The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 14, 1855, Image 4

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SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (bt thb authority or the stat* or alaiabu.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS T. To bt drawn Jan. 8/A. 1851, in the city of Montgomery WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. ISTAnd remember every Prize l drawn at each drawing and paid whendue WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. I Frlee of SIO,OOO • do of 9000 a o 4.000 X do of 50 ar* 1.1,00 It de of 9.10 aro 2,750 19 do of 110 aro 1,100 17 do of 75 ar# 1,275 45 do of M aro 2,150 8* do of 45 are 2,07.5 200 do g*t 10 are 2,000 6M do of 5 ar# I 3,150 In all piUm amounting to $3),000 Whole Tieket# $8; Halve* Quarters SU. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. AU communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN. Agent and Manager, Sign ot the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 29, twtd (PTAII letters will meet immediate answer if addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus. Ga. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. TIIK subscriber haring accepted from the Commissioners the Agency and Management ot Ih# FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the principal Ofllce at Atlaata, Georgia, and intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan aa that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery , ot Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR DEC. Class lo |jf“Te be drawn Dec. 94, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga. •’ ‘.A when Prizes amounting to s|to9®oo Will bo distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme I And remember orory Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! 1 Prize of. .SIO,OOO 2 Prizes ol •;0(H) are 4,000 1 “ of 500 are 1.500 11 “ of 250 are 2,750 1 ** of 110 are 1,100 17 * of 75 are 1,273 48 * of 50 are 2,150 84 * of 35 are 2,075 500 “ of 10 are 2.000 530 •* of 5 are 3,150 1.000 Prizes amounting to $30,000 Tickets $5 ——Quarters $1.25. ONE THOUSAND PRIZES! ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS ! Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia. JOHN MAY Agent. Office nearly opposite the P. O. Columbus, Ga. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. i[By Authority of the State of Georgia.] Macon, Ga. CDs CD CD CD CLASS H. WILL be distributed according to the following grand and unprecedented scheme. In public, at Concert Hall, Macon,Oa., under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nisbet, Esq. The Manager Announces his determination to make this the most popular Lottery iu the world, and challenges comparison as to the chauces to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize Udrawn at each drawing, and paid wh#n due in full without any reduction. TO BE DRAWN DEC. 15. 1855. 1 PRIZE OF $15,000 1 do 3,000 I do 2,000 J do ‘ 15,00 1 do 1,100 5 Prise# of 1,000 50 do 500 101 Prize# in all amounting to $30,000 |RWhole Tickets $5; Halves S2X; Quarters sl^. TEN THOU SAN D NUMBERS. The chances to gain the Capital Prize in the old combination plan Is 1 In 70,076, in this 1 iu 10,000. Drawingssont to allordering tickets. All orders, rely on it, strictly confidential. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at pnr. Registered money leOorsat my risk. Prises paid whon due without discount. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, luly24—wtf _ Macon, da. CIGAR MANUFACTOR V, CRAWFORD STRETT, Two Doors below Rankin's Corner. THE subscriber keeps conslantlyon hand the finest HA VANA CIGARS, and otters thorn for sale at the LOWEST TRICES, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of American Cigars. Also, every varie’v of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pj|xw, SnulF, and all the articles usual ly found in an establishment of this kind. All good# sold by mo are warranted genuine ami free from defects of any kind. Orders from the country eare fnlly and promptly attended to. augl4—w&twly JAMES ESTEVEZ. Sulphur Medicated Vapor Baths, Ifw, 22 BroaiLst. Opposite to Union Bank, COLUMBUS, GA. THOSE Vapor fhmegations nr# now lo be had se above. They have boon tented in Prris fwr 40 years; iu Lendon and Ne* York for many years, and aro highly raleemod by the medical faculty, for the cure of various disraftesofan obstinate nature, such na Rheumatic affections, Dyspspgia, Kraoiicatiou or Afercury rrom the system, Krrysipelas, Consumption, Brou ehltm, Diseases of the Skin. Neuralgia, Swailings, jw., & c . Numerous testimonials here and references of the highest character, can be had from persons who have taken these baths, to b* wen at th#r-.*m up staiis. seetl.*v-t wtf NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. TH K subscriber is Agent of VV. H.Guion.New Carpet Store Savannataj Ga., who has alwayaon hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Laoe and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, &o. Samples and pricesof all Qualities of Carpeting and Oil Cloth may be seen at my store, 8$ Rroad street, Columbus, Ga., and anjr of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpel* cut to rooms free of charge, and made, ifdesired, for smallcompensation, by an experienced hand in .‘’avannah will be regnlarlysupplied with new patterns for the coming season. * P. A. CLAYTON, Broad Street. Columbus, May 3 — twtl FOU it GItEAT BRITISII REVIEWS KAMELT, EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH, AND LON DON QUARTERLIES, AND BLACK WOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (MONTHLY,) Commence with the North British for Mop, 1855 ond the other Reviews nud Blackwood for July, 1855. Terma of Svbaertptlom: Any one Review of Blackwood, fit a y <*r. B lack wood and one Review—or anv two leviews, §5. The four Reviews and Black wood..f 10. Four copies to one address, |:V>. Postage (which sbonld be paid quarterly In advance) on the four Reviews and black wood to any post office In the Uni ted States, only 80 cents a year. Namely: 14 cent* a vear one each Review, and 54 cents a rear on Rlackwood. Address J*. SCOTT A: CO., Publishers, ’ •*PtB 54 Gold-st .corner Fulton. N. TANARUS, COW PEED! COW FEED ! ONE DIME PER BUSHEL! a short time, in order to redmse our Pile W® Hn * selling bran atfa cents per hnadred pound*, which is less than 10 cent* per bushel,and tborls at *0 rents per hundred. Keep your cows M. Bo excuse at such p-ices Where 1000 In* at a time are taken, we will sell at SO cents for Bra i and /0 oonts for SHorts. 70 rout* prr bushel, ijovfr—wlwtf. Winter’s Palace Mills. LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICB AND AGENCY, roa Til PURCBABB ABD SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF ALL JDESCRIPTIONB. CONVEYANCER, &c., ’&<>., OS RASDOEV*STREET, Opposite the Post Oflke, Columbus, Ga. IHAVEdetermlnedto devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, from my knowledge of the land# in Georgia, ’ to be abl# to give entire satisfaction to all who may entrust me with business. I #m prepared to either bur or sell, parbapt to better advantage than any other person in Western or Aouth-Westers Georgia. If you have lands to sail, call upon me; If I do not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If yon wish to buy, sail also, for I hare many valuable lots and settlements of land to sell. From mv extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, I am prepar ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of laDd In the State. If you wish to have your land valued, you may rely upon correct information, upon reasonable terms. Deads. Mortgagei,and other instruments, drawn cor rectly and at low rams. X3T“ Agents wanted to sell Bonner’s large map of Georgia high per cent.given. One thing is iertain,l am paying Niw York and Washiko tok Git's Pricss for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commit don. Having also made an arrangement with oneof the best firms la Washington, I am prepared te appiy for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, aad will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion —to be paid for when the warrant arrive*. Pring in your claims soon. As I intend to make this a permanent business, and giveitmy undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, I hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from my friends and the community generally. S. R. BONNER, julyJtl—wflctwlv Land Office. Columbus. HENRY W. VERSTILLE, Commission & Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, REFERENCES: Hon. John W. Anderson, Savannah, Ga. Messrs. Holcombe, Johnson &Ce. “ Hon. Henry W. Hililard, Montgomery, Ala. Maj. John H. Howard, Columbus, G*. Dr. Henry Lockhart, “ “ B. B. Young, Esq., Eufaula, Ala. junlßwtwtf J. C. KUSB, J. H. DAVIS, W. H. KONG. RUSE,’ DAVIS'LONG” COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WILL purchase andseli cotton and other produce on com mission, and strictly attend to forwardinggoods and tilling or ders Irom *he country. Ruse, Patten &. Cos., agents Cohynbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be madeon consignments either to or through us to our friends in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf ANDREWS, RIDGWAY & CO. DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &C., &C. (Four Doors below Hill & Dawson’s old Corner) BROAD STREET, (COLUMBUS, GA. Columbus, Oct 15, 1853.—tw&wtf AYER &. ECTOR, General Agents, Auction, Commission, Re ceiving, and Forwarding Merchants, NO. 131, WEST BROAD STREET. PARTICULAR attention given to the keeping, pur chase and sale of Negroes. Administrator’s and Ex ecutor’s Sales attended to on reasonable terms. Columbus,Ga., Oct. 13, 1855. twtf. Administrators’ Sale. WILL be sold on Thursday, 20lh of December inst.. at the late residence of Joshua R. McCook, |deceacd, in Chatta hoochee county, all the perishable property belonging to said deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, corn, fodder,,stock,one grist wheel, (Rich’* patent,) one pair grist rocks, and other articles too tedious to mention. AUo, the saw mill will be rented out till the /irst Tuesday in February next. Terms on the day of sale. December 7lh, 1855. SAM’L D. HARP, ). . , decll —wtd. HENRY J. KING. J Aamr s. TO THE MUSICAL WORLD, THC would respectfully in ppTjlptPPfform the citizens of Columbus that hehasre- I I § I I!turned from the North and will resume his lessons on, Monday Oct. Ist. He would be obliged to those who wish to avail themselveß of his services, to make an early application as the number of his pupils will be limited. NEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC. The undersigned offers for sale a large assortment of New and Fashionable Music. It has been selected by himself, during his recent visit to the North, and forms the best assortment ever brought to this market. A large discount will bo made to teachers ol music, and to Principals of Academies and Colleges. Rooms over Merry’s Clothing Store. Broad St. Colom bus Ga. sep2stwtf H. S. SARONI. PERRY DANIS’ OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. WB take pleasure in referring the reader to the testimo nials of our prominent druggists and well known citi zens to the virtue of Davis’Pain Killer. We have used the article and found It valuable. The salo of this article lathe United States la beyond all precedent, as the books oi the of fice will show.—Cincinnati Commercial. Davis’ Vxoxtabih Paix Killhs.— W> roferoar readorsto an advertisement with the above caption, In the advertising columns of this morning’s Eagle. We first heard of this med icine during a recent visit to the New England States, and be ing struck with the novelty of the title, we were iaducedte make some enquiry about it, and wore surprised to leara that it was kept constantly inthe bouses of most of the inhabi tants of the cities and villages where we stopped, to be used is cases of sudden attacks of pain, burns, scalds, fee., and we heard it spoken of in terms *of high commendation by both druggists and physicians. This much we can with propriety sav asjoumalists,in favor of thearticle.—[Philadelphia Eagle. Pmbrt Davis’ Visitibli Pain Kil> hr. —Voluntarily! I conscienciously, and with much pleasure, we recommend to ’ our readers the above named medicine. We speak from onr own observation and experience when we say that it removes pain as ifbv migic from sll parts of the body, and is one of the best medicines in use for checking Diarrhoea, and for re moving the premonitory symptomps of cholera. It is applied both iaternailvand externally, with the best effects, and none who have once used the Pain Killer would wlillnglybe with out It constantly in their houses.—[Cincinnati Eve. Nonpareil. Davis’ Paiu Killbi. —This article needs no comment from ua, bnt the real worth of so valuable a compound, compels ns ta give publicity to It, in our Transcript. Mi ‘‘erry Davis. t"he manufacturer and inventor, is a gentleman (c whom we enter tain the highest respect, ana any article he should offer to the pnblia we should have the futmost c onfidence Id. The Tain Killer we keep constantly on hand, and have done so fora num berof vears, and have administered Uforailsof all descrip tion*, both external and Internal, and have ever found it t<* o<- ike best remedy extant. We well rcollect its flrsi introduction for public patronage; it was tbensold’in a few shops in this city; look at It now. the world are its patrons. A few days ago we published 4 certificate’from linrmah, and we have often seen them from the most remote habitable regions of the globe. Reader, if yon have not a supply on hand, (we trust yen kail is almost Indispensable) procnrelt at onee.and aev er be without it again—it will save many a physician’s bill.— Providence Daily Transcript . For sale by RORT. CARTER and DANFORTII Jfc NAGEL. Columbus, and also by Druggists and Medicine Dealers every septll—w&twtf. GRATIS ! Just Published: i¥w Discovery in Medicine! A Few Werii on;the national Treatment, without medicine, of Fperma- J&SlAflglorrheaor Local Weakness, Nervous Debility, (SiLow Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and Incapaei.y for Btudy and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, aversion to So ciety, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self Distrust, Dizziness, Head Ache, Involuntary Discharges, Pains in the Side, Affec tion ofthe Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Sexual and other Infir mities In man. From the French of Dr. B. De Lsney. The important fact that these alarming complaints may easi ly be removed without medicine, is, in this small tract, eiearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment,’as ‘adopted by the Author, fully explained, bv moans of which every one is enabled to cure himsell perfectly, and at th® least possible cost, avoiding thereby all the adver tised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis, and post free in a sealed envel ope, by remitting (pot paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B. De DANEY, No. 17, Lispenard Street, New York. octl w6m. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land THE undersigned having associated themselves together for the purpose of procuring BO U NT Y LAND under theeeveral acts of Congress heretofore pessd, are now prepared to make application for alt who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land ar rants, are, under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at onr office can get all he necessary information. Weare also prepared to prosecute Pension and ether claims against the United States. F:om our long experience and gen ral success, we can with confidence say, that ail claims entrus d to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted One of the parties being constantly in Washington city, will g vethe business his personal attention there. Offlceover Gunby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus,Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, feb24. .wictwtf. A. B. RAGAN. ALMANAO for 1856. RIER’S ALMANAC for the States of Georgia and VT Alabama, just received and for sale by nov23—twtf J. W. PEASE. ‘T'HIS Medicinels prepared by a regular bred Southern Thy- X sictan who has practiced hisprofession for the last eight een years in the State of Alabama. It will be found open a fair trial to be the most prompt and effectual remedy for all diseases of the Chest and Lungs ever discovered, and when every other remedy fails this is sure do give relief. The greatest care has been taken in its preparation, being compounded on the most scientific principles, in its composi tion is embraced a combination of the most valuable and effec tive Expectorants, Anodynes and Sedatives which are known to possess the highest repute with ail intelligent ■members Ol the Meaical Profession. No fact, can be more self evident than that this preparation has already acquired high reputation and great popularity wherever it has been introduced. Assuming no extraordina ry pretensions, but relying solely upon its own intrinsic virtues, this valuable medicine, invented and prepared by an experi enced! Southern Physician after many years of practical inves tigation and application, has at length secuied the most un limited confidence, wherever it has been introduced, as a oor tain remedial agent in all diseases of the respiratory organs. If the unsolicited testimony of skillful physicians, profound lawyers, and eminent divines, together with others of high character, learning and discrimination, can be any evidence o’ its intrinsic superiority, certainly it has a claim upon the gen erous confidence of an enlightened and discriminating com munity. A train of diseases so desolating, so withering, so general and fatal in their results, has at length met with a rem edy that nivkr rAii.a tocurb, unless by long and criminal neglect or injudicious treatmenithe disease has completely un dermined the constitution, and nothing has been left to rear the fair fabric of health upon, but it* ruined and desolated frag ments. A remedy that can berelied iupon,’gTHAT will YIBI.D IMMEDIATE RELIEF, THAT WILL CURE BEYOND A DOUBT,if the directions are faithfully loliowed, is priceless, for health is fiaramount to all earthly considerations,and by far the rmst nestimable treasure this world can afford. Dr. Boon, a dis tinguished physician of Macon, Ga., says, “that in every in stance he has found thispreparalioa a safe and prompt reme dy for all pulmonarv diseases, and takes pleasure iu recom mending it as a reliable anodyne fexpectorant.” Dr. Tennant of Marietta, Ga., a physician ol Jdecid'xily high reputation as au able and experienced practitioner, t iterta.n* and expresses the same opinion, and recommends it extensively in his prac Vice. Dr. P.M.Cohen, of Char eston, S. C., the senior partner in the extensive Wholesale and Importing Drug House of P. M. Cohen tu Cos., recommendH iu doe highest tenns,and says this preparation has the highest character in that city, and that he usesil altogether in his family with invariable success. Dr. W. A. Booth,of Memphis, Tenn., expresses the most exalted opinion of Its efficacy. Dr. J. B. Ellis, of Ripley, .Wise.. re commends it highly,and proscribesit extensively in big practice. In addition to the above, the inventorand proprietor of this Medicine has an almost innumerable number of testimonials of its efficacy and high character, end is daily receiving more. Fold by all wholesale and retail Druggists everywhere, and In Columbus by Messrs Brooks & Chapman; Dsnforth & Nagle; Robt. Carter; Robert A. Ware, and David Young. Price One Doilarper Bottle, or Six Dottles for Five Dollars. S^Caution. —None genuine, unless there is a fine steel en graving on the outside, with the sac-simile of CJIAS. WII.- IjMMS, JU. I).. engraved thereon—also, his name and the name of the medicine aro blown in the glass. Be sure to ask for Dr.C Williams’ Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, and let no other br palmer! upon you as vour lifo may depend upon your caution in this particular. All orders ‘or this valuable medicine should be addressed to to Messrs. Wilkinson b. Duryoe, Huntsville, Ala., who are my general ngentsfor the Southern States. C. WILLIAMS, M.D.. august 14—wictwly Tu*anmbia. AU. ■ s now put up iu the. Largest Sited Bottles , and is acknowl edged to be the best Sarsaparilla made, ay is certified by the won derful cures it has performed, the original copies of which ore tn the possession of the Prop tittor. Remember , this is the only true and original article. Scrofula, Syphiilis, Merculial Complaints, Cancer, Gangrene Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other diseasesart* speedily ar.d perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. Read the following Certificate ! Tallapoosa Cos., Ala., Jan. 2, 1852. DrarSiu: — l send you this to certify to you that your Ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has performed one ol the most wonderiul cures on me that Lascrerbeen effected on m*n. I have been afflicted for forty years with eruptions on my legs and foot; in 184 H they got so bad that 1 ‘-had to go on crutches, and in J 849 I had one leg amputated above the knee. In about nine months after my other leg {broke out in large eatingaud running sores from my knee to my foot, and dis charged a great deal of offensive matter. My groin afoo broke out In large, biles, which discharged much offensive matter,and at tue same ti me my left hand broke out in iarge running sores naarly to my elbow. The misery that I have suffered for the Inst two vears I can not desciibe to you. 1 was in such agony that I never rested day or night. lu October last my son brought me one of your bottle wrap per*; I read it, and found’record of some wonderful cures performed by your“ Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla” i sent and got two bottles of it. and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my great astonishment, my sorer all became ea sy, and I could sleep all night, a thing l had not done for two year** When I had taken six bottles, n:v sores had nearly all healed. My sores got well as if bv enchantment. I have now used in all eight bottles ol your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and now consider myself well. I entreat all of the affleited to try this medicine, fori believe it will cure any known disease in the world. I .ay alde all prejudice ami just try it, and proclaim §its gseat worth to suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. r J9y case is well known in a laree portion of g->uth Carolina Georgia and A'abxma, and if *nv should doubt the above enre,l invite them to'call o me,’ and i will show their, the scars. I can be found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, one mile from Stoe’s Ferry. SF.NAJAH FUGTIE3. lhe l el low Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for females of delicate health, resulting from irregularity of men strual discharges, and other dieases peculiar to their sex.- The proprietorhasin hi? possession *f a great number of cer tificates of cures, perf. rmed of the above description. We assure the aflFcteo, that a bottle or two of Dr Guysott’s Ex tract of \ ellow Dock and Farscparilla will at once regulate those and i faculties and renew the natural energies. ty Put un in quart bottles— price • 1 per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Scovill ft Meead, Chartre# Street, IT, 0. Gene-al Agents for the Soathern States, to “whom all orders must be add rc-ssed. _ ALSO SOLD BY band Ycning, J. T. Reese, Greenville, 8r00.,s A Chapman, “ **T. J. Hunt &.Co Whitesvilie Danforth ft Nagle, “ “B. H. Head Lumpkin. Ga. T Vl s°r Ca Ar r ’ “ “E. Willis ft Cos., Talbutton, J. I*. Woodbury,Hamilton, G. J. Briggs, Buena Vista,Ga juiie3B wfttwtj READY MADE CLOTHING, GLOTHIN6 TO ORDER *. GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS! i* s* iauiie m *B*auM 9 HAVE now in Store a large well assorted and carefully selected Stock of Boy’s Y o^rth’s and Gentlemen’s Fashionably Cut and Well Made Clothing, of their own Manufacture. A Beautiful Assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, &C. A3L.SO, AN EXCEEDINGLY LARGE STOCK OF Which (havings upplied themselves with the best mechanics that can be commanded in the City of New York,) they are prepared to manufacture in a style of cut and finish, ,ne'’er before known in this’city. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 23 1855. w&twtf. 3E1.38M0X7 r AXj. I wwmsm was s® #i SAMMIS A ROONEY HAVE REMOVED THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCK OE FURNITURE TO THEIR NEW FOUR STORY BRICK BUILDING , {IRON FRONT,) Nearly Opposite their Old Stand. WHERE they will be happy to see their old friends and customers, and show them some thing brilliant and inviting in the way of FURNITURE. Our Ware-Rooms are unequalled in Beauty and our Furniture recherche. Wo offer rare ad vantages to purchasers, furnishing their Houses, throughout, in a tasteful and uniform style, by having a branch of our business in New York City, where the Senior partner Manufactures, un der his own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. We have on hand Furniture suitable for Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Room and Kitchen, Os Rosewood, Mahogony, Walnut Pine , <SfC., <fyc.; and as LOW as can be found North or South. An assortment of CARPETING and CU RTAINS will also he on hand that will net fail to please. Call and see. Our Stock consists in part of ETARSHAS, /FETE A TETES, ARM CHAIRS, WHAT NOTS & SOFAS of Rosewood, Brocatelle and Mahogany for parlors. BUREAUS—Dressing, Marble and Mahogany tops. SIDE-BOARDS, Marble & Mah’gy Tops. BOOK CASES of all kinds and SECRETARIES attached. TABLES—Centre, Dining and Extension. BEDSTEADS—High and low post, French & Cottage. Enamel sets for bed rooms, all colors. Walnut Setts for Bed Rooms, Mahogony do. CHAIRS—an extensive assortment of all Woods. LOOKING-GLASSP’S—aII sizes in frames and out. CARPETS—Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Ac. CURTAINS—of Brocatelle and Damask; all colors. SHADES, Gilt Cornices and Curtain Holders. Columbus, Ga. Oct2s—w&t\v3m SETTLE UP. ALL person* indebted to the l'Ue firm of WILLI AMS & FJCHG ÜBoJf.*rc hereby notified thatunless their Noles and Accounts are settled before the firstof June, they will have to settle with someone else. mayl7—w&twtf SEED WHEAT. A LOT of choice White Wheat, just received and for sale at octll —w&twtf fALACK MILLS. ATTENTION FARMERS! SPLENDID SEED WHEAT AT PALACE MILLS. WE have for sale a lot of Pure White Wheat, known as the PETUS WHEAT, raised hy Mr. Nelson Clayton, of Chambers couaty, Ala., equal to the best in the Htates of Al abama or Georgia.rWe plodge ourselves to pay 25c. more per bushel for wheat of the text crop raised (unmixed) from this seed tkaa for the best fted Wheat then ia markst. Price $2.50 per bushel oi 75c per peck. This wheat wasre cleaned and prepared for Planting. octl7—w&twtf WINTER’S PALACE Ml ELS. A HARD. THIS Paper Is manufactured at Rock Island Paper Mills, Columbus Ga. Three an<l a half cents per lb. will be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton RAGS. Printing and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Columbus, Ga. July 17. w&twtt WINTER FACTORY, OOI’U.XXLIO'ULS, C3r£&. YARNS, LINSEYS,’ WRAPPING TWINE? SEWING THREAD, for sale. W T OOL Carded at one fourth toll or ten cepte per pound. LINSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. per yard. All Work done Promptly and Warranted. MONTGOM ERY~ I BON WOBKS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. WILL * FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines,Circular Paw Milla.JGrist Mills, FhaftiDg, or any desciiption of MACHINERY. Also Rich’s un rivalled Water Wheels,the best in the world. Lynch, Page & Cos, Whittles* & Cos., Woodruff & Goetchius,on the Muscogee Rail Road, and numerous others, testify to c fctting 1000 feet of I.ninberper hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Saw Mills of one Saw. G. W. WINTER, Agent, Columbus Georgia BACON! will sell far CASH or on a CREDIT until the Fall or end V t of the year, the Best (Quality of Tennes gee Bacon! Call at B. A. Richards & Co’s.,James Ligon’a, Broad Street, Columbus Oe.,and at the snore of O. Lanier, Gi rard, 11a. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mer chant*. C. W. ALEXANDER, julylfl—w&twtf. J. It. JONES. NOTICE. PERSONS Indebted to A. C. Flewellen & Cos. willpleaee makeimmediate payment. Their accounts may be found utthe Book Store of J.L. HOWELL. Columbut.Dec Xrt—twfcwtf OAT STRAW, THE Rock Island Paper ‘Mill* wart to purchattf JOO tons of GLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons of OAT STRAW, for fwhich will be paid 810 per ton be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga.,Juiy 31, 1855—tw&wtf. BAGGING AND BALE ROPE. i A A Rales India Bagging. iUU 500 Coils Ro^e. For ule by GREENWOOD A GRIMES. Colimbus, Sept 13, 1854 —tw&wtf SPECIAL NOTICE. IN order that ur customers may understand the terms on which wetiade, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time, payments will be required twice a year; say Ist May and Ist Januarv. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shaii claim and expect interest until paid. V E. BARNARD, & CO. Columbus. .Tan. Ist.’ss. janll—w&twtf. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS ! LINSEYS!! WE call attention to the fact that our Linsey? arc wi der, by 2 or 3 inches, than those usually sold here that they are made of prime Georgia Wool, and weigh fuil 10 ounces to the yard. If Planters consult their in terest they will buy of our goods. They are the best in Georgia. augSlwtwtf WINTER FACTORY. BROOKS & Clltl'MlN, ; ;LE3oa'32r<2Li-csS‘a^3‘o*@3 a COLUMBUS, GA. CN IIAVE removed to theirnew and commodi- I dfo ous Store, 2 Doors Below their,o!d Stand, *** on West Broad Street. \ VVe are now receiving and offering at Whole gjfUjjifU pale and Retail prices,a Stock of feLj DRUGS, MEDCINES, And all other articles pertaining to onr busi iPse- i! ness, which, in point of quality and variety,are ! EH equal,ii not superior, to anysver before offered Swpijf in this market. - Physicians and Merchants doing business in the Country, will ‘find it to their -'iii * toreßt to call and examine’our stock before purchasing else where, as we shall be enabled, through our facilities, to offer • our articles upon,very low terms. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT. In this important branch of the business w e have mado ma ny desirable improvements, to which, we particularly call the attention of Physicians and the citizens of Columbus. Fully awaroot the responsibility attached to the COM TO UNI) IJTG ’ OF MED ICIJVEShn&tiu; precaut ion necessary to be used wo are determined to give it our personal . attention; which assu rance, with our known experience in the business, will we trust, secure far us a continuance of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed. Physicians and those who wish to be served after the usual hour of closing at night, will find us in the back room above the store, which is accessible hy a Sight of stairs from ;th front. IMPOHTF.I) FRENCH TOILET ARTICLES. They are also receiving and will continue to keep on hand a | good supply of the above; consisting of a great variety of Soaps. Lubin’s Hdkf. Extracts & Cologne, In Cut and beautiful Bohemian Glassware Bottles; also, other Fancy Articles, to which we respectfully invite attention. 4®“Sign of the Negro and Mortar. aR| JOHN \V. BROOKS, oct3—w&twtt F. S.CHAPMAN. TROY FACTORY WARE-ROOMS, EAST SSJDE ’BROAD ST.—SOS- Si & SO. E. G. JEFFERSON & CO. THE above establishment ~< S ek- re -°* ,ened its Sale and Ware ItfKfsSSroom, with a lull comprising the following articles of rceent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz; BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from four to thirty dollars. CHAlßS—Cottage, Boston Rocking, Office, Writing Nurse’s, Children’s, and Dining. 1 ULS, BUCKET S, —Common Pine, Cedar and Junipoi —brass and iron bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Wasbstands, Tables, Besides many other articles for house furnishing and do mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G Jefferson & Cos., from country merchants and others, will be promptly attended to. The Factory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, Pine, Ash, Poplar, China, &c., &c- RICHARD e. JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Sept. 1, 1855. w&tw6m. STEVENS & KIDDER’S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE, Fur the Purpose of Splitting, Shaving and Jointing Shingles. THE Machine is simple in its construction, hut strong and durable, and not liable to pet out of order. V It will make from £3^ Fifteen hundred to two thou sand Shingles per of superior quality, and of any desired uniform thickness or taper. The timber is fed to the Machine Jsscut from the Log, without steaming, boilipg or drying, in bolts of no requin*i thickness or shape. Two hands only are needed to attend it. A lwo-horse pow er is sufficient to run it. The Aj a ehine can be attached to any kind of motive power, ‘whe ther run by Horse, Steam or Water—to Mills, Gins, The undersigned will dispose of Rights for the St ffee of Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana. A. S. NEWHOUfiE * A D HILL. The Machine can be seen in ojieration at the WINTER, Iron Works, Montgomery, for six weeks. Nov. 7. oct9— wtw6m fr GEORGlA—Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, June Term, 1855. ORDERED, That nil anil singular thepaities interested shsw cause on or before the next January Term ’o( this t'ouri why Allen James, adro’r . and Sarah Biitis, adiu’x., on thee*’ tnio of Spyrus Butts, decM, should not in* dismissed fr. m their said administration, other* is*- tliej will then )•<• dismissed Given under hit hand the fifth day of July, 1F55 jlily7 *Gra O. P. BRALL, Ordinary.