The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, December 09, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] , I TIMES k SENTINEL. TENNEHT LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, editors and proprietors. I THK I'HI-WEEKL k TTWES & SENTINEL !’ published E VERY IVRDN F.SI) a Y and sh /n a v ~ v I m ? hi ul SATURDA Y EVENING. MO KM'. 1 IIE WEEKLY TIMES <fc SENTINEL, W if published every TUF.SDA Y MORNING. 1 Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. terms : irpri’T IVK ® nLLARs per annum, in advance. ivoi.Kj.Y, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at One Dollar *>er square, for lire first insertion, and fifty cents for every sub sequent insertion. liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Sales of Land and N “roes, by Administrators, Executors, o Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon anil three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which ‘he property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Justices for the sale of Personal Property must he given at i c,st ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must lie publish ed forty days. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must he published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must he published thirty days—tor Dismission from Administration, monthly six vmnths —tor Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must he published monthly for four months —for establi shiner lost papers, for the full space •of three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the ! requirements, unless otherwise ordered. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. G. D. METCALF & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 Poydkas Street, New Orleans. G. 1). METCALF, 11. 11. STONE. REFERENCES: E. Fatten, Agent of the Marine and Fire Insurance Company. John Banks, Agent of the Augusta Insurance and B’kiug.Co. 11. If. Eppino, Agent of the Bank of Brunswick. Halt. & Deßi.oxs, T. VV. Tallman, R. J. Moses. November 53—tw3t&w3t BOSTON & VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants, No. 196 Bay Street Savannah, Ga. JOHN BOSTON, JOHN L. VILLALONGA. REFERENCES: John H. Howard, R. T. Chapman, A. W. Chapman, Ruse, Patten &. Cos. October 11—w&twtt’ WASHBURN, WILDER CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS* 114 BAY STREET, JOSEPH WASHBURN, ) JNO. R. WILDER, } Savannah, Ga. FRANCIS G. DANA. ) Sept. 16—twGm G- S. HAHSISOI, AUCTION, COMMISSION, m FOBiWARSiMt ill e v c It a si t . NOS. 59 and 61 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. A.K. AYER, AUCTIONEER AND SALESMAN. Liberal advances made on Negroes and Merchandise. Columbus, Aug. 20, 1853—w&twly 11. r. g LIKEN WOOD, JOSIAH MORRIS, J. I. RIUGWAY GREENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDGWAY, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 17 Carondelet Street, New Orleans. Oct 29—wfctwly ___ ______ WM. H. KIMBROUGH, COIIXI SSI O K MERCII AN T , Nov B—w&twtf V A NJS All, GA . E. LOCKETT, WM. 11. I.ONfJ, JOHN H. DAV IS. LMitflT, LONG % 69, COMMISSI O N M E R C II A NT S AND SHIPPING AGENTS. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. WILL attend to the selling of all kinds ofProduce. Strict attention given to receiving and forwarding goods, and soling orders from the country. 1 hose of our Fiends who tidlire to favor us with consignments, can make the neces sary arrangements through our Inends lutsc', ratten < July 9—w&twly - I, HU |0 1 H oioHi S£ f0 N! FACTORS AM) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SA VA NX AH, GEORGIA . Sept-4—wfctw3m BUSINESS CARDS. \ Bounty Land and Pension Agency. CHARLES O. TUCKER, WASHINGTON, DC. j A TTORNEY lor Claimants and Agent for obtaining ! A jl Revolutionary, Naval, Invalid and Hall-pa v I ensigns, Bounty Land, arrears of pay, extra pay, &e., lor Military , and Naval services. . ; Bounty Land obtained for the widows and heirs ot vol unteers ot the Texas Revolution of 183d ; and extra pay ; obtained for services in the U. S. Navy on the coasts of i Calilornia and .Mexico, Irom 181 Gto 185*2. Address v ot , „ CHARLES TUCKER. w^m Washington, D. C. It. J. MOSES, JOHN PEABODY, MOSES & PEABODY, ATTORNEYS AT LA W , „ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. \\ ILL practice in Muscogee comity, Ga., and Russell county, Ala., and m the Supreme Court of the State of 1 otorgia. Columbus, June 20-wtwtf ‘ Sam - S. Hamilton, Col’ mbus Cunningham. , HAMiLTON Cli N Nj NCHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TKOY, i'ike County, Ala. ics3— w&twlv. THE union of the states and the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES,’’ NICOLAS G A CHET, attorney AT LAW, Tdskegee, Alabama. i OFFICE OVER PORTER’S BRICK STORE. i l^ , ,* e n and i hec . 0Ur ‘ 80fthc Ninth Circuit, and Montgomery, i ike, and Barbour In the Eighth Circuit. | march 29—wly GEO. S. ROBINSON, AT T ORNEY A T LA W , Cutii bert, Georgia. Rkfkrencks :—Hons. M. J. Wellborn and Alfred fverso Columbus. Cuthbcrt, Nov 2—l3wtf TUCKER & BEALL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lumpkin, Stewart County, Ga. WILL attend regularly the Superior Courts of Stewart, Marion- Sumpter and Randolph counties: and will give prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. JOHN A. TUCKER. E. H. REA J. L. Lumpkin, January 18. 1853—3w1y DOUGLASS & DOUGLASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (Julhbert , Georgia. WILL practice in the counties of the Southwestern Circuit tdi'u in Stewart county of the Chattahoochee circuit. _, EUGENIUSL. DOUGLASS, Nov 30—wly MARCELLUS DOUGLASS. S. S. STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blakely, Early Cos., Ga. apSwa GEO. COOK ALFORD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. WILL practice in the counties of the Ninth Judicial Cir cuit—and the Supreme Court of the State. Crawford, Rusfcl eo., Ala., Aug. 2, 1853 — wly* W. C. MTVER, A T T ORNEY A T 1, A W , Ttjskegee, Macon co., Ala. Will practice in the counties of Macon, Montgomery Tallapoosa, Pike, Barbour and Russel. January 22 —lwiy DAVID ROSS, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, No. 72 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga., June 21—wtf J. S. WOODBRIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYFIST I COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster At Purple’s Jewelry Store Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s—w A. BACKER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, GIN, WINE, SCOTCH ALE & LONDON PORTER, SEGARS and all kinds of GROCERIES, No. 10 WHITAKER ST. SAVANNAH, GA. ! Brandies and Gins, under Custom-House Lock, in bond and entitled in debenture. Savannah, Oct. 18, 1853-wtwly “books and stationery. JORDAN L. HOWELL, Bookseller and Stationer, NTTOULD respectfully ininrui his friends, and the public gen- V t erallv, that he has purciiased the extensive stock of Books, Stationery, & ! of A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO., and will endeavor to keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment ol’ SCHOOL, CLASSICAL, LAW. MEDICAL AND I MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. I solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to 1 mv predecessors, rml that of as many new customers as will favor me with a call. 1 will use every exertion to please,both in prices and articles purchased. {KT CALL AND SEE. Two doors below Mygatt’s Corner, sign of the;Blue*aml W bite Flair, No. 72 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Bookbindery up stairs. Aog. a—u_ BODKS,_BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED BY JORDAN L. HOWELL. , One splendid Illuminated amily or pulpit i Bible, containing 1600 engravings. Abbotts Juvinile Histories,comple setts; Ir yin g S works ; Scenes in the life of the Saviour : bvrhe Poets and Painters; Reynolds works; Coopers I Novels, 33 vol. Library edition ; Maria Edgworths Tales, do do : 10 Vol’s. Abbott’s Young Christian fceries ; Sher woods works complete ; Classical Library complete . V i nets Pastoral Pheology ; Olins Travels m the Last; Dan iel Websters work complete. . _ , The A1 arrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. , Home Influence; Days of Bruce; Mother’s Recompense, I Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. A Few more ot Dr. S. S. hitch’s celebrated ABDOMI NAL SUPPORTERS. Columbus, May 21 —twly Valuable Books! McCulloch’s Universal Gazetteer, a Dictionary, Geo graphical, Statistical and Historical, ol the various coun tries, places and principal natural objects m the world. ll utrated with seveu large maps j The works of Dr. Stephen Olin, comprising Ins sermons j and lectures. The Lite and Letters ot Dr. Olm. . a Memoirs of the life and ministry ol the Rev. John mertield, with an introductory letter, by James Mont g°Men of the Time; or, Sketches of living Notables, by life of Daniel Webster, with two beautifid en gravings of his residence and birth place—also a piofile o , Sir. Webster—by Lanman. in t i ie Yusef, or the Journey ot the Frangi—a Crusade m the , East, bv J. Ross Browne. , . . . | Theory and Practice of Hydropathy—with notes on t. e cure ot Cholera by Cold Water, by H. k rancKe. , Water Cure lor children ; a short guide treatment ol children in health and diseas*, y*- 1 Progress, with Scott’s notes, and iite of the au ll’ LeilurstoYoui'i'ii Ladies; sixteenth edition, revised and j kit of tlie same sort.” Also I‘or sale low, roll,mbus. Aug. 31, 1853, Book Store^ New Books! New Books! SSI’ ISlpgisllMl and both Hemispheres ; Mrs. Hale a .jew r Book; Boys Treasary ot feports, llhistralcd, mcuiu incut, bv Mrs Caroline Lee Hentz. Fern Leaves,Quce#?, .sStt rte’. ,w ” r> <*f Reformation slh voL, I<jar r • , PEASL, V hy 92 and M Broad street, >ov9— Av&twtl COLLMBUS, GEORGL\, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER I), 1853 NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS. THE undersigned own the Water Power and Town Site at the rails of the Tallapoosa River, on the west side. Thesitua j tion is 35 miles from Montgomery, 20 miles from Wetumpka : and 14 miles from Notasulga, on West Point Railroad—will! I lank rot ds connecting with the two former places, and one in | course ol construction to connect with the latter place. The | .Montgomery and West Point Railroad runs within five miles of j the piace, and is reached by an excellent natural road. We have j now in operation a Cotton Mill, which has paid good profits for ; the seven years of its operation, having paid for itself the first 1 four years. There is also a Grist and Saw Mill in successful ?P'r, ra , tlo . n ’ ‘ Ve have nearly completed another large Cotton | Mill, built of the best stone mosonrv, in the most substantial j manner, with a capacity for 10,000 spindles. | Wc propose to the public to open, on the 2d day of January ; n . fex, 'i ( places we will hereafter advertise,) books for substrip | tion to stock in a Company styled ‘‘The Tallapoosa Maxufac ’ ’upkino Company No. 2,” for the purpose of manufacturing Cot ton or Wool, to be decided by the Stockholders. The Charter lor said company is already obtained. We offer the large new ; building, completed aud ready for use, with water ready to turn ! <m lllc wheel, to drive twelve lhousaud.spindles,and convenient : lots sufficient for operatives and warehouses, and other neces i sary purposes, at a fair valuation, the amount to be taken in slock in the above mentioned Company. The necessary amount of capital to fill the house with ma cnioerv, and put the whole business in successful operation without incurring debts, We estimate at three hundred thousand dollars. We offer to capitalists very superior advantagas for a i profitable investment, as by proper management the Factory can be in full operation, turning out Cloth, in less than twelve months ; and those investing can reasonably expect quick re turns. Our situation seems especially designed bv nature fora large manufacturing city. We do not hesitate to say that our place possesses greater advantages than any other in the South, and we believe greater than any in the Union. Our Dam and Race arc built of rock, laid in hvdralic eemeot. We have only a portion of our water power controlled, but enough to drive 50,000 spindles. The first floors of our buildings are 50 to 60 feet above the highest fresl els, our works nol disturbed by high or low water. Ihe Lull is 50 teet. in * 00, with immense power and certainty of stream. The place is utistirpassi and tor its health, and of close proximity to a rich planting country; in fact, na ture seems to hare been lavish with advantages which stand in viting man to improve. We cheerfully invite the public to call and examine for them selves—and any information wanted can be readily obtained by uddressing BABNETT, G.LM HR* &. CO. Tallapoosa Post Office, Tallapoosa Cos., Ala. Nov 9—w&twtlstjau One Hundred Town Lots for Sale. WE have surveyed and laid off in LOTS v a port ion of our pro perty in Tallassee Town, Tallapoosa county, at the falls of Tallapoosa river, most convenient to the Wa'er Tower, and oiler for sale at public auction, at Tallassee, on the 2d Tuesday in March next, and at private sale till then, one hundr< and of the most eligible Lots tor business purposes—one-fifth of the nett proceeds of the sale to be given as a School Fund for the estab lishment oficbools in the place. Terms will be made easy to purchasers. For further particu lars, apply to * BARNETT, GILMER & CO. November 9—w&twlds Mexican Mustang Liniment. THIS invakuiblc preparation Ims been but a few months before the people of the South, yet many thousands of butties have been sold and used in a cheat variety or diseases, and it Ims given universal satisfaction. We live heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We offer it as a remedy in the various diseases and com plaints for which it is recommended, with lull confidence in curing them, as over four millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both of men and animals, and it has always given satisfaction, be cause it has performed just what we said it would. It has healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty. jgp A child in Frederick ton, N. I >., a few days ago burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother im mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the child induced the mother t<> remove the bandage, when it was diseovered that the cotton wool had taken fire by spon taneous combustion and had considerably increased the size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she had part of a bottle of .Mustang Liniment in her house, which she got immediately and applied to the burned limbs of tlie little sufferer, and as soon as it was applied, the child ceased its erics and soon alter fell asleep in its mother’s arms, by tiie soothing influence of th s valuable preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in tlie stables of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for curing Galls, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and Bruits,and it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have also used it on themselves and their families, and they all speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest terms- One of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised n his knee—as usual, the Musl*ug Liniment was resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re moved, and it was perfectly well in three or four days.— We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally on man or beast. 1 1 J. DUNN. Foreman oj A dams Co.'s Express Stable, A 7 . Y. Rheumatism. —This is to certify that my wife was af flicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered for months with the most excruciating pains ; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None of them relieved her paius in the least. She used a fifty cent bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she s now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends o use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed) James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 301 Broadway, New York, and St. Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG & CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus, Ga., by GESNER & PEABODY February 5, 1853 tw&w 1 y Prof. Alex. C. Barry’s Tricoplierous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, For Beautifying, Curling, Preserving, Restoring and Strengthening the Hair, Reiter mg Diseases oj the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Healing External Wounds. T>minded bv no geographical lines, the reputation of Barry s > Tricophcrous pervades tlie Union. The sale? ot the artx cle of late wars have increased in a ratio that almost exceeds belief. Professor Barry, after a careful examination of his sales book, finds tint the number of bottles delivered to order, in quantities of from a half gross upward, during the year 1802, was within a trilie of 950,000. It is unnecessary to present at length tne evidence ot the won derful properties or the Tricopherous, when the public have tur nished such an endorsement as this. Ibe cheapness ot the aiticle and the explanations given of its chemical action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases of superficial irritation, first recom mended it to the attention of the people. Ibis was all thin the inventor desired. Every bottle advertised itsell. Ibe effects ol tlie fluid exceeded expectation. It acted like a charm. ] e ladies would not be without it. Country dcalears m every sec tion of the United States fouud tlu-y must haw it : and thus wa s built up a wholesale trade ot an extent hitherto unheard ol asregards articles of this kind. The highest pond has not ye been reached, and it is believed tlie sales this war will be a million and a half ot bottles. , Depot and .Manufactory, No. 137 Broadway, New \oik. l>e iui! tiricc. 2o cents a large bottle. , 1 iberal discount to purchasers by the quantity Sold by all the nrincipal mer. bants and druggists throughout the United States ancLCanada. Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, France, &c. and by BARTER. Columbus, Ga. August 9.1853 —w&twt-m. INK MANUFACTORY. A few doors above tlic Market, at No. l->8 Itroad street, Columbus, Ga. T 1 undcrsicmwl ha* tick*. . hriirht ill black. Hows beautifully from the Tim* Ink is ** * m -in\ ~; in testify, that even oiohc or.w pen. and is so imlebble,> , nk wi „ tftail a the Kill Hilt rrmocf njn m p.j • • w j{h i„jtand the same test of oxalic acid- 10 t . ac h other, apply oxalic wont uSiiStiv th. wool written with ihe other Ink ucidto both, and lnslauMv m {Ul;tv ,ts value Mr will disappear, • Public liccumcut*. Merchants, Banks, M> rU ticure wadewiih .Ton, source . HI be •*!■> | ■SalßT^i' .■* ! ought in \ ork. For calc wholesale and L V MAIL Fropriat -r. 21—tw Jaiwu _ JLEGAL __ William J Scott, Adm’r, l Scire Facias’to ‘make ~Parties of Archibald 11, Scott, dec’d. yin M elnferior court. vs. f August Term, 1853. Michael 11. Goss. It appearing to toe Court that the Defendant in she above case Michael 11. Goss is not to be found in Ms state. j t if therefore ordered by thej Court, that service be perfected on the said •Michael 11. Goss by the publication of this rule in some public gazette of this State once a month for four months before the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Inferior Court August Term 1853, this 25th dav of August, 1853. Columbus-; septfi; 1853—w4m A P JONES, clerk. GGOUtiIA, Marion County. Court of Ordinary for said County, in Vacation, June 27, 1853. Present, E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. Y\7 11 ERF AN, Robert Little and .Samuel Pendrv, administra “ to r 9 upon the estate of John Pendry, deceased, petition this court tor letters of dismission trom their said administration, These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in terms of the law, otherwise letters ofdis miesory will be granted said applicants e.t the January Term next ot sa’d court. Given tinder my hand aud official signature at office, this June 27th, 1853. July 2—m6iu E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale— Will be sold before the court house door in Buena Vista, Marion county, Ga.,011 the first Tuesday in January next, two lots of land number one hundred and eighty and one hundred and ninety three in the eleventh district of originally Muscogee now Marion county, agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Taylor county. Sold for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors of Jeremiah Bnwlinsr, deceased. Nov 20- ids LiZOK BOWLING, Adm’r. Administrators’ Sale— Will be sold on the first Tees day in January next, at the market house, all the household and kitchen furniture belonging to the estate of Wm. L. Jeter, late of Muscogee county, deceased. Also, at the saiiie time and place, the negroes will be hired for twelve months. The above property will be sold on twelve months credit. THOM AS R ANDLE, Adm’r. ) Nov 29-wtda SARAH ANN JETER, Adm’trx 1 Administrator’s Sale.—Will be sold on the 27th day TV of December next, at the residence of Alexander c. Hick ey, late ot said county, deceased, a portion of the perishable property of the said Alexander C. Hickey, consisting of horses, mules, oxen and wagons, and other articles for plantation use.— Terms made known on day of sale. ROBERT C. PATTI SON, Adm’r. MAR Y G. IIICKEY. Adm’trx. Nov. 12, w4od \ (lministi'Ator’M Sale.—Agreeably to an order of the xIl court of Ordinary of Marion county, will be sold at the Caiirt House in Buena Vista, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following negroes, to wit: Jeff, a yellow boy, 28 years old ; Amanda, a woman 2G years old ; Penlope, a woman 24 years old, and her child Celia 18 months old. Sold as the property of Jessce L. Bozeman, of Monroe county, deceased, for the purpose of distribution. Terms twelve months credit. WM. B. MERRITT, Adm’r. Nov. 12, 40d A diainistral or’s Sale.- Will be sold on the first Tues xV. day in January next in Cuthbcrt Randolph County, one hundred and sixty acres ( more or less) or less of lot of land No. 218, in the 6th district ot said county, it being the portion of said lot lying north of the Smochuchobee creek; sold by an order from the court ot ordinary ot said county for division among the heirs of Stephen Wetliei by, deceased. Nov 15— ‘ MARTIN POLLOCK, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale.— Will be sold before the court house in Buena Vista, Marion county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following named negroes, viz: Spencer a man fifty five years old, Peggy a woman forty five years old, be longing to the estate of John Simmons, late of said county, de ceased. Sold by virtue of an order of the Inferior Court of said county while sitting for Ordinary purposes. Terms made known on the day. Nov B—tds J\l L BIVINS, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale— Py virtue of an order ofthe Court of Ordinary of Randolph cx unt.y, will be sold before the court house door in Guthbert, Randolph county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the one third of lot of land number not known, but known as the Hardiway Jl/iil Lot, in the Bth district cl'said county, and known as that portion of said mill lot assigned to Mary Hardiway as dower. Sold as the property ofSteth Hardiway, late ofsaid countv, deceased. Nov l!—tds ‘ JAMES . MARTIN, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale,— -On the first. Tuesday in Janu ary next, will be sold before the court, house door at Butler, Taylor county,all the lands belonging to the estate of Stephen Johnson, late of said county, deceased, lying in the thirteenth district of originally J/uscogee now Taylor county. There are four lots —known as the Stephen Johnson lands—well improved. Also at the same time and place, ail the negroes belonging io said estate —some tenor fifteen in number,and very likely —done under an order of the court of Ordinary of Taylor county. Terms on the day of sale. Get 25—w Ids GIDEON NEWSOM, Adm’r. __ Administrator’s Sale.--Agreeable to an order ofthe *- court of Ordinary of Early county, I will offer for sale at the court house door, in the town of Blakely, in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following negroes, as the pro perty of John Jones, late of said county, deceased, to-wit: Minerva, a negro woman about 40 years of age. Harriet, “ git I “ 17 “ “ Jane, “ “ “ 15 “ “ Winney, “ “ “ 13 “ “ Jeff. ’ “ boy “ 4 “ “ Terms cash. THOMAS B. ANDREWS, Adm’r. Oct2s—wdds de bonis non. X dministrator’s Sale.— VlTlT be sold on the first AY Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in the city of Columbus, the following named slaves, as the pro perty of James A. Delaunay, deceased; to-wit, Charity, Emanuel, M ary Jane, Galatee Silvy, Georgia Ann, Harry, Salud ee, Toney, Margarett. Sold in obedience to an order from the Ordinary of Baldmin com ty, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Tei ms on the day. GUSTAVUS DELAUNAY, JOHN D. STEWART. November I—wtds. Adm’r with the will annexed. A dmintstrators’ Sale-Will be sold at the market house, in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, a negro boy named Sidney, eighteen years of age, belonging to the estate of John A. Walker, deceased, will be sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Oct 14-tds JAS. S. WALKER, Adm’r. Administrator’** Sale.—Will be sold in Cuthbert, dolph county, on the first Tuesday in December next, the settlement of lands on which Sterling G. Rodgers resided at the time of his death. The settlement embraces lots Nos. 2,4 and 30. in the 9th district of said county, on which there are some 225 acres open and improved lands. Said lands are situated some seven or eight miles west of Cuthbert, Ga. Terms on the day. Oct. B,— tds. C. C. <s• C. A. WILLIS, Aam’rs. l dministrator’s Sale.— ln pursuance of an order of r\ the Court of Ordinary of Harris county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Hamilton, Harris county, on the first Tuesday iu January next, within the legal hours of sale, all the negroes belonging to the estate of Thomas M. McKee, late of said county deceased. Said ne groes consist of four in number, three men and one woman— among the men is one good Tanner and finisher. S>ld on a credit of 12 months, and for the purpose of distribution. Vov 1—■wtds ARCHIBALD McKEE, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Marion county. Court of Ordinary for said County, in Vacation, July Ist, 1853. Present, E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. TXTHEREAS, Jeremiah Wilchar, administrator of the estate V\ of Thomas J. Parker, deceased, petitions this court for a discharge from his said administration, It is. therefore, ordered by the court, that all persons concern ed,shew cause, ifanv they have, why said petitioner should not be discharged; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted said petitioner at the February Term 1854, of said court, and he be released from bis liability as administrator as aforesaid. _ A true extract from the minutes of <aid court July 1, 1853. j u lv 9 in6m E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. C LOKGIA, Marion county. Court of Ordinary for said county, in Vacation , Sep tember 3d, 1853. Present, E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. \TTHEREAS. John A. Owens, Administrator upon the estate \\ of Richmond Roberts, deceased, petitions this court for a discharge from his said administration, It is, therefore, ordered bv the court, that all persons concern ed s i,ew cause, if ar.v they have, why said petitioner should , |, o 't bedis-harced; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted ; -aid petitioner at the April Term, 1a54, of said court, and he be released from his liability as administrator as aforesaid. E. W. MILLER. Ordinary. \ irue ex ract from the minutes of -aid court, 3d, 1853. , ij e pt 10—m6m E. VV. MILLKR, Ordinary. CEOItGI A, > f.'ourt oi < ‘rdinary, November Muscogee county, v T-rm, 1853. RULE XI SI. AITIir.UE.XB. Doctor H. Sanders. Ouar liau for William, i VV Franklin, Kmdv F . >ii-aii IL amt ->e!li L. Walters, or plians of George Walter.-, ticca -ed. tuning applied tor letters ot bv the court that ail {icrsons concerned, shew j| aiiv the\'have, why said Guardian should not be dis mu-cl from -aid Guardianship trust at the i nurt of Ordinary to lie held in and for said county on the second Monday in January n .A ? true transcript from ihe minute-* ot -aid Court, November ’ V.vTb-6t JNO JUIINBUN, Ordinary. 1 GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, Raiulolpli county, i June Tern, 1853. I)IIl Lt P CAUSEY, Administrator on the estate of David Mar vell. late of said county, deceased, having petitioned this | court for letters of dismission, lt is ordered that all persons con cerned, file their objections, (if any they have,! on or before the January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Adntis trator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 16th day of June 1853. June 21—w6m 1 O. P. BEALL, Odinary. GEORGIA, t COURT OF ORHINAR \. Randolph county. ( June Term, 1853. I )IHLIP CAUSEY, administrator on the estate of David llir vell, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned ti is court for letters of dismission, lt is ordered that all imd singular the parties interested, show cause, if tiny they have, on or before the next January Term of this court, why the petition of said administrator should not be j granted, otherwise he will be then and there dismissed. Given under my band at office the 25th June, 1853. 1 July s—w6m5 —w6m O. P. BE A Ll*, Ordinary. GEORGIA, l CO UR TOF OR DINAR ), ~ Muscogee county, S Julv Term, 1853. RUJ.F. Nl SI. ATTHERHAS, Hugh R. Rodgers, administrator on the estate of ft Francis M. Vickery, deceased, late of Muscogee county, having applied tor letters of dismission from said administration, lt is ordered by the court, that all persons concerned show cause, (if any they have.) why said adminstrator should not he I dismissed at IlieCourt cf (>rdinary to be held in and for said cotm- I ty on the first .Holiday in March next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, August 5, 1853. August 9 —wfiin. JOHN JOHNSON Ordinaly. ; COURT OF ORDINARY ) < ... “ ! For Talbot County. \ September I erm, 1853. RULE Nl SI. A \f II EIvEAS. Simeon Deloach, one of the Executors : W of Samuel K. Croll, late of Talbot County dec’ll., i has petitionoil lor letters of dismission front said executor* ship. Be it ordered that all persons concerned, bo and appear ’ at the April term, 1851, then and there to show cause, it any i they have, why said letters should not be granted. | A trim extract from the minutes of said Court, Septan ■ her, 22, 1853. MARION BETIIUNE, Ordinary. Sep 28—w& twfmi GEORGIA, Marion comity* Court of Ordinary of said county in vacation, Novem ber 17,1853. Present E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. YTIT’II EREASJWiIIi am Clements, administrator upon the estate VV of Clement Clements, deceased, petitions thi.- court lor a discharge from his said admini4tration. It is, therefore, ordered by the court that all persons concern ! ed, shew cause, it any they have, why said petitioner should not i be discharged, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted ; said petitioner at the June Term next ( , 854> of said court mid I be released from his liability as administrator as aforesaul. E. W. MlLLEß,Ordinary. A true extract from llie minutes of said court. K. VV. JI/ILLKK, Ordinary, Nov 29—6 m and ex-officio clerk C. O. Ct ■ oi*g in , Muscogee county— Whereas E/.ekic T Wallers ajjplies for letters of Guardiauship for the persons 1 and property of Emily F , Susan li. and Seth E Walters, orphans i of George Walters, late of said county deceased; said orphans : being under fourteen years ol'age. All persons concerned, arc hereby notified that at the Court of i Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first .Vomlay ; in January next, the Guardianship of said minor children will I be given to said Ezekiel Walters or some other person, unless ! good cause be shown to the contrary. Given under my band this 10th November, 1853. Nov 18—Im JNO JOHNSON. Ordinary. G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY —Whereas,Stephen T. Murray ap| lies tome for letters of administration ; with the Will annexed, upon the estate of Joint Murruy I late of said county deceased. These sire, therefore,to cite aud admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and up pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to j shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he ! granted. ! Given under my hand and official signature at office | this7th of November, 1853. Nov. 15,1853 —w6t E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. (Georgia, Marion county.*- Whereas Daniel Janes T and (Susan McKorkleapplies to me for letters of administra ; tion upon the estate of Samuel R. McKorklc, late of sa>d enmitr ’ deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, Oct 31st, 1831. Nov 4 w6t E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Marion county: Court of Ordinary for said County, July Term, 1853. Present, E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. W r HEREAB, David Dunn, administrator upon the estate of Philip Bailey, deceased, petitions this court for a discharge from his said administration, It is, therefore, ordered by the court, that all persons con cerned, shew cause, if any they have, why said petitioner should not be discharged ; otherwise letters dismissory will he grant ed said petitioner at the February Term, 1854, of said court, and he be released from his liability as administrator as aforesaid. A true extract from the minutes of said court, July 4th, 1853. July 9—mbm E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. {''teorgia Early county—Whereas Stephen Peacock X applies for letters of administration on the estate ofßaiford Peacock, late of said county, deceased: These, are therelore to cite and admonish all persons concern ed, to shew cause, if any they have, why letters ofadmiiiistra ion as aforesaid, should not be gi anted to said applicant at the court of Ordinary to be held in and lor said county, on the se cond Monday in January next. Given under my hand at office, this 17th day of Nov. 1853. N6v 29 —wO 8. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. (t eorgia, Early county.--WhereasZadocOdom and X Green VV. Odom pipply lor letters |of administration on the estate of Dildatha Odom, late of said county, deceased, These are to cite and ol monish all persons concerned, to shew cause, if any thev have, why letters of administration as afore said, should not be granted said applicants at the court of Or dinary to beheld in and for said county on the second Monday in Januarv next. Given under my hand atoftice this the 17th day of Nov. 1853. Nov 29 - w<st S. S, STAFFORD, Ordinary. (~ Leorgia, Stewart county.—Whereas, Jesse Reed J !U id Boh A. Tucker applies for letters of administration on the real estate of Abner Read, tate of said county, deceased, These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the heirs and creditors of said deoeased, to shew cause, within tie* time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be grant ed. Given under mv band in office this 31st October, 1853. Nov B— wfit J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. (Georgia, Stewart count y .—Winr. a* Joreph E. X Lewis applies for letters of administration on tbe estate of Aiartin Lee, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite amt admonish all concerned, to shew cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why said ietters should not be granted. Given under iny hand in office the 31st Oct. 1853- .. „ .. Nov 8-wGt J. L WIMBERLY, Ordinary. (~d eorgta, Marion county—Whereas, Ileum M. Jeter, X Adm’r. upon the estate of Jonathan Deason, dec and. applies to me for letters of dismission from his administration ot said These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, terms of the law, otherwise letters Dis missory will be granted to said Jeter, adin’r. as aforesaid, at thes January Term next of the court of ordinary for said county. Given under my hand and official signature at office, tin 1 July 2— m<Jm E. VV. MILLER, Ordinary. T\ coreia, Marion county—Whereas, Mary Short, VX Adnvtrx. upon the estate of John G. Bhort, deceased, peti tions the ordinary court of said county, for letters of dismission from her administration of said estate, Thce are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred anU creditors of said <1 ceased, to file their objections, ifanv thev have, otherwise said letters will be granted (if a legal showing is made by said adm’trx.) at the November Term next, of the court of ordinary for said county. Given under mv band and official signature at office, this May 2d. 1853. May 7—m6m E. W. Ml LLER, Ondin*ry. IT'xec lit or’s Sale.—Aar* ealdy to an order ol rUoco , "t” Id Ordinary of Muscogee county,'will be sold at t.'e Mar e House in the City of Columbus, in said county, on the.first us duv in January next, the negroes belonging to me e> a anna Christian, deceased, being seven in umher, - • ah, 30 years old, Emily 33 years old Milly ®“^'s: 6 vears old, Charles 4 years..ld, Matthieu and k n , '>'•, “Tvkv MOKKii / ,;. r ; nS?I?4M B.M. McGRAPY. { i.wukrs ami crerlttors, — AH persons V c _i,:c of Hannon Butler, late o Randolph ic toinake immediate paj- COU ’:: alfSiSa having demands against said decca-cd, mint ,an 1 , t them according to law. are requested to pre. JIB *M AS CORAN. Adm r. Vl \R> ANN BUTLER, Adm trx. \i>\ i.) —WOt ZZ . .i, .tn ilibioi !. a (1 crcditr—All person* m \ VV ..! Spiro- Hnti, late..fltamLlph com, , t’ areherebv reqm s>d to make immediate iMiyinent; th NoT l ‘ s \ r \ H lib I IT. Vdm’tr*. [NUMBER 145