The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 18, 1855, Image 4

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by authority. laws OF THE UNITED STATES. m Treaty with Argentine Confederation , July 10, 1853. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty, between the United States of Ameri ca and the Argentine Confederation, was concluded and j-itfned by their respective Plenipotentiaries, at San Jose de Flores, on the tenth day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty three ; which treaty, being in the English and Spauish lan guages, is, word for word, as follows . Treaty for the. Free Navigation of the Hirers Parana and Uruguay, between the United States and the Ar gentine Confederation. The President of the United States and bis Excellency the Provisional Director of the Argentine Confederation, being desirous of strengthening the bonds of friendship ■which bo happily subsist between their respective States and countries, and convinced that the surest means of ar riving at this result is to take in concert all the measures requisite for facilitaHhg and developing commercial rela tions, have resolved to determine by treaty the conditions of the Iree navigation of the Rivers Parana and Uruguay, and thus to remove the obstacles which have hitherto im peded this navigation. With this object they have named as their plenipotentia ries, that is to say—the President of the United States, Rob ert C. Schenck, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni potentiary of the United States to Brazil, and John S. Pen dleton, Charge d’Affaires of the United Stales to the Ar gentine Confederation; and his Excellency the Provisional Director ol the Argentine Confederation, Doctor Don Salvador Maria del Carril, and Doctor Don Jose Benja min Gorostiaga ; who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Article 1. The Argentine Confederation, in the exer cise ol her sovereign rights, concedes the free navigation of the Rivers Parana and Uruguay, wherever they may belong to her, to the merchant vessels of all nations, sub ject only to the conditions which this treaty establishes, and to the regulations sanctioned, or which may hereafter be sanctioned, by the national authority of the Confederation. Article 2. Consequently, the said vessels shall be ad mitted to remain, load, and unload iu the places and ports of the Argentine Confederation which are open lor that purpose. Article 3. The Government of the Argentine Confed eration, being desirous to provide everv facility for interior navigation, agrees to maintain beacons’and marks pointin'’ out the channels. Article 4. A uniform system shall be established by the competent authorities of the Confederation, for the col lection ot the custom-house duties, harbor, lights, police, and pilotage dues, along the whole course of the waters which belong to the Confederation. Artice 5. Ihe high contracting parties, considering that the island ot Martin Cr&rcia may, from its position, eni* barrast! and impede the free navigation ot the confluents of the Liver Plate, agree, to use their influence to prevent the possession of the said island from being retained or held by any State ot the River Plate, or its confluents which shall not have given its adhesion to the principle ol their free navigation. Article 6. If it should happen (which God forbid) that war should break out between any of the States, Republics, or l rovinces of the River Plate, or its confluents, the navi gation of the Rivers I arana and Uruguay shall remain free to tlie merchant flag ot all nations, excepting in what inav relate to munitions of war, such as arms of all kinds, “un powdpr, lead, and cannon halls. Article 7. Power is expressly reserved to his Majestv the Emperor of Brazil, and the Government of Bolivia, I araguay, and the Oriental State ol Uruguay, to become parties to the present treaty, in case they should be disposed to apply its principles to the parts of the Rivers Parana, araguay, and l ruguay, over which they may respectively possess fluvial rights. r 3 Article 8. The principal objects lor which the Rivers Parana and Uruguay are declared free to the commerce of the world, being to extend the mercantile relations of the countries w’hich border them, and to promote inirnioration, it is hereby agreed that no lavor or immunity shall be grant ed to the flag or trade ol any other nation which shall not equally extend to those of the United States. Article y. The present treaty shall be ratified on the part of the Government of the United States within fifteen months from its date, and within two days by his Excel lency the Prov sional Director of the Argentine Confedera tion, who shall present it to the first Legislative Congress of r P , 0,1 ec [f rat ! on f° r their approbation. ernmehtoi t¥e Argentine Confederation, within the term of eighteen months. • Tu *™ where °f the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty, and affixed thereto their seals. Done at San Jose de Flores, on the tenth day of July, in three ear °* ° Ur k° rd oDettloUSan d eight hundred and fifty ROBERT C. SCHENCK, Isrxr I JNO. S. PENDLETON, SALVADOR MA. DEL CARRIL sfal 1 JOSE B GOROSTIAGA, & J m ’ . Wher f. B / the Baid . treat y has keen duly ratified on hotti parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were December lZ! he °* ParaUa ’ °” the twentietil anda > ; of PIFRrJ h( P efo . be r J L I y? own 1 diat I, FRANKLIN I rLK.CE, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made public, to the end that the “5?.* ® ver -Y clause and article thereof, may be observed r g ° od fa,th by the Unit ed States and the 1 citizens thereof. j In testimony whereof, l have hereunto set my hand and i caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. I i>one at the city ot Washington, this ninth day of April, ! in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hund- ! fL. s.] a j o ty bve * and l he Independence of the ! united States the seventy ninth. By*ePre,ide„,: l-'RANKLIN PIERCE. ] W . L. Marl y, Secretary of State. RESOLUTIONS, [No. 23] JOINT RESOLUTION making an Appropriations for the Purchase of Territorial Libraries. Be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Represe nta srmMet f ‘l tled States of America in Congress as sernbled, That five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for tin purchase of Ind r NTbmska raneß toT 6&cU ° f the of Kansas Approved, March 3, 1855. [No. 25.] JOINT RESOLUTION making Appropriation for the 1 Payment of those entitled to the Benefits of the Resolu- I non of the House of Representatives of the United State I passed March third, eighteen hundred and fifty five, vo tmg Extra Compensation to Pages, Folder., and others, i £ o/ k a~- \ sernbled. That the sura votod by the rt *‘ j tatives, March third, eighteen and 1 folders, and other employees be 1 ptprS f a " y mUney9 ‘Wury, not"fe apt Approved, March 3. 1855. 7h Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age, is AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. TtIEY don’t help complaints hut they cure tliem One Box has cured Dyspepsia. * Three Boxes have cured the uoivt M „ r c *• , Two Boxes have cured One Box always cures the Jaundice ottaX dSS’r lM “ SOllle “vstemfrom Boil*; of ulcers .Small doses seldom fail to cure the Pile- One dose cures the headache arising Iron , *v„i , Strong doses otten repeated expdeverv J body. mer > worm from the They should be giver, to children who or less affected with thisscourge a ays more Asa gentle physic they have no equal fi n ?f B °u CurwsdorHn ~ emei,t 01 Liver Halt a Box cures a Cold. They purify the blood, and thu* strike *• r , of every diseast*. c * K “C foundation Asa Dinner Pill there is not their equal in the world cine through this section. - = er ? m Medi . ~ SETTLE UP. A sr“5 r “ X’l-irtMs k. V> •*.{ * tittup NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. tT'RENCH, English and American Prints. French Cambrics and Brilliants. Scotch and French Ginghams; all Styles. Bareges, Tissues and Light Colored Cballeys. Light Summer Bilks and Grenadines* A Choice Selection of Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, Cottars, and Collars and Sleeves to match Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings and Barfds. English and German Hosiery—of every description. Damask and Muslin Drapery. ALSO. A -Superior lot of Irish Linens, tv-1 Pillow Case—Liueu and Cotton. 10-4 11-f A 12-4 Cotton and Linen Sheetings. 3 ply, Ingrain and Linen Carpeting. Every description of goods usually found in our line—all of | which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Columbus. March 3. H 55. w&twtf, j BAGGING AND BALK ROPE. j 1 A A Rales India Bagging. LU* 7.500 Coils Ro^e. For sale by GREEN WOOD A GRIMES. Columbus, Seot 13, 1834 —tw&wtf ___ j DISSOLUTION, THE firm of H YLL A MCSES -was dissolved on the first of January, lbos, by the death of 4.1. Moses. HKRVEY HALL, .Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have entered into the HA RD~ If .IRE i H i HINF.Sii, under the tirm r.rd name of HALL, A CO. IIERVEY HALL, ISAAC I. MOSES, JACOB P. HEN RICKS, WILLIAM A. BEACH. Fcbrnrv 13, 1855. wAtwt f . ~THE HOWARD FACTORY Is now selling Domestics and Yarns, At the Usual Rates, 10 Per Cent off, FOR CASH. Columbus. Ga February 19. wtf. Just Received on Consignment, I OA nAA LBS. Tennessee New Bacon: Hog rounu, I ZU,UUU 1000 lbs. Feathers. ! 50 Kegs Prime Fresh Lard. 75 Boxes, Boxes and X Boxes best Virginia Tobacco.| 1000 YardsTeuessee Jeans. Cheap for Cash. I mar24—tf HULL, FRIERSON A f'O. jcJja A Talp of the Alamo, is anew and ° r>ular work, justgpublisbed by the Harpers Also, a New Supply of South Side View of Slavery, by N. Adams. D. I).; Ruth Hall; Cap. Canot; Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern, Ae. Ac. Columbus. Feb. 22. wAiw'f. DISSOLUTION. THE Firm ofTrnax&Vandmßerg was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist ol April 1855. The undersigned having purchased of .Mr. J. L.Truax hi? in i’ terest in the former firm, will rontinuethe MUSIC BUSINESS ! in all its branches at their old stand NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Wherecau always be found a large selection of pSfBTOO FORTES ! From the B:st Manufactories in the United States, ofall Sty lls and PRICES. ALSO, Ittelodian*. Uulfars, Viol tncellos, Violins, BiuiJoh, Tamborlnes, Flute*, Flntlnas, Accordeons, Mnsic Boxes, Clarionet tv, Flageolet,ta anil Fife*, Also, all kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BANOS, together with Bass and Tknor DRUMS. STRINGS of all kinds, and the Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC forall the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. Second hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old one*. Second hand Pianos for Sale or Rent. Pianos, Organs, Melodlans, and ail other kinds es : Musical Instruments in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will be promptly attended to. 76 Broad Street,Sign'of'the'Marnrnoth^Wddle. Columbus, May 5‘ 1855. w REFORMED PRACTICE. DR. WM. T. BROWN, n HAVING permanently locals t in Columbus, Ga., can to the afflicted that he i prepared to treat all forms VJff ol disease, both acute ami chronic. He would partciularly £3* call the attention o! those laboring under chronic dis eases of every character, as his successih the treatment of this class of diseases has been such as to warrant him in saying that he can give relief in almost every case. His tieatmeut for Consumption and other pulmonary diseases cannot be surpas sed. Those desiring his seryices may be sure of receiving on ly Sanative Medication, as he is thoroughly convinced that th*e long list of poisons used as medicinal agents do more to en gender disease than to cure it. A” assortment of valuable medicines on band, sucb as Anti-Bilfious, Anti-Dyspeptic and Ague and Fever Pills. Also bis Specifics tor Gonorrhteaand Syphilis, which he will war rant io cure in a very short time. Office over E. Barnard A Co’s. Store. Dr. Brown can be found at night at the Oglethorpe House. july/4wtw3m. Medical Card. DR. M. E. LAZARUS, ‘.FORMERLY OF V'ILMINGTON, NORTH CA.,) f PROPOSIWtoJo-ateinrColuinbus tor the practice of Medicine. He is at presentresiding withß. J. Moses, Lsq.. and will receive at Mr. Moses’ office in Columbus, any medical calls or communications addressed to him. ur, Lazarus magraduase of the New York University, who has emPlaced the flomujopathic principle; not confining nun seif, however to the administialien ot drugs.bni emplov lnr, m appropriate cases, the varied procedures of Electro- MSnttlsmand of the %yter-cure __ “”; eW twtf IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS’ Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! BEING desirous of changing my business, l now ofler my extensive z.i&g Stock of School, Law, Medi- Theological and Mis- MBgb}iliiiitEi ce || aneolls Books, Stationery at COST FOR CASH* I have a large Stock of School Books, and it will he greatlv to the advantage of Teachecs and those in charge of Schools, to call immediately and supply themselves. If vou cannot come, send your orders with the money, and I will* send them to you. To any one wishing to go into the business, I would sar, that 1 will sell them my entire stock upon the most favorable"terms —both as to prices and payments. Call and see. JORDAN L. HOWELL. N. B.—l would roost respectfully say, to all who are indebt ed to me, that l must have the money. jPlease let met hear from you without further notice. J. L. f|. Golumbu* Ga.. April 14, 1855. wtwtf GEORGIA. Early county. Court of Ordinary, fur said County March Term , 1855. THOMAS B. ANDREWS, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John Jones, deceased, having made final return of his acts as such and petitioned for letters dieinissory: Disordered that all persons concerned, show cause ‘if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant a* the October Term 1855, of our court. A true extract from the minutes, March 17th, 1855. tnarSfi—wGm. S. s, STAFFORD, Ord. Gi EORUIA, Taylor county.—Whereas. William l Miller appiiesto me lor letters of Administration on the Estate of Benjamin Miller, late of said county, dec’d: These are thereiore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aud credito sos said deceased to be and appear at my office aud file their objections in terms of the iaw, it anv they have, otherwise letters will be granted. Given under rov band and official signature, this 3d dav of July. 1855. juhy—w3 id JOHN STURDIVANT, Ord. EORGIA, Taylor couuty.—Whereas, Willis Me* T licndou applies to me lor letters of administration oil the estate of Mary McLendon, late of said county deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail aud singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they have, in this office, on or before the next term of said court, otherwise letters will be grauted to the said applicant. Given under my hand the 3d August, 1855. August 6—w4od. JOHN STURDIVANT, Ord. Notteeto debtor* and creditor All persons inceb9<i to ?b evt-ste of John Peterson, late of said county required in make ira madia** panasid tho*is , *■***. ¥}t£Orm>|!fß 1 GEORGIA Muscogee county: Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1853. RULE NI Sl—Levicy Lowe, Administratrix on the es tate of Wm. Lowe, deceased, having applied for letters of Dismission: Gn motion, it is Ordered, that all persons concerned show cause, if any they have, why said administratrix may not be dismissed ficmsaid administration at the Courtof Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in December uext. A true transcript from the'minutesof said Court, .Vay. 21st, * 1855. may2lw6w * JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary. Mary Baker \ Bill for Discovery, Relief, and . *• ; Injunction, returnable fto Chai- Willis P. Baker,k. others.) tahoochee Superior Court,Nov. Term, 1855. ITrppearing to meon the affidavit of the Complainant, in the above Bill, Mary Baker, that one of the Defendants tbereiD, Willis P. Baker, resides beyond the limits of this State, It is or dered that the said Willie I*, appear and .plead, answer or de mur, to said Bill at the next term of the said court, and that publication of this order be made, rs service of said bill on said WilisP., in one of the public gazettes of the city of Columbus, once a month for four mouths. Witness my official signature, this the 30th day of May. 1855. jaulti — wm4m. ED3IUND 11. WORIULL, j. s.c. c. c. Bucbaunan & Wade. l RULE NISI vs. [• To foreclose .Mortgage, Ac., in Anthonv Kichie, j Early Sup. Court Ap. Term 1855, Present Hon. Wm. C. Perkins, Judge of said Court. IT appearing to the Court, by the Petition of James Buchau nan A John M. Wade, merchant partners, using the firm tk-lstyleot Buchannan A Wade, that on the 26th day of March, 1852, Anthony Richie madv and delivered to said Buchannan A Wade, his five certain promissory notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the said Anthony Ritchie promis ed one day after the date ot said notes, to pay said Buchannan A Wade or bearer, One Hundred and Forty 38-100 Dollars for value received; And that aiterwards, on the same day and year aforesaid, the said Anthony Richie, the better to secure the payment of said notes, executed and delivered his deed ot Mortgage to said Buchannan A Wade, thereby conveying to them lot of land number one hundred and ninety five, lying in the 26. h District of Early county, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less,conditioned that if said Anthony Richie should pay off and discharge said notes or cause it to be done, according to the tenor and effect thereof, then said mort gage and notes should become null and void to all intentsaud purposes: And it further appearing that said notes remain unpaid: Itistherfore ordered, That the said Anthony Richie do pay into Court, by the first day es the next term thereof, the principal, interest and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any he has; And that on failure of said An thony Richie so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises, be forever barred and forclosed. And is further ordered, that a copy of this Rule lie served on the ! said Anthony Richie or his attorney, at least three months ; previous to the next term oi this Court, and that! he same he published in the Columbus Times A Sentinel once a month for four months previous to the next term of this Court. This April 17, 1855. 8. S. STAFFORD, Pl’fiV. Att’y. A true extract from the minutes pf Early Superior Court, April Term, 1855. jun23—wm4m. TflOS. B. ANDREWS. Cl’k. GEORGIA, Plkecottntyt The Petition of Robert Measly, Sen’r, respectfully sheweth io the Honorable the Supreme Cour t of said County. RF.SPHCTFULLY sheweth that heretofore, to wit, on the twenty-fifth day of December 1851, Johnston Thornton made and delivered to your petitioner his certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby said Johnson Thornton, among other things, conveyed to your petitioner the North }4 of lot of land No 23. in the Bth Dist. of originally Moutoe, then and no% said couuty of Pike; also the South X of lot ot land No. five, in the third district, of orig inally Monroe, then and now said county of Pike, for jthe pur pose’ut securing to your petitioner the paj merit of a promisso ry uote which th said Johnston Thornton-had before that time (to wit, on the 6th day of March 1851,)made and delivered to your petitioner, whereby said Johnston Thoruion promised on or beiore the 29th oay ot December 3852, to pay your petition er or bearef,Two Thousand Hollars for Value Received, with iuterestfrom saidtkh day of March 1851, and your petitioner avers that said promissdiy note, principal and interest is still due and unpaid to amount of .$2009 principal, and $453,60-100 dollars interest. -Your petitioner prays your Honor to order that said Johnston Thorntonmay, on the first day of the next October term of the Court, bring and pay said money, principal and interest, at the Clerk’s office of the Honorable court, and in default of such payment, the equity of Redemption of said Johnston Thornton in and to Ihe said Mortgaged premises, may be forever barred and foreclosed,and such other and further proceedings be had as are usual iu cases of foreclosing mortgages <>n Real Estate. STUBBS A HILL, Pl’ffs.Alt’y. Robert Ready, Sr. ) Rum xi si to foreclobk mort VS* [ SK4C OK KSaL KSTATX,. Johnston Thornton. ) Pike Sup’r. Couit April Term 1854. It appearing to the Court, on the affidavit of Robert Beaslv, Sr., by petition in writing now filed in the clerk’s office of this Court, that Johnston Thornton, heretofore to wit, on the 25th day of December 1851, made and delivered to said Robert Beasly, .Sen’r., his Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby said Johnstcu Thornton conveyed to said Robert Beasly Sr., among other things, the north half of lot of land No two hundred and twenty three in the eighth district of originally Monroe, then and’now said county ol Pike, also the South half of lot of land No. five, iu the 3d dis trict of originally Monroe, now said count y ol Pike, tor the bet tet-unduimar the payment of a promissory note before that term,to wit, on wi6 vtu uayoi Jooi,maueaiia delivered to said Robert Beasly sen., by said Johnston Thornton, whereby said Thornton promised by the 25th day of December J 852, to pay said Beasly or bearer, the sura of Two Thousand Dollars with interest fxom said 6th day of March 1851, and it appearing to the Court, from the petition aforesaid, that said promissory note is now due, principal and interest, aud that the same is due on said Mortgage,to wit,the sum of two thousand dollars, principal, and the sum of four hundred and fifty three dollars and sixty cents, interest: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that said Johnston Thornton do pay into the Clerk ’b office of this court, on or by the first day of the next October term of tfiis Court, said sum of principal and interest so due, as aforesaid, and in detault of such payment, that said Thornton then aud there show cause, if any he has, why this equitv ot redemption in said mortgaged premises, should not be forever barred aud foreclosed,aud that this Rule be served personally or by publi cation once a month lor tour months in one of the public ga zettes of this state betore said-term. By the Court. STUBBS’ fc HILL, Pl’ffs Att’ys. The above aud foregoing is a true extract taken from the miuutesof Pike Superior Court, April Term 1854. JOHN A. COCHRaN, Clerk, Superior Court, PikeCouuty. Robeit Beasly, Sen’r. 1 rule ni si for foreclosure. vs. [ pike Superior Court, April Terra, Johnston Thornton. ) 1855. It being shown to the Court thatatthe April Term 1854 o/ this Court, a Rule Ni Si was duly obtained in the above stated case, aud that the same has not been served upon defendant: Order ed that said Rule be enlarged, and ordered that service be per fected on said defenddent by publication once a month for lour months in the Columbus Times & Sentinel, a public gazette of this State or served personally on said defeudent at least three months before the first day of ttie next terra of this Court. By the Court. STUBBS fc HILL, Pl’fis Att’y. The above is a true extract taken from the minutes of Pike Superior Court,ApiilTerm, 1853. JOHN A.COCHRAN, may2)—ra4m. Clerk Superior Court. Slate of Georgia, Early County: Court of Ordinary, May Term 1855. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of William Griffin, that MaUhew Perryman, late of said county deceased,did in his lifetime execute to William G. Wood his bond, condi tioned to execute good and sufficient titles to r said Wilburn G. Wood for lot of land No. 91. in the S?Bth District of Eariy county; Audit furthei appearing that said A/atthew Perryman departed this iile without executing lilies for said land, or in any way pioviding therefor, and before the purchase money for said land was .due; And it further appearing that said William G. Wood for value received and by endorsement transferred said Bond to the said William {Griffin, on a certain day, in said {petition mentioned; And it further appearing (hat. said William Griffiu has fully paid the amount of the pur chase money for said lot of land to Benjamin Collier, adminis trator on the estate of said Matthew Perryman deceased; And said William Griffin having petitioned this Court to direct Un said Benjamin Collier, administrator as aforesaid, to execute to him titles for said lot of land in conformity with said bond. It is therefore hereby ordered, that notice be given at thrt e or more public places in said county, and in the Columbus I’iim-s k Sentinel for three months of such application, that all per sons concerned may file objections in the said Ordinary’s of fice (if any they have) why said Benjamin Collier, administra tor a aforesaid, should not execute titles to raid lot of laid in conformity to said Bond as required bj law. A true ext ract trout the minutes of said court, this May 9th, 1855. junlS- w3m H.B. BTAhTORD.Ord. k. e. GEORGIA, Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, July Term, iSS-5. IEWIS Gay administrator on the estate of Erasmus Gay, j late of said county deeased, having petitioned this court j for dismission from said administration, and it appearing to | the the court that he has fully completed the administration j of said estate: It is ordered, that all and singular the j arties in eretted’show cause at the next January Term of this court, j why he should not be dismissed, otherwise letters of disniis i si on will then be granted. Given under my hand, at office. July 3th. 1855. julvG—wtiin O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. MARY M. POWELL, ) Libel for Divorce in Randolph vs. [Superior Court, April Term, i HENDERSON POWELL. > 18 V. IT appearing to the Court, t>y the return ot ti e Sheriff, that the said Henderson Powelt, defendant, does not reside in this county, and it further a; pea ring that the said Defendant does not reside in this State. (•: is therefore, on motion of Counsel for the said Mary Powell, Plaintiff, ordered by the Court, that the said Defendant appear and auswer at the next Term of this Court, nr that said cause be considered in default, aud that said Libellant be allowed to proceed, and that this order be published in the Columbus Tinu s aud Sentinel, one ot the gazettes of this State, once a month for four mouths, previous to the next term of this Court. WILLIAM C. PER KINS, J.B.C. 8. W. C. A tr ie extract from the Minutes of said Court. D. JORDAN. June 5, 1855. m4m STATE OF GEORGIA, Early, county. Court of ('h'dinan/ for said county, Jarre Term, 1555. AS Sp‘.ight,ladmiuistrator of Joses B. 8. cease ,having fully administered on theestateof said de ceased, and made a final return of bis acts thereon, and peti tioneded the court for letters Dismlascry: ft iJtherstor£- ordeied tbai al! persons interceded shew cause j to the cooisry, if any* they have, or sstd patters will he gr%n i ct-d #fi:d'RepHcct at the Jauusiy Torn uevt af our conn. A ifUP Wras? fiom tfc* miuutesof *td L'.v„,rt, this JunalS JQ2I3- rrqfci ft *, f!?.Yf hiiftjf, oj§, M FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKAW A C 0., % Have now in Store a Complete Assortment ol SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will Hud it greatly to their interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER- We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as DANIEL ROWE AND GEO. 11. BETZ Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. A CATI.3D. C5-JE24GB. XX. Takes this method of informing his friends that he is now permanently located at s. a.. bmemt & to’t. Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attention to all who may desire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. wfctwtf J. H. DANIEL & THOMAS, 123 Broad Street, Columlms, Ga. Arc in constant receipt of the Latest Styles ol Fashionable Heady Made Clothing, OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. THEY ALSO HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT Gents. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Valises, &c., &c. S. auinisi JSSJHI XXXX Together with a large Stock of CLOT li S, CASSII Elt S AN D VESTI NG S, Which they are prepared to Manufacture to order, in the most fashionable and ap proved styles. jCjgf In this branch of their business they owe an apology to those of their patrons whom they have recently unavoidably disappointed, but, as the cause has been remo ved, they feel confident, with the assistance of the well-known cutter, F*. A. FAIUCHILD, Whose character for faithfulness, courtesy and promptitude is so well established, that in future their patrons will meet with that courtesy and despatch which shall atone for all past disappointments. May 26th, 1855—w&twtf. /*• now put up in the Largest Sized Bottles , and is acknovL edged to be the best Sarsaparilla made , ar is certified by the won derful cures it has perforrued, the original copies of which arc m the possession of the Propi ietor. Be member, ihis is the only true and original article. Scrofula, Syphillis, Merculial Complaints, Cancer, Gangrene Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other diseases are speedily and perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. Bead the following Certificate: Tallapoosa Cos., Ala., Jan. 2, 1852. Dir Alt Sir:— l send you this to certify to you that your Ex i tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has performed one of the most wonderful cures on me that has ever been effected on man. I have been afflicted for forty .years with eruptions on my legs and feet: in 1848 they got so bad that J had to go on crutches, and In 1848 f had one leg amputated above the knee. In about nine months after my other leg {broke out in largo eatingaud running sores from my knee to my foot, and dis charged a great deal of offensive matter. My groin ah;o broke out in large biles, which discharged much offensive matter,and at toe same time my left hand broke out in large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery that l have suffered for tho last two years I can uotdesciibe to jou. 1 was in such agony that J never rested day or night. In October last my son brought me one oi your bottle wrap pers; I read it, and found record of some wonderful cures performed by your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla” I sent and got two bottles of it. and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my great astonishment, my sores all became ea- i sy,and I could sleep all night, a thing l had not done for two i years - When I hau taken six bottles, my sores had nearly all ; healed, My sores got well as if by enchantment, f have uow ; used in all eight bottles ol your “Extract of Yellow Dock and j Sarsaparilla,” and now consider myself well. 1 entreat all of the afficited to try this medicine, for I believe ‘ it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside all ; prejudice* and just try it, and proclaim Jits groat worth to ! suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, for it will cure ; them. ! Jlly case is well known in a large portion of South < arolina, | Georgia and Alabama, and if any should doubt the above I cure,l invite them to-call on ine, and I will show them the , scars, i can be .found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, one i mile from Stoe’s Ferry. RENAJAH HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for i females of delicate health, resulting from irregularity of men | strual discharge*, and other dieases peculiar to their sex,— The proprietor basin his possession of a great number of cer tifleates of cures, performed of the above description. We assure the affl'eted, that a bottle or two of J)r. Guysott’s Ex tractor Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those difficulties and renew - thetratural energies. nr i ’ut up in quart bottles—price $1 per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Scovill & Meead, Chartres Street, N. 0. General Agent? for the Southern States, to ‘whom all orders must be addressed. ALSO SOLD BY David Young, Colnmbus t Ga., J. T. Reepe, Greenville, Brooks &. Chapman, “ “T. J. Hunt &, Cos Whitesvillo Danlorth &. Nagle, *f “B. il. Head Lumpkin, Ga. Robert Carter, “ “K. Willis &, Cos., Talbotton, J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton, G. J. Briggs, Buena Vista,Ga jun*2B w&twtl LINCH’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC POWDERS. WONDERFULLY EFFICACIOUS IN (thfiiniKtUiti, Kheumattv Gout fc Srlatlce. l 7 or the above Diseases, n Safe, Speedy, and Radical cure i* found in “LinehN Antl-K lieu mat iv I’ow der^’*—(he greatest Remedy now known, for K/teu matism in any of it* form*. \MONG the many nostrum? or’ the day, so lauded as cures for Rheumatism, none have ever yet been discovered to be possessed of half the curative powers of these powders. Let those afflicted who desire relief from suffering, but pr<- cure a Box or two o’ these invaluable powders, and follow strictly the directions, and their magic effect will soon be felt in a total absence of pain. . rer pm up in Tin Boxes of sixty'UO) Powder* each—Direc tioos around the Box By anangenaent with Dr. J. G. Gibson, their Discoverer, these Powders will hereafter be manufactured and sold by. Ji. W. Adams, of F.atontnn, Putnam County. Gk. Orders directed to him xill meet with prompt attention, pro vided the Cash accompanies tbe order. Price .$0 per box. tfold bv BROOKS & CH APM AN, June 5, lei.S sui Columbus, Cs. STOVES TIN” WAKE. VITF. have on hand a Sue arwrtmaot of UOOJrrvo V> srof'lii’ 4 V' r > T/.Y-ft'.fJltf. for sale aon promptly £ tk ; ., 3 ,'Vto and WB#,rsnitd; R H. M, AUDVOfiiH., 1 SCOTT’S LITTLE OIANT CORN AND COB MILL ! Patented May 16th, I.TL THF. attention of Planters, Farmers and Stock Feeders in general, is respectfully called to this Mill, ns the most im> | portant article ot the kind now in use; not only well adapted I i >r grinding Cobb Meal for Htock, but grits or hue Hominy tor ‘ the table, and especial.} Bread Meal from Com not fuilv ripe | or dry in the Fall. in setting this Mill no mechanic or frame work ie wanted, only requiring to be fastened to a floor or platform. Easily adjusted and used by any body, even a child. Ihe LITTLE GIANT has received the first premiums at the late Agricultural Fairs of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and ot her Slates; and that in the most complimentary manner; as well as the most ready commendations from the thousands witnessing Us performance. These Superior Mills are for sale by HALL, MOSES, fc CO. mays twStwtf Uc lambus, Ga. TEXAS Real Estate, Brokerage. Collecting and Land AGENCY. lIAYMOM), FKEEM YX O. D. C. SR KB MAN, JR. N. C. RAYMOND. O. R. iREKMAX. Attorneys at law, CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. Home* in Texas and Saf* Ti vestments obtained through this Agencv. j SI OK MTV TO TIU INTERESTS OK NON-RESIDENT-. Register? of Land for sale, in ail parttof the State; full ex hibits of title and accurate descriptions, also registers of town and city lots. Lands located bought and sold. Claims against the Stale or individuals collected and adjusted and remittances made by exchange on New Orleans, or any of the Northern Cities, if desired. A thorough and intimate knowledge of the country, and the land system, insuies superior location: anil the best titles. Stranger? looking at Texas, mav always have some leading itemsand useful hintath** office of this Agency. Registers open for examination. 83 p *Dfficoon Congress Avenue. dcr23 wly. FOR SALE. MMV PLANTATION, near Giennville, on Middle Cowifeee Creek, Barbour county, Ala containing about 1300 acres and about 800|t4gfe. Cotton Planters who want a rich, soft, level plantation, beal thy, well watered, and in good condition are invited to call. For reference, enquire of Dr. John M. Raiford, Col. A. M Sanford and Messrs A.C. k R. Mitchell—planters and citizens ol Gleniiviile, or come and see it, Glennville June 18— WHITMAN H. OWENS. LAND & STEAM .MILL FOR SALK. subscriber offer* for sale his valuable set of Mill? all I new, with an extensive custom, worth from 40 to 50 dollar- r } c uay. The i* ot horsepower, and drives a circular -aw tbterG from three to five, th.m-an,T feut of lumber per da. . The Grist .Will v.H grind 12 bushels of corn per hour and get?a custom of 250 hushels per week. The :iiiil are with :n •* miles of Lufaula. There is attached to the raiji 830 acres v iiinlt ’ n avyl,, ‘! l>fcr ‘ id ’ K,Jhcrt '* cleared. Any person w istnng to purchase such properly will do well v> call and ex amine, as I am determined to sell. C. J. M. ANDREWS. • mania. Ala., Feb. v. 1 febl2—wff. NOTICE. Ol K Iriend? and patron? are hereb\ notified that circum stance? make it absolutely nece--ar\ that w e should have a lien on eT.-rv horse boarded at our stable by ihe month or year. e, there lore, hereby give notice, that our right of lien ? enter into and become a pari of every contract for the keep or board ot horses at our stables, and that inall cases ve rercrvethe right to ntorce said lien, eif necessary. fi P* -<f. HATCHER & PITTS. u LO KG [A—Randolph County- Court of Ordinary, June Term, IsM*. / \RDURED, That all aud siugular the parties inlere*ted.s-t?e * J cause ou or before the next January Ttrm of *b ; ? lour, why Allen Jauios. adm’r., aud earal? Butt*, adin'v., on ‘‘ei ♦tic of apyrus Butts, dc’d. should do: }>. ds*tub*eii ‘<> o- du :r *fiid adtntnistratlon, otherwise they m ill then V dd*.stro Given under pay hand tbeunh. .!> of Ju'v. juDT D. V B* \bl- Hidm*M