The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 02, 1855, Image 3

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street. Tb eDwtl wjs raped to order. and Patterson was Hr-light f.-Ftn to receive fits .--ateuce- One speaker ftaied tiiat Lhey were ali a* are that taef came there with the turn Oetermtu&uoa to black, tar and leather, arid ride on a mil, ti. S. Par* and W. J. Patterson, but tnat a* Ph‘k bad es ■.i.ied, and lett his scape-itua£ t Hither toe bo til, be wt-iied the meeting to decide what should now be done with the iu.u ier. Another speaker deehf td hie voice va* tormer ;/; mat that he had an? excuse to offer lor Patterson, toe is • despised iiiin- as strongly as any man couid; out iaat Patterson’s wig throng'i •< t the morning had hung tomm ike a leech;tiiat ate now h dd on to b,m, and tiiat we eottia n t Uitiict the piim*.uaent without groe to he* feelings, a-id pm hups rucenese to her person, tie j-i gt n tue sitii 4 * ut the w,fe moved a ? i> t* tie taken to re in.f me tar, feathers,, Ac , and set Mr Patfeixm at large { m the j reset.t fbe ?t> e was acetbdinidy taaen, a,id a *,*h m went ih tavur ot the prisoner; he w.a.liiere o.e sei.tL The following resolutions* wete then of tei; and and v. led fin suigiv,ai and not one diiccnting voice W:I . he in* on the rruondL ‘ Aiinosr every one voted in the affi, and they voted WtUl a “vim,’ too, tiiat showed ’ ‘I hat the Parkvilfe IndnuArvil Luminary j. 4 a rm: a. ce which haa been endured too long, and should Q( JW l)f+ ftbttttfU, „ _ _ , , _ _ a i iKit ;he editors,to wit: G. S. Park and TV. J. Pat* *,, r ~m i traitors to the, stare and eouu r y ui which they Pve, an.l should lie deuft with as* such. 3 l hat we ruo-t here again. hj this day three weekend if we had G. S Park or W. J. Patretsso.'i m tiu* town then, r at any sstt.x-ieq.ue: t time, we wiil throw them into the Missouri river, and if the*'©> to Kan>a-to reside, we I P e|ge our b a<* 01011 to rbliow and hang them wher&v er we can hud them. . . n 4. That at the suggestion of oar Paikviile friends, we w: attend 10 some outer tree sellers not tar otf 5. That we wiii suffer 110 person rseiongicg to the North em YicibidiaC church to prea h ui Platte county, alfer tins dacefunder penally ot tar and feathers ioc the fir=t odeuce, ! and a hemp cope tor tile second. 6. That we earnestly call on our sister counties through out the ."tale to rise in their migiu.and cleanse themselves of j •*'Jfc*** ? \4*® 7. l’hat oar peace, our property arui oar safety require us at Uus tune to do our duty. > t hat we request every p*o slavery paper in Missouri and Kansas to publish the above resolutions. The Press was then shouldered, with a white cap drawn i over it- bead, and labelled •’kfo.-too Aid, : the crowd fol lowing iu regular erder; it was marched up througn town nearly to tile upper landing, aid there, with three hearty cht ers, it was depo-iled in tne tomb ot hall the Capuiets,” to wit die M lssfiurt river A peeuh was then made to the crowd, and they dispers- j ed pe ceahiw, each taking the road to bis own h >me. C O3I M Eli Cl A L CuTTitfi STATEMENTS. rriTir s \ - - - 0 5 < 2 -E £ = =’ T oa ! i*l? 1. ■ s'. r* 5 “f’ S'S 3- land -5 ? v I? : I- *.2 1 this r=-;y*- : f < a day. j P [Wl. 40 100 dUTUG’JSeT 434 50374 6042 h: 9528 1 e3a& H 7 730.617 lg 52428 895559e6 1 6 75ji 4535 Columbus, M y I. COTTON'.—We h ive no new fea’ure to report in fur murlti-t. R t eipistcoufiuue ‘ery I ghr. and we huvt | bit ad! and .•mj-lunt'y deureaaiug •ff riug stock.— { NVfe q t ue pr ticip-d sale a I'i etc, with assortment aide wi a tew fair cououaat hjghei tigun-^. Bava.vnah, April 30. COFTON.—Th re h s been a fa r dom nd this morn -In\ rh * safes amoutrin r t> upwards of 400 bales at x Twe s rang ng from Si? a ceats. Fr ees ruana uu ciKAllgtli. >Tew V.*Rit, A p-il 9 The New York cotton market was tiian 1 n Suiurda w'th in upward ton ien< v. Ssifes of rhe day 3 OHO bates The decreased rece pts at a!LS*-athern ports amount t j 3ho,yuo bales as ctmi.aied with fesi year. Macon, May 1 7 to'.) | 1 iiremes. Market quiet, tut little if ring or Coming in, fla atvny Oil'merit, aid PL's—ln Extraordinary f at-t ot a iV.r.tud in tki Foot —Ex ract of a letter from Mr Tw, lt>e, and iigri-f, < r ‘*Vuhimrit. dated sfeptemher j -■* I 55 • —*'i’o Pr f -sor H liiowav, —Bir, Alexande; VF ot a game ieei er, re idirg >n tnis town, had a s-roui ms sore iuhii tootfirfou r or tive year? wita a : MHuniual disc ha ig*. Alin-iet eve*.yihmg was, tried in the • ho.a* of healing it, but without Miccess: and when he wa hr me I recoilirnendeu a trial ot your Omtmeiit and t .;K and am iiappy L> -av Liey healed all the sores and \ e jected a perfect cure ot the Hint. Hotii lather and son aie 1 jrepured to coniiim this s-t .tement.” Dr M’ Lane a \ firm’fuse —During a practice of more ia 1 yeur ; . L)r. >i Line iiad attended innumerable patients am cted wuh every to m oi worm di.-ease, and was a.iced to apply ail the energies ot tns mind to. the discov- j -v o! 1 vermifuge, < r wotm destroy, r. certain in its el* \ .•ct'; t. e esiilt ot ins i.inorsi- the American VVoj.-n Bpe* ‘ c tie, n >w iieiore the pubbe. which isperlecdy ?afeand may ! e gi **u aS'.k'i to t-h Idren of the mo t tender age, or to the ! ig si ad .it: it purges tnhetiy and subdues fever, and destroys ‘ w nils with tnva ia! le success, it is easy ot adm n'istra la,i w h does not contain mercury in anv form what- j ’ r. u. ‘.fet lettons are m-ces-ary with regard to drinking Cul 1 wat% ‘ r nor 11 capable of doing the i-a t injury t> the 1 temie est mt nt. An meiedibie number of worms have! ueen .xp *Ued r>y m great vermifuge. It mav !)e piircna ,_ VU T WS V” lamn,,s ’ anjl ot‘Dealer-sen- j erauv uiruughout tneDaited fctaies. ap24—2w Among di,eases, dyiqvpsia and liver comn’aint “•• k “ V >. Vl* m pleaTdTt,, ”! i “ t f >ur ,o ' v ,ut ic nefy which has pruv. and et- 1 * K:D, ; u * eases, ami which we eau safe v .ecorn menu as a certain and jutalhWecure; it has been the 1 ’ -cam r ;ho isands irom air uetnnelv grave We n ,r ! iloo.Lui:; s Lteician Bitter- ptepatvd by'Dr C M Jack on* at Vledicmesnore, Philadelphia J * i * 1 s.ue iy Dr. L \t Jaokeon. liQ Arch street Phila ‘ anu by Danlorth A Nagle. Robert Carter ItoSEllw 5 S“- 01 > - o. u£- a c‘ 8 1 rAT Pir.ATF'N O® T rr E Hr.,, at'.. ~ Complaint. Nenrima DvsueD ia D " ea3e? Liver ... .... B-uea Vxr? t iSSS’ £r P ss m..r r t hv, hundn-d tJ5 and ‘S'" l O Sp.n.*Md tai lrt a w tJ??.-** 1™“ o’ “V” > a10.,l rnjly rsnurkjbie l* s -* 55 " 3 su laduente Bee advancement. t an i Im. OIKD, On the mon ng of the 25(h ?r young -st sou oi fctward W -if.'* , Tebixus. years aod ttve it o .Ute. ‘ *v- r a A. Sia r, aged i Oil’ it was barj to part wuh tiiee t'uW uu wmMi * ‘■'ndditdvgiee 1 uicu an me uouse witn j,i>! Thy sfep wa, Uke ttte mU a \ y “-‘Untstrt ; r^. A ‘(V c 3 lae K ‘ a ’- . r v-r be Us tuy sue, t Vulce a]# 2 In .-liketi rnigi, t+ .r, ~_4 1 “ §a <tuu i)o if 1 Oia.-o uiv W .v.,. a to “ i~y ,u yun w c y (j M , ( Low U tie .iui [ d.ea I* th a D ath , v ‘ J “ “ e “* *s*-n an a, a — Wasuu tU . lUc *mzth } %•• l Ifrflg.x u*jWr*ri Ifelo.e Lu. d.i?J.o dower In yam we a u v w -—m, n iiman p, iW<fr CouiU Ula ‘ c .t. luuut agoti.! Sweet bug! f.lever aw av J thi tiiat c i li.l aiioir, U ue.e Uwvik oa g .H, autkes the day jU o>O fuieVci invite; 3 * JEWELRY AT COiT. —~"~ ra,xs|:E tvut a o, V ’ c * *ij £ J£Wk _ v.OU'J.Sti u of * 2U.R.Y, Wit'3t% Gnari ca lias. fewest Plas & Fi aje? gi wattisi v-d tbi tjiii iu h-iieaiis JSew i or* <. Q3t filf r^jK^ >T *“**“*•* $3 PEE BUSHEL FOB WHEAT. ‘TH'Fi ‘ i i>nx nme, y Mills, ar 51 * tnmery A!a ,aij#t the Pa’ace 3t Da. at LatonNH Ga„ iijnriii* y their en ire purefta-es U2*.lHiU husfieta. will t>ay fr t huta irfu e Wheat, ai AJabauu. raised wh&;, of ifee aew crop, ine foiaMong pi icee,caii. .Deitverwi a aidier mill, pcavioua a the tSrb May i T!fMrßabeL rreviouj in h € 2>h, = 15 ! ~ ‘ “** 3iiri., 2 .Mr-* I “ “ 15tn Tune 2 23** | ** ’f st July 2 rt.i ~ ** j Choice Ktd 25 oen s per bushel teas. Sixty pounds to the mjiii. I.y Papers In Alabama. He ween Eatauia ad Wes P,,int, anl in V'esteru Gewraia. nort.i o£ Americas, w l p,ea-e inaeex •ue itolfars worth, lieia a racers will be aid by Pa ace Mi Ij, ami 4fnf>ama papers *>j hi latgbmerj Mills. M nar. mery. April 2-, .e.a, * mayl—twtf. I Eaiiuirer c> py. IBCSTEE SUE OF T3E COWETI FALLS MANUFALTiraiNG COMPANY. B\ virtue gc a tiust repoeeu in up, under notice ot ue tau.t hom the tioml holders *e wijj otfer ior tale at tue Market Hu ute m tile city ut Colunibua, on the first i uetduy in July next, the folios*mg property or so muck theieot am may be ueoewrary to pay die oulaiaadiug idonaa i=tued by joed CompaLy, to wit; All ot thoffe tracts ot la id in the city of Coiumbu?, count, ot .Wttieugee aud iLtie oS. Georgia, known a.;u de aignated as kit number one ut Lie Water Laat Company of the city otCoiambus survey, being ail of said lot lying r,a.fft ot the Canal Waliou=a.d lot and extending t j iota below aud running nearly aoithaud soutb, togeuier with the Factory and improvements suuatcd uu said iot; aisoy a lot commencing on the aoitn weat comer ot aard Facto ry LA, No. I. ibeuce north one hundred sect, t,asi to a point at rignt angles wub tne non n west corner of tne t actory lot, south oue huudreU rttt, iheuee west to Uie point of begiuumg. Also, lot No. one hundred and ninety one, as designated m the plan ot tue euy of Colum bia-,, containing oiie bait acre mo:e or less, beiui the same lot upon winch la built tile dwelling tur the operatives of ihe imweta f ai.s iViaimiautiuiug i_oiapany, feigetiier with aii the right, meinbeis anu appurtenances thereunto teiong uig. Ana aGo tne follow mg perffonai property contained in the Bacti ry bunding, on iot uu tuber one, to wit: Eigh> teeu Vv aip riy, oi > mety ms spindles each: two King Feiiowa tianii-j, ol one hundred and thiriy-two Spindles each; two Mules ot two hundrtd and nity :ix Spindles each; two Dressers, Fifty Looms, aid ail the ap puitenancea thereunto i elongiug; tiir,e Wool Ca.da and Wool Jacks, of one hundred, together with ail and every pun of the .Viach.neiy now in sa.d budding. k. J. MOaEis, \ NV. a. REDD, > Trustees. H.H. DFFiNG. ) Terms Cash. The bidder will oe required to pay down at the sale oue-thiid ot the purchase mouey, or tne proper ty will be immediately resold uu account of the pur chaser. m.iyl—ids. Talbot Sbeiiff bales. be sold neiore the Cos it House door in the town ft hi t aioottou, l alhot County, uu the hr t Tuesiia? iu June next, between the usual flours ot sale, tile toilow mg pi ope. ty to w nt: .u;, anerst u Alexander Copeland **ow lives, No. n’ t recu.ieoed, in ieii y scru.m diainci, count', .o sati-iv art a rno Ta b.u auperuir court m avur m P. M •■ar. V3 ’ VV ill atu J. siauiptr, a.i.ea M suimper muier, anu AlexaiiUer o k e.aud **CUniy. .-sis i. ;vo negroes-- r o>e a woman abcuLl's years of ace.and he. cnnil ivauiau, a b y a .out 3 years nd— .esueil ip m tiie Sn- io oiar, ot lainui. county, lo -aunty a ti a iucii irom uie s’ p mr coert in av r oi tteu; tmu aram! u a. and Joou l. aw n* n, vs VV Imm t fen bison, tx cm r t Uie estate oi ‘osepn VV Inin, iec=a.W. t*r p-riy pa.uie t uai. Ly *V'il iam F I a tl.sou as S,Ue p optrfe ot Jooepti VV i tou. ip 1.24—1da. a ri.S H’iWASD, Dejit. ih'X Will be so*d at the same time and place B.x nepr<*es, AthaJia aud her chi.drcn, ruptna, H?nrv, D cn. isotn, and laabeila.levied ou as th.- property ot aa.nes rVrruson, to satiaty tour ti ;as trutu the Justices court ot Uie -tik.b,ct, . eoraia Matuia o said oounty of Talbot, in oi W unam Boud vs F. .%uson, James tskm* and P Bauuh. aid one ti iairom -a and Ja-uces court m iavm i, j *V m. Bond vs i aiOes Feirgusoa. Janes bod and P. Baitiib. security, and tne live drsi mined neu. ts. levi. and on to satiety , e ti ia from said Justices couru in iavor ot Win. bonu,ia.-. Bonn and Vviljiain P. Ba gft—-aid propeny levitu ,n dv lames feoiitusou. a constable of said county, on the 3 i uav ot *pn , l-.'42. aud by annreuiiUed to the loruier sheriff ot said co uiy oi Ta not. And a so. at ihe same lime and place will be sold, one ne i o girt, about th rteeu years ol fevieu on as ilie proper ty if VVm. fe. Johnso l, P> sans v one 3 ta i-on.e iroai uie mi .erior • oartof Tnjinot o>unty, ru,ikver ol Jamts VV Lkstings vs saxa VVm Tu us n Also, one house and lot ia the town of Taibotiop. Talbot c unt : , Ij iiig In ,-qu :e I>. >o 1 1 *. ta. n w ocenpieU hy Frederick Meyer, levied on to satis y one and ta issued Irom .he in.- r.<r • Jourt, of C ibot oai.,, in favor ot James Bt.eiu8 t .eiu vs F derick Vtey- r. may l—w-UHI. EDW AR H. if \RVj y. Dept Shff. FINE BUGGY HARNESS AT AUCTION. f T'E wi’liefl in front of ou- *ne in Ro'm. on Thursday at it 11 o’clock, 3i M y next. Bor 10 Sett off VERY FINE BUGGY HARNESS. ALSO, A F. NS LOT OF JEWELRY FURNITURE, AND TOBACCO. ap3 * wklwlt AVI R it \V[i,KiNB. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Hacana plan. GRAND SC HE VIE FOR APRIL. CLA-S O. Ta be drawn May 12, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. \YHH> PRIZES AM* UN TING TO 830000 Will be distributed to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! rV* And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing ami paid when due WlTiiDcT ut-DCJOTION! I pa ZE OF ST.34JO l ** 5.000 1 “• 2,000 2 “* 1,000 : 5 **■ l “ 200 r 5 “ - 400 ; 78 ** 50 LiO ** . 25 | ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. IT T'ckeis $j ; Halves -f Jso;<4 no ters ii. j Bals ou aii so.vetd bai ks at par. Aii communications stricuy confidential. i . SAMIfEL SWAN, A gen t and Manage r. Sign oi the Biuuze Lion Montgomery, Apnl 21 -twtd JOHN MAY, Agefit. Oirard, A!a. !K7“ AS letters for immediate answer mutt be add. to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of tie State of Teorgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTKItV. THE subscriber ha ina acet pted r ui she Cnnunisßioßers tne dgetcy n-t .Vanagtmeat iS she t Oil <i.4lNKr i oTll RV. 4a .stand I e*l ii.e p- 1 c ; i fl 1 • fflce at Uira.t*iflriW. am intends ewedmr mr lie • i*fer> *.<i the same p aa aa Ual oi the hautium J.n.tartf Luttirn. ol antbaui - GRAND SCHEME FOR MAY. EASSiS X i jytj be dr .vu M j 24 b, ! J 's. i;i tbeCi y of Atlanta, Ga_ au t*i z**'ainoUß ng > S2 VVH be distriuuJed. a-cordi iz to the foil, oviug rairmfcer ? sxueme l £.'jr A<>4 remember eve y Pr;z-? A• a- &tefu:n Dr i* :-!e. iii<i paid when due V\ IIX>U t D*-VL GTi N r i ra zb ob . mzmH) t uo ■*“ L d> t do ? 3* <* I do Xit*** i do .... ~ M* 1 * l (in .................... I.''* 5 Pr z a of . 1 o*<4 in sd>* 3oi Prize* : n ail amoauLinr to . * S'XQJ} ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS f E3T Tickets $lO ; Hilvm $5 ; Q :ar*ecs *3 50. bill® on all solvent B&- A’ at par Ail CoMlnwlff BtlcgS , stneliy coah<icmai S vMUEL SWAN. Agent a*d Manager. 1 April 2i—t4 AtlaaiA, Gw*ia. A.NTHE.V.Ei M I.XSURANCt CI>Mr.V.XY OF LONDON. trail ED STATES BBASCH OFFICE. 80, >ota xirref, Philadelphia. AUTHOHIZiD CAPITAL $lO 000.000. AVAILABLE CAPITAL SI 234 3CO, VYTI: L :ake a. j lbirrisks against loss r daiuiKe S; ft itra at a reasonable rate. Leases ad j dated, and pad wrthuut raferencu lo LouU'.n. Hffertacei in Philadelphia. Atwo'<f &:., J'ltu nn.jc, rvVeujhtmao, M\r,i-’Vrgiviiruk John Far'ium. i.e<. h. J-iewrar^ W ai. * o . v\ hite, Stevens* Cu. I THUS Tfe. Ills. Stewarfe Jonu I*, w h te, T. Ratcfa:oid Ftarr. Ap >hcations for risks any be made to JOBS MLNN, Azenf. Columbus Ga., April 28, 1855. twain PUBLIC NOTICE.™ Xew Grand Dacbj af Badia Lattery Loau- CAPITAL 14 000,000 FLORINS. THIS LOAS is guaranteed i y In tioverument, ami w'.ll be drawn ki J ; *f*-n*ti’ p ia s aa yiav: 4 5 O,OCO .-ts. ! ai ol 40,C00n -12 Os 33.0011 na. 25 or 13,000 Fis. 2 m 12.000 F's. .).** 10,000 - 4-; ~ 5 000 -2“ 4.000 * ot* ** 4,000 *• -tftj - 2,0 00 “ I9W** 1,000-* The l.wesi pnzn being 42 Fl*. id r; art*equal to-a nwna’S The next (irawtiig takes p ace at* und*-r:he <* r r tiun ui t.e Ba*ieu Doitr iment on ihe 31-t 31ay,1533, when every dr .wn imam, r must obtain one *>f the >mo.e men- j tinned Prizes, which will be pa.d in. Cash, at the , dices of ihe uudersigneii. for innate rbaieho.ut r* U't reiiLiu on the pot. have they- ••m-iunt of Praes art ned paid to them ti.rouaii an establi.-hed Ban-. The Lists of h; result wm! tie sent to eat* ffhareboidi r, aud the successtua cu.noer3 ia the Newspapers. The price ot oue Ticket is Two Dollari. The following ad vantages are given Ly taking a number of Ticfcts, v z:— 11 Tickets cost only S3O t, 50 Tickets cost only s*o 2a * 40 j H) ** ** is> The Price of Tickets can be -ent iu Bilik Notes cr Drafts, payable ia ay of the commercial towns of feeiniaay, iiouai.d, France, Euziaud, Scotland or Lre:ani. For T diets and Pr ?p -c uses apply to the nndersi sited Bank ing house, which :ssp .ointed nr .he asde m T . kefs: NIORIZ STIEBfc.L SON-, Bankers. Fit V S-• E, tiSllllAM. NT. R...T.etters to be dlrec'ei “per Seamer, via l.iverpooi,” to Horz riii bel .-oris. Hai kets. in Frunktoit-oii-the- Remit.aucea whu h -trrivra ter the bty oc Drawing, wdibe returned, or investeii Lu th* next D.awubr. at .he option of the aei der. The Pro!?p ictu- of this Distribution can be inspected at the Offi eot tiiiapsip. r. ap2...semi—wtiihlabßay. HIDB3 WASTED. I will pay cask tor 10,000 ibs Piiai Hides. April 2! E—w At wit’ IJ. C. PHELPS. 500 Bushels Fresh Heal r> EC El IVIN G and f< r sale at the oid stand of D. P V Kliis iSc Cos. Price il 15 per bushel. apr’2l-tw4t A. S. HAYS. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Now is Your Time. II WING determ ned to chame irey busings?. I offi r I my entire a toes m Boots aid S rnea at NhVV Y**tvK f Ci T h'Vti. *■: -iSH. 1 fiave juat aiu I fftippiy ™ f ri| rng .uni sum a-r S i>es. su tai.l j for eU anu Gent's er. and also a good* assorind-nt of evtry ih ng in ui> line, ti loose needing an. 1 ti-ing in u;y line wu: Live me a c til 1 wsif give them better baigains Uian liny c vr Lad be lore, or in aii [rmubhty will ever have again. Lome s. oa and make vour selcCuous, 11. K. >A'■] R. No. 3Bro and a r et. N. B.—Th(e that are indebted to me on ia.-t year’s ace unt wid j I aoe cad and ioake immediaie payment, as I want ue money. G. E. G. l.iouin us. Ga.. Jpril 2b, f u s—twrf Berkshire Hogs. IH VVF, for sale a large and hut y mar zed and lu very aae Pigs. ;p! H. C. PHi*i.P . SUST D AIL'D AF PL -S ----FORTY BUSHEL S pealeil, nice and sweet, just re ceived on con-ig iineut and for sale by Apiii 21-f.. 1855 —wAtwtf lu. C. FHFLPS. Fresli Ground. DOCBLS Erw Family Floor, from White Wheat, a a beautiful article, per barrel .#l3 Ext.a Family, 4 * “ ...12 S perdue, 4i “ 10 50 DMb <• Extra is equal to Hiram Smith. VV a Lave only a smell lot <>f it. ai'7—w4iwtf WIN’TFR’S P4LACE NT[f LS. SEW SP BIN G G GODS, JUST RECEIVED BT MANLEY & HODGES. FRENCH, l-nzlisn and American Prints. French Oambr.cs and Brilliants. S oich and Fteuch (iughi ms. all 3 yies. bsreges, Tissues and Lnrht i olored ohalleys. Light S .tn.ner SLk* and Grei a.lines- Ohoice 3 .-lection of Embroideries. Handkesctueis, Col ar*. and Collars and Sleeves tr match. Jackonet ami Swiss Trimmings and Bamis. Eiiiiiishan i German Hosiery—ut every description. Damask and Mus.Ln Draperv. ALSO, A Superior let of Irish . ,uens. 6—4 P i imv Case— L neu and Cotton. l(!-4 11—A st if—4 CoQeu and Linen Sheetings. 3 p y, Inarain aud Linen Carpeting. Ever,, description of goods usually found in our line—ail of whieh win be sold ar. the lowest cash Prices. Vtscrh 3. I 55. w Mwtf DISSOLUTION. THE ffrm of H ALL & MCgs+ 3 was dissolved on the ffrst ot January, 1555, ty he reath of i. 1. Moses. H ’RVEY HALL, surviving Partner, COPAHTNESSEIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have entered into the E U6IJBEBSI miner the Aim ad name of HALL, 3£ocL3 & CO. HF.RVLYHU.L. 13 YA I MC3c.3, JACOB P He>B.JGK3, WIL IAM A. UFA’ H. February IS, 1355. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale, A Shares Aluscoiree Kaoroai. Stock to,-aie bv D’J RARtLSoN, AUSTIN A. -tfcG EHEK. feb.s.. wXtwtf. GOOD MEDICINES. i It is estimated that Ayers Chef ry Perctora’ and Cathartic Pi As ha - done inoe to jr* n oit lie [i biio health than si y ot her one cause. There can be no q lest ion that the uherr> Pectoral las bv its llnmard on iionmud cures of • o ds, itj iiuhs. Asthma. Croup, Influenza. Bronchus Ac very much reduced he pr< p irtion of dcatns from consumptive diseases in this country. lae PiiL- are as good as the Pectoral and will cuu mt're c mpiai-os. fcverytnoiy netds mo e or less punriinr Purtre the bioed from its iirp'iriLes, Puigethe Howd,. Liver and the who.e visce ai system iron- o&etiacti* ns. Purre out the and senses which fasten on :he body, to mbrk its cecay. But tor disease, we should and e only of *eu ase. Take antidotes ear y and thrust it out roin the system,, before it is yet tu*> strone n, y eld. Avtr's ilo thnet out disease, not aniy wbi e n s weas. but wtieu it LaaraJeu a stronjt hr 11 Head the astounding statements ot those who have been cured by them roni dt*a<l> ful St - ‘a’a. Dropsy. U cers 3k n Di.easss. Rheumacism. v eu a ira. D scepsia. Injerua: Pains. B ilious Complaints. He inirr T Head at he.Gouf. un<! many less dangerous twit sD 1 .ireat e ug a lim ms, such as pimples oa the ace. VV orms. Nervous j imiat jT't loss o apt.eii e I-re'iU ar ties, l;iz*j:ie-s in he He:id.C‘ Id. Fevers, iiysen’e y. and indeed every v r:e y of cs aif’ aiui tor wh'ch a Pcrzmive K<rmed> is require*'. Th se are normdotn sTsiomerti. but are authenticated by yonrown negMar* aid your > w< nhysknans. T v them once andyoii w -1 never “>e witnout uietn. Price -if. per Box—•’ Boxes ‘or s!.(>. P.epase,! by fir. u. •'. Ayer. Gnem.*. tessreli, Moss, and sold by D-m orth A; Nwv.i itmnbus, Geo. T. Hradfle and, West Po us. * W. W. * i son. TaibortoD. ** I r 4 P\ VVo< wtfw r\ .11 lib r n.* 4 I'h‘iirrsf F.' r .s.w, v . rTT*k‘s’ I ’ni Notice to Debtors aai Xre di tor *.-A i perils. novime dema-nis agwi. si t>e be a eof w m. Lane iat- * kikralioochot • <>nty Ga. deceased, will psesenr tl eu h errueo tae Law. arid in se i:i leiited to sad deceased * iit com- forwanl and make i>a\ meot. 4 .t !> -4 ui A.f.Bing.’?. Vmt p rORGI \, Rai.iitilpk •’ ; ; >*y. Whereas IHtiss-’ i, V!T R-new apt;rs *’ me t <r la*tter= cs uj the e*tate ot Not'ev Mohi-v. ia‘6 ot said CRunty decesss-d An and the ‘< u:r< a u e-editor? f the -*a;4 de,-es i. are, tretef*Me r hfrebf notified to life their objectiens (r* aav they have) on or lei‘ re tne best Mocday ia Via? ner. .ettars will be tilt n and there to the aa pl:eanL Given and* r my dav of March. 1556 *p£-3H- i) P. RP 4},1,. r,H n. rv -pwo mfitii'ateEd. eai'pLc too w:L n* mnue to r ,e . oar L f untuiuv s.*ri\ enunry u r leave to sii rtw fa *±- r je ‘oagtag tauie e tare of VViiL’aci Harwl, and. r by BL ERZhf, LLiil Rga. Ad’m £-riy cocßty, Lima 38,1c5j.— SE'.VLVG sacdjkx GEOVKR. BAKES & CO S. PAISSTT. J’ K ! n>t I, at Wid I>t ,11 HH-.a! dt! e ■ Mxchtjpi :u.apu L tosrei era; use. nit *nse < Halt tiiwi.r *ew tiUce. j thiexi ets-sof *u b r.! with equal ease. • u%.b* ma. a_e> -j a ;i* net mu Wio&eLutt. *f >*l rfe sew taw ‘ itallast rhema.; can & run by bai.ti, %oi > r vru.ct i**>w j .-Hr.’ Kve*y i lie stoc.u and have them. T *-y*W*!t illi U.e w-wike ’ a (&y ui au hour, cnat*. Call and 9 -r- diem. COW J’a \ X. • 0.. L apf4—twu? t oi imbu-v i**onria. i Wmi& FACTORY. Colum'b'us, G-a. YARNS, WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD. Sir .-aie. V\ Out, Card and at one fourth toll or ten cent.- ! per pound. LINSEYS an tie up an eh a re**, or He. per yard All Werk daae Frhmpl'r aad Warranted- MOIVTGOM FRY I RON WORKS, MONTGOMERY, 4L4. WIL L FUR XI S£l Pit OMP TL Y w*TEAM w En,inea Oirrular raw \i ~*. Grist M Is, Hi a ‘ re. or -tnv nesciipHoti t>( Jtf-HLJJ IJ% IRI Also kicn jua ri\abed Water W iseeis. the besr in lie ■‘>r;d. Lynch, Face Whittle**} &Cos „ Wo* draff * to ufV M the V*us<-ogee ita.l Rond, and Mann iw ofinM 3. teat* i ?■ ■1 v ttinir it it) * feet of • anther per hour-. each using cae ot oui Patent Circu ar iaw M ila 01 oat Snw. G. W\ WINTI R. mart 2—Aspuif,.* < I itt h*Oe nt'a. BOUNTY LAUDS. WE have on hand a large tot of the Form- to he used in obtaining: Bl>l‘\TY LANDS, suited to all ca e-. that we will sell ai*l per qaere, C A'll* Columbus, Ga. w.Vtwtf LOM AX & ELLIN J. il. BUSSELL, ATT OK X • V AT L A\V , Office ar nrpsert. with G F T'*•**. F=n_ over J R tv* ,id jc Cos Broad Street— Columbas. Gear . a, Co!u*u.)tis T rpH u, 5. . wsiwtf TO TH2 LABIS . ~ HAVING received a most extensive and mil supply of the infest rreitch SPRING MIUBESY £ 82E33 GOODS for Ladies wear, I solicit a cal! from all. The .Goods *r ; bow opened, and til” selection com; ri es an richer than e\er * SLrtii beoiie m lli-sunirßet. iiespectm !>, 31 l r . D'to S \L*, UJd L r jud _ tr>-et. NOTICE IN ouier that my customer? runni g ucccums may ’know t'-e terms on I trade, I deviu and advisable to puh ieh them, t-or pui char ng on r rue j*yni.t > itcjnii*<i !w ce a y. ar. on the first ol July and drat ui ^uuary,at wnicti t uie tl.e 1 1 ’**l be pr-HenU il. . 34Rts. Lit a U. [ Aon! 7. 1~3 woitmlrn. * .K COMMISSION A.ND GROCERY HOUSE. f | HE undersigned has the pleusu e ot annouucies to t! e 1 puo'.c Uiat he has just reeei and aiut will cuiumoc to re ceiVe durimr ‘-he s. ason a go and mgi Fut FAHILY GROCERIES, c or &CGJ. r l, COFF E, .VOLASSE aj/. r, l aco-\\ ccrfw; P g ,IS y CU K E < r, it TF.iS, Fiae ?egars an 1 Tobacco, die*, wh'ch hi fFers ve y tow for ,|,| g ‘‘II onlr. T .<■ putiiic ;<r - r **-p tv ii vu- * oi-j ,enii, e t i 3 rk * N<>ne Lit: Genuine an 1 Fcesli Articles **u ts - eo; md ad e,u? s.. a x .rr ittie.uu* tie .*s guud a& the best. ;U the aid ?;and ot D. P. Ll.a a U)., No. 14, Br ad -o i eel. Cu lumb is,ia. A. s*. H aV - i . rrijorir n ii 7. apig— wtwtf. Bounty Land! Bounty Land I Bounty Lana! IB HK a idr rsitrned h-tvii gaw*ec:aet i i-< m** lv* oui . r tor the purpose oi procuriiii BOUNTY LAos □ u. dvr the several ac? ot t ‘otitir. 79 iieie *■ me pas • , a,*. u,,w prepared to make -it p icatu n t.i . 1 ho w • are .ii *i and. Pern'iia wno have heretofore received B-.i i,ty ! and War nuts. are. under a rjeent act ot Cos eutitiKl to ah addi tiona. Bounty us Land, and by g ax our * ffice can get aii the necessary int r naiio i. • We a e also pr p red u> j r -seente Pension and other cl.r ms aunint the L'mfet. 3 atea r >it **i*r !>-nu exp net ce and wt-nr er i! *uc ’ess. we * a , w ith c-oitid-i!* e s. v. itm, ale aims eiiirua ie<l to our ■ ar*. will be| r >mpi y and p eiiu aUuis ed One of il * pir.i s Deng'‘,miuiHly i . v\ ci y, will give the buSMie-* h*s pers rial attention there. Officeove* Guuhy Jt Ltauiela’ S.ore. Coiuiuht.s, Georg : a. IMIGHAKi A. CL.uK, tVh24 .wi.twtf. A. B. RtGAN. J. P. JO S3 AN. S. F. Oil£. JOEDAN & GEE, RECEIVING & FORWARD!! MERCHANTS, Qjacral Caanaissßa .Units. 4 Srtfen ia Bry-Gocd3, Grocetins end FrcYisicns, CHATTAHOOCHEE, Gadsden Cocntt. F:,a. April 2, 1985. w€m. IMPOETAJ3T TO TEACHERS, Country Merciuots, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Eooks, Stationery & nancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH t ✓H*?* —. BEING desmnia of changing my bU9iiie-7, f now ors r inv ex “e-ive /■> ‘ ‘"-‘fk >t Sc boo!. I, aw. ~.J cal, Theological end 311*- tsooks. an<l ■ v.r- J v- Staiionery at COST F O Ft CASH* I have a LarsreStock of 3;h;oJ k 9, a .and :t w, .he srearly to the advantage t Feachevs ai.d iho*ein ctor e <d’Ech ole, ■to call immediately aid aui p-y the one iv, . Ir you can* ot j come, send jour orders wita uhe money,and I w:. ; lend them to you. to anyone wishiairtogo into the buairesa, T woa!d .-y. that i I will soil them my entire stock upen ht m<t tavoral L. .efa —ooui as t. p ic. 9 -ud payments. -a. at i *ee. I*tt.DAN L. IIO'vTET.I . N. B.—l wouio most nreetfu’ly say, to a > *u :re ed to me. that t mast have the niuuey. Please let met hear i from ym wfihrut urn.r notice-. ’ J.i.H. Coiumbu* hit, Npri. 14. ic.j.i. wtwtf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODsT TH E iS-iSscr her has receiTel ha sock o* rTR Ml A'D 3 rMM-IR xY G< D~4 —comp isiaa a.l Trusiiand deairabie, which the patii.c ar* luv. vd to examine. T'i. <r w, re urhr to sell —are Xr. r s<tlr~and wtil sell to all in want—if ex imined- I_* y will ne iff e-1 oi lower pri -ca nr c 3Su ih ~i . ut} s *y e3 and vaiue were- ever < if, ;h tins city. *p 0 -w*kuw2m C. M YGATT. REMOVAL^ \\ r E laketiiis inetb.d of ic ormina oar 1 rends and the oa t lie tha we have removed our sues to NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET. IV utre ; 1 l ui wty , 3 j i'o a 1 irge seiec ioa of FORTES From ne B **t 31 tones; n toe United Sutcs. ot aii Stt ts > and PdiCLS. A ISO. Gnltari, Yioltcellar s* Violinf* jo rathbo iur, t*iaie r Ftaiin m.n * Anoidemo. Music B xc*. Uarittßata,’ Flagew.etu .aa Kim*mr 3AtU>, m*!i sui, G s* 5 BIN a i> all cus. jwl f. Largest As*<rt men * ‘‘Y *iifc-fci* MX. it ;;|ttc . c uaitutu n.a,r,n_e. .-• j uialcam int ivl.i criutli M Pt* hart fell. ALSO. A LARGE s o k of I CSv Fine GOLD anl SILVER WAJfHES A E ‘ KV :tn,i KA> V “u.'. .r ail r t ,i ~ * .r"’ h .V” - *9ted * n r> i bmbrotdery Patterns, ami idle? un;cte> . .. ;we .„, i O ttiewllt U. t?” 3 hand Ptta • akn : n -xchann'e wfc n new ..r,. j vre >Q' an*’ ‘**->* ft han • f MSB* -r'sUif tjj,. t. Pianos. Organs, Helodians, I,d 1 .rher k-ds . |d is cA. UfatTito a- r. per-u un- * ca . aj>a .. I -t.irto*t* and wwrrtated in.hit en re *a . ac . “ T AH orders lei. at our stone •11 *-at tewc, .* .i -eo uow TbU & V *'F® 3Kk,* I ‘-.totou.tjMiS?*** 1 * ** BOUNIY-LASD V7AEEANTS. PenALon Clairaa, &c. TTXmuioS & PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LA W , . COLXra£BU3 GEO. f * (Ofitce, No *57, Broad over E. Bamar t’s Store } I 11 vV iNG ,-iuMie %raiirfeten r 7at Ctfy.i y wan h ! ti. S’s buwfni 4-elifrU-tViL to 1? eie v* - i<. p t*. |ii. <• •• >1 >.r j 9 e ei Wh-t r i*->*cute BonDt) I <t W ar rants, Ptßsinas, etc , awfp,-. c.i< iulm J ‘*** i **t*d - t .i&a tidi i’ leifn Cttugrtss *r ti. at ve.ul J e lartmmt*. .... agan If tu*y ire also prepare i. ta purchase Ciaiwa, 4k*-, asai I. st j hi* t required Lie Land WzrraitU Clgms i tc.* t Ire pr ntrm Juxsa Hititnx ns rrt.t-t A, rii . t*if 61'AAO. IO Tons Guano, Just Received, and for Sale by •;k hTEN WOOD i GFii v ES. -nivs , 1355 v At 6. and. ALT IX* A l':t*e of the A rUliOt i* a few ao,l 4bmJj£jpjk? :y '\i' i .-'ir w. r, j iat pudt.ahvd ty u L. r 4•. rs and tcTsstle hy -• ‘ 4.VV PLA3E. Also, a Hew Supply cf 3 nr,h 3iiWiew of I * very, hv y. vda n*. IX L.; Rirb Hall up . t aunt; toft and Beaus.ea > Fan y rent, 4.5.4 c iv im-m-. F 8.-ii , % ' t *f. Soutlierii Mutual Life Insurance. IIIc. iavoiah e te’m* 1 a hich tar mat re to Ms w ifcw ai.U nr haii chili.ri u a cum tollable >1 p><i>t, mvne tlie 3t> enflori oi ail who are n.t ‘ich u.-iuch hi t cmd*.£ttt tht.rii.iu siy w tl.oni their own pi For stir Her ir fur m.o*, uppiy ,0 •ei:2t-ww a3m. A FOND, .<geut. just Received on Ccnsignment, IIIV4 L-* S - V W iiucui.; hoe maud; 9V vL* lUUN ,bn. Feathers. So Ki-i-Pnme Frerh 1 • rd. 7-1 B, se-. B.*xesa ias% Boxes he t Virginia Tobacco. w ” 3 ards Teueset e Jesuo, Gheap i#r '*ih inurJu—tt HULL. hRIKi f rv. JAM Ei B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL ESGIXEER A3D HRFBYOR. COLUMBIA, EGOkGIA. \ a-.HITECTT. 3.AL and Wort-ii g Plans tor Builif iuus rum into*!. Artificer's work -atcua 1; 3urv*\ S of , and made, and T p-vrrapieai plans n.raished with* ueaiUi raami derpati h rr t ‘ffii.-e over 1 o . Holt’s Law Office. t'otiimhua, Feb. 24. wttwtf lia 3SIY GWHPOFFIKG. V lu * I my. thai 1 have A st rre T-bacco on reas nshle ,9 < r it-* v, ‘iv n f -my si ?hi cause so>e of ourenuors bay this Tobacco. Ti.o.-e wh.. aswn.i * wnfiniorw e<| me rn. j,m ;,I Mill exon ne mv Tobacco, Segar. Brandy, Whisky, VViaev, 4tc. Sfce. tl ,„ and ®,ain eti .0 -in. 1 r iur csii, a sun L a.. Vut.ct on New lud cust r 2 —wJStiwf* p \ t’i x3T N HEAR BOTH SIDES. All tlie World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BKAUTIKS OF FANNY FEHN, IN ONK VOLUME, l-31i>.. CLMTIT. Who Is F uth Halt? Is Fnth Pell Fanny F rrn. or somebody else! and if Fanny Fern is not l. m h Hail whoU km. ny Fe.uS THE Li*E A?iD BE.ILTIES OP FA.IM FERN! Is now before the inset and the w*r and w.u be enlrgulened. Ain fhi- him- : i r.t ’ I*— : 1 Mu. Olds Ihe present Work L authentic in all its Itetaib. Those ho have read tue coj y, iruiomce It tho w:itiert. sp cii si io ok 01 itie seatH*u. L prtsen s vivid, life like I.. ctuiesut the- ciiarminsr and br’l luuii Author of Fern Ltsvis and fi uth flail, at iiur own fi< e*u< . ■<< me ttdili r's ?7ii ciuiu. 111 the street, at Unu, ai.d iu tverj po=*uouiiie isU e sao,e tascinauin; iv* mail. la th j* voiuin , several of Fanny Fern's ariiest efforts ai Dei r for He fir < tme i t* ok nrrn. T i** reader will dud that they possess ‘he same attractive features winch elurrxet r ze a 1 lire parlßcliims. they are ,u'enure y vviuy an. patnei.c, cniistn and soottii g, -p rklit gaud pensive >0 ,i h r an: imr has .ucceedidso well iu touening the flin.l chords ot the heaiS. Ju.-t received and Cf r sale by f. ’ W. PEAS3. HESI'S A CHAJSCE FORA BARGAIN FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF M SiC. -, A BUTS IIN-; to .reduce: our frr e So-k of Wnstc, I(i s’me ti on Bonks, fi'l Musical Work* of alt Kinds, W-* [f. i u *> and unn • June next, at a discount, of fid per ce-t.. FOR C A > H. VIOLINS & ACCORBEOXS c m be bought che iper hire th m at any oti.i r s ore in the ci y. Tkl. r Ilk V AN lit N R -. *eb!4 -dwkW'Llstjune. 22 Last sideßnuo- 3 ■“ 1 bi K *. bPEtI vL \OTith. INivder t. at o** cu.-4.:mers miv u id* rotund the ?e me 1 11 w iicn ‘w'euaiL-jwe have th<>iiitu if udvi.9 a u!e to pul 1.9 them. 1 bey are ae hdlours: f. r nil pure ha 1 s 011 titne, payniei Ls wi lbe requmd twa-e a tear; -ay let May and Lst j auitr . On all aatooi.ts ui la4;u u e tiou s specuied, we shall claim and expect uif* r?*t m.til pa and. ti.BAtiNA tU i CO Coicmhiis, Jan. 1 t ’53. j.wiil—wAtwttl UaiLtd States MarshiUl Safes. ’VY” ILLbe so'd on the third Tuesday in May nexr.te * loiethe I '. ut H niite Roof nr ti e eiry ot 1 olurn ba-s MuHaugi-e Couniy, Ga., I ttmtau toe usual houns ut saG,rtoe tV.llowuisr pi *pe.ty—vizt 16 Od Can-* 1 B<Z ad CaJiGrnia >ti L-,2ra’i fo:m 1 M G,9>;oe Boi!es.4c ~t <y ) C e.-SZie Pot-, 16 ,3 qt.,J Cover,oi Bucket-, t? 5 i qt) Lui. red Bucket-, 5 -mail Lord f'-111?. 1 iar_e Lard Ca'i,3 uirge Water Pot-,5 .arse Pans, t Cos t Hope, 11 Cuffe** Boilers. astrd, 11 i Chafed! Oi.-he?, li ta.iie- fir Cfeiri.-ii! 1 i.-h> s, 4>* 4 qt) Cotfee Pots, i$ >qt 1 C-&C Pols, 31 ‘‘J pt) C* S e pots. J *roal! Hop Bucket-. 3 i m Chun*-, 7 t e Cram Churns, 11 CJTlundets, 2* Lamp Feeder?, 4 Shower fiaths.SssiufcH ■ Seated. 4 Biase K-rle“,6, i5 <r.[ ; I i>pi, Ii Iron iSpiuo, &•;, ti Ir*n Sii'uii r-. 13 Iron 1 .li-Lite-.6 annh vens. t Water Cooler. 1 M S ad, 3) Coce Latdens, 130 Wash P ins, aetoited, 3 f Ik ri Pan-,6 ‘*fe;ieupi>,3 on,aii 1 n Dipt e">, 17 larg- Miik. Pans, 24 .3 qt } Pun-, 40 “i qr > Pans. Ii Put Pa i G-q -* Putt-s,ass. r’*t 7 S! >p Tub-, 5 Tin Pucneo*. z 5 La Carid es*, a-soited, 40, C-tiid e Stick.-, 6 Pewter P.uh. r bead ’l ray-, 4 tiake P tee. 6 Sueur B-'i'*?-, t ie, a*. Teppe r Box*-i,s -rrm 1* Wai !i r.%4 Nnr ery L,:np-,6 Pair \ aid-, 2 K de Wa-b ----er?, 4 Cas*h g. xe,3 ri.,tn.ia Sj. it toons. Sf m I’ea Put-, J Li Uee k jiieiers !i fcrifania i 1 Jellv Sua.-e-*. 15 iron le Ke!iie, 36 Iron Lad*, s, 2 Entfie Bose-, 24 Muu e Tiaps. 12; Bef,reta,6 soup L*h ! dies,2 Spice Box'-? 6 Be** May-. 12 M l. its* lots 43 I Toy Lap.- *ZS'H * Lend Pipe, i bi.i. Madder. 3 Tumbler i-raine---. 3 Dus. Pa.,.-, liGreas- Pcda, 12 Uder?, 4,4Tuthse Pi4s. I j s-oiaieg. * >rati r-, 1 gn<r lru ’lew mjooi ?, I groai Lui. *T t S. oon-*, id Sna stoSi d>. z Pack feimn s, HtCiUuiie .VL-uid-,6 t a IL I'hit ’ ‘"fr-. Hah Pat Cups l , sett* so i w eight*. 12 Laid La.upe.'J’ IS*.ncues Hi ge, 3 Pur-cheif I ,n ? a >r 7l-.Z Heat ers. *4 Itowtfef < uas,2 Spnier-wnth Hug ns 3*5 J D-iiM Pan-, 2 Hv * Ge, 3 S| j* e B-v?. 24 Dredge PoteswT ouir P atfiirm Scales, 1 l a_-{ *roa Pis ; “*'• 1 *- Ltod ir rver .Ili p Bwui.2 -p- igt C-i-th,-, J BiHuju;; Liwiii.?,4 Nests’ Tuy Trunk.*, 2 * v’jTifl i e*C- C ,9 tto. K.-.ves/j g-c*? C* ramtvt shirt , Buiioos. I d* zen L’ as oited; 2doz-n .-ma 1 Brass I ‘*•’< k-,7 Suitel i hoot Smvejt. 2 B,;-? StraTter- i fe-z. a i f W” hoLters. 1 T*Vrm-eter. 2 Wet ft b>> 1-, 4 ttczea pair .^ndiF--*r-H B a tie she t frui 3 Boses Tut, 12 1 • p— i per Mewci res 6J W -ii Pa. *. 3 S-*st* sugar B< se--. 2 Fot j l übe, 6 o.itonda Pita! eis. 10 Brittenta * an*,i -tick*-, 6 •irnai to Tea P ?*, I Knttonw. * -r-e For, 2> i*. *- P .ns, 3V cowered Turoirl-, 100 C-ee P* a, ta-o-fed, i J C.itiir oilers .7 Ui! ’ ans, 2 arge P t a 6 braae £et I** ,22 k.a; feme. 28 Ga C 1 dm*—, a-oit*-d, Uga ( ake I d*ig do .15 ifoa i*i K*s ie* t 3 ijri ( | pit An.t in 9- 3 Oarii ttoies. 10 fr -ii Ksitie-. 1 Snow i Case. SXI- v Shape*,'evi and ■ •** *- fee pr- petty t *&b B. I iwks. t • -hti.-i 13(i t> L*eu* d’ om S.x;h Ciruu iC*.uit 1 •te [ Si -- U- *- eSQ . r* D: PLtef fi* og a. j a favor c 1 S. 11. Ua som A. t<* , a Job R. ickx. £*- C. HLbßt LL. LX-pui v L\ S. Man-hatl. Er Sontou. u ivct to u*m.