The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, July 09, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] Caitsi 3rct*Uigfuct. * [From the Mobile Tnbur, * 6lh inst.] Arrival of the lllack Warrior. The Bt<*a mship Black Warrior, R. W. Shuleidf, U. S. N., Commander, arrived atlhU port on Sun day morning* havin'? left New York on the 25ih ult. at noon and Havana on the Ist inst. at 6 a. m. Don Julian Zulucta, the owner of the Lady Suf folk, had been imprisoned in the Moro, but was sub sequently 1 bented and has gone to Spain in corn pany with a Mr. Barrow, wiih the imeniion of bringing an action against the Captain General lor imprisoning him. lie is one of tae wealthiest men in Cuba and known to be extensively engaged in the slave trade The bark Jasper had recently landed 680 slaves on the south side of the island. It is estimated I that 6000 slaves had been landed on the Inland of , Cuba during the past four weeks. The Span sh ship Brdla Gailega arrived at Hav. ana on the 98th fiom China, with 700 Coolies on board. Four had died on the passage. The Spanish mail steamer Fernando el Catolico arrived at Havana on the evening of the 30th ult., from Cadiz—raving in tow a small man of war steamer destined for the coast service. By this ar- j rival the interesting situation of Queen Isabel 11. is j confirmed. I The Spanish squadron stationed af Havana, con- ! sistin j of some six or eight vessels, was manoeuver* ingoffthe Moro and had been so employed for ▲several days. The Gaceta is extremely severe on the observa tions, relating to the slave trade of Cuba, made in > the House of Lords by the Earl of Carlisle. It ! says: “They cast dishonorable imputations on the : Captain General, Cauedoand hts predecessors, men j as honorable as any Carlis es and Clarendons or any Lords of England; that the repetition of such ridiculous srenes, would certainly aiterate the good j harmony of the two governments, aDd England i would perhaps feel it the moie bitterly.” From the Diario dels Habana we gel the follow ing in regard to the markets. Sugar. —The transactions had not been active, : bui prices were unchanged. White, inferior to j regular 7saßJ, do good superior 8£ a 9. do floretes ; 9fa9i. Exported since Ist January, 418,335 box- : es; do. molasses 27,101 hhds. Coffee. —There had been no sales for export and ; o ily a few parcels taken loi consumption at 7saßf. Exported since the Ist of Januaiy, 99,714 arrobas , Segars. —The market was animaed :.t good prices. Exported since Ist of January, HO, 623 M. . . . t I Tolaco. —There was no animation m fne mar ket. ‘l iie exports since the Ist January are put I %wn at 1,149,209 las. Freights. —To ports on the Baltic £3 3 5 ; En gland £3a3 10: Mediterranean £3a3 5; United States ports sl. 50 per case of sugar. Exchange, —Sixty day bills on London 10al0| prem.; Baris 242 J discount ; New \ oik j ,ds.; Boston liilidis. ; New Orleans A dis. ; Mexican dollars 24a3 prem. Inwraii'-e. —To ports in Mexico and Guatemala lja2i ; United States 2a2± ; Mediterranean 3a34. Louisiana Items. The Jackson Mirror, of the 3Jth ult., says: j “All above, and around, and beneath, us, has j turned to nearly a white heat. The corn is ruined. ■ Good judges are of opinion that the corn crop in this and the adjoining parishes will not average more than three or five barrels to the acre, if it w ill do that. Thousands of acres will not more than pay i for harvesting, and hundreds will not be harvested at all. The couon is not vet ruined, but much of it j wilts with the rising sun, and stands all day as it it is destined to be small, unless we have heavy rains soon.” Tiie friends of temperance in D.-Soto parish are j making a movement again to take the vote of the ; people on the anti-license question. The citizens of Rapides parish are making ar rangements to establish a bank at Alexandria, uu der the free-banking law. Several of the gentlemen who a few weeks since left DeSuto parish for the Texas cold mines, have returned home. They did not realize a tortune on their expedition, and say that “all is not guld that gutters.” Things in) Mississippi. The Hinds county Gazette, speaking of the sanitary condition of portions of the State in the interior, says: “While that dire calamity, the small pox, prevails to some extent, in a number of counties to the North, it is useless to attempt tc conceal the fact, thatan extraordinary amount of sickness has prevailed in this vicinity for a month ortwo past,with an unusually large number of deaths, among both children and adults. No particular disease, however, has prevailed in this locality, unless it be the dysentery, running into flux—which has proved quite fatal; and we do not know that we can say that there is any change for the better.” The Yazoo Democrat, of June 29th, in speak ing of the weather and crops, says : “The weather continues dry—for several miles around the city there has not been rain enough for near ly two months to completely lay the dust. In portions of this and Holmes county there has been abundance of rain. We h ave heardi ol some plantations, on one portion of which plenty ot rain has fallen, while on the other there has been none. The corn crop must he short, 1 several vadey planters having told us that they me. not make ten bushels to the acre. Cotton continues backward.” The Columbus Argus of June 23.1. remarks : “Copious showers of rain have fallen in this re gion during the past three days, making all kinds oi vegetables look once more flourishing. j'{, e rains, however, come too late’to do early corn and garden vegetables much good, as most of these died before the rain fell.’’ Three slaves, the property of Wm. T. ” inston, of Hanover, Va., were killed by bMr nmg on Friday last. * * e ~C sr ~t ii . and Mr. Jledarv wih de- aDd taktib; editor,ai “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” Serious Difficulty. —A rencontre took place in this city last Tuesday, between two brothers, named Sweet and a Mr. Rodifer. It seems one 1 of the Sweets and Rodifer had a list fight in the cars going to Moutevallo, the day before* Tues day morning, the Sweets went round to the boarding house of Rodifer, and called him out. One of them struck him, and whilst lie and Rod ifer were engaged in a fight, the other brother stabbed him with a sharp instrument, supposed to be a saddler’s awl. Whilst Rodifer turned to assaii him, the one who attacked him first | drew a pistol and shot him. These are the facts jas we have learned them. ’The one that stab bed Rodifer has been apprehended, and sent to jail, the other has made his escape. It is suppo sed Rodifer will not live. They all recently moved here. Our city has heretofore been no ted for quiet and good order, but with the large influx of strangers amongst us, we cannot look hereafter for such “piping times of peace.” [Selma Reporter. Strange Adventure. —Mr. Red blossom drank more than his usual allowance of hot rum and sugar, one cold night, the consequence of which was, he gave his wife a rather confused account of his conduct, on his return home. “Mr. Smith’s grocery store invited me to go and drink, cousin Sam—and you see, the weather was dry—and I was very sloppy—so l said I didn't mind punching one drink—and’s queer how my head went into the punch though ! The way home j was so dizzy that 1 slipped upon a little dog— the comer of the street bit me—and an old gen- j tlernan with cropped ears and a brass collar on his neck said he belonged to the dog—and I was —you understand—ic—that is, I don’t know nothing more about it!” Rights of Colored Persons. —We learn from , the New York papers that in the case of James j P. Garrett, a colored man, who applied for a man- j damus, compelling the College of Physicians ! and Surgeons to admit him to the lectures of! that institution, the court has decided that it is one in which it has no jurisdiction ; that the admission or exclusion of persons rests with the trustees of the college; and if any appeal be made, it must be to the regents of the Uni versit}'. H will be remembered that the trus tees had previously refused to admit him. Highway Robbery . —We were informed yes terday that a day or two since a gentleman while quietly strolling on the Hav road, was set upon by robbers in broad daylight, knocked down and his pockets rifled of a watch and 6>oo in money. The moral world is sadly out of joint, and unless our police is more vigilant we fear we shall be classed as low in the scale as some of our northern cities. —Mobile Tribune, i Cholera. —The Hoard of Health ot’ Alexandria, Va., report that the cholera, of which there have been seventy-three cases since the 11th or May, has gradually disappeared, and that Alexandria was never more free from disease than it is at present. OO™ Oie Hub has prohibited the sale of spir ituous liquors at his colony in Pennsylvania. Commercial. . Charleston, July 5. Sales of Cotton to-day amount to 750 bales at from i 8 3-4 to 11 cents. Market firm and prices full. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORBKCTEY> TKI-WEKKLY BY J. K. RKll> iMi Oft. j BAGGlNG— Keutcky W yardA p 16 j India 1 * ® to ROPE V it; •* i id BACON—llams P U>: 13 14 bides Ibj I'* Or H Shoulders lb <Si M PORK—Nett BUTTER ¥” lb: Ed ® JO CHEESE Vlb; CASTINGS lb f S * COFFEE—Rio lb; u \'f% ; Java 4* lbi Ist fti lo i CANDLES —Sperm ¥“lb 30 (ai Wax V lb. -- t*o j Star 1? lb JO m Tallow P\b 18 & -.0 FEATHERS %Mb. 404 o FlSH—Mackerel No 1 V bbl M <K> >& lb 00 MackerelNo.2 p bbl Li ft- •lackt-rel No. 3 ¥’ bbl H •**’ 0 M) Shad bbl 1’ 04i (<i. Herrintr box lOn - FLOUR—Western ‘F’ bbl f ‘t’ (ft =“< Canal 3* bbl 7 SO (ft <*’ Citv Pbbi ouo 750 i FODDER...! 1 25 A 140 ■ GRAIN —Com W bushel 85 (ft. Wheat W budo-l 1 IK) {f. 1 *25 I Oat? 4 s ” bushel 50 G LAS-S Sp box 225 t' : - TOO GUNPuW ER fkeg 500 050 HIDES T’if’ 8 0 IRON—Swedes English y & 4.V ■> ; LARD..... 39 fb I -■* (4. If ! LEAD 4? lb 0 Cft. 1 j LIME t-’ bbl 350 est 4< o I MOLASSES f* trallftt) 3*.? ?- 40 V \ILS 1?’ ft 6 @ OlL—Lamp W gallon 15” (ft 2 w Linseed -:.llftn luo & ow ’ Train 75 PAINTS p liesr ~00 & 275 PEAS fF bushel @ RICE f 5 * 1 •> <h ov SYRUP — Lemon .pertrailer 1 25 <g.-. Raspherrv 3P- <U ‘/ ot* ‘c * SALT P sse.fc <! 15” gtlOT <p’ Ult’ <■ 225 . SOAP iC * STEEL —Cast f■ 2u ft German V* ft 15 fti Ameri.'an 1? ft, iO s> SUGAR—St.Oftix ft. New-Oriear.s p !f> 7 v * ; id Loaf, r-lined 4* ‘4>. 12 (i ‘-% • Him:. Tit- - -ft o SPIRITS Brandy,Cog ¥ gal i <*o 4<< A merican 40 <g/ 1 i0 Peach 4_*al 1 I*o ,<?- 102 - Apple, iptrn! 60 (5 75 RUM Jamaica 2 *0 3 s* Now England *Pva; b> a} WHISKEY—Irish. ‘P4 <* @ Monongshela Fgal 1"” <4- 2t- Western ftal 30 (ft, to GIN Holland 150 © Do - 4^gal 10 5” TALI tUV.. •f tb 10 mj VINEGAR— Sly. & 50 WlNES—Madeira, ’ -Jo yj* 4 (K* Sherrv .y gal 150 3 o*3 Cham pat'o£ Cask 15 Ou 2*3 00 Mala A. W gal Port ”... . 250 1> 400 Claret... 3 >3O & S3 pe: h uoired 1 bs. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY !, 1853. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. NOTES AND EMENDATIONS to -uin TEXT OF SHAKSPEARC’S FLAYS. By Jno. Payne Collier, F. S. A. “It i-* not for a moment to be doubted, we think, that in I this volume a contribution ha£ been made t<> the clr-arue.-s i and accuracy of Shaks;>eare*s text,by far the most •run r ! tant of any offered or attempted since Shakspeare lived ami i wrote.”— London Examiner. “This is without doubt, the most interesting, if not the most important contribution to Shakspearcau ‘it -yamre : which has been made since the discovery of the unique! qursrto Hamlet of 1603.’’ —Courier and Enquir> r. | “Commends ilseli to the common sense <*u /* ; ry re ulei ” Journal of Coinmercr. | Lately received and for sale by | Junc22-tw D. F. WILLCOX. THE CAMEL HUNT. A V \URATIVE OF PERSONAL ADVENTURE, j SECOND EDITION\ “Wo are glad to see anew edition of this very readabie book, by the author of “Life oh the Ltiimus.” It i; ; writ ten with spirit and hi a semi-mirthful maimer.’' — Newark . ! Advertiser. ; “ This is quite, an eiitortaiiiiin; volume, full of the humor- j j ous and ridiculous. It will afford pleasant reading for an ■ kiie liour.”— Boston Post Juno 22—tw For sale by L). F. WILLU-OX. VALUABLE BOOX. T’RK LAWS OP LIFE. WITH SPECIAL KItPKR-j I EVCE TO THE PHY.SD \l. LD! CATION *l GIRLS.- ! , By Klizubedr Blackwell, 51. I>. Anew supply of this popular book just received and lor sale i by [JeIS twtl j J. W. PEASE. Dissolution. Copartnership lierototore existing between Ihe under- ; I. signed under the name o!‘ A. C. FLEWJEI/LUN C’O., l is :iis dav dissolved by mutual consent. .¥ay 2, Ifis:s. A. ('. FLEW ELLEN, J. T. C OLEMAN. fne undersigned the busine?'* heretofore eotaieefed by A. O. Flewellen & Jo., and persons indebted .to the said firm will nleae make pavnient to A. C. FLEWELLEN. Columbus, Ga„ April 30—fwtf BOOKS,B BOK S! JUST EECIMVEP BV A. G. FLEWELLEN. 1001 Songs. Soon's CommonfaiT. Mate's M ( ’ omprehensive Encyclopaedia Ametimma. Trontine on Railroad curve:-. Owen on Forgiveness. Venn’s Duty of’ Man. Sehlegel’s miscellaneous wot hr. Horse Sh<~e Robinson. A Han’s Ritual of Masonry. Lockhart's Lite of Se-tt. The Recruit. M otherwel I’s Foen is. Uiythedale Romance. Twice, told tales. tthurr-tCteristii's of Wiinvi. I Mauuders Tieasury. < M acau I y’s speeches. Men of the times. < ienius Scotland. in ick of the woods. i Swallow Barn. Rerangers Lyrics. Everett's Speeche.-?. Carlyle’s Miseellancy. Taylor’s Holy laving nnd Dying, farlylesLatter Day i'aniphlets. Pastoral Theology. Olin’s Sermons. Louis 17th. The history of the Royal Dauphin. Ticknor’s Spanish Literature. Buiwer’s Athens. Prescott’s Miscellanies. Sparks’ American Biography. Homes and Haunts of British Poets. How to Observe. Raphael. Buiwer’s Schiller. Crabbe’s Synonvvnes. Agnes Strickland’s Queens oi Scotland. Harper’s new miscellany. Harper’s I auiily Library, ltifi volumes. Harper's Magazine, bound i~* VV* * in. Lossings Field Book of the ItGD ! ,utiou. Ceeiiia; by Miss Burney. Beckman’s History of Inventions. Michelet’s French Revolution. Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. Millers Philosophy of History. Lamartine’s History of The (Girondists, Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles ’id. llabelai’s Works. Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. Schlegers Philosophy of Lite. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Lite. Robert Halt’s Miscellaneous Works, i Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Keligi* Schiller’s Revolt of the Netherlands. Neander’s History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad : by Cox. Memories of the Great Metropolis. Morell’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelli’s History of Florence and other Works. Roseoe’s Lite of Lorenzo De Medici. Bchlegel’s Dramatic Literature. Roseoe’s Life of Leo the Xth. (.Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenla, Egaiont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family: by the author oi Lewis Arundel. The Ride Rangers. The Marning Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Inviuenee: Days of Bruce; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes ana Heart Studies; by (Grace Aguilar. Hayne and Webster's Speeches. Walde Warren; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence, by Emerson Bennett. A Lite of Vicissitude; by(G. P. R. James. The Flying Artillerist; a talent Mexican Treaeherv, by- Ha rrv Hazel Rochester, or th. mem <j: vs of England. Gilderoy: The Free Hooter. Tito History of Pendennis. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’ Calendar, •■r th<- 1 nai Boots : by Thackeray. Katie Stew art: a true story ironi Blackwood’s Magazine Da\ id Coppertieid. The Swamp Steed, or Tl:c Days of Marion and ids Merry Men. Fair Rosamond. .*r The Que<’ ns Victim; by Pierce Quintin Maisys, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Columbus, M, v 21—twlv To liie Masonii* I'raternitv ! r jMdC -’Ahiman Rezon,” or lio- k of Constitutions oi hie L (Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Caro lina. Especially recommended to the Fraternity by the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and (Georgia. Just tvceiw J bv M-v 21— A. C. FLEW ELL F. V. Tile Cherokee Springs. < — * OPENS ilie 17tli •n'Jncv. under the niatta*eiej of Col. MURRAY and LA MY. The waters arc CHALYBEATE, WHITE SULPHUR, L 1 M E AA D FREEST ON E. I have bum- ron? cerdficates of the ? .r efficacy and cures, in many diseases. The Kev. Prof. VfcXNS, ■.■! t’nor; Oonegv, is nuw pariinr au analysis. Th .* waters arc I'.it itu %ud cou?, the tiluai oil ruiuan'Jcaiid beautiful. 1 i*cv are o illy three-tourtfcs of a *ro:i tbe rdatforirr (Used 1 elector Catoosa.. ou the State Roj>., between .h- runnel aini Ringgold. inconstant auendacc.. 3. G PFNISTON. j Kinpgvid. Gi.,Juat: I— tws;lev LEG AL NOTICES, Early Sheriffs Sale. • VY^ILI. b<;ld ■ m. tie■*!>’ ru.--.1-i;. s< G;h-t i l?lnl<- j ‘ ‘ L-y, Early c>uaiy. before the court b ’.i-m- door vaiim Un lawful h..urs. the udlewinsr projH_rty. to w It : : Lot of Laud number - 257 -1 .vu lumdr, .i and G:':y-.-even, in th j 13th district t i aid county. levied on :e? she property <’ WHlium A. Beck, surviving co-p; rttier of 1. li. C irrington i. *o , t t! .;. | isiyatilain laver ot ii.r.eiJobns'jii-i. Ilueuiert. i>> dated o;1 by Plaintiff. June 25—v. Ids .TOII VWU Vs, Sheriff. (tEI)R(tL\, ) CorftT OK OrT)!N4HY. Mancogec coautj-, v April Term, 1-53. UULK XI si. \\' r li::r. ft \S, Wm.x. \ Ison, it.liuiiiisrrator !• b non on i tt the estate t Johu Livgin. decc;—-<l, h-ivimr applied iV.r ; letlersoidismi-s'siou from said •.•dmu'.isiration : DU (.ro-ivi, : lat j i hi, penrons couennted sb.-r cause, if any they have, why said i administrator should not be dismissed at tin* rvmr: ofOrdihary to - i be held ia and for said county on the lirst Monday in N v ember , next. A true transcript from themiuntesof said ouuri, April 4, D53. < o! ambus, April 12—w*>m JNO. JOHNS* *N, Ordinary. GEORGIA, / Cut rt or *4rbin>uv. county, * IV-iirua . fenti, i-53. RULE NT HF. \ITII[lIl!lA8, Wiiiii,u U. lo>i>err-**u -"id- . v •• -• it:<•;i -r ! ■ ’ letters of distuis-siftii as;!;, aiimuiistratoro; Barney Wilson, j i ittio of Talbot county, dew a-- and. ! Re p, ordered, That all persons con.-erned, be rai l anpear at I Ihtf te> > ••• this e*u,rt iicm oasuius'* then Mid there j to shew cause, ii'uny ti.ey have, vny said leiters should u*,. Ou ; gi ant - <l. .5 true extract from the minutes of-aid court. ■*■;;!* Feb., 1-03. i March I—Dwdm MARION RETIIU \iE, Ordinary. j GEORGIA. f Col rt of Ordinary, Muscogeccountv. < April Term, 1853. 11l I.F. XI si. ■yiTIIEREAH, W-m. N. aiioison, tidinini rator on t;e < s<aie of t Anarithtn- i’labody. ue •< sed. imv in-- applied for Jet fees ol dismission lVoii. .said adminisTration ; I is ordered that ail per sons concerned, <*litfw CM:-e,if any they have, why said adndn islrator should not-’ue Oismi-.stfd at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and tor said Cftitniy on the tirst Monday in November next. A true traiisci ‘ ~*t fr.-.m the minutes of said court. April 4,1853. j April 12—wtim JNO. JOHNSON. Ordinarv. I GEORGI A, ) I ViV HT or ORntN.VRY, OF SAID Coin- j Itandolph c*nD', | tv, April T. . in. 1853. . JOHN T. ftie-i it'.N D* N.Gnardian of Simoon l“. Turner, ]-eii- . lions this c-uri for b !ti-<s of tlismis-ion from Ida said • tu*r- ; diaimfaip:* >i*der;-.1 that all y-.-rso/y? having objections ;;ie them on or before the July T-n-m ot this eourt ne.xteusuiug,otuerwUe said j letters will b<* then and there grunted* ■ • m • *U P. BEALL, Ordin ry. i reorgiu, Ilatuiolpit raanty.— Whereas*, Hinton * X \Voo{''itapj)li.-s so m- sor l.n tors o; Guardian-diin for the person mni property <d Samm-l rhompson, orphan and ir.inoroi Haimul i'homrs-).!, l.e.- <u said coitmy. doceaed: These are, Uierei'otc, to cue and admonish all and singular ihe parties interoaiod, io bo ami appear at the next July letm oi the ! Court of Ordinary of said count,y, and make known tin ir objec tions, if any iliev hr,vo, odn-rwiso letters will then and there be j granted. Given under ray baud at ofllce, 25th day of May, 1853. j May 3!—w7t O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. | r'i eorgiß, Ilund.olplL county,—Whereas, Ctiiicn VV I Alexander applies to me for letters of adminLtr&f ion *>i die estate of Han-eSi ..>/orr;s, late of said county, deceased : Thfcs> are, therefore, io cite and admonish all amt singular the kindred and creditor* if said dceeaivd, to be and appear at- ray o;!iee vrtiiin the time prescribed by law, to shew cuumi, if any they have, v. it y ... id e.heis -liouid no: Be arautcu. Give a unde* my hand at oiL:. iiio 25-. U day of May, Ido'!. JUji <f 31 O. P. BEAI L, Ord ary. GROU and IA , ( COURT OF ORDINARY, Stewarttsmnty. *’ il Tern i>s3. I-fpoN th.: petition of William it. House, Executor of the last .J Will and TV. lament ufThomas House, deceased, fur letters of dismission fro >ll his said executorship: It is on motion, ordered by tho court that all persona concern ed, shew cause, on or i-ohuv the next term of said court, why sum! letters should <•• :uen be v ranted. A true ex ract muti the mutuw m x>>. u in. tr.t.t. .vpril i-~wtfiu •!. U fMUI lifiY, Uifiii ary. l5 O It G 1:1, ) COUiIT OF OH D \ A KV, .*>irwart conniy, i V.-iveinber Term, lodtt. [ TpuN th, petition of VV illiarn H. House, Executor ot the last U Will and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, lor letters of dismission from his said executorship. It is on motion, ordered by th,- court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before* tho next November term of said court, why said letters should not then be granted. A true extract from the minutes of mid com?, April 19. 1?53. April 19—-worn !. E. YVIMBFREY. On'inary. j GEORGIA, - ) CO UR T(FOR () i. VVJ U} , Ramhtlph county, t June Term, Itss3. 13IHLIP CAI’SEY, adminisircic.r on tho estate of David Har . veli, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned this j court for letters of dismission, It is ordered that all und singular tho parties interested, show j cause, if any they have, on or beioiv the next January Term of j this court, why tho petition of said administrator should not be granted, otherwise he will be then and ti.ere dismissed. (Given under my hand at otoce the 25th June. 1853. July 5 Ora (1. P. BEAbo. 1 Irrlinan . (9 eorgia, I’undoipli county.—Whereas, l’etor T Stewart applies to me for leu>-rs-cif adminisbation on the estate of Daniel B. Norton, late of ..aid county, deceased. Those are, therefore, t<> cite and ndmonish ail und singular the j kindred anil creditors of saiil deceased to be and appear at my ! otflee, within the time prescrihod by law. and. siievv cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand tin- -Jo Hi day of June. July .1-71 O. 1. BE ALT.. Ordinary. GEORGIA, i Court ok ordinary ok said coun- Ktrndolpli county, , tv, April Term. 1853. J AMES W. COLLINS, administrator of N. Collins, late of said county, deceased, petitions lids court to grant him letters, of j dismission trom his said administration, und it appearing that 1 said estate has been fully administered : Ordered that all persons file their objections if any they have, on or before the November : Term otthis court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator i will he then and theiv dismissed. April 12—wfira O. P. BEALL Ordinary. GEORGIA, / COURT or ORDINARY, Randolph county, Jane Tern, 1853. PHILIP CAUSEY, \dm:tii-rratoron the estate of David Haw ell, iale of said county, deceased, having petitioned this j court for letters of dismission, it is ordered that ad persons con- j cerned, tTe their objections, <if any they have. 1 on or before the : January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Admis frntor will be then and there dismissed. Given under iny hand at oliice the 16th day of June tss3. J !1 . 81—wfen. O. P.BF.AI U, Odinary. /"•* eorgia, Randolph eounty.—Wheieas. Sarnu. i A. VT Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John H. \\ - aver, late of said county, deceased, has petitioned lor letters of dismission from taid administration. These are. therefore, to lite. adiuoY -h and r- juire all pt-v-ons eoncerneil to file their ol>jec>ion-. if any they have, on or before the September term'*tTh--Court ••fOrdinary of said coiin'-y, to be liolden on the first Monday of .September next, otherwise -aid administrator will be tlmn and there oisini.-sed. Given under tny hand a: odiee this 9vd .h •, of February. 1~53 n O.P. BEALL, Ordinary. / 1 EORGIA, Randolph c onnty. —Court of Or ‘ T binary,—VVhere.-!s. by tie'-petition of William Hayes, ad minisirator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the estate ot Kinclien Fairciotii, deceased, it appearing to this court that he has fully admini-:er,-l ; tfi of saiil estates, and moves the court o;, grant him letter- • u blsmi-i c.: VI! person? concerned in either ot'said estates hereby notuied to make known their • objections, if any they hav-. ..u or before the October term of tfciscourt next ensuing, i ‘b.-i v,i-c -yUj administrator will then und there be di.-missed. (Given underniv tiaisd jit o-dee the ‘stub march 1653. P. ISEALL, Ordinary. April s—w6m ri eergfa, Kandulph county.’ : e:-. } cii- VT ertord, Guardian of ]?. njamiii and Absutoin ‘ utb-v, applies to me fer dismission Irora bis s<*.id Guardianship. Ail oerson imerested are, theret'ore, hereby required to file their onjecfioi:-. if any they have, on or before tho May term of ibis < ■ ort next ci!uin’. otherwise said applicant will or- th.-n at: tereo:suns> -ed. Given und.-r my baud at . Tie 17th .Varcii, 1853. .Marcii ii2—w<m <>. P. BFIAI/L. Oniinatv. f t corgis, Randoliiii eouaity.— \VLerJ* it Gil \T Guardian of Hendtey F.. Hiii. minor and orphan .-t K. Hiii. -u-cea-ed. applies ; i: „ n,r dismission Ironi said Guardianship. Ah |*.ns tnte-re.sjed itre therefor.’ hereby ‘ requirnl lotlie their objections, If any they have, on -r before the , May Term of this Court next ensuing, ••dterw;- - - d.i applicant w ill be then and ;hett distnisse-d. Given under my hand at oliice, the i7ti: March. 1853. Aii:r;-b o*—wb.ii •). P. REAL!.. Otdii:; ry. rptVO laojiths after date applieation will be i made to the Court of Ordinary of Early county, for iea\e to sell a pur, m the land and negroes belonging to the c ;ae of Rob- ; ert 1 honips >ll, dt cca.'C'd. tor the benefit of thecredro*-* and heirs ofihe estate •!? -a and deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, A/ay 3— 2>v. AduiV. with will annexed. r rWO months afterdate application v,iii be made to the 1 Court •-*! OruiQiiry of Mu:-c.e county, ;-.r leave to r-:ilcity lot with iraproveniente, in the city of Columbus, 0 caunt'% 1 kim'i:. - !•:: number five- hundred and tw = ! containing one ! halt of at; acre, beiuiigiitg T c* the eel alt of ..Y: , Baugh bio of nid county, decect-e : WM. •: GUAY, *Adiu’r June ?*> V-;V.I -.N ’ 1 f'* n. Kart county >Wlu-res. Joseph Gr'u>sley, adnimistrator wi-.h tU- Will am.exed, upon the estate of Hasan Grtmsley, late oi’ssid county deceased, makes applies I ion to me for letters of disintss’on from the further administration of -aid. estate. All person# ronceri.ed ar.-hereby notified to be ami appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said leturs should not bo ; granted said appbetmt. Given under my hand at office, iliis Uebmary- the 24th. 1853. j March I—9w6m 8, H. Hl* ORIt, Ordinary. p rorgin, ‘I alltot county Office of Ordinary. Vfflh 1 \ 1 t.arcit. I -.*<3.— Where;. . .J. Jnv.i- .n, Guardian of Nathan el VVormnock , 9 orphans, jartition* for letters of Dismission from -aid guardianship: j Be it o <!ered. That all persons concerned, be and appear at the June Term ol the mur! ofOrdina-y of said county, next en ! siiing,3hen a 1 and there to shew cause, it any ll*ey have, why said j letters should not be cran ed. V true extract titan iiie niin-tt*-# of su'd court, April 15lh, 1853 j April 26 ■ 16m MARION BETHflNE,Ordinary. j \ dministrator’s Snle.--Will b.- sold in Uulhbcrt, e \ tiiuuiolph county ,m the tirst Tuesday in October next, the 1 -'el I in- tit ot lands onwh cli Erasmus Gay, llsq.. resided at ihe i inH-. fliisdcaili.tov. il; hes numbers 140,141. I4i>, 14- ami 1-81, ; more <>r less of 117, all adjoiniev in the eighth district of said ; o.mnty, on which are tolciably ~>od building, an excellent | irin houc and scr*‘v.’. Three hundred acres of Open lands princi pally all fredi, well v. tered, and in -liort a very de-i.-abh- place i tor a tanner. HoM by order of the court ot ordinary of said ; county, iernt-, twelve months credit with small notes and ae* ! curity. Any person wishing to purchase such a place will do Tvcll to ! examine f.e above month tied land-, a- cacti lot will -be put up I separ.rely. LEWIS GAY, Adin'r. j July s—wfd- Joint A. J. \Vrtlierslry ) Aiexvart Hi kkrior UoCRT vs. ’ April Term, 1053. Ell/.nlieth WcatUershy. N Libel for Divorce. T T appearing by the return >•! the HheritT (hat tiie defendant is i. not n> be found in the County of Htewart, it is therefore or dered by the Court tl ai service of this libel be perlecled ontlio said Elizabeth AVetdliershy, by publication of this order in the Oobtmbus Times and Hentinel once a month tor four months next preceding the ensuing term of this Court. A true extract from the .Winutes of this Court, June 15-lam-lut f. ]M. UI3X, Clerk. Susan 3 Stkwaht m kkhior Court, vs. \pril Term, 1c53. Josialx llrnbli#. S for Divorce. I . appearing by th<- return 1 the -MierilT that the defendant is n>>t to he found in this county, il is therefore ordere*! by the Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said Josiah Grubb?, by publication oi thi-s orderin the Columbus limes and Hentinel onco : month tor four months next preceding the ensu ing term oi’ litis Court. A true extract from the Minutes of Stewart Superior Court for April Term, 1853. June 15—lani4ni I. Ai. COX, Clerk. Caroline K. Cni eaiieftd 3 Stkwar v -St rußioß Cot rt, vs. * April Term. 1853. Thomas ♦?. Cal rnhead. S l.iN-l lbr Divorce. ? i apt;e:iring by the return of Ihe Sheriff that the defendant is I not io be toiled ns Ihe county of>!cwr.rt, it is therefore order id by the Court that service of thb iibc! he jierfected on the saitl Tlionnis J. Catenhead by publication <>f this order in the Coluni l*us Times and Hent inel, once si month ior four months next pre ceding the ensuing Term of this Court. A true extract trom the Minutes of said Court. Juno 15—lam4m I. M. COX, Clerk. TAV O mout lis alter date I shall make application to the i court ot Ord nary of Early county for leave 10 sell the lands belonging to the (date of Joseph C. Gray, deceased. July s—w via JAH. t>. BROWN, Ad mV. 16 WO ntonfiut after date application will be made so the Court of Or iinniw of Muscogee county, for leave to sell i lot ofiiiml number one hundred and thirty seven in the seventh district of said county ; said land belonging to the estate of David i Graham, late of said county, deceased, i PERfBA L. GRAHAM, Adm’r. i June 98—w*2in rpwo uioutlis ufterduti , 1 shall apply totbe J_ Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lands belonging to Alary Knighton, deceased. May 31— w2tp J AS. LITTLE. Adm’r. TtWO mouths after date, I w ill apply to the court of O r ” . i diu;;ry of U udolnh county forieave to sell the lands belong” ing to l ranees \V nipple, a minor. July o-w-’m _ lt( HiERT L. MFTCHELT/, Gnardiim gsAT O months after date, application will be 1 made to the (Jour! of ordinary ot Harris county, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of William C. liozier, deceased. Way 3—vv2in J. T. DO|•/ E//, Adm’r. The Soil of the South For 1853. A MONTHLY JOURNAL, Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and the General Planting Interests of the South. JAMES M. CHAMBERS Agricultural Editor. CHARLES A. PEABODY. Horticultural Editor. Published at Columbus, Georgia, on the First of the Month at tiie low rate of One Dollar a year, in advance, T E it M S: One Copy, one year SI 00 Six Copies, one year, 5 00 Twenty-Five copies, one year, 20 00 j One hundred copies, one year, 55 00 All subscriptions must commence with ike volume. CHARACTE R 1 S T I C S . Both the Editors of this Journal are engaged in the cul tivation of the soil of the South. In the Agricultural Department, our list of contributors ; embraces many of the rno-t successful agriculturists of the j South; und each number, for 1853, will contain a contribu tion from one of the most distinguished scientific agricultu rists in lire United Slates. In the Horticultural Department, Mr. diaries A. Pea body, who has attained unrivalled excellence, has secured the co-operation of Iverson L. Harris, J. V r an Buren, and Dr. Camak, distinguished horticulturists of Georgia, who haw pledged themselves to contribute regularly to our ! columns. With a rapidly increasing subscription list, the Publish j ers hope to be able to have the next volume beautifully il lustrated. Every Southern man who cultivates a plantation, works a farm or garden, or grows a tree or Hower, will find the : Soil of the South an invaluable companion. N. B.—The cash system will be rigidly adheied to, and in no case wiii the paper be sent unless the money’ accom panies the order. We return our thanks to our subscribers fur 1852, ana hope each one of them will send us his dol lar before tiie close of this year. ‘J’he first number for the new volume vs ill be published by the Ist oi January. LOMAX & ELLIS, ‘ Dec. 1,185 L Columbus, Ga. south mmmmmm i COWETA FALLS MA X UFA CTURIN G FT VVIXG ri-amed Misrrn.Ti k"'g, are now in #ucee?*V. I operation linvinsr added *v ral pieces of New and Im . proved Machinery to their Paciyry, they now offer to Purchasers i iixA\ y and Lion s COTTON GOODS, COTTON YARNS, assorted, unsurpassed in quality. Woolen G -t-. Pli.iii iti:d G/h r.-u; Woolen Jeans, Colored. WOOL Carded for Cosh or Toll. They wiii give the Ingntst price for WOOF.; and nuke up H -Mil into Cloth, on shares or tor fifteen cent- per yard. June 14—wn’ G TJ A N O. MV F.XPEUIENCE WITH OLA no this sea-on, added lo the experience of othi-19. has induced me to order a larger quantity tor this place tliai*. my last sbiprneiu, winch I hope ttili reach here in I'mie !>r Ihe next crop. 1 soil ha ve on hand, at (Greenwood o c Co.’s Warehouse,enousru ?<>r the demand iu the tall fur sowing small ..rain and luruips. ,U2lv. ts 8 J J. R. JONES. FAIRBANK S PLATFORM SCALES. Ujr.° known — Severely tested Always right—The acknowledged Standrrrd. Railroad Hay, Coal, and Paricerb’ set in aar part of ’ ihc country, :.t s’nort notice. ’. ,? e!tis. FAir.BiMa -x. Cu., JJ tv atcr street, Nev- \urk, Mp. j I?— w3m qqit; tiry, Volume of Putnam’s Magazine being completed, per -1 Y-v.s. c2 i have them bound in a:iv style, by leaving teem W ;,C “” ” ‘ DAVID R<tsß, June 24 w Book Binder, No. 72 Broad at. [NUMBER 81.