The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 28, 1858, Image 1

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TRI-WEEKLY. By R. ELLIS & CO. vl ; Vl.] (Cim ts arch IHE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL U published every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENING, THE WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL la published every TUESDAY’MORNING. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the P. O. T E R M S: TRI-WEEKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum, in advance. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at One Dol lar per square, for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for every subsequent insertion. A liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertise ments. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Adminisirators.Execu’ tors and Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the property is situate. Nostices of these sales must be given in a public gazette lorty days previous to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell Lana or Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citatious for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismiesion from Administration, mommy six months —for Dismission from Guardianship,forty days. Rules lor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—for establishing lost papers for the lull space ot three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv en by the deceased, the full space or three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CARDS. PRINTING AND BOOK BINDIMG. HAVING connected with our Printing Office a full and complete assortment of Book Binder’s toolsand tock, and also added to our Printing materials, we arenow prepared to execute,in good style and with despatch,every kind of work in either branch of the business, on thebest terms. BLANK WORK, of everydescnption.with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WARE HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &c., executed neatly and promptly, and bound in any desired style. RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT BLANKS, olall kinds got up.with accuracy and dispatch. Bill Heads, Cards, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, &,c.,&c.,printedin theshot est notice and in the best style. Magazine and Pamphlets put up in every style of binding. Bookso all kindsrebound strongly and neatly. B.Y. MARTIN. J. J. MARTIN. MARTIN & MARTIN", Attorneys at Law, eoLtrMßrrs, ra. Office on Broad Street— Over Gunby &, Daniel. Columbus, Jan. 9, 1857. w&twlv - MARION BETHUNE, attorney at law, TALBOTTON, Talbot County, Ga. October 24th, 1856. vvtwtf. w. S. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. C U S S E T A, Chattahoochee County, Ga. his satire attentionto the practice in Chattahoochee adjoining counties. ap26—wtwly BATJGH & SLADE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WlLLpracticelaw in Muscogeeaud tbeadjoiuiiit-counties of Georgia and Alabama. fJT Office over Bank of Columbus, Broad street. ROBERT BACBII. J - J - Columbus. Ga. March 27 1837. wtwtf MOBLEY & FAELEY, ATTOR VE Y S AT LA IV, HAMILTON, ‘GEORGIA. Hamilton, Geo. Feb. 4. 1858. wtwy WILLIAM TAYLOR, ATTORNEY A LAW, Cuthbert, Randolph County, Georgia. virILL practice in the counties ot Randolph, Caihoun, W Terrell, Early, Clay, Baker, Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO Wellborn, Johnsou & Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Colum bus, Georgia. All business intrusted to his care will receive immedi ate attention. June 6, 1858—wtw ti HOWARD & WEEMS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CR A.WFORD. ALA. Robert, n- howarp. Walter h- Crawford, Ala., June B—wtwtf. s.s. STAFFORD, attorney at lav, BLAKELY,EARLY COUNTY. GA. ap2 wtf. ELAM & OLIVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BUENA VISTA, MARION COUNTY,GA. WILL practice inthecountlesof Marion, Macon, .--tewart Taylor, Chattahoochee, Kinchatoonee, and any of the “djomingcountieswheutheirservices may berequired. *• n sr.. m TniDICS OLIVXR. NovemberlO. wtf PAKKER k PARKER, attorneys at law, COLQUITT. Jliller Couuly, Georgia. WILL give their entire aifc-ntion to the practice in,Bouth weatern Georgia; will also give prompt attention to the collection of ali claims entrusted to theii care inthe olh.wing connties: Baker,Caihoun, Clay, Decatur, txmgberty, Early, I .ee, Miller, Miuheil. Randolph, Terrell and Worth. February I, lts3B wtf. “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’’ W. A. BYRD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CUTHHERT—RandoIph County, Ga. |TTILL pract’ ? n tbe Pataulaand Southwestern Cireuits VY All business entrusted to his care will received promp ttention. mayl9—wly. WH. M. CHAMBERS. WM. M. ROBBINS. J. A. ROBBINS. Chambers, Robbins & Robbins, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EUFAULA, ALABAMA. WILL practice in the counties of Barbour, Pike, Henry Coffee, Pike, Dale and Russell. feb I—wlv jr- raOMAS W. (SO3BIB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PRESTON, Webster Coanty,Ga. WILL practice in’the counties of Clay, Chattahoochee, Webster, Early, Randolph, Stewart and Sumter. Particnlar attention given to collecting and remitting. January 27, 1857—wtf. GRICE & WALLACE, ATT BUTLER, GEORGIA. WILL give prompt attention all business entrustedj'to them. WL GRICE. WM. 3. WALLACE. December I —wtf R. A TURNIPSEED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, C U TUBER TANARUS, Randolph County, Ga. HAVING removed from Cusseta, to Cuthbert Ran dolph county, will give prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted to his care. ap27—wtf. T J. GUN N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAMILTON, GA. WILL attend promptly to all busineess entrusted to him January 26, 1858 —wly. JAMES A. CLENDENIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOICITOR IN CHANCERY, ABBEVILLE, Henry County, Ala. July 20, 1858.—wly. WILLIAM GORDON, A TTORNEY A T LA W NEWTON, ALA. CUILL attend promptly to all business confided to bis care j Q the counties of Dale, Henry, Coffee and Pike. February 27, 1858—w6m. THE LIVER. ‘ PREPARED BY DR. SANDFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY .FROM GUMS, IS one of the best Purgative and |Liver Medicine now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than auy other medicine known. It is not on ly a cathartic, but a Liver Remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the Stomach and Bowels t,r> carry ofi the ‘matter, thus accomplishing two purposes et fec’ually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in ‘.heoperation of most “Chathartics. 11 strengthensthe system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The'Livcris one of tb( f human body; and when iu the powers ofthe system ares is almost eniirely dependent 1 Liver for the proper jpeform l stomach is at faulttheboweh J system suffersin co nsequenct s having ceased |to do its duty gsui,oue v of the j proprietor f practice of more than twent} f wherewith to counteractth(| it is liable. . t To prove that this remedy in bled with Liver Com has but to try a tbottle, auel These gums remove *al f the system,supplying in theit( invigorating the Stomach J purifying the blood., whole machinery, removing effecting a radical core. j Bilious attacks am better,'prevented, by( Liver Invigorator. f One dose after ealingissnf-j and prevent ihe food from, Only one dose taken befor* 1 mare. J Only one dose taken alt gently, ard cures Cos( One dose taken after eacl r dose, of two tea-! Sick Headache. ) One dose taken for fe- ] cause of the disease, ancj •inly onedose immediately! i One dose often repeated ist IMorlws,andapreventaiivtf 4®- Only one bottle is# svstem the effects of medi j ’ One bottle taken fori ! lowness or unnatural colon One dose taken a shorts gor to the appetiteandmakeil One dose often repeated rlicca, in its worst forms.! Bowel complaints yield One or two doses cures at-. Children; there is no surer, the world, as itfnever fails 13T A few bottles cures ( absorbauts. YVe take pleasure in recoin preventive for F e verjand and all Fe vers os a Bii withcertainty,and thousaEd:| wonderful virtues. All who use it ars giving their unanimous testimony in its Mix waterinthe mouth with the Invigoratoi and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, is a scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily working cures almost too great for belief. It cures asitby magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from tbe worst jaundtceor dyspepsia to a common headache, allof which are the result of a diseased liver. Price One Dollar per Bottle. SANFORD &CO. Proprietors,34s Broadway, New York WHOLKSA.LI AGISTS. Carnes fe Park New York: T. W. Doytt & Sons, Philadel phia: M. S. Burr-V Cos. Boston; H.H. Hay At Cos. Portland; John D. Park, Cincinnati: Gay lard & Hammond, Cleveland; Fahnstock &. Davis Chicago; O. J. Wood & Cos. ist. Louis Geo. H. Keyser, Pittsburg; S.S, Hance. Baltimore. And re tailed by all Druggists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. S. PEMBERTON &. CO., BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DAN FORTH 6f NAGEL, May‘3o --vtwly and *U DniCßSfet*. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1858. principal regulators of the performs its functions well, fully developed.Tbe stomach on the healthy action of the anceofits functions.whenthe are at fault, and the whole of one organ—the Liver— For the disease of that or has made it his study, in a years, to find some remedy many derangementsto which at last found any persontrou plaint,m any of its forms, conviction is certain, morbid or bad matter fiom place a healthy flow of bile, causing food to digest well, giving tone andhealth to the because of the disease. — cured, and, what is the occasional use of the flcient to relieve the stomach rising and scuring retiring, prevents Night nisht, loosens the bowels tiveness. meal willcure Dyspepsia spoonsful will always relieve male obstruction remove the makesa per ect cure, relieves cbolic, while a sure cure for Cholera of Cholera. needed to thiow out of the cine after a long sickness. Jaundice removes ail sal rroiu tne skin. J une before eating Jgives vi jfood digest well. (cures Chronic Diar- I while SUM.VER and [almost to the first dose, •tacks caused by Worm sin I safer, or speedier remedy in ; Dropsy , by exciting the i* [mending this medicine as a [Ague, Chill, Fever, I doits Type, It operates Ure willing to testify to its W ATvjT^WyHTVW^ T/iVljM'iNVj'GOKAa^lt. McCOMB’S IRON TIE. FOR BALING COTTON. IS now offered for sale at the Alabama Warehouse. The superiority of Iron over Rope for baling cotton has been so fully tested in the West for a few years past as no longer to admit of any doubt. Those wishing Ties (hoops,) will please send in their orders at any early date, that a supply may be kept con stantly on hand. The orders should specify the leogth of the ties wanted —say 9, 9* or 10 leet, the only lengths now offered. No alteration of the screw or box is necessary for their application, which i9 simple and rapidly done. They will be sold at 8 cents per pound. For further in formation, apply to June 22—tw3m B. A.SORSBY. BEDELL & WEEMS, Wholesale and Retail GROCERY DEALERS vyILL xeep constantly on hand a well selected Stock comprising all articles in their line, which are offered to their iriends and the public generally at the LOWEST DIA RKET PRICES. Give us a call. LOCK WEEMS. A. G. BEDELL, Columbus Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. Great Bargains! I AM offering for sale in Pike Coun ty A1a.,9U0 acres of goodOakand Hickory laud qHMalff interspersed with long leafed pine. There is I M 300acresofclearedland. Theplace isin good condition.withtwocomfortableframedwellings, two store houses,(the storehousesform a portion of the vil lage of Monticello) gin house, etc. 1 will sell all togetberor in quantities to suit purchasers I am also offering for sale24o acres of the same quality of land,threemilesfromMonticello,about sixty acrescleared.— For particulars address me at Monticello. Ala aeptß—wt.f R. J. WEST. AUCTION & COMMISSION business. NEW FIRM; THE undersigned would inform their friends and the public thattheyhave.associated tnemselvestogether undeithe name and style .of HARRISON A FITTS, at the old st&Dd Nos. 59and61 West side Hroad Street, for the purpose of transacting the Auction, Commission, and Negro Business, and solicit their patronage. All business committed totheif carewillbe promptly and faithfully attendedto. They will give their personal attention to the sale of Real Estate, Ne groes, A/erchaadizeand Produce. Having houses fitted up* exprssly for the purpose, they are prepared to board, to pur chase an i sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advances will be made as usual, on Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attendedto on reason able terms. be kept constantly on hand. F CIIAS. S. HARRISON; GEORGE I. PITTS. Columbus,July 23,185?. iulv‘23—wtwtf NEGROES! NEGROES! WE are constantly receiving from Virginia and North Carolina a large and well selected stock of Men, Women, Boys and Girls, including"?* field hands, house servants, mechanics, &c., bought j by one A the firm expressly lor this market. friends may rely on getting negroes of good charactei, coming up fully to our representations—as we sell none on commission. HATCHER & McGEHEE. July 26, 1858—wtf jimiisAA-j 1 Importers of Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, Buttons, ,Chenile, Berlin Zephyr Wool, Gold and Silver} Stars, Laces, &c. 48 JOHN'STREET—NEW YORK. June 29,1858—w2m Rubber Belting. WE have on hand and for sale 3 and 4 Ply Rubber Belting,6, 7 and 8 inches wide. Also a large and well selected stock ot SDASSmEBIE* aiEDB, All of which will be sold as low as can be bought in the market, by 3- ENNIS &. CO. Columbus, Ga. July 12, 1858. w3m GREAT ATTRACTION ! Bargains! Bargrins! Bargains ! mm, mmm> WISHES to inform her frionds, and the public generally of Columbus and the vicinity, that she is now ottering tor sale a complete assortment ol GOODS, consisting in part of— NEAPOLIT ANT BON N E I’S, from S2 OH to *2 ?>O. ! * MISSES GIPSIES SI.OO BLOOMERS, from 87ic to $1.25. Handsome Gause RIBBONS, 25c per Yard. And a hrge lot of Swiss Trimmings at 20c per yard Cai 1 and see. Cheap for Cash. July 23, 1857. w&twtf. Keady for the Season! I VERY RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO MY friends and the public, that I have a sp'endid supply of the GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY , —1 mean JACK SMITH’S SOUTHERN CORDIAL, the remedy for all classes ot Bowei Diseases, Flux Dys enteries, Diarrhoea, (chronic or acute) the re-ult ot Mea sles, Typhoid Fevers, &c.. and in fact all Spring and Sum mer Complaints of Children, and Children Teething. It is the most reliable remedy, north, south, east or west— notwithstanding the world is disgusted with humbuggery. I am a Georgian, and have lived in Columbus for the last sixteen years,and never expect to leave it. I appeal to my neighbors for all the evidence of the above facts, that the Southern Cordial has no equal for the above mention ed diseases. lam asking for the worst case in Georgia,— and if 1 lail to cure it, it shall uot cost the parties one cent. Oh if the world could know as I know, and as niy neigh bors know, how many sufferers would find relief from this cordial; but oh, how great is prejudice! Down wilh your prejudice, one time; and try the Southern Cordial. It is a remedy adapted to this climate; it is innocent in its na ture and reliable in its medical properties. Please call at the Planter’s Hotel, where I will take very great pleasure in satisfying any unprejudiced mind that it is economy itself for any and every family to keep a bottl at home. The demand is increasing daily. Call and give it one trial. U JACK SMlTH,Planter’s Hotel April 12 —wtw6m Columbus, Ga. w¥aFl’D : G and news paper OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOB SA LE AT Roek Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONTOF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. iuoelfiwtwtl P. LANDON, HATS! MEB HATS! CAPS! Jpß. DAPS. 102 Broad Street, Columbus, Has on hand an elegant assortment of Spring and Sum mer Hats, embracing SILK, CASSIMERE, and SOFT HATS, oi every variety, color, .size and shape. For sale C HE .A. F. Columbus, Ga. March 4, 1858. w&.twtf LIVERY & SALE STABLE. THE undersigned having this day ptir chased iff® Livery Stable now occupied by NmC. S. Hart &Cos., and formerly owned by &. Pitts, will continue the business under the name and style of IVEY & WILKINS, and by giving their personal attention to the same, hope to re ceive from the public a liberal share of its patronage. J R IVEY July 16,1857. F. g’. WILKINS. HAVINGsoId our Stable, as noticed above, we take pleasure in recommending to our friends, all drovers, and the public the new firm, and solicit for them a continu ation of the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on us; believing our successors will anticipaie your wants and attend to them personally. iulyl7—wtwtf. C. S. HART & CO. FOR SALeT THE Subscriber nas on hand a few STILLS for manuu jtu ring Peach Brandy or Whisky, which hewil very tow. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Iron and Japan Ware, every lescription,w icf can be bougbtat theloweerates. oneon eb *t noth’ and liberalterms. J. B. HICKS,Agent, julylß wrt Next loorbelow “Sans Soucl” Rroad-s NEW SPRING STOCK MANLEY & HODGES ARE now m receipt of an elegant assortment o SPRING & SUMMER DRY GOODS, t which they respectfully invite the attention ol customer consisting in part only of Elegant two and three Jupe Byadere Organdies, Robe a Quille and Byadere SUMMER SILKS. Do. do. FRENCH JACON ETTS. Plain Bareges of all colors—Lubin’s manutacture. A large lot of Figured and Plain Jackonett and Lawns at low prices- Edges and Insertings wrought on Irish Linen. Fine Lioen Yokes—a beautiful article- Nainsook and Mull Muslins. 10,11 and 12-4 Linnen and Cotton Sheetings- Emboid* I ered and Lace Setts, French Collars of late style. ap3—wtwtf MANLEY & HODGES. ©©SDS'B’ianH® THE lIALLOTYPE PICTURES! A. J. RIDDLE, HAS purchasedof J. Gurney, of New York,the exclusive right fortaking Hal'.otype Pictures, which is alittleahead of anything in the way of Picture taking th* world has ever seen. There is nothing to which they can be c.: nparediuthe artof Photography, but bear a strong resemblance to wax figures,.for softness and beauty of light and shade. Ladies and genttemen are invited to call and examine specimeus.Si Artists who desire to learn this new and beautilul art, and secure rights for other counties will please call on A. J RID DLE, Oolumbus-Ga. Julv2s— SALE OF GOODS! DRY-GOODS AT UALF TRICE ! LET all come and avail themselves of this rare opportu nity to purchase good, pietty, and honest made goods at exactly ONE HALF ot our regular price, and thirty three per cent less than we paid lor them ourselves- We mean exactly what we say, and hope the care that we have always taken to have our business and goods come lull up to our advertisement, will be sufficient to convince at least all, who have so kindly favored us with their patronage, that we are in earnest. We are now ofiering our large stock of Muslins and Berages at exactly one half our regular price. That is to say— Muslins that we have been selling at 12* cents, we now sell at - - - 6£ “cents. . < 2o c “ 10 “ “ 371 “ 18# “ Muslin side stripe, Robe a’Quille price $1.25 for 62* “ “ “ “ 2 50 for 1.25 “ “ “ “ 4 00 lor 2.00 “ “ “ •* 5 CO lor 2 50 Barege Robe ‘a’Quille, price 5 CO for 2 50 do do do ... 8 00for 400 do do do 10.00 for 5 00 do do do 12.00f0r 600 do do do 25.00 for 12 50 SHOES! SHOES! We have in store a large stock of Gents, Ladies’ Misses Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, which we will sell at Cost, consisting ol Ladies’Enamel Heel Boots, Colored Slippers, Kid Siippers : Jenny Lind Boots, Enamel Kossuth Boots, Colored j Pit Slippers, Kid R. R. Budkins, Cloth Heel Gai ters, FiDe Kid Slippers, Calf Slippers. Gem’s Congress Boots, Congress Gaiters, Patent Leather Gaiters, Seal Gaiters, Calf Sewed Shoes, Kip Bro gans, Patent Leather Shoes, Enamel Shoes, Low Quartered Shoes and a variety of Slippers. Children’s Calf Congress Boots, Enamel Jenny Lind Boots Kid Heel Boots, Enamel Heel Boots, Fancy Heel Boots, Paroda Boots, Heel Gaiters, Kid Slippers and Boots, Enamel Boots. sej&its. Have this dav received an entire new lot of L A C E i EXTENSION SKIRTS, made from the finest Watch Springs, and; which we will sell cheap. Jr - Other goods in our stoek will be offered at unusually ow prices. TERMS CASH-NO SECOND PRICE. Very Respectfully, G. W. ATKINSON & TAYLOR, Next door to Brooks Chapman’s Drug Store, Corner of Bioad and Raudolph Streets. Columhns, Ga., July 8, 1858. wit tw2 THE LAST CALL ! MONEY WANTED. THE subscriber having purchased the entire interest of V. R. TOM MEY, Tn the Notes and accounts of the latefirmofJ. ENNIS & CO.,(which firm wasdissolved on the first Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store ol J. Ennis & Co.,and settle the same,or they will find their Notes and Accounts in the hands oi an officer for collection. J ENNIS. Columbus. Oct. wtwtf PEYTON H. COiaUITT, ) -JAMES W. WARREN. \ idltorß MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. ON and after the 15th July,lßsß, the EveningA/ail Train will leave Columbus at 3.45 P. M. and arrive at Macon at 9.18 Leave Macon at 9.45 A M. arrive at Columbus at 3.45 P M The Morning Mail Train will leave at4.tOA. M. and arrive at Macon 9.50 A.M. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. arrivcat Columbus 5.35 A. J. L. MUSTIAN,Supt. Columbus,Ju l y 15—tw&wtf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. iisiiii smm m MONTGOMERY & WEST POINT R. R. CO., MONTGOMERY, Not. 19.1857. ON and after this date the PASSENGER TRAINB on this road wi.i be governed by tne lOliowim SCHEDULE DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery .. 8.30a.m. Arrivcat YVestPoint 3.30 p.m. ArriveatColumbus ‘2.50 p.m. Returning—Leave YVestPoint 9.30a.m. Leave Columbus 10.00 a. m. Arrive at Montgomery 4.t.0p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p. m Arriveat YY'est Point 12.51 a.m. “ Columbus I.ooa. ir Returning—Leave VVeßt Point 7.30 p.m Leave Columbus *. 7.30 p. m Arriveat Montgomery 2.30 fa. n. Through tickets can be obtained(io. Double Daily Connec tions) to Atlanta Chattanooga and Nasnv.lle, and dailj c< • nectione to Huntsville Memphis aod Knoxville. S.G.JUNES Eug’i fc. But FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN ATLANTA AND COLUMBUS. £ Y an arrangement between the Railroad Companietcom > posing the two routes from Atlanta toCoiumbus, conclu ded at their Convention at Savannah on the 16th instant, it was agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Co lumbus shall govern,taking effect lrcm thefirst day oi Jh ay 1857. VIA YVEBT POINT. Corn per bushel, lie. YY'heat 12. Oats 8. Bacon, YVhisky Flour in sacks or barrels,per lOOibs. 35c. flagging, Rope Lard in cans or bbls., per 100 lbs. 45c. Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per ton of 2000 lbs. $3.75. ; VIA MACON. Corn per busel 14c. YVheat 15c. Oats 10c. Bacon,YVhls* ky, Flour in Sacks or Bbls., per 100 lbs, 44c. Bagging,Rope Lard,in causor bbls.. per 100 lbs. 55c. Coal, Pig Iron, by carload, per ton of 2000 1b5.54.68. J. MUSTIAN, President and Superintendent Muscogee R. R GEO. YV'. ADAMS, Superintendent Southwestern Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and YY'estern Railroad. GEO.G. EULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange R . R. SAMUEL G. JONES, Engineer and Superintendent M.& YV'. P. Railroau. | May 30, 1837—w&twtf. MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. |nja f ppf / PTyffm'TT rEW I FTTf*’ 7 • PWfTf*MlirVUri THE Passenger& Freight Train will leave Girard at 2 P M.daily, connecting at Silver Run with a daily line o Stages to Villula, Glennville,Eufanla, FortG&ines, and Mari anna,Fla. And at Gueryton daily, with the Stages for lichee Olivet. F.non, Chunnenuggee, Midway, Hardaway, Pero ami Union Sprin s. LcpyingOueryton at 4 A. M., daily, the Cars will reach Girard at 7 A. M., connecting with the Opelikt anu Mus cogee Trains. Receipts must accompany Freight shipped, gy Ail freight mustbe paid before goods willbe discharg ed. Freight delivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock P.M. wll| be shipped the following dav. Freights for stations No. 1 (Fort Mitchell,) and N0.5 (t-e.- sons’) muet be prepaid. YVay freight must in all cases be paid in advance. /OH N HOWARD, mar 23 1357-w&iwtf. Engiueei & Sup. * CHAGE OF SCHEDULE* SAVANNAH 1 CHARLESTON STEAM- PACKET LINE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE Worth Eastern R. R. of South Carolina. ~ THE SPLENDID AND FAST | RUNNING STEAMER GORDON, F. Barden, Coalman leaves Savannah for Charleston every £m nHaii and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock, and connects at Charleston with the morning trainof the North Eastern Railroad, going North. Returning leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 8 o’clock, (after the arrival of the carson theN.E,R. R.) and arrives at Savannah early next morniDgs. By this route passengers can obtain througbticketsto and from Savannah, Ga. and Wilmington, N.C. Having a through freight arrangement with the Central R. Road and its connections, all freights between Charlestonand the Interior of Georgia, consigned totbe agents of tbisline, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. i. P. BROOKS, AgentSavannab. E.LAFITTE A CO, Ag’ts.Charleston Jan 15—w&twtf NOTICE. HAVING disposed of my stock of Groceries and Pro visions to Messrs. GEITTINGER H SPRINGER, i confidently recommend them a9 worthy of the patronage of my former customers. WILLIAM RANKIN. Columbus, Ga., May 10, 1858. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. THE undersigned have associated ihemselves together for the purpose ot transacting a general GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSIN ESS, at the old well known stand ot WM. RANKIN, No. 169 Broad street, Colum efus. Ga., under the name and style ot GEITTINGER & SPRINGER. By always keeping on hand a good and choice selection of every article in their line, and by con stant attention to the wants of the old customers of their predecessor, and to as many new buyers as may iavor them with their orders, they will endeavor to merit a lib eral share of trade. PHILLIP GEITTINGER, JOSEPH SPRINGER. Columbus, May 18-3 m 1000 ACRES OF Flint Eiver Lands, for Sale. THE undersigned being desirous of winding up £tgjLtheir business, offer for sale, on any time to suit pur-1 #^P^chasers, a valuable setllem* n of One Thousand Acres ot Land, lying on the West aide of the Flint River, ten mileenorth oi Oglethorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds Twobundred acresof this settlement is number onepine land, the balance (800 acres) entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to beinnunndated by the River thaD any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to 80 bushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and lsof Swamp cleared and in a stateof cultivation. Water, healtband society cannot be excel led l Soalb We..err Julvll—w&.twtf. atOgiethorpe.Ga. THE CARTER FACTORY CORA’ HILL, IS now id full operation, turning out the best quality of Meal. Bring on your Corn. The highest market orice I paid for good Corn. Meal always on hand and for sale, j Feb. 11-wtwii HAMILTON BOLAND [NUMBER 103