their present stock. Among which may be found many of the new and popular pieces ot the day. This is an opportunity not. to be neglected by Teachers and Schools, to lay in a supply. In this lot will be found most of the desirable Music every day ordered. Also, a large stock of Instruction Books for the PIANO FORTE, which will be sold at less than cost. Among the Sheet Music are the following pieces, arranged by C. ItEPS, viz.: Dancing Feather Waltz ; Bombardment of Vera Cruz ; Elbert Waltzes; StoneJMountain,Q.S La Sultana Waltz; Columbus Guards, Q. S. Gibraltar Waltz ; Hyacinth Gallop; Alpine Horu, Q. S. } Gallopade Polka. also—A large variety of Songs, Waltzes, Pollen*, Marche* and Quick steps, bv celebrated authors. Sates of this lot to be strictly Cash . Just received, a large lot of NEW MUSIC, whlchjwill be sold at the usual price. Call and examine. Orders with money enclosed will be filled and forwarded to any part of the country by mail. WHITTELSEY St CO. Columbus, Ga., March 9—twtf ANOTHER MUSIC STORE. WILLCOX & CARTER, NO. 92, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., ARE now receiving, and will keep constantly on hand, SHEET MUSIC, PIANO FORTES, GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCORD EONS, BANJOS, TAMBORINES, FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FIFES, &C. Strings for the VIOLIN AND GUITAR. ALSO Instruction Books for the above instrument*. Also, Exercises for the cultivation of the Voice. Orders are solicited from Teachers and others, p. F. WILLCOX. WM. B. CARTER. N. B. Mr. Cartzr will attend to Tuning and P.epaiiing Pianos as heretofore. Columbus, April 15—w&twtf HOOKS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. Castle Avon, by the author of “Ravensciitle.” ‘‘The Two old Men’s Tales.” Villette, by Currer Bell; author of “Jane uueSpaewife, or the Queen’s Secret. A story of the reign of Elizabeth, by Paul Peppergrass, Esq., author of “Snandy McGuire.” Beatrice,by Catharine Siucl nr, author of ‘Jane Bouveno. The Three Pirates, by Harry Hazel, author of “Yankee Jack.” My Scrapes and Escape or Tite Adventures oi a Stu* dent “; bv one of the Faculty. The Two Merchants, by T. S. Arthur. The Emigrant Squire, by P. Hamilton Myers, author ol Bell Brandon. Columbus, March 30. New Sheet Nusic. THE subscribers have this day received a large assortment of Sheet Music; among which are many new and popular pieces never before offered in this market. The ladies In parti* cul irare invited to call and examine our stock. TRUAA’ A PEASE, Columbus, March 2—tw 106 Broad atrert.