The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 12, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME III] THE TENNERT LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TUI-WEEKLY TIMES A SENTINEL s published EVERV tVEDNESDA Y and FRIDA Y MORN ING and SATURDAY KEENING. THE IVKKKIY TIMES *te SENTINEL published every TUESDA Y MORNING. Office ou Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TEHMS : TRI-WEEKLY,Five Dollars per annum, inadyance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. ‘.Vdvertisements conspicuously inserted at On* Dollar per square, for the first insertion, ami fifty cunts for every sub sequent insertion. ..loeraldeductionwill be made for yearly advertisements. ( titles of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors,or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of te in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the property is sitnate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette .forty days previous to the day of sale. Woticea for the sale of Personal Property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale* Votice to debtors and Creditors ©fan Estate must be publish ed forty days. Noticet hat application will be madeto tho Court o for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published * eekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days —for Dismission from Administration, monthly six months —for Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months —for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications willalways be continued according to these, the egal requirements,unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CARDS! PEINTIi^ HAVING connected with our Printing Office, a full and complete assortment of Book Binder’s tools and stock, and also added to our Frit ting materials, we are now prepared to execute, in good style and with despatch,every kind of work in either branch of the business, on the best terms. BLANK WORK, of every description, with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WAit 13 HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &,c., executed neatly and promptly, and bound in any desired style. RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT BLANKS, ol all kinds got up,with accuracy and dispatch. Bill Hoads, Cards, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, &c., &.c., printed in the shor test notice and in the best style. Magazine and Pamphlets put up in every style o binding. Books o all kinds rebound strongly and neatly. LOMAX St, ELLIS. Columbus. April 15,1854. DR. LEE, DENTIST, HAS returned and will resume ithe practice of his profession on .Monday the 15th inst. Office corner of Broad and Randolph streets —over Mygntt’s Store. octll—w&twMm lEHPk REMOVAL, CUSHMAN, DFNTIST- Removed across to No. 48 broad Street, over Purple’s Jewelry Store. oct2—wtwtf. J. A. FOX, ATTORNEY at law, COLUMBUS. GA. WILL attend punctually to all criminal and civil cases en trusted to him in any of the courts of the surrounding couutiesof this State and Alabama. Office on corner of Broad and Randolph streets, over Manley &. Hodges. REFERENCES —Hon. A. Iverson, J Tennant Lomax, > Columbus, Ga. l)r. Stanford, S S tmuel F. Rice, } Montgomery, Ala. Columbus, Oct. 4. w&twtf R. J. MOSES, ATTORNEY AT L A . WARREN'S ARCADE. £*2?”Oflice Hours from 9 A. M. to A P. M. N. B. All business entrusted to me will be faithfully attended to. octll —w&twly. ROBERT N. HOWARD, ATTOE NEY AT LAW, CRAWFORD, ALA. September 8, 1855. —twAwif. ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Office over E. Barnard’s &, Co.’s Store April s—wtwlys—wtwly JAMES HAMILTON. VVM. F. PLANE HAMILTON & PLANE, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Ceo. Will practice in the Courts of the adjoining counties in thisStataand Alabama. decs—w&twtf. PEYTO2T 11. COLOUITT, ATTO RN E Y A T LAW, CO! EMBUS, GA. Office iu St. Mary’s Rank Building. may".it> ‘ “ w<£-twtf. J. M. RUSSELL, ATT OR N Y AT LAW, Office at present, with G E Thomas, Rpq.. over J R Bedd & Cos Broad Street—Columbus. Georgia, Columbus, April 9, 1855. w&twtf Brick Yard for Sale. I? OR. SALE on liberal terms the Brick Yard at present . owned by the subscriber, containing 9 acres, together wilb-wagons, moulds, &e. For’further particulars apply to [novl3— twtfj MKS. ANN ADAMS. HAYGCOD’S Semi-Weekly STAGE LINE, R k’NS in connection with the Mobile & ■ v> ■ “~ m — (.i iiiid Rail Road on luosdriys and Rridays. octG-twtt A. HAYGOOD, Driver. WOOL CARDED A N D M A N U E ACTURE D. TITOOL Carded at i* toll or 10 cents per lb. Manufactured V t into Liusey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents pervd. ( rtlurabus, may 26. WINTER FACTORY. 100,000 LBS. RAGS WANTED? \\T L will pay cents per pound forone hundred thousand > * pounds clean LiNEN AND COTT N RAGS, iu quanti ties ot 1 00 pounds and over. JEFFERSON & HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Feb. 15, 1855. PRICES REDUCED. COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” july 11 wtf. WINTER FACTOR Y. “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ 1 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1855 RICHARD HOOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHATTANOGHA, TENN. WILL attend promptly to the purchase of COUNTRY PRODUCE, or any other business entrusted to his care. May 13—twly DR. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE OVER MULLFORD’S ON BROAD STREET, COXtTJIVXBUS, GEORGIA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. ROPE. FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Justreceivedand for sale attho Alabama Warehouse by J. I. RIDGWAY. Columbus,Ga.,May 4—twtf Drs BROOKS & CARRIGER /i H AVlNGassociated themselvestogether in tne various branches of their profession, they will be enabled there by to give more general satisfaction to all who may favor £3 them with their confidence. Dr. Carriger is fully prepared and willgivespecial attentionto allcasesof SURGERY entrusted to hiscare. E3P Offlcein Winter’s Bank Puilding. Columbus. Jan. 14—twtf EAGrLEMANUFACTURINGCO COLUMBUS, GA. THE Factory, now being in full operation, is able to supply (on their usual terms) promptly as ordered, the various styles of their Manufactures, which consists of the following variety: YARNS, OSNABURGS, 4-4 SHEETINGS l SHIRT ING, Cotton Stripes, of great, variety of Pattern; COTTON ADEN, embracing many new sttyles; Negro Kerseys & Pine Knot Plains; Planters’ Casimeres, Truck for Trowsers, Sewing Thread, Shop Twine, Mattressas, Batting ,&c. To Cash purchasers inducements will be offreed. dec2B—twtf. J. R. BROWNE, Ag’t. g ARONI would respect fully inform hia friend > and the “citizens oi Columbus that he will return to his duties e • or about the 30th of Sept’r. He would also add that he w M bring with him a large and splendid assortment of New ana Fashionable MUSIC, Vocal as well as Instrumental. aug-28 —twtf WANTED, EMPLOYMENT by a Book-Keeper, fully competent, having had 7 years experience. Apply at this office, or by letter to Box 268, P. O, Columbus, Ga.,July3], 1855—twtf. THE HOW ABB .FACTORY Is now selling Domestics and Yarns, At the Usual Rates, 10 Per Cent eff, FOR CASH. Colrnnt us, Ga Fehruary 19. wtfgk FOR SAFE. MTHE HOUSE AND LOT at present occupied by the subscriber. Possession given immediately. H. T. HALL. April 20, 1855—twtf MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, WlLLreceive Deposits—and Checks for saleon New York Maconand Savannah. Apri 124—twtf RICHARD PATTEN. DANCING ACADEMY^ SIR. C. H. CLEVELAND, YUOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens of * * Columbus, that he wiil commence the exercises oi his Dancing Academy the first week in October. All the genteel and fashionable Dances of the day will be taught during the session. Terms of tuition made known hereafter by circulars. Sept. 20-twtf. LANDSCAPE GARDENING, GEORGE KIDD WILL go out from our Nursery to lay out Gardens anywhere in the State of Georgia, or the adjoining counties in Ala bama. Address Moses & Lee, oct23—twtf ESQUELINE HILL NURSERY. MIDWIFERY. MRS. JANE M’GINTY offers her professional servi ces to the people of Columbus and vicinity. She has had thirty years experience in the business and flatters herself that by strictatteutionshe will merit the public patronage. She may be found, when not professionally engaged, at her residenceon Jackson street, just below the Methodist Mission Church. [marl5 —twtf. Partnership Dissolved. THE late firm of It. M. Aldworth *fc Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm must he paid to R. M. Aldworth. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R.M. ALDWORTH vjylLL continue to carry on the business at the old stand on Randolph Street. Work done in the best style and at the shortest notice. R. M. ALDWORTH. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. tw6m. Hland for sale. TIIS subscriber offers for sale his taluablo planta situated on Chattahoochee river,in Hemy county, twelve miles below Eufaula, containing Sixteen JL, Hundred Acres, more or less. There are one hundred acres of uncleared river that will produce a bag of cotton to the acre. There are on the premises a fine dwelling twelve framed negro houes, a good well of water, and a never tailing spring; a fine gin carried by water power. With little expense a good mill could be put in operation. All of the fields have running water in them, supplied by unfailing springs. Forp irityof water the springs cannot be exceeded in the South. The laud is productive and the titles indisputa ble. To those who are disposed to see the place, I say come, and Ia n sure you will embrace this opportunity of acquiring agoodfarm. Z. C. WILLIAMS. sep‘29 twSm. DRS. SCHLEY & DAVIS. OFFICE OVER ST. MARTS BANK BUILDING oct27—twtf I P STAIRS. JOHN PEABODY, ATTORNEY AT LAW , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. JjgT’Offire in Warren’s Arcade. oct4—tw3m. “OLD TON” GIN JUST received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN in Bottles—a delicious beverage, and a most excelieiu article for medical purp>ses Also a Superior article oi Potash in tin Cans. junl2—twtf. P. A-Of.AYTON. Just Received, a Consignment of K A BBLS. Northern Annies 100 Bbta “ Potatoes. 50 “ “ Unions. At the Grocery Store of HULL & BRADLEY. Columbus, Oct. 23. twtf. TRI-WEEKLY. MANLEY & HOPOES. ARE now in receipt of the most Elegant Assort ment of Dry Groods they have ever offered to the community. All are invited to cailand see us, for we _are confident we can please in Style, Quality and Price. octi—-wtwtf A SPLENDID Line of Ladles Dress Silks, of entirely new styles. Finest French Printed DeLaines. Embroideries of every variety. Richardson’s Pure Housewife Linens. oct2 —wA-twtf MANLEY & HODGES. Fine Pure Shaker’Flannel. Silk Warp Superior 4-4 English “ oct2 —twtf MANLEY & HODGES. Barnsley’s Table Damask. 90 to 10b inch. Best Linen Sheeting, Napkins. Towelling. &c. 10, 11 & 12—4 Best Bed Blankets. A superior lot of N gro do. oct2 —twtf MANLEY & HODGES. Velvet Brussells 2 fc 3 ply Carpets. Oil i loths for K#oms and Passages. Cheneile and Velvet Rugs. oct2 -twtf MANLEY & HODGES. Ladies CLOAK CLOTHS ol various.eolors and Trimmings to match. White and Colored Marseilles Quilts. oct2— twtf MANLEY &IIODGES . Enquirer copy. HOME AGAIN ! I TAKE this opportunity of informing my friends and pat rons that 1 have re-opened my CLOTHING ESTABLISH MENT and would solicit an inspection ol my very choice and superior Stock of Goods, selected by myself from the best and most lashionabie Marks in London and Paris,consisting of Black and Fancy Broadcloths, Cloths and Cassimeres, Doeskins, Denvers, Tweeds and Vestings, Suitable for the ensuing seasons. My HOSIERY DEPARTMENT is perhaps the most com plete, choiceand fashionable assortment in the State, having been selected irora the most celebrated manufactories in Brit ain and Continental Europe. Partit swishing to purchase will see Ft once thepropriety of giving me a call, as my goods are fresh from the original mar kets and fashionable to the last degree. My Light and Fancy Stock Comprises Fine Irish Liren Shirts & Collars, Silk, Lawn, and Linen Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and Gents Embossed Leather Belts, And an elegant assortment ot NECK. TIES of superior styles and shades. They are unmatched and unmatchabie in this country. Persons wishing to avail themselves of my styles of cut ting and making, w 11 find them superior to anything hitherto presented to the public of Columbus. J. SMEE’fON, Merchant Tailor, 0ct25~ tw9t Broad Street Columbus, Ga. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ELEVENTH YEAR. THE Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful publica tion commences on the 17th day of September next. The “Scientific American” is an illustrated periodical, devoted chiefly to the promulgation of information relating to the various Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Man ufactures, Agriculture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering, Millwork, and all interests which the light of practical science is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patents granted are also published eve ry week, including Official Copies of all the Patent Claims together with news and information upon thousands of oth er subjects. The Contributors to the Scientific American are among the most eminent Scientific and practical men of the times. The editorial Department is universally acknowledged to be conducted with great ability, and to be distinguished, not only for the excellence and truthfulness of its discus sions,but for the fearlessness with which error is combatted and false theories are exploded. Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chemists, Manufac turers, Agriculturists, and people in every profession in Life, will find the Scientific American to he of great value in their respective callings. Its councils and suggestions will save them hundreds of dollars annually, besides af fording them a continual source of knowledge, the expe rience of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. The Scientific American is published once a week; eve ry number contains eight large quarto pages, forming an nually a complete and splendid .volume, illustrated with several hundred original engravings. Specimen copies sent gratis. TERMS —Single subscriptions $2 a year, or $1 for six months. Five copies, for six months, $4; for a year SB. For further Club rates and for statement of the fourteen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific American. Southern, Western and Canada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscriptions. Letters should be directed (postpaid) to MUNN & CO , 128 Fulton Street, New York. Messrs. Munn &, Cos., have been, for many years, extensively engaged in procuring patents for new inven tions, and wrili advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. aug2lwtw RAGS! RAGS ! TIIE ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS ARE paying three and a Half cents cash per lb. lor clean Linen and Ootton Rags, in qualities o> one hun dred pounds aud upwards, and 3 cents tor quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office in front of PALACE MILLS. OolumHus. Ga.. JJfnv 9. 1855 wfrtwtf. Manufacturers’ & Mechanics’ Benk, > Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1355. \ rectors and Officers, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New York Savannah, .Montgomery and other points, at the usual rates and will take paper for collection. E. T. TAY-2 OR, President. J TL Fond*, Onshier. n e.l0 —wt&wtf DISSOLUTION, THE firm of H ALL& MOSES ‘was dissolved on the first of January, 1855, by the death of J. 1. Moses. HLRVEY HALL, Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have entered into the HARD- fY.f. .E BUS INKS S, under the firm aid name of HALL, MOSES & CO. HERVEY nALL, ISAAC I. MOSES, J ACOB P. KENRIOK? WILLIAM A. BEACH. Fohrnnrv 13. 1855. w&twtf WANTED. A CABINET MAKER , also a CHAIR MAKER , for which liberal wages will be given. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO Columbus, Nov. 3d—twtf For Sale. A FfRST Rate Saddler and Harness Maker, 27 years of a e, of good character, intelligent, sound and healthy. Apply to A. K. AYER „04--twtf Vo. 131 Broad Sir t. Wanted to Hire ,-ja Al>le Negro Fellows, by the year, for which the highest price will be paid, .-fpply to J. W. HOWARD*Ag’t. I 00l imhus- Ga., nn>-I g —twOiu Union Dray Company. WRAPPING A Nli N EWS P Al* Ell, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, TOR S-T LB AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS GASH. jimelG—w&twtf Sale of Creek Indian Reserved Lands in Alabama. Department of the Interior, Office oflndian Affaire, August 31,1855. PUBLIC notice is hereby given that, agreeable to the provisions of the first section of the act of the 3d of March, 1837,entitled “An act to authorize and sanction the sales ot reserves provided for Creek Indians in the treaty ot March twenty-four, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, in certain cases, and for other purposes,” the several pieces or parcels ot land hereinafter described, lying in the Coosa and Tallapoosa land districts, in the State of Alabama, will, at the times and places designated, be exposed for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for etsh,in separate pieces or parcels as described, the same to be patented to the re spective purchasers upon the payment of the purchase mo ney, viz: On Wednesday, the 26th day of December, 1855, at the land of office for the Coosa Disirict, in Leb anon, the following described tracts, which have been de cided as unsold : Those of range six [6] east. The south half ol section twenty-live [25,J in township eighteen (18 and West hall ot section seven [7,1 in township twenty-two [22.] Os range seven [7,j east. The west halt of section thirty-one [3l,] in township thirteen [l3,] and West halt of section twelve [l2,] in township fourteen [l4.] Os range nine [9,1 east. The south half of section ten ] 10,1 in township eighteen 18,] and South half of section twenty-one [2l] in township twen ty f [2U.J The north half of section thirteen [I3,J in township twenty two [22,] of range [lo] east. In township sixteen [l6,] of range eleven fllj east. The west half of section twenty-nine [29,] and west half of section thirty (30,) And the west half of section twenty two (22,) in town ship eighteen (18) of range eleven (11) east. Also, at the same time and place, the following descri bed tracts, which have been claimed under alleged purcha ses lrom the reservees, their heirs, or otherwise, but which purchases have not been perfected by the payments of the amounts of consideration respectively alleged, or the pro duction of evidences of such payment to the proper parties in interest, will be sold in the same manner, unless such payment is made or evidence thereof adduced, in accord ance with the requirements of the government, through the office of Indian Affairs, by or before the 15th of Novem ber 1855, viz: The east half of section eight (8,) in township twenty (20,) of range three (3) east. Os range four (4) east. The east half of section twenty-two (22) in township nineteen (19 ;) and North half of section eighteen (13,) in township twenty (20.) The west half of section thirty-two (32,) in township seventeen (17,) of range six (6) east. Os range seven [7J east. The south half of section thirty-four L34,] in township fourteen [l4 ;J and South half of section ten 110,] in township twenty [2o.] The east half of section twenty-six, (26,) in township sixteen, (16,) of range eight (8) east. And of range ten [lo] east. The west half of section twenty-seven [27,] in township sixteen [l6,] and north half of section thirty-one (31,) in township seventeen [l7.] And on Wednesday, the 9fh day of January, 1856, at the land office for the Tallapoosa district, in Mont gomery, the following described unsold tracts of land, viz The south half of section eight (8,) in township twenty three (23,) of range sixteen (16) east. The north half of section thirty-one (31,) in township twenty-two f 22,) of range seventeen (17,) east. Oi range eighteen (18) east. The west half of section fourteen (14,) in township nine teen (19;) I West half of section twenty-four (24,) in township nine teen (19 ;) J East half of section six(6,) in township twenty-three (23;) and North half of section seven (7,) in township twenty four (24.) The west half of section thirteen [I3,J in township twen ty three [23,] of range nineteen [l9] east. In township twenty four [24,] of range nineteen [l9] east. The south half of section eight [B;] North half of section nine [9 ;] North half of section ten [10;] North half of section seventeen [l7 ;J South half of section seventeen [l7,] and North half of section twenty one [2l.] The south half of section thirty six [36, j in township eighteen [lß,] o: range twenty [2o] east. 1 In township eighteen (18,) of range twenty one [2l] east. The west half of section thirty one [31;) West half of section thirty two [32 ;j and East half of section thirty two [32.] In township twenty [2o], of range twenty one [2l] east. The whole of section thirteen [l3 ;] and the South half of section twenty nine [29;] The west half of section thirty two [32J in township twenty one [2l,] of range twenty one [2l] east. The south half of section twenty two [22,1 in township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty two [22] east. The west half of section thirty four [34,] in township eighteen [lß,] of range twenty two [22,] east. The north half of section thirty one [3l,] in township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty three [23,] east. The west half of section twenty nine [29,1 in township eighteen [lB J of range twenty three ,23] cast. The south half of section three [3,j in township sixteen [I6.J of range twenty four [24] east. The north half of section eleven (11,] in township eigh teen [lß,l of range twenty four [24] east. The south half of section fourteen [l4 J in township twen ty four [24,] of range twenty-six [26j east. _ _ The south haif of section thirty one [3l,] in township fif teen [ls,] of range twenty seven [27] east. The north half of section thirty one [3l,] in township eighteen [lß,] of range twenty seven [27] east. In township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty eight [2B,] east The south half of section iom [4 ;J and North half of section eight [8 j And ’.he south half of section five [s,] in township fifteen ]ls,] of range twenty nine [29, j east. Also, at the same time and place, the following de scribed tracts which have been claimed under alleged pur chases from reservees, their heirs, or otherwise, but which ! purchases have not been perfected by the payments ot the amounts of consideration respectively alleged, or the pro duction of evidences of such payment to the proper parties in interest, will be sold in the same manner, unless such payment is made or evidence thereof adduced, in accord ance with the requirements of the government, through the office oflndian Affairs, by or before the 15th day ot No vember, 1355, viz: The south half of section fifteen 15, in township twenty two 22, of range sixteen 16, east. In township twenty-two 22, of range seventeen 17, east. The east half of section seven 7 ; West half of section seven 7 ; and West half of section twenty-four 24. In township twenty four 24, of range seventeen 17, east. The north half of section twenty-tour [24 ;] South halt ofsection twenty four [24 ;] and East half ot section thirty six [36 ] Fractional sections six [6] and seven [7J in township nineteen [I9J of range eighteen [lß] east. The west halfof section five [SJ in township twenty [2o,] of range eighteen [lßl east. The west half ofsection one [l,l in township twenty four }24,J of range eighteen [lß] east. The south ha If ofsection three [3,] in township nineteen [l9.] of range nineteen [l9] east. The south half of section twenty-five [25,] in township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty [2o] east. The ean half of section twenty nine [29J in town- J ship nineteen [l9,] of range twenty. [2oj east. In township twenty-one (21,) of range twenty (20) east the south half of section twenty-two (22,) and the south half of section twenty-five (25.) In township twenty-two (22.) of range twenty (20) east. The east half of section nine (9 ;) and The east half of pection seven (7) in township twenty three (,23) of range twenty (20) east. In township twenty-four (24,) of range twenty (20) cast. The north half of section nine (9;) and West half of section twenty-two (22.) The south half of section twenty-six (26,) in township twenty-one (21,) of range twenty-one (21) east. The north half of section thirty-five (35,) in township twenty-two (22,) of range twenty-one (21) east. The west half section seventeen (17,) in township twenty four (24,) of range twenty-one (21) east. In township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty-two [22] east. The north half of section thirteen [l3;] and East half of section twenty five (25.) The south half ofsection three (3,) in township fifteen (15,) of range twenty three (23) east. The east half of section twenty-nine (29,) iu township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty-three [23] east. The west half of section four [4,] in township eighteen, [lß,l of range twenty-three [23] east. The north halt of section two [2,] in township twenty [2o,] of range twenty-three [23] east. The east half of section fifteen [ls,] in twenty two [22,] of range twenty-four [24] east. The north half of section seventeen [l7,] iu township , [2o,] of range twenty-five [2s] east. The south half of section six [6,1 in township twenty.-tw [22,| of range twenty-five [2s] east. The west half of section four [4,] in township went) one [2l,] of range twenty six [26] east. The south half of section twenty-two [22,] in townshif eighteen [lß,] of range twenty-seven [27] east. The north half of section thirty-three [33,] in township twenty-one [2l,] of range twenty-seven (27) east. The south half of section twelve (12,) in township t u> ty two (22,) of range twenty-seven (27) east. The west half of section seventeen (17,) in townshi leeven (11,) of range twenty-eight (28) east. The south hall of section thirty-one (31,) in towmeh eighteen (18.) of range twenty-eight (28) east. The west half of section four (4,) in township twenty-t (22,) of range twenty-eight (28) east. The east half of section nineteen (19,) in township eveycn (11,) of range twenty-nine (29) east; and the south half of section thirty-three 1 33,) in township seventeen (17,) of range twenty-nine (29) east. These sales will commence at the hour of 12 o’clock, ni., of each day above designated, and continue until all of the lands then subject to sale under this notice are offered. CHARLES E. MIX. Sept 18—wtilllJan. Acting Commissioner. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. WEST POINT & OPELIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. On and after the 16th July r PR AIN'S on this road will be?goverdjby the following x SCHEDULE: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5% a. m. Arrive atCoiuiubus 11.50 a. m. Arrive at West’Point 11.45 a.m. Leave f olumbus 8.40 a. m. Arrive at Montg< mery *2.40 p. m. Arriveat West Point 11.45 a. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.50 p. m. Arrive at Columbus 2.45 a. m, “ West Point 2.30 a.m. Leave coiurnous n.sop.iu. Arrive at Montgomery 7.30 a.m. *• West Point... 2.30 p.m. Double Daily Connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta and Nashville, and daily to Knoxville, Tenn. Daily connections are continued from Montgomery to Mo bile by stages and steamboats. Passengers taking the Night Train from Columbus, are re quested to purchase tickets ol t be agent at the PERRY HOUSE between the hoursof 10 and 11 o’clock p m. jut 26. .w&twtf. S.G. JONES, Eng’r.fc Sup.__ Change of Schedule MUSCOGKE RAIL ROAD! OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS WAIL! On and after July 16th, THERE will be Two Daily Mall Trains betwce Columbus and Macon —arrival ami departure as follows ’• Arrive atCoiumbue7% a. in. and 10%f p.m. Leave “ 4% a. u . and 1% p. in. Arrive at Macon 10% a. m. and 7onp. m. Leave do ii 10a.m. and 3% p.m. DOTH TRAINS Making a complete connection between Montgomery, Ala., and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington and Charleston: also, with Central Lail Road to Savannah, and Milledgeville, and with the Maeon and Western Trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. Also, connecting at Columbus with the Girard &. Wobile Railroad, for Eutaula. But one change of Cars between Montgom ery anti Augusta, between which places are running ar etui Batgage Masters under heavy bonus, who will check baggageand follow it through. B. E. WELLS, Columbus. Juiy 17—twitwtt Engineer and Sup’t MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. ft: vrr n?***w*?*m ON and aber Friday, 9th November, the Passenger & Freight Train will leave Girard at 2 P. M.daily, (Sunday* excep ted) connecting at Silver Run with a daily line of Stages to Villula, Glenuville, Eufaula, Fort Caines, and Marianna,Fla. And on Tuesdays, and Fridays, at Colbert, with the .Stages for Uchee, Olivet. Enon, Hardaway, Chunnenuggce, Midway, Pa role and Union Springs. Leaving Colbert at 0%, A. M., daily, (Mondays excepted) arrive at Girard at BA. M., connecting with the Opeiikaanu Muscogee Trains. Round trip, tickets good for four days can be purchased at Girard and Silver Run, at less than the regular rate. All freight must be paid before goods will be discharg ed. Way freight must in in all cases be paid in advance. Down freights must be delivered by 12# o’clock on the days of shipment. R. A. HARDAWAY, ee tlfi-wfctwtf. Engineer. Land Warrants Wanted- THE subscribers are paying the highest market price lor Land Warrants. Call and see us. J. ENNIS & CO. Columbus, June 27- wtf. SSO Reward. I WILL give the above reward for the delivery of the Notes and other Papers stolen from our Store ia June last, and no questions asked. D. P. ELLIS &. CO. Enquirer and Corner Stone copy ts oct2 wtwtt BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. inn nnn poundsTffiWKfcssEEibacoh -lUU UUU 100 Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbls. Howard Street Flour—a Arocle. Together with a well assorted btock ol GKO . wh>ch willbe sold i CO. Coluntbu3 Ga., May 29. w&twtb U of Taylor coue > |S”?ado>Cu.7;.lon rhould ..or br granted to Kcl.rk’of the Hope ‘“r u!taS“ai IS. ‘"i!o\'‘7-.. U,U 01 n > “jttilN BTbEutVANT,Ordinaly. [NUMBER 148